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Choose the correct answers:

1-The Mode of transmission of Protozoa by blood-sucking artropoda is :
a- Propagative transmission.
b- Cyclo-propagative transmission.
c- Direct mechanical transmission.
d- Cyclo-developmental transmission.
2-The Mode Of Transmission Of Intestinal Protozoa By Arthropoda is :
a- Propagative transmission.
b- Cyclo-propagative transmission.
c- Indirect mechanical transmission.
d- Cyclo-developmental transmission.
3-Vectors transmit diseases to humans by:
a- Inoculation of organisms with saliva.
b- Faecal contamination of bite wound.
c- Inhalation of air borne infected vector faeces.
d- All of the above.
4-As Regards Biological transmission all the followings are true,
a- Cyclo-developmental microfilaria of W.Bancrofti inside Culex.
b- Cyclo-Propagative Plasmodium Inside Female Anopheles.
c- Cyclo-Propagative e.g. Plaque In Flea.
d- Trans-Ovarian Transmission Of Rickettsia among Ticks and
5-The Following disease is not transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes :
a- Yellow fever.
b- Dengue fever.
c- Plaque.
d- Rift valley fever.
6-The resting position of adult Anopheles mosquito is :
a- Parallel to resting surface.
b- Makes an angle of 45 with the resting surface.
c- No special resting position.
d- Makes an angle of 60 with resting surface.
7-Aedes mosquitioes transmit :
a- Yellow fever.
b- Dengue fever.
c- Rift valley fever.
d- All of the above.

8-Long maxillary palps with clubbed end is one of the structure of :
a- Mouth parts of male Anopheles.
b- Mouth parts of female Anopheles.
c- Mouth parts of male Culex.
d- Mouth parts of female Culex.
9-Short maxillary palp is characteristics of the mouth parts of :
a- Male Anopheles.
b- Female Anopheles.
c- Male Culex.
d- Female Culex.
10-Vector of Plasmodium Falciparum is :
a- Anopheles Pharoensis.
b- Anopheles Sergenti.
c- Anopheles Gambiae.
11-Yellow fever is transmitted by :
a- Anopheles.
b- Aedes.
c- Culex.
d- Simulium.
12-Which of the following larva has along siphon with 3 hair tufts :
a- Anopheles larva.
b- Culex larva.
c- Flea larva.
d- Aedes larva.
13-The following types of mosquitoes are present in Egypt, except:
a- Anopheles Pharoensis.
b- Aedes of aegypti.
c- Culex pipiens.
d- Anopheles Sergenti.
14-Bacillus thuringiensis spores are highly toxic to larvae of :
a- Aedes spp.
b- Culex spp.
c- Simulium spp.
d- All of the above.
15-Pyrethrum plant extract is :
a- Residual insecticides.
b- Cuticle poison for adult mosquito.
c- Stomach poison of the larvae of mosquito.
d- All of the above.

16-Paris green is used in control of :
a- Larvae of mosquitoes.
b- Adult mosquitoes.
c- Pupa of mosquitoes.
d- None of all.
17-Repallents as Citronella oil acts by :
a- Killing insects.
b- Protecting body from insect bite.
c- Stomach poison to the Pupa.
d- All of the above.
18-All of the followings are correct about Paris green, except :
a- It is residual insecticide.
b- It is a stomach poison.
c- It has an anopheline larvicidal action.
d- It is not effective against pupa of Culex.
19-Culex mosquitoes do not transmit :
a- Bancroftian filariasis.
b- Rift valley fever.
c- Dengue fever.
d- Virus encephalitis.
20-For control of mosquitoes all of the followings are correct, except :
a- Paris green is stomach poison for larvae.
b- Citronella oil is respiratory poison for larvae and pupae.
c- Pyrethrum is acuticle poison for adults.
d- Gamexane is stomach & cuticle poison for larvae and pupae.
21-The breeding place for Simulium fly is :
a- Cool sandy oil.
b- Well oxygenated running water.
c- stagnant water.
d- None of the above.
22-Hararra is an allergic reaction to the bite of :
a- Itch mite.
b- Sand fly.
c- Fleas.
d- Black fly.
23-Pupa is S-shape in :
a- Phelobotomus papatasi.
b- Culicoides.
c- Musca domestica.
d- Simulium.

