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Life in the Place of Death (Luke 23 & 24)

16 April 2017
Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church

I. The thief on a cross (23:39-43).

A. His words indicate a heart of understanding and faith. He showed
clear understanding of things that are important for life.
1. He knew that God is the ultimate Judge, one we should fear.
Do you not even fear God?
2. He knew he deserved death: we justly...receive the due
reward of our deeds. See Romans 6:23.
3. He knew that Jesus was innocent of crime: this Man has
done nothing wrong. He called him Lord.
4. He knew that there is a kingdom beyond this life:
remember me when You come into Your kingdom.
5. He knew that repentance and faith are all that are required
to be accepted by God.
B. Jesus words give life and hope in the midst of death: Today you
will be with Me in paradise.

II. The death of the Savior (23:44-46).

A. It is not how He died, but who died that is important (Isa. 53:5-6).
B. It is on the basis of His death that He offers us life. He was our
substitute, as described in 2 Corinthians 5:21.

III. The empty tomb (24:1-10).

A. The women came to the tomb expecting to care for a dead body.
B. The words of the angel were: Why do you seek the living among
the dead? (v. 5).

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