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Freeman, J. D. The Family System of the Iban of Borneo. In: Goody, Jack (Org.).

Developmental Cycle in Domestic Groups. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge:
1978 [1958].

tem I (Introduction) : Terra dos Iban, tamanho de seu crnio, estatura, cor da pele e
caractersticas mongoloides, cultura Iban (e.g. lingua), caractersticas de Sarawak,
proporo de Iban nesse lugar, economia de subsistncia (dry rice), Ulu Ai Iban (Baleh),
descrio rpida dessa seo dos Iban, perodo de campo, nota: durante esse perodo os
Ulu Ai Iban quase no haviam tido contato com o mundo exterior.

Objeto: Estudar o Family system dos Iban.

tem II (The Iban Long-House) : Descrio da Iban Long-House; propriedade; kinship.

Thus, every family is always related cognatically to at least one of the other families o
the community, usually to several, and quite often to many of them [18]. A Iban long-
house community aberta e no fechada e s um grupo corporativo em sentido

Foco da pesquisa: family cells da Iban long-house community. Of these it may be

claimed that they are the intrinsic and irreducible corporate groups of Iban society...

tem III (The family apartment) :

Bilek: centro mundano da famlia (lugar de cozinhar, durmir, etc.); lugar onde se guarda
objetos de valor. 1) Um espao no Aparment e 2) o family group.

Bilek family: basic unity of Iban social and economic organization Further, the bilek
family is always a domestic family; that is, its members constitute a single household,
and the household subsists as an autonomous unit [20]. Possui certas coisas (terras de
arroz, reliquias, etc.). Em suma: uma unidade tanto ritualmente, quanto

tem IV (Representative sampling and quatitative analysis) : Comentrio sobre os dados.

tem V (the Bilek family) :

In other words, although birth, adoption, marriage and death do result in regular
changes in its personnel, a bilek does persist through time as a clearly defined entity: an
estate in land and property which, at anu moment, is always held in common ownership
by a group of co-existing family members [24].

Death and Partition.

tem VI (Bilek family membership) : The different principles of recruitment

tem VII (Recruitment by birth: The principle of utrolateral filiation) :

Utrolateral filiation: In other word, among the Iban marriage is utrolocal, that is, there
is a system of marriage in which either virilocal or uxorilocal residence may be
folllowed and in which rules of kinship and inheritance result in neither form of
domicile being given any special kind of preference [26].

Comentrio I:Ento utrolocal significa que a residncia tanto virilocal como

uxorilocal, sendo que as regras de herana e parentesco no exercem influncia sobre
essa deciso. Ou seja, Kinship e Inheritance no influnciam a residncia.

O Bilek determina a distribuio de herana.

In short, it is filial consanguinity [relao sangunia com os pais? Mas a relao no

acima de tudo social?] and local residence [virilocal ou matrilocal] acting together
which establish the status of the natural members of any bilek family [27].

Dvida I : Pertencer ao grupo familiar do pai ou da me significa ou no pertencer

linhagem do pai ou linhagem da me?

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