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Exp Brain Res

DOI 10.1007/s00221-013-3579-0

Research Article

Effects of psilocybin on hippocampal neurogenesis and extinction

of trace fear conditioning
BrionyJ.Catlow ShijieSong DanielA.Paredes
CherylL.Kirstein JuanSanchezRamos

Received: 9 February 2013 / Accepted: 13 May 2013

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract Drugs that modulate serotonin (5-HT) synap- significant dose-dependent decreases in number of new-
tic concentrations impact neurogenesis and hippocampal born neurons in hippocampus. At the low doses of PSOP
(HPC)-dependent learning. The primary objective is to that enhanced extinction, neurogenesis was not decreased,
determine the extent to which psilocybin (PSOP) modulates but rather tended toward an increase. Extinction of fear
neurogenesis and thereby affects acquisition and extinc- conditioning may be mediated by actions of the drugs at
tion of HPC-dependent trace fear conditioning. PSOP, the sites other than hippocampus such as the amygdala, which
5-HT2A agonist 25I-NBMeO and the 5-HT2A/C antagonist is known to mediate the perception of fear. Another caveat
ketanserin were administered via an acute intraperitoneal is that PSOP is not purely selective for 5-HT2A receptors.
injection to mice. Trace fear conditioning was measured PSOP facilitates extinction of the classically conditioned
as the amount of time spent immobile in the presence of fear response, and this, and similar agents, should be
the conditioned stimulus (CS, auditory tone), trace (silent explored as potential treatments for post-traumatic stress
interval) and post-trace interval over 10 trials. Extinction disorder and related conditions.
was determined by the number of trials required to resume
mobility during CS, trace and post-trace when the shock Keywords Neurogenesis Psilocybin Serotonin
was not delivered. Neurogenesis was determined by unbi- Hippocampus Learning Memory Trace conditioning
ased counts of cells in the dentate gyrus of the HPC birth-
dated with BrdU co-expressing a neuronal marker. Mice
treated with a range of doses of PSOP acquired a robust Introduction
conditioned fear response. Mice injected with low doses
of PSOP extinguished cued fear conditioning significantly Psilocybin (4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, PSOP)
more rapidly than high-dose PSOP or saline-treated mice. was first isolated from Psilocybe mexicana, a mushroom
Injection of PSOP, 25I-NBMeO or ketanserin resulted in from Central America by Albert Hofmann in 1957 and
soon after produced synthetically in 1958 (Hofmann etal.
1958a, b). PSOP is an indole hallucinogen with potential
B.J.Catlow D.A.Paredes
clinical applications in the treatment for anxiety disor-
Lieber Institute for Brain Development, Baltimore, MD, USA
ders, obsessivecompulsive disorder, major depression and
S.Song J.SanchezRamos(*) cluster headaches (Moreno etal. 2006; Grob etal. 2011;
Department of Neurology, University of South Florida, Young 2013). PSOP is dephosphorylated in the body and
13220 Laurel Drive, Tampa, FL 33612, USA
converted into the active metabolite psilocin (4-hydroxy-
N,N-dimethyltryptamine) which exerts psychoactive effects
S.Song J.SanchezRamos by altering neurotransmission through serotonin (5-HT)
James Haley VA Medical Center, Tampa, FL 33613, USA receptors 5-HT1A, 5-HT1D, 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C, but binds
to 5-HT2A receptors with high affinity (Ki=6nM) (McK-
Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, enna etal. 1990; Passie etal. 2002). 5-HT2A receptors are
Tampa, FL 33620, USA highly expressed throughout the hippocampus (HPC) in

