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Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

Identification of Learning Problem

Several years ago, the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) decided to replace the

Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT) as an end-of-year test for first through eighth

grade students. This was occurring at the same time Georgia was adopting a more Common

Core mentality toward the standards being taught. According to GaDOE website, Georgia

Milestones measures how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the

state-adopted content standards in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social


Features the Georgia Milestone Assessment System include:

open-ended (constructed-response) items in English Language Arts and mathematics (all

grades and courses);

a writing component (in response to passages read by students) at every grade level and

course within the English Language Arts assessment;

norm-referenced items in all content areas and courses, to complement the criterion-

referenced information and to provide a national comparison; and

transition to online administration over time, with online administration considered the

primary mode of administration and paper-pencil as back-up until the transition is

complete. (


It was also determined that the best platform for students to take Georgia Milestones would

be online. Not all students have taken the testing online at this point but different grades at the

elementary level have piloted it over the last few years. Teachers and administration soon

became anxious that such a high-stakes test would be given to students at the elementary level
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

who had no experience taking online assessments. Students had a basic understanding of

gamification and other means of learning using technology but did not possess typing skills or

extended response to questions not handwritten.

Google Apps for Education (GAFE) was introduced as a platform for teachers and

students to collaborate using several different online platforms. Within one of these platforms,

Google Forms, teachers would be able to create online quizzes they could use to assess students.

With this endeavor students, would also be able to get used to online testing and typing of

extended response answers. Although all teachers have been given county assigned GAFE

accounts, they are not comfortable using this platform and they sit by not being utilized.

Although most teachers are familiar with software to create documents and slideshows,

they are anxious about learning new technologies because of time and potential learning curve

that may exist. For creating online quizzes using Google Forms to be an effective tool, teachers

will need instruction on how to properly create them. The goal is for teachers to demonstrate

how to create and distribute online assessment to students and be aware of the benefits this


Learner Analysis

The learners are educators at Riverside Elementary School in Evans, Georgia. These

learners teach different grade levels from First through Fifth-grade. Among the learners there is

a variety of teaching experience with some only teaching for 3 years to others with 25 years

experience. There is also a wide variety of levels of certification, technology skills, as well as

motivation to try new assessment platforms. All participants possess a Georgia teaching
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

certificate and a minimum of a Bachelors degree. At least 60% suggested they have either

added or working on graduate degrees to add to their certification.

Instructional Objectives

1. The learner will indicate how to sign into their Google Apps for Education account.
2. The learner will select the appropriate field to create surveys and quizzes.
3. The learner will demonstrate how to create quiz using a blank template.
4. The learner will distinguish the different types of questions they can construct.
5. The learner will prepare and distribute a quiz.
6. The learner will determine how to organize the data propagated from online quizzes.

Task Analysis

I, Lee McFatridge, the instructional designer will serve as the subject matter expert

(SME) over this plan. I have a formal education which consists of a bachelors degree in Early

Childhood Education from Augusta University in Augusta, Georgia. I am also in the final

semester of my masters degree in Instructional Technology from Georgia Southern University in

Statesboro, Georgia. I have used GAFE platform for many years and created quizzes and

extended response questions for my students as well as for other teachers to use with theirs.

After speaking with the head of the technology committee at Riverside Elementary and

developing a needs assessment, I used a procedural analysis to develop the task analysis. To

keep the learners from possibly becoming anxious with a new platform, it was determined that

they would learn best through hands-on experience. I began by creating an outline of the steps

the learners would need to successfully create online quizzes using Google Forms. In order to

make sure I had not missed any steps, I did have a colleague who uses it as well look over it and

give me any feedback. It was determined the steps were concise and followed the correct order

for learners to learn this skill.

Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

Prerequisite skills learners must possess:

1. Ability to log on to a computer with county assigned credentials

2. Ability to log on to GAFE account with county assigned credentials
3. Ability to access web browser and use basic browser functions

Task analysis outline:

1. Log onto your computer.

2. Choose a web browser.
2.1. Microsoft Edge
2.2. Mozilla Firefox
2.3. Google Chrome
2.3.1. Chrome works best but not all learners will have used it.
3. In the browser address bar type in
4. Learner will be asked to sign in to their Google account.
4.1. Learners will use their accounts names.
4.2. If this is the first-time learner has signed in they will need to create a new password.
5. In Google Drive select New.
5.1. Dropping down to More the option to create a Google Form appears.
5.2. Select Create to enter edit mode.
5.3. Determine a standard to make a quiz/test for and give the form a title.
6. To change the form/survey to a quiz choose Settings
6.1. Settings will be the Gear icon in the top right.
6.2. At this time students do not have their sign in credentials so do not limit responses to (1)

or check any boxes here.

6.3. Presentation tab will not be used for this class.
6.4. Switch to the quizzes tab.
6.5. Turn on Make this a quiz.
6.6. Select preference under Release Grade.
6.7. Select preference of what students will see after submitting. For this class leave all of

them will remain checked for later review.

6.7.1. Missed questions
6.7.2. Correct answers
6.7.3. Point values
7. Ready to begin creating questions.
7.1. Select untitled question and replace with your question.
7.1.1. It is best practices to make Question 1 students full name. Choose Short Answer Choose Required
7.2. Types of responses
7.2.1. Multiple Choice
7.2.2. Checkboxes (More than one (1) correct answer)
7.2.3. Dropdown
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

7.2.4. Short Answer Will need to be graded by teacher at later date.
7.2.5. Paragraph Will need to be graded by teacher at later date.
7.2.6. Linear Scale (Ratings) Will need to be graded by teacher at later date.
7.2.7. Multiple Choice Grid
7.2.8. Date Already gathered by Google in responses.
7.2.9. Time Already gathered by Google in responses.
8. Fill in appropriate options for all except Short Answer and Paragraph.
9. Select Required for all questions.
10. Select Answer Key to mark correct item.
10.1. Mark the correct answer
10.2. Assign points to the question
10.3. Add any individual question feedback student will see after submitting complete

10.3.1. Feedback can be provided for correct answer.
10.3.2. Feedback can also be provided for incorrect answer.
10.4. Select edit question to return to the previous screen.
10.5. Vertical bar on right of question box has several options to continue.
10.5.1. Choose to add another question.
10.5.2. Choose to add another title and description
10.5.3. Choose to add an image
10.5.4. Choose to add a YouTube video
10.5.5. Choose to add a section
11. Even before finished creating the quiz/test you can preview it.
11.1. To look how quiz/test will look to students select the Preview button left of the

Gear icon.
11.1.1. Appears as a small eye.
12. Ready to submit quiz/test for students
12.1. Choose Send
12.1.1. This appears to the right of the Gear icon.
12.2. We will be saving this as a link for now.
12.2.1. Select the button in the middle for link Looks like a paperclip or button.
12.2.2. To make it easier for students to type in check the box for Shortened URL.
13. Select Responses
13.1. Make sure Accepting Responses is turned on.
13.2. Select Create Spreadsheet
13.2.1. It is the green box with white lines above Accepting Responses.
13.3. Default is set to make a new spreadsheet with quiz/test title.
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

13.4. Responses can be gathered and viewed within the form but spreadsheet allows

you to later grade any extended responses you could not select correct answers for on

the quiz/test.
14. All changes are automatically saved.
15. Go back to Google Drive to view your quiz/test and spreadsheet.
15.1. By selecting the quiz/test you will be able to edit it.
15.2. By selecting the spreadsheet, you will be able to review responses or download as

an Excel spreadsheet.

Needs Assessment (See Appendices A & B)

An online survey was designed to see what types of technology were already being used, as

well as, the facultys comfort level with technology. A variety of questions were designed as

triggers to see how the faculty is already using technology in their classrooms. The questions

that showed a high comfort level of the educators were:

How often do you integrate student-centered technology into your classroom?

o 80% of the faculty use student-centered technology at least several times a week.

Is the technology in your classroom meeting your needs?

o 56% of the faculty felt that technology was not adequately available for students

and teachers.

How do you feel about using technology as a teaching/learning tool?

o 38 % felt technology was useful and encouraged student use, whereas 51% said it

was essential to success in their classrooms.

There were two questions that determined the need for professional development in the use

of GAFE, specifically creating quizzes using Google Forms. The first question was to see how
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

well the faculty was able to use traditional document and presentation software, whereas the

second question was to determine how well they understood or used GAFE.

