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I assembled this manual for my personal use as a teaching aid and a reference tool. I write as a hobby. I also organized a wisdom
circle at my local library and needed quick reference to information from books that I have read. The books chosen for this
manual were among the 150 or more that I have read and studied on spirituality over a 2 year period. I believe that the 13 books I
selected are some of the best of them and will give anyone a good understanding of what spirituality is all about. This guide is
great for both the novice that is just beginning to explore the realm of spirituality and a great reference for those of us who are
teaching, speaking or writing. Every aspect of spirituality is explored in this manual. The whole truth can never be found here of
course, its found within, but it is a great starting place.

This manual is a guide only. This is not my original material. The 13 books referred to, must also be obtained in order to get the
full benefits of the references. Some of the lines taken from the books will have little meaning or none at all unless you can read
from the book quoted. Some of the books will require a little effort to find. There are many used books stores throughout the
country. The web is a great place to look for some of them. Sites such as www.barnes &,,,,,,,
There are approximately 5 million other sites on the net. Simply enter the name of the book or author into any search engine, be
sure to try different variations and check spelling and youll find it. I had no problem locating the 13 books.

It was interesting for me to note the books that really stood out in my search for spiritual enlightenment or guidance were some
of the older books written in the 60s, 70s and earlier. The Science of Mind by, Ernest Holmes first written in 1938 for instance
is still valid reading today, and a must for all seekers, it is a complete course in spirituality on its own. Many of the authors have
established foundations or schools and teach the material in their books on an ongoing basis.

Though I have read most of the newer authors, I found their material is very much like the readings in The Seth Books, Edgar
Cayce and Richard Holmes.

I am not trying to discount the contributions the new age authors have made. Their contributions are worthy of your reading.
But the information hasnt really changed much in this short period of time. That is, the reality about who we are is changeless.
Only recently has there been a noticeable realization of new age spirituality in the world. Its catching on very quickly as the thirst
for new ideas and philosophies are unquenchable. I give thanks to the new authors of the last 70 years for that.

The real value in the contribution of the new writers that I will note is that we can relate to them more contemporarily. They have
modernized old concepts, which may have been difficult to understand or accept at all. It is understandable how some of the
books and stories in the bible have been misinterpreted, misunderstood or misquoted. So much power lies in the understanding of
spirituality and who we are that churches and religions have been slow or reluctant to give out all the information for fear that the
average person may not understand or be able to handle the insights, freedom or the power gained from this knowledge.

I have found concepts and philosophies I may not have grasped the first time in one book have become clearer to me in others
because of the way they were presented or written. Do not be afraid to get other opinions from more than one author.

The first book on spirituality I have ever read, Conversations with God (Book 1) by, Neale Donald Walsch, was given to me by
my son, Jason. He really thought I would be interested, bless his heart.

I accepted it graciously and then banished it to a seldom visited corner of my room after he had left. As I seldom throw anything
away, I kept it, mostly out of respect for my son. Much like an old birthday card or present that you will never use, I thought I
would keep it for a respectable period of time until the giver would have forgotten about it and stopped asking if I had read it yet.

Early one evening I finished the last pages of the book I was reading and started surveying the room for something new. My
search found me in the seldom used corner of my room. I found the cast out CWG (Book 1) and picked it up. Still feeling uneasy
about the title, I considered reading the introduction and the cover story only.

I do not have anything against God, per se, I was been raised in several churches, a confirmed Anglican, I sang in the United
Church choir and dated a Pentecostal preachers daughter, and I attended her church regularly just to be close. I couldnt accept
the teachings of these churches. The churches all claimed to have the inside track on religion. The concept of a vindictive God

being a punisher and possibly banishing me to Hell was not intrinsic to my core belief. I knew what I was being told was not my
truth. I turned away from religion. God was a word that was difficult for me to say, because of all the negative associations with

I read most of the book that night and it was a beginning of a whole new experience with God and religion. I have read The
Conversation with God Trilogy by Neale Donald Walsch five times and his next two books, Friendship with God and
Communion with God three times each. Putting this manual together has required me to me them again.I am truly grateful for the
new clarity I have found in his books. It has taken me more than a year and half to come back and rediscover the books. Its as
though I am reading them again for the first time but with a new vision.

I am so grateful for all the books that I have read and the more than 60 books I now have on the shelf waiting for me to discover .
Over the last two years, these books have presented themselves to me, like lost friends. Months pass before I get around to
reading some books, and now 2 years later, there are those that I still havent read. Book selection seems to come spontaneously
just when I need guidance or if there is something I need to know or understand further, the book is already there and stands out
like a beacon from the rest.

I encourage all, to read as many books or articles by as many authors as possible. Their truth will not be your truth but they will
have something to write about that you will know to be yours. You will know it automatically, and you will recognize it the next
time you read about it. Its a feeling you cannot dismiss. The truth always comes from within.

I will also tell you this, once you start on your quest, you can never go back. When you know the truth about who you really are,
you will not rest. Everything will be different. You will no longer be an unconscious follower, and become an active seeker of
the truth.

There are 2 root concepts that keep coming out of these books and in which all spiritual people seem to agree on and know
intuitively. The first is that The Creator is in and around everything, he is omnipresent, we Are All One. This is in sharp contrast
to what we have been taught by the dualistic theology of organized religions. The second thing is that the Creator is
unconditional Love. Unconditional love is freedom, freedom to love each other and God unconditionally. The words love &
freedom are interchangeable, they mean the same thing. When I read or hear about a thing, if I cannot utilize it to come back to
these 2 concepts then I know I am wandering off my path.

A word of caution, stay away from the one who says he is enlightened. We are all on the path of enlightenment. But none of us is
enlightened. Its not an end unto itself, its a journey. We are constantly creating and recreating. For this reason I believe total
enlightenment is impossible, it can never be achieved until we are reunited the Universal Mind or All That Is.

You will not find your truth in these books, nor do you have to travel to Tibet to find the Great Buddha either. You will only find
the answers or your truth by getting in touch with the spirit within you. The books that I am recommending will guide you and
give you some insight.

We learn and remember most effectively when we find our own answers. As a species, we place little value on free advice or
answers that are just handed to us. Your time is now, otherwise you wouldnt be reading this book. The real answers are found
in the process of searching. A good mentor or guru is a priceless thing, but he/she cannot give you all that you want to know, it
must be discovered. My wish for you in using this manual is that it will cause you to look further; that you will truly be inspired
to seek out you own truth. Dont make this book or anyone elses a Bible. Make it a sign post along your spiritual path. An
indicator of where you are spiritually at this moment.

When the student is ready the master will appear.

Required Books List

The Christ Mind: Robert Clarke

ISBN 0-9697757-0-9
(Out of Print, available on Web Site)

The Seth Material: Jane Roberts

ISBN 1-56849-185-9
(Out of Print)

Seth Speaks: Jane Roberts

ISBN 1-878424-07-06
(Out of Print)

The Dancing Wu Li Masters: Gary Zukav

ISBN 0-553-26382-x

Edgar Cayce Primer: Herbert B. Puryear, Ph.D.


Edgar Cayce on Channeling Your Higher Self: Henry Reed

ISBN 0-446-34980-1

The Science of Mind: Ernest Holmes

50th Anniversary Edition
ISBN 0-399-15007-2

The Four Agreements: Don Miguel Ruiz

ISBN 1-878424-31-9

Conversations with God (Book1): Neale Donald Walsch

ISBN 0-399-14278-9

Conversations with God (Book 2): Neale Donald Walsch

ISBN 0-57174-056-2

Conversations with God (Book3): Neale Donald Walsch

ISBN 0-57174-103-8

Friendship with God: Neale Donald Walsch

ISBN 0-399-14541-9

Communion with God: Neale Donald Walsch

ISBN 0-399-14670-9
How to use this manual and included CD.

This manual is invaluable for teachers, speakers, writers and for those who need a place to start, in their search for their own
spiritual truth.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation have not been corrected. The lines from each of the books have been copied exactly as
written, and are intended as a reference only.

I have arbitrarily picked lines from these books for several reasons. Sometimes its the line itself that is important, other times
it refers to something else in the book that I believe to be important. Sometimes the line has been chosen more than once because
it is used in a different context throughout the book. At all times you must refer back to the book to get its full meaning.

The complete manual is copied into a single (pdf) file called sg111002.pdf, on the enclosed CD for easy reading in Acrobat
Reader. A free copy of Acrobat Reader is included on the disc for you to install on your computer or you may wish to download
the latest version from: Click on the file rp505enu.exe on the
enclosed CD and follow the instructions to install Acrobat Reader Version 5 to your hard drive.

You will more fully appreciate the value of working with this file by using the full blown version of Adobe Acrobat. The full
version has more features available that will aid in highlighting, book marking and working with text. I urge you to acquire the
latest version, you wont regret it.

You will now be able to do a search in the entire manual on your computer in seconds, instead of having to do it manually
through several hundred pages. Use single words or a string of words to locate the subject of interest. Try several different
searches, or scan the book manually. I find this method very rewarding.

This is the first edition of the manual and I look forward to any comments or suggestions you may have to make it even better.
Please Email me at:

Know that the creator is always within you.


Page 7 The Christ Mind

Page 20 Communion with God

Page 33 Conversations with God (Book 1)

Page 47 Conversations with God (Book 2)

Page 62 Conversations with God (Book 3)

Page 87 The Dancing Wu Li Masters

Page 98 Edgar Cayce on Channeling Your Inner Self

Page 108 Edgar Cayce Primer

Page 128 The Four Agreements

Page 134 Friendship with God

Page 149 The Seth Material

Page 165 Seth Speaks

Page 188 The Science of Mind

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)
1. Man is God embodied.
2. Man is spirit embodied.
3. Man is consciousness embodied.
4. You are to God as a wave is to the ocean.
5. We are a manifestation of God.
6. We are God Manifesting.
7. The Kingdom of God and God consciousness are synonymous.(9)
8. We are already in the Kingdom of God (9)
9. There is only life (9)
10. I and the Father are one. (10)
11. God made you in his image and likeness. (10)
12. You are the embodiment of everything necessary to be the Christ. (10)
13. I am that I am I God, being. (11)
14. You and I are one and the same. (11)
15. Where there is consciousness there is intelligence. (12)
16. Spirit-Quarks-atoms-cells-tissues-body. (12)
17. John Doe was created through erroneous programming. (13)
18. As you continue to walk in Gods nature you become the healing force. (14)
19. As you proclaim the perfection of God the sick will be healed-where there is Truth, there can be no error. (14)
20. So long as there is a belief in separation there can be no lasting peace. (15)
21. The only race is the human race. (15)
22. The temple of God (Mankind) is the highest manifestation. (15)
23. Mankind is the only manifestation through which the Universal infinite mind can give unlimited expression to itself on the
plane of form. (15)
24. The Truth is there is not you and God, nor you and the Christ, there is only God. (16)
25. God is your reality, your True identity. (16)
26. God created a form for himself, he is the real you. (17)
27. God made you God. (17)
28. Man is Life embodied, consciousness embodied, intelligence embodied. (18)
29. We were created to have dominion over all things. (18)
30. Man in truth is God embodied. (19)
31. Psalm 82: Ye are Gods; all of you are sons of the most high. (19)
32. Your name is but your outer identity. God is your reality, the real you. (19)
33. The Kingdom of God is also a state of mind. (20)
34. Man is the form in which Spirit is most creative. (20)
35. Your parents moulded you in their image and likeness. (21)
36. The personality cannot think, or speak, or hear. (21)
37. It is the real you that thinks and speaks and hears. (21)
38. Your personality is an illusion. (21)
39. The invisible world is the real world. (22)
40. The invisible world is the world of spirit. (22)
41. The visible world is but the invisible world manifesting. (22)
42. An infant is like a brand new computer; it can be programmed to believe anything. (23)
43. If we would remove racial prejudice, we must first remove ignorance. (24)


a) You are to Godwhat a wave is to the ocean. (6)

b) The wave must identify itself with the ocean. (16)
c) Before we can realize our relationship to the other Waves, we must first realize our relationship to the ocean. (24)
d) The ocean is the reality of every wave. (26)(233)
e) That the wave should declare itself to be separate and apart from the ocean matters not to the ocean. (30)
f) The wave must realize that it is everything the ocean is. (32)
g) The ocean and the wave are one. (42)
h) Does the wave have any being apart from the ocean? (200)
i) No matter what we might name a wave it is the Ocean manifesting. (216)

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)
j) The ocean does not give being to any wave, it gives being only to itself as a wave. (233)
k) The wave is the effect, the ocean is the cause. (234)
l) The wave does hot have a mind separate from the mind of the Ocean. (237)

44. The stuff of life is that which God is. (25)

45. The same stuff that gives being to the tree, the rabbit, the caribou, the fox, the eagle, the sardine and the whale is the same
stuff that gives being to man. (25)
46. You do not have life; you are life embodied. (25)
47. You are consciousness expressing. (25)
48. Not only is Spirit (God) the creator of everythingit is also the totality, the substance, of all creation. (25)
49. We must see ourselves as waves in the ocean of life. (26)
50. Nothing exists besides that which is the creator. To believe otherwiseis to dwell in an illusion. (26)
51. Life gives being only to itself as that thing, as that one. (27)
52. The creator is both Father and Mother to all things. (27)
53. The creator is both the Father and Mother aspect of the creative principal. (27)
54. Christ is the individualized presence of God. (29)
55. So long as the individual lives in a consciousness of separation that individual cannot use the power of the Universal. (30)
56. He or she, who believes that matter is real of itself, that sickness and disease are realities, or that man has being separate and
apart from Spirit, is dwelling in a consciousness of error, a consciousness of darkness. (31)
57. When Truth is established, perfection will manifest. (31)
58. You dont have to become a son or daughter of God; you are already that. (33)
59. The Law is that, as a man thinketh, so is he. (LAW)(33)
60. At birth you were the embodiment of everything necessary to become the Christ. (34)
61. You are a manifestation of all your past thoughts and experiences.(35)
62. That which God is, is that which I am and is that which you are, there is no one else. (35)
63. Separation is an illusion-Oneness is Reality. (35)
64. The personality can be altered by habitual behaviour; for better of for worse. It can be changed by spiritual enlightenment.
65. If the personality is the product of ones thoughts should it not therefore follow that the real person must be the thinker, the
creator of thought? (36)
66. The personality cant think, it is the effect, the thinker is the cause. The thinker is the creator, the creator of the personality.
67. Each individual is the embodiment of mouldable consciousness and each possess the capacity to mould their own
consciousness as they develop. (38)
68. When God created man in his image and likenesshe actually created a living model of his ideal of himself. (39)
69. We are the living model of the creator. (39)
70. Consciousness can be programmed and consciousness is the programmer. (40)
71. I am the first and I am the last and besides me there is no other.(41)
72. We cannot grow into realization of oneness, as long as we choose to perpetuate that which creates division. (42)
73. There is only life. (43)
74. Spirit is that in which we live and move and have being. (44)
75. Life is creative and the creative activity of life is always directed by thought. (34)
76. Thought is the director of the creative power. (45)
77. We must convince the individual consciousness of the Truth. (46)
78. Energy is an attribute of the substance of the Universe. (48)
79. Energy is an attribute of God. (48)
80. The Universal substance is invisible; it is the substance of all manifest form. (48)
81. Universal substance becomes matter, when its vibrations have been lowered. (48)
82. Matter is energy in low vibration. (48)
83. Energy is an aspect of the substance of matter. (48)
84. When energy takes form as matter, the form is subject to deterioration and death. (LAW)(48)
85. Consciousness is cause. (48)
86. That which controls the frequency or the vibration that causes energy to take the form of matter is consciousness. (48)
87. Matter is at the bottom of the energy spectrum. (48)
88. All manifest forms are energy, manifesting as matter including the bodies of men. (48)

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)
89. Because of his beliefs, man holds himself in low frequency beliefs. (48)
90. Man is bound to the earth-plane by his beliefs. (48)
91. Truth and light are synonymous. (49)
92. To walk in Truth is to walk in light vibrations. (49)
93. By being conscious of the Truth, we create and radiate light vibrations. To do so consistently will raise the vibrations of
every atom of our being into a higher vibration and our bodies will be transformed into Temples of light. (49)(LAW)
94. Universal Life gives being to everyone and everything.(50)
95. Everyone and everything is life in manifestation. Life manifesting as that individual thing. A phenomenon pertaining to that
manifestation is when life gives being to itself in individual conscious form, it forms a personality. This is most distinct in
lifes most advanced organism, this being the form we know as man. (50)
96. Life did not become a tree in order to express creativity. (50)
97. Life formed the temple in such a manner that after birth it would develop to maturity; becoming an instrument through
which Spirit could think and create. (51)
98. When the cause has been removed-so too is the effect removed. (52)
99. You do not have Spirit; Spirit is what you are. (53)
100. No form every played any role in its coming into being. It is Spirit that gave being to itself as the form. (54)
101. Your body is a form that Spirit has taken, in order for it to express AS GOOD, consciously, on the plane of form. (54)
102. You must understand that any belief in sickness, disease, or imperfection is but an illusion; is but a lie. (54)
103. The belief in lack and limitation is also an expression of error in consciousness. (54)
104. The only role you need to play is to give thanks and know that everything necessary for your personal well being has
already been taken care of. (54)(66)
105. Everything necessary to sustain you and maintain you will be there, as you need it. This is an eternal principal that you
can rely upon. (55)
106. Consciousness is creative; you become what you believe yourself to be. (56)
107. The characteristic of becoming a personality is not exclusive to man. (56)
108. Only in man however can this consciousness come to know its relationship to the source. (56)
109. The stuff of Spirit is Light, Life, Consciousness, Intelligence, Love, Energy, capable of feeling, and thinking. (58)
110. Thought is the only power that brings that which is invisible into the visible. (58)
111. Thought is also the power that man uses for his own destruction, when ignorant of this truth. (58)
112. History is but the record of the lives of the sons and daughters of God. (59)
113. Religions are based solely on mens idea of God. (59)
114. Man has failed completely to realize that his real wealth lies in his creative power. (60)
115. Believe ye have received and ye shall have it. (60)
116. Spirit becomes a personality when it manifests as a man. (61)
117. There are 6 billion individualized embodiments of Spirit. (61)
118. One spirit; the reality of all form; of every individual, living as if it were six billion separate beings! (61)
119. I am the first and I am the last and besides me there is no other. (61)
120. Life is to the form of man what electricity is to a light bulb. (61)
121. One life giving being to some six billion individual personalities. (61)
122. All is mind. Matter is mind materialized. Energy is an aspect of mind. (62)
123. Whatever consciousness sees itself as being, it becomes. (62)
124. Consciousness is the Father aspect of the creative principal. (62)(77)
125. When you speak you are speaking to Spirit, you are Spirit speaking. (63)
126. Be careful of what you believe, for your beliefs will, without question, become your experiences. (63)
127. Where there is life there is energy. (64)
128. An effect, of itself, has no being. (64)
129. Your personality was created in ignorance of who and what you are. (65)
130. There is not something and Spirit. (67)
131. We have but to give thanks and know that whatever we need; is already ours (67/68)?
132. Consciousness is the Father principal and intelligence is the Mother principal. (62,68,77,78)
133. The infinite created a temple through which it could express as God in the world of form. (69)
134. We have never been made aware of what we were created to be. (69)
135. The invisible world alone has being. (70)
136. The only thing that can express is Spirit. (71)
137. Whatever the consciousness believes-the intelligence brings into manifestation; be it a form or condition.(72)
138. The attributes of God are the Substance of all Form. (73)

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)
139. God is life. Where there is life, there is energy. Where there is life, there is consciousness. Where there is consciousness,
there is intelligence, where there is Life, there is Light and Love. These attributes are inseparable. They are omnipotent,
omnipresent and omniscientall of them. (73)
140. Every electron is intelligent energy embodied. Electrons are components of atoms, Atoms form molecules; molecules form
Tissues, tissues form bodies. (73)
141. It is the action of the consciousness upon the intelligence that initiates the creative principal. (74)
142. It is the sole purpose of the intelligence to bring into being what the consciousness decrees as being. (74)
143. The intelligence responds only to the individuals Faith. (74)
144. Every individual is the embodiment of Spirit, so every individual is the activator of the creative principal. (75)
145. No matter what we are looking at, no matter what we eat or wear, all is spirit. (76)
146. The invisible substance of the Universe is an electronic substance. (77)
147. Consciousness can influence matter. (78)
148. As you sow, so you shall reap. (LAW)(78)
149. Matter is Spirit in manifestation. (78)
150. Consciousness and Intelligence are two fundamental aspects of matter. (78)
151. When the intelligence can sense that confidence, the decree of the individual will be made manifest. (79)
152. Learn to control your thinking. (79)
153. Every belief you have will, sooner or later, manifest. (79)
154. All matter is energy in motion and that which establishes the frequency is consciousness. (80)
155. Intelligence is the all-knowing aspect of Spirit and knows all that is needed to be known, in order to bring into manifestation
whatever the consciousness decrees. (LAW)(80)
156. Many are called-but few are chosen, Many are called, but few choose to follow. (83)
157. We must die to self. (84)
158. You must walk in the God consciousness, in order to live in the Kingdom of God, in that consciousness. (84)
159. The only way to enter into the Kingdom of God; is to realize that the Kingdom of God is a state of mind, a state of knowing,
that I and the Father are One. (84)
160. Planet earth is the Garden of Eden. (85)
161. The ever present, omnipresent Kingdom of God here on earth. (85)
162. Man is the embodiment of everything that God is and, because of this, man can become whoever, or whatever, he or she
chooses to be. (86)
163. Spirit is a word that describes the attributes of God. (86)
164. To believe that there is good and evil is partake of a false belief. (86)
165. As long as man believes in good and evil, he will create both the good and evil that he believes in. (86)
166. See no evil and you will create no evil. (86)
167. Only as God can you enter the Kingdom of God. (88)
168. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. (90)(96)
169. Who can be saved? With men it is impossible. (90)(168)
170. By calling the divine temple man the real identity was hidden. (90)
171. You are the presence of the creator. You must believe and accept that you are, with absolute faith. (92)
172. Expect your decree, or you prayer, to be answered and it will be. (92)
173. We are admonished to seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and we would find that all our necessities would be
provided for us. (94)
174. Give thanks for receiving and ye shall have it. (94)
175. Mans form will remain materialized as long as he remains materially minded. (95)
176. So long as you walk in the consciousness of man; in your earthly identity, you cannot enter the Kingdom. It is impossible.
177. Your wealth lies in the creative power within you and not in the things created. (96)
178. All of humanity shares a common identity. (97)
179. As men you can not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (98)
180. You were created to be God, you were born to be God. (98)
181. Only in the awareness of your true identity can you enter. (98)
182. Mankind lives in the illusion of being human beings, unaware that we are all divine beings, God beings. (98)
183. We are really not children of God.(98)
184. There only appears to be a variety of places, on this planet. (99)
185. See everything as perfect, for God is perfect. (100)
186. Declare with authority and the sick will be healed. (100)

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)
187. Ye shall decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you. (100)
188. The thought waves emanating from the consciousness of an individual who KNOWS the truth are healing vibrations.
189. Individually, we are both transmitting stations and receiving sets. (101)
190. When we think, we send out thought waves.
191. When you think, you are sending out thought vibrations. (101)
192. Men believe in the reality of matter and in that consciousness they also believe in the reality of sickness, imperfection, or
193. In the consciousness of God there is no sickness, imperfection, or death. (101)
194. Any manifestation of disease, or sickness, is error manifesting in the form. (102)
195. The manifestation of disease, or sickness, in the form is but an effect, caused by erroneous thinking. (102)
196. Disease is but a name for the disturbance of the fluids in the body which are calmed by truth. (102)
197. Marvel not at the things you see me do, for you can do these things also. (103)
198. We live in a world of cause and effect. (104)
199. Consciousness is creative, so if you dont like the effects you have been experiencing, change the cause, change your
beliefs. (104)
200. An effect cannot exist without a cause. (104)
201. Change a cause and you automatically change the effect. (104)
202. The belief in sickness and disease is the cause of sickness and disease. (104)
203. Speak with that authority, for, in fact you are that. (105)
204. When you speak with that authority the intelligence will, of a certainty, rush into action to bring into manifestation that
which you have decreed as being. (105)
205. Pay no attention to any manifestation or expression of imperfection. (105)
206. Speak with assurance, knowing that there is no imperfection in the Divine attributes. (105)
207. When I see a sickness or disease manifesting, I know that I am looking at error in consciousness manifesting. (106)
208. The Truth will destroy the manifestation of error. (106)
209. As long as you believe yourself to be John Doe, you will not be able to effect a healing. (107)
210. He limits himself by his limited concept of himself. (107)
211. In actual reality you are perfect. (107)
212. When the healer knows this, the so-called patient will be healed. (107)
213. The intelligence responds to faith and love and thanks. (108)
214. One thing you cannot do is fool the intelligence. (109)
215. It will not give you what you ask for; it will give you what you believe. (109)
216. The intelligence only responds to faith, cooperation and understanding. (109)
217. The law of thought, As you think, so shall it be unto you. (109)
218. The Creative Principle is absolute. (109)
219. Dont concern yourself with removing the sickness or the disease. Remove the illusion. (109)
220. Of myself I can do nothing. (109)
221. Anyone can become an effective healer. (110)
222. Your faith does not have to be the size of a mountain. If it is as much as a grain of mustard seed, you can move the
mountain. (110)
223. There is really no such thing as a healer. (111)
224. A healer is really only a knower of the Truth. (111)
225. The intelligence is omniscient. (111)
226. The intelligence will give being to whatever the consciousness believes to be. (111)
227. Disease is an effect. (111)
228. Change the consciousness! From believing in disease, to believing in perfection. (111)
229. The healer knows that the individual is totally a manifestation of Spirit, which is perfect substance. (111)
230. Affirm the perfection of the temple, the body and all will be well. (112)
231. Just remove the illusion, the erroneous thinking. (113)
232. That which is necessary to effect a healing is the healers consciousness. (113)
233. The healer has to know the Truth. (113)
234. It is the healers knowing that causes a healing. (113)
235. In actual reality, there is nothing to heal. (113)
236. There is no saviour, there is no other. (113)
237. Disease, sickness and imperfection exist only because of mans belief in their existence. (113)
238. As a healer do not concern yourself with trying to remove the disease. Simply remove the illusion. (114)

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)
239. Born again believers can never attain the realization of Oneness, as long as they believe that they are separate and apart from
their creator. (115)
240. The belief that there is God and you will keep you from attaining the consciousness of Oneness. (115)
241. When you realize that you are the embodiment of all that God is, you will then realize that the kingdom of God is a state of
mind and that the kingdom of God is right where you are, wherever you are. (115)
242. The Spiritual rebirth, as taught by the evangelical world churches, can never lead one into the realization of Oneness! (115)
243. God is seen as an anthropomorphic being. (116)
244. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (116)
245. Nor is Satan an anthropomorphic being. (117)
246. In that consciousness it is man that is the Satan. (117)
247. Man is Satan in action. (117)
248. Satan lives in the consciousness of being man. (117)
249. Satan is the outer self; the John Doe that man believes himself to be. (117)
250. If you eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will surely die. (118)
251. By believing in good and evil you automatically deny the omnipresence of God, of that which God is. (118)
252. Satan is man functioning in human consciousness and Christ is man functioning in God-consciousness. (118)
253. If God is the real you, then who is Satan? (119)
254. Only God is and God is Omnipotent. (119)
255. We have been lead to believe that we can only get to the Kingdom of God, after death. (120)
256. It can only bind you in the sense of duality. (120)
257. You do not possess the attributes of God, you are the attributes of God embodied. (120)
258. The master will appear as soon as you become conscious of being One with God. (120)
259. You cannot live in the consciousness of God (of being God) as long as you live as a man. (123)
260. It is the self, the illusion that must die. Not the body. (124)
261. When we see ourselves as sinners, not yet perfect, we will continue to remain in that illusion. (125)
262. We will never become perfect as long as we see ourselves as being imperfect. (125)
263. You must accept God as being your reality. (126)
264. To attain that awareness, you must first of all make a choice. (126)
265. To attain the consciousness you start by practicing the presence of God. (126)
266. Practice the presence of God my knowing that you are that presence. (126)
267. Intelligence does not act of itself; it is always directed by consciousness. (127)
268. You must set aside all dependency on your personal worth. (128)
269. You as John Doe must get completely out of the way. (128)
270. You must learn to trust in the creative principle and not in your riches. (128)
271. He cannot have both. (129)
272. At no time did Jesus say that you had to die, to enter the Kingdom of God. (130)
273. Then will his body be transformed. (130)
274. Ye may know and believe, that the Father is in me and I in Him. (131)
275. Ye are Gods: and all of you are children of the most High. (131)
276. Except you be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
277. Except a man be born again, he cannot she the Kingdom of God. (132)
278. The only thing necessary for the manifestation of your desires is sufficient faith to implement the creativity. Faith is the
catalyst; the essential ingredient in bringing about that manifestation. (132)
279. Whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. (134)
280. This involves giving up of all earthly desires, all earthly ambitions. (134)
281. Matter is the manifestation of energy. (135)
282. ---The creation of Matter--- (135)
283. By dwelling in that consciousness the substance of you body, which is Spirit, will be raised into the frequency of light. (135)
284. It will no longer be manifesting as light. (135)
285. When Spirit gives being to itself in conscious form, it develops a personality. (136)
286. Consciousness is an aspect of Spirit and consciousness is mouldable. (136)
287. We must be born again. Born into the realization that God is our reality, that we are the embodiment of that which is God.
(136)(162) (167) (169)
288. The Kingdom of God is like unto a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field. (137)
289. Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. (138)
290. MenThey are for the most part, ignorant of spiritual knowledge. (139)

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)
291. They seek to find their relationship to God. Instead, they are made to believe that God is an anthropomorphic being, who
sent his son. (139)
292. They can never be more than practicing Christians. (139)
293. True religion is not a withdrawal from the world, but a knowledge of the imminence of God in all creation! (140)
294. The world would be quick to ridicule you (142)
295. Nothing evolvedevery thing was created. (143) (149)(153)(157)(220)(261)
296. Biblical scholars; the followers of Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius and others believe that God created all things.
297. An effect is cause manifesting. (143)
298. Causethe dictionary says (143)
299. Anything that is analogous to a living thing, and as cause and effect are the same thing and as every living thing is
an organism it has to follow that the cause is also an organism. (144)
300. The Universe is a gigantic unimaginable intricate Creative Living Spiritual Organism. (144)
301. The earth is little more than a garden in which its other manifestations can thrive. (144)
302. The Universe is a Mental Phenomenon. (144)
303. This Universal Organism is an invisible Mental organism which functions according to absolute irrevocable laws! (144)
304. No living thing; I repeat that, NO LIVING THING, in fact no thing, period! every played a role in its coming into
being. (145)
305. Start thinking of yourself as being an organism; a creative organism. Scientifically thats what you are! (146)
306. Think of LIFE as being an ORGANISM. You do not have Life, You are Life manifesting AS YOU. (147)
307. By proclaiming that all living forms were the result of evolution he (Charles Darwin) in fact denied the source of his own
being. (148)
308. It produced every thing by becoming every thing, by being everything. By Creation according to a creative principal!
309. In reality no thing has ever had being other than this Organism! (148)
310. Life did not evolve; the organism did not evolve; IT ALWAYS WAS! (148)
311. What then do the evolutionists think evolved? (149)(143)(157)(220)(261)
312. The capacity to adapt belongs to the manifestor, an attribute embodied in the manifested enabling it to survive. (149)
313. You cannot separate Life from its manifestations. (149)
314. No thing ever came into being through evolution. (150)
315. THE REALIZATION OF ONENESSEnoch, Eljah, Isahia, Moses, and Jesus. (151)
316. Herein lies the key to the conundrum. (152)
317. Man alone has free will to choose. (151)(220)
318. Whatsoever things ye so desire; believe ye shall receive and ye shall have it. (153)
319. The thing producing the seed can only reproduce what it is because its seed embodies its consciousness. (153)
320. The image of the thing is in the seed and according to the Creative Principal and the law of growth the intelligence will
produce another thing. (LAW) (153)
321. When the branch thinks, it is in reality the vine that is thinking. (154)
322. Man is creative only because the source is creative; because it is who he is. (154)
323. Man is the source manifesting, God manifesting. (154)
324. You are not Life. LIFE is what you are. (154)
325. We never see the cause of form, we only see the form. (155)
326. If no thing every played any role in its coming into being, what then gave every thing being? (156)
327. To call that which is God it is quite offensive to the Christian. (156)
328. We must no longer see God as an anthropomorphic being but as CREATIVE MIND; as a living Organism, which
functions according to a creative principal! (156)
329. To ridicule those who believe in creation, even though they cannot comprehend it, is simply an expression of mans
ignorance of what he is. (157)
330. Evolution of ideas, one idea leading to another. (157)
331. The creation of one thing led to the creation of another not thing evolved. (157)(149)(153)(220) (261)
332. Man did not evolve from Monkeys. (158)
333. Millions upon millions of seekers are being led into darkness by those who believe and proclaim themselves to be Gods
chosen when in fact they are the blind leading the blind. (159)
334. They have made an idol out of the messenger while missing his message completely. (159)
335. The salvation of man lies not in believing that Christ died for you. It lies in the realization that you and the Father are
One! (161)