Exp Brain Res

the dentate gyrus (DG), hilus, cornu ammonis (CA) 1 and SSRIs produces alterations in performance on learning
CA3 and are colocalized on GABAergic neurons, pyrami- tasks that require the HPC (Flood and Cherkin 1987; Huang
dal and granular cells (Luttgen etal. 2004; Morilak etal. etal. 2004). In a knockout (KO) mouse model, central
1993, 1994; Pompeiano etal. 1994; Shen and Andrade 5-HTdeficient mice developed heightened contextual fear
1998; Cornea-Hebert etal. 1999). 5-HT2A receptor down- conditioning which was reversed by intracerebroventricular
regulation is thought to be an adaptive process triggered by microinjection of 5-HT (Dai etal. 2008). An impairment in
chronic administration of selective 5-HT uptake inhibitors learning on the Morris water maze was observed in 5-HT1A
(SSRIs) (Eison and Mullins 1996). KO mice along with functional abnormalities in the HPC
Antidepressant medications which elevate 5-HT over (Sarnyai etal. 2000). Activation of 5-HT1A receptors in
prolonged periods such as SSRIs have been shown to the medial septum alters encoding and consolidation in a
enhance hippocampal neurogenesis (Malberg etal. 2000). HPC-dependent memory task (Koenig etal. 2008). In addi-
Neurogenesis occurs throughout the life span in the adult tion, LSD facilitated learning of a brightness discrimination
brain, the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the subgranular reversal problem (King etal. 1972, 1974).
zone (SGZ) in the DG (Altman 1962, 1969; Altman and Evidence suggests that performance on HPC-dependent
Das 1965). The proliferation and survival of neural pro- learning tasks is influenced by neurogenesis in the DG of
genitors in the adult HPC can be influenced by a variety the HPC (Van etal. 2002; Gould etal. 1999a, b; Nilsson
of stimuli including stress, age, drugs of abuse, physical etal. 1999; Shors etal. 2001, 2002). This was elegantly
activity and depression (Malberg etal. 2000; Van etal. demonstrated by Shors etal. by treating animals with
1999; Kempermann etal. 1998; Gould etal. 1992). The methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM), an antimitotic
involvement of 5-HT in the regulation of neurogenesis agent which eradicates the progenitor cell population in
may be mediated through different 5-HT receptor subtypes the DG before testing mice on HPC-dependent and HPC-
expressed on cells in the neurogenic microniche (Barnes independent learning tasks (Shors etal. 2001, 2002).
and Sharp 1999). MAM-treated animals had significantly fewer BrdU+ cells
Serotonin activates fifteen known receptors, many of in the SGZ but showed no impairment in the spatial naviga-
which are expressed in the DG (Tecott etal. 1993; Vilaro tion task (HPC-dependent) or delay eyeblink conditioning
etal. 1996; Djavadian etal. 1999; Clemett etal. 2000; task (HPC-independent), demonstrating that the hippocam-
Kinsey etal. 2001). Acute activation of the 5-HT1 recep- pal progenitor cell population is not essential for these par-
tor has been shown to increase cell proliferation in the ticular tasks (Shors etal. 2001, 2002). In contrast, MAM
DG, whereas repeated inhibition of the receptor results in severely impaired performance on trace fear conditioning
diminished neurogenesis (Klempin etal. 2010). Interest- and trace eyeblink conditioning, providing evidence for the
ingly, both acute and repeated stimulation of the 5-HT2 involvement of progenitor cells in the DG in trace classical
receptor attenuate proliferation and neuronal survival conditioning.
(Klempin etal. 2010). Studies investigating the effects of The present study investigated the role of PSOP through
5-HT2 receptor subunits on proliferation and neurogenesis the 5-HT2A receptor on hippocampal neurogenesis and a
in the DG have found that acute activation of the 5-HT2A/C HPC-dependent learning task, trace fear conditioning. The
receptor via 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (DOI), the effects of single-dose injections of PSOP, the 5-HT2A ago-
5-HT2C receptor agonist RO 600175 or the 5-HT2C recep- nist 25I-NBMeO and the 5-HT2A/C antagonist ketanserin on
tor antagonist SB-206553 had no effect on cell prolifera- the survival and phenotypic fate of progenitor cells in the
tion, whereas the 5-HT2A/C receptor antagonist ketanserin DG were assessed using immunofluorescence techniques.
produced a 63% decrease in BrdU incorporation (Banasr The effects of single doses of PSOP on trace fear condi-
etal. 2004). Similarly, other investigators reported that tioning were chosen for this study because it has previ-
acute ketanserin decreased proliferation, but chronic ket- ously been demonstrated to be a HPC-dependent learning
anserin increased proliferation in the DG (Jha etal. 2008). paradigm.
Additionally, no effect on proliferation was observed after
DOI or lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) was adminis-
tered either acutely or once daily for seven consecutive Materials and methods
days (chronic) (Jha etal. 2008). Administering LSD and
PSOP by giving daily doses has been shown to produce Animals
rapid tolerance to the drug and results in a selective down-
regulation of the 5-HT2A receptor (Buckholtz etal. 1985, C57BL/6J male mice (3040g) were housed in stand-
1990). ard laboratory cages and left undisturbed for 1week after
The serotonergic system has been implicated in hip- arrival at the animal facility. All mice had ad libitum access
pocampal (HPC)-dependent learning. Administration of to water and laboratory chow and were maintained in a

