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Concurrent (NOTE: the deadline has passed for Concurrent submissions.)

IdeaLab (deadline: March 24, 2017)

Title of Session [REQUIRED]

Please limit the title to 150 characters or less. Be creative and fun with your title!

Characters remaining: 150 COUNT

School Librarians as Technology Leaders...Helping Educators Soar Across the Horizon

Grade Levels [REQUIRED]

Please choose the grade level that your session is best suited to address. Select all that apply.


Target Audience [REQUIRED]

Please choose the audience best suited for your session. Select all that apply.

Public Librarians working with Children and Young Adults
Classroom Teachers
School Librarians
Curriculum Specialists
Higher Education
Technology Coordinators
Library Supervisors

Experience Levels of Audience [REQUIRED]

Select all that apply.

0-5 years in the profession

6-12 years in the profession
13-20 years in the profession
More than 20 in the profession

Program Description for Promotional Purposes [REQUIRED]

This description will be used on the conference website and to promote your session. This is the description attendees will see
when they are choosing sessions to attend. 75 word limit.
Words remaining: 75 count

This purpose of this session is to discuss the overall of the school librarian, qualities & dispositions of a learning leader and
standards and preparation of school librarians. We will elaborate on how all of these things tie directly into Educational Technology
and the benets of librarians acting as technology leaders. Helpful applications to use in the classroom will also be introduced!

Program Description for Program Reviewers [REQUIRED]

This is the description the program reviewers will see as they are scoring proposals. Be as detailed and thorough in your description
as possible. 300 word limit.

Words remaining: 300 count

This purpose of this session is to discuss the overall of the school librarian, qualities & dispositions of a learning leader and
standards and preparation of school librarians. We will elaborate on how all of these things tie directly into Educational Technology
and the benets of librarians acting as technology leaders. Helpful applications to use in the classroom will also be introduced!

Program Learning Objectives

Share with the program reviewers what each attendee will learn from your session. If applicable, note specic take-aways that
attendees can go back to their school or district and implement. At least one program objective is required.

Objective 1:

Objective 2:

Objective 3:

How are the AASL learning standards and program guidelines addressed? [REQUIRED]

Select all that apply.

Standard 1. Learners use skills, resources, and tools to The Budget The school library program has sucient
inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. funding to support priorities and make steady programs to
Standard 2. Learners use skills, resources, and tools to attain the programs mission, goals, and objectives.
draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply Policies The school library program includes policies,
knowledge to situations, and create new knowledge. procedures, and guidelines that support equitable access
Standard 3. Learners use skills, resources, and tools to to ideas and information throughout the school community.
share knowledge and participate ethically and productively Collection and Information Access The school library
as members of our democratic society. program includes a well-developed collection of books,
Standard 4. Learners use skills, resources, and tools to periodicals, and non-print material in a variety of formats
pursue personal and aesthetic growth. that support curricular topics and are suited to inquiry
Planning and Evaluation The school library program is learning and users needs and interests.
built on a long-term strategic plan that reects the mission, Outreach The school library program is guided by an
goals, and objectives of the school. advocacy plan that builds support from decision makers
The Learning Space The school library program includes who aect the quality of the school library program.
exible and equitable access to physical and virtual Professional Development The school library program
collections of resources that support the school curriculum includes support for school librarian and teach professional
and meet the diverse needs of all learners. development to sustain and increase knowledge and skills.

Please rate the level of diculty of this session


Please select the topic area to index your IdeaLab proposal [REQUIRED]

Blended Learning
Next Generation Science Standards
Flipped Classroom
Interconnected learning - #globaleducation
Media Literacy
Technology Integration
National Standards

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