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)
336. Only as God can you walk in the Kingdom of God. (161)
337. Our outer self (the Satan) was the elusion. (162)
338. There will never be peace on earth so long as we believe we are different. (162)
339. The Church has completely missed the mark. (163)
340. Your thoughts are coloured according to your beliefs and so you create accordingly. (163)
341. These are the attributes of God. (163)
342. The power of prayer lies not in praying in Christs name (164)
343. Man, functioning in God consciousness is Christ in action, Man functioning in his human consciousness is Satan in
action. (164)
344. Without prayer men have more freedom to exercise their personal views. (164)
345. The oneness of man must be taught in every church on earth. (165)
346. A prayer for oneness (165)
347. Christ is not a specific individual. (169)
348. God is the reality of every individual being. (169)
349. You are God embodied! You are a manifestation of everything God is! (168)
350. The church cannot set this aside as the rantings of a heretic. (170)
351. The church has failed to realize the significance of what man was created to be. (170)
352. When Jesus spoke, it was the Father speaking. He was God speaking. (171)
353. Disciples wrote from the consciousness of being men. (171)
354. You cannot walk in God consciousness so long as you believe yourself to be a mere man! (172)
356. In the same manner that a branch is a manifestation of the vine; as a wave is a manifestation of the ocean, so too are you
a manifestation of God. (172)
358. Man is the activator of the creative principle and he sets the creative principle in motion by his thoughts. (176)
359. Man the creative consciousness of God manifesting. (176)
360. The world of Humanity is the world of confusion and illusion; this so called real world filled with hate, greed selfishness,
turmoil and war. (177)
361. Branches are manifestations of the vine as waves are manifestations of the ocean. (177)
362. It is even erroneous for us to see ourselves as sons and daughters of God. (177)
363. Does the church not try to teach you to be like Christ? (177)
364. Our relationship to God is like the relationship of electric power to a power outlet. (178)
365. The desire to create is an aspect of the nature of God. (179)
366. It is the eternal nature of God to create. (179)
367. The seed that gives being to a thing (what ever that thing might be) embodies the image the consciousness, of the
thing that produced it no matter what that thing might be. (180)
368. The worm does not have free will; it does not have the capacity to interfere with or to bring about the natural metamorphic
process referring to butterfly. (181)(151)(220)
369. We were not born to die. (181)
370. We were born to be Gods. (181)
371. With the transfiguration being the end result of that consciousness. (181)
372. Passing from this plane, not by death, but by a spiritual transfiguration. (181)
373. The image of God, exists within the embryo that develops as a human being. (181)
374. The belief that we are mere men, keeps the individual in the worm stage preventing the complete development of the
God man. (181)
375. The consciousness within the chrysalis does not have free will and thus cannot interfere with the metamorphic process.
376. The consciousness of being a human being is what prevents the transformation. (182)
377. Only an omniscient intelligence could create a creative being such as itself. (183)
378. None of us are plugged into Divine Life. (184)
379. It is life that is thinking. (187)
380. You dont require a name to enable you to think. (187)
381. What part of you is not God? (187)
382. The one source lights every bulb. (189)

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)
383. It is not the authority of the scriptures that needs to be questioned. (189)
384. This is a perfect example of the divisive effects of a consciousness of duality. (199)
385. We cannot create a consciousness of oneness while at the same time promoting a consciousness of duality. (191)
386. It is impossible for us to be All One, any more than we already are! (191)
387. They (religious pious state) believe that He dwells within their heart. (194)
388. Christ is not a person; Christ is the Divine personality personified; the universal mind personified. (195) (204)
389. Satan is already in charge and has been almost from the beginning. (196)
390. The church has failed to discover the key that will lead you into the Kingdom of God. (196)
391. God did not send His Son. (196)
392. The truth is available to anyone for free. (197)
393. Religions are mens ideas of how God would have us live. (197)
394. They threaten the masses with the fear of hell and eternal damnation (197)
395. The Christian churches promote their concept of the spiritual rebirth as the means of entering Gods kingdom. (197)
396. What good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? (197)
397. Man has failed to grasp the fact that man and God are One. (198)
398. The longer you walk in this consciousness the more certain you will be that you need never die. (198)
399. This transformation is known as the transfiguration! (198)
400. Man was not born to die! (198) (213)
401. Every man is God embodied ETERNAL LIFE EMBODIED. You were created to be the Christ! (199)
402. It is much less demanding to worship Christ than it is to walk as Christ. (199)
403. When you become aware that you and God are One; one and the same, the only thing that changes is your attitude your
state of mind. (199)
404. So too does it require years of practicing the presence of God before you become as he who was called the Christ. (199)
405. To attain a consciousness of Oneness you must be cleansed of all past beliefs; of all past parental, social and cultural
programming. (199)
406. When you recognize that you and God are One, your attitude towards every thing will change, this awareness is a
progression of consciousness; an expansion of consciousness. (200)
407. The keys; exist within the Bible, but they have rarely been discovered.. (200)
408. The most emphatic statement we can make is the example we set. (200)
409. If they look forward to the physical return of The Christ they wait in vain. (201)
410. No one can walk in God consciousness (in a realization of Oneness) prior to experiencing the REAL spiritual rebirth.
411. An effect is simple the cause manifesting. (202)
412. Every cell of our being is intelligent. (202)
413. In healing, we simply reprogram the intelligence. (202)
414. Matter is energy manifesting. (202)
415. Energy is one aspect of the substance of the universe. (202)
416. Consciousness and intelligence are also aspects of this universal substance. (202)
417. This universal substance is the substance of all form. (202)
418. Cause is always in consciousness. (203)
419. We search for God all our lives, never realizing that God is the reality of each of us. (203)
420. It is the consciousness that thinks, the spirit, that thinks. (203)
421. Consciousness is mouldable. (203)
422. The universe has been described by many prominent scientists as being a mental phenomenon. (204)
423. Cause and effect are not two things they are one and the same. (205)
424. Ask yourself Would God the Creator; create something apart from himself, thereby giving himself opposition or
competition? (205
425. You are a manifestation of Mind God is creative Mind! You are creative mind manifesting. (208)
426. Every cell of your body is intelligent more than that, every cell of your body is intelligence. (208)
427. Your body is mind manifesting. (208)
428. The vibrations radiating from a consciousness that knows the truth, are healing vibrations, they are synonymous with light
vibrations. (211)
429. Your mind is not just your head. (211)
430. Disease is but a name for the disturbance of the fluids or mind. (211)
431. You must realize the absolute nothingness of the outer self. (212)

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)
432. God does not give being to any man to any thing. God gives being only to Himself as every living thing
and that includes every man! (212)
433. There is only One mind! (212)
435. I am the Lord and there is non else. (214)
436. The I am that I am is the real identity of every child that has ever been born. (214)
437. I am the Macrocosm I am the Microcosm (215)
438. Do so humbly and quietly, for the world is quick to reject the truth to crucify the Christ. (216)
439. No matter what our name might be we are God manifesting. (216)
440. Without life we would not exist. (217)
441. Each of us is an individual manifestation of creative, intelligent Life, of creative consciousness. (218)
442. Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus. (218)
443. If you should ask, what is the point of it all? (220)
444. Nothing evolved, for there was nothing to evolve. (220)(149)(153)(157)(261)
445. Knowing that you and God are one and the same is to function in Christ consciousness. (220)
446. Universal Mind (God) is the epitome of free will (220)
447. Man is the only manifestation that has the capacity to be co-creator with his/her source. (221)
448. Not only the world, but even the churches of the world still believe in Good and Evil. (221)
449. Man in his ignorance is destroying the planet. (222)
450. What is the serpent? Who is the serpent? (222)
451. To live as God requires constant self-discipline. To live as God is to live by faith faith in the creative power of
consciousness for that is what a man is creative consciousness embodied! (224)
452. Those who function in the Christ Mind (Christ consciousness) are looked upon as mystics to those who function as men.
453. They are the ones who think it is the mystic who is living in an illusion. 225
454. To men Christ consciousness is considered to be mysticism. (225)
455. It is a paradox Man is not God. That which God is is what a man is! (225)
456. What is the tree of knowledge of good and evil? (226)
457. The word Life and the word God are synonymous. (229)
458. To say that they walked with God implies Duality. (229)
459. You can attain an awareness of being God by humbly practicing the presence of God. (231)
460. The disciples were not aware of the fact that they were talking to God. (232)
461. They have been promoting the worship of the messenger instead of the messengers message. (232)
462. The messages of Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and Laotse have similarities; they pertain to the Oneness of man and God.
463. The churches have made us believe that we are separate and apart from God. (233)
464. No living thing every played any role in its coming into being and thats because no living thing of itself has any being.
465. Nothing divides humanity more than language, culture or religion. (235)
466. Mother Theresa has been quoted as saying that, the poorest of the poor is but Christ in his most distressing disguise.
467. It is the self THE ILLUSION that must die! Not the body! (240)
468. You are not plugged into Life. You are an outlet (241)
469. Therein lies the key. (241)
470. The salvation of humanity lies in realizing all that God is we are. (244)
471. Realize that God is perfect that God is Life that God is Love realize that God is our reality. (244)
472. I can never be more than I am at this moment. I can never be more than my creator for the creator Is that which I am.
473. We are but outlets through which the divine mind can be God in the visible world of form. (249)
474. The Universe is actually an immense organism whose identity is I. (250)
475. As the source is the reality of the manifestation it too must be an organism (250)
476. Man has eternal life not because he is a man but because he is eternal life manifesting AS A MAN. (251)
477. The only organism in which and through which the source can manifest itself as God is the organism known as man.
478. Even though the source is the reality of every living thing in no other organism can the source function AS the source
(as God) in the manifest world of form. (251)

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)
479. It is the creative organism having the capacity to think and its thoughts are creative. (251)
480. We think in the second person. (252)
481. In that consciousness we are about one or two percent as creative as we would be if we were aware of our relationship to
God who is our reality. (252)
482. The source is not an anthropomorphic being, but as it manifests as man he becomes an anthropomorphic being.. (252)
483. As God manifests as man he becomes an anthropomorphic manifestation. (252)
484. Nothing ever came into being without conscious direction. (253)
485. Scientifically every living thing is energy manifesting as that thing. (254)
486. The capacity to be God exists in no other living organism on the planet. (254)
487. No other thing can be more than it was created to be. Only man was made in the image and likeness of God. (254)
488. Even though that which is God is the reality of every living thing only as it manifests as man can it be on earth what is
in heaven. (254)
489. The belief that the human race is a race of human beings is but an illusion THE GREATEST OF ALL ILLUSIONS.
490. Only a few very few, have ever grown to maturity. (255)
491. The human race has never gotten beyond living as men/women. (255)
492. We have found it easier to live as men and worship God rather than worshipping God walking AS God for therein
lies the key to life eternal. In that consciousness we shall never die. (255)
493. We do not have eternal Life because God gave us eternal Life we have eternal Life because we ARE ETERNAL LIFE
494. Then will the one who discovers this realize that the entire universe in the Kingdom Of God. (256)
495. When He (Jesus) proclaimed His oneness with God they accused Him of blasphemy. (258)
496. What about the spiritual birth . (259)
497. Man has never discovered the alternative to death. (259)
498. Whoever chooses to die to self to their outer identity, and live as Sons of God were meant to live need never die. (259)
499. Missing link (260)
500. If every living think is an organism and if every living thing is actually the cause manifesting the cause has to
also be an organism. (260)
501. The source is the cause it is also the reality of the effect. (260)
502. The significance of the description of Oneness that is mentioned in the Bible has been totally overlooked. (261)
503. I am. I AM is the missing link only I am. (261)
504. The long-awaited resurrection. (262)
505. You do not have to die physically to experience the resurrection. (263)

The Christ Mind
(Robert A. Clark: ISBN 0-9697757-0-9)


Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9

1. All things emanate from that Source, then permeate the Isness all over, and real themselves as Individuations of the
Whole. (10)
2. At the beginning, your thoughts are Mine, and Mine are yours (10)
3. The individual interpretations of the one message produce the miracle of Oneness in many forms. (11)
4. This Oneness in many forms is what you call life. (11)
5. Life is God, interpreted. (11)
6. The first level of translation is from the unified non-physical to the individuated non-physical. (11)
7. The second level of translation is from the individuated non-physical to the individuated physical. (11)
8. The third level of translation is from the individuated physical into the unified physical. (11)
9. Then the cycle of Life is complete. (11)
10. Individuation. (11)
11. The purpose of individual expression is for Me to experience My Self as the whole, through the experiencing of My
parts. (11)
12. You are the Sum of God. (11)
13. There is nothing that I have ever been that I have ceased to be. And there is nothing that I will ever be that I am not
now. I cannot become anything that I now am not, nor can I fail to be anything that I once was. (12)
14. All you have to do is be, and all you have to be is Me. (13)
15. We are All One. (13)
16. This is the only message that matters. (13)
17. The idea that we are not One is an illusion. (14)
18. The idea that God turned stone-silent and stopped talking to the human race a long time ago is false. (14)
19. The idea that God is angry with the human race and kicked it out of Paradise is false. (14)
20. The idea that God has set Himself up as judge and jury and will be deciding whether members of the human race go to
heaven or hell is false. (14)
21. This is the good news. Everything else is an illusion. (14)
22. They have forgotten that their forgetting is itself part of what they have forgottenand therefore part of the illusion.
23. Here are The Ten Illusions: (15)
24. The first five of these are the Physical illusions (16)
25. The second five are the Metaphysical illusions (16)
26. You are living an illusion. (17)
27. Your cultural Story is based on illusions, it produces myths rather than an understanding of reality. (18)
28. The cultural story of Humans is that: (18)
29. Some of the most prominent myths have been reduced to concepts, such as (18)
30. Here is how many humans have come to think about Life: (19)
31. You will literally have to be in this world, but not of it. (23)
32. This message is for those who are not satisfied with their world as it is. (23)
33. All of the illusions are simply variations on The First Illusion. (23)
34. You are about to climb out of primitive culture. (24)
35. The First Illusion is: NEED EXISTS (27)
36. This is not only The First Illusion, but the grandest. On this illusion are all others illusions based. (27)
37. Need is non-existent in the Universe. (27)
38. Happiness is not created as a result of certain conditions. Certain conditions are created as a result of happiness. (29)
39. Love Is not created as a result of certain conditions. Certain conditions are created as a result of love. (29)
40. Compassion is not created as a result of certain conditions. Certain conditions are created as a result of compassion.
41. Abundance is not created as a result of certain conditions. Certain conditions are created as a result of abundance. (29)
42. Beingness precedes experience, and produces it. (30)
43. God is not greater than you. (30)
44. The Pleasure Principle. (31)
45. The first mistake. (31)
46. Thy Will be done. (31)
47. It was to fix the flaw in The First Illusion that The Second Illusion was created. (33)
48. The Second Illusion is: FAILURE EXISTS. (34)

Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9
49. Since you noticed that you could fail to obtain all the things that you imagine you need to be happy, you have declared
that the same is true of God. (35)
50. Your first encounter with fear. (35)
51. The Third Illusion is: DISUNITY EXISTS(37)
52. The only escape from the conundrum of The Second Illusion was to create a third; The Creator and the creations were
not all one. (37)
53. This is the Illusion of Disunitythe idea that separation exists. (37)
54. Disunity produces the possibility of Failure, and Failure is only possible if Need exists. (38)
55. The first three illusions are the most crucial. (38)
56. Do not, He commanded, eat of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. (38)
57. This, the story says, is the ultimate offence, the supreme blasphemy. (38)
58. Such are the convoluted stories that have grown into religious doctrine on your planet. (39)
59. The idea that Disunity exists has the most impact on human affairs. (40)
60. Humans have missed a glorious opportunity to use the most powerful force in the Universe. (41)
61. The Master does not refrain from complaining in order to limit suffering, but because the Master does not interpret the
experience of pain as suffering, but simply as pain. (41)
62. Pain is an experience. Suffering is a judgment which is made about that experience. (41)
63. Masters overcome all suffering, although they may not escape all pain. (41)
64. Efforts in your society are directed not nearly so much at seeking to change these behaviours as seeking to punish them.
65. Until they correct the conditions in society which create and invite unwanted behaviours, they will correct nothing. (42)
66. They seek to end killing with killing, to end violence with violence, to quell anger with anger. In doing all of this, they
fail to see their hypocrisy and thus embody it. (43)
67. Individual human behaviours, they tell themselves, are not having such a negative effect on The Whole that they could
actually cause The Whole to collapse. (44)
68. This is The Fourth Illusion: INSUFFICIENCY EXISTS (46)
69. It arose out of The Third Illusion, for without the idea of Disunity, the idea of Insufficiency is insupportable. If there is
only One Thing, and that One Thing Is All That Is, there can be no insufficiency of any kind, because that One Thing is
everything, and thus It is sufficient unto Itself. (46)
70. The idea of separation was a blessed idea. (47)
71. When you forget that separation is an illusion, you imagine that it is the real state of things. The illusion no longer
creates experience, it becomes experience. (47)
72. The devise becomes the experience. (47)
73. Still, as long as you imagine that you are separate from god, you will imagine that you are something other than what
God iswhich is Life itself. You may think that you are that which lives, but you will not imagine yourself to be Life
Itself. (48)
74. This separation of Itself from itself is what you have called the casting out from the Garden of Eden. (48)
75. You were told to have dominion, but you have decided that this means domination. (48)
76. You are slowly destroying nature as it naturally is in an attempt to experience yourself as you already naturally are. (48)
77. You already are what you seek to beeternal, unlimited, and one with all (48)
78. Out of this fear you produce your next imagined reality: death. (49)
79. This is the illusion of Insufficiency played out at the highest level. (49)
80. You have created the illusion of Disunity in order to experience the reality of Oneness. Only when you are outside the
reality can you experience it. (49)
81. In the absence of that which you are not, that which you are, is not. (49)
82. In the absence of Disunity, unity is not. (50)
83. You cannot know yourself as Who You Really are (50)
84. We are The Collective, The Single Reality in Multiple Formhaving taken Multiple Form that we might notice and
experience the glory of our Single Reality. (50)
85. You lost sight of the fact that you coupled in response to the only real instinct, which is love. (51)
86. You have called your new basic instinct The Survival Instinct (51)
87. Humanity is not presently a large part of your planets philosophy or theology (52)
88. Religions have repressed frank and honest inquiry (52)
89. The Fifth Illusion: REQUIREMENT EXISTS (54)
90. How does one quality? (54)
91. To qualify for enough. (55)

Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9
92. The illusion of Requirement is nothing more than a different take on the illusion of Need (56)
93. The announcement of your species that there is a Requirement that must be met in order to acquire anything of which
there is not enoughincluding Gods lovehas proven to be one of the most significant decisions the human race has
ever made. (56)
94. Here are a few of the things you have decided that you must do in order to have a good life on earth: (56)
95. Here are a few of the things you have decided that you must do in order to please God and get into heaven: (57)
96. You lay claim to Me and you do so viciously, ferociously, for you feel that if you can lay claim to Me, you can lay
claim to anything else you desire, in My name. (59)
97. You have performed the most ungodly acts in the name of God, and all because you think that I have a Requirement that
you must fulfill in order to receive Me, My love, and all the stuff of Life. (59)
98. The Sixth Illusion: JUDMENT EXISTS (61)
99. How will it be determined whether a person has met the Requirement of not? And what will happen to those who have
not? (61)
100. Someone, you reasoned, must be the final arbiter. (61)
101. Sacrifices and rituals of all kinds grew up around this belief, all designed to mollify difficult deities. (62)
102. Today most people believe that there is only one ill-tempered God who has to be mollified. (62)
103. This God As Avenger model of Deity has never lost favour in your societies. (63)
104. Some theologies state flatly that no one can meet the Requirements (63)
105. Pre-judgmentthat is, prejudicemust, therefore, be okay (64)
106. On this, most agree: Humans are imperfect in the eyes of God, and there is something that they have to do in order to
achieve perfection---variously described as Purification, Salvation, Enlightenmentwhatever. (65)
107. You have accepted as reality the illusion of Judgment; then you have declared that if God judges you, you have the
right to judge everyone else. (66)
108. The Seventh Illusion: CONDEMNATION EXISTS (68)
109. There had to be a consequence of Judgement. If it was true that Judgment exists, there had to be a why. (68)
110. Insufficiency was the result of Gods punishment. (69)
111. This you called Condemnation. (70)
112. The ultimate manifestation of Insufficiency. (79)
113. To say that death exists would be to say that you do not exist, for you are Life Itself. (71)
114. You are all God, in formation (72)
115. Your life lived is a measure of what you have and what you do not have. It is a reflection of your deepest
understandings. (72)
116. This is unconditional love (72)
117. When you have an unconditional love of Life, then you love Life just the way it is showing up, right here, right now.
118. This will bring you equanimity in this moment (73)
119. You will even find equanimity in the moments before your death, for you will see your death, too, as perfect. (73)
120. Every moment is a dying. (73)
121. In each moment you are recreating yourself anew. (73)
122. You can experience more life whenever you wish. (74)
123. This much I promise you: You will experience more life at the moment of your physical death (74)
124. The way to produce more life is to experience more death (74)
125. Once you understand that there is always more Life, you will learn to use the illusion that there is not enough Life in
away that serves you. (75)
126. There is enough time, there is enough Life, and there is enough of the stuff of life to allow you to live in happiness
forever (75)
127. When you know that there is enough, you stop competing with others. (75)
128. This alters everything. (75)
129. The reason for this is clear. There is no one else in the room. (76)
130. The Eighth Illusion: CONDITIONALITY EXISTS (78)
131. In order for Condemnation to exist, there must be something that you dont understand about love. (78)
132. There are more than ten illusions. (79)
133. Each of your cultures has created its own, but some way or another they are all based on the same basic misconception.
This is evidenced by the fact that they have all created the same results. (79)
134. Cause and Effect. (79)
135. Who created That Which Creates? (79)

Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9
136. There is no Conditionality in the Universe. That Which Is is That Which Is, and there are no conditions under which it
is not (80)
137. It is not possible for What Is not to be (80)
138. Love, therefore, knows no condition. (80)
139. Conditional love is an oxymoron. (80)
140. The experience of Conditionality and the experience of love cannot exist at the same time in the same place. (80)
141. You are truly in a Garden of Eden. (81)
142. You may have the life that you desire, and whatever afterlife that you imagine, simply by choosing it. (82)
143. The concepts of forgiveness and salvation were born (82)
144. The Ninth Illusion: SUPERIORITY EXISTS (85)
145. Thus the idea of Superiority was born. (85)
146. Knowing the conditions of Life was called science. (86)
147. Knowing the conditions of the afterlife was called conscience. (86)
148. God logic. (86)
149. Having was added to doing in your experience. (86)
150. The difficulty is that people cannot easily do all the things they need to do unless they have all of the things you say
they need to have. (87)
151. Having the right stuff is not a guarantee of getting all that you desire, but it gives you a big head start. (87)
152. Your entire species has accepted this mantra. (88)
153. It was during your matriarchal period that females were considered superior. (88)
154. There is not such thing as Superiority. (89)
155. Your idea of Superiority could be the last mistake you ever make. (89)
156. By not using the illusions as they were intended, you are turning what was intended to be a beautiful dream into a living
nightmare. (90)
157. A thing cannot be superior to itself. (90)
158. The idea of Superiority is the most seductive idea ever visited upon the human race. (91)
159. Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way. (91)
160. Namast.
161. God in me honors God in you. (91)
162. The Tenth Illusion: IGNORANCE EXISTS (93)
163. We just dont know. (93)
164. We are not supposed to know actually became a religious doctrine. (94)
165. This doctrine quickly spread from religion to politics and government. (94)
166. This prohibition against inquiry elevated Ignorance to a desirable attribute. (94)
167. Such barbaric behaviours are justified by proclamations that they are necessary to ensure order. (94)
168. The essence of love is freedom. Anyone who says they love you, and that they are looking out for you, will grant you
freedom. (95)
169. Love grants freedom, fear takes it away. (95)
170. Love opens up, fear closes down. (95)
171. Love invites full expression, fear punishes it. (95)
172. Love invites you, always, to break the bonds of ignorance. To ask any question. To seek any answer. To speak any
word. To share any thought. To support any system. To worship any God. (95)
173. Love invites you, always, to live your truth. (95)
174. You have been told that you cannot know God, and that to even ask about Me is an offence against Me. That is not true.
175. You have been told that there is something that I need from you, and if you do not give it to Me, you may not return
Home, to Oneness with Me. (96)
176. You have been told that you are separate from Me, and that you are separate from each other. (96)
177. You have been told that there is not enough, and that you must therefore compete with each other for everything,
including Me. (96)
178. You have been told that if you do not do what I require in this competition, you will be punished, and that the
punishment is condemnation to everlasting torture. (96)
179. You have been told that My love for you is conditional, and that if you know and meet My conditions, and all the
conditions needed to win the competition for life, then you are superior. (96)
180. You have been told that you do not know that these statements are untrue, and that you can never know, because it is all
far too much for you to understand. (96)

Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9
182. Teach your children that they need nothing exterior to themselves to be happy (101)
183. Teach your children that failure is a fiction (101)
184. Teach your children that they are deeply connected to all of Life, that they are One with all people, and that they are
never separate from God. (101)
185. Teach your children that they live in a world of magnificent abundance (101)
186. Teach your children that there is nothing that they are required to be or to do to be eligible for a life of dignity and
fulfillment (102)
187. Teach your children that they will never be judged (102)
188. Teach your children that consequences and punishment are not the same thing (102)
189. Teach your children that there are no conditions to love (102)
190. Teach your children that being special does not mean being better (102)
191. Teach your children that there is nothing that they cannot do, that the illusion of Ignorance can be eradicated from the
earth (102)
192. This is the journey on which you embarked many centuries and many lifetimes ago. (103)
193. This is the inevitable outcome of the yearning of your soul. (103)
194. It is time to share with the world a glorious vision. (103)
195. You are not the illusion, and the you that you experience within the illusion is not Who You Really Are. (104)
196. You cannot remember Who You Really Are as long as you imagine the illusion to be real. (104)
197. The transformation of your world will depend on your remembering. (104)
198. The meaning of education is not to put in, but to draw out. (104)
199. All education is the drawing out from the student of what is already there. (104)
200. The Master simply endeavors to cause the student to notice that it is there. (104)
201. Teaching is never about helping others to learn but about helping them to remember. (104)
202. All learning is remembering. All teaching is reminding. All lessons are memories, recaptured. (104)
203. It is impossible to teach something new, for there is nothing new to teach (104)
204. God is never finished. (105)
205. Know that God is never done Godding. (105)
206. The process by which I experience Myself is ongoing, never ending, and instant. (105)
207. The particular aspect of Me that is manifesting as human life on earth is even now being transformed (105)
208. You are nearing the second stage of the process of transforming life on your planet (106)
209. Your race is at this breakthrough point now. (106)
210. This was a key point in the onset of a global shift of consciousness in which you are now playing your role. (107)
211. The key to continuing this momentum lies with your young. (107)
212. Teach your children these things, and you will have taught them grandly. (107)
213. Remember, as with all communications from God, take what you read as valuable, but not as infallible. (108)
214. Do not place your source of authority outside of you. (108)
215. Do not say to others, This book is true. Say, This book is true for me. (108)
216. Be careful not to turn this into your new holy scripture, (109)
217. Seek not a set of beliefs, seek an awareness of what you know. (109)
218. The illusion seems so real because so many people believe that it is not an illusion. (109)
219. Science has concluded that nothing which is observed is unaffected by the observer. (111)
220. Double-blind tests. (111)
221. Every conclusion is an illusion. (111)
222. Use the illusion as it was intended to be usedas a tool with which to experience Ultimate Reality. (112)
223. Most of the time you are simply accepting the choices of others. (112)
224. The day that you stop choosing what has been chosen for you will be the moment of your liberation. (112)
225. You will never choose to end the illusion, once you understand its purpose, until your own purpose is fulfilled. (112)
226. Your purpose is not only to know and experience Who You Really Are, but to create Who You Next Will Be. (112)
227. Those who have understood this secret have been called Masters. (113)
228. To live as an enlightened Master, you must become a heretic and a blasphemer, for you will not believe what everyone
else believes, and others will deny your new truth even as you deny their old one. (113)
229. The illusion is not something you are enduring, it is something you are choosing. (114)
230. Know that the illusion in which you live is being created by you, not for you by someone else. (114)
231. You deny responsibility for what you imagine that I would call the inexcusable sins of man. (115)
232. The perfect scapegoat. (116)

Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9
233. Use the Illusion. (117)
234. Only when an illusion is recognized as an illusion and lived as an illusion can it lead to an experience of Ultimate
Reality. Then it serves the purpose of its creator. (118)
235. The way to use the illusion is to know that it is an illusion (118)
236. Nothing that you see is real. (119)
237. You are actually watching yourself. (119)
238. Look to see what you are doing today. Is this how you choose to define yourself? (119)
239. This is your journey to mastery. (120)
240. A great secret: Disunity does not exist. (121)
241. Failure does no exist. (122)
242. The construction of your illusions caves in upon itself. (122)
243. In the stillness, you will find your true being. (122)
244. It is the denial of this truth that perpetuates the negative effects of the illusion. (123)
245. The illusion was meant to be your joy. It was meant to be your tool (123)
246. There is no separation of anything, from anything. (123)
247. Disunity does not exist (123)
248. Insufficiency does not exist (123)
249. You will not be judged. (124)
250. You cannot be condemned. (124)
251. Love is unconditional. (124)
252. There is no one and no thing that is superior in Gods kingdom. (124)
253. Love is not quantifiable. (124)
254. You are not the receiver of love, you are that which you would seek to receive. This is a great secret (124)
255. You are re-membering---becoming a member once again of the One Body. (125)
256. Because there is no Superiority, there are not some who know more than others, and some who know less. There are
merely those who remember more, and remember less, of what has always been know. (125)
257. Ignorance does not exist. (125)
258. You have been asked to deny Me be the very religions that would invite you to know Me. (125)
259. It has been clear to you for some time that there is a flaw in the illusions. (127)
260. The reason for the illusions is to provide a localized context field within which you may re-create yourself anew in the
next grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about Who You Are. (128)
261. Outside of this localized context, you can only know yourself as All That Is. And All That Is cannot experience Itself as
what it is, since there is nothing else. (128)
262. In the absence of that which you are not, That Which You Are is not. (128)
263. This is the only question God ever had. (129)
264. Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? (129)
265. And who do I now choose to be? (129)
266. Life is not a process of discovery, it is a process of creation. (129)
267. Every act is an act of self-definition. (129)
268. You are using the experience of that which you are not in order to have the experience of That Which You Really Are.
269. Expressing the glory of Who You Are in the moment that you are confronted with an illusion is what the journey to
mastery is about. (130)
270. Here is that process in brief: A. See the illusions as illusion.
B. Decide what they mean.
C. Re-create yourself anew.
271. Highly evolved beings remain aware of the illusions, and they never end them (130)
272. It is your will to experience a particular aspect of you, the illusions are your tools. (131)
273. The movement away from the harsh realities of life is to step away from the illusions, and to see them for what they
really are. (132)
274. In the relative world, you cannot experience Who You Are except in the space of that which you are not. (132)
275. The First illusion, the illusion of Need, may be used to experience the huge aspect of Who You Are that you might
conceptualize as: (132)
276. If you are here, right now, without what you think you need, then why do you think you need it? (133)
277. Even the air you breathe, you do not need. (133)
278. Your body is something that you have, it is not something that you are (134)

Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9
279. Detachmentthe practice of Masters. Masters have learned to achieve detachment before they have evidence that the
life of the body is an illusion. (134)
280. Yet you can master Life while in your physical form, and do not have to wait until you are removed from it to know the
glory of life, and of Who You Are. (134)
281. All of your earthly attachments, in fact, may be experienced what you call the afterlife, or in any future life (135)
282. You will never stop loving those you have loved, in this or any other lifetime, and you will experience full Oneness with
them at the level of Essence at any time that you wish. (135)
283. Dying with God. (135)
284. This is your imaginary hell (135)
285. You will become fearlessand fearlessness produces its own blessing, for lack of fear creates a lack of anything to be
afraid of. (136)
286. The presence of fear draws to you that which you fear. (136)
287. The way to live without fear is to know that every outcome in live is perfectincluding the outcome that you fear most,
which is death. (136)
288. All your needs have been met. (137)
289. False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR) (137)
290. Seeing the illusion of Need as an illusion allows you to use the illusion for the purpose for which it was intended
291. Use the imagining. (137)
292. As soon as you believe that the illusion is real, then you turn caution (a very purposeful use of an illusion) into fear
293. The illusion of Need is the biggest illusion of all. It is The First Illusion, and the most powerful (138)
294. If you do not go within, you go without. (138)
295. Once I was lost, but now I am found. (138)
296. You become what you know yourself to be. (138)
297. The Second Illusion, the illusion of Failure, may be used to experience your inability to fail at anything. (138)
298. Know that when your experience that which you are not, it is not a failure to experience but a way to experience That
Which You Are. (139)
299. By using the illusion of Failure to notice what you have learned (remembered) about life, and to motivate you to apply
the wisdom that you have acquired (139)
300. A failed experiment has not failed at all but merely pointed the way to success. (140)
301. What you call many failures are actually successive experiences. (140)
302. The Illusion of Failure is necessary in order to experience the exhilaration of success. If you succeed at everything,
then you will experience succeeding at nothing. (140)
303. All of life moves in cycles. And it is these cycles that give meaning to life. (140)
304. Gratitude for all of the failures of your life (141)
305. You never fail to succeed. (141)
306. The Third Illusion, the Illusion of Disunity, may be used to experience your unity with everything. (141)
307. If you are united with something for a long time, you will at some point cease to notice that there is a you at all. (141)
308. In the absence of any separation, ever, Oneness is noneness. (141)
309. Let there be spaces in your togetherness. (141)
310. Suffering is a response to separation, and sorrow Is an announcement of its truth. (143)
311. Use the Illusion of Disunity as if it were a tool in the hands of a craftsman. (143)
312. As your sense of Oneness increases, pain and disappointment will vanish from your life. (143)
313. The Fourth Illusion, the Illusion of Insufficiency, may be used to experience your abundance. (143)
314. The Garden of Eden is a myth (143)
315. Heres how you can step outside of the illusion of Insufficiency (144)
316. Seek not to be the recipient of anything but to be the source. (144)
317. That which you wish to have, cause another to have. (144)
318. That which you would seek to experience, cause another to experience. (144)
319. How may you seek the kingdom of heaven? (145)
320. What you give, you become. (145)
321. The Firth Illusion, the illusion of Requirement, may be used to experience that there is nothing you have to do to know
and experience Who You Really Are. (145)
322. Disobey the rules. Color outside the lines. Dont be afraid. Listen to your heart. Dont let anyone tell you what
to do. (145)

Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9
323. You will see that it is who you have been, not what you have done, that matters to your soul. (146)
324. That is the question, that is the fear. Humans believe that, left to their own devise, people would not do what needs to be
done to keep life going. (146)
325. The why of doing would be altered. (147)
326. And that is precisely what you have deemed the purpose of heaven. (147)
327. Hell is a state of being. It is the experience of separation from God, an imagining that you are separate from your very
self and cannot be reunited. (148)
328. Hell is forever trying to find your self. (148)
329. Heaven, too, is a state of being. It is the experience of Oneness, the ecstasy of reunification with All That Is. It is the
knowing of the true self. (148)
330. Heaven is not a place that you get to, it is a place that you are in, always. (148)
331. Requirement does not exist. (149)
332. True love requires nothing. (150)
333. The Sixth Illusion, the illusion of Judgment, may be used to experience the wonder of a non-judgmental you, and a non-
judgmental God. (150)
334. Nothing hurts more than judgement (150)
335. Judgment is never a product of love. (150)
336. No one does anything inappropriate, given their model of the world. (151)
337. Guilt and fear are the only enemies of man. That is a great truth. (151)
338. Observing is witnessing. Judging is concluding. (152)
339. Judgment sears the soul, for it brands the spirit with an illusion of who your are, ignoring the deeper reality. (152)
340. You are a work in progress. (152)
341. Love could never judge. (152)
342. Self-creation never ends. (153)
343. The Seventh Illusion, the illusion of Condemnation, may be used to experience the fact that you are deserving of
nothing but praise. (153)
344. The glory of praise is lost when praise is all there is. (153)
345. This sets up the perfect case for retribution. (154)
346. Pope John Paul II: Hell is a state of separation from God, he explained, a state caused not by a punishing god but
rather, self- induced. (155)
347. The biblical descriptions of hell are symbolic and metaphorical (Pope John Paul 11)
348. The inextinguishable fire and the burning oven the Bible speaks of indicate the complete frustration and vacuity of
a life without God. (155)
349. Forgiveness is experienced only in young, primitive cultures (155)
350. This means that no one is ever condemned, because everyone ultimately seeks God, whether they call it that or not.
351. The mere desire for reunion with God produces it. (156)
352. Love means never having to say youre sorry. (156)
353. Judge not, and neither condemn. (157)
354. The Eighth illusion, the Illusion of Conditionality, may be used to experience that aspect of your self which exists
without conditionand which can love without condition for that very reason. (157)
355. You are in no condition to do anything. You can only be. (157)
356. It is from the illusion of Conditionality that what you call relativity was created. (158)
357. Changing conditions create changing truth. (158)
358. Truth is nothing more than a word meaning what is so right now. (158)
359. God Is Change. (158)
360. God is a process. Not a being, but a process. (158)
361. Yes Life has no conditions. (159)
362. When you know that conditions must appear to exist in order for you to experience non-conditionality (that is, in order
for you to know God), you will bless the conditions of your life, and every condition that you have every experienced.
363. When you bless the conditions of your life, you change them. (160)
364. Ultimately, you will realize that there are no victims. (160)
365. The Ninth Illusion, the illusion of Superiority, may be used to experience that no thing is superior to any other thing,
and that inferiority is likewise a fiction. (161)
366. If everything is equal, then nothing is equal (161)

Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9
367. You cannot conceive of yourself as a part of God unless you imagine yourself to be apart from God. (161)
368. You cannot see Me unless you stand back and look at Me. Yet you cannot stand back and look at Me if you think that
you are Me. So you must imagine that you are not Me, in order to experience Me. (161)
369. You have therefore created the illusion of Superiority, that you might know that you are equal to everythingwhich is
to say that you are superior to nothing. (161)
370. In this world but not of it. (162)
371. You will then not call upon courage, you will know that you are courage. You will not call upon God, you will know
that you are the aspect of God that you would call upon. (162)
372. You are the caller and the called. The changer and the changed. The creator and the created. (162)
373. Superiority is the most seductive idea ever visited upon the experience of humans. (163)
374. States and nations, races and genders, political parties and economic systems have all sought to use their supposed
Superiority to attract attention, respect, agreement, and adherence, power, or, simply, members. What they have
produced by using this tool has been anything but superior. (164)
375. Therefore, nothing to be superior to, and nothing that is superior to you. (164)
376. When you see that Superiority is an illusion, you will know that inferiority is an illusion as well. (165)
377. The larger your idea of you, the larger will be your experience. (165)
378. The Tenth Illusion, the Illusion of Ignorance, has produced the idea that you dont know any of this (166)
379. This illusion allows you to continue living in the Realm of Relativity. (166)
380. This is what is said of all Masters. They know that they know, and they use their knowing to live with, and not within,
the illusory world in which they have placed themselves. (166)
381. Not knowing is a wonderful illusion, and useful. (166)
382. It is the illusion that you do not know that allows you to know what you know. If you know everything, and know that
you know it, then you can know nothing. (167)
383. There is something here I do not know, the knowing of which could change everything. This single statement can heal
the world. (167)
384. Not knowing leads to knowing, Knowing it all leads to not knowing anything. (167)
385. Savior is just another word for reminder. (168)
386. Step out of the illusion, but not away from it. (168)
387. You are the magic. (168)
388. Now you are among the cognoscentithose who know. (169)
389. I have sent you noting but angels. (170)
390. Watch carefully, then, your motivation for doing anything. (171)
391. Is there a way to experience that without disempowering another? It there a way to remember Who You Are without
inviting someone else to forget who they are? (171)
392. Advanced beings not only step outside of the illusions but away from them. (171)
393. You could think that life is happening to you, rather than through you. (172)
394. With regard to all that is happening in your life, you are at cause in the matter. (172)
395. You are on a journey to mastery, returning to Oneness, that you may know the wonder and the glory of God in your
own soul, and express it through you, as you (172)
396. The fact is that nothing has any meaning at all. (173)
397. There is no intrinsic truth hidden in the encounters and experiences of life. (173)
398. The fact is, there is no meaning to anything, save the meaning you give it. (174)
399. Life is meaningless. (174)
400. Do not search for lifes meaning, or the meaning of any particular event, occurrence, or circumstance. Give it its
meaning. (174)
401. This is the journey to mastery. (175)
402. When facing any life experience, there is a formula, a process, through which you, too, may move toward mastery.
403. Simply make the following statements: (175)
404. It all has to do with perspective. (176)
405. Freedom from pain is not a need, it is a preference. (177)
406. Happiness is a decision, not an experience. (178)
407. Love is not a re-action, love is a decision. (178)
408. The irony is that by continuing to meet the needs of others, including (and perhaps especially) children and life partners,
you may do more to disempower them than to help them (179)
409. Be clear that you are never doing anything for another. (179)

Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9
410. Everything I do, I do for myself. (179)
411. There is no interest other than self interest. (179)
412. Decide Who You Are in relationship to the experience you are having. Do not ask yourself why you are having it. There
is no why, except the why you give it. (180)
413. All learning is remembering. (180)
414. Celebrate failure. (180)
415. The triad process: (181)
416. It is not Gods job to grant or deny wishes. (184)
417. God needs nothing. (184)
418. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. (185)
419. You must first understand that you are not your physical body. (189)
420. When you understand that you are your soul, then you will experience Life as an expression of the soul. (189)
421. To know your body, to understand your body, to experience your body in its fullest magnificence, seek to be with your
body in a quality way. Love it, care for lit, listen to it. It will tell you what is true. (190)
422. Health is an announcement of agreement between you body, mind and spirit. (190)
423. Exercise is the meditation of the body. (191)
424. Your body is nothing more than an energy system. (191)
425. You do not need to read diet books, you do not need to take courses, you do not need to seek outside counsel or advice.
You simply need to listen to your own body, and then follow its advice. (193)
426. Emotion is, simply, energy in motion. (194)
427. Exhilarating exercise of your physical body is one way to promote, or raise up, your energy. (194)
428. Meditation is another way to raise the energy of Life that is always present in your body. (194)
429. Emotions are experiences that are chosen, not experiences to which you are subjected. (195)
430. It is not necessary for you to be pain-free in order to be free of suffering. (195)
431. You may achieve this inner peace in the face of any exterior condition or circumstance simply by understanding that
you are not your body, and that nothing you see is real. (195)
432. You can decide ahead of time how you are going to put your energy into motion. (196)
433. The Master who appears as a Master is seldom acknowledged, and more often rebuked. (198)
434. This is the key to expressing and experiencing the Divinity within you: forgiveness. (199)
435. Forgiveness is the expander of perception. (199)
436. Forgiveness is just another word for peace in the language of the soul. (199)
437. It is love of God that brings God to you. (200)
438. It is love of self that brings awareness of that part of self which is God (200)
439. In a state of communion with God you will temporarily lose all sense of individual identity. (201)
440. To stay in the light, one must remain close to it. To stay in the bliss, one must do the same. (201)
441. All systems, agreements, decisions, and choices that express freedom express God. For God is freedom, and freedom is
love, expressed. (204)
442. You can create a new kind of civilization. (207)
443. Let your actions be your announcement. (208)
444. Know that you are the savior for who all have waited (208)
445. Know that you have come to the room to heal the room. (208)
446. Be in the world, do not ignore it. (208)
447. Live with the illusion, not within it. (208)
448. Remember that the world was created for you so that you might have a context within which to experience yourself as
Who You Really Are. (208)
449. Do not imagine that spirituality and politics do not mix. (209)
450. Politics is spirituality, demonstrated. (209)
451. Your economy reveals your spirituality. (209)
452. What you teach is who you are. (209)
453. Spirituality is that which builds a bridge between the body, and the mind, and the soul. (209)
454. All true religions build a bridge, not a wall. (209)
455. Honor your home in the Universe, and be its good steward. Protect your environment and save it. Renew your resources
and share them. (209)
456. If you truly desire to experience the world of your highest imagining (210)
457. In creating a contextual field in memory, you make it unnecessary to do so in the present moment. You truly can say
Never again. (211)

Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9
458. You are the prophet whose time has come. (211)
459. Where there is hatred, sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
Seek not so much to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love.

Communion with God
Neale Donald Walsh, ISBN: 0-399-14670-9


Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9

1. Feeling is the language of the soul. (3)

2. For this reason, thoughts are more effective than mere words as tools for communication. (3)
3. Words are really the least effective communicator. (3)
4. Now the supreme irony here is that you have all placed so much importance on the Word of God, and so little on the
experience. (4)
5. Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest feeling. Anything less is from another source.
6. The Highest Thought is always that thought which contains joy. The clearest Words are those words which contain
truth. The Grandest Feeling is that feeling which you call love. (5)
7. Truth, Joy, Love. (5)
8. These three are interchangeable, and one always leads to the other. It matters not in which order they are placed. (5)
9. My most powerful messenger is experience, and even this you ignore. Especially you ignore. (5)
10. You will get the message. Sooner or later. (5)
11. I will not force you to, however. I will never coerce you. For I have given you a free will the power to do as you
choose and I will never take that away from you, ever. (5)
12. By listening to what other people think they heard Me say, you dont have to think at all. (6)
13. If you think you are right about everything, who needs to talk with God? (7)
14. All great discoveries have been made from a willingness, and ability, to not be right. (8)
15. I cannot tell you My Truth until you stop telling Me yours. (8)
16. Listen to your feelings. Listen to your Highest Thoughts. Listen to your experience. When ever any one of these differ
from what youve been told by your teachers, or read in your books, forget the words. Words are the least reliable
purveyor of Truth. (8)
17. I have no form or shape you understand. (9)
18. I am what I am not. (9)
19. Whatever manner I choose and whatever form I take, none will be incontrovertible. (10)
20. When inward experience has revealed Godself, outward observation is not necessary. And if outward observation is
necessary, inward experience is not possible. (10)
21. Therefore shall you experience that God is not now revealed, for if God were, you would not ask God to be. (10)
22. You will not have that for which you ask, nor can you have anything you want. (11)
23. The correct prayer is therefore never a prayer of supplication, but a prayer of gratitude. (11)
24. When you thank God in advance for that which you choose to experience in your reality, you, in effect acknowledge
that it is therein effect. (11)
25. Thankfulness is thus the most powerful statement to God; an affirmation that even before you ask, I have answered.
Therefore never supplicate. Appreciate. (11)
26. Gratitude cannot be used as a tool with which to manipulate God. (11)
27. If you have but the faith of a mustard see, you shall move mountains. (12)
28. A prayer is nothing more than a fervent statement of what is so. (12)
29. To the degree that it is fervently held as truth, to that degree will it be made manifest in your experience. (12)
30. Here is the secret is that always, it is the thought behind the thought what might be called the Sponsoring Thought
that is the controlling thought. (12)
31. The Sponsoring Thought behind every supplication is that you do no have now what you wish. That Sponsoring thought
becomes your reality. (12)
32. The request itself is not necessary. Then the prayer is a prayer of thanksgiving. It is not a request at all, but a statement
of gratitude for what is so. (13)
33. God is the observer, not the creator. (13)
34. It is not Gods function to create, or uncreate, the circumstances or conditions of you life. (13)
35. Your will for you is Gods will for you. (13)
36. The grand illusion in which you have engaged: that God cares one way or the other what you do. (13)
37. It is this dichotomy not caring deeply about the process, but caring deeply about the result that comes close to
describing the dichotomy of God. (14)
38. The ultimate outcome is assured. (14)
39. So you have to create in your imagination a power equal to God, in order that you may find a way for Gods will to be
thwarted. And so you have created in your mythology the being you call devil. (14)
40. For it is the nature of people to love, then destroy, then love again that which they value most. (15)
41. Fear or love, in truth there are only two emotions. (15)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9
42. The Alpha and the Omega which allow the system you call relativity to be. Without these two points, without these
two ideas about things, no other idea could exist. (15)
43. Every human thought, and every human action, is based in either love or fear. There is no other human motivation, and
all other ideas are but derivatives of these two. (16)
44. Always there is the swing from one emotion to the other. Love sponsors fear sponsors love sponsors fear (16)
45. And so it is that in the moment you pledge your highest love, you greet your greatest fear. (16)
46. Where did you get the idea of how much less than magnificent you are? From your mother and your father. (16)
47. It was your parents who taught you that love is conditional you have felt their conditions many times and that is the
experience you take into your own love relationships. (17)
48. You have forgotten what it was like to be loved without condition. (17)
49. You have projected the role of parent onto God, and have thus come up with a God Who judges and rewards or
punishes, based on how good her feels about what youve been up to. (17)
50. Having thus created an entire thought system about God based on human experience rather than spiritual truths, you
then create an entire reality around love. (18)
51. The idea of a God Who is not be feared, Who will not judge, and Who has no cause to punish is simply too magnificent
to be embraced within even your grandest notion of Who and What God is. (18)
52. By your own (mistaken) thoughts about love do you damn yourself never to experience it purely. (18)
53. Every action taken by human beings is based in love or fear. (18)
54. Every single free choice you ever undertake arises out of one of the only two possible thoughts there are: a thought of
love or a thought of fear. (19)
55. Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs hides, hoards, harms. (19)
56. Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals. (19)
57. Fear holds close, love holds dear. Fear grasps, love lets go. Fear rankles, love soothes. Fear attacks, love amends. (19)
58. Every human thought, word, or deed is based in one emotion or the other. (19)
59. You have no choice about this, because there is nothing else from which to choose. But you have free choice about
which of these to select. (19)
60. You have been taught to live in fear. (19)
61. The greatest reminder is not anyone outside you, but the voice within you. This is the first tool that I use, because it is
the most accessible. (20)
62. The voice within is the loudest voice with which I speak, because it is the closest to you. (20)
63. There is only one purpose for all of life, and that is for you and all that lives to experience fullest glory. (20)
64. The more you are, the more you can become, and the more you can become, the more you can yet be. (20)
65. The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. (20)
66. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek, therefore, not to find out Who You Are, seek to
determine Who You Want to be. (20)
67. Life is not a school. We are not here to learn lessons. (21)
68. If you do not create yourself as Who You Are, that you cannot be. (21)
69. School. (21)
70. The soul you soul knows all there is to know all the time. (22)
71. The soul seeks to experience. (22)
72. Until concept becomes experience, all there is is speculation. (22)
73. In the beginning, that which Is is all there was, and there was nothing else (22)
74. The Is-Not Is (23)
75. Now this nothing which holds the everything is what some people call God. (24)
76. Those who believe that God is All That Is and All That Is Not, are those whose understanding is correct. (24)
77. In the moment of this great explosion from within, God created relativitythe greatest gift God every gave to Itself.
78. Relationship is the greatest gift God every gave to you. (24)
79. From the No-Thing thus sprang the Everythinga spiritual event entirely consistent, incidentally, with what your
scientists call the Big Bang theory. (24)
80. As the elements of all raced forth, time was created, for a thing was first here, then it was thereand the period it took
to get from here to there was measurable. (24)
81. The absolute opposite of loveeverything that love is notwhat is now called fear. (24)
82. In the moment fear existed, love could exist as a thing that could be experienced. (24)
83. Creation of duality between love and its opposite which humans refer to in their various mythologies as the birth of evil,
the fall of Adam, the rebellion of Satan, and so forth. (24)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9
84. So have you chosen to personify abject fear as the character you call the devil. (25)
85. In rendering the universe as a divided version of Itself, God produced, from pure energy, all that now existsboth seen
and unseen. (25)
86. The part of God which forms the second half of the Am/Not Am equation also exploded into an infinite number of units
smaller than the whole. These energy units you would call spirit. (25)
87. My divine purpose in dividing Me was to create sufficient parts of Me so that I could know Myself experientially. There
is only one way for the Creator to know Itself experientially as the Creator, and that is to create. (25)
88. My purpose in creating you, My spiritual offspring, was for Me to know Myself as God. (26)
89. My purpose for you is that you should know yourself as Me. (26)
90. There is only one way for you to know yourself as Me, and that is for you first to know yourself as not Me. (26)
91. Knowing something, and experiencing it, are two different things. (27)
92. Physicality is the only way to know experientially what you know conceptually. (27)
93. Taken to ultimate logic, you cannot experience yourself as what you are until youve encountered what you are not. (27)
94. This is the purpose of the theory of relativity, and all physical life, it is by that which you are not that you yourself are
defined. (27)
95. You cannot experience yourself as creator unless and until you create. (27)
96. You cannot create yourself until you uncreate yourself. (27)
97. You have to first not be in order to be. (27)
98. You caused yourself to forget Who You Really are. (28)
99. Upon entering the physical universe, you relinquished your remembrance of yourself. (28)
100. It is in the act of choosing to be, rather than simply being told that you are, a part of God that you experience yourself
as being at total choice, which is what, by definition, God is. (28)
101. Your job on Earth, therefore, is not to learn (because you already know), but to re-member Who You Are. (28)
102. I do not show My goodness by creating only what you call perfection all around you. I do not demonstrate My love by
not allowing you to demonstrate yours. (29)
103. You cannot demonstrate love until you can demonstrate not loving. (29)
104. A thing cannot exist without its opposite, except in the world of the absolute. (29)
105. In the absolute there is no experience, only knowing. (29)
106. Knowing is a divine state, yet the grandest joy is in being. (30)
107. Being is achieved only after experience. (30)
108. God the Father is knowing. (30)
109. God the Son is experiencing. (30)
110. God the Holy Spirit is being. (30)
111. That which gives rise to / That which is risen / That which is. (30)
112. This Triune Reality is Gods signature. (30)
113. Gross relationships are always dyads, whereas relationships of the higher realm are invariably triads. (31)
114. A thing is either one thing or the other, or some greater or lesser version in relationship to one of these polarities. (31)
115. Within the realm of gross relationships, nothing conceptualized can exist without a conceptualization of its opposite.
116. Within the realm of sublime relationships nothing which exists has an opposite. (31)
117. Time is such a sublime realm, in which what you call past, present, and future exist inter-relationally. (31)
118. Life itself is a rhythm. It is a wave, a vibration, a pulsation at the very heart of the All That Is. (32)
119. Illness and disease are opposite of health and wellness, and are made manifest in your reality at your behest. (32)
120. You cannot be ill without at some level causing yourself to be, and you can be well again in a moment by simply
deciding to be. (32)
121. Deep personal disappointments are responses which are chosen, and worldwide calamities are the result of worldwide
consciousness. (32)
122. Do not condemn, therefore, all that you would call bad in the world. (32)
123. All of life exists as a tool of your own creation (32)
124. There are no victims in the universe, only creators. (32)
125. Envy not success, nor pity failure, for you know not what is success or failure in the souls reckoning. (33)
126. Is a death a calamity if it saves the lives of thousands? (33)
127. Is a life a joyous event if it has caused nothing but grief? (33)
128. Keep always your own counsel and allow others theirs. (33)
129. Each circumstance is a gift, and in each experience is hidden a treasure. (33)
130. Story (The Soul and the Sun) (33)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9
131. You came into this life with nothing to learn you have only to demonstrate what you already know... (34)
132. It would not be accurate to say not in the way you mean it that you are choosing these consequences. (35)
133. Events, occurrences, happenings, conditions, circumstances all are created out of consciousness. (35)
134. You are observing them. And deciding Who You Are with regard to them. (25)
135. Yet there are no victims in the world, and no villains. And neither are you a victim of the choices of others. (35)
136. At some level you have all created that which you say you detestand, having created it, you have chosen it. (36)
137. So long as you entertain the notion that there is something or someone else out there doing it to you, you disempower
yourself to do anything about it. Only when you say I did this can you find the power to change it. (36)
138. It is much easier to change what you are doing than to change what another is doing. (36)
139. Seek then to create change not because a thing is wrong, but because it no longer makes an accurate statement of Who
You Are. (36)
140. There is only one reason to do anything: as a statement to the universe of Who You Are. (36)
141. There is also only one reason to un-do anything: because it is no longer a statement of Who You Want to Be. (36)
142. In the largest sense, all the bad things that happen are of your choosing. (36)
143. Thus, you create collectively and individually, the life and times you are experiencing, for the soul purpose of evolving.
144. The way to reduce the pain which you associate with earthly experiences and eventsboth yours and those of others
is to change the way you behold them. (37)
145. Nothing is painful in and of itself. Pain is a result of wrong thought. It is an error in thinking. (37)
146. Pain results from a judgment you have made about a thing. Remove the judgment and the pain disappears. (37)
147. Judgment is often based upon previous experience. (38)
148. Original sin is when your first thought about a thing is in error. (38)
149. That which you condemn will condemn you, and that which you judge, you will one day become. (38)
150. I have never set down a right or wrong a do or a dont. (39)
151. To say that somethinga thought, a word, an actionis wrong would be as much as to tell you not to do it (39)
152. You may do as you wish without fear of retribution. It may serve you, however, be aware of consequences. (42)
153. What seems like punishment to youor what you would call evil, or bad luckis nothing more than a natural law
asserting itself. (42)
154. This is the goal of your soul. This is its purposeto fully realize itself while in the body; to become the embodiment of
all that it really is. (43)
155. This is My plane for you. This is My ideal: that I should become realized through you. That thus, concept is turned into
experience, that I might know my Self experientially. (43)
156. Seek, therefore, to go within as much as possible. And when you are not going within, come from within as you deal
with the outside world. (44)
157. If you do not go within, you go without. (44)
158. If I do not go within I go without. (44)
159. Belief in God produces belief in Gods greatest giftunconditional loveand Gods greatest promiseunlimited
potential. (44)
160. You do not, therefore, choose the life you will experience ahead of time. (45)
161. You may, however, select the persons, places, and eventsthe conditions and circumstances, the challenges and
obstacles, the opportunities and optionswith which to create your experience (46)
162. For nothing happens by accident in Gods world, and there is no such thing as coincidence. (46)
163. Be watchful, therefore, of the choices of others, but not judgmental (47)
164. Move into communion with the souls of others, and their purpose, their intention, will be clear to you. (47)
165. Allow each soul to walk its path. (47)
166. A thing is only right or wrong because you say it is. A thing is not right or wrong intrinsically. (48)
167. Rightness or wrongness is not an intrinsic condition, it is a subjective judgment in a personal value system. (48)
168. We, all of us, have a vested interest in keeping the game going. (48)
169. If I say to you, you are Godwhere does that leave religion? (49)
170. The world is filled with essentially two kinds of people: those who give you things you want, and those who fix things.
171. I am saying that the world exists the way it existsjust as a snowflake exists the way it existsquite by design. You
have created it that wayjust as you have created your life exactly as it is. (49)
172. Yet at a time when you say you can do nothing to stop 40,000 people a day from dying of hunger, you bring 50,000
people a day into your world to begin a new life. And this you call love. (49)
173. This you call Gods plan. It is a plan which totally lacks logic or reason, to say nothing of compassion. (49)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9
174. You can similarly end all war tomorrow. Simply Easily. All it takesall it has ever takenis for all of you to agree.
175. I will do nothing for you that you will not do for your self. That is the law and the prophets. (50)
176. (Not to decide is to decide.) (50)
177. The Earth is in the shape its in because of you, and the choices you have madeor failed to make. (50)
178. You are all at root cause for the conditions which exist (51)
179. There is no such thing as the devil, and hell does not exist. (51)
180. It is in surrendering that the victory is won. (51)
181. Each event and adventure is called to your Self by your Self in order that you might create and experience Who You
Really Are. (52)
182. You think it into being. This is the first step in creation. (52)
183. Your thought is the parent which gives birth to all things. (52)
184. You are filled with fearand your biggest fear is that My biggest promise might be lifes biggest lie (53)
185. You have assigned devilish characteristics to God in order to convince yourself not to accept the God-like promises of
your Creator, or the God-like qualities of the Self. (53)
186. The Fist Law is that you can be, do, and have whatever you can imagine. (54)
187. The Second Law is that you attract what you fear. (54)
188. Emotion is the power which attracts. (54)
189. That which you fear strongly, you will experience. (54)
190. Emotion is energy in motion. (54)
191. When you move energy, you create effect. (54)
192. If you move enough energy, you create matter. (54)
193. Thought is pure energy. The energy of your thought never ever dies. (54)
194. A thought is forever. (54)
195. All thoughts congeal; all thoughts meet other thoughts, criss-crossing in an incredible maze of energy, forming an ever-
changing pattern of unspeakable beauty and unbelievable complexity. (54)
196. Matter will form out of pure energy. In fact, that is the only way it can form. (55)
