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Grant Application Form

Created: 12/07/2015
Last updated: 12/13/2016

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Section 1: Overview Information

Local Education Authority Information

Local Education Agency (LEA) Name

Chatham County

LEA System ID Number


High/Middle School Name

Mercer Middle School

High/Middle School ID Number


Applicant Contact Information

Contact Name Chasady Nixon

Title Library Media Technology Specialist

Phone 912-395-6700-734609


Executive Summary

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Using the space below, please provide an executive summary of this grant request. (500 Word Limit)

Mercer Middle School is located in Garden City, Georgia, where the population is estimated to be
around 8,904. About 81.6% of persons aged twenty-five and older have high school diplomas and
11.7% of persons aged twenty-five and older have at least a Bachelors degree or higher.

For the 2013-14 school year, Mercer Middle School served approximately 480 students. Of the
480, 71% of the students were Black, 1% Asian, 9% Hispanic, 16% White and 3% Multiracial. In
regards to other subgroups, there was 3% Limited English Proficient, 94% eligible for Free/Reduced
Meals, 12.7% with Disabilities, and 0% Migrant. Because 94% of our students are eligible for
free/reduced meals, they are classified as poverty level.

Mercer Middle School, established in 1962, is a Title I Distinguished institution that offers
educational classes to students in grades six through eight. Students at Mercer also have the
opportunity to experience a variety of multilevel courses throughout the year such as Physical
Education, Business & Computer Science, Family & Consumer Science, Art and Band. Our plan,
which is supported by research-based strategies, focuses on the continuous growth of student
achievement, ensuring a safe, secure and disciplined learning environment and demonstrating
that parents, business, and community members are actively engaged in the educational process.
Our district-wide mission and vision are as follows:

Mission: To ignite a passion for learning and teaching at high levels

Vision: From school to the world: All students prepared for productive futures.
Our school motto states,
Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships..The Raider Way!

As the Library Media Technology Specialist, I have many job titles: Leader, Instructional Partner,
Information Specialist, Teacher and Program Administrator. Therefore, it is imperative that I stay
abreast of the curriculum and the latest technology. In addition to this, its also my duty to
"Empower Students with Technology". With successful collaboration with teachers, I believe that
we would be able to expand our students knowledge for Audio Visual Technology and Film. Audio
Visual Technology would create an interactive and exciting learning environment for our students.
If our facility was equipped with this state of the art technology, students would encompass the
skills needed to operate the equipment, which could possibly lead to meaningful careers in the

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Mercer's feeder school is Robert W. Groves High...The Pride of the Westside. Groves offers a
Business Communications & Technology course that provides an understanding and application of
social, ethical, and human issues that are directly related to technology. It is imperative that
students acquire 21st Century skills to become productive citizens in the community and
workplace. Georgia Standards MSBCS-BCSI-7 and MSBCS-BCSI-12, are a few that are covered in
our Business & Computer Science course, that address employability and multimedia/presentation
software skills that are needed to succeed at the high school level. Obtaining this grant would also
present opportunities for students to attend specialty schools that offer pathways in Audio & Film.

Local Investment

An LEA/high/middle school can show local investment in the Audio-Video Technology and Film career
pathway. Describe how your LEAs/high/middle schools past (2011-12, 2012-13, and 2013-2014
school years) and/or future (2015-2016 school year) commitments support this pathway
implementation. (300 Word Limit)

The faculty and staff at Mercer take pride in our students and strive for excellence every day! If
awarded the Georgia Audio-Video, Film & Technology Grant, we would ensure that this pathway is
fully implemented. With help from me, the Library Media Technology Specialist, as well as qualified
staff, students will collect information and produce daily school broadcasts. These shows may
include weather, sports, lunch menus, Word & Problem of the Day, as well as general school

Research shows that students that participate in audio-video technology and film activities are
more likely to be engaged in the lesson and retain information better. Another opportunity to
properly support this pathway implementation would be to use this equipment as an instructional
tool. Some of our classes are already using video via iPads; however, with such an advanced
system in place, there would be limitless opportunities of what we could do.

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Section 2: Project Readiness Information

(Optional for Second Grant Applicants)

Assuming that this funding request is approved, the project described is ready to
immediately proceed in the following areas:

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A full-time Audio-Video Technology and Film pathway teacher has been identified
and is in place for the 2014-2015 or 2015-2016 school year.

I agree

A part-time Audio-Video Technology and Film teacher has been identified and is
in place to teach an elective course during the 2014-2015 or 2015-2016 school

I agree

Appropriate, adequate space is available in the school building and committed to

house this equipment and related classes during the 2014-2015 or 2015-2016
school year.

I agree

A full-time Audio-Video Technology and Film pathway teacher has been identified
and is in place for the 2015-2016 or 2016-2017 school year.

I agree

A part-time Audio-Video Technology and Film teacher has been identified and is
in place to teach an elective course during the 2015-2016 or 2016-2017 school

I agree

Appropriate, adequate space is available in the school building and committed to

house this equipment and related classes during the 2015-2016 or 2016-2017
school year.

I agree

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Provide additional explanation or readiness information below (250 word limit).
Clearly explain your timeline for implementation relative to the responses above.

Because Mercer is a middle school, we currently do not have an Audio-Video and Film pathway.
However, as the Library Media and Technology Specialist, I would serve as the point of contact as
it relates to implementation of equipment and all training for faculty, staff and students. I am
ready and willing to participate in any training that is necessary to help enhance my knowledge of
audio-video technology and film.

