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About Helping Hands of Hope:

The project of Helping Hands of Hope is to research organizations that help the four main

problems in Africa (endless poverty, not enough education, health and access to clean water.) I will

first explain the reason why this is a problem, then provide information about the organizations so

that people may pick which organization calls more to their idea of helping others.

The Four Main Problems in Africa

1. Endless poverty



1) 1 in 3 people who live in sub-Saharan Africa are undernourished.

2) 75% of the poorest countries in the world are in Africa, (Liberia and Ethiopia are a few).

3) 239 million people were hungry in sub-Saharan Africa in 2010.

4) 589 million people in sub-Saharan Africa live without electricity.

2. Not enough education




1) Too many students crammed into small, unsafe classrooms.

2) There are normally just a few textbooks and the teachers are normally absent.

3) Students take three years of school, but still can't read a sentence.

4) Primary schools in Africa have the lowest enrollment in the world.

5) In Sub-Saharan Africa, only 2/3 of children who start in primary school make it to the final grade
of school.

3. Health




1) Many fake medical drugs are sold in Africa.

2) Shopping malls are produced with air conditioning while hospitals are not.

3) Not enough technological equipment is aordable like MRI machines.

4) HIV is a large cause of death in the world and one million people in Sub-Saharan Africa die every
year from this disease.

5) Inability to have access to proper food and vitamins to be able to keep healthy.

4. Access to clean water



1) In Africa only 16% of people can get access to water that is clean enough to drink in their own

2) Even when water is available it is too dangerous to drink because of the contamination that
comes from over crowded towns and these factors:

When facilities for water sanitation are developed, they are not completely maintained because of
the low amount of resources.

The quality of the water is not tested as often as it should be.

The lack of education keeps some in the town unaware of the danger of drinking from wells.

3) It is too expensive to be able to drill for groundwater in Africa and to get pipelines to towns with
water in them.

4) Even groundwater is dangerous to drink without monitoring because it might be contaminated by

leaking septic tanks, metals and bacteria.

1. Endless Poverty


Description- This organization is against the "injustice of poverty." They have had years of
experience in 90 dierent countries. Their mission is to create long lasting solutions to the problems
of poverty, hunger and social injustice.

Their attitude- "Nearly one out of three of us lives in poverty. But we see a future in which no one


1. Working with local and national organization partners

A) By granting local partners money for their anti-poverty programs, Oxfam is able to work with
communities to make them self-sucient.

B) Also, by working with communities, Oxfam is able to learn about more solid ways to rid the world
of poverty.

2. The projects funded are community driven

A) They allow the local partners to do the work so the solutions and achievements are owned by the

B) Oxfam believes that if problems are solved by locally informed solutions they will be the best

C) By the local companies making solutions it will result in the solution still running when Oxfam
takes away their funding.

3. Laws, policies, and institutions have an enormous impact on poverty

A) The organization believes that large decisions that are supposed to help those in poverty should
consult those in poverty.

B) Oxfam makes sure that "the world's poorest" are able to voice their own thoughts and opinions
"loud and clear."

C) They organize so that they can bring those that are most passionate together to actions on
problems that keep people poor.

D) Oxfam believes that when people speak as a community and as one, world leaders tend to listen

ONE campaigns

Description- ONE is a "campaigning and advocacy organization" that takes steps towards ending
poverty and diseases that are preventable, especially in Africa. ONE believes that ending poverty
isn't just about charity, but also about justice and equality. There are currently 7 million members
that are taking action to help people thrive.

Their attitude- "None of us are equal until all of us are equal"


1. RED- making partners with the world's iconic brands

A) Brands like Apple, Bank of America, Beats by Dr. Dre, Coca-Cola, Gap, HEAD and Starbucks.

B)These brands donate up to 50% of the profits from RED-branded goods to the Global Fund.

C) These funds support HIV/AIDS grants in Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Rwanda, South Africa,
Swaziland, Tanzania and Zambia.

D) These funds have helped over 90 million people with prevention, treatment and counseling and
HIV care services.

