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Vickie Coleman My Mini Project- Campus Culture

Campus Culture

My mini project was to help build the campus culture among teachers. I spoke with my
mentor and assistant principal about what they felt about the culture and atmosphere of the
school. The morale in the school was at an all time low. We noticed this from the end of the
year survey that was given to the teachers at the end of last year. We started brain storming
different ways that we felt would give an immediate positive response to teachers. As a
teacher myself, I also felt the low morale on campus.

Through various discussions on campus, I heard how disappointed many teachers were
with the lack of appreciation or words of encouragement they had not received from
administration. They also feel like they were not being heard. Many felt that no matter what
they did or said, it was never enough to consider correct. That is why at the end of the year
with our Organizational Health Information (OHI) survey, many teachers submitted negative
comments in the area of school culture and climate.

I decided to try and fix this problem with our campus and climate. With that I discussed
wanting to show appreciation towards our teachers by giving them small treats each month,
team building activities, creating a kudos, and accolades board. The kudos and accolades board
was created and put up in our main office hallway directly across from the teachers mailboxes.
This was intentional so that everyone could see it and add to it when passing through to the
break room or mailboxes.

The idea had to be introduced to all the teachers at our Monday Matters meeting after
school. It was told to the staff by the principal that I would be implementing this project on
campus as a part of my internship program. The staff first showed some resistance because
they felt it would be more work for them; however, I ensured them that it would not be. I told
them it would be fun and exciting with something special for everyone. As a part of this, I
included team building activities to be given by each grade level once per month at our Monday
Matters Meetings.

Every team was asked to come up with a team building activity and supplies snacks to
share at our Monday Matters meetings. For the most part the new activities have shown
positive for teachers. There have been some comments from some who just do not like
participating in activities like our team building activities. I am hoping the school will continue
with this program and implement it again next year!

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