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The Book of Zephor

The Mage God of the Hodotor and of the Adept

Upon the Origins of Venus

Ven from the word Vin (where we get the word Vine and vino/wine) is the archaic
origin of the Imperial-Roman name Venus, that is Venus with the Roman ending
us (like the Greek Hellenists used the word-ending os). Venus was ofcourse a sex
goddess and is in Ulti our Ulti. The Romans said the Greeks changed words such
as Diana to Artemis and Venus to Aphrodite and some proof of this is in the
ancient name Diana and its variants from the lost nation of Sogdiana of North-
East Iran and northern Afghanistan. Shown with a moon crescent after the
decline in artwork from the former sex cult high culture that used to exist prior. A
similar situation occurred with the Toltec and Omlecs of Central America. Great
was the earlier art, worse the latter.
Ven was the proto-european word for the nude sex goddesses showing tits and
fanny to all. Ven means The object of lust and desire. Such was an accepted
normal and natural thing. This gives insight into the cave Venus of 35000+
years before the mundane era. Found along with vulture bone flutes; pan pipes
for the music from the pastoral god of lust and pleasures. Animals respond to
music; a cobra to bovine herds. Such was the magic of great Pan.
Now we have our bearings, now we can navigate the unseen path.

Of scarcity in the heavens

The first deviation from the normal of ancient polytheism of the gods was from
the heretic Pharaoh Akenaten with his monotheism. He closed down the temples
of the gods; such is the problem of only one god. The beginning of bigotry, it is
said. This was a big influence upon the cult of Yahweh of the Israelites who were,
as many other Hyksos nomads, living in Egypts Delta region around the city
called Avarice; a name that became a word. In turn the influence of the Israelites
and Hebrews upon the young Arabian whos uncles merchant-caravan took him
from Mecca to Jerusalem to sell.
Baal and huBaal were the former gods of nature and pleasure, hedonism and
harvest. The rains of nourishment. Along with their nude sex goddesses. The
rebellion of the demon cult of Yahweh in the former era and Allah in the latter
era, against Baal and against for Baal was a revolt against the gods; and worse,
against humanity and nature. Such is the corrigenda then. Yaw was also called
Yam and Yaws name was hebrewized with the addition of two letter H. Yaw was a
known water demon and perhaps inspired by the crocodile. Yaw we are told, was
an enemy of Baal. So was the cult then.
Much like a cult of Subek of Imperial-Egypt therefor? An obscure and infernal cult
as any other.

The biological constant

Unlike perceptions, the dynamic of nature and our biological nature cannot be
shifted. Like druids of Stone-henge and Tara we either work with nature and so
with ourselves, or else we do not do so; and pay a hefty forfeit for such folly. The
wise of Daltor are called back to harmony with ourselves and the science of
ourselves in the biological and sexological arena. That is, with Baal as they knew
him. Zeus of Greece, Wotan and Odin of Germania and Norse and Enlil of Sumer
in southern Irak both had synergy and synch with the concepts of Baal of the
Middle-East and Great Carthage. Certainly Carthage was flawed, but so was
Rome and all else. What does throwing the baby away then prove? That
Carthage was afterall right?
Absurdity. Throwing away the Baal Law of temple sex each month was folly by
which nations can declare themselves both ignorant of nature and fools to boot.
A god does not have to exist to be right. And if he is found to be right, then it is
error to oppose him.
I initiate you into the magic of right thought, right action. And right speech. The
hidden power of reality and truth. Formidable magics infact. Such is no
superstitious spell.

The Grimoire of Zephor

Magic should be fun and illuminating. A mechanism, not rank superstition.

I will teach the inquirer of the Hodotor magicks. This Book of Shadows is not
hocus pocus.
The Staff of the Wizard

