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Domain 4: Chellen Kersey

A. Communication with Families

I communicate with families in a variety of ways. When I first started teaching in January I
wrote a parent letter introducing myself. I then started a Class Dojo and sent the codes to enroll
home during parent teacher conferences. Along with the Class Dojo app comes the Class Dojo
Messenger where parents can send me messages that I can check on any device where I have
the app downloaded. I can also share student work through this app and what standard the
class is currently covering. I send home newsletters every two weeks that go over homework
and reading assignments. I also write what the class is working on in each subject area and I
mention that if there are any questions or concerns anyone can contact me by email or
through the Class Dojo Messenger. I attend all of my students IEP meetings where I able to
speak with the parent about their childs academics. I also make daily comments in agendas
and parents are able to write back to me.

Available upon request: Newsletters, progress report

B. Participating in a Professional Community

Every week I meet with the 6th grade team during PLCs. We meet twice a week formally to
discuss standards, planning and our students learning. Informally, we meet when we feel that
we need too either to change or expand upon a lesson. We also talk daily and discuss our
teaching day, how it went or how it is going or if we need help with anything. I attend staff
meetings that occur during the month. I talk to the special education teachers about how I can
best accommodate the students that we have. I also discuss their progress and gains and we
talk about what assignments they are ready to work on.

Available upon request: Staff sign in sheets, PLC notes template, staff meeting notes

C. Reflecting on Teaching
During the day I check in with the other 6th grade teacher to discuss what we did for the day.
We also discuss what is working in our class and what needs to be further expanded. We
support each other by offering help or new ideas. We share different material that is related to
our curriculum and what best suits our students. We also reflect on our teaching by looking
over student data. To do this we analyze our CFA scores and compare, we figure out what the
overall learning percentage is and what still needs to be worked on. We decide together if
something needs to be retaught or if we are ready to move forward. I also keep a binder where
I reflect weekly on reading and math, what could be improved and what went well.

Available upon request: PLC notes, weekly reflections, scores

D. Demonstrating Professionalism
I demonstrate professionalism during parent teacher conferences, staff meetings, PLC meeting
time and daily classroom time and overall engagement with students, staff and parents. I also
demonstrate professionalism when meeting with my mentor teacher to discuss things relating
to my overall growth as a new teacher.

Available upon request: parent/teacher sign in sheet, form from mentor

E. Growing and Developing Professionally

I grow and develop professionally by attending PLC meetings where I am able to get feedback
from my mentor teacher and ask for help when needed. This year I have attended one meeting
with Dr. Cruz on PLCs which helped me to understand the different stages in PLC meetings.

Available upon request: Notes from training with Dr. Cruz, PLC notes and plans

F. Maintaining Accurate Records

I keep accurate records in a gradebook. I also record CFA scores to use for a quick reference. I
meet with students during math meetings and writing workshops as well as ELA meetings. We
discuss their scores on go over each answer, if there is something that I see that they really
struggled with I will work on the problem with them to make things clear and concise. I keep
my lesson plans on my computer and change them when needed. I have to focus walls, one for
reading and one for math. The focus wall covers the current standard, goals, vocabulary and
lesson topic.

Available upon request: Gradebook, CFA scoring sheet, lesson plans and learning targets.

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