Exp Brain Res

temperature- and humidity-controlled room on a 12:12 prevent olfactory cues. Mice were returned to their home
light/dark cycle with light onset at 7:00 a.m. This study was cage after habituation.
carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations The next day mice were returned to the same freeze
from the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Ani- monitor chamber and underwent training to form CSUS
mals of the National Institutes of Health. The protocol was associations. After a 2-min acclimation period, mice were
approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Com- exposed to 10 trials of trace fear conditioning, which is
mittee at the University of South Florida (IACUC #R3347). illustrated in Fig.2. Each trial consisted of the CS (tone,
82dB, 15s) followed by a trace interval (30s) and ended
Drugs with the presentation of the US (shock, 0.5 s, 1mA) deliv-
ered through the grid flooring. After each trial ended, there
25I-NBMeO (4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxy-N-(2-methoxybenzyl) was a 210-s intertrial interval (ITI). Freeze monitor boxes
phenethylamine) was synthesized in the laboratory of Dr. were cleaned with quatricide between each mouse to pre-
David Nichols (Braden etal. 2006). PSOP was provided vent olfactory cues, and mice were returned to their home
by Dr. Francisco Moreno from the University of Arizona. cage after training.
Ketanserin (+)-tartrate salt (#S006, St. Louis, MO) and On day 3 of the task, retention and extinction of the
5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (#B5002, St. Louis, MO) were conditioned fear response were assessed in three phases.
supplied by Sigma-Aldrich Inc. First, mice were placed in the freeze monitor box for 5min,
and movement was recorded for the last 3min and used
General procedure to assess the measure of fear (immobility) associated with
the training context. Mice were then returned to the home
A total of 48 C57BL/6 mice received a single injection of cage for 1h. Second, the context was altered by replacing
0.1mg/kg PSOP (n=6), 0.5mg/kg PSOP (n=6), 1.0mg/ the grid floors with black Plexiglas flooring and adding
kg PSOP (n=6), 0.1mg/kg 25I-NBMeO (n=6), 0.3mg/ a cotton ball with 1ml vanilla essence inside the sound-
kg 25I-NBMeO (n=6), 1.0mg/kg 25I-NBMeO (n=6), attenuated chamber. Mice were placed inside the novel
1.0mg/kg ketanserin (n =6) or saline (n =6). Mice chamber, and after 2min, movements were recorded for the
received an intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of 75mg/kg next 3min.
BrdU once daily for 4days following drug administration In the third phase, extinction of the conditioned fear
and were euthanized 2weeks after drug injection. Mice response was determined by placing the animals in the
were euthanized with nembutal and then transcardially freeze monitor boxes and running ten trials of CS presenta-
perfused with 0.9% saline followed by 4% paraformalde- tion (auditory tone for 15s) followed by a trace of silence
hyde. Brains were stored in 4% paraformaldehyde, trans- for 30s without delivery of the UCS (shock). As with the
ferred to 20% sucrose solution, sectioned coronally using acquisition phase of the learning, a 210-s ITI separated
a cryostat (Leica, Germany) at 30M in a 1:6 series and each trial. The conditioned fear response was expressed as
stored in 24-well plates in cryoprotectant at 20C. the percentage of time the mice were immobile during CS
(tone; 15s), during the trace interval (30s) and for 30s
Trace fear conditioning after the trace interval.