197. What has been described as the fall of Adam was actually his upliftment (55)
198. The act of Adam and Eve was not original sin, but, in truth, first blessing. (56)
199. For in being the first to make a wrong choice, Adam and Eve produced the possibility of making any choice at all.
200. The Laws are very simple.
1. Thought is creative.
2. Fear attracts like energy.
3. Love is all there is.
201. Love is the ultimate reality. It is the only. The all. The feeling of love is you experience of God. (56)
202. The realm of the relative was created in order that I might experience My Self. This does not make the realm of the
relative real. (56)
203. In creating something elsenamely, the realm of the relativeI have produced an environment in which you may
choose to be God; rather than simply to told that you are God; in which you may experience Godhead as an act of
creation, rather than a conceptualization. (57)
204. Fear is the other end of love. It is the primal polarity. (57)
205. If you dont see God in the profane and the profound, youre missing half the story. That is a great Truth. (60)
206. I tell you, you can speak to Me as you would speak with your bet friend. (60)
207. I am life, for I am the stuff life is. (60)
208. You cannot create a thingnot a thought, an object an eventno experience of any kindwhich is outside of Gods
plan. (61)
209. Gods plan is for you to create anythingeverythingwhatever you want. (61)
210. It is only through that which you call evil that you can know good; only through that which you call the work of the
devil that you can know and do the work of God. (61)
211. Hitler went to heaven. (61)
212. If your values serve you, hold to them. Argue for them. Fight to defend them (62)
213. Very few of the value judgments you have incorporated into your truth are judgments you, yourself, have made based
on you own experience. (62)
214. You have created yourself out of the experience of others. (62)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9
215. If there was such a thing as sin, this would be it: to allow yourself to become what you are because of the experience of
others. (62)
216. You deny your own experience in favour of what you have been told to think. (63)
217. Everyone knows that the sexual experience can be (63)
218. You have thus created a personal reality around money which pushes it away from you (63)
219. Everything your teachers teach you about God tells you God is bad. (64)
220. If God wanted strict obedience to His Laws, why did He create the possibility of those Laws being violated? (64)
221. What kind of choice is free when to choose one thing over the other brings condemnation? (64)
222. How is free will free when it is not your will, but someone elses, which must be done? (64)
223. Go. The irony of all this is that I do not want your worship, I do not need your obedience, and it is not necessary for
you to serve Me. (64)
224. Deity has not needs. (65)
225. All That Is is exactly that: all that is, it therefore wants, or lacks, nothingby definition. (65)
226. You truly are Children of a Lesser God (65)
227. This does not mean I am without desires. (65)
228. Desire is the beginning of all creation. It is first thought. It is a grand feeling within the soul. It is God, choosing what
next to create. (65)
229. I desire first to know and experience Myself, in all My gloryto know Who I am. (65)
230. Second, I desire that you shall know and experience Who You Really Are, through the power I have given you to create
and experience yourself in whatever way you choose. (65)
231. Third, I desire for the whole life process to be an experience of constant joy, continuous creation, never ending
expansion, and total fulfillment in each moment of now. (65)
232. The only difference between you and Me is that know this. (65)
233. There are the Five Attitudes of God. (66)
234. And not everything of the Bible authors was included in the final document. (67)
235. That which you are, I am. I am manifested as Three-In-One (73)
236. These three aspects of you are actually three energies. (74)
237. Your soul (subconscious, id, spirit, past, etc.) is the sum total of every feeling youve ever had (created). (74)
238. Nothing exists in your world that did not first exist as pure thought. (74)
239. Thought is the first level of creation. (74)
240. Next comes the word. (74)
241. Words are more dynamic than thought. (74)
242. Words are the second level of creation. (74)
243. Next comes action. (74)
244. Actions are words moving. (74)
245. Words are thoughts expressed. (74)
246. Thoughts are ideas formed. (74)
247. Ideas are energies come together. (74)
248. Energies are forces released. (74)
249. Forces are elements existent. (74)
250. Elements are particles of God, portions of All, the stuff of everything. (74)
251. The beginning God. (74)
252. The end is action. (74)
253. Action is God creatingor God experienced. (74)
254. You are therefore in the process of experiencing yourself by creating yourself anew in every single moment. As am I.
Through you. (75)
255. The promise of God is that you are His son. Her offspring. Its likeness. His equal. (75)
256. There can be no more victims and no more villainsonly outcomes of your thought about a thing. (75)
257. It is your first nature to be unconditionally loving. (78)
258. It is your second nature to choose to express you first nature, your true nature, consciously. (78)
259. The first thing to understand about the universe is that no condition is good or bad. It just is. So stop making value
judgments. (79)
260. The person who has the faith to move mountains, and dies six weeks later (80)
261. Only to the soul is death a reliefa release. (81)
262. The greatest gift you can give the dying is to let them die in peace (81)
263. It is at the moment of death that we learn who, in the body-mind-soul triumvirate, is running things. (81)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9
264. The soul is very clear that its purpose is evolution. (82)
265. Knowledge is conceptual. Feeling is experiential. (83)
266. Love not the absence of an emotion (hatred, anger, lust, jealousy, covetousness), but the summation of all feeling. (83)
267. For the soul to experience perfect love, it must experience every human feeling. (83)
268. The purpose of the human soul is to experience all of itso that it can be all of it. (83)
269. Soul cannot choose to be anything if there is nothing to choose from. (84)
270. For the soul to experience its grandeur, it must know what grandeur is. This it can not do if there is nothing but
grandeur. (84)
271. The job of the soul, of course, is to cause us to choose the grandeurto select the best of Who You Arewithout
condemning that which you do not select. (84)
272. You do worse than condemnyou actually seek to do harm to that which you do not choose. You seek to destroy it.
273. You cannot choose to be God if there is nothing else to choose from. (85)
274. Youve even created religions that tell you that you are born in sinthat you are sinners at birthin order to convince
yourselves of you own evil. (85)
275. All your life you have spent convincing yourself that you are bad. (86)
276. Youve the power and the ability right now to end world hunger this minute, to cure diseases this instant. (89)
277. Life is a creation, not a discovery. (90)
278. That which you think of, but thereafter never speak of, creates at one level. That which you think of and speak of
creates at another level. That which you think, speak, and do becomes made manifest in your reality. (91)
279. This place of knowing is a place of intense and incredible gratitude. It is thankfulness in advance. (91)
280. The biggest key to creation: to be grateful before, and for, the creation. (91)
281. You get your life too take off by first becoming very clear in your thinking about it. (92)
282. The first step is learning to monitor your thoughts; to think about what you are thinking about. (93)
283. There are no such things as the Ten Commandments. (95)
284. Creator does not rule, but merely creates, createsand keeps on creating. (95)
285. Ten Commitments (96)
286. For God does not order about what God has created. (97)
287. Enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nobody you have to be except exactly
who youre being right now. (98)
288. What Enlightenment asks you to do is to know something you have not experienced and thus experience it. Knowing
opens the door to experienceand you imagine it is the other way around. (99)
289. Is renunciation a part of the truly spiritual life? (100)
290. What you resist persists. What you look at disappears. (100)
291. Passion is the love of turning being into action. It fuels the engine of creation It changes concepts to experience. (101)
292. The renunciation never denies passionthe renunciation simply denies attachment to results. (101)
293. To live your life without expectationwithout the need for specific resultsthat is freedom. (101)
294. Beingness is the highest state of existence. (101)
295. The soul longs to do something about what it is, in order that it might know itself in its own experience. So it will seek
to realize its highest idea through action. (102)
296. There is nothing in your reality to hold on to. (103)
297. Yet never resist anything. (103)
298. Resist not temptationbut simply turn from it. (104)
299. The point of life is not to get anywhereit is to notice that you are, and have always been, already there. (104)
300. You are, always and forever, in the moment of pure creation. (104)
301. The point of life is therefore to createwho and what you are, and then to experience that. (104)
302. Suffering is an unnecessary aspect of the human experience. It is not only unnecessary, it is unwise, uncomfortable, and
hazardous to your health. (105)
303. Events are occurrences in time and space which you produce out of choice (106)
304. Some events you produce wilfully, and some events you draw to youmore or less unconsciously. (106)
305. If enough people everywhere believe something must be done to help the environment, you will save the Earth. (106)
306. The true Master does not suffer in silence at all, but only appears to be suffering without complaint. (107)
307. A practicing Master does not speak of suffering simply because a Master practicing clearly understands the power of
the Wordand so chooses to simply not say a word about it. (107)
308. There is nothing scary about life, if you are not attached to results. (110)
309. Choose, but dont want. (110)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9
310. Gods greatest moment is the moment you realize you need no God. (114)
311. A true Master is not the one with the most students, but one who creates the most Masters. (114)
312. A true leader is not the one with the most followers, but one who creates the most leaders. (114)
313. A true king is not the one with the most subjects, but one who leads the most to royalty. (114)
314. A true teacher is not the one with the most knowledge, but one who causes the most others to have knowledge. (115)
315. A true God is not One with the most servants, but One who serves the most, thereby making Gods of all others. (115)
316. Let your love propel your beloveds into the worldand into the full experience of who they are. In this will you have
truly loved. (115)
317. Live in your God space and the events become blessings, one and all. (115)
318. It is when the going gets tough that you so often forget Who You Are, and the tools I have given you for creating the life
that you would choose. (116)
319. It is in your God space that you Self realize, and that is the purposethe only purpose of your soul. (116)
320. When you are in your God space, you know and understand that all you are now experiencing is temporary. (116)
321. My law is the law of cause and effect, not the law of Well See. (117)
322. There is nothing you cant have if you choose it. Even before you ask, I will have given it to you. (117)
323. You always get what you create, and you are always creating. (118)
324. My job, as God, is to always give you that opportunity. (118)
325. Your Life is always a result of your thoughts about itincluding your obviously creative thought that you seldom get
what you choose. (118)
326. Your life proceeds out of your intentions for it. (118)
327. Feeling guilty is a learned response. (119)
328. There is a way to be happy in relationships, and that is to use relationships for their intended purpose, not the purpose
you have designed. (121)
329. Relationships are constantly challenging; constantly calling you to create, express, and experience higher and higher
aspects of yourself (121)
330. Absent everything else, you are not. (121)
331. Bless, therefore, every relationship, and hold each as special and formative of Who You Areand now choose to be.
332. When human love relationships fail, they fail because they were entered into for the wrong reason. (122)
333. The purpose of a relationship is to decide what part of yourself youd like to see show up, not what part of another
you can capture and hold. (122)
334. There can be only one purpose for relationshipsand for all of life: to be and to decide Who You Really are. (122)
335. Yet the purpose of relationship is not to have another who might complete you; but to have another with who you might
share your completeness. (122)
336. Here is the paradox of all human relationships: You have no need for a particular other for you to experience, fully,
Who You Are, and without another, you are nothing. (122)
337. Relationships are sacred because they provide lifes grandest opportunityindeed, its only opportunityto create and
produce the experience of you highest conceptualization of Self. (124)
338. Relationships fail when you see them as lifes grandest opportunity to create and produce the experience of your highest
conceptualization of another. (124)
339. Let each person in relationship worry about Selfwhat Self is being, doing, and having; what Self is wanting, asking,
giving; what Self is seeking, creating, experiencing, and all relationships would magnificently serve their purposeand
their participants. (124)
340. Let each person in relationship worry not about the other, but only, only, only about Self. (124)
341. The most loving person is the person who is Self-centered. (124)
342. If you cannot love your Self, you cannot love another. (124)
343. Two people literally lose themselves in a relationship. (125)
344. This losing of the Self in a relationship is what causes most of the bitterness in such couplings. (125)
345. When you lose sight of each other as sacred souls on a sacred journey, then you cannot see the purpose, the reason,
behind all relationships. (126)
346. The soul has come to the body, and the body to life, for the purpose of evolution. (126)
347. You are using your relationship with everything to decide what you are becoming. (126)
348. Your personal relationships are therefore holy ground. (126)
349. Blessed are the Self-centered, for they shall know God. (126)
350. Your first relationship, therefore, must be with your Self. (126)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9
351. You must first see your Self as worthy before you can see another as worthy. You must first see your Self as blessed
before you can see another as blessed. You must first know you Self to be holy before you can acknowledge holiness in
another. (126)
352. My teachers have all come with the same message. Not I am holier than thou, but You are as holy as I. (127)
353. It is not in the action of another, but in your re-action, that your salvation will be found. (127)
354. It is Soul Work you are up to in relationship (128)
355. The first question in any interactive process with another is: now Who Am I, and Who Do I Want to Be, in relationship
to that? (128)
356. A Masters life is devoted to the constant realization of Self as one knows oneself to be, such ill-fitting feelings would
never be entertained. (129)
357. The Masters second life purpose is always growth. (129)
358. The Master is one who always comes up with the same answerand that answer is always the highest choice. (129)
359. When life is lived from a standpoint of damage control or optimum advantage, the true benefit of life is forfeited. (130)
360. What would love do now? (130)
361. The highest choice is that which produces the highest good for you. (130)
362. When the absolute highest choice is made, the mystery dissolves, the circle completes itself, and the highest good for
you becomes the highest good for another. (131)
363. What you do for your Self, you do for another. What you do for another, you do for the Self. (131)
364. I tell you thisputting yourself first in the highest sense never leads to an unGodly act. (132)
365. For even an abuser is abused when his abuse is allowed to continue. (132)
366. Treating others with love does not necessarily mean allowing others to do as they wish. (132)
367. Despots cannot be allowed to flourish, but must be stopped in their despotism, Love of Self, and Love of the despot,
demands it. (132)
368. There are times when you may have to give up Who You Are in order to be Who You Are. (133)
369. You cannot have it all until you are willing to give it all up. (132)
370. To allow another to continually inflict damage may not be the most loving thing to dofor your Self or the other. (133)
371. In truth, there is nothing evil, only objective phenomena and experience. (133)
372. By that which you call evil do you define yourselfand by that which you call good. (124)
373. The biggest evil would therefore be to declare nothing evil at all. (134)
374. Choosing to be God-like does not mean you choose to be a martyr. And it certainly does not mean you choose to be a
victim. (124)
375. You have no obligation. Neither in relationship, nor in all of life. (135)
376. Nor are you punishable for any offence, nor capable of anyfor there is no such thing as being offensive in the eyes
of God. (135)
377. You have no obligation in relationship. You have only opportunity. (137)
378. Opportunity, not obligation, is the cornerstone of religion, the basis of all spirituality. So long as you see it the other
way around, you will have missed the point. (137)
379. Marriage is a sacrament. But not because of its sacred obligations. Rather, because of its unequalled opportunity. (138)
380. Never do anything in relationship out of a sense of obligation. (138)
381. Do whatever you do out of a sense of the glorious opportunity your relationship affords you to decide, and to be, Who
You Really Are. (138)
382. Long-term relationships do hold remarkable opportunities for mutual growth, mutual expression, and mutual
fulfillmentand that has its own reward. (138)
383. As I have indicated before, most people still enter relationship
384. Life by its nature cannot have guarantees. (141)
385. Cultivate the technique of seeing all problems as opportunities. (141)
386. You will never disserve your relationshipnor anyoneby seeing more in another than they are showing you. (142)
387. People tend to live up to our expectations of them. (142)
388. Expectations ruin relationships. (142)
389. People tend to see in themselves what we see in them. (142)
390. Killing can never be justified as a means of expressing anger, releasing hostility, righting a wrong, or punishing an
offender. (151)
391. You have a right under highest moral lawindeed, you have an obligation under that lawto stop aggression on the
person of another, or yourself. (151)
392. Very few of your daily decisions about what is right and wrong are being made by you, based on your
understanding. (152)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9
393. Can there ever be a justifiable reason for killing anything? (153)
394. A decision coming from no previous personal knowledgeis called pure creation. (154)
395. There is nothing else to do. (155)
396. The question is: Do I wish to walk this path consciously, or unconsciously? With awareness or lack of awareness? As
the cause of my experience, or at the effect of it? (156)
397. Walking in awareness. (156)
398. It gets easier, it gets better, it becomes even more joyful. (157)
399. How much more scrumptious could I have made it? Are you not being allowed to experience everything? (158)
400. The tears, the joy, the pain, the gladness, the exaltation, the massive depression, the win, the lose, the draw. What more
is there? (158)
401. Embarrassment is the response of a person who still has an ego investment in how others see him. (161)
402. If a thing is judged very good by you, you value it less in terms of money. So the better something is (i.e., the more
worthwhile), the less money its worth. (161)
403. Everything on which you place a high intrinsic value, you insist must come cheaply. (162)
404. The wrong thought is your idea about money. (162)
405. In your mind a person who chooses the highest calling should get the lowest pay (162)
406. So here we have this real ambivalence about money. (163)
407. First comes thought. Then comes the word. Finally (164)
408. The most rapid way to change a root thought, or sponsoring idea, is to reverse the thought-word-deed process. (164)
409. Wouldnt it be better for you to manipulate your mind than for the word to? (165)
410. This race consciousness of not-enough-ness creates and recreates the world as you see it. (165)
411. If you want to change a root thought, you have to act before you think. (167)
412. When you want to change a root thought, act in accordance with the new idea you have. But you must act quickly, or
your mind will kill the idea before you know it. (168)
413. Your mind is right now filled with old thoughts. Not only old thoughts, but mostly someone elses old thoughts. (168)
414. Theres a difference between being and doing, and most people have placed their emphasis on the latter. (169)
415. If you choose evolutionthe evolution of your soulyou wont produce that by the worldly activities of your body.
416. Your soul doesnt care what you do for a livingand when your life is over, neither will you. (170)
417. Your soul cares only about what youre being while youre doing whatever youre doing. (170)
418. It is a state of Beingness the soul is after, not a state of doingness. (170)
419. Your soul is Me, and It know it. What it is doing, is trying to experience that. (170)
420. The soul is concerned only with where you are going to be. (172)
421. You are on this planet to produce something with your soul. (172)
422. Your body is simply and merely the tool of your soul. (172)
423. Your mind is the power that makes the body go. (172)
424. So what you have here is a power tool, used in the creation of the souls desire. (172)
425. It is therefore true that nothing happens to you or through you that is not for your own highest good. (174)
426. The soul leads you to the right and perfect opportunities for you to experience exactly what you had planned to
experience. (174)
427. The spirit of you seeks, in the largest sense, that grand moment when you have conscious awareness of its wishes, and
join in joyful oneness with them. (174)
428. The spirit will never, ever, force its desire on the present, conscious, physical part of you. (174)
429. The soul is completely without need. (175)
430. The entity which is you is to create, and thus know, who it really is, it must be through an act of conscious volition, not
an act of unconscious obedience. (175)
431. Obedience is not creation, and thus can never produce salvation. (175)
432. Obedience is a response, while creation is pure choice, undictated, unrequired. (175)
433. Pure choice produces salvation through the pure creation of highest idea in this moment now. (175)
434. The function of the mind is to choose from its alternatives. (175)
435. The function of the body is to act out that choice. (175)
436. When body, mind and soul create together, in harmony and in unity, God is made flesh. (175)
437. You are not to worry about making a living. (176)
438. True Masters are those who have chosen to make a life, rather than a living. (176)
439. Lifes irony is that as soon as worldly goods and worldly success are of no concern to you, the way is open for them to
flow to you. (176)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9
440. You cannot have what you want, but you may experience whatever you have. (176)
441. The very act of wanting something pushes it away from you. (177)
442. Thought, word, and deed are the three levels of creation. (177)
443. The universe has no choice but to bring you the direct manifestation of your thought about it. (178)
444. The word I am are extremely powerful. (178)
445. Now, whatever follows the word I (which calls forth the Great I Am) tends to manifest in physical reality. (178)
446. A thought or a word expressed and expressed and expressed becomes just thatexpressed. (179)
447. To change your reality, simply stop thinking like that. (179)
448. My success is coming to me now, or all things lead to my success. (179)
449. Affirmations work only when they are statements of something you already know to be true. (180)
450. The best co-called affirmations are a statement of gratitude and appreciation. (180)
451. If, now, there is something you choose to experience in your life, do not want itchoose it. (180)
452. There comes a time in the evolution of every soul when the chief concern is no longer the survival of the physical body,
but the growth of the spirit; not longer the attainment of worldly success, but the realization of Self. This is a very
dangerous time.(180)
453. Discovery of the truth that life has nothing to do with the body can create an imbalance the other way. (181)
454. Upon death the body and the mind are not dropped. (181)
455. This matter is a coagulation of a million billion trillion different energy units into one enormous mass-controllable by
the mind. (182)
456. If you think thoughts of illness or disease (or continuing anger, hatred, and negativity), your body will translate these
thought into physical form. (182)
457. There is no judgment in what you call the afterlife. (183)
458. How can you think of wasting a moment doing something for a living you dont like to do? (185)
459. If you insist that your life is about what your body is doing, you do not understand why you came here. (185)
460. In the true order of things one does not do something in order to be happy, one is happy and, hence does something.
461. One does not do some things in order to be compassionate, one is compassionate and, hence acts in a certain way. (185)
462. The souls decision precedes the bodys action in a highly conscious person. (185)
463. If, on the other hand, you have evolved to the point where things of the body are not of concern to you, then you are
even more free to seek you joy. (186)
464. All illness is self-created. (187)
465. The not-so-obvious truth is that most people worry themselves to death. (188)
466. Worry is just about the worst form of mental activity there isnext to hate. (188)
467. Health will improve almost at once when worrying ends. (188)
468. Worry is the activity of a mind which does not understand its connection with Me. (188)
469. Hatred is the most severely damaging mental condition. It poisons the body, and its effects are virtually irreversible.
470. Fear is worry magnified. (188)
471. All illness is created first in the mind. (188)
472. It is very difficult to reverse the effects of negative thinking once they have taken physical form. (189)
473. It takes an act of extreme faith. It requires an extraordinary belief in the positive force of the universe (189)
474. Healers have just such faith. (189)
475. Thought travels around the world and traverses the universe faster than you can say the word. (189)
476. You are all mental lepers. (189)
477. You can solve some of the health problems, as you put it, by solving the problems in your thinking. (189)
478. You take rotten care of your body, paying it little attention at all until you suspect somethings going wrong with it.
479. You have no will to live. (190)
480. The world is in the condition that its in because the world is full of sleepwalkers. (191)
481. They body was not meant to intake alcohol. It impairs the mind. (191)
482. Your body was designed to last forever. (193)
483. You never do die. Life is eternal. You are immortal. (193)
484. I designed your magnificent body to last forever! (194)
485. Religion is your attempt to speak of the unspeakable. Id does not do a very good job. (195)
486. No, My son, the evolutionists are not right. I created all of thisall of thisin the blink of an eye; in one holy
instantjust as the creationists have said. (195)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9
487. They are both right. (195)
488. You dont want to know the Truth, you want to know the truth as you understand it. This is the greatest barrier to your
enlightenment. (195)
489. You can never be open to the teachings so long as you are closed to everything save your own truth. (196)
490. You were not meant to ever die. (196)
491. Your physical form was created as a magnificent convenience; a wonderful tool; a glorious vehicle allowing you to
experience the reality you have created with your mind, that you may know the Self you have created in your soul.
492. How do you think Jesus did it anyway? Or do you not believe it ever happened? Believe it. It happened!
493. Conceivecreateexperience. What you conceive you create, what you create you experience, what you experience
something (take abundance, for example), you will soon have the feeling of it in your soul, which will conceive of itself
in a new way (namely, abundant), thus presenting your mind with a new thought about that. From the new though
springs more experience, and the body begins living a new reality as a permanent state of being. (197)
494. You are my body. (197)
495. As your body is to your mind and soul, so, too, are you to My mind and soul. (197)
496. Everything I experience, I experience through you. Just as your body, mind, and spirit are one, so, too, are Mine. (197)
497. For even as you are the body of Me, I am the body of another. (197)
498. I am the Conceiver and the Creator of Everything you now know and experience, and you are My childreneven as I
am the child of another. (197)
499. Your perception of ultimate reality is more limited than you thought, and that Truth is more unlimited than you can
imagine. (197)
500. Forever is longer than you know. (198)
501. Eternal is longer than Forever. (198)
502. God is more than you imagine. (198)
503. God is the energy you call imagination. (198)
504. God is creation. (198)
505. God is first thought. (198)
506. And God is last experience. (198)
507. And God is everything in between. (198)
508. I tell you this: I AM THAT I AM. (200)
509. And YOU ARE THAT YOU ARE. You cannot not be. You can change form all you wish, but you cannot fail to be.
Yet you can fail to know Who You Areand in this failing, experience only the half of it. (200)
510. There are many ways and many places (dimensions). (201)
511. You are already a God. You simply do not know it. (202)
512. You are learning nothing here. You have nothing to learn. You have only to remember. That is, re-member Me. (203)
513. What are you trying to master? You are trying to master mastering itself. (203)
514. There is no such thing as karmic debt. (204)
515. A debt is something that must or should be repaid. (204)
516. You are not obligated to do anything. (204)
517. If karma is the innate desire to be better, to be bigger, to evolve and to grow, and to look at past events and experiences
as a measure of that, then, yes, karma does exist. (204)
518. There is not a person who does not have what you call psychic ability, there are only people who do not use it. (205)
519. Play with sex. Play with it! Its wonderful fun. Why, its just about the most fun you can have with your body, it youre
talking of strictly physical experiences alone. (205)
520. For some, the activities of the soul become foremostand by far the more pleasurable. (206)
521. Remember, experience produces concept of Self, conception produces creation, creation produces experience. (206)
522. Joy and sacredness do mix (they are, in fact, the same thing), and many of you think they do not. (207)
523. The energy which underscores sex is the energy which underscores life; which is life! The feeling of attraction and the
intense and often urgent desire to move toward each other, to become one, is the essential dynamic of all that lives.
524. From the beginning of time all man has ever wanted is to love and be loved. (208)
525. Sex is an extraordinary expression of lovelove of another, love of Self, love of life. (208)
526. I have given you nothing shameful, least of all your very body, and its functions. There is no need to hide your body or
its functionsnor your love of them, and of each other. (208)
527. Is there life on other planets? (208)
528. Hear Me, everywhere. Whenever you have a question, simply know that I have answered it already. (210)