2. Transparency - gives people the information needed to hold their governments accountable for
improving their lives

A) Budgets= they want African governments to release these 4 things:

1) the executive budget proposal

2) the budget enacted by the legislature

3) the year-end report on budget outcomes that includes o-budget items and expenditures

4) a comprehensive audit report

They want these shown to the public because it makes sure that the public knows that the
government is still reflecting development priorities.

B)Natural Resources = keeping public the payments that corporations make to the government so
that the public knows what resources are "due to them," in return for their oil, gas and mineral

C) Retaining Resources = countries should show who controls the companies that invest and retain
their own resources. This will allow countries to be able to know the exchange of tax informations.
allowing countries to stop tax evasions and illegal outflows.

D) Aid = the information about the flow of Aid to the country needs to be published in a comparable
format for it to be useful.

3. Development Assistance- smart and targeted aid is helping save lives, and laying down a frame
for sustainable economic growth in developing countries like Africa.

A) Targeted assistance for development has allowed 65 million children to join primary school
between 1999-2013.

B) The International community is creating tools to help development through innovative


C) "The Advance Market Commitment"- is an agreement between partners ("including Canada,

Italy, Norway, Russia, the UK, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,") to have
pharmaceuticals to focus on diseases that are neglected.

Concern Worldwide

Description- Concern helps those in the world who are in extreme poverty. They work in 26
countries and are able to reach 7.6 million of the poorest people around the world. They work the
most with "helping people recover from disaster, get nutritious food and adequate health care, and
strengthen their resilience to the eects of climate change."

Their attitude- "We are dedicated to the reduction of suering."


1. Emergency Response- Helps those who are most vulnerable and have just experienced a
natural disaster.

A) The first priority is to send out food, shelter and clean drinking water. The needs are fitted to each
individual community.

B) They form a partnership with the community so that they can help the community through the
tough time and still help them when the hardship has passed.

C) Concern listens to those that need the help so that the actions taken are culturally appropriate
and help the local priorities.

2. Health and Nutrition - treating malnutrition and helping farmers grow more food; responding to
medical health crisis and training community health workers.

A) partner with local communities and national governments to find better long-lasting solutions for
health-care and nutrition.

B) Concern believes that a community that doesn't have to take care of multiple sick persons can
move out of poverty quicker and easier.

C) They focuses mainly on women, children and newborns; wanting to prevent and treat

D) Concern also focuses on the hygiene part of health by including waste management, pollution
control, and insect repellent measures to stop disease transmission.

3. Climate Response and Resilience- Concern recognizes the vulnerability that is due to climate
stress and wants to use creativity to help build resilience to this stress.

A) Concern believes that climate change endangers the basic essentials of survival like food, shelter
and water.

B) Helps farmers grow weather-resistant crops and practice conservation agriculture, using organic
materials as fertilization and rotating crops to help keep the soil fertile and prevent erosion.

C) For fragile environments, Concern helps people develop "alternative, sustainable, and
entrepreneurial" ideas that will provide the community a stable income.

2. Not Enough Education

Save the Children

Description- This organization helps children who come from backgrounds of poverty to have a
chance for a better future.

Their attitude- "Together, we achieve results for children"

1. Education-

A) Train teachers to engage the students eectively

B) Lead parents/caretakers in helping their children learn during their younger years

C) Introduce children to ways of expressing themselves, "like art, music, drama, dance and more"

D) Help kids through their troubles and health issues so they don't have to drop out of school

2. Emergency Response

A) When a large emergency strikes they organize a large dedicated fund to help the children

B) The organization "develops and maintains local and international partnerships to meet the
challenges posed by disasters and crises in high risk communities worldwide."

C) Within 72 hours the teams they send are there and helping save the children's lives

3. Child Protection

A) Help save children from abuse and violence in all countries

B) Develop public awareness to child tracking

C) Establish support clubs that teach children to take care of themselves and to empower

Pencils of Promise

Their attitude- "Through our programs in Ghana were changing what a learning experience can be
for a child anywhere in the world."