Mice (n =910/condition) received an i.p. injection of Immunofluorescence

PSOP (0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5mg/kg), ketanserin (1.0mg/
kg) or 0.9% saline and 24h later were habituated to the For the double labeling of progenitor cells in the DG, free-
testing chamber for 30min. The fear conditioning envi- floating sections were denatured using 2N HCl and neu-
ronment consisted of two chambers each placed inside tralized in 0.15M borate buffer and then washed in PBS.
a larger soundproof chamber. The 35.6 (W)38.1 Tissue was blocked in PBS+ (PBS, 10% normal goat
(D)31.8 (H) cm freeze monitor box (San Diego Instru- serum, 1% 100Triton X, 10% BSA) for 1h at 4C
ments, San Diego, CA) is a clear Plexiglas chamber with and incubated for 48h at 4C in an antibody cocktail of
a removable lid which contains a metal grid floor (0.3-cm rat monoclonal anti-BrdU (AbD Serotec, Raleigh NC,
grids spaced 0.8cm apart) through which a foot shock #OBT0030G, 1:100) plus mouse anti-NeuN (Chemicon,
can be delivered. Photo-beam activity within the chamber 1:100) in PBS plus 2% normal goat serum. Sections were
recorded the vertical and horizontal movements of mice. washed in PBS and incubated in a secondary antibody
Two minutes into the habituation period, a baseline (BL) cocktail of goat anti-rat IgG Alexa Fluor 594 (1:1,000, Inv-
measure of movement was recorded for 3min and served itrogen, Eugene OR) plus goat antimouse IgG Alexa Fluor
as the habituation BL measure. Freeze monitor boxes 488 (1:400, Invitrogen) and coated with Vectashield mount-
were cleaned with quatricide between each mouse to ing medium with DAPI (Invitrogen).

Exp Brain Res

Quantitation dose. Post hoc comparisons of each dose to vehicle, with

Bonferroni correction, also did not reveal a significant dif-
For the quantification of double-labeled cells using immu- ference between PSOP doses and saline. By trial 10, all
nofluorescence, the number of BrdU+- and BrdU/NeuN+- mice froze for the same amount regardless of dose or drug
labeled cells was estimated using every sixth section taken treatment (Fig.1e).
throughout the DG (every 180 microns). To avoid counting
partial cells, a modification to the optical dissector method Contextual fear conditioning
was used so that cells on the upper and lower planes were
not counted. The number of BrdU+ cells counted in every Contextual fear conditioning was assessed by compar-
sixth section was multiplied by six to get the total number ing percentage immobility in the freeze monitor box on
of BrdU+ or BrdU/NeuN+ cells in the DG (Shors etal. habituation day to percentage immobility during the con-
2002). Positive labeling was verified by confocal micros- text test. There was no interaction between Dose and Trial
copy (Zeiss Model LSM510). [F(5,90) =0.95, p =0.45] and no effect of Dose dur-
ing the habituation BL or context test [F(5,90) =1.15,
Design and statistical analyses p =0.34]. Notably, there was a significant effect of Trial
[F(1,90)=105.85, p<0.0001], indicating that mice spent
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evalu- significantly more time freezing after the CSUS pairings
ate the effects of PSOP, the 5-HT2A receptor agonist and during the context test compared to habituation baseline.
an antagonist on hippocampal neurogenesis (prolifera- These data show that all mice learned to fear the context in
tion and survival). Separate two-way repeated-measures which they received the CSUS pairings (Fig.2a, b).
ANOVA was used to evaluate the effect of Dose and Trial
on each dependent variable in the trace fear conditioning Extinction of the conditioned fear response
task. Dependent measures recorded included percentage
freezing during CS, during trace, after trace, during habitu- A measure of the strength or durability of the conditioned
ation baseline, during the context text and in response to fear response is the number of trials required to extin-
the novel environment. When appropriate, post hoc analy- guish the conditioned response. This was determined by
ses such as Bonferroni were used to isolate effects. All sta- running a set of 10 extinction trials during which the CS
tistical analyses were determined significantly at the 0.05 and trace were not followed by shock. Two-way repeated-
alpha level. measures ANOVA of freezing after the trace interval
revealed a significant interaction between Dose and Trial
[F(20,216) =2.68, p<0.0002]. Mice that received low
Results doses of PSOP (0.1 and 0.5mg/kg) responded robustly
to the CS and trace interval as well as to immediate post-
Effects of PSOP administration on trace fear conditioning trace interval of 30s by freezing significantly greater
than mice treated with vehicle in the very first extinction
Acquisition of the conditioned fear response trial, indicating they remembered the link between the
CS and the shock (Figs.2c, 3c). However, by trial 3,
Mice were placed in the freeze monitor box 24h after the mice treated with low-dose PSOP no longer froze in
injection of a single dose of PSOP (0.1, 1.0 and 1.5mg/ the absence of the UCS, but adapted quickly to the new
kg), ketanserin (1.0mg/kg) or saline vehicle. Training con- condition in which the CS and trace did not culminate in
sisted of a sequence of 10 trials of CSUCS presentation. A shock (Fig.2e). Such rapid extinction of the fear response
single trial consisted of a 15-s auditory cue (CS) followed was not observed in mice treated with higher PSOP doses
by a silent trace for 30s terminating in a brief shock to or with ketanserin. Mice that received higher doses of
the feet. The intertrial interval (ITI) was 210s. After just PSOP eventually decreased freezing, so that by trial 10
a few trials, animals acquired the conditioned response, they no longer exhibited a fear response (Fig.2f). Ket-
that is, freezing during presentation of the CS, trace and anserin treatment also produced a robust fear response
post-shock interval (Fig.1). In trial 3, mice treated with through trial 3, but as with all mice treated with either
low-dose PSOP (0.1mg/kg) exhibited a trend toward less PSOP or ketanserin, the fear response was significantly
freezing (Fig.1d). Two-way ANOVA showed a significant decreased compared to control by trial 10. These results
effect of Trial [F(2,102)=7.83, p<0.0007] with trials 2 indicate that low-dose PSOP facilitates extinction of the
and 3, eliciting significantly more freezing in response to fear response in a hippocampal-dependent trace condi-
the CS compared to trial one, but no significant effect of tioning paradigm.