Conversations with God Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch) ISBN: 0-399-14278-9


Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2

1. When I say Your will is My will, that is not the same thing as saying My Will is your will. (5)
2. Here is a secret of all Masters: keep choosing the same thing. (10)
3. You can tell you are on your way to mastery when you see the gap closing between Willing and Experiencing. (10)
4. Be of one mind and of single purpose about a thing. And dont take your mind off of it until you have produced it in
reality. Keep focused. Stay centered. (11)
5. If you choose something, choose it with all your might, with all your heart. Dont be faint-hearted. Keep going! Keep
moving toward it. Be determined. (11)
6. You may have whatever you choose. But you may not have anything you want. In fact, youll never get anything you
want if you want it badly enough. (12)
7. Whatever you put after the word I becomes your creative command. (12)
8. I produce what you call forth! You call forth precisely what you think, feel, and say, Its as simple as that. (12)
9. There should be only one consideration when making any decisionIs this a statement of Who I Am? Is this an
announcement of Who I choose to Be? (13)
10. All of life should be such an announcement. In fact, all of life is. You can allow that announcement to be made by
chance or by choice. (13)
11. A life lived by choice is a life of conscious action. (13)
12. A life lived by chance is a life of unconscious reaction. (13)
13. The experience of soul searching of which you have so often heard, but you have to be literally out of your mind to
do it. (13)
14. It is a great time-saver to be out of your mind. (13)
15. This is what is meant by a pre-sent experience. Its already on the way to you even as you are seeking itfor even
before you ask, I shall have answered you. (14)
16. The soul intuitively seeks the perfect circumstance and situation now needed to heal wrong thought and bring you the
rightful experience of Who You Really Are. (14)
17. The soul understands what the mind cannot conceive. (14)
18. The soul speaks to you in feelings. Listen to your feelings. Follow your feelings. Honor your feelings. (14)
19. Your feelings will never get you into trouble, because your feelings are your truth. (15)
20. True celebration is mindless. (15)
21. If you listen to your soul you will know what is best for you, because what is best for you is what is true for you. (15)
22. Yet once you come to know your truth, dont keep changing your mind about it. (15)
23. Feelings are neither negative nor destructive. They are simply truths. (16)
24. It is not nearly so important how well a message is received as how well it is sent. (16)
25. Express what you call your most negative feelings, but not destructively. (16)
26. All negativity need not be shared with the person about whom it is felt. It is only necessary to communicate these
feelings to the other when failure to do so would compromise your integrity or cause another to believe an untruth. (17)
27. Negativity is never a sign of ultimate truth, even if it seems like your truth at the moment. It may arise out of an
unhealed part of you. In fact, always it does. (17)
28. Some feelings are true feelingsthat is, feelings born in the souland some feelings are counterfeit feelings. These are
constructed in you mind. (17)
29. The greatest challenge as human beings is to Be Here Now, to stop making things up! Be in the moment. (18)
30. When you come to each moment cleanly, without a previous thought about it, you can create who you are, rather than
re-enact who you were. (18)
31. Life is a process of creation, and you keep living it as if it were a process of re-enactment. (18)
32. Natural is how you are when youre not trying to be normal! (19)
33. Nothing is more natural than love. (19)
34. Yet I tell you thisAsk and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. (21)
35. You want to be Christed? Act like Christ, every minute of every day. (24)
36. I am with you always, even unto the end of time. (25)
37. Do this in remembrance of Me. (26)
38. So, going back and summarizing what you are telling me (27)
39. There is no Time like the pre-sent! (28)
40. There is not time but this time. There is no moment but this moment. Now is all there is. (28)
41. Everything that ever happened, is happening, and ever will happen, is happening right now. (28)
42. Time is not a continuum. It is an element of relativity that exists vertically, not horizontally. (28)
43. Time is an up and down thing! (29)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
44. Within the isness is where your experienceand your greatest secretlies. (29)
45. I tell you this: You have always bee, are now, and always will be. There has never been a time when you were notnor
will there ever be such a time. (30)
46. Nothing is older than anything. I created it ALL AT ONCE, and All Of It exists right now. (30)
47. Awareness is the experience of that consciousness being awakened. (30)
48. Then, gradually, it becomes conscious of all others, and then, of the fact that there are no othersthat All is One. (31)
49. As you keep expanding your vision, you make up new rules to cover that! (33)
50. That which is boundless is boundless. (33)
51. That which is limitless is limitless. It cannot exist anywhere, because it is everywhere. If it is everywhere, it is nowhere
in particular. (33)
52. God is everywhere. Therefore, God is nowhere in particular, because to be somewhere in particular, God would have to
not be somewhere elsewhich is not possible for God. (33)
53. There is only one thing that is not possible for God, and that is for God to not be God (33)
54. You keep changing the boundaries as you change your ideas of Who You Are. (34)
55. There are no rotten apples. There are only people who disagree with your point of view on things, people who
construct a different model of the world. (35)
56. No persons do anything inappropriate, given their model on the world. (35)
57. Hitler went to heaven. (35)
58. Death is the greatest thing that could happen to anyonewhat then. (36)
59. At the moment of your death you will realize the greatest freedom, the greatest peace, the greatest joy, and the greatest
love you have ever known. (36)
60. Life is not a school, and your purpose here is not to learn; it is to re-member. (37)
61. To seek to unravel Divine Mystery is to lust for knowledge beyond our ken. It is sinful. (37)
62. It was My Will that Hitlerthat all of youhave Free Choice. But it is not My Will that you be punished unceasingly,
unendingly, if you do not make the choice I want you to make. If that were the case, how free have I made your
choice? Are you really free to do what you want if you know youll be made to suffer unspeakably if you do not do
what I want? What kind of choice is that? (39)
63. Dont you see that the only way you can rationalize your theology is to render Me powerless? (39)
64. Consequences are an element of relativity. (40)
65. Everything depends on what you perceive to be the purpose of life (41)
66. The purpose of life is not to please God. The purpose of life is to know, and to recreate, Who You Are. (41)
67. Hitler went to heaven for these reasons. (42)
68. There is no hell, so there is no place else for him (Hitler) to go. (42)
69. The mistakes Hitler made did no harm or damage to those whose deaths he caused. (42)
70. No one who has experienced death ever morns the death of anyone. (42)
71. When you see the utter perfection in everythingnot just those things with which you agree, but (and perhaps
especially) those things with which you disagreeyou achieve mastery. (42)
72. Summarize the points in Chapter 3. (48)
73. All events, all experiences, have as their purpose the creating of opportunity. Events and experiences are Opportunities.
Nothing more, nothing less. (49)
74. It is what we think of them, do about them, be in response to them, that gives them meaning. (49)
75. Events and experiences are opportunities drawn to youcreated by you individually or collectively through
consciousness. (49)
76. Other Players in the Universal Game join you from time to time (50)
77. No one comes to you by accident. (50)
78. There is not such thing as coincidence. (50)
79. Nothing occurs at random. (50)
80. Life is not a product of chance. (50)
81. Your world, and the condition it is in, is a reflection of the total, combined consciousness of everyone living there
82. Most people are threatened by group consciousness (52)
83. Separation breeds indifference, false superiority. (52)
84. Unity produces compassion, genuine equality. (52)
85. The Hitler Experience was made possible as a result of group consciousness. (53)
86. It was collective consciousness which provided fertile soil for the growth of the Nazi movement. Hitler seized the
moment, but he did not create it. (53)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
87. The horror of the Hitler Experience was not that he perpetrated it on the human race, but that the human race allowed
him to. (53)
88. The astonishment is not only that Hitler came along, but also that so many others went along. (53)
89. The shame is not only that Hitler killed millions of Jews, but also that millions of Jews had to be killed before Hitler
was stopped. (54)
90. Group consciousness is powerful and produces outcomes of unspeakable beauty or ugliness. The choice is always
yours. (54)
91. Hitler was not sent to you. Hitler was created by you. He arose out of your Collective Consciousness, and could not
have existed without it. That is the lesson. (55)
92. Hitler did nothing wrong. (55)
93. Understand that death is not an end, but a beginning; not a horror, but a joy. (56)
94. Hitler didnt hurt anyone. (56)
95. Hitler thought he was doing good for his people. (56)
96. For centuries people have been condemning Adam and Eve. (57)
97. There is no time. All things exist simultaneously. All events occur at one (58)
98. It is you who are moving, not time. Time has no movement. There is only One Moment. (59)
99. Time is not a movement but a field through which you move (59)
100. Thus we see that it is not time which passes, but objects which pass through, and move around in, a static field which
you call space. (60)
101. Time is simply your way of counting movements. (60)
102. Space-Time Continuum. (60)
103. Time was what it was relative to the space that existed between objects! (61)
104. Greenwich Mean Timeand it is mean because it makes a liar out of the universe! (61)
105. Is this predestination? (63)
106. If you see a future event or experience you do not like, dont choose it? Choose again! Select another! (63)
107. This forgetfulness is the secret of all time. (63)
108. What you do not know is not so. Since you do not remember your future, it has not happened to you yet! A
thing happens only when it is experienced. A thing is experienced only when it is known. (63)
109. You exist at every level of the Space-Time Continuum simultaneously. (64)
110. You exist everywhereand at all times! (64)
111. It is by device that your soul evolves. (65)
112. You are a Divine Being, capable of more than one experience at the same timeand able to divide your Self into as
many different selves as you choose. (65)
113. You can live the same life over and over again, in different ways. (65)
114. You are using all of Lifeall of many livesto be and decide Who You Really Are; to experience and to fulfill your
current idea about yourself. (66)
115. You are in an Eternal Moment of Self creation and Self fulfillment through the process of Self expression. (66)
116. You are living this life, your presently realized life, in your Past, your Present, your Future, all at once. (66)
117. Have you ever had a strange foreboding(66)
118. It would be very difficult for you to play this wonderful game of life if you had full awareness of what is going one. (67)
119. Use your Now Moment for the Highest Purposethe creation and the expression of Who You Really Are. (67)
120. If an impression comes to you about the future, honor it (67)
121. Everyone is creating everything now being experiencedwhich is another way of saying that I am creating everything
now experienced, for I am everyone. (68)
123. Space is time demonstrated. (69)
124. Invisible energy is the space which holds matter together. (69)
125. All solid objects are 2 percent solid matter and 98 percent air! (69)
126. All the matter had the space taken out of itand with the enormous space gone, that matter filled an area smaller
than the head of a pin. (69)
127. Anti-matter. (69)
128. In the beginning, pure energyMe! Vibrated, oscillated, so fast as to form matterall the matter of the universe! (70)
129. You mean the universe will contract? (70)
130. Life moves in cycles. Everything is cyclical. (71)
131. Few people understand the rhythms of life more than women. (72)
132. Women are more able to go with the flow than men. (72)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
133. Most women leave their bodies gracefully. (72)
134. One Aspect of Being is not more perfect or better than another. Both aspects are simplyand wonderfullythat:
aspects. (72)
135. Being a man is your testing ground, or your probation (72)
136. Shame is not virtue, and guilt is not goodness, and fear is not honor. (74)
137. Not with lust, for lust is not passion; and not with abandon, for abandon is not freedom; and not with aggressiveness, for
aggressiveness is not eagerness. (74)
138. Personal gratification is just another word for Self Love. (74)
139. Guilt is often used by you in your attempt to feel bad about something you feel good aboutand thus reconcile yourself
with God (75)
140. The good news is its all right to love sex! (75)
141. Its also all right to love your Self! (75)
142. I tell you this: love, love, love the things you desirefor your love of them draws them to you. (76)
143. So choose sexall the sex you can get! And choose powerall the power you can muster! And choose fameall the
fame you can attain! And choose successall the success you can achieve! And choose winningall the winning you
can experience! (76)
144. Yet do not choose sex instead of love, but as a celebration of it (76)
145. You can not give what you do not have. (77)
146. Give yourself abundant pleasure, and you will have abundant pleasure to give others. (77)
147. Teachers of what you call Tantric sexwhich is a very high form of sexual expression, incidentallyknow that if you
come to sex with hunger for sex, your ability to pleasure your partner and to experience a prolonged and joyful union of
souls and bodieswhich is a very high reason to experience sexuality, by the wayis greatly diminished (78)
148. Tantric lovers. (78)
149. Feeling good is the souls way of shouting This is who I am! (79)
150. No kind of evolution ever took place through denial. (79)
151. How can you know that something is greater if youve never tasted the lesser? (79)
152. Religions would have you take its word for it. That is why all religions ultimately fail. Spirituality, on the other hand,
will always succeed. (80)
153. Spirituality, urges you to seek your own. (80)
154. Religion can not stand Spirituality. It cannot abide it. (80)
155. For Spirituality may bring you to a different conclusion, than a particular religionand this no known religion can
tolerate. (80)
156. Spirituality invites you to toss away the thoughts of others and come up with your own. (80)
157. Feeling good is your way of telling yourself that your last thought was truth, that your last word was wisdom, that you
last action was love. (80)
158. To notice how far you have progressed, to measure how highly you have evolved, simply look to see what makes you
feel good. (80)
159. Self-denial is self-destruction. (80)
160. Self-regulation is not self-denial. (80)
161. It is the job of Gods messengers to increase awareness among all peoples (81)
162. How may we best express this thing called sexual energy? (81)
163. Procreation is the happy after effect, not the logical forethought, of most human sexual experience. (82)
164. The idea that sex is only to make babies is nave. (82)
165. Sexual expression is the inevitable result of an eternal process of attraction and rhythmic energy flow which fuels all of
life. (82)
166. If that person is sensitive enough, he or she can feel it. (82)
167. Youve heard the saying sending all good vibes, and its true. Thats very accurate! (82)
168. This weave is the combined energy field within which you live. It is powerful, and affects everything including you.
169. The Matrix. (83)
170. Your popular psychology has termed this energy Matrix the Collective Consciousness. (83)
171. Your energybeamed from you like a Golden Lightis interacting constantly with everything and everyone else. (87)
172. You are never totally disconnected from anything. (87)
173. There is a point between You and every other person, place, or thing which exists. (87)
174. This is the Matrix. (88)
175. The Law of attraction. (88)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
176. Thoughts do create physical formand when many people are thinking the same thing, there is a very high likelihood
that their thought will form a Reality. (88)
177. Religious freedom has become religious righteousness bordering on religious intolerance. Individual freedom has all but
vanished as individual responsibility has disappeared. (88)
178. The notion of individual responsibility has been distorted to mean every man for himself. (88)
179. Collective Consciousness produces collective results. (90)
180. All beings of consciousness move away from the Permanent Melding in order to maintain their relationship to all other
beings. (90)
181. Synergistic Energy Exchange. (90)
182. Your choice is to remain free of it, so that you can experience it. (91)
183. For God to know Itself as the All of It, God must know Itself as not the All of It. (91)
184. In youand in every other energy unit of the universeGod knows Itself as the Parts of Alland thus gives Itself the
possibility of knowing Itself as the All in All in Its Own Experience. (91)
185. I can only experience what I am by experiencing what I am not. Yet I am what I am not (91)
186. This natural rhythm of the universe, typifies all of life (91)
187. And who says I am offended, anyway, by a simple word? (93)
188. In some culturesAboriginal, some Polynesianlovemaking is done quite openly. (94)
189. Youve made se so dirty, shameful, taboo, that youre embarrassed to do it! (94)
190. The trouble with propriety is (95)
191. If I had one bumper sticker on my car, it would read: VIOLATE PROPRIETY (95)
192. Propriety seldom refers to legalistic limitations, but more often to simpler matters of what is deemed appropriate.
193. Appropriate behaviour is not always the behaviour thats in what you call your best interests. It is rarely the
behaviour that brings you the most joy. (96)
194. Betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is Betrayal nonetheless. It is the Highest Betrayal. (97)
195. (Shakespeare) To thine own Self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any
man. (97)
196. Man is capable of making the highest choice. (97)
197. The Highest Choice is not always the choice which seems to serve another. (97)
198. Always you must put yourselves first! (98)
199. Putting yourself first does not mean being what you term selfishit means being self aware. (98)
200. If all you are doing is following someone elses rules, then you have not grown, you have obeyed. (98)
201. Obedience is not what I want from you. Obedience is not growth, and growth is what I desire. (98)
202. Those who evolve to a high level of understanding bring their bodily desires into balance with their minds and souls.
203. The mind is forgotten after age 30. (99)
204. Most people live life on a body level. (99)
205. Most people dont want to have to think. (99)
206. If you knew of what your mind is capable, you would never cease to partake of its wondersand its powers. (100)
207. When you live as a single-faceted creature, you become deeply mired in matters of the body: (100)
208. When you live as a three-part being, you come at last into balance with yourself. (100)
209. As you evolve into higher and higher states of consciousness, you bring into full realization every aspect of you being.
210. They believe abstinence is the only way to spiritual evolution. (101)
211. The sexually active are no less qualified for enlightenment, no less spiritually evolved, than the sexually inactive. (101)
212. Appreciation for all of life is what honors the Process I have created. (102)
213. Disdain for life or any of its joyseven the most basic, physical onesis disdain for Me, the Creator. (102)
214. Shakespeare said, nothing is evil lest thinking make it so. (102)
215. No action which causes hurt of another leads to rapid evolution. (102)
216. No action involving another may be taken without the others agreement and permission. (103)
217. Loveless anything is not the fastest way to the Goddess. (103)
218. Children are aware of themselves as sexual beingswhich is to say, as human beingsfrom the outset of their lives.
219. With your race of beings, it has not been a question of when you introduce your offspring to sex (104)
220. In enlightened societies offspring are never discouraged, reprimanded, or corrected when they begin to find early
delight in the nature of their very being. (105)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
221. Naked bodies, whether of the parents or the children or their sibling, are seen and treated as being totally natural, totally
wonderful, and totally okaynot as things of which to be ashamed. (105)
222. Sexual functions are also seen and treated as totally natural, totally wonderful, and totally okay. (105)
223. You may call such societies pagan or primitive, yet it is observable that in such societys rape and crimes of passion
are virtually nonexistent, prostitution is laughed at as being absurd, and sexual inhibitions and dysfunctions are unheard
of. (106)
224. Suggestions? Ideas? (106)
225. Talk about sex with your children, laugh about sex with your children, teach them and allow them and remind them and
show them how to celebrate their sexuality. (107)
226. Own your own joyful sexuality, and then you can allow and encourage your children to own theirs. (108)
227. Needing someone is the fastest way to kill a relationship. (108)
228. Knowing better has not stopped the human race from calling Me a Judgmental God in the past. (109)
229. I observe that most of you have misunderstood the meaning, the purpose, and the function of education. (110)
230. Education has very little to do with knowledge. (110)
231. Wisdom is knowledge applied. (110)
232. Dont ignore knowledge in favour of wisdom. (111)
233. Dont ignore wisdom in favour of knowledge. (111)
234. You are teaching your children what to think instead of how to think. (111)
235. When you give your children knowledge, you are telling them what to think. (111)
236. When you give your children wisdom, you do not tell them what to know, or what is true, but, rather, how to get to their
own truth. (111)
237. As little knowledge as possible. The smaller amount the better. (111)
238. Know this: Knowledge is lost. Wisdom is never forgotten. (111)
239. Classes in critical thinking, problem solving, and logic are considered by many parents to be threatening. (112)
240. Children who are allowed to develop their own critical thinking processes are very much likely to abandon their parents
moral, standards, and entire way of life. (112)
241. What you have been teaching your children has led your world toward ignorance, not away from it. (112)
242. You are lying to yourself, just as you lie to your children. (112)
243. You have not taught history at all, but politics. (113)
244. History reveals, politics justifies. History uncovers; tells all. Politics covers; tells only one side. (113)
245. Politicians hate history truly written. And history truly written, speaks not so well of politicians, either. (113)
246. In societies where sexuality is openly spoken of, freely discussed, joyously explained and experienced, there is virtually
no sexual crime, only a tiny number of births which occur when they are not expected, and no illegitimate or
unwanted births. (117)
247. In highly evolved societies, all births are blessings, and all mothers and all children have their welfare looked after,
indeed, the society would have it no other way. (117)
248. In societies where history is not bent to the views of the strongest and most powerful, the mistakes of the past are openly
acknowledged and never repeated (117)
249. In societies where critical thinking and problem solving and skills for living are taught, rather than facts simply
memorized, even so-called justifiable actions of the past are held up to intense scrutiny. Nothing is accepted on face
value. (118)
250. The young people are destroying your way of life. (119)
251. The young people have always done that. You job is to encourage it, not discourage it. (119)
252. It is not your young people who are destroying the rain forest. (119)
253. It is not your young people who are exploiting the poor in sweat shops all over the world. (119)
254. It is not your young people who are ignoring the problems of the weak and the downtrodden (120)
255. It is not your young people who are engaging in the politics of deception and manipulation. (120)
256. It is not your young people who have set up a value system which says the might is right and a world which solves
problems with violence. (120)
257. When the cries and pleas of young people to change the world are not heard and never heeded; when they see that their
cause is lostthat you will have it your way no matter whatyoung people, who are not stupid, will do the next best
thing. If they cant beat you, they will join you. (120)
258. The only difference between young people and older people is that young people do what they do out in the open. (120)
259. Young people see they hypocrisy of their elders, and they try desperately to change it. (120)
260. What you memorize, you memorialize. (121)
261. Children remember everything they see, everything they experience. (121)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
262. Teach concepts, not subjects. (122)
263. Until you are willing to take responsibility for all of it, you cannot change any of it. (125)
264. We have met the enemy, and they is us. (125)
265. Youve been making the same mistakes for thousand of years. (125)
266. Humankind has not evolved in its most basic instincts much beyond the caveman era. (125)
267. Schools are exactly the place for such instruction. (126)
268. Create the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever had about yourselves as a human race. (126)
269. Take the values and concepts which undergird such a vision and teach them in your schools. (126)
270. Why not courses such as (126)
271. Right now yours schools exist primarily to provide answers. (128)
272. It would be far more beneficial if their primary function was to ask questions. (128)
273. Past Data should not be the basis of Present Truth. (128)
274. Always the treasure should be in the question, not in the answer. (128)
275. For parents who do not want children questioning their values are not parents who love their children, but rather, who
love themselves through their children. (129)
276. Rudolph Steiner: Explore the methods of The Waldorf School. (129)
277. Government is the perfect portrayer of the accuracy of the axiom that if you lie big enough, long enough, the lie
becomes the truth. (133)
278. Truth and politics do not and cannot mix, because politics is the art of saying only what needs to be saidand saying it
in just the right wayin order to achieve a desire end. (133)
279. You cannot legislate morality. (135)
280. You cannot mandate equality. (135)
281. You cannot grow and become great when you are constantly being told what to do by government. (135)
282. What most laws, actually do say is what the most powerful among you have as their vested interest. (136)
283. In your society, if providing for the good of the many does not produce a huge profit for someone, the good of the many
is more often than not ignored. (138)
284. Theres no profit, you see, in people who have little to spendtheyve worn out their usefulnessAnd this is your great
society--- (138)
285. No one seems to have the will. (139)
286. The worlds political machinery operates on self-interest. (141)
287. One World government. (141)
288. The only problem of humanity is lack of love. (142)
289. The fastest way to get to a place of love and concern for all humankind is to see all humankind as your family. (142)
290. The fastest way to see al humankind as your family is to stop separating yourself. (142)
291. I observe that what would work would be the formation of a new world political community, with each nation state
having an equal say in the worlds affairs, and an equal proportionate share of the worlds resources. (143)
292. Spiritual truth must be lived impractical life to change everyday experience. (148)
293. It is not necessarily true that, to give more to those who now hunger and thirst and live without shelter, others must give
up their abundance. (150)
294. Ultimately, every geopolitical problem, just as every personal problem, breaks down to a spiritual problem. (151)
295. All of life is spiritual, and therefore all of lifes problems are spiritually basedand spiritually solved. (151)
296. All conflict arises from misplaced desire. (151)
297. The only peace in all the world that is sustaining is Internal Peace. (151)
298. Not needing is a great freedom. It frees you, first from fear: fear that there is something you wont have; fear that
there is something you have that you will lose; and fear that without a certain think, you wont be happy. (151)
299. Not needing frees you from anger. (151)
300. Anger is fear announced. (151)
301. When fear is taken from you, all else can be taken from you and you will not be angry. (154)
302. World peace is a personal thing. (152)
303. There is perfection in everything. (153)
304. Strive to see the perfection. (153)
305. Need nothing. Desire everything. Choose what shows up. (153)
306. In the midst of the greatest tragedy, see the glory of the process. (153)
307. In a moment of great tragedy, the challenge always is to quiet the mind and move deep within the soul. (153)
308. There is only one question of any relevance regarding this or any other thought. Does it serve you to hold that? (156)
309. In terms of Who You Are and Who You seek to Be, does that thought serve you? (156)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
310. It is also true that at a very high metaphysical level, no one is disadvantaged, for each soul creates for itself the exact
people, event, and circumstances needed to accomplish what it wishes to accomplish. (156)
311. You choose everything. Your parents. Your country of birth. All the circumstances surrounding your re-entry. (156)
312. Similarly, throughout the days and times of your life you continue to choose and to create people, events, and
circumstances designed to bring you the exact, right, and perfect opportunities you now desire in order to know yourself
as you truly are. (156)
313. People do face disadvantages in the physical sense, but that these are actually the right and perfect conditions
metaphysically. (156)
314. Everything you think, say, and do is a reflection of what youve decided about yourself (157)
315. Your first question, always, must be: What do I want here?not: What does the other person want here? (157)
316. The reason your relationships are in such a mess is that youre always trying to figure out what the other person wants
and what other people wantinstead of what you truly want. (157)
317. The purpose of your Holy Relationship with every other person, place, or thing is not to figure out what they want or
need, but what you require or desire now in order to grow, in order to be Who you want to Be. (158)
318. In the Allness, you simply are and cannot experience your awareness as anything in particular because, in the
Allness, there is nothing you are not. (158)
319. I devised a way for you to create anew, and Know, Who You Are in your experience. (158)
320. Relativity (158)
321. Forgetfulness (158)
322. Consciousness (158)
323. Consciousnessthat of which you are truly awareis the basis of all truth and thus of all true spirituality. (159)
324. This is the act of God being God. (159)
325. This is the point of all life. (159)
326. What to do about the less fortunate. First, decide Who and What you Are in Relationship to them. (159)
327. Sometimes the best way to love someone, and the most help you can give, is to leave them alone or empower them to
help themselves. (159)
328. The greatest help you can give a person is to wake them up, to remind them of Who They Really Are. There are many
ways to do this (160)
329. What you have the opportunity to do for the less fortunate is to re-mind them. That is, cause them to be of a New Mind
about themselves. (160)
330. For some the fastest path to Who They Are was the path through Who They Are Not. (160)
331. Jesus idea of Perfect Love was to grant all persons exactly the help they requested, after telling them the kind of help
they could get. (161)
332. Jesus knew that if he gave people the help they asked for, rather than merely the help he wanted to give, that he was
empowering them at the level at which they were ready to receive empowerment. (161)
333. When you allow another, in the name of compassion, to begin to rely on you rather than rely on themselves, that is not
compassion, that is compulsion. (161)
334. For to the extent that you allow other persons to make you responsible for them, to that extent you have allowed them to
make you powerful. And that, of course, makes you feel worthy. (162)
335. This kind of help is an aphrodisiac which seduces the weak. (162)
336. Whom the government supports, supports the government. (162)
337. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need(162)
338. Sharing must be a way of life, not an edict imposed by government. (162)
339. Governments which take from the rich and give to the poor are called oppressive, while governments which do nothing
while the rich exploit the poor are repressive. (163)
340. How do we reconcile our hatred of government control with our lack of willingness to do anything we dont have to do
when there are no controls? (164)
341. The plain truth is, governments provide solutions when the private sector wont. (165)
342. Goodness and fairness are moral issues, not political ones. (166)
343. There is only one place where goodness is born, and that is in the human heart. (166)
344. There is only one place where fairness can be conceptualized, and that is in the human mind. (166)
345. There is only one place where love can be experienced truly, and that is in the human soul. Because the human soul is
love. (166)
346. What is needed is a growth in consciousness, not a growth in government. (167)
347. Theres no such thing as the Ten Commandments. (167)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
348. Some level of governance is going to be required until your race evolves to the point where you naturally do what is
naturally right. (168)
349. The answer has to do with your Separation Consciousness. (168)
350. But if we arent separate, then we are One. And doesnt that mean we are responsible for each other? (168)
351. What needs to be changed is the basic nature of man. Thats where the work must be done. (169)
352. For no one is truly well off if they are well off while others are dying. (169)
353. The evolution of a society is measured by how well it treats the least among its members. (169)
354. An overall guideline might be this: when in doubt, always err on the side of compassion. (170)
355. Isnt basic human dignity the birthright of everyone? Oughtnt it be? (170)
356. The challenge is not to make everyone equal, but to give everyone at least the assurance of basic survival with dignity,
so that each may then have the chance to choose what more they want from there. (170)
357. Compassion never ends, love never stops, patience never runs out in gods World. (171)
358. Only in the world of man is goodness limited. (171)
359. If a man slaps you on the right cheek, turn and offer him your left. (171)
360. No one does anything evil, given his model of the world. (171)
361. All are doing the best they can at any given moments. (171)
362. All attack is a call for help. (172)
363. No one truly desires to hurt another. Those who do itincluding your own governments, by the waydo it out of a
misplaced idea that it is the only way to get something they want. (172)
364. In terms of geopolitics, why not work together as a world to meet the most basic needs of everyone? (172)
365. You have barely evolved at all. (172)
366. You still operate in a primitive every man for himself mentality. (172)
367. You must stop seeing God as separate from you, and you as separate from each other. (173)
368. Everything is intrinsically connected, irrevocably interdependent, interactive, interwoven into the fabric of all of life.
369. Love gives all and requires nothing. (173)
370. How can I begin? (175)
371. Every person who has ever come to you has come to receive a gift from you. In so doing, he gives a gift to youthe gift
of your experiencing and fulfilling Who You Are. (176)
372. Never offer the kind of help that disempowers. (178)
373. Never insist on offering the help you think is needed. (178)
374. Let the person or people in need know all that you have to givethen listen to what they want; see what they are ready
to receive. (178)
375. That which disempowers is that which promotes or produces dependency. (178)
376. Completely ignoring the plight of another who is truly seeking your help is not the answer, for doing too little no more
empowers the other than doing too much. (178)
377. The ozone layer is depleted? The rain forests are being decimated? (181)
378. There is rapidly developing a soil shortage on your planet. (181)
379. Follow the money trail. (183)
380. Eliminate money? (183)
381. Having a penis makes the first employee more valuable than the second; quicker witted, smarter by half, and, obviously,
more capable. (184)
382. And my point is that pay discrimination, at least, would be much more difficult to get away with if all money
transactions were made visible, instead of hidden. (185)
383. Nothing breeds appropriate behaviour faster than exposure to the light of public scrutiny. (186)
384. I dare you to throw out all your money, all your papers and coins and individual national currencies, and start over.
385. Worldwide Compensation System by which people would be given Credits for services rendered and products
produced, and Debits for services used and products consumed. (186)
386. Show me a mans bank account, and Ill show you the man. (186)
387. Under the new Worldwide Compensation System, WCS, the transfer of Debits and Credits would be immediate and
totally visible. (187)
388. The WCS would deduct 10 percent of all earnings each year from the incomes of those voluntarily requesting such a
deduction. (187)
389. Nothing breeds fairness faster than visibility. (188)
390. Visibility is simply another word for truth. (188)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
391. In enlightened societies there are no secrets. (188)
392. In personal relationships (and in all relationships, really) its about loss. Its about being afraid of what one might lose
or fail to gain. (189)
393. The best personal relationships, and certainly the best romantic ones, are relationships in which everyone knows
everything; in which visibility is not only the watchword, but the only word; in which there simply are no secrets. (189)
394. Each of you has constructed, within the framework of your own particular theology, some idea, some concept of Gods
Worst Punishment just aint no such thing. (192)
395. This is not about blurting out every little feeling, thought, idea, fear, memory, confession, or whatever (192)
396. As long as you think you can win an argument, you will have it. (195)
397. As long as you think you can win a war, you will fight it. (195)
398. Sometimes you have to do what you dont want to do in order to ensure that you dont have to keep on doing it! (196)
399. Often the only way to know yourself as That Which You Are is to experience yourself as That Which You Are Not.
400. A worldwide government would level the playing field (197)
401. Revolutions and civil war are inevitable, as are wars between nations, so long as the haves continue seeking to exploit
the have-nots under the guise of providing opportunity. (199)
402. Holding on to the wealth and the resources has become so institutionalized that it almost now appears acceptable even
to some fair-minded people, who see it as simply open market economics. (199)
403. No ones point of view is less worthy of being heard than anothers; No one human being has less dignity than another.
404. It is said that a man is without honor in his own home. (200)
405. When the incentive for greatness is not economicwhen economic security and basic materialistic needs are
guaranteed to allthen incentive will not disappear, but be of a different sort, increasing in strength and determination,
producing true greatness, not the kind of transparent, transient greatness which present incentives produce. (200)
406. Living a better life is a proper incentive. (201)
407. A better life is not created by the accumulation of things. (201)
408. The reason for seeking, striving, searching, stretching, and succeeding becomes completely different. The reason for
doing anything is changed, and with it the doer is likewise changed. The reason becomes the process, and the doer
becomes a be-er. (202)
409. Your new incentive: to become what I created you to bethe physical out-picturing of Deity Itself. (203)
410. When you talk about equality that were meaning equal opportunity, not equality in fact. (204)
411. Equality can never be achieved, and be grateful that is so. (204)
412. Equality is samenessand the last thing the world needs is sameness. (204)
413. The first mark of a primitive society is that it thinks itself advanced. (205)
414. The first mark of a primitive consciousness is that it thinks itself enlightened. (105)
415. Unified world federation would produce (206)
416. Your thought that these things need to be earned is the basis for your thought that you have to earn your way to heaven.
417. When you learn to give unconditionally (which is to say, love unconditionally), then will you learn to receive
unconditionally. (207)
418. People have a right to basic survival. Even if they do nothing. Even if they contribute nothing. Survival with dignity is
one of the basic rights of life. (107)
419. It is not yours to judge what is a life wasted. (207)
420. It is equal opportunity. (209)
421. Envy is a natural emotion urging you to strive to be more. (209)
422. There is nothing wrong with envy. It is a motivator. (209)
423. Jealousy, on the other hand, is a fear-driven emotion making one willing for the other to have less. (209)
424. Jealousy kills, envy gives birth. (209)
425. The human spirit rises; it does not fall in the face of true opportunity. (211)
426. The soul seeks a higher experience of itself, not a lower. (211)
427. The old equal tax proposal. (211)
428. The guidance you are getting is to follow your heart. (215)
429. Here is the one thing you still cannot believe: you are the Highest Source. (215)
430. Its always your new thought that creates you reality. Always. (215)
431. Joy at the work place has nothing to do with function, and everything to do with purpose. (217)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
432. The upper retainable income limit would be a reflection of a consciousness shift on the planet; and awareness that the
highest purpose of life is not the accumulation of the greatest wealth, but the doing of the greatest goodand a
corollary awareness that, indeed, the concentration of wealth, not the sharing of it, is the largest single factor in the
creation of the worlds most persistent and striking social and political dilemmas. (218)
433. You Americans tend to see class status as a function of individual effort. Some have made good, so you assume that
anybody can. That is simplistic and nave. (219)
434. In most cases it isnt rich individuals who do it; its the social systems and institutions they represent. (219)
435. Those systems and institutions were created by the rich and powerfuland it is the rich and powerful who continue to
support them. (219)
436. The resources of your planetincluding the fruits of the labors of the masses of the indescribably poor who are
continually and systematically exploitedbelong to all the worlds people, not just those who are rich and powerful
enough to do the exploiting. (220)
437. Such a system of rank obscenity could exist only in a world motivated by greed, where profit margin, not human
dignity, is the first consideration. (221)
438. If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven. But
when the young man heard this, he went away, sorrowful, for he had great possessions. (222)
439. God is everything, and God becomes everything. There is nothing which God is not, and all that God is experiencing of
Itself. God is experiencing in, as, and through you. (223)
440. What is needed on your planet is a massive shift in consciousness. A change in your awareness. A renewed respect for
all of life, and a deepened understanding of the inter-relatedness of everything. (224)
441. My decision from the beginning has been to give you the freedom to create your lifeand hence, your Selfas you
wish to be. (224)
442. You cannot know yourself as the Creator if I tell you what to create, how to create, and then force, require, or cause you
to do so. If I do that, My purpose is lost. (224)
443. I am saying that the struggle between the haves and the have-nots has been going on forever and is epidemic on
your planet. It will ever be thus so long as economic interests, rather than humanitarian interests, run the worldso long
as mans body, and not mans soul, is mans highest concern. (227)
444. Your social economic mechanism systematically discriminates against classes of people. (228)
445. Once again the rich and powerful exploit the masses, this time under the guise of property rights. (229)
446. Yours is a very primitive race, where strength is all you understand. There is no true law on your planet. True Law is
Natural Lawinexplicable and not needed to be explained or taught. It is observable. (230)
447. Highly evolved beings do not hit themselves on the head with a hammer because it hurts. They also dont hit anyone
else on the head with a hammer, for the same reason. (231)
448. Evolved beings are not willing to play The One With The Biggest Hammer Wins. Primitive beings play nothing else.
449. Incidentally, this is largely a male game. Among your species, very few women are willing to play Hammers Hurt.
450. You see, truthlike natural lawis observable. (231)
451. Only that which is not self-evident has to be explained to you. (231)
452. It takes a very unusual and determined person to convince people of something which is not self-evident. For this
purpose you have invented politicians. And Clergy. (232)
453. Truth and God are found in the same place: in the silence. (232)
454. When you have found God, and when you have found truth, it is not necessary to talk about it. it is self-evident. (232)
455. If you are talking a lot about God, it is probably because you are still searching. (232)
456. You teach what you choose to learn. (232)
457. Your worlds economic, political, social, and religious systems are primitive. (233)
458. There is a slow chipping away happening. We are gradually stripping the block of granite which is the human
experience of its unwanted excess, as a sculptor chips away to create and reveal the true beauty of the final carving.
459. Do you imagine that the future is predictableeven by God? I tell you this: Your future is creatable. Create it as you
want it. (235)
460. But the Eternal Moment of Now is also forever changing. (235)
461. Sometimes the change in the All is subtle (236)
462. You must learn to live within the contradiction. And you must understand the greatest truth: Nothing Matters. (236)
463. Have we been visited by such extraterrestrial beings? (237)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
464. You dont find it strange that in the billion-year process of evolution, somewhere around 75-100 years ago there was a
huge comprehension explosion? (238)
465. You dont see it as outside the pattern that many people now on the planet have seen the development of everything
from radio to radar to radionics in their lifetime? (238)
466. You dont get that what has happened here represents a quantum leap? A step forward of such magnitude and such
proportion as to defy any progression of logic? (238)
467. Consider the possibility youve been helped. (238)
468. Youre telling me that beings from outer space are helping us with that? (239)
469. They are among you now, many of them. They have been helping for years. (239)
470. Their purpose is to assist in the change they see that most of you desire, not create it; to foster, not force. (239)
471. Wisdom which comes from within is not nearly so easily discarded as wisdom which comes from another. (239)
472. You are being given the opportunity to live out your own destiny. Your own consciousness will create the result. (240)
473. It was a way, is the only way, to control people. (241)
474. Abandon the concept of Separation. (242)
475. Adopt the concept of Visibility. (242)
476. That what you do to others, you do to yourself. (242)
477. What you fail to do for others, you fail to do for yourself. (242)
478. That the pain of others is your pain, and the joy of others your joy. (242)
479. That when you disclaim any part of it, you disclaim a part of yourself. (242)
480. Although you will live again in the illusion of separation, using it as a tool to create your Self anew, you will henceforth
move through your incarnations with enlightenment, seeing the illusion for what it is, using it playfully and joyfully to
experience any aspect of Who We Are which it pleases you to experience, yet nevermore accepting it as reality. (242)
481. They are enlightened souls, souls which have evolved. (243)
482. It is also possible to live in the physical body in conscious union with All That Is; in conscious awareness of ultimate
truth; in conscious expression of Who You Really Are. (243)
483. In some parts of the universe these beings live in constant expression of the highest truth. These are the enlightened
societies of which I have spoken. They exist, they are real, and they have sent you their emissaries. (244)
484. Everythingeverythingthat ever was, is now, and ever will be exists right now. (246)
485. All that isIS. Yet all the IS is constantly changing, for life is an ongoing process of creation. Therefore, in a very real
sense. That Which ISIS NOT. (246)
486. This ISNESS is NEVER THE SAME. Which means that the ISNESS is NOT. (246)
487. Return to spirituality. Forget about religion. (247)
488. Understand that in order for organized religion to succeed, it has to make people believe they need it. (247)
489. The first task of organized religion is to make you lose faith in yourself. (247)
490. Religion must make you doubt yourSelf; must make you doubt your own ability to think straight. (247)
491. It is religion which has created agnostics. (247)
492. It is religion which has filled the hearts of men with fear of God, where once man loved That Which Is in all its
splendour. (248)
493. It is religion which has ordered men to bow down before God, where once man rose up in joyful outreach. (248)
494. It is religion which has burdened man with worries about Gods wrath, where once man sought God to lighten his
burden! (248)
495. It is religion which told man to be ashamed of his body and its most natural functions, where once man celebrated those
functions as the greatest gifts of life! (248)
496. It is religion which taught you that you must have an intermediary in order to reach God, where once you thought
yourself to be reaching God by the simple living of your life in goodness and in truth. (248)
497. It is religion which commanded humans to adore God, where once humans adored God because it was impossible not
to! (248)
498. Everywhere religion has gone it has created disunitywhich is the opposite of God. (248)
499. Religion has separated man from God, man from man, man from womansome religions actually telling man that he is
above woman, even as it claims God is above manthus setting the stage for the greatest travesties ever foisted upon
half the human race. (248)
500. It is religion which insists to this very day that women are somehow less, somehow second-class spiritual citizens,
somehow not suited to teach the Word of god, preach the Word of God, or minister to the people. (248)
501. There is no one person or class of people more suited to do My work than any other. (249)
502. The blasphemy is that you have been taught such things. (249)
503. I tell you this: You have been made in the Image and Likeness of Godit is that destiny you came to fulfill. (249)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2
504. God is everything, and God becomes everything. (249)
505. There is nothing which God is not, and all that God is experiencing of Itself, God is experiencing in, as, and through
you. (249)
506. In My purest form, I am the Absolute. I am Absolutely Everything, and therefore, I need, want, and demand absolutely
nothing. (249)
507. Why would I punish Myself for simply creating? (250)
508. You may come home whenever you wish. (250)