There are a number of staff magics, each to its area. The staff is a symbol of the
magicians power and authority. It is the staff of generation and is a phallic
symbol. So for the purpose of hodotor magic by the mages of Zephor the making
or purchase of a staff is needed; this can be a broom or even mop handle. A
snooker que even. It can carry the Rune E for Elements or Elemental. Other
runes can be added as we shall see. Rune are added above or below the grip,
below one another.
The undipped staf.
Infact it can be dipped into Air, water, earth and fire. Or just one of the elements,
or two or three or all four. Defacto it is a staff of Air; this is unavoidable infact.
The alchemy symbols can be painted onto it and it kept just for ceremonial
occasions, not mundane things. This helps keep it special as a tool, in the mind.
Also called an alchemical staff or elemental staff. This should be painted with the
rune for E. For those who are involved in Chemistry an A rune for Alchemist can
be used.
Dipped Stafs
The Vaginal; Dipped into the vagina of a woman. This is the higher Zephor Staff
enchanted by Ulti.
Also called the Ulti staff or Venus Staff. V or Z rune.
The Analators; of Dark magic of the under arch.
Fribolian; Dipped into the ass of a woman. Also called a Moabite Staff. F rune.
Gergashulite; Dipped into the ass of a man. Also known as the Sodomite Staff.
G rune.
The Ulakian;
Dipped into the vagina of a woman and ass of a man. U or Ul or UK rune. Switch
Dipped into both the vagina of a woman and ass of a woman. O rune. Aka
Dianas Staff.
Dipped into the ass of a woman and ass of a man. Kf rune. The Ass Staff.
Dipped up their own ass. Kt rune
Lubrication and time is needed for these practices; cooking oil uncooked is one
such that can be used.
Such is the magic of empowering the staff. A staff belongs to one set. There is
another; the Ulak-Kalfan. Some are more focused upon one thing; that is their
strength. Others are more diverse; that is their strength.
Each can have painted or inscribed upon it a rune which is a letter of our logic
alphabet. Kf for Kalfan and Kt for Kaltan. These denote its providence to the
aware and the initiated.
A copy of our logic alphabet follows; it serves as our magic code and runes;
No grimoire is complete without strange things and magic writings or sigils, is
that not so?
The rune is inscribed with the staff standing upright the way it is held. This is the
official method.
An enruned staff has greater power and status.

And so each chooses for themselves their staff, and declares it.

Each staff says something about its wielder and the powers they command. Try
craiglist if needed.
I would not underestimate the powers invoked in the minds in some instances by
the Hodotor Staffs.
Such we call magic. The apprentice may not be able to command such powers at
first. But recouped and considered the way forward at Arcadia, or our den and
sanctuary, an adept of the craft will find the initial event wears off and the
powers are less new the next time, and the one after that. Familiarization and
experience makes these events easier to manage.

Haltorian Staf.
The Haltor Staff is different in that it is for martial training and can be enruned
with a H rune for Haltor the Defender and Guardian.

The Robe or Sash of a hodotor mage .

We judge by appearances which saves time. A robe or even a sash is a uniform
by which we may be recognized as a part of a whole. As a designation. For
simplicity and ease there are the white robes and black robes. A red sash should
only be worn upon a black robe by evil. So we consider those colors a danger
sign. White can be worn falsely as at the minority who marry events. But in
general white is considered better than black as worn colors. Any color could be
worn. Each day of the week has to the hodotor a special day color and for a work
of symbolic magic that color can be worn as a sash. But there are many
meanings so a planets color can be worn any day of the week.

The standard with us is to wear the sash over the left shoulder to wards the right
hip where a belt or rope had hold it in place. The wearing of a sash sets a thing
apart from the mundane and gives a designation which has a token of authority
and relevance, a status. Our magic is very real world not fanciful. The good
without the Wu.

A sash can be made through careful cutting of jumble or old worn clothes;
something cheap from a charity shop or the like. Cut a strip from hip across the
left shoulder and down towards the right hip.
There is a sash. They may frey but that can look ok and rugged. They may be
adored in black marker or patch or enamel paint, a sign of the hodotor upon the
left breast. This, by the Adept, is either the letter G but the letter H can be used
if preferred. The letter G was chosen for its astetic look and recognisability. Here
context of use matters to the aware.

Color of the Sash of the hodotor Mage

Silver or Grey for Monday or the Moon. As moon it can be worn any day for a
special reason. Intel.
Red for Tuesday or Mars. Also a color of Haltor the Protector for stewards. Action,
security, War.
Blue for Wednesday or Mercury. The delivery of a message. Quotations.
Purple for Thursday or Jupiter. This is also a Phoenician color. Planning and Order.
Green for Friday or Venus. Sex and frivolity. Also of Rape and/or Orgy.
Black for Saturday or Saturn. Rest, executions, murder, shopping/collection.
Gold or Yellow for Sunday or The Sun. Also orange. Joy, humor, Blessings of the
Gods. And Cash generation. A day of learning or teaching.

So such are the colors of the days of the week for harmony with the day.
For a special magic providence, the color of that patron token is worn; ie Green
for Sex Magic any day of the week. But sex magic is best on Fridays, subject to
safe times.
One mage may like the blessing of a certain patron principle or color and so wear
that regardless of day or occasion which is quite acceptable. For confidence and
harmony with yourself is a key factor in carrying off the magic presence.