Exp Brain Res

Fig.1Effects of psilocybin on acquisition of trace fear conditioning. A quantitatively similar freezing response was observed during the
a Schematic representation of the trace fear conditioning paradigm. trace and 30s after the trace (data not shown). By trial 10 (d) all mice
Trace fear conditioning is a HPC-dependent task in which the pres- froze 5580% of the CS time interval regardless of drug dose. Two-
entation of the conditioned stimulus (CS, tone) is separated in time way ANOVA showed a significant effect of Trial [F(2,102) =7.83,
by a trace interval to the unconditioned stimulus (US, shock). be p<0.0007] with trials 2 and 3 eliciting significantly more freezing
Percentage immobility during the CS is expressed on the Y axis and in response to the CS compared to trial 1 and dose [F(5,51)=4.96,
dose on the X axis. After trial 2 (c) animals acquired the conditioned p<0.0009]
response, freezing 3445% of the time during presentation of the CS.

Effects of PSOP, 25INBMeO and ketanserin in vivo on kg) or 0.9% saline solution followed by injections of the
cell survival and neurogenesis in the hippocampus cellular birth-date marker BrdU (75mg/kg) once daily for
4days after drug administration. Animals were euthanized
To investigate the effects of a single dose of PSOP, the 2weeks after drug injection. PSOP treatment produced
5-HT2a receptor agonist 25I-NBMeO or antagonist ketan- a dose-dependent decrease in the number of surviving
serin on cell survival and neurogenesis, mice (n=67 per BrdU+ cells (Fig.3). ANOVA showed a significant effect
condition) were injected with PSOP (0.1, 0.5 or 1.0mg/kg), of dose on birth-dated cell survival, and post hoc com-
25I-NBMeO (0.1, 0.3 or 1.0mg/kg), ketanserin (1.0mg/ parison between doses and vehicle revealed a statistically

Exp Brain Res

significant decrease in cell survival following high doses of BrdU+ and NeuN+ cells. There was a biphasic response
PSOP but not following the low doses of 0.1 and 0.5mg/ of PSOP on neurogenesis, with the lowest dose (0.1mg/kg)
kg (Fig.3a). The phenotypic fate of BrdU-birth-dated cells increasing number of BrdU/NeuN+ cells and the high dose
was determined by immunofluorescent double labeling of (1mg/kg) decreasing number of new neurons (Fig.3b).