I can create, edit, save and retrieve word processing and presentation documents.

o 90% felt they were capable and comfortable in using these software programs

I can create, edit, save and retrieve documents and presentation documents using Google


o Only 13% felt capable and comfortable using Google documents suite, this also

showed that 36% where not even able to use this application.

Instructional Design Summary

The entirety of this professional development course will be given as face-to-face

instruction. Learners will be guided with the use of a Google Slide presentation. Learners will

have a computer at their disposal to experience hands-on learning while being given the steps of

the Google Forms creation. The instructor will also have the option to display his screen on the

overhead monitor to visually instruct learners if issues arise. The instructional objectives will be

met through the guidance of the instructor and this hands-on-approach by the learners. When

this professional development course is transferred to an online learning module, other

approaches to the instructional objectives will be determined.

Program Evaluation

The professional development course will be subject to feedback provided by the learners

at the end of instruction. To determine if learners had a positive experience and the instruction

was precise and relevant to the learner, learners will complete a brief survey upon completion of
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

the instruction. Data will then be analyzed for possible improvements to instruction. Once any

improvements, if any, are made this professional development course will be redelivered as an

online learning module for other educators.

Appendix A: Needs Assessment

The needs assessment survey was sent to the teachers as a link to a Google Form survey.

The replies were propagated and listed as an Excel spreadsheet. Although the information in

the form of a spreadsheet was sufficient, the data was more visually appealing and useable in the

form of graphs (see Appendix B).

Needs Assessment Delivered to Teachers

* Required

Approximately how long have you been teaching? *

o 1-3 years

o 4-7 years

o 8-10 years

o more than 10 years

How would you rate your overall skill in using educational technology? *

o challenged

o basic

o proficient

o advanced

What electronic devices do you use at home? *

Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

o iPad, iPad Mini, iPod

o cell phone

o other type of tablet

o Nook or other ebook reader

o laptop or PC

o Mac computer

How often do you use social media on personal time? *

o daily

o 1-2 times per week

o more than 3 times per week

o 1-2 times per month

o never

How often do you use educational social media? (Edmodo, Project Share, Pintrest,

Educlipper) *

o daily

o 1-2 times per week

o more than 3 times per week

o 1-2 times per month

o never

Please identify which of the following educational technologies you currently use in

teaching. Mark all that apply. *

o computer station

o Elmo or document camera

Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

o Smartboard

o Student response system

o DVD player

o Digital camera or camcorder

o iPad, iPod

o other tablet devices

How often do you integrate student-centered technology into your classroom instruction?

o daily

o 1-2 times per week

o 3 or more times per week

o 1-2 times per month

o never

I can create, edit, save and retrieve word processing and presentation documents. *

o not yet

o aware of process

o learning

o capable and comfortable

I can create, edit, save and retrieve documents and presentation documents using Google

Drive. *

o not yet

o aware of process

o learning
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

o capable and comfortable

I can use a variety of tools to enhance curriculum. (Smartboards, tablets, clickers, etc.) *

o not yet

o aware of process

o learning

o capable and comfortable

I can use digital media for a variety of instructional purposes. *

o not yet

o aware of process

o learning

o capable and comfortable

I follow copyright laws and practices responsible and ethical use of technology and

software resources and make sure my students are aware of these requirements. *

o not sure

o not yet

o aware of process

o learning

o capable and comfortable

How often do you use computer technology resources to collect data and monitor your

student's progress? *

o daily

o 1-2 times per semester

o 4 or more times per semester

Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

o never

Is the technology in your classroom meeting your needs? *

o technology is not adequately available for students

o technology is not adequately available for teacher

o I am happy with the technology in place

o I would not feel comfortable with more technology

If technology is not meeting your or your students' needs, please explain. *

What barriers have you encountered using technology in the classroom? *

o inadequate training time in technology

o not enough devices for classroom size

o devices not working properly

o I don't know how to utilize all devices

o Other:

What resources for technology professional development have you attended/viewed this

school year? *

o required professional development days

o Simple K12 online courses or webinars

o outside workshops and training

o on my own reading, study, and practice

o county conferences

o none

o Other:

How do you feel about using technology as a teaching/learning tool? *

Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

o Technology is essential to success in my classes.

o Technology can be useful and I encourage my students to use it.

o Technology is optional in my classes.

o I have no use for technology in my classes.