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Section 3: Project Impact

(Optional for Second Grant Applicants)

Please describe the significance or potential contribution this proposal offers to

your educational community. Does it impact student achievement, solve a
learning issue, and increase the capabilities of career pathway and/or digital
learning? What does it enable that is not possible now? Clearly identify and
explain your timeline for implementation. (250 Word Limit)

If awarded the Georgia Audio-Video Film and Technology Grant, educators, here at Mercer, would
be able to provide a more interactive and exciting learning atmosphere for their students.
According to research, gathered by the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System, it was
concluded that lessons, which are strategically planned to incorporate technology, utilized for
instructional purposes result in heightened knowledge retention and overall performance on
standardized assessments. Therefore, gaining technology, of such magnitude, would provide an
astonishing significance to the learning of our students and educational community.

Number of students positively impacted:


Number of teachers positively impacted:


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Section 4: Audio-Visual Technology and Film Course/Pathway Implementation


Describe in detail the LEAs/high/middle schools strategy to effectively

implement the Audio-Visual Technology and Film courses and/or pathway,
utilizing digital resources, state provided tools, and the equipment, training, and
support provided if awarded this grant. Be specific about the implementation
timeline. (300 word limit)

In order to produce a successful broadcast show, students will need to become familiar with the
foundations of Audio & Video Technology & Film. Georgia Standard AAVTC-AVTFI-1 exhibits
employability skills that are enforced in business and industry. Students will gain effective
communication skills through writing, speaking, listening, reading and interpersonal abilities. They
will also master model work readiness attributes that are necessary for success in the workplace.
Some of these characteristics will include integrity, honesty, accountability, punctuality, time
management, and respect for diversity.

To ensure that students remain impervious and equipment is kept in superb condition, it is
imperative that they undergo extensive training on how to be safe! Georgia Standard AAVTC-
AVTFI-2 references the comprehension and adherence of safety procedures while working with TV

Other elements needed to produce a successful broadcast show include recognizing and applying
trade terminology, demonstrating proper set-up and utilization of basic production equipment,
identifying and creating various types of scripts, exhibiting appropriate practice of handling studio
equipment and production techniques all while participating in studio broadcasts and live field
and/or streaming events, as a team. These attributes are addressed in Georgia Standards AAVTC-

I will work alongside the English/Language Arts teachers, from each grade level, Business &
Computer Science and Family & Consumer Science instructors, as well as Administration, to
construct an elective course to support the pathway or establish a way for participants to receive

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additional credit towards their ELA and Computer Science grades.

Briefly describe the professional development plan for staff members to ensure
they are able to successfully use and integrate these systems into their work
(250 word limit).

Professional development is necessary to acquire and /or enhance skills that may ultimately boost
an individuals overall job performance. Educators that are interested in incorporating Audio-Video
Technology & Film into their lessons will receive training from me on an as-need basis. As updates
occur, I will inform others by sending notification through newsletters, interactive videos and
How-To documents via Google Drive. Using Google Drive will simplify collaborative efforts in the
event of time constraints.

Briefly describe this application's alignment with the LEA's Strategic Plan and the
high/middle schools improvement plan (250 word limit).

Mercer Middle School is engaging in an aggressive school improvement planning process that
would entail many things such as community and parental involvement, providing a safe and
orderly learning environment and allocating funds to meet student needs. However, academic
growth, in the areas of English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies, is our top priority.
Integrating an Audio-Video Technology & Film pathway into our program would certainly contribute
to the success of our students. Several studies conclude that the use of audio visual technology in
education would be quite beneficial because it would not only create an exciting learning
environment for students, but an interactive one as well. Also, early exposure to technologies as
such would only heighten future employment opportunities.

Briefly describe how this application has the support of local media partnerships
to fully leverage student opportunities (250 word limit).

Savannah is a beautiful city that has awesome institutions, like Savannah State and Armstrong
State University, which offer a wide range of academic programs. Both have curriculums that
specialize in Communications. To give students real life experiences, as it pertains to Audio-
Video Technology & Film, I would contact each chairperson from the Communications department
to schedule a series of on-campus fieldtrips. I would also like to reach out to a few of our local

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television networks. I believe this would be a thrilling experience for our students and complement
their enthusiasm and proficiencies in broadcasting.

Project Lead Information

Name: Chasady Nixon

Job Title: Library Media Technology Specialist

Role in Project Lead

Phone Number 912-395-6700-734609

Email Address

Other Project Team Member (Optional)

Name: Paige Lynch

Job Title: Media Clerk

Role in Project Assistant/ Responsible for equipment audits, etc

Phone Number 912-395-6700-734809

Email Address

Other Project Team Member (Optional)

Name: Horace Magwood, III

Job Title: Principal

Role in Project Administration

Phone Number 912-395-6700

Email Address

Other Project Team Member (Optional)

Name: (No response)

Job Title: (No response)

Role in Project (No response)

Phone Number (No response)

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Email Address (No response)

Page 5

Section 5: Acceptance of Terms

If this grant application is approved, the associated license

agreement is for a period of two years beginning with the date of the
signed license agreement between the high/middle school and ESE
Networks. Under the agreement, the high school will receive
Broadcast Video Production Equipment, an ESE Platform, up to 1 TB
of storage, plus training and tech support. The intent of the grant
that supports this agreement is to assist Georgia high/middle schools
in creating broadcast video production pathways and creating
opportunities for students interested in journalism, film, or
associated fields.

Renewal of the license agreement following the two year grant-

funded period will be subject to negotiation between the high/middle
school and ESE Networks.

Responses Selected:

I accept

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Section 6: Binding Authority

(Optional for Second Grant Applicants)

I certify to the best of my knowledge the following:

Responses Selected:

I am authorized to make this request on behalf of the educational system and high/middle school.

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Library Media Technology Specialist



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