Pencils of Promise focuses on three things,

1) hygiene

2) building schools

3) training teachers properly

1. Hygiene-

A) Why?- students miss up to 272 million school days because of basic illnesses that could have
been avoided by just having basic hygiene.

B) They use WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) to teach kids to simply wash their hands before
and after eating, and provide water filters at schools for the children to use that provide clean water
for them.

2. Building schools- they build safe structures for students.

A) Why?- 85% of the villages they visit don't have a solid structure for a school.

B) They organize and draw out the plans for these schools, including chalk boards and desks. They
ask that the families help to build the schools for their children.

3. Training teachers properly-

A) Why?- These supported teachers show that their students receive 3 times better scores in their
students exams.

B) They choose teachers and train them to be eective to make sure that the POP kids are receiving
"high quality education."

C) Right now they support 523 teachers.

Education Africa

Their attitude- "Making real change happen"

Goal- to bring up the "poorest of the poor" and to provide them with the education they need to
have a successful future.

Projects- (there are many, but here are three)

1. (ECD) Early Childhood Development- This assists the caregivers that look after children whose
parents are at work.

A) They put the caregivers through courses to ensure the children will have all the necessary
requirements when they go to a formal school.

B) They also assist with the management of the preschools.

2. (EDU)-Bike Africa - encourages teachers and students to work together to explore learning new

A) It is a workshop that "promotes entrepreneurial skills," in 30 prepared lessons.

B) Teaches the teachers and students to manage money, travel and health.

C) Oers resource materials such as a personally designed EDU book for the teachers to lead and
work along with the students.

3. Cycle Aid for Africa- distributes bicycles to school children who would normally walk long
distances to get school.

A) The bicycles are the schools property, but are loaned to the students as long as they take care of
them properly.

B) The results show that those who have been provided bicycles are relieved to not have to walk the
long distance to school and are more focused on their school work.

3. Health

Aid for Africa

Description- Aid for Africa is an alliance of many U.S. nonprofit organizations and the partners that
they have made in Sub-Saharan Africa to help the children, communities and families in Africa. They
want to bring organizations together to "learn from each other, form partnerships, and make the
whole greater than the sum of its parts." These organizations come together to realize the main
problem, speak about the best way to solve this and then create solutions that will last for a long

Their attitude - They all have a, "Passionate desire to help the people of Africa solve critical
problems and build a better future for their children and communities."


1. Finding organizations that work to motivate people to help create a future that is better for their
children and communities.

A) These organizations provide necessary health care and medical supplies, also helping create
farming innovations that help families lives be sustainable.

B) They also help promote the education of the younger generation to become, "entrepreneurial

C) Before these organizations are allowed to become members they are made to meet certain tests
and standards. From accountability to impact and governance standards, so that they are certified
as trustworthy and eective charities that are working towards improving the countries in Africa.

AMREF Health Africa

Description- AMREF is an organization that helps the critical health issues of Africa. They create
health systems and train workers to help solve the most substantial, challenging health issues in
Africa. They help in areas such as maternal health, child health, infectious disease, water and
sanitation, surgical outreach, and training health workers.

Their attitude- "Lasting health change in Africa."


1. Maternal Health- wants to expand access to maternal health services to help reduce death
rates from child labor.

A) 200,000 women a year die from giving birth in sub-Saharan Africa

B) "Stand up for African Mothers"- is a campaign to train midwifes, then send them out to help
those who can't aord a paid midwife to give birth safely.

C) "We Care Solar Suitcase"- AMREF put solar panels on roofs of health facilities to provide a
reliable source of light for mothers to give birth to their children when they go to the hospital.

2. Child Health- stops

childhood deaths by providing a healthy environment and a healthy childhood for multiple children.

A) 1 out 10 children die before they turn 5 because of easily preventable causes, like " diarrhea and

B) Alternative Rites of Passage (ARP)- (FGC) or Female Genital Cutting that is a ritual in Africa to
show the growing up of the girls. This is extremely painful and dangerous, so the ARP is a part of
the organization that helps teach villages about the dangers of FGC and why they should try to
abandon this idea for the safety of their young daughters.