Conversations with God, Book 2
(Neal Donald Walsch) ISBN: 1-57174-056-2


Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8

1. So long as you are still worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them. (4)
2. You cannot discredit truth. Truth is truth, and it can neither be proven nor disproven. It simply is. (4)
3. Only when you require no approval from outside yourself can you own yourself. (4)
4. It is not nearly so important how well a message is received as how well it was sent. (4)
5. You teach what you have to learn. (4)
6. It is not necessary to have achieved perfection to speak of perfection. (4)
7. It is not necessary to have achieved mastery to speak of mastery. (4)
8. It is not necessary to have achieved the highest level of evolution to speak of the highest level of evolution. (4)
9. Guilt is important. It tells us when weve done wrong (5)
10. There is no such thing as wrong. There is only that which does not serve you; does not speak the truth about Who
You Are, and Who You Choose to Be. (5)
11. Guilt is the feeling that keeps you stuck in who you are not. (5)
12. Guilt is a blight upon the landthe poison that kills the plant. (5)
13. You will not grow through guilt, but only shrivel and die. (5)
14. Fear and guilt, I say again, are your only enemies. (5)
15. Be cautiousbe consciousbut do not be fearful. (5)
16. Fear only paralyzes, while consciousness mobilizes. (5)
17. You must be so fearless that you can dare to enter into your own experience of God. (6)
18. Fear and guilt are the only enemies of man. (6)
19. The Divine Doctrine is also a Divine Dichotomy, and that is because life itself is a dichotomy. (9)
20. The biggest mistake people make in human relationships is to be concerned for what the other is wanting, being, doing,
or having. (9)
21. The highest choice for the Self becomes the highest choice for another when the Self realizes that there is no one else.
22. The mistake, therefore, is not in choosing what is best for you, but rather, in not knowing what is best. (9)
23. What is best depends on who you are, and who you seek to be. (10)
24. You cannot intelligently choose what is best for you until you intelligently decide who and what you are. (10)
25. What is best for Me is giving you what you decide is best for you. Because what I am trying to be is My Self, expressed.
And I am being this through you. (10)
26. I cannot experience any part of My Self without experiencing All of My Self. (10)
27. I am the Magnificent Everythingand what I am seeking is to know myself experientially. (11)
28. I cannot choose to be magnificent unless there is something to choose from. (11)
29. Some part of Me must be less than magnificent for Me to choose the part of Me which is magnificent. (11)
30. I am God, in the act of creating My Self. And so too, are you. (11)
31. Were I to stop you from having what you choose, I would stop My Self from having what I choose. (11)
32. My greatest desire is to experience My Self as What I Am. (11)
33. I have carefully created What I Am Not, in order that I might experience What I Am. (11)
34. I Am everything I createtherefore I Am, in a sense, What I Am Not. (11)
35. There is nothing that I am not. Therefore, I Am what I Am, and I Am What I Am Not. (11)
36. You say that you want the answer, but you are not choosing it. You know you are not choosing it, because you do not
experience having it. In truth, you have the answer, and have had it al along. You simply are not choosing it. You are
choosing to believe you do not know the answerand so you do not. (13)
37. Knowing does not follow experienceit precedes it. (13)
38. To know that you know, act as if you do. (13)
39. Be-Do-Have paradigm (14)
40. Havingness does not produce beingness, but the other way around (14)
41. In life, you do not have to do anything. It is all a question of what you are being. (14)
42. Deciding ahead of time what you choose to be produces that in your experience. (15)
43. All states of mind reproduce themselves. (15)
44. Act as if you are, and you will draw it to you. What you act as if you are, you become. (15)
45. Fake it until you make it. (15)
46. Everything you do, do out of sincerity, or the benefit of the action is lost. (15)
47. You cannot fool your mind. If you are insincere, your mind knows it, and thats that. Youve just ended any chance that
your mind can help you in the creative process. (16)
48. You cannot manipulate the universe. (16)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
49. Whatever you choose for yourself, give to another. (16)
50. The very act of your giving something away causes you to experience that you have it to give away. (17)
51. Since you cannot give to another something you do not now have, your mind comes to a new conclusion, a New
Thought, about younamely, that you must have this, or you could not be giving it away. (17)
52. This New Thought then becomes your experience. You start being that. And once you start being a thing, youve
engaged the gears of the most powerful creation machine in the universeyour Divine Self. (17)
53. Whatever you are being, you are creating. (17)
54. The circle is complete, and you will create more and more of that in your life. It will be made manifest in your physical
experience. (17)
55. If you give to another as a contrivance, a manipulation meant to get something to come to you, your mind knows this.
Youve just given it a signal that you do not now have this. (18)
56. That will be your experience. (18)
57. The very thing you sought to attract, you will thus push away. (18)
58. When you give something to another with purity of heart (18)
59. Then you will discover that you have it to give. And that is a grand discovery. (18)
60. When you want something, give it away. You will then no longer be wanting it. You will immediately experience
having it. (19)
61. And what is the fastest way to be wisdom? Cause another to be wise. (19)
62. I never, ever interfere with your deepest desire. (20)
63. You cannot do damage to yourselves. You are incapable of being damaged. Damage is a subjective reaction, not an
objective phenomenon. (20)
64. Objective phenomena is drawn to you subconsciously; all events are created by you unconsciously; every person, place,
or thing in your life was drawn to you by youwas Self-created, if you willto provide you with the exact and perfect
conditions, the perfect opportunity, to experience what you next wish to experience as you go about the business of
evolving. (21)
65. Nothing can happenI say to you, nothing can occurin your life which is not a precisely perfect opportunity for you
to heal something, create something, or experience something that you wish to heal, create, or experience in order to be
Who You Really Are. (21)
66. You may assume that if a thing happens to you, it is perfect that it did so (22)
67. You can move through life aware, or unaware. You can walk your path asleep, or awake. (22)
68. You often make decisions and choices at all three levels simultaneouslyand they by no means always coincide. (23)
69. It is My job to ensure that your choices are granted. (In truth, you grant them to your Self). (23)
70. Your mind can, and does, make decisions and choices from one of at least three interior levels: logic, intuition,
emotionand sometimes from all three (23)
71. There are the five natural emotions: grief, anger, envy, fear, and love. (24)
72. Ultimately, all thoughts are sponsored by love or fear. (24)
73. In the end, there is really only one. Love. (24)
74. Fear is an outgrowth of love. (24)
75. Fear in its highest form becomes loveis loveexpressed as fear. (24)
76. Grief, anger, and envy are all some form of fear, which, in turn, is some form of love. (24)
77. Grief is a natural emotion (25)
78. Grief that is continually repressed becomes chronic depression, a very unnatural emotion. (25)
79. Anger is a natural emotion. (26)
80. Anger that is continually repressed becomes rage, a very unnatural emotion. (26)
81. Envy is a natural emotion. (26)
82. Envy that is continually repressed becomes jealousy, a very unnatural emotion. (26)
83. Fear is a natural emotion. (26)
84. Fear that is continually repressed becomes panic, a very unnatural emotion. (27)
85. Love is a natural emotion. (27)
86. Love that is continually repressed becomes possessiveness, a very unnatural emotion. (27)
87. You have the wrong people doing the parenting. (28)
88. The mother and the father are the wrong people to raise the children. (28)
89. No one is more ill-equipped to raise children than young parents. And no one knows this, by the way, better than young
parents. (28)
90. Most of you gain the wisdom, the patience, the understanding, and the love to be wonderful parents after your parenting
years are over. (29)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
91. Young child-makers were never intended to be child-raisers. (29)
92. Human beings are children themselves for 40 or 50 years? (29)
93. Child bearing was meant to be an activity of the young, whose bodies are well developed and strong. (29)
94. Child raising was meant to an activity of the elders, whose minds are well developed and strong. (30)
95. A good many humansperhaps mostare not truly capable of raising children when they are capable of having them.
96. Human beings desire to couple and copulate as soon as they feel the inner signal which says they are ready. This is
human nature. (30)
97. Children have thus grown to accept that their own sexuality is unnatural. (31)
98. In most advanced races and societies, elders raise the offspring, nurture the offspring, train the offspring, and pass on to
the offspring the wisdom, teachings, and traditions of their kind. (33)
99. Sexual repression is unheard of, and so is rape, deviance, and social-sexual dysfunction. (4)
100. The truth is, most humans are not equipped to raise children even in their 30s and 40sand shouldnt be expected to
be. They really havent lived enough as adults to pass deep wisdom to their children. (34)
101. Mark Twain: When I was 19, my father knew nothing. But when I was 35, I was amazed at how much the Old Man
had Learned. (34)
102. Your younger years were never meant to be for truth-teaching, but for truth-gathering. How can you teach children a
truth you havent yet gathered? (34)
103. It is the elders who should raise the offspringand who were intended to. (35)
104. It is the elders who know of truth, and life. Of what is important and what is not. Of what is really meant by such terms
as integrity, honesty, loyalty, friendship, and love. (35)
105. Thus, the sins of the father are visited upon the son, even unto the seventh generation. (35)
106. Some sociologists are now predicting a generation war. (36)
107. The time has come for truth telling, plain and simple. (37)
108. There is some good reason to be upbeat, to feel optimistic (38)
109. When you know about the past, you can better know about all your possible future. (39)
110. You have been living too long, My children, in a prison of your own devise. It is time to set yourself free. (39)
111. You have imprisoned your five natural emotions, repressing them and turning them into very unnatural emotions. (39)
112. In truth, you have imprisoned your Holy Self. And it is time to set your Self free. (40)
113. In an earlier part of your history, you lived on this planet in a matriarchal society. (40)
114. Males invented the devil? (40)
115. Both men and women are damned to repeat their own mistakes in an endless cycle of self-inflicted misery until one side
or the other gets that life is not about power, but about strength. (42)
116. It is in the unity that inner strength exists, and in the separation that it dissipates. (42)
117. The power to do anything. The power to be anything. The power to have anything. For the power to create is derived
from the inner strength that is produced through unity. (43)
118. Stop thinking of yourself as separate, and all the true power that comes from the inner strength of unity is yoursas a
worldwide society, and as an individual part of that wholeto wield as you wish. (43)
119. Power comes from inner strength. Inner strength does not come from raw power. (43)
120. Separation from God and from each other is the cause of all your dysfunction and suffering. (43)
121. This lie is the genesis of all wars and all the class struggles that lead to war; of all animosity between races and genders,
and all the power struggles that lead to animosity; all personal trials and tribulations, and all the internal struggles that
lead to tribulations. (43)
122. Act as if you were separate from nothing, and no one, and you will heal your world tomorrow. (44)
123. This is the greatest secret of all time. It is the answer to which man has searched for millennia. It is the solution for
which he has worked, the revelation for which he has prayed. (44)
124. They sought to grow fear from the seeds of doubt. (45)
125. The one thing all of their society understood was the theory of the rotten apple. (46)
126. Satan was thus created. (46)
127. Previously in goddess mythology, males were merely consortscompanions to the females, who acted as servants and
fulfilled their robust desire for lustful celebrations of their Goddess magnificence. (47)
128. So was born the jealous God. (47)
129. The God of wrath was born. (48)
130. This is the God you worship today, and thats how you got where you are now. (48)
131. The idea that might is right, or that power is strength, was born in your male-created theological myths. (48)
132. Greater pleasures than the body could ever give you. (49)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
133. The purpose of your soulits reason for coming to the bodyis to be and express Who You Really Are. (49)
134. This yearning to know is life seeking to be. This is God, choosing to express. (49)
135. Christ is the highest example. He is simply not the only example to reach that highest state. Christ is God made Man.
136. Every man is God made Man. You are Me, expressing in your present form. Yet dont worry about limiting Me;
about how limited that makes Me. For I am not limited, and never have been. Do you think that you are the only form
that I have chosen? Do you think you are the only creatures whom Ive imbued with the Essence of Me? (50)
137. Am I not limited to the modes of expression seen on your planet alone. (50)
138. That would be an arrogant thought, and a misinformed one. (50)
139. My Beingness is in everything. Everything. The Allness is My Expression. The Wholeness is My Nature. There is
nothing that I Am Not, and something I Am Not cannot be. (50)
140. My purpose in creating you, My blessed creatures, was so that I might have an experience of Myself as the Creator of
My Own Experience. (50)
141. The one aspect of God that only a very special creature could create was the aspect of Myself as the Creator. (50)
142. I am not the God of your mythologies, nor am I the Goddess. I am The Creatorthat Which Creates. (50)
143. I know my creative powerthrough you. (51)
144. To you I have given the ability to consciously create your experience, which is the ability I have. (51)
145. Through you, I can know every aspect of Me. (51)
146. Thus have you become Self-conscious. And thus have you been given the greatest gift, for you have been aware of
yourself being yourselfwhich is exactly what I Am. (51)
147. I am Myself, aware of Myself being myself. (51)
148. This is what is meant by the statement, I Am That I Am. (51)
149. You are that Part of Me which is the awareness, experienced. (51)
150. And what you are experiencing (and what I am experiencing through you) is Me, creating Me. (51)
151. I am in the continual act of creating Myself. (51)
152. You are Me choosing to be Me. (51)
153. You are Me, choosing to be What I Amand choosing what I am going to be. (51)
154. I Am the collective experience of the lot of you! (52)
155. I already know all of your decisions, so I know Who I Am, Who I have Always Been, and Who I Will Always Be. (52)
156. There is no such thing as time. (52)
157. Everything is happening at once. Everything. So yes, I do know what Im going to be, what I am and what I was.
I know this always. That is, all ways. (52)
158. I cant create who I am if I am already experiencing who I am. (53)
159. The Pleasure Principle. (53)
160. The lower nature of all pleasure is that part of pleasure which causes you to forget Who You Really Are. (53)
161. The pleasures of the flesh at first cause us to forget Who We Are, then become the very avenue through which we
remember! (54)
162. This is the energy which you sometimes call sexual energy, and it is raised up along the inner column of your being,
until it reaches the area you call the Third Eye. (54)
163. Chakras. (54)
164. Once the life energy is raised up repeatedly, one acquires a taste for this experience, just as one acquires a hunger for
sex. (54)
165. Once you get to the higher, you must go back to the lower, in order to experience again the pleasure of moving to the
higher. (54)
166. You incarnate as lower forms, then evolve into higher states of consciousness. (55)
167. There is no such thing as a karmic wheel. (55)
168. There is nothing of unworthiness, debt-repayment, punishment, or purification. (55)
169. In truth, there is no lower or higher place on the Cosmic Wheel. How can there be? Its a wheel, not a ladder. (56)
170. Mix what you call the sacred with the sacrilegious, for until you see your altars as the ultimate place for love, and your
bedrooms as the ultimate place for worship, you see nothing at all. (56)
171. S.E.X.Synergistic energy eXchange. (56)
172. I Satan exists, he exists as every thought you ever had of separation from Me. (57)
173. Men invented the devil to scare people into doing what they wanted, under the threat of separation from god if they did
not. (57)
174. My purpose is to evolve, not to condemn; to grow not to die; to experience, not to fail to experience. My purpose is to
Be, not cease to Be. (57)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
175. When you die, you do not stop creating. (58)
176. You dont ever die. You cannot. For you are life itself. And life cannot not be life. Therefore you cannot die. (58)
177. At the moment of your death what happens isyou go on living. (59)
178. This is why so many people who have died do not believe it. (59)
179. The soul (name we will now give to the Self). (59)
180. In a very short time the soul learns that it can go anywherewith the speed of its thought. (59)
181. The soul remembers in the next life what it would have been well to remember in this lifethat all effect is created by
thought, and that manifestation is a result of intention. (59)
182. If physicalized souls learned to control their thoughts as quickly and as efficiently as spiritualized souls, their whole
lives would change. (59)
183. In creation of individual reality, thought control or what some might call prayeris everything. (59)
184. Thought control is the highest form of prayer. (59)
185. In this formula is found tranquillity. In this process is found peace. In this awareness is found joy. (59)
186. It is the time lapse between thought and creationwhich can be days, weeks, months, or even yearswhich creates
the illusion that things are happening to you, not because of you. This is an illusion, causing you to forget that you are
at cause in the matter. (61)
187. You cannot create Who You Are until you forget Who You Are. (61)
188. The illusion causing forgetfulness is an effect created on purpose. (61)
189. The phenomenon of time is really a function of perspective. (61)
190. You have caused it to by moving into, by assuming, your present perspective. You use this perspective as a tool with
which you can explore and examine your experiences much more fully, by separating them into individual pieces, rather
than a single occurrence. (62)
191. Life is a single occurrence, an event in the cosmos that is happening right now. All of it is happening. Everywhere. (62)
192. There is no time but now. There is no place but here. (62)
193. So magnificent was this thought that you literally exploded with delight! (62)
194. You literally tore your Self apart to look at the pieces of you. (62)
195. It is through the device called time that you have managed to separate the pieces, to divide the indivisible, thus to see it
and experience it more fully, as you are creating it. (62)
196. Parable of the Rock. (63)
197. Life is a series of minute, incredibly rapid movements. (63)
198. I am the Unmoved Mover. (64)
199. From the limited perspective with which you view All That Is, you see yourself as separate and apart, not one
unmovable being, but many, many beings, constantly in motion. (64)
200. And when I die, I dont die at all, but simply shift into awareness of the macrocosmwhere there is no time or
space, now and then, before and after. (64)
201. The universe is a molecule in the body of God! (65)
202. Yet even the macro reality to which you return is but a micro reality of an even larger macro reality, which is a smaller
part of a larger reality stilland so on, and on, and on, forever and ever, and even forever more, world without end.
203. We are Godthe It that Isconstantly in the act of creating Our Selves, constantly in the act of being what we are
nowuntil we arent that anymore, but become something else. (65)
204. In the macrocosm the soul is aware of the direct relationship between thought and creation; between ones ideas and
ones experience. (66)
205. This is what the soul realizes at the moment of what you call death. It is simply a change in perspective. You see
more, so you understand more. (67)
206. As you move around the Cosmic Wheel, there will be larger and larger realitiesbigger and bigger truths. (67)
207. If you can remember this truthyour perspective creates your thoughts, and your thoughts create everythingand if
you can remember it before you leave the body, not after, your whole life will change. (67)
208. The way to control your thoughts is to change your perspective. (67)
209. Assume a different perspective and you will have a different thought about everything. In this way you will have
learned to control your thought, and in the creation of your experience, controlled thought is everything. (67)
210. Constant prayer. (67)
211. Everything that occurseverything that has occurred, is occurring, and ever will occuris the outward physical
manifestation of your innermost thoughts, choices ideas, and determinations regarding Who You Are and Who You
Choose to Be. Condemn not, therefore, those aspects of life with which you disagree. Seek instead to change them, and
the conditions that made them possible. (68)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
212. Let this be your task, let this be your greatest joy: to give people back to themselves. (68)
213. You create your own reality not only when you are with the body, but when you are away from it. (71)
214. Always in life you have before you three choices: (71)
215. It is when you are surrounded by lower consciousness that you will benefit more from remaining with your individual
understandings, and when you are surrounded by higher consciousness that you receive greater benefit from surrender.
216. I cannot overemphasize the importance of the company you keep. (72)
217. All your life youve had thoughts about what occurs after death, and when you die those thoughts are made
manifest (72)
218. If people believed all during life that hell is a place which most certainly existed (72)
219. Hellfire and damnation could and does exist for those who believe in it. (72)
220. Robin Williams MovieWhat Dreams May Come. (73)
221. The Bible is not literally true? (73)
222. The soul responds to, re-creates, the minds most powerful suggestion, producing that in its experience. (75)
223. Those whose only desire is to know the eternal truth of All That Is, to understand the great mysteries, to experience the
grandest reality, do so. (76)
224. Should you choose to stop creating your own individual reality and begin to understand and experience the larger,
unified reality, you will have an immediate opportunity to do that. (76)
225. You may experience any aspect of the All That Is that you wish, in its tiniest proportion, or its grandest. (76)
226. The game never ends. (77)
227. In the time after death you may choose to have every question you ever had answeredand open yourself to new
questions you never dreamed existed. (77)
228. You may choose to experience Oneness with All That Is. (77)
229. You will have a chance to decide what you wish to be, do, and have next. (77)
230. Do you choose to return to your most recent body? (77)
231. Do you choose to experience life again in human form, but of another kind? (77)
232. Do you choose to remain where you are in the spirit world, at the level you are then experiencing? (77)
233. Do you choose to go on, go further, in your knowing and experiencing? (77)
234. Do you choose to lose your identity altogether and now become part of the Oneness? (77)
235. The universe knows nothing except how to grant your fondest wish, your grandest desire. (78)
236. There is no contradiction in the universe. (78)
237. You may experience your spirit as being anywhere you wish, any time. (79)
238. Once such thought which many of you share in common is your idea of insufficiency. (80)
239. If they want you in their space at the moment of their death, the very thought of you calls you to themand you have
no reason not to race to them, since your going there takes away nothing from whatever you may be doing. (81)
240. God never says No. (81)
241. Your life is a reflection of what you desire, and what you believe you may have of what you desire. (81)
242. Believing that you cannot have something is the same thing as not desiring to have it, for it produces the same result.
243. You will always be given the experience you believe you will be given. (82)
244. You cannot get there. You can only be there. (83)
245. Complete Knowingis not something you try to acquire. (83)
246. If you are seeking to become aware, then you cannot be. (83)
247. When you are in a state of total awareness, then you will be able to do all the things that beings in a state of total
awareness can do. (83)
248. As long as I am seeking to have something, I cannot have it, because my very seeking is a statement that I do not now
have it. (83)
249. You cannot get there. You can only be there. (83)
250. Complete Knowingis not something you try to acquire. (83)
251. If you are seeking to become aware, then you cannot be. (83)
252. When you are in a state of total awareness, then you will be able to do all the things that beings in a state of total
awareness can do. (83)
253. As long as I am seeking to have something, I cannot have it, because my very seeking is a statement that I do not now
have it. (83)
254. If you have to prove yourself to be God by demonstrating it to others, then you do not know yourself to be, and this
not knowing will demonstrate itself in your reality. (84)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
255. Those who know themselves to be One with God, or have the experience of God within, have no need, nor do they
seek, to prove that to anyone, least of all themselves. (84)
256. There are those on your planet right now who have manifested many of these higher thoughts (84)
257. Whatever you choose for yourself, give to another. If you cannot come to that, help someone else come to that. (85)
258. Honoring your guru is not giving your power away. It is getting your power. (85)
259. What you see in another, you can begin to see in yourself. It is outward evidence of your inner reality. It is outward
proof in your inner truth. The truth of your being. (85)
260. None of us is so horrible that God would forsake us, nor so unforgivable that God would turn away. (86)
261. Unworthiness is the worst indictment ever visited upon the human race. (86)
262. A sinner can become a saint in one minute. In one second. In one breath. (87)
263. In truth, there is no such thing as a sinner, for no one can be sinned againstleast of all Me. (87)
264. In truth, I do not forgive you, and will not forgive you ever, for anything. I do not have to. (87)
265. There is nothing to forgive. But I can release you. (87)
266. The reason I have no need to forgive you is that you cannot offend Me, nor can I be damaged or destroyed. (87)
267. That which cannot be harmed cannot, and would not, harm another. (88)
268. Because you image damage, you require revenge. (88)
269. Because you experience pain, you need another to experience pain as retribution for your own. (88)
270. Every action a person takes is understood by that person to be the right action, given what it is they seek and desire.
271. Your values are right because you say they are. (88)
272. Changing your ideas of whats right and wrong isnt the problem. You have to change those ideas, or you would
never grow. (89)
273. Changing is a product of evolution. (89)
274. Do not require that others define themselves according to your terms. (89)
275. To not move is to die. (89)
276. There is nothing that is not in motion. (89)
277. By the very fact of motion, nothing is the same from one moment to the next. Nothing. (89)
278. Remaining the same, or seeking to, moves against the laws of life. This is foolish, because in this struggle, life will
always win. (89)
279. Your new idea of Who You Are is where the growth is. (90)
280. Your new idea about all of it is where the excitement is, where the creation is, where God-in-you is made manifest and
becomes fully realized. (90)
281. Be OPEN. Dont close off the possibility of new truth because you have been comfortable with an old one. (90)
282. Life begins at the end of you comfort zone. (90)
283. There is not a one among you who is lost forever, nor will there ever be. (91)
284. You are all, all, in the process of becoming. You are all, all, moving through the experience of evolution. (91)
285. Seek to make everyone whose life you touch feel worthy. (92)
286. Give this gift, and you will heal the world. (92)
287. Jesus was not the only on e to have risen from the dead. (93)
288. Lazarus. (94)
289. Many have there been who have been risen from the dead. (94)
290. Mahavata Babaji. (95)
291. Its a very rare soul who desire to return to physicality in the same form as before. (95)
292. Nothing in this universe occurs by accident. (96)
293. There is no such thing as an accident, nor is there any such thing as coincidence. (96)
294. If you knew where they were, and that they were there by their own higher choice, you would celebrate their departure.
295. Even this mourning would be short if you knew what grand realities and wondrous experiences await the joyous soul
leaving the body. (96)
296. You may do one of three things in what you call the afterlife (97)
297. Should you take the first path (97)
298. You can eliminate the hell in your life on Earth exactly the same way. (97)
299. Should you take the second path (97)
300. Should you take the third path (97)
301. After you experience the Oneness for an infinite time-no time, you will cease to experience it, because you cannot
experience the Oneness as Oneness unless and until That which Is Not One also exists. (98)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
302. You will return to the Oneness many times. (98)
303. However, nothing which involves an activity of the soul is nonvolitional. (99)
304. Even your apparent lack of understanding is you own creation (99)
305. You allow yourself to do this sort of imagining so that The Process can go on. (99)
306. In those moments during which you experience yourself being revealed to yourself (99)
307. Act out your knowingness in every moment. (100)
308. Keep acting on what you know, rather than what the world of illusion is showing you. (100)
309. This is what all masters have done, and do. They judge not by appearances, but act according to what they know. (100)
310. Cause another to remember. (100)
311. That which you wish for yourself, give to another. (100)
312. Because my Self and the other are One, and what I give to another, I give to myself. (101)
313. To remain in the state of sublime no-thing, or Oneness with the All, would make it impossible to be there, As Ive just
explained. That Which is cannot be, except in the space of That Which is Not. Even the total bliss of Oneness cannot be
experienced as total bliss unless something less than total bliss exists. So, something less than the bliss of total
Oneness had to beand continually has to becreated. (102)
314. The Divine Dilemma. (102)
315. This is the same Dilemma God has always hadand that God solved with the creation of that which was not God (or
thought it was not). (102)
316. God gaveand gives again, in every instanta part of Itself to the Lesser Experience of not knowing Itself, so that the
Rest of Itself can know Itself as Who and what It Really Is. (102)
317. God gave His only begotten son, that you might be saved. You see now from where this mythology has sprung. (102)
318. You do not have to do anything. Not in this lifetime, not in any other (102)
319. You can move to any place on the Cosmic wheel. (102)
320. Are we on an eternal journey to nowhere? (103)
321. There is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no one you have to be except exactly who youre being right now. (103)
322. The truth is that there is no journey. You are right now what you are attempting to be. You are right now where you are
attempting to go. (103)
323. It is the master who knows this, and thus ends the struggle. And then does the master seek to assist you in ending your
struggle, even as you will seek to end the struggle of others when you reach mastery. (103)
324. Ecstasy would not be ecstasy were there not a time when there was no ecstasy. (104)
325. Every possibility exists as fact, as completed events. (107)
326. CD-ROM (107)
327. Think of the Cosmic wheel as the CD-ROM. (108)
328. In many ways, life is like a CD-ROM. All the possibilities exist and have already occurred. (108)
329. What many of the psychics are saying about the Earth changes is true. (108)
330. You dont like the way you are headed, change direction. (109)
331. Be aware of The Process unfolding, and quietly know that everything is going to be okay with you. (110)
332. Seek to get in touch with the perfection of all things. (110)
333. Know that you will be exactly where you have to be in order to experience exactly what you choose as you go about
creating Who You Really Are. (110)
334. Dont try to get out of anything. What you resist persists. (110)
335. God cannot create anything imperfect. (110)
336. If you think that God can create anything imperfect, then you know nothing of God. (110)
337. That peace, that serenity, that calmness will lead you away from most of the experiences and outcomes others would
have called negative. (111)
338. Stay calm, stay peaceful, stay serene, in the face of these dire predictions of planet-wide calamity, and you will have the
best outcome possible. (111)
339. You all have what you call psychic power. It is truly, a sixth sense. (113)
340. Psychic power is simply the ability to step out of your limited experience into a broader view (113)
341. To develop your psychic muscle, you must exercise it. Use it. Every day. All the time. (113)
342. The first step in developing psychic power is to know you have it, and to use. (114)
343. Pay attention to every hunch you have, every feeling you feel, every intuitive hit you experience. Pay attention. (114)
344. The more that you act on your intuition fearlessly, the more your intuition will serve you. (114)
345. There are three rules of psychic phenomena that will allow you to understand how psychic power works. 1. All thought
is energy. 2. All things are in motion. 3. All time is now. (114)
346. The accomplished psychic never asks, because to ask the question sends the answer away. (115)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
347. To be psychic, youve got to be out of your mind. (115)
348. Intuition resides in the psyche. In the soul. (115)
349. Intuition is the ear of the soul. (115)
350. You have six senses, not five. They are your sense of smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing, and knowing. (115)
351. Here is how psychic power works. (115)
352. Your soul is the sum total of all your feelings. (115)
353. The psychic sees, or feels, the picture of tomorrow as if it is happening right nowwhich it is. (116)
354. The psychic has learned not to question what hes thinking or suddenly seeing or feeling, but merely to allow it
to come through as untouched as possible. (116)
355. How come some predictions are wrong; that is, they never happen? (117)
356. When you change your perception, you change your thought, and your thought creates your reality. (117)
357. You dont always get what you ask, but you always get what you create. (117)
358. Creation follows thought, which follows perception. (117)
359. A true psychic will always tell you it doesnt have to be that way. You can choose again, and change the outcome.
360. Everyone is psychic, so theyre all real. What you want to look for is their purpose. Are they seeking to help you,
or to enrich themselves. (118)
361. A sincere intuitive will never offer to cause another to come back to you, get a person to change his mind, or create any
result whatsoever with her psychic power. A true psychicone who has given her life to the development and use of
this giftknows that anothers free will is never to be tampered with, and that anothers thoughts are never to be
invaded, and that anothers psychic space is never to be violated. (119)
362. There are no rights and wrongs, no dos and donts in My world (119)
363. There are natural laws that have been built into the physical universe--and one of those is the law of cause and effect.
364. All caused effect is ultimately experienced by the Self. (119)
365. Whatever you cause another to experience, you will one day experience. (120)
366. The Jesus Injunction. (120)
367. A true psychic knows and lives the Prime Directive (120)
368. If a person offers to perform one of these services for you, that person is what you would call a shyster, using your
own human weaknesses and vulnerabilities to extract money from you. (121)
369. What the true psychic always avoids is imposing his will upon another. (121)
370. If somebody from the other side has something they want you to know, theyll find a way to cause you to know it
371. That which you wish to know cannot be seen, felt, or touched. It is of another realm. And you are not open to that; you
are not ready. (122)
372. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. (122)
373. The slightest thought having to do with a being existing on what you call the other side brings that beings
consciousness flying to you (123)
374. What you fear, you create. (123)
375. Souls who loved you in this life are drawn to you, pulled to you, fly to you, the moment they sense the slightest trouble
or disturbance in your auric field. (123)
376. One of their first opportunities, as they learn about the possibilities of their new existence, is to provide aid and comfort
to those they love. And you will feel their comforting presence if you are really open to them. (123)
377. The stories we hear of people who could have sworn that a deceased loved one was in the room could be true (124)
378. A person who is only thereas the spirit is thereto help, asks nothing for himself except what is needed to continue
to do the work they seek to do. (124)
379. If a psychic or medium is coming from that place when she agrees to help you, make sure you offer all the help in
return that you can. (124)
380. Look to see who is truly serving the world, truly seeking to share wisdom and knowledge, insight and understanding,
caring and compassion. Provide for those people, and provide grandly. (125)
381. These are the Bringers of the Light. (125)
382. You must understand that humans have many fear based religions whose teachings surround a doctrine of a God who is
to be worshipped and feared. (126)
383. The early church couldnt hear of such a thing. So it did two things. First, it denounced the doctrine of reincarnation as
heretical. Then it created the sacrament of confession. Confession could do for the churchgoer what reincarnation
promised. That is, give him another chance. (128)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
384. Absolution could not come directly from God (128)
385. The church found confession to be such a good drawing card that soon it declared it to be a sin not to go to confession.
386. Purgatory was invented. (128)
387. This new doctrine declared that God would make you suffer for your sins even if you confessed them. (129)
388. The doctrine of purgatory also included a way one could buy ones way out of the suffering. (129)
389. Plenary indulgence. (129)
390. The novena candles. (130)
391. I dont work in mysterious ways. (131)
392. Everything I do has a reason, and its perfectly clear. (131)
393. Reincarnation fits perfectly into that purpose, which is for Me to create and experience Who I Am through you, lifetime
after lifetime, and through the millions of other creature of consciousness I have placed in the universe. (131)
394. As soon as We create the next highest idea of Who We Are, Well create a grander thought, a higher idea, and continue
the joy forever. (131)
395. The point and purpose of your life is to decide and to be Who You Really Are. (132)
396. Now, to the degree that youre pleased with thatpleased with Who You Are in your experienceto that degree youll
stick, more or less, with the creation, making only minor adjustments her and there to get it closer and closer to perfect.
397. Paramahansa Yogananda (132)
398. Babe Ruth (132)
399. They have nothing to learn. They never had anything to learn. All they ever had to do was remember. Remember Who
and What They Really Are. (133)
400. Can a soul return as an animalis yes, of course. The real question is would it? the answer is, probably not. (134)
401. Do animals have souls? (134)
402. Evolution proceeds one way. Upward. Ever upward. (135)
403. The grandest desire of the soul, is not achieved with return to a lower life form. Such a return does not occur. Not until
the soul reaches ultimate reunion with All That Is. (135)
404. Every soul that was ever crated was created At Once. (135)
405. Souls may also choose to recycle through a particular life form at a particular level as often as they like. (135)
406. Reincarnation is a fact. Its real, its purposeful, and its perfect. (146)
407. Thou art God, yes. That is correct. You grok it in fullness. (137)
408. Its a statement of fact. We are all One. (138)
409. Consciousness is a marvellous thing. It can be divided into a thousand pieces. A million. A million times a million.
410. You may return to mortal formthat is, a physical form which can diewhenever and however you wish. (140)
411. No experience is visited upon any soul against the souls will. That is, by definition, not possible, since the soul is
creating every experience. (140)
412. The soul wants nothing. The soul has everything. All wisdom, all knowing, all power, all glory. (140)
413. The soul is the part of You which never sleeps; never forgets. (140)
414. The soul will leave the bodychange its bodily form, leaving most of the material body behindat the drop of a hat
when its sees no purpose in remaining in that form. (140)
415. You are a shape-shifter! (141)
416. When there is no further usefulness in staying in a particular form, the soul changes formwilfully, voluntarily,
joyfullyand moves on, on the Cosmic Wheel. (141)
417. The soul never, ever has regrets over what you call death. (141)
418. Death is that instance is a glorious moment; a wonderful experience. (141)
419. The soul is not unhappy being with the body. Quite to the contrary, the soul is pleased to be you in your present form.
That does not preclude the possibility that the soul might be equally pleased to be disconnected from it. (142)
420. Each moment ends the instant it begins. (142)
421. Each interaction begins to end the instant it begins to begin. (142)
422. Life cannot give itself to you if you do not understand death. (142)
423. Your time with each person would be glorified if you thought it was your last time with that person. (142)
424. Your refusal to contemplate your own death leads to your refusal to contemplate your own life. (143)
425. To contemplate a thing deeply is to see right through it. (143)
426. Nothing is painful which you understand is not real. (143)
427. Nothing is painful the moment you understand that nothing is real. (143)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
428. When you understand that death, too, is an illusion (143)
429. You can even enjoy death! You can even enjoy someone elses death. (143)
430. When you understand that life is eternal, you understand that death is your illusion. (143)
431. You are not your body, and so the destruction of your body is of no concern to you. (143)
432. Death should teach you that what is real is life. (144)
433. Life teaches you that what is unavoidable is not death, but impermanence. (144)
434. Impermanence is the only truth. (144)
435. Even permanence is impermanent. (144)
436. See the illusion! Enjoy it! But do not become it! (144)
437. You are not the illusion, but the creator of it. (144)
438. See the flower as dying and you will see the flower sadly. (144)
439. See the flower as part of a whole tree that is changing, and will soon bear fruit, and you see the flowers true beauty.
440. Always remember, you are not the flower, nor are you even the fruit. You are the tree (144)
441. The first false assumption is that there is such a thing as right and wrong. (145)
442. The second false assumption is that killing is possible. (145)
443. Right and wrong are philosophical polarities in a human value system which have nothing to do with ultimate
reality (145)
444. Glorify what you are today, yet do not condemn what you were yesterday, nor preclude what you could become
tomorrow. (146)
445. Your society punishes those who would seek to do the humane thing, and rewards those who would do the insane.
446. Punish the humane, reward the insane. (147)
447. It is no more immoral to kill yourself quickly than it is to kill yourself slowly. (147)
448. Stephen Lives, By: Anne Puryear (148)
449. Your lives are structured largely around seeking and experiencing pleasures of the body. (149)
450. If a society is structured largely around pleasures of the body, it is operating at a different level from a society
structured around pleasures of the soul. (149)
451. The more elevated a society or being, the more elevated are its pleasures. (149)
452. You are not yet even in kindergarten. You are in nursery school. (150)
453. Yet until you hold a thing, you cannot let it go. And you cannot disown that which you have never owned. (150)
454. You cannot change that which you do not accept. (150)
455. What you resist, persists. What you look at disappears. (150)
456. What you deny you declare. (150)
457. What you declare you create. (150)
458. Denial of something is re-creation of it, for the very act of denying something places it there. (150)
459. Acceptance of something places you in control of it. (150)
460. That which you deny you cannot control, for you have said it is not there. Therefore what you deny controls you. (150)
461. You are so deeply ego invested in being what you are not (highly evolved) that you are not being what you are
(evolving). (151)
462. The fast track of evolution begins with admitting and accepting what is, not what is not. (151)
463. I will know I have accepted what is when I no longer feel insulted as I hear it described. (151)
464. What you call pleasure is what declares your level of evolution. (151)
465. You, and your whole physical body, are composed of raw energy, clustered around seven centers, or chakras. (151)
466. The higher you raise the energy of life through your physical being, the more elevated will be your consciousness.
467. Sometimes greater truth lies within the contradiction. (152)
468. Anyone who says that the very holiest people never have sex. And that this is a sign of their holiness, does not
understand how life was meant to work. (153)
469. What would happen if everyone did it? (153)
470. It is this idea that sexual abstinences is somehow the higher way, and that sexual expression is a lower desire, that
has shamed the sexual experience, and caused all manner of guilt and dysfunction to develop around it. (153)
471. One engages in sex because it is the natural thing to do. (153)
472. The biological imperative is not to guarantee the survival of the species, but to experience the Oneness which is the true
nature of your being. Creating new life is what happens when Oneness is achieved, but it is not the reason Oneness is
sought. (154)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
473. The biological imperative is not to create more life, but to experience more lifeand to experience that life as it really
is: a manifestation of Oneness. (154)
474. There is nothing ignoble, or unholy, about having sex. (155)
475. Physical urges are not manifestations of animalistic behaviour. (155)
476. When you are not being whole, you are being less than yourself. That is what is meant by unholy. (155)
477. The invitation was not to stop having sex, but to stop being un-whole. (155)