24-Phelobotomus papatasi transmits :
a- 5 days fever.
b- 3 days fever.
c- Boutonneuse fever.
d- Tsu-tsu gamoushi fever.
25-Control of sand fly is by :
a- Plastring cracks in walls and filling holes.
b- Spraying residual insecticides in streams of water.
c- Swampy areas are filled with earth.
d- All of the above.
26-Horny beaded antenna is a morphological character of :
a- Musca domestica.
b- Simulium.
c- Stomoxys.
d- Phelobotomus.
27-As regards Phelobotomus Papatasi which of the following is not true:
a- It transmits the 3 days fever.
b- It is not prevalent in Egypt.
c- Acts as IH of L-donovani by cyclo-propagative transmission.
d- Females are blood suckers.
28-As regards vectors all are true, except :
a- Culex pipiens transmits W.bancrofti.
b- B.malayi is transmitted by Mansonia.
c- M.ozardi & M.perstans are transmitted by Culicoides sp.
d- Leishmania by Simulium.
29-As regards Sand fly all of the followings are true, except :
a- Small delicate insect.
b- Hairy with long legs.
c- Has short beaded antennae.
d- Male is vegetarian.
30-The false statement about Simulium is :
a- It acts as IH for Onchocerca volvolus.
b- Transmission is cyclo-propagative.
c- Development is by complete metamorphosis.
d- Females are blood suckers.

31-As regards sand fly of genus Lutzomyia all the followings are true,
except :
a- Vector of Chicle ulcer.
b- Vector of Espundia.
c- Transmits Carrion's disease.
d- Life cycle is by incomplete metamorphosis.
32-As regards Phlebotomus papatasi , which of the following is not true:
a- It transmits the 5-days fever.
b- It prevalent in Egypt.
c- Acts as IH of L-donovani by cyclo-propagative transmission.
d- Females are blood suckers.
33-The followings arthropoda are winged except :
a- Phlebotomus papatasi.
b- Culex pipiens.
c- Anopheles Gambia.
d- Cimex lecturalis.
34-Anopheles transmits :
a- Bird malaria.
b- Malayan filariasis.
c- Bancroftian filariasis.
d- Virus encephalitis.
35-The false statement about Chrysops is :
a- It acts as IH for Loa loa.
b- Transmission is cyclo-propagative.
c- Transmission is cyclo-developmental.
d- Day feeder.
36-As regards Simulium spp. Control is usually difficult because :
a- Eggs are laid in fast flowing water.
b- Larvae are attached to submerged vegetations and stones.
c- Pupae are attached to submerged objects.
d- All of the above.
37-Cleaver shape cell wing venation is morphological character of :
a- Musca domestica.
b- Simulium.
c- Sarcophaga.
d- Glossina palpalis.

38-Chess board abdomen is morphological character of :
a- Musca domestica.
b- Simulium.
c- Sarcophaga.
d- Glossina palpalis.
39-Musca domestica transmits the following parasites, except :
a- Hymenolepis nana egg.
b- Hymenolepis diminuta larva.
c- Ascaris lumbricoides egg.
d- Giardia lamblia cyst.
40-Sarcophaga flies are characterizied by the followings, except:
a- Larviparous.
b- Facultative sarcobiots.
c- Characterizied by chessboard pattern abdomen.
d- Metallic green in colour.
41-Glossina spp. transmit :
a- Sleeping sickness.
b- Chagas' disease.
c- Epidemic typhus.
d- Q fever.
42-Myasis is caused by infestation of eggs and larvae of order :
a- Anoplura.
b- Higher Diptera.
c- Siphonaptra.
d- Hemiptera.
43- Myasis is caused by infestation of eggs and larvae of :
a- Fleas.
b- Flies.
c- Mosquitoes.
d- Bugs.
44-Specific myasis is :
a- Obligatory sarcobiotics.
b- Facultative sarcobiotics.
c- Obligatory necrobiotics.
d- None of the above.
45-Posterior respiratory spircles are D shape in :
a- Calliphora.
b- Musca domestica.
c- Stomoxys.
d- Sarcophaga.