Exp Brain Res

Fig.2Contextual fear conditioning and extinction. a Percentage the habituation baseline exposure and during re-exposure to
immobility expressed during exposure to the freeze monitor box the same environment during the contextual fear condition-
during habituation and b during the context test. All mice expressed
contextual fear conditioning as indicated by a significant increase ing test. As expected, mice froze substantially more during
in percentage immobility during the context test (p<0.05). cf Cue re-exposure to the same context after CSUS associations
test (presentation of CS and trace without shock; extinction pro- were formed compared to the habituation baseline, indicat-
tocol). Y axis shows percentage of time mice were immobile dur- ing that mice formed contextual fear conditioning regard-
ing the 30-s interval after the shock would have been delivered.
Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA of freezing after the trace less of their drug exposure. It is well known that contextual
interval revealed a significant interaction between Dose and Trial fear conditioning is a HPC-dependent learning task (Hirsh
[F(20,216)=2.68, p<0.0002]. c Mice treated with low-dose PSOP 1974; Kim and Fanselow 1992; McNish etal. 1997; Fro-
exhibited significant freezing on trial 1 of the extinction protocol. hardt etal. 1999; Esclassan etal. 2009). The serotonergic
d, e By trials 2 and 3, low-dose-treated mice exhibited significantly
less immobility. Control mice demonstrated robust fear conditioning system has been implicated in performance on the contex-
throughout the entire test, whereas mice treated with PSOP or ketan- tual fear conditioning task (Dai etal. 2008), and hippocam-
serin froze significantly less by trial 10, indicating rapid extinction of pal neurogenesis is required for the expression of fear
the fear response. *Indicates a significant difference from ketanserin, memory (Shors etal. 2001, 2002). The present investiga-
**indicates a significant difference from saline
tion found that interaction with the 5-HT2A receptor does
not impair contextual fear conditioning since no differences
One-way ANOVA revealed a highly significant effect of were observed between controls and mice treated with
PSOP dose on the number of double-labeled neurons in PSOP or ketanserin.
the DG. Despite the trend toward stimulation of neurogen- Unlike the acquisition of the conditioned fear response,
esis by 0.1mg/kg PSOP, post hoc comparison of PSOP where drug had no significant effect on learning the asso-
doses to vehicle did not reach statistical significance, but ciation between CS, trace and shock (UCS), the extinction
the depression of neurogenesis by the high dose of PSOP of the conditioned response was accelerated in mice treated
reached statistical significance. Ketanserin, like high-dose with low doses of PSOP. This rapid reversal of fear condi-
PSOP, also significantly decreased neurogenesis (number tioning was only observed with low-dose PSOP treatment
of BrdU/NeuN+ cells) compared to saline. and was not present with higher doses or with ketanserin.
Injections of 25I-NBMeO (0.1, 0.3 and 1mg/kg) or of Thus, PSOP treatment does not alter acquisition of a condi-
the antagonist ketanserin resulted in a significant decrease tioned fear response nor in remembering the link between
in the number of surviving BrdU+ cells and BrdU/NeuN+ the CS and UCs (contextual test), but low-dose PSOP
neurons in hippocampus compared to saline injections facilitates extinction by disassociating the link between the
(Fig. 3c, d). Unlike the PSOP injections, low doses of CS, trace and the UCS (shock). Given that low doses of
25I-NBMeO did not produce a trend toward increased PSOP accelerated fear extinction, it is interesting to con-
neurogenesis. sider whether PSOP is blunting the emotional component
of the fear memory which leads to rapid extinction. We
observed that all mice freeze in response to each presen-
Discussion tation of the shock during training and assume that for all
mice regardless of the treatment, fear is evoked. In human
The present investigation demonstrates that PSOP produces studies, low doses of PSOP produce no differences in gen-
alterations in hippocampal neurogenesis and in a HPC- eral well-being, emotional excitability, anxiety-depressive-
dependent learning paradigm of cue-associated fear condi- ness, plasma cortisol levels, heart rate, body temperature
tioning. To evaluate the effects of PSOP on HPC-dependent and blood pressure (Hasler etal. 2004). Taken together,
learning, an acute treatment of PSOP or ketanserin was we believe that the PSOP facilitation of fear extinction is
administered prior to trace fear conditioning. During the not likely due to blunted emotion but instead caused by
acquisition of the conditioned response, there was a strik- diminished neurogenesis and alterations in hippocampal
ing increase in the amount of time spent freezing during neurotransmission.
the presentation of the CS and during the trace period and The molecular basis for creating the links between CS
immediate post-trace interval from trial 1 to trial 3. These and UCS in the trace conditioning paradigm is not com-
data demonstrate that the association between the CS and pletely understood. Clearly, synaptic plasticity in the HPC
US promoted freezing in anticipation of the shock as well is critical for the acquisition of new associations (learning)
as during the period after the shock. Notably, the acquisi- and recall of those associations (memory). Brain-derived
tion of the conditioned response was not impaired by acute neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been implicated in syn-
administration of PSOP or ketanserin. aptic plasticity and memory processing (Kang etal. 1997;
Regardless of the PSOP dose, mice displayed similar Pang etal. 2004; Tyler etal. 2002) through the modula-
locomotor activity levels in the freeze monitor box during tion of synapse formation and dendritic spine growth in