478. If you are having sex from only your lower chakra center, you are operating from the root chakra alone, and missing by
far the most glorious part of the experience. (156)
479. Raise your energy, your life force, to the highest level possible in every moment, and you will be elevated(156)
480. The soul leaves your body all the time. (159)
481. This is why We invented sleep. (159)
482. It is the most difficult thing your soul has ever done! (159)
483. The soul seeks a true state of being. (159)
484. The soul is lightness and freedom. It is also peace and joy. It is also limitlessness and painlessness; perfect wisdom and
perfect love. (159)
485. Sleep is the experience of the soul leaving the body?... (160)
486. Nightmares. (160)
487. The person of great wisdom needs little sleep. (161)
488. It would not always be valid to say that the more sleep a person gets, the less evolved that person it. (161)
489. Daily meditation is one of the best tools (162)
490. In meditation you place yourself in a state of readiness to experience total awareness while your body is in a wakened
state. This state of readiness is called true wakefulness. (162)
491. You should also know that sitting meditation is not the only kind of meditation there is (162)
492. When you do in this state, you turn whatever you are doing into a meditation, and thus, into a gift, an offering, from
you to you soul, and from your soul to The All. (163)
493. When you experience sexual energy exchange in this state, you know the highest truth of Who You Are. The heart of
your lover becomes your home. They Body of your lover becomes your own. Your soul no longer imagines itself
separate from anything. (163)
494. When you are in readiness, you are in wakefulness. (163)
495. Smile a lot, It will cure whatever ails you. (163)
496. Breathe, That is another tool. (163)
497. Souls who walk in awareness choose a different path. They choose another way. (164)
498. The sweetest sound is the sound of silence. (165)
499. If you believe the noises of the world rather than the silences of you soul, you will be lost. (165)
500. All of life is a meditation, in which you are contemplating the Divine. This is called true wakefulness, or mindfulness.
501. The game would be over if you remembered everything. (168)
502. You came here for a particular reason, and your Divine Purpose would be thwarted if you understood bow everything is
put together. (168)
503. So do not try to solve all the mysteries. (168)
504. Make haste slowly. (168)
505. What you call mind is really an energy. It isthought. And thought is an energy, not an object. (170)
506. Your brain is a transformer. (170)
507. You have little transformers in every cell. (170)
508. If men would demonstrate more of their higher nature, and if women would appeal more to that part of men, the so-
called battle of the sexes would be over. (171)
509. If you want to guarantee that youll produce a less-than magnificent choice or outcome, make a decision from your root
chakra center only. (171)
510. The largest question facing the human race is not when will you learn, but when will you act on what youve already
learned? (171)
511. The mind is in every cell (171)
512. Your body is 99 percent space. (172)
513. The soul is everywhere in, through, and around you. It is that which contains you. (172)
514. The soul is larger than the body. (173)
515. The soul is that which holds you togetherjust as the Soul of God is that which contains the universe, and holds it
together. (173)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
516. There is no place where another soul ends and ours begins! (173)
517. Its all the same soul! (173)
518. It is physically true that We Are All One. (174)
519. Its important to learn about Divine Dichotomy and understand it thoroughly if you are to live in our universe with
grace. (175)
520. Divine Dichotomy holds that it is possible for two apparently contradictory truths to exist simultaneously in the same
space. (175)
521. In the realm of the absoluteas opposed to the realm of the relative, in which you liveit is very clear that the one
truth which is All There Is sometimes produces an effect which, viewed in relative terms, looks like a contradiction.
This is called the Divine Dichotomy.(176)
522. The realm of the relative is, in fact, held together by just such tensions. (176)
523. There is such a thing as good and evil. All there is is love. (176)
524. It is really one soul holding all bodies. (177)
525. All of life is a vibration. That which you call life (you could just as easily call it God) is pure energy. (177)
526. That Which Is could not experience Itself as What It is until It developed this ability to differentiate. So That Which Is
All separated into That which Is This, and That Which Is That. (179)
527. The clumps of energy which coalesced into discreet units that held in physical beings are what you have chosen to
call souls. (179)
528. There is only One of us. There are Many of us. (179)
529. As energy coalesces, it becomes, as I said, very concentrated. (180)
530. This is, in very, very simple and elementary terms, the explanation behind the whole physical universe. (180)
531. Scientists are already discovering that the building blocks of all of life are the same. (180)
532. We are all the same energy, coalesced, compressed in different ways to create different forms and different matter.
533. There is only One of Us, and so, it is THAT WHICH YOU ARE. (181)
534. Bring your awareness to others. Not by proselytizing, but by example. (182)
535. You cannot lose that which you give away. (182)
536. Thought, word, and action. (184)
537. As thou has believed, so be it done unto you. (184)
538. The beginning is God. The end is action. Action is God creatingor God experienced. (184)
539. Those who allow such inspirations to move them, and who fearlessly share them publicly, are My greatest teacher.
540. By what measure would you grant the status of great teacher? (185)
541. By the measure of ones actions, not ones words. (185)
542. You teach what you have to learn. (185)
543. Every thought of your Self as smaller than you really are is a denial of Me. (186)
544. Every word about you Self that puts you down is a denial of Me. (186)
545. Every action flowing through your Self that plays out a role of not-good-enough, or lack, or insufficiency of any kind,
is a denial indeed. Not just in thought, not just in word, but in deed. (186)
546. Do not allow your life to represent anything but the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever had about Who You
Are. (186)
547. Public declaration is the highest form of visioning. (188)
548. The first step in making it so is saying it is so. (188)
549. A person does not have to be widely known to be a great teacher. (190)
550. When you declare yourself to be Who You Are, you are merely declaring who I Am. (191)
551. Always declare Me as Source, and no one will mind you declaring yourself as great. (191)
552. The One Energy that is All Energy individuates Itself into many different part. I like that. (192)
553. There is only one moment, and that is the eternal moment of Now. (193)
554. All things that have every happened, are happening Now, and ever will happen, are occurring in this moment. (193)
555. I am that which is Always Moving, and has Never Moved, is Always Changing and has Never Changed. (193)
556. This is what is meant by enlightenment. (195)
557. Whats the difference between an old soul and a young soul? (195)
558. Soul partner (196)
559. The individuated soul is huge, hovering over, in, and through hundreds of physical forms. (196)
560. Former lives (197)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
561. If life with the body is nothing more than a prison or a limitation, then what good can come of it, and what can be its
function, much less its justification? (201)
562. The soul will always rebel at limitation. (203)
563. Open marriage (204)
564. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. (205)
565. In the absence of that which you are not, that which you areis not. (205)
566. That which is love is unlimited. (206)
567. Love is that which is unlimited. (206)
568. For if love is unlimited, and always then love isfree. Love is that which is perfectly free. (206)
569. You will seek freedom, unlimitedness, and eternality in every experience of love. (206)
570. Because you are love, and through the expression of love you are seeking to experience Who and What You Are. (206)
571. All these words are therefore synonymous. (206)
572. You will seek to experience That Which You Are when you are through experiencing that which you are not. (207)
573. God forbid that that sex thing be innocent and freely expressed. (208)
574. The institution of marriage has been your attempt at creating eternality. This did little to produce a love which was
unlimited and free. (208)
575. If the marriage is freely chosen, isnt it an expression of freedom? (208)
576. A choice is not a limitation, it is the exercise of freedom. (208)
577. You cannot duplicate, you can only originate. (209)
578. Creation is not duplication. (209)
579. All people are One, yet no two people are alike. You could not, therefore, love two people in the same way even if you
triedand you would never want to, because love is a unique response to that which is unique. (209)
580. When you demonstrate your love for one person, you are doing so in a way in which you cannot do so with another.
581. If the time has come when you have desired this special demonstration with one person alone, then choose it, as you
say. Announce it, and declare it. Yet make your declaration an announcement moment-to-moment of your freedom, not
your ongoing obligation. (210)
582. True love is always free, and obligation cannot exist in the space of love. (210)
583. If you see this decision not as a promise, made only once, but as a free choice, made over and over, that day of
resentment will never come. (210)
584. There is only one sacred promiseand that is to tell and live your truth. (210)
585. If you forfeit freedom, you forfeit your Self. (210)
586. As most of you are now living your life, there is a lie built into every promise. (211)
587. Only if you are living life as a creative being can your promise not contain a lie. (211)
588. Until you can create your future, you cannot predict your future. (211)
589. Until you can predict your future, you cannot promise anything truthfully about it. (211)
590. Change is a fundamental right of all creatures. (211)
591. Change is. That which is change, you are. You cannot be given this. You are this. (211)
592. Now since you are changeand since change is the only thing constant about youyou cannot truthfully promise to
always be the same. (211)
593. While identicality is impossible, similarity is not. (211)
594. Similarity is the result of the process of change producing a remarkably similar version o what went before. (212)
595. Things are experienced as they really are: constantly changing. (212)
596. We can re-create ourselves anew in a form sufficiently similar to produce the effect of constancy. (212)
597. True constancy (as opposed to the appearance of constancy) violates the natural law (213)
598. The master is one who creates a high level of similarity (what you call consistency) intentionally. A student is one
who creates consistency without necessarily intending to. (213)
599. A master, therefore, is a person whoquite literally--knows what he is doing. (213)
600. Until you can predict your future, you cannot promise anything truthfully. (213)
601. Betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is betrayal nonetheless. It is the highest betrayal. (214)
602. The only reason that another person would not keep their word to you would be because they didnt want toor they
felt they couldnt, which is the same thing. (215)
603. And if a person did not want to keep his word to you, or for some reason felt he just couldnt, why on Earth would you
want him to? (215)
604. Do you really think that if you force another to keep a promise that you will have escaped injury? (215)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
605. More damage has been done to others by persons leading lives of quiet desperation (that is, doing what they felt they
had to do) than ever was done by persons freely doing what they wanted to do. (215)
606. When you give a person freedom, you remove danger, you dont increase it. (216)
607. You have not yet learned to use the art of persuasion. (216)
608. You are now using force to make sure agreements are kept. When your cultural ethic is changed to include an
understanding that you are all One, you would never use force, because that would only damage your Self. You would
not slap you left hand with your right. (217)
609. All things that proceed from you, return to you. (217)
610. There is only a need to worry about what you are going to give out. (217)
611. Life is about creating the highest quality giving, not the highest quality getting. (217)
612. You keep forgetting. But life is not for getting. Life is for giving. (217)
613. The more you cause others to amass, the more you will amass, effortlessly. (218)
614. In highly evolved societies there is neither marriage nor businessnor, for that matter, any of the artificial social
constructions you have created to hold your society together. (219)
615. Most people have a very difficult time with marriage, and do not like what it does to them. (219)
616. It is true that religions could not exist if the whole human race understood that God doesnt have preferences, because a
religion purports to be a statement of Gods preferences. (220)
617. Neither the so-called laws of God nor the laws of man have been able to keep people from breaking their marriage
vows. (220)
618. Marriage, as most of you have practiced it, is not particularly beautiful. For it violates two of the three aspects of what
is true about each human being by nature. (221)
619. Who You Are is love. What love is, is unlimited, eternal, and free. Therefore, that is what you are. That is the nature of
Who You Are. You are unlimited, eternal, and free, by nature. (221)
620. Any artificial social, moral, religious, philosophical, economic, or political construction which violates or subordinates
your nature is an impingement upon you very Selfand you will rail against it. (221)
621. You are so afraid to liveso afraid of life itselfthat youve given up the very nature of your being in trade for
security. (221)
622. The institution you call marriage is your attempt to create security, as is the institution called government. They are
both forms of the same thingartificial social constructions designed to govern each others behaviour. (222)
623. If marriage allowed you to be unlimited, eternal, and free in your love, then it would be the ultimate announcement of
love. (222)
624. You become married in an effort to lower your love to the level of a promise or a guarantee. (222)
625. Marriage is an effort to guarantee that what is so now will always be so. (222)
626. If you didnt need this guarantee, you would not need marriage. (222)
627. Almost no one who is, or has been, recognized as a spiritual master is married. (223)
628. Its because masters cannot truthfully make the statement that your present construction of marriage seeks to make: that
one person is more special to them than another. (223)
629. This is not a statement that a master makes, and it is not a statement that God makes. (223)
630. Any thought that God loves one more than another is falseand any ritual which asks you to make the same statement
is not a sacrament, but a sacrilege. (223)
631. You have bastardized the Word of God in order to justify your fears and rationalize your insane treatment of each other.
632. My love is unlimited and unconditional. (234)
633. That is the one thing you cannot hear, the one truth you cannot abide, the one statement you cannot accept, for its all
inclusiveness destroys not only the institution of marriage (as you have constructed it), but every one of your religions
and governmental institutions as well. (224)
634. You have created a culture based on exclusion, and supported it with a cultural myth of a God who excludes. (224)
635. All human conventions and all human constructions are faulty to the degree that they are not unlimited, eternal, and
free. (224)
636. To decide and to declare, to create and to express, to experience and to fulfill, Who You Really Are. That is your
purpose in becoming human, and that is the purpose of all of life. (225)
637. Your religions have made God the Great Mystery, and caused you not to love God, but to fear God. (226)
638. Religion has done little, as well, to cause you to change your behaviours. (226)
639. You are still killing each other, condemning each other, making each other wrong. And, in fact, it is your religions
which have been encouraging you to do so. (226)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
640. As with religion, your invention called marriage does well with this in the early going, when you are fist experiencing
it. (226)
641. Nearly half of the people who become married dissolve their marriage through divorce, and of those who stay married,
many are desperately unhappy. (226)
642. Your governments lead you to war, increasing lack of freedom, and domestic violence and upheaval. (227)
643. Your cultural myths inform your ethics, and your ethics create your behaviours. (227)
644. Your cultural myth is at variance with your basic instinct. (227)
645. Your First Cultural Myth is that human beings are inherently evil. This is the myth of original sin. (228)
646. The Second Cultural Myth, arising necessarily out of the first, is that it is the fittest who survive. (228)
647. Your basic instinct is not survival, but rather, fairness, oneness, and love. This is the basic instinct of all sentient
beings everywhere. (228)
648. You are not basically evil, you were not born in original sin. (228)
649. Thus, your basic instinct cannot be survival, and your basic nature is clearly not evil. (228)
Your instinct and your nature is to reflect the essence of Who You Are, which is fairness, oneness, and love. (228)
650. It is not a basic instinct of all sentient beings to seek equality, or to be equal. Indeed, exactly the opposite is true. (229)
651. The basic instinct of all living things is to express uniqueness, not sameness. (229)
652. Creating a society in which two beings are truly equal is not only impossible, but undesirable. (229)
653. Societal mechanisms seeking to produce true equalityin other words, economic, political, and social sameness
work against, not for, the grandest idea and the highest purposewhich is that each being will have the opportunity to
produce the outcome of its grandest desire, and thus truly re-create itself anew. (229)
654. No society created around a myth of inherent evilness or survival of the fittest could possibly achieve such
understanding. (229)
655. Love has no requirements. Thats what makes it love. (230)
656. If your love for another carries requirements, then it is not love at all, but some counterfeit version. (230)
657. Love is not about giving rather than receiving? (231)
658. Everything you do, you do for yourself. This is true because you and all others are One. (232)
659. What you do for another, you therefore do for you. (232)
660. What you fail to do for another, you fail to do for you. (232)
661. What is good for another is good for you, and what is bad for another is bad for you. (232)
662. When you are in a relationship with another, that relationship has only one purpose. It exists as a vehicle for you to
decide and to declare, to create and to express, to experience and to fulfill your highest notion of Who You Really Are.
663. This is why you took a body. (232)
664. If you are seeking to be love, you will do loving things with others. Not for others, but with others. (233)
665. Catch the nuance. You will be doing things with others, for yourselfso that you can actualize and experience your
grandest idea about your Self and Who You Really Are. (233)
666. You are a human being. And what you are being is decided and chosen by you. (233)
667. To thine own Self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. (233)
668. When you are true to your Self, when you do not betray you Self, then when it looks like you are giving, you will
know you are actually receiving. You are literally giving yourself back to your Self. (233)
669. You cannot truly give to another, for the simple reason that there is no other. If We are all One, then there is only
You. (234)
670. Your experience of everything is based on your perceptions, and your perception is based on your understanding. And
your understanding is based on your myths. That is, on what you have been told. (234)
671. No limits at all. And that is what your marriage vows should state. (235)
672. Marriage Statements by the Author and his wife Nancy (236)
I wish that all people could make those Marriage Statements. I wish people would cut them out,
Copy them, and use them for their wedding.
673. It is much more difficult to free someone than to control them. (242)
674. When you control someone, you get what you want. When you free someone, they get what they want. (243)
675. We are all married. We are married to each othernow, and forever more. (243)
676. Life has no beginning, because life has no end. Life merely extends; creates new forms. (245)
677. Thats how it is with souls. (246)
678. The One Soulwhich is really All There Isreforms Itself into smaller and smaller parts of Itself. All the parts were
there at the beginning. There are no new parts, merely portions of the All That Always Was, reforming Itself into
what looks like new and different parts. (246)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
679. The soul doesnt enter the body. (246)
680. The body is enveloped by the soul. (246)
681. Everything is always alive. There is no such thing as dead. There is no such state of being. (246)
682. That Which Is Always simply shapes itself into a new forma new physical form. That form is charged with living
energy, the energy of life, always. (246)
683. Lifeif you are calling life the energy that I Amis always there. It is never not there. (247)
684. Life never ends, so how can there be a point when life begins? (247)
685. Life never begins, because life never ends. (147)
686. You cannot stop the process wherein which a part of Me individually expresses in a certain way without the part of Me
that is expressing in that way agreeing. (247)
687. Nothing happens against the will of God. (248)
688. Life, and all that is occurring, is an expression of Gods willread that, your willmade manifest. (248)
689. Your will is My will. That is because there is only One of Us. (248)
690. Life is Gods will, expressing perfectly. (248)
691. Do you believe that one soul can somehow decide something for another? (248)
692. Do you believe that, as individuals, you can affect each other in ways in which the other does not want to be affected?
Such a belief would have to be based on the idea that you are separate from each other. (248)
693. It is arrogant beyond measure for you to believe that you can affect the universe in a way with which the universe does
not agree. (248)
694. You are the mightiest force. No more, no less. (248)
695. You are in this world, but not of it. (249)
696. This is the kind of tortured logic with which you construct entire lives and complete theologies. (250)
697. Everything We are doing. We are doing in concert with each other. (250)
698. Our reality is a co-created reality. (250)
699. No individual aspect of Divinity has power over any other aspect of Divinity. (251)
700. It is not possible for one soul to affect another against its will. (251)
701. There are no victims and there are no villains. (251)
702. There is only one reason to be, do, or have anythingas a direct statement of Who You Are. (251)
703. You might even say, I am the life and the way. Follow me. But be careful. Some people have been crucified for
making such statements. (251)
704. The most significant difference is that in highly evolved cultures, all sentient beings are clear that there is no separation
between themselves and what you call God. (252)
705. Do you know why all creatures believe God is on their side? Because I am. And all creatures have an intuitive knowing
of this. (253)
706. There is no free will if to exercise it in certain ways produces punishment. (253)
707. Every act is an act of self-definition. (253)
708. If you are trying to get to Seattle, it will not serve you to head toward San Jose. It is not morally wrong to go to San
Joseit simply doesnt serve you. (254)
709. It is in the moments of life that a life itself is created. (254)
710. Is this Who I Really Am? Is this who I now choose to be? (254)
711. The consequence is who and what you are. (254)
712. Every act is an act of self-definition. (255)
713. Everything you think, say, and do declares, This is Who I Am. (255)
714. I have sent youa blessed part of Meinto physical form that I might know Myself experientially as all that I know
Myself to be conceptually. (257)
715. Life exists as a tool for God to turn concept into experience. (257)
716. I choose to re-create Myself anew in every single moment. I choose to experience the grandest version of the greatest
vision ever I had about Who I Am. I have created you, so that you might re-create me. This is Our holy work. This is
Our greatest joy. This is Our very reason for being. (258)
717. Your penchant for, you r insistence upon, comparisons, and your constant need to characterize something as better or
worse, higher or lower, good or bad demonstrates how far into duality you have fallen; how deeply into
separatism you have submerged. (260)
718. The level of a societys advancement is reflected, inevitably, in the degree of its duality thinking. (260)
719. Social evolution is demonstrated by movement towards unity, not separatism. (260)
720. Unity is the truth. Separatism is the illusion. (261)
721. As long as a society sees itself as separatea series or collection of separate unitsit lives in the illusion. (261)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
722. Your true thoughts are reflected every day in your social decisions, your political conclusions, your religious
determinations, your economic choices, and your individual selections of everything from friends to belief systems to
your very relationship with God. That is, Me. (261)
723. Nowhere is denial more insidious than in self-denial. (262)
724. You wont rest until you deny all that you see within you as well(262)
725. By your very thoughts will you deny Me.(262)
726. By your very words will you deny Me. (262)
727. By your very actions will you deny Me. (262)
728. You know in your heart that I am with you, in you; that We are One. Yet you deny Me. (262)
729. You must deny Me if you are to continue seeking to become Me. (263)
730. Denial is important. It is a useful tool. (263)
731. The master knows that denial is for those who are choosing to have the illusion continue. (263)
732. Acceptance is for those who choose now for the illusion to end. (263)
733. Acceptance, proclamation, demonstration. Those are the three steps to God. (263)
734. Self-proclamation is always, followed by demonstration. (263)
735. Yet with this demonstration will come your greatest challenge. For the moment you stop denying your Self, others will
deny you. (263)
736. The moment you proclaim your Oneness with God, others will proclaim your partnership with Satan. (263)
737. The moment you speak the highest truth, others will say you speak the lowest blasphemy. (263)
738. And, as happens with all masters who gently demonstrate their mastery, you will be both worshipped and reviled,
elevated and denigrate, honoured and crucified. (264)
739. Because one or two of you end the cycle of illusion, that does not end the gamenot for you, and not for the other
players. (264)
740. The game is not ended until All-in-All becomes One again. (264)
741. The cycle will begin all over again. (264)
742. The game is life itself, and life is Who We Are. (264)
743. The masters role is to lead others to mastery. (264)
744. For the cycle itself will never end. (265)
745. Technologically, most other civilizations are far ahead of you. (267)
746. The weather. You dont seem able to control it. (267)
747. The beings on most planets can control the local temperature, for example. (267)
748. Only when your own self-interest demanded it, did you see the truth that your finest minds had been placing before you
for years. (268)
749. It is very clear to enlightened creatures that what hurts one hurts the many, and that what benefits the few must benefit
the many, or, ultimately, it benefits no one. (269)
750. On your planet it is just the opposite. What hurts one is ignored by the many, and what benefits the few is denied the
many. (269)
751. You and all others are Oneand this is a level of knowingness that you have not attained. (269)
752. Advanced technology without advanced thought creates not advancement, but demise. (269)
753. You had a civilization on Earth more advanced than the one now existing. And it destroyed itself. (269)
754. The lost City of Atlantis? (270)
755. Lemuria (270)
756. Mu (270)
757. The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight. (Thom Hartmann) (270)
758. There are thousands of advanced civilizations. (271)
759. It is the mark of a primitive society to call regression progress. (272)
760. An assessment is not a judgment. (272)
761. You arouse Me! (273)
762. Justice is not something you experience after you act a certain way, but because you act a certain way. (275)
763. Justice is an act, not punishment for an act. (275)
764. Justice is an action, not a reaction. (275)
765. There is no afterlife, but only life. (275)
766. Once before on your planet the technology youd developed was far greater than your ability to use it responsibly.
Youre approaching the same point in human history again. (276)
767. Your present technology is threatening to outstrip your ability to use it wisely. (276)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
768. Your society is on the verge of becoming a product of your technology, rather than your technology being a product of
your society. (276)
769. When a society becomes a product of its own technology, it destroys itself. (276)
770. If you are not careful, you will make the nuclear and environmental threats look like childs play. (278)
771. If you are not careful, your own technologythat which was created to serve youwill kill you. (278)
772. Conscious Evolution: (Barbara Marx Hubbard)
773. The first guiding principle of advanced civilization is unity. Acknowledgment of the Oneness, and the sacredness of all
life. (280)
774. For no evolved being would attack anyone. (281)
775. All during your growth process you must work at the level at which you are. The level of understanding, the level of
willingness, the level of remembrance. (283)
776. The highly evolved beings of the universe would never kill another sentient being in anger. (283)
777. The evolved being knows she can create everything all over again. (284)
778. He understands that he requires nothing exterior to himself, and that the himself which he is has nothing to do with
anything physical. (284)
779. They share(287)
780. The planet (or planets) which a group of species calls home is understood to belong to everyone(287)
781. Speciesystem (288)
782. It is understood that the Speciesystem supports all life, and every being, at the optimum level. (288)
783. You are moving dangerously close to the time when you will not be able to experience life as you know it precisely
because you have insisted on subordinating the needs of most species to the desires of only one. (289)
784. Human beings will do what they are doingto themselves and to each otheruntil they realize that it is no longer in
their best interests. (289)
785. It is not the medium that is taking you in directions you say you do not wish to go, it is the messages you allow to be
placed there. (290)
786. Highly evolved beings deeply understand that all living things within what we have chosen here to call the
Speciesystem have needs which must be met if the physical forms that both create and sustain the system are to survive.
787. One species depends on the other(291)
788. In highly evolved civilizations, however, eroding the speciesystem is not looked at as productive, but rather, destructive.
789. You have to raise consciousness before you can change consciousness. (293)
790. Hemp can be grown inexpensively, and harvested easily, and used not only for making paper, but the strongest rope,
and the longest-lasting clothing, and even some of the most effective medicines your planet can provide. (293)
791. Cannabis can be planted so inexpensively, and harvested so easily, and has so many wonderful uses, that there is a huge
lobby working against it. (293)
792. If we wake up. (294)
793. What are the basic guiding principles of a HEB Society? (294)
794. A HEB experiences personal ownership in the sense of holding personal responsibility for every good thing in his
care. (295)
795. The HEBs of the universe, by contrast, deeply understand that the physical planet beneath their feet is not something
that can be possessed by any single one of them. (296)
796. The worlds ecosystem would dramatically improve overnight. (296)
797. In some HEB societies, beings live forever. (297)
798. A HEB never worriesand wouldnt even understand the human concept of worry or stress. (297)
799. A HEB finds life in the body enjoyable, and cant imagine doing anything that she knows ahead of time could limit or
terminate that, or make it painful. (298)
800. There is no shame. Nor any such thing as guilt. (299)
801. In highly evolved cultures, children dont raise children. (300)
802. In HEB societies, the elders organize and supervise the learning process, as well as housing, feeding, and caring for the
children. (301)
803. Guilt and shame is something which is imposed on a being from outside of itself. (301)
804. The degree to which a culture is evolved is demonstrated by the degree to which it labels a being or an action
shameful or guilty. (301)
805. They realize that when one loses, everyone loses. (302)
806. Highly evolved beings are also enriched by sharing rare things. (302)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
807. On your planet you have rejected out-of-hand any system which does not allow for the advancement of one being at the
expense of another. (303)
808. In highly evolved cultures, the natural order IS equitable sharing. (303)
809. The common good is life. If you are alive, you are contributing to the common good. (303)
810. There is only One Soul, One Being, One Essence. (304)
811. Some of you call this God. (304)
812. The Single Essence individuates Itself as Everything in The Universein other words, All That Is. This includes all
the sentient beings, or what you have chosen to call souls. (304)
813. Your own Bible said, Let Us create man in Our image, and after Our likeness before the translation was changed.
814. Relativity and physicality are the tools with which God works. Pure energy (what you call spirit) is What God Is. (305)
815. In truth, there is only One Soul, reshaping and reforming Itself. This might be called The Reformation. (305)
816. Evil is live spelled backward! (306)
817. Until your community of beings knows about being in community, you will never experience Holy Communion, and
cannot know Who I Am. (306)
818. Another distinguishing and fascinating feature of highly evolved cultures is that within them there is no word or sound
for, nor any way to communicate the meaning of, the concept of yours and mine. (307)
819. In the language of highly evolved cultures, one could not even speak in terms of my life, but could only communicate
the life I am in the presence of. (307)
820. Travel as you know it in your culture does not exist in highly evolved societies. (309)
821. It has become possible for HEBs to disassemble and reassemble their bodies at will(309)
822. As for what you call, in your society, worksuch a concept does not exist in most HEB cultures. (309)
823. The concept of menial labor does not exist. (309)
824. The very concept of success as you have defined it is foreign to a HEB, precisely because its oppositefailuredoes
not exist. (310)
825. HEBs always see whats so, and do what works. Humans very often do not. (311)
826. There are no have nots in a HEB society. (311)
827. There is no such thing as a life of quiet desperation as there is in human work cultures. (311)
828. In HEB society there is no such thing as the destitute and the poor. (311)
829. If you would change these two elements of your consciousness, everything would shift. (312)
830. Act as if. (312)
831. Use the resources, but dont abuse the resources. (313)
832. Yours is a race awakening. (313)
833. We Are All One, and Theres Enough. (314)
834. Evolution is not a straight line. (314)
835. It is the mark of a primitive society to view regression as progress. (315)
836. You believe that grouping together in large cities solves problems, when it only creates them. (316)
837. You cannot not get it right. You cannot fail. It is merely a question of when, not of whether. (318)
838. A concept such as what you would call nationalism works against their First Guiding Principle: WE ARE ONE. (318)
839. Highly evolved beings refuse to join together in nations. (318)
840. Evolution is just another word for movement toward truth. (319)
841. Now its time to observe that survival of the fittest (that is, evolution of the species) is not achieved, but, indeed,
entire species have been doomedhave actually self-destructedby calling a process a principle. (319)
842. The process is called evolution. The principle which guides the process is what directs the course of your
evolution. (319)
843. Evolution is survival of the fittest. That is the process. Yet do not confuse process and principle. (319)
844. A Guiding Principle of Evolution is evolution. (319)
845. The species, on the other hand, which has become clear that evolution is a processbut a process, over which the
species has controlhas not confused process with principle, but consciously chooses a principle which it uses to
guide and direct its process. (320)
846. This is called conscious evolution, and your species has just arrived there. (320)
847. They do not use evolution as their First Guiding Principle of Evolution, but, rather, they have created a principle,
based on pure observation. (320)
848. It is the ark of a primitive culture to imagine that simplicity is barbarian, and complexity is highly advanced. (321)
849. Here is the greatest Divine Dichotomy: The greatest complexity is the greatest simplicity. (321)
850. Highly evolved systems of governance, for instance, involve virtually no governance at all, save self-governance. (322)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
851. The truth is, you are subjugated to no one, and this is what the beings from highly advanced cultures would have you
understand. (323)
852. One of our greatest teachers, the man called Jesus. (323)
853. The Buddha, Lord Krishna, Moses, Babaji, Sai Baba, and Paramahansa Yogananda. (324)
854. What if I am The Collective? (325)
855. The spirit of that human you call Jesus was not of this Earth. (329)
856. All spirits are not of this Earth. All souls come from another realm, then enter the body. (329)
857. Jesus did. He was a highly evolved being. (329)
858. His mission wasisto save you from not knowing and never experiencing Who You Really Are. His intention was
to demonstrate that by showing you what you can become. Indeed, what you areif you will only accept it. (329)
859. Jesus sought to lead by example. That is why he said, I am the way and the life. Follow me. (329)
860. A HEB would not understand why you wear total body coverings when you do not have to. (330)
861. Equally incomprehensible would be the idea of livingspending most on ones timein boxes...(330)
862. A HEB uses as his first level of communication the aspect of his being which you would call feelings. (331)
863. A HEB, therefore, cannot, and could never, understand your human concept called lying. (331)
864. HEBs do not tell the truth, HEBs are the truth. (331)
865. Lying-about things large and smallhas become so accepted by so many that they even lie about lying. (332)
866. The differences between human cultures and highly evolved cultures is that highly evolved beings: (332)
867. There are no moral imperatives in a HEB society (332)
868. Honestly expressing ones feelings, for example, is often deemed by human society as wrong. (333)
869. This telepathic communication occurs between all highly evolved sentient beings. (333)
870. It could be said that the degree to which a speciesor a relationship between members of the same specieshas
evolved is demonstrated by the degree to which beings require the use of words to convey feelings, desires, or
information. (333)
871. Caring creates communication. (334)
872. When love is present, so is communication. (334)
873. When communication is difficult, it is a sign that love is not fully present. (334)
874. The model for life in a highly evolved society: (334)
875. Beings live in clusters (334)
876. There are no governments as you would understand them, and no laws. (334)
877. Triangular Code: Awareness, Honesty, Responsibility. (334)
878. Highly evolved beings have decided long ago that this is how they choose to live together. (334)
879. A highly evolved being shares everything he has, and would give you anything you sought to take by force. (335)
880. There is no concept of ownership or loss in a society of HEBs (335)
881. There would be no argument. (335)
882. HEBs have no fear of what your culture calls death, (335)
883. HEBs can live in a physical body usually indefinitely (335)
884. There is no school system in a HEB society (336)
885. Truthful observation. (337)
886. They observe that over thousands of years their religions have failed (338)
887. They see a health-care system that is really a disease-care system (338)
888. They see that eating the flesh of animals (338)
889. Diet for a New America, By John Robbins. (338)
890. If your objective is to live a life of peace, joy, and love, violence does not work. (339)
891. If your objective is to raise offspring free of violence and rage (339)
892. If your objective is to care for Earth, and wisely husband her resources (339)
893. If your objective is to discover and cultivate a relationship with a loving God (339)
894. Motive is everything. Objectives determine outcomes. Life proceeds out of your intention. (339)
895. Your true intention is revealed in your actions, and your actions are determined by your true intention. (339)
896. All events you could possibly imagineindeed, have imaginedare taking place right now, in the Eternal Moment
897. You are living an illusion. This is a big magic show (243)
898. Your brain is not the source of your intelligence. (343)
899. You cannot comprehend God if you are thinking inside your current values, concepts, and understandings. (344)
900. Werner Erhard: True clarity can come only when someone is willing to notice. (344)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
901. Life is The Process by which everything is being created. God is the energythe pure, raw energywhich you call
life. By this awareness we come to a new truth. God is a Process (344)
902. God is not a person, place, or thing. God is exactly what you have always thoughtbut not understood. (344)
903. Notice that being is not a thing, it is a process. (345)
904. I am not the result of a process; I am The Process It-Self. I am the Creator, and I am The Process by which I am
created. (345)
905. You are Gods highest emotion! (345)
906. When you look at a thing, you are not looking at a static something that is standing there in time and space. No!
You are witnessing an event. (345)
907. Buckminster Fuller: I seem to be a verb. (345)
908. God is an event. You have called this event life. Life is a process. That Process is observable, knowable, predictable.
909. The more you observe, the more you know, and the more you can predict. (345)
910. The One Unchanging Truth is that God is always changing. (345)
911. The one thing that never changes is that everything is always changing. (345)
912. Life is change. God is life. Therefore, God is change. (345)
913. I will never punish you. (346)
914. There is a second half to that parable. (347)
915. In the absence of that which You Are Not, that Which You Are, is Not. (348)
916. The major difference between you and highly evolved beings is that highly evolved beings observe more. (349)
917. You are a human, comma, being. (349)
918. You are a process. (349)
919. You are, in any given moment, the product of your process. (349)
920. Your understanding of the wisdom nothing matters is rich and deep, and serves you well. (352)
921. How do HEBs experience themselves as Who they Really Are if theyve eliminated all the negative stuff from their
lives? (353)
922. A range of objective phenomena. (354)
923. Here is a great secret: It is not necessary for an opposite condition to exist right next to you in order to provide a
contextual field within which the reality that you choose may be experienced. (354)
924. The distance between contrasts is irrelevant. (354)
925. The entire universe provides the contextual field within which all contrasting elements exist, and all experiences are
thus made possible. That is the purpose of the universe. That is its function. (354)
926. All of you. All of you have experienced everything. That goes for all beings in the universe, not only humans. (354)
927. You are that which you are experiencing, Indeed, you are causing the experience. (355)
928. Revolution is the basic movement of all of life. (355)
929. HEBs do not require evil or negativity in their own society? (356)
930. You do have to live within a contextual field within which That Which You Are Not exists, in order for you to
experience That Which You Are. (356)
931. You do not have to create the opposite of Who You Are and What You Choose in order to experience it. (357)
932. All you need to do to become highly evolved beings, is to increase your observational skills. (357)
933. You are observing your past. (358)
934. You would discover what I have told you all alongthat time does not exist (359)
935. It is impossible to see the Present. (359)
936. All the while that light is reaching you, life is going on, moving forward. (360)
937. I am always one step ahead of you. (360)
938. The more distance you place between yourself and the physical location of any event, the further into the past that
event recedes. (360)
939. When you understand what I have told you, you will understand that nothing you see is real (360)
940. You not only interpret energy, you create it (361)
941. This is what YOU ARE. You ARE this Process. (361)
942. This is what God IS. God IS this Process. (361)
943. You are both the Creator and the Created. (361)
944. Just because. (361)
945. That is the only reason to do anything. (361)
946. The most significant way in which you may consciously apply your New Understanding is to be the cause of your
experience, not at the effect of it. (362)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8
947. This is the truth I have come to share with all of you. (362)
948. If you decided that we are all one, you would cease treating each other the way you do. (362)
949. If you decided that theres enough, you would share everything with everyone. (362)
950. If you decided that theres nothing we have to do, you would stop trying to use doingness to solve your problems
951. Theres nothing I have to have, theres nothing I have to do, and theres nothing I have to be, except exactly what Im
being right now. (362)
952. When you come from happiness, you do certain things because you are happyas opposed to the old paradigm in
which you did things that you hoped would make you happy. (363)
953. When you come from wisdom, you do certain things because you are wise, not because you are trying to get to
wisdom. (363)
954. When you come from love, you do certain things because you are love, not because you want to have love. (363)
955. Everything changes; everything turns around, when you come from being, rather than seeking to be. (363)
956. Here is the Divine Dichotomy. They way to get there is to be there. (363)
957. If you and your society believe you are inherently good (364)
958. If you and your society believe that you are inherently evil (364)
959. Laws that are life affirming are laws that allow you to be, do, and have what you wish. (364)
960. Those who believe in Original Sin (364)
961. Those who believe in Original Blessing (364)
962. You are always a part, because you are never apart. (363)
963. You are always apart OF God, because you are never apart FROM God. (365)
964. Truth, Joy, Love. These three are interchangeable. (365)
965. That place of Oneness is heaven. You are there now. You are never not there, because you are never not One with Me.
966. Now you remember. Seek to carry this remembrance with you always. (366)
967. Seek to share it with all those whose lives you touch. For yours is a destiny grander than you might ever have imagined.
968. You have come to the room to heal the room. (366)
969. You have come to the space to heal the space. (366)