46-All the following arthropods lay eggs after sucking blood meal except
a- Sarcophaga.
b- Female Phlebotomus papatasi.
c- Female Simulium.
d- Glossina.
47-Semi-specific myasis is caused by :
a- Musca domestica.
b- Fannia.
c- Dermatobia.
d- Lucilia.
48-Accidental myasis is caused by :
a- Musca domestica.
b- Fannia.
c- Sarcophaga.
d- A & B.
49-Urogenital myasis is caused by :
a- Musca domestica.
b- Fannia.
c- Sarcophaga.
d- A & B.
50-Larviparous flies include all of the following except:
a- Sarcophaga.
b- Wohlfarthia.
c- Glossina.
d- Musca.
51-Which of the following arthropods is bilaterally compressed :
a- Bed bug.
b- Fleas.
c- Lice.
d- Mite.
52-Pulex irritans is characterized by having :
a- Occular bristle infront of the eye.
b- Row of post occipital bristle.
c- Presence of meso-pleural suture.
d- Occular bristle below the eye.
53-Fleas transmit all the following , except :
a- Plaque.
b- Endemic typhus.
c- Epidemic typhus.
d- Diplydium caninum.

54-All these insecta are obligatory temporary ectoparasites, except :
a- Xenopsylla cheopis.
b- Pediculus humanus.
c- Female culex.
d- Female sand fly.
55-Jigger disease (Chigger disease) is caused by :
a- Sand flea.
b- Sand fly.
c- Triatoma megista.
d- Culex.
56-Triatoma megista transmits :
a- Polymorphic trypanosomes.
b- Leishmania donovani.
c- Trypanosome cruzi.
57-Vagabond's disease is :
a- A chronic parasitc infestation with lice, causing generalized
eruption, secondary pigmentation and thickened skin .
b- Sometimes called tick paralysis.
c- Caused by house dust mites.
d- A complication of bed bug infestation.
58-Pediculus humanus corporis transmits all the following disease,
except :
a- Epidemic typhus fever.
b- Epidemic relapsing fever.
c- Endemic typhus.
d- Trench fever.
59-Phthirus pubis transmits :
a- Epidemic typhus.
b- Trench fever.
c- Epidemic relapsing fever.
d- None of the above.
60-Which of the following diseases is not transmitted via mouth of the
Insects :
a- American trypanosomiasis.
b- African trypanosomiasis.
c- Filariasis.
d- River blindness.

61-Lice transmit all of the following, except :
a- Endemic relapsing fever.
b- Trench fever.
c- Epidemic relapsing fever.
d- Epidemic typhus.
62-Bed Bug transmits :
a- Trypanosoma cruzi.
b- Ricketssia prowazeki.
c- Borrelia dutonii.
d- None of the above.
63-Inoculation of organism during piercing the skin occurs in all of the
following , except :
a- Plasmodium.
b- Leishmania.
c- Trypanosoma cruzi.
d- Trypanosoma gambiense.
64-Obligatory permanent ectoparasites include :
a- Pediculus humanus capitus.
b- Dermacentor andersoni.
c- Hard tick.
d- All of the above.
65-Regarding Triatoma megista which of the following is correct :
a- Its bite is painless.
b- Only female sucks blood.
c- Not resist D.T.T.
d- It sucks blood at day time (diurnally).
66-Chagas disease is transmitted through :
a- Bite of Triatoma megista.
b- Bite of Glossina.
c- Feces of Glossina.
d- Feces of Triatoma.
67-The following diseases are transmitted by hard ticks, except :
a- Rocky mountain spotted fever.
b- Q fever.
c- Endemic relapsing fever.
d- Babesiosis.