Exp Brain Res

Fig.3Effect of acute 5-HT2A receptor stimulation on hippocam- total number of BrdU+cells in the DG was significantly diminished
pal neurogenesis. Representative photomicrographs of NeuN+cells after a single injection of 1.0mg/kg PSOP, 25I-NBMeO or ketan-
(left), BrdU+cells (center) and NeuN/BrdU+cells (right) in the serin (p<0.05). b, d Acute administration of 1.0mg/kg PSOP,
dentate gyrus from saline (top)- and 1.0mg/kg PSOP (bottom)- 1.0mg/kg of 25I-NBMeO and ketanserin significantly diminished
treated mice, scale 50M. Mice (n=6 per condition) were injected the number of BrdU/NeuN+cells compared to saline (p<0.05).
with a, b saline, PSOP (0.1, 0.5 or 1.0mg/kg) or 1.0mg/kg ketan- These data suggest acute administration of 5-HT2A receptor
serin c, d saline or 25I-NBMeO (0.1, 0.3 or 1.0mg/kg) and then decreases progenitor cell survival (and/or proliferation) and attenu-
received 75mg/kg BrdU once daily for 4days after drug administra- ates the generation of new neurons in the HPC. *Indicates a signifi-
tion, followed by euthanasia 2weeks after drug injection. a, c The cant difference from saline