3. Infectious Diseases- AIDS,HIV and malaria are the main cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa.
The AMREF helps create and distribute the vaccinations needed to help prevent these diseases.

A) Ebola Epidemic- the large outbreak of Ebola caused 11,000 deaths up to date and 28,000 cases
of it. The AMREF helps to work with the government to try and bring the Ebola cases down to zero.

B) They have trained 540 members of the community to teach their neighbors about how to stop
the spread of Ebola.

4. Surgical Outreach- The organization sends out essential medical services two times per year
and visits more then 155 hospitals.

A) These experts also help to teach the doctors at the hospitals new forms of surgical training and
medical upgrades.

B) Fistula Repair- Fistula is a hole in the birth canal that is caused by prolonged birth and causes
shame to the mother from the village. This organization helps to operate and heal Fistula in African

C) Reconstructive Surgery- this part of the organization helps provide relief and surgery to those
who have severe burns, disabilities, and disfigurement from leprosy. They also help provide surgery
for disfigurements caused by birth defects, like cleft lips.

5. Water and Sanitation- through the WASH program they are able to provide safe water and
sanitation in African towns.

A) In order for WASH to remain AMREF trains local artisans to help keep the facilities up and

B) Together with GlaxoSmithKline, WASH was able to put in PHASE curriculum in primary schools
that teaches young kids about the importance of hygiene.

6. Health Worker Training- AMREF trains community volunteers to become midwives, nurses and
doctors to help the community health situations.

A) The goal is to help "empower and train" 100,000 community workers before 2020 to become
health workers.

B) The International Training Center in Kenya has trained tens of thousands of health workers at all
the dierent levels. They are taught by world-class faculty and supported by modern laboratories.

AHO or the African Health Organization

Description- AHO has two areas that it works in, raising funds and help for health and social care
projects in sub-Saharan Africa and helping African Americans in England by giving them access to
health and social care. They work to, "prevent illness and to promote health."

Their attitude- "Protecting health in Africa."


1. Early diagnosis- AHO is "modernizing Africa's diagnosis equipment," in order to provide first
class service for African Americans in England and those in Africa.

A) AHO wants to encourage people to see what the problem is early on when it is easily treatable.

B) They are improving machinery in Africa such as, "the CT scan, Ultra sound scan, X-ray
equipment and laboratories."

2. Clinical Trials- AHO runs multiple trials of multiple major diseases in Africa to help find the cause
and solution of the disease.

A) AHO is the top in clinical trails across Africa in the area of medical care.

B) They work with governments to establish research centers across Africa.

3. Better Treatment- AHO believes that the earlier the disease is diagnosed the earlier it is
prevented which can result in the reduction of people having to partake in renal therapies, or large

A) AHO is also top in the development of treatment to those in Africa that need it.

B) AHO wants to have treatment available to anyone in Africa that needs it regardless of their place
in society.

4. Access to Clean Water

The Water Project

Description- With support from donations The Water Project is able to provide clean water to sub-
Saharan Africa. The wish to bring clean water to families so that they can lift one burden o families
so they may spend more time at work and school. They build small dams, spring protections and
many other resources for water.

Their attitude- "Help us end the water crisis and restore hope - one community at a time."


1. Reliable Water Matters- The Water Project wants to pioneer the monitoring of water and the
resolution to accidents that happen to ruin water.

A) Everything that depends on clean water relies on it being safe and available everyday. The Water
Project wants to make this possible for all towns in sub-Saharan Africa.

B) When a pump breaks down or a well runs out of water then The Water Project makes sure that it
is fixed no matter the diculties of the towns people.

C) They are employing new ideas and technology, training maintenance teams and keeping money
aside to repair a problem or break when it happens.

2. The Tech Inside- With the use of teams collecting data in the towns that are being helped, the
main oce of The Water Project is able to keep up to date on what is happening.