Turn Sash
The under color of a sash can be different to the one above so that the sash can
be flipped over for a new designate. Green would be a good secondary color. This
may require some skills with stitching or super-glue.

Before wearing the robe a ritual bath or shower is needed .

This involves adding some salt to yourself for the wash. The lighting of a candle
in a jar away from all else and the burning of some incense adds to the sense of
occasion. The chant goes like this;
Cleanse me with hossop and I shall be clean.
Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Symbolically speaking, anyway it was used by magicians of the middle ages in

The principle refers to a state of being in body and mind.

We can see the four elements here; Air as the smoke of incense, Salt-Water of
the wash, Earth of jar and incense holder, Fire of the Candle.

The magic wash is an empowerment.

Making a Star .
When conversing in a group or adhoc coven it is our way to form a circle and
allowing, a star. This is done by self-placement for effect. This has a structure
and awareness and is more auspicious.

Hodotor talismans and amulets

These are different to the usual adornments.

Sunglasses give mystery and hide the eyes from the manipulators and so are a
useful magic to assist in confidence. A useful tool to the hodotor mage. If one is
asked to remove them you should wear them all the more, and leave the evil
Ear plugs half in or half in one ear are sometimes useful for a defence from the
wild and unbalanced and emotional. Or the drunk. Ear plugs are cheap and can
be bought from building DIY type of places.
Haltoran Defence.
Too loud is verbal assault and to defend from them is what the staff can be used
for. A bonk on the head, elbow or knee works wonders but can incite and need to
be backed up. Do not let others hold or touch your staff. A crack to the fingers
will deter the obsessive hostile who has disregard for you.
Self-defence may or may not be recognized by the police or even magistrate but
as usual and standard national law it will often be capable of being recognized by
higher courts as needed and if needed. A little training goes a long way. They
must in some instances give way to the occupation and civilization however
unaccustomed to it, even if renegades in revolt and rebellion.
A jab to the ribs will help push them away. Or if unarmed a hand blow to the jaw
works well or the shove. But human words can work just as well with many.
Peace be with you.

Magic words of power and glory

The magic word of the hodotorian mage is.wait for it.Abracadabra. Well what
did you expect?
That is pronounced Ab-raca dab-ra. I think the sun god Ra is popular. Abra is a
healing word of old from Alexandria and Rome to the Gnostics and stage
magicians. Probably of Aramaic origin. Despite the superstition, it describes the
intent of good health or good healing and the warding away of the undesired

Another is Kazam!; Kazam; an explanative, which is from the old indo-Iranian

meaning world. Ie behold or wonder of the world.
A more detailed Zephorian mage introduction and greeting runs like this;

You must have travelled far?

I saw many strange things along the way.
As strange as an Adept riding a Dragon?
Two red pots but I took no plants from them.

To have remembered this is to show you are in the know.

Healing properties of Herbs and Spice

Valerian helps sleep and rest. As will Camomile.

Garlic and Onion are good for healing. As is Turmeric , Ginger and Cumin.
And vitamin C, with zinc which like a strong cup of tea is good for the immune
system. The tannin in tea is the secret active chemical, which can also be
extracted by soaking oak bark in boiling water. This is what the ancient druids
did. Leave the tea bag in and add wholesome full milk.

As neat lemon juice kills the aids virus upon contact, some may feel happier to
use it upon their penis or quirt it up their vagina like a douche. But the only real
danger is in ejaculation up the ass, not the vagina.

Ibuprofen helps reduce swelling as well as being a pain killer.

To treat gangrene; use tweezers to remove the black and yellow or green dead
skin; remove it all. That is where the infection problem is in that dead skin. Treat
with antiseptic and especially the alkaline anti-bacterial soap to also help counter
the acidic toxins released into the skin. Ibuprofen will help reduce any swelling
and allow the body to reach heal the affected area. Gangrene might stink putrid
as it is dead, so removing the bad skin, which will not hurt as it is dead and
rotten, will remove the smell. Gangrene is caused by bad circulation for too long
to the affected region, so avoid resting on it and take many breaks.

Rest is a good healer.

To stable a females cycle of the moon she needs to swallow semen, the cum
from many men. This contains testosterone the male hormone which stabilises
the flux of female hormone changes and will help increase sex drive.

Some links of interest to the hodotor:

.Book of the Adept
.Book of Daltor and statecraft
.Book of Ulti the Sex Goddess
.Book of Ulak, which I include for awareness, a vile and evil book tainted by her
And not recommended for the sensitive nor the new reader. Think twice before
looking into her hell

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