Exp Brain Res

the HPC (Bamji etal. 2006; Tyler and Pozzo-Miller 2001, that DAergic neurons which project to the medial prefron-
2003). Chronic administration of 5-HT agonists (includ- tal cortex (PFC) are critical in fear extinction and reduced
ing SSRIs) upregulates BDNF mRNA expression in the rates of extinction are observed after 6-hydroxydopamine
HPC (Nibuya etal. 1995, 1996). Evidence suggests that the lesions to the PFC reduced DA levels to 13% of con-
5-HT2A receptor is involved in the regulation of BDNF in trol (Morrow etal. 1999). Furthermore, the activation of
the HPC (Vaidya etal. 1997). Specifically, DOI, a 5-HT2A/C 5-HT2A receptors in the medial PFC increases extracellu-
receptor agonist, decreased BDNF mRNA expression in the lar glutamate levels (Aghajanian and Marek 1999), thereby
granule cell layer of the DG, but not in the CA subfields affecting subcortical neurotransmission and increasing the
of the HPC. Interestingly, the decrease in BDNF mRNA activity of DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA),
expression was blocked by the 5-HT2A receptor antago- resulting in increased DA transmission in mesocortical and
nist, but not the 5-HT2C receptor antagonist, implicating mesostriatal regions (Vazquez-Borsetti etal. 2009). Since
the 5-HT2A receptor in the regulation of BDNF expression drugs that increase DA bioavailability are involved in fear
(Vaidya etal. 1997). The process of forgetting or breaking extinction, it is plausible that PSOP is facilitating fear
synaptic links in HPC is even less understood. One possi- extinction through an interaction between 5-HT and DA
ble explanation for the findings presented here is that single neurotransmitter systems in PFC, amygdala and HPC.
low doses of PSOP acting via the 5-HT2A receptors on HPC To summarize, the data reported in the present inves-
neurons inhibit BDNF expression and thereby decrease tigation demonstrate that PSOP at low doses facilitates
synaptic growth and neurogenesis. extinction of a HPC-dependent classically conditioned
The data reported demonstrate that the administration fear response. Low dose of PSOP was also associated
of PSOP produced a biphasic response in hippocampal with a trend toward an increase, or no change, in hip-
neurogenesis; a low dose (0.1mg/kg) resulted in a trend pocampal neurogenesis compared to vehicle treatment.
toward increased neurogenesis, whereas the high dose of In contrast, higher doses of PSOP (or of the 5-HT2A/C
PSOP significantly decreased the formation of new neu- antagonist ketanserin) significantly depressed neurogen-
rons measured 2weeks after drug exposure. In addition, all esis, and these doses had no impact on extinction of the
doses of the potent 5-HT2A receptor agonist 25I-NBMeO conditioned fear response. Although previous studies have
and the 5-HT2A/C receptor antagonist ketanserin decreased reported that ablation of hippocampal neurogenesis with
hippocampal neurogenesis. A range of doses of ketanserin a potent chemotherapeutic agent impaired acquisition
(15mg/kg) administered within 4h of killing has been of HPC-dependent fear conditioning (Shors etal. 2001,
reported to decrease the number of BrdU+ cells in the DG, 2002), the present study did not reveal impaired acquisi-
indicating a reduction in cell proliferation (Banasr etal. tion of the trace fear conditioning response, likely due to
2004; Jha etal. 2008). The present study extends these modest inhibition of neurogenesis with the range of PSOP
findings by demonstrating that single doses of ketanserin doses used. Importantly, studies of the effects of ablation
decreased the number of BrdU+ and BrdU/NeuN+ cells of hippocampal neurogenesis focused on acquisition of
2weeks after drug administration, indicating a reduction in the response and did not address extinction of a previously
both progenitor cell survival and formation of new neurons learned conditioned fear response as was done here. It is
after exposure to a single dose of the 5-HT2A/C antagonist. possible that the effect of low-dose PSOP on hippocampal
Using positron emission tomography (PET), Vollenwei- neurogenesis, which was minimal, may not be the criti-
der etal. established that PSOP-induced schizophrenia, cal mechanism for forgetting or erasing the link between
like psychosis, in humans is completely blocked by the the noxious stimulus and the conditioned stimulus. PSOP
5-HT2a antagonist ketanserin, demonstrating that PSOP clearly interacts with 5-HT2A receptors in other regions
produces psychotropic effects mainly via 5-HT2a recep- of brain known to mediate the emotion of fear such as
tor activation (Vollenweider etal. 1998). However, PSOP amygdala (Ledoux 2003). However, one cannot invoke
administration decreases [11C]raclopride receptor bind- reduction in the fear emotion by PSOP because the acqui-
ing potential in the basal ganglia, which is indicative of sition of the conditioned fear response was not affected
increased DA levels (Vollenweider etal. 1999). Addition- by PSOP administration at any dose. A final caveat is that
ally, the D2 antagonist haloperidol attenuates the psychoto- PSOP is not a pure 5-HT2A agonist and may interact with
mimetic effects of PSOP, clearly demonstrating that the other 5-HT receptor subtypes. In conclusion, low-dose
DA system is involved in PSOP-induced psychotomime- PSOP which acts primarily on the 5-HT2A receptor facili-
sis (Vollenweider etal. 1999). Interestingly, increases in tates extinction of a conditioned fear response and raises
DA disrupt fear extinction (Willick and Kokkinidis 1995; the possibility of targeting the 5-HT2A receptor to treat
Borowski and Kokkinidis 1998); therefore, it is plausible conditions where a previously neutral set of stimuli are
that DA may contribute to PSOP facilitating the extinction associated with noxious, or life-threatening events, such
of the fear response. Morrow and colleagues demonstrated as post-traumatic stress disorder.

Exp Brain Res

AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the Helen Ellis Frohardt RJ, Guarraci FA, Young SL (1999) Intrahippocampal infu-
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cisco Moreno from University of Arizona and Rick Doblin Ph.D. of fear. Behav Neurosci 113:222227
the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) for Gould E, Cameron HA, Daniels DC, Woolley CS, McEwen BS
donating the PSOP. (1992) Adrenal hormones suppress cell division in the adult rat
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Gould E, Beylin A, Tanapat P, Reeves A, Shors TJ (1999a) Learning
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