A) The Water Project is able to keep tabs on their past projects by using mWater to, "collect, collate
and evaluate" the information that is collected by the teams.

B) They are hoping that soon they will be able to build wells with, "SWEETSense Technology: a
GPS/GSM chip, accelerometer, pressure transducer, and SIM card to upload data to the internet via
cell network." They are hoping to achieve this by working with Portland State University SWEETLab.

3. The Dashboard- They use the Dashboard on the website to keep those that help and donate
updated with what is going on with the projects.

A) When The Water Project gets information about projects they publish it almost immediately to the

B) They use 100% transparency and 100% accountability.

C) They use this service to keep their supporters 100% up to date and informed on what their
money is going towards.

Description- believes that water is a "fundamental human need," and that by providing
water to those who can't reach it everyday helps the community prosper and help them save time
as well. They have been able to provide safe water for millions already and want people to join them
to help provide even more people with safe water.

Their attitude- "Innovating to end the water crisis"


1) Solve smart- To help people receive safe water is to help provide them with the ability to get,
"small, aordable loans" by WaterCredit.

A) These loans are given to those in need by micro-loans(micro finance institutions)

2) Then helps provide the micro finance institutions with a way to prosper (by "providing
resources, market support, education and outreach.")

3) Finally since the loans through WaterCredit can easily be paid back, the loan is repaid and given
to someone else in need.

2) Solve together- The company gives the power of getting fresh water to those who really need it
so they can mold the solution to the point where it will actually fit their needs and wants. It helps the
community have a, "personal investment" and will want to see the solution succeed.

3) Solve for the system- helps provide immediate relief by immediately creating a way for
those in need to provide fresh water and sanitation. But they also help solve the problem so that the
cause won't repeat itself. They want to be assured that the work they do in these towns will stay
running even after they leave.

4) Global Advocacy- wants to be the most helpful they can so in order to do that they are
able to help by using all levels of authority. They use:

A) Local level- through research and evidence

B) Local world leaders- their, "expert advocates" help to bring together the local world leader and
people of the town to solve the problem with a lasting alternative.

Water for Africa

Description- The plan that Water for Africa has is to provide programs that will last and invest in
communities that will "develop, become self reliant," breaking the cycle of the need for instant aid.
They have recruited specialized teams of people including engineers, agriculturists, economists,
environmentalists and public health specialists who are helping o carry out their goals and needs in
Africa. The vision they have is to provide all of Africa with things that are absolutely necessary and
provide these countries with the people and spare parts needed to help keep clean water in towns.

Their attitude- "Clean water changes everything."

Things that Water for Africa is helping

1. Agriculture and Food Supply-

A) without access to water food cannot grow in small towns, resulting in the diculty of providing
food for families in the town.

B) globally people use 70% of water being used towards agricultural needs.

2. Gender Equality and Opportunity

A) In most villages in Africa, the job of going on long journeys to collect water falls on the women in
the family.

B) Water for Africa hopes to provide more healthy water so that women can spend their time on
opportunities that they might not have been able to before, providing a way to close the gender

3. Future Generations

A) Studies show that by 2050 there will be three billion extra people than in 2016 and 90% of those
increases will be in third world countries.

B) Water for Africa believes that if this is to be true then society needs to act now and solve the
problems in third world countries that deal with water.

5. Examples of how Water for Africa can help the community-

A) Labor- The walk that women and children had to go on before was up to 4 hours and now only
takes 15 minutes.

B) Sanitation- when a project is being worked on in a town a hygiene profession will also come and
teach the whole village the meaning of being safe using sanitation. Resulting in hand washing
stations and bathrooms.

C) Women- more women of the village are able to participate in overseeing the new water resource
for their village. They are able to create more and more leadership positions for women.

D) Investing in Village- by using the spare time available, the village is able to figure out ways for the
clean water to help and produce more crops resulting in extra food for villages.

E) Cycle- towns are able to pass on the word of the new water investments allowing the near by
villages to know and want their own water resources. Allowing the project to be able to spread and
start all over again.

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