68-Anterior station development occurs in the following arthropod
Vectors , except :
a- Glossina Palpalis.
b- Phlebotomus papatasii.
c- Triatoma megista.
d- Anophele s pharoensis.
69-Posterior station development in arthropod vectors occurs in :
a- Aedes aegypti.
b- Triatoma megista.
c- Anopheles sergenti.
d- Simulium.
70-Complete metamorphosis occurs in the following arthropods,except:
a- Anopheles multicolor.
b- Cimex lectularis.
c- Xenopsylla cheopis.
d- Musca domestica.
71-Inocomplete metamorphosis occurs in the following arthropods,
except :
a- Ctenocephalus canis.
b- Pediculus humanus capitus.
c- Cimex lectularis.
d- Triatoma megista.
72-Trench fever is :
a- 5 days fever.
b- Caused by Ricketssia prowazeki.
c- Transmitted by bite of lice.
d- All of the above.
73-Boutonneuse fever :
a- It is caused by R.conorii.
b- Pediculus humanus acts as vector.
c- Rodents act as reservoir hosts.
d- Punched out ulcer occurs at the site of vector bite.
74- Boutonneuse fever :
a- Hard ticks act as vectors.
b- Infection is by contamination of wounds by vector faeces.
c- Button like ulcer occurs at the site of vector bite.
d- All of the above.

75-As regards scrub typhus :
a- It is caused by R.orientalis.
b- Primary lesion is in the form of Punched out ulcer.
c- It is transmitted by second stage larva of red bug.
d- All of the above.
76-Tsutsugamushi fever :
a- It is transmitted by red bug female.
b- It is caused by R.mooseri.
c- Infection occurs by the bite of second larva of chigger mite.
d- Dogs act as reservoir hosts.
77-Trombicula akamuchi mite :
a- Adults live in the soil and feed on other mites.
b- Females burrow into the skin.
c- Larvae attach themselves to the skin of humans.
d- Females cause chigger dermatitis.
78- Trombicula akamuchi mite is called :
a- Scrub typhus mite.
b- Chigger mite.
c- All of the above.
79-Arthropods act as vectors transmitting protozoan parasites ;
the false phase is :
a- Plasmodium spp. by female Anopheles.
b- Trypanosome cruzi by cone nosed bug.
c- Babesia spp. by hard ticks.
d- Polymorphic trypanosomes by Culex.
80-Cutaneous myiasis occurs by the following larvae except :
a- Erystalis.
b- Dermatobia.
c- Hypodermia.
d- Wohlfahrtia.
81-Pulex irritans is :
a- Obligate, temporary ectoparasite of man.
b- Without mesopleural suture.
c- Vector of plague bacilli by propagative transmission.
d- All of the above.

82-Trans-ovarian transmission of parasitic diseases occurs in the
Following arthropoda, except :
a- Orinthdorus moubota.
b- Dermacentor anderosoni.
c- Rhipicephalus.
d- Triatoma megista.
83-Tick paralysis is :
a- Caused by female of soft and hard ticks.
b- Caused by both sexes of hard ticks.
c- Due to injection of vector saliva containing toxins into back of
the neck.
e- Not fatal.
84-Soft ticks transmits :
a- Epidemic relapsing fever.
b- Endemic relapsing fever.
c- Babesiosis.
d- Rocky mountain spotted fever.
85-As regards Q-fever , the following statements are true, except :
a- It is caused by R.conori.
b- Hard and soft ticks act as vectors.
c- Farm animals act as reservoir hosts.
d- Infection may be acquired by inhalation of organisms in dust.

1-b 11-b 21-b 31-d 41-a 51-b 61-a 71-a 81-d
2-c 12-b 22-b 32-a 42-b 52-d 62-d 72-a 82-d
3-d 13-b 23-a 33-d 43-b 53-c 63-c 73-a 83-c
4-c 14-d 24-b 34-b 44-a 54-b 64-d 74-d 84-b
5-c 15-b 25-a 35-b 45-b 55-a 65-a 75-d 85-a
6-b 16-a 26-b 36-d 46-a 56-c 66-d 76-c
7-d 17-b 27-b 37-d 47-d 57-a 67-c 77-c
8-a 18-a 28-d 38-c 48-d 58-c 68-c 78-c
9-d 19-c 29-c 39-b 49-d 59-d 69-b 79-d
10-c 20-d 30-b 40-d 50-d 60-a 70-b 80-a


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