What additional technologies should we consider implementing into instruction? *

Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

Appendix B: Data from Needs Assessment

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Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

15. If technology is not meeting your or your students' needs, please explain.
Could use more laptops

Devices are one of the major issues...we don't have enough.

I am happy at this time with the available technology.

I am happy.
I do not have enough computers in my classroom.
I have a different situation that most classroom teachers due to my schedule/position. One

thing I wish I had in my classroom was a projector or Promethean board. There have been
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

several instances that this would have been beneficial to facilitate a lesson with my students. I

also wish that wireless internet was available. I would utilize my personal ipad and/or personal

Kindle to download apps that would benefit the students or for my own use as a teacher.
I would like more technology available to my students. I only have 2 computers in my

classroom and no tablets.

In an ideal situation, there would be a computer for every student to use each and every day.

For me, I can't use my IPad because I don't have access to the password to use the wireless

network here at school.

ipads or tablets would be great to have in the classroom

It would be beneficial to have more than 2 student computers in the classroom. Technology

such as ipads and activotes are not available.

It would be nice to have more computers so more students can use them.
It's meeting our needs
it's not available

need ipads in classroom

Need more computers
Need more computers for students to use.
Need more computers for students to use.
Need more devices...updated wifi would be nice....
no active board

teach from a scripted program

see next question responses
Still working on getting a promethean board/projector
Technology is great when it works and when you can get into what you need. The filters block

a lot of content and applications that could be useful to me in the classroom.

Technology is meeting my needs.
There are not enough computers available for my students to daily use in my classroom.
To prepare students for the advanced computer world, every child should have laptop/iPad in

their hands everyday.

We currently do not have enough devices or wireless internet to support our students.
We just need more devices
We need more available technology and more training.
We need more computers or some form of technology that they can have more access to on a
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

daily basis
We need new updated technology such as ipads and new laptops.
we work in a gym, so technology is limited and sometimes hard to keep safe.
Wireless should be updated. I need more computers for my students.
Would be nice to have more computers in the classroom.
Would like more computers and some tablets for the classroom.
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

19. What additional technologies should we consider implementing into instruction?

*Wireless internet


*more laptops

Document cameras for every classroom would be nice. Updated wireless. I-Pads for classes.
equipment readily available for entire classes
I am not aware of many others.
I am not aware of many others.
I would definitely like to pursue more collaborative technology as well as assessment

technology. Perhaps getting more devices and training in Google Apps or even Edmodo.
I would like to be able to collaborate with my students more and release to them the tools I

know are out there.

I would like to see the whole school be wireless. I would also like to see more computers or

laptops for the lower grades. Having only 2 in a classroom isn't really useful. You need

enough for a station during center time so all students can get to use the computer every day!
I would love more student computers. Even having 4, instead of 2, in the classroom would be

so beneficial.
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739


More document cameras

ipads in the classrooms for student use.
Ipads or chrome books for each class.
IPads or other type of tablet and digital cameras
make wireless available
none at this time
Not sure
Not sure
Not sure what else can be used to help. Not in a classroom.
Provide more up to date professional development with apps and google drive.
Tablets available for student use as well as adults
Tablets in the classroom for QR codes
Tablets or ipads for each classroom or for check out. I would like at least 2 more student

computers. The school having WiFi would be very helpful.

that depends on what we are allotted
Upper grades could benefit using Edmodo. Students could be interested in the similarities of

this program and social media. Teachers may also not be familiar with Remind 101. It is a

texting service that allows teachers to text parents without using their own personal cell phone

number. They could keep parents informed about events, tests, or other important information.

I realize that we have Moby Max for all grades but I don't know if Reading Eggs may be more

beneficial for lower grades students. I had a lot of success with this program at my previous

We have Active Boards BUT I'm more familiar with Smart Boards and Eno Boards. Eno

Boards are the best in my opinion.

What I do does not have technology requirements.
WIFI update BYOT
Creating Quizzes Using Google Forms PD Lee McFatridge FRIT 7739

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