Conversations with God (Book 3)
(Neale Donald Walsh) ISBN: 0-57174-103-8


The Dancing Wu Li Masters
(Gary Zukav ISBN 0-553-26382-x)

1. Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind. (8)

2. When I say that every lesson is the first lesson, it does not mean that we forget what we already know. It means that
what we are doing is always new, because we are always doing it for the first time. (9)
3. Isidor I Rabi, Nobel Prize winner in Physics: We dont teach our students enough of the intellectual content of
experimentsyou do an experiment because your own philosophy makes you want to know the result. (9)
4. Discovery is actually an act of creation. (9)
5. The idea that we do not understand something until we have a picture of it in our heads is a by-product of the
Newtonian way of looking at the world. If we want to get past Newton, we have to get past that. (21)
6. Power is nothing if it is not the power to choose. (25)
7. Newtonian physicsif the universe really is a great machinethen from the moment that the universe was created and
set into motion, everything that was to happen in it already was determined. (26)
8. According to this philosophy (25)
9. The mind-expanding discovery of quantum mechanics is that Newtonian physics does not apply to subatomic
phenomena. (27)
10. We must choose, by the selection of our experiment, which one we want to measure most accurately. (28)
11. The lesson of Newtonian physics is that the universe is governed by laws that are susceptible to rational understanding.
12. Newton saw his laws as manifestations of Gods perfection. (28)
13. Contrary to Newtonian physics, quantum mechanics tells us that our knowledge of what governs events on the
subatomic level is not nearly what we assumed it would be. It tells us that we cannot predict subatomic phenomena with
any certainty. We only can predict their probabilities. (28)
14. Not only do we influence our reality, but, in some degree, we actually create it. (28)
15. Metaphysically, this is very close to saying that we create certain properties because we choose to measure those
properties. Said another way, it is possible that we create something that has position, for example, like a particle,
because we are intent on determining position and it is impossible to determine position without having some thing
occupying the position that we want to determine. (28)
16. May the universe in some strange sense be brought into being by the participation of those who participate? ... The
vital act is the act of participation (29)
17. Newtonian physics is based upon the idea of laws which govern phenomena and the power inherent in understanding
them. (29)
18. Quantum mechanics is based upon the idea of minimal knowledge of future phenomena; it leads to the possibility that
our reality is what we choose to make it. (29)
19. To observe something objectively means to see it as it would appear to an observer who has no prejudices about what he
observes. (30)
20. The new physics, quantum mechanics, tells us clearly that it is not possible to observe reality without changing it. (30)
21. According to quantum mechanics there is no such thing as objectivity. (31)
22. Carl Jung: The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate.
23. Quantum mechanics views subatomic particles as tendencies to exist or tendencies to happen, How strong these
tendencies are is expressed in terms of probabilities. (32)
24. The tendencies of subatomic phenomena to become manifest under certain conditions are probabilities. (32)
25. Probability is one of the major characteristics of quantum mechanics. (35)
26. Quantum mechanics discards the laws governing individual events and states directly the laws governing aggregations.
27. Philosophy of pragmatism: The mind is such that it deals only with ideas. It is not possible for the mind to relate to
anything other than ideas. Therefore, it is not correct to think that the mind actually can ponder reality. All that the mind
can ponder is its ideas about reality. (38)
28. But of how consistent it is with our experience. (38)
29. Plants often respond to stimulate with humanlike reactions. They retreat from pain, advance toward pleasure, and even
languish in the absence of affection. (46)
30. We cannot establish clearly that we are different from inorganic substances. (47)
31. Quantum mechanics indicates that subatomic particles constantly appear to be making decisions! (47)
32. Subatomic particles seem to know instantaneously what decisions are made elsewhere, and elsewhere can be as far
away as another galaxy. (47)

The Dancing Wu Li Masters
(Gary Zukav ISBN 0-553-26382-x)

33. The philosophical implication of quantum mechanics is that all of the things in our universe (including us) that appear to
exist independently are actually parts of one all-encompassing organic pattern, and that no parts of that pattern are ever
really separate from it or from each other. (48)
34. Planck that the basic structure of nature is granular, or, as physicists like to say, discontinuous. (48)
35. The changes of nature are explosive, not continuous and smooth. (50)
36. Einsteins theory of light was that it is composed of tiny particles, photon. (53)
37. Einsteins particle theory of light. (53)
38. Light is made of particles, or photons, and that the photons of high-frequency light have more energy than the photons
of low-frequency light. (54)
39. The velocity of light in empty space is always 186,000 miles per second. (56)
40. Consciousness may be associated with all quantum mechanical processes (63)
41. Something is organic if it has the ability to process information and to act accordingly and that therefore, (photons)
seem to be organic. (63)
42. Physicists found themselves dealing with energy that somehow processed information (which made it organic), and
unaccountably presented itself in patterns (waves). (66)
43. Quantum mechanics is a procedure. (67)
44. The purpose of quantum mechanics is not to predict what actually will happen, but only to predict the probabilities of
various possible results. (67)
45. Quantum mechanics is the only workable theory of subatomic phenomena that they have been able to construct. (67)
46. Probabilities follow deterministic laws in the same way that macroscopic events follow deterministic laws. (67)
47. To apply quantum theory, the physical world must be divided into two parts. (69)
48. The observing system in all quantum mechanical experiments is the environment which surrounds the observed system
--- including the physicists who are studying the experiment. (70)
49. Propagating in isolation. (70)
50. This law of causal development is called the Schrdinger wave equation. (70)
51. Observables are the features of the experiment and nature that are considered to be fixed, or determined. (70)
52. In the world of experience, an observable is the possible occurrence of one of these sets of specifications. (70)
53. A correlation between two observables (70)
54. The photon is a relationship between two observables ( slot experiment) (70)
55. Elementary particles dont have an existence of their own. (70)
56. Stapp: an elementary particle is not an independently existing unanalyzable entity. It is, in essence, a set of
relationships that reach outward to other things. (71)
57. Things are not correlate in nature. In nature, things are as they are. Period. (71)
58. If we werent here to make them, there wouldnt be any particles. (71)
59. Quantum mechanics is based on the development in isolation of an observed system. (72)
60. A photon seems to become isolated from the fundamental unbroken unity because we are studying it. (72)
61. Individual entities are idealizations which are correlations made by us. (72)
62. The physical word, according to quantum mechanics, is: not a structure built out of independently existing
unanalyzable entities, but rather a web of relationship between elements whose meanings arise wholly from their
relationships to the whole. (Stapp) (72)
63. How do we cause a possibility to become an actuality? (72)
64. Before we interfere with the development in isolation of an observed system, it merrily continues to generate
possibilities in accordance with the Schrdinger wave equation. (74)
65. As soon as we make a measurement, however --- look to see what is happening---the probability of all the possibilities,
except one becomes zero and the probability of that possibility becomes one, which means that it happens. (74)
66. We can predict accurately the probability of an event, but not the event itself. (74)
67. The graphic representation of the wave function of a photon, before we made the measurement, had two humps in it
68. The transition from the first mode to the second mode is called a quantum jump. (75)
69. It is the abrupt collapse of all the developing aspects of the wave function except the one that actualizes. (75)
70. During this time, all of the allowed things that could happen to it unfold as a developing wave function. However as
soon as it interacts with a measuring device, one of those possibilities actualized and the rest cease to exist. (75)
71. The quantum leap is also a leap from a reality with a theoretically infinite number of dimensions into a reality which has
only three. (75)
72. Our reality has three dimensions, length, width, and depth, along with time. (76)
73. Every possibility exists in three dimensions and has a time. (76)

The Dancing Wu Li Masters
(Gary Zukav ISBN 0-553-26382-x)

74. If the wave function represents possibilities associated with two different particles, then that wave function exists in six
dimensions, three for each particle. (76)
75. The point to think about is that when we make a measurement in a quantum mechanical experiment---when the
observed system interacts with the observing system---we reduce a multi-dimensional reality to a three-dimensional
reality compatible with our experience. (76)
76. If we calculate a wave function for possible photon detection at four different points, that wave function is a
mathematical reality in which four different happenings exist simultaneously in twelve dimensions.(76)
77. In principal, we can calculate a wave function representing an infinite number of events happening at the same time in
an infinite number of dimensions. (76)
78. No matter how complex the wave function, however, as soon as we make a measurement, we reduce it to a form
compatible with three dimensional reality, which is the only form of experiential reality, instant by instant, normally
available to us. (77)
79. When, exactly, does the wave function collapse? (77)
80. Up to now, we have said that the collapse occurs when somebody looks at the observed system. (77)
81. Another opinion is that the wave function collapses when I look at the observed system. (77)
82. Still another opinion is that the wave function collapses when any measurement is made, even by an instrument. (77)
83. According to this view, it is not important whether we are there to see it or not. (77)
84. The wave function of the photon contains the possibility that (77)
85. According to quantum mechanics this is not so(77)
86. Our experience tells us that the physical world is solid, real, and independent of us. Quantum mechanics says, simply,
that this is not so. (78)
87. Without perception, the universe, via the Schrdinger equation, to generate an endless profusion of possibilities. (79)
88. The effect of perception, however, is immediate and dramatic. All the wave function representing the observed system
collapses, except on part, which actualize into reality. (79)
89. Problem of Measurement (The Theory of Measurement) (79)
90. We are actualizing the universe (79)
91. The line of thought is similar to some aspects of Buddhist psychology. (79)
92. There is no description of reality. (79)
93. All attempts to describe reality are relegated to the realm of metaphysical speculation. (80)
94. The fundamental theoretical quantity in quantum mechanics is the wave function. (80)
95. The wave function represents something that partakes of both idea-like and matter-like characteristics. (80)
96. Temporal development in accordance with a causal law is a mater-like characteristic. (81)
97. Quantum-leap type transitions are idea-like characteristics. (81)
98. According to quantum mechanics, the wave function is a complete description of physical reality at that level. (81)
99. The complete description that quantum theory claims the wave function to be is a description of physical reality (as in
physics). (81)
100. The physical world appears to be completely substantive (made of stuff). Nonetheless, if it has an idea-like aspect, the
physical world is not substantive in the usual sense of the word (one hundred percent matter, zero percent idea). (81)
101. The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics says that what we perceive to be physical reality is actually
our cognitive construction of it. (82)
102. The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics leads directly to the conclusion that the physical world itself
is not. (82)
103. The observed system does not physically exist except as an endlessly proliferating number of possibilities
generated in accordance with the Schrdinger wave equation. (82)
104. The Everett-Wheeler-Graham theory says that they all actualize, but in different worlds that coexist with ours! (83)
105. According to the Everett-Wheeler-Graham theory, the development of the Schrdinger wave equation generates an
endlessly proliferating number of different branches of reality! This theory is called, appropriately, the Many Worlds
Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. (83)
106. When a consciousness happens to be present at such a split, it splits also (84)
107. Each of these branches of reality are real, and, together, they constitute all the different ways in which we can
decompose the universal wave function. (84)
108. Who is looking at the universe? (84)
109. All of the mutually exclusive possibilities contained within the wave function of an observed system that do not
actualize when the wave function collapses actually do actualize, but not in this branch of the universe. (84)
110. The Many Worlds theory says that there is one universe and that its wave function represents all of the ways that it
can be decomposed into different possible realities. (85)

The Dancing Wu Li Masters
(Gary Zukav ISBN 0-553-26382-x)

111. We are all together here in a big box and it is not necessary to look at the box from the outside to actualize it. (85)
112. Schrdingers Cat (85)
113. The subatomic realm is beyond the limits of sensory perception. (87)
114. Physics is a self-consistent explanation of experience. (87)
115. Acceptance of proof is the fundamental characteristic of western religion. (88)
116. Know that the true love of all dancers is dancing. (88)
117. To dance with god, the creator of all things is to dance with ourselves. (91)
118. Our old self-image as important bystander, one who sees but does not affect, is dissolving. (91)
119. The scientists readily assumed their task (92)
120. The key to understanding the universe is you. (92)
121. What is out there apparently depends, in a rigorous mathematical sense as well as a philosophical one, upon what
we decide in her. (92)
122. The new physics tells us that an observer cannot observe without altering what he sees. (92)
123. There is a growing body of evidence that the distinction between the in here and the out there is illusion. (92)
124. Access to the physical world is through experience. (92)
125. The common denominator of all experiences is the I that does the experiencing. (93)
126. What we experience is not external reality, but our interaction with it. (93)
127. Complementarity. (93)
128. Depending upon our choice of experiment, we can cause light to manifest either particle-like properties or wave-like
properties. (93)
129. Arthur Comptons famous experiment. (93)
130. Planck had not discovered his fundamental rule that higher frequency means higher energy. (94)
131. Only waves have frequencies. (94)
132. The we that does the experimenting is the common link that connects light as particles and light as waves. (94)
133. Wave like behaviour and particle-like behaviour are properties of interactions. (94)
134. Transferring the properties that we usually ascribe to light to our interaction with light deprives light of an
independent existence. (95)
135. Without us, or by implication, anything else to interact with, light does not exist. (95)
136. Bohr: an independent reality in the ordinary physical sense can be ascribed neither to the phenomena nor to the
agencies of observation. (95)
137. Philosophically, Complementarity leads to the conclusion that the world consists not of thing, but of interactions.
138. Wave particle duality is a characteristic of everything. (95)
139. Thomas Young (96)
140. Davisson-Germer experiment. (97)
141. Theoretically, in fact everything has a wavelength(98)
142. Electrons are the segments of vibrations bounded by the nodes. (101)
143. Wolfgang Pauli discovered that no two electrons in an atom can be exactly alike. (103)
144. Pauli exclusion principle. (104)
145. Once a particular wave pattern forms in an atom, it excludes all others of it kind. (104)
146. A wave function and a psi function are the same thing. (104)
147. The development of standing wave patterns in an atom is deterministic. (105)
148. Max Born: It is not necessary or possible to visualize these waves because they are not real things, they are
probability waves. (105)
149. Either we use waves in spaces of more than three dimensionsor we remain in three dimensional space. (106)
150. Borns contribution to Schrdingers theory is what enables quantum mechanics to predict probabilities. (106)
151. Given any initial state, physicists can predict the probability that an observed system will be observed to be in any
other given state at any particular time. Whether or not the observed system is observed to be in that state, however,
even if that state is the most probable state for that time, is a matter of chance. (107)
152. The probability of quantum mechanics is the probability of observing an observed system in a given state at a
given time if it was prepared in a given initial state. (107)
153. Just as waves have particle-like characteristics (Planck, Einstein), particles also have wave-like characteristics (de
154. Atoms are hypothetical entities constructed to make experimental observations intelligible. (107)
155. We are so used to the idea that an atom is a thing that we forget that it is an idea. (108)
156. Standing waves are not material. They are patterns of potential. (108)

The Dancing Wu Li Masters
(Gary Zukav ISBN 0-553-26382-x)

157. A wave function contains three dimensions for each particle that it represents. (109)
158. The Schrdinger wave equation describes a temporal development of possibilities(110)
159. At the subatomic level, there is no such thing as the exact sciences. (110)
160. Heisenbergs remarkable discover was that there are limits beyond which we cannot measure accurately, at the same
time, the processes of nature (111)
161. According to the uncertainty principle, we cannot measure accurately, at the same time, both the position and the
momentum of a moving particle. (111)
162. At the subatomic level, we cannot observe something without changing it. (112)
163. It is impossible even in principle, ever to know enough about a particle in the subatomic realm to apply Newtons
Laws of motion. (113)
164. The whole idea of a causal universe is undermined by the uncertainty principle. (113)
165. We are forced to admit that this thing that we have been calling a moving particle, whatever it is, is not the moving
particle we thought it was, because moving particles always have both position and momentum. (114)
166. Max Born: (114)
167. What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning. (114)
168. The uncertainty principle rigorously brings us to the realization that there is no My Way which is separate from the
world around us. (114)
169. The distinction between objective and subjective has vanished. (114)
170. The importance of nonsense hardly can be overstated. (117)
171. Nonsense is that which does not fit into the prearranged patterns which we have super imposed on reality. (117)
172. Nonsense is that which does not fit into the prearranged patterns which we have superimposed on reality. (117)
173. Nonsense is nonsense only when we have not yet found that point of view from which it makes sense. (117)
174. In the beginners mind, there are many possibilities, but in the experts there are few. (118)
175. The mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all the
possibilities. (118)
176. The first man to see an illusion by which men have flourished for centuries surely stands in a lonely place. (118)
177. Theory of light quanta. (119)
178. The general theory of relativity. (120)
179. The special theory of relativity is not about what is relative; it is about what is absolute. (121)
180. A hot iron weighs more than a cold one (because energy has mass and heat is energy. (121)
181. There is no such thing as something being absolutely at rest, unequivocally not moving. (123)
182. No one yet has found a co-ordinate system in which the laws of mechanics are valid. (125)
183. The speed of light disregards the transformation laws of classical mechanics. (127)
184. Light always travels at the same speed. (127)
185. The theory of the ether. (120)
186. The Michelson-Morley experiment had failed to prove the existence of the ether. (131)
187. Lorentz transformations. (133)
188. The ether does not exist. (134)
189. Maxwell was the discoverer of the electromagnetic field. (134)
190. Physics is becoming more and more abstract as it covers wider and wider tracts of experience. (135)
191. The principal of the constancy of the velocity of light is the first foundation stone of the special theory of relativity.
192. Whenever we bump into the limits of our self-imposed cognitive reality, the result is always paradox. (136)
193. To give up common sense is not an easy task. (136)
194. The second foundation stone of the special theory of relativity is the principal of relativity. (136)
195. The special theory of relativity rests upon these two postulates (137)
196. To an observer at rest, a moving rod changes its length and a moving clock changes its rhythm. (138)
197. Here is another way of looking at it. [195.] (138)
198. A moving object appears to contract (139)
199. Twin Paradox of the special theory of relativity. (140)
200. There are many examples of proper time and relative time. (140)
201. Platos cave. (142)
202. Terrells explanation of relativistic contraction. (143)
203. Newtonian physics is wrong. (144)
204. A thought experiment is a mental exercise. (145)

The Dancing Wu Li Masters
(Gary Zukav ISBN 0-553-26382-x)

205. Now, sooner, later, and simultaneous are relative terms. They all depend upon the state of motion of the
observer. (148)
206. There is no absolute time. (148)
207. What Einstein had to say about space and time is that there is no such thing as space and time. (149)
208. It is preferable, and more useful, to think in terms of a static, non-moving picture of space and time. This is the space-
time continuum. In this static picture, the space time continuum, events to not develop, they just are. (150)
209. Pythagorean Theorem. (151)
210. All the past and all of the future, for each individual, meet and forever meet, at one single point, now. (154)
211. The now of each individual is specifically located, and will never be found in any other place, than here (wherever
the observer is at). (154)
212. Energy has mass and mass represents energy. (154)
213. The formula which expresses the relationship of mass to energy is the most famous formula in the world: E=mc.
214. Although Einstein didnt know it at the time, he discovered the secret of stellar energy. (155)
215. Fusion. (155)
216. An atomic bomb is an uncontrolled chain reaction. (156)
217. Mass and energy are different forms of the same thing. (156)
218. There I no qualitative difference between mass and energy, there is only mass-energy. (156)
219. A conservative law is a simple statement that a quantity of something, whatever it may be, never changes not matter
what happens. (156)
220. The conservative law concerning energy says that the total amount of energy in the universe always has been and
always, will be the same. (157)
221. The law of the conservation of mass-energy. (157)
222. In all, there are roughly twelve conservation laws. (157)
223. Laws of symmetry. (157)
224. The physical universe is a whole which seeks balance within itself. (158)
225. The only motion in the physical universe is motion relative to something else. (158)
226. Ours minds follow different rules than the real world does. (160)
227. Certain laws of geometry are valid only in limited regions of space. (161)
228. For every actions there is an equal and opposite reaction. (163)
229. A co-ordinate system falling in a gravitational field is the equivalent of an inertial co-ordinate system. (164)
230. Einsteins principle of equivalence. (164)
231. In limited areas, gravity is equivalent to acceleration. (166)
232. There are two kinds of mass. (167)
233. The first is gravitational mass. (167)
234. Gravitational mass is the measure of how much force the gravity of the earth exerts on an object. (167)
235. The second type of mass is inertial mass. (267)
236. Inertial mass and gravitational mass are equal. (167)
237. The special theory of relativity deals with unaccelerated motion. (168)
238. The nature of the space-time continuum is like that of a hilly countryside. (168)
239. Geodesic (168)
240. Authur Eddington (169)
241. It is not possible for us actually to see the geometry of the space-time continuum because it is four-dimensional and
our sensory experience is limited to three dimensions. (171)
242. Euclidean geometry (171)
243. We are three dimensional people who cannot perceive, but who can deduce that we are living in a four-dimensional
universe. (172)
244. Our universe is not Euclidean (172)
245. By definition, the laws of mechanics and the geometry of Euclid are valid only in inertial systems. (175)
246. According to the general theory of relativity, gravity, which is the equivalent of acceleration is what distorts the
space-time continuum. (176)
247. Wherever there is a piece of matter, it warps the space-time continuum. (177)
248. Acceleration is the equivalent of gravity (177)
249. There is nothing but space-time and motion and they, in effect, are the same thing. (179)
250. The first verification of the general theory of relativity (180)
251. The second verification of the general theory of relativity (181)

The Dancing Wu Li Masters
(Gary Zukav ISBN 0-553-26382-x)

252. The third verification of the general theory of relativity (182)

253. The fourth verification of the general theory of relativity (183)
254. At the black hole singularity all of the laws of physics break down completely, and even space and time disappear
255. The value of a physical theory depends upon its usefulness (191)
256. The search for the ultimate stuff of the universe ends with the discovery that there isnt any. (193)
257. If there is any ultimate stuff of the universe, it is pure energy, but subatomic particles are not made of energy, they
are energy. (193)
258. According to particle physics, the world is fundamentally dancing energy. (193)
259. The world view of particle physics is a picture of chaos beneath order. (194)
260. Quantum theory and relativity are the theoretical tools of particle physics. (195)
261. The original purpose of particle physics was to discover the ultimate building blocks of the universe. (195)
262. Subatomic particles are tendencies to exist and correlations between macroscopic observables. (197)
263. Quantum mechanics tells us the same thing that Tandric Buddhists have been saying for a millennium. (198)
264. When two fields interact with each other (199)
265. Quantum field theory. (199)
266. Attempts to integrate the theory of relativity with quantum theory, has been generally unsuccessful. (199)
267. According to quantum field theory, fields alone are real. (200)
268. A quantum is an indivisible whole. (200)
269. In human terms, it means that the same person can be good and evil, bold and timid, a lion and a lamb. (201)
270. Physicists know that according to Quantum theory, subatomic particles have no independent existence of their
271. The first thing to know about the particle zoo is (202)
272. If a particle is moving it not only has energy of being (its mass) but it also has energy of motion (kinetic energy).
273. What is a massless particle? (205)
274. These self-made and self-maintained illusions are the sole cause of paradoxes. (205)
275. This dance of attractions and repulsion between charge particle is called the electromagnetic force. (206)
276. Electric charge comes only in one fixed amount. (207)
277. Subatomic particles spin about a theoretical kind of axis like a spinning top. (207)
278. This is the basic question of particle physics. (207)
279. Spin in quantized just like energy and charge. (207)
280. Angular momentum. (207)
281. Nothing is spinning. (208)
282. Particles and anti-particles can be created out of energy and always in pairs. (211)
283. The universe is made up of both particles and anti-particles. (211)
284. What does physics have in common with enlightenment? (255)
285. Undifferentiated reality. (255)
286. Grace/insight/Samadhi/Satori. (255)
287. Enlightenment is a state of being. (256)
288. A state of being is an experience. (256)
289. A description of a state of being is a symbol. (256)
290. Quantum logic. (256)
291. Bells theorem. (257)
292. All of the parts of the universe are connected in an intimate and immediate way. (256)
293. The central mathematical element in quantum theory, the hero of the story, is the wave function. (257)
294. The Schrdinger wave equation. (258)
295. Projections as Propositions. (259)
296. How can mind influence matter. (259)
297. The problem of language. (260)
298. A quantum is a piece of action. (260)
299. We encounter problems explaining subatomic phenomena when we try to visualize them. (261)
300. The difference between experience and symbol is the difference between mythos and logos. (261)
301. Logos is the artificial construction of dead symbols which mimics experience on a one-to-one basis. (261)
302. According to quantum theory, individual events are chance happenings. (262)
303. Mythos points toward experience. (262)

The Dancing Wu Li Masters
(Gary Zukav ISBN 0-553-26382-x)

304. Theologically speaking, logos is the original sin, the eating of the fruit of knowledge, the expulsion from the Garden
of Eden. (262)
305. Historically speaking, logos is the growth of the literary revolution. (262)
306. Knowledge, wrote e.e. cummings, is a polite word for/dead but not buried imagination. (262)
307. According to Finkelstein, a language of mythos, a language which alludes to experience but does not attempt to
replace it or to mold our perception of it is the true language of physics. (263)
308. A vital aspect of the enlightened state is the experience of an all-pervading unity. (281)
309. Everything is a manifestation. (281)
310. We are manifestations of that which is. (281)
311. Everything is a manifestation of that which is. (281)
312. Everything and everybody is exactly and perfectly what it is. (281)
313. Since everything is but an apparition (281)
314. I am perfect. I am exactly and perfectly who I am. (281)
315. There is nothing which is not that which is. (282)
316. There is nothing other than that which is. (282)
317. Everything is that which is. (282)
318. We are a part of that which is. (282)
319. We are that which is. (282)
320. Bells Theorem. (282)
321. One of the implications of Bells Theorem (282)
322. Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosens thought experiment is the Pandoras Box of modern physics (286)
323. How can two of anything communicate so quickly? (287)
324. Superluminal connection. (288)
325. This opinion is, in effect, the principle of local causes. (288)
326. Few physicists believe in telepathy. (289)
327. Bells Theorem is based upon correlations between paired particles (291)
328. Physicists have proved, rationally, that our rational ideas about the world in which we live are profoundly deficient.
329. Quantum phenomena provide prima facie evidence that (295)
330. Everything we know about Nature is in accord with the idea that the fundamental process of Nature lies outside
space-timebut generates events that can be located in space-time. (295)
331. The superluminal transfer of information between space-like separated events may be an integral aspect of out
physical reality. (296)
332. Bells theorem showed that either the statistical predictions of quantum theory or the principle of local causes is false.
333. Faster-than-light communication of a type different than conventional physics can explain. (296)
334. A new notion of unbroken wholeness. (297)
335. Superluminal quantum connectedness seems to be, on the surface at least, a possible explanation for some types of
psychic phenomena. (298)
336. Bells theorem proves that quantum theory requires connections that appear to resemble telepathic communication
337. The first possibility is that free will is an illusion. (300)
338. Superdeterminism. (300)
339. There is a different edition of us in each of the different branches of the universe. (301)
340. The second tacit assumption is that when we choose to do one thing in place of another, what would have happened
if would have produced definite results. (303)
341. Contrafactual definiteness. (303)
342. Without a measurement of some kind, quantum mechanics is mute. (304)
343. Quantum theory is closely bound to philosophy. (305)
344. The Second most fundamental difference between Newtonian physics and quantum theory is that Newtonian physics
predicts events and quantum mechanics predicts the probability of events. (305)
345. All things, including space, time and matter are forms of that-which-is. (306)
346. The implicate order is the implicate order of that-which-is. However, that-which-is is the implicate order. (307)
347. Non-being also is that-which-is. (308)
348. Emptiness, is that-which-is. (308)
349. There is nothing which is not that-which-is. (308)

The Dancing Wu Li Masters
(Gary Zukav ISBN 0-553-26382-x)

350. What is the implicate order the implicate order of? (308)
351. The unbroken wholeness of which everything is a form. (308)
352. Reality means everything you can think about. This is not that-which-is. No idea can capture truth in the sense of
that-which-is. (309)
353. The subtle mechanism of knowing the truth does not originate in the brain. (309)
354. There is a similarity between thought and matter. (309)
355. The function of eastern religions (psychologies) is to allow the mind to escape the confines of the symbolic. (310)
356. Beyond the confines of the symbolic lies that which is, pure awareness, the experience of the suchness of reality.
357. To understand something is to give up some other way of conceiving it. (310)
358. The mind deals in forms of limitations. (310)
359. Reality is what we take to be true (310)
360. An open mind is often the first step in the process of enlightenment. (310)
361. In the middle 1800s Newtonian mechanics was at its zenith. (311)
362. The problem of black-body radiation led to Plancks discovery of the quantum of action. (311)
363. Hindu, mythology, Kali, the Divine Mother, is the symbol for the infinite diversity of experience. (311)
364. Twentieth-century physics is the story of a journey from intellectual entrenchment to intellectual openness (312)
365. Buddhism is both a philosophy and a practice. (312)
366. Buddhist practice is called Tantra. Tantra is the Sanskrit word meaning to weave. (312)
367. There is little that can be said about Tantra. It must be done. (312)
368. Buddhist philosophy can be intellectualized. Tantra can not. (312)
369. Buddhist philosophy is a function of rational mind. Tantra transcends rationality. (312)
370. The practice of Tantra means the integration of thought based on symbols into larger spectrums of awareness. (313)
371. Tibetan Buddhism calls it the Path without Form, or the Practice of Mind. (313)
372. Max Planck: Sciencemeans unresting endeavour and continually progressing development toward an aim which the
poetic intuition may apprehend, but which the intellect can never fully grasp. (313)
373. Al Huang, the Tai Chi Master: sooner or later we reach a dead end when we talk. (314)
374. Who are the dancers and who the dance? They have no attributes other than the dance. (314)
375. Question: What is they? (314)
376. Answer: The things that dance, the dancers. (314)

The Dancing Wu Li Masters
(Gary Zukav ISBN 0-553-26382-x)


Edgar Cayce (Channeling Your Higher Self)
Henry Reid ISBN: 0-446-34980-1

Edgar Cayce called intuition the highest form of psychic ability. (24)
1. Intuitive knowledge comes to you because the information is useful for you at the moment. (24)
2. Cayce defined intuition as knowing from within. (26)
3. The archer who becomes the target is on the path to realizing Zens great Secret. (27)
4. Intuition is not a creation of the conscious mind. (28)
5. Intuition presupposes an underlying unity to all life. (28)
6. Sympathetic Vibrations, The Tao of Physics. (28)
7. It further appears that atom-events can have an instantaneous connection with one another(29)
8. The conclusion is that mind and matter make an indivisible, unitary whole. (29)
9. Mind and matter are one, single, indivisible dance of energy. (29)
10. There is one spirit, or energy that unites all of Creation. (29)
11. There is a unified psychic ecology among all events in creation. (29)
12. God created human souls out of the Creators own being. (29)
13. Holonomic. (29)
14. Intuition draws upon this universal knowledge that is psychically available to the soul. (30)
15. Superconscious mind. (30)
16. All subconscious minds, of both the living and the dead, are in contact with one another. (33)
17. There is only one mind. (33)
18. Transpersonal. (33)
19. All subconscious mind, of both the living and the dead, are in contact with one another. (33)
20. The Superconscious mind is a channel of clairvoyance(33)
21. Developing Intuition. (35)
22. The Starseed Transmissions, Return of The Bird Tribes (Ron Carey) (37)
23. Intuition is not knowing through the senses or analysis, but through sympathetic vibrations of empathy. (38)
24. Exploring the range of channels available to us puts us at risk. (40)
25. Exercise(41)
26. Accepting the first thing that comes to mind is often one of the hardest aspects of learning intuition. (41)
27. One way to learn to identify your first, spontaneous response is that it is unpredictable. (42)
28. Unlike intuition, the voice of conscience can be predictable. (42)
29. In sleep, we become pure intuition. (43)
30. Our dreaming mind: History and Psychology by Bob Van de Castle (49)
31. All the major religions have been born or prefigured in dreams. (49)
32. Every night we also have dreams coming from the Superconscious mind. (50)
33. He found its a universal pattern of human experience to encounter within a wiser part of ourselves. (52)
34. The higher self is the souls awareness of itself, that the soul is our true identity. (52)
35. Though the ego has the use of the conscious mind, the higher self has access to the subconscious and the
superconscious mind. (52)
36. Cayce describes sleep as the shadow of death. (53)
37. We merge with creation and resonate with all that we hear. There is no awareness of a separate self. (53)
38. Fortunately, its in this deep sleep that we are most closely attuned with our guardian angel consciousness. (53)
39. The soul compares what we are experiencing in life to its expanded awareness. (55)
40. The experience the soul has while we are asleep we remember as a dream. (55)
41. The more we try to contact and cooperate with the soul level of our being by living according to an ideal, the
clearer our dreams become. (55)
42. Our soul has access to the superconscious mind, where all knowledge is available. The soul exists in the dimension
of eternity, where time and space does not exist. (55)
43. Cayce said that anything we might wish to know or experience we can safely obtain through dreams. (55)
44. Any other method of Channeling the secrets of the universe contains risks, but dreams do not. (55)
45. We can actively seek out a dream to help us with a particular purpose. Having a purpose for dreaming, in fact is an
excellent way to learn to understand the dreams that come. (56)
46. Getting Help From Your Dreams (Henry Reed) (56)
47. The intention to apply what you already know is the seed of further inspiration. (58)
48. Living your dreams (Gayle Delaney) (61)
49. The dream Quest Workbook (Henry Reed) (61)

Edgar Cayce (Channeling Your Higher Self)
Henry Reid ISBN: 0-446-34980-1

50. When we dream our bodies are paralyzed. (63)

51. Every time we move we erase part of our dream memory. (63)
52. In the application comes the awareness. (64)
53. Energy isnt ours to own because it belongs to life itself, but its ours to use, to channel. (69)
54. Energy combined with a pattern of application creates the effect. (70)
55. Gods love, or Spirit, is the one, single force in the universe. (70)
56. The design of the universe is comparable to a masterful intelligence. (70)
57. This superior design intelligence is what many people call God the Creator. (70)
58. Spirit is the Life, The Mind is the Builder, and the Physical is the Result. (70)
59. Meditation and the Mind of Man (Herbert B. Puryear & Mark Thurston) (70)
60. The film is like the mind, for the mind is the source of patterns. The result is pictures on the screen. The physical
manifestation, what we experience, is the result of the patterning of light. (72)
61. The thoughts we entertain in our mind become real in the circumstances of our lives. (72)
62. Proverbs (27:3) As a man thinketh, so is he. (72)
63. Ideas are real in themselves and become real in the physical world. (72)
64. Mysteries of the Mind (Henry Reed) (72)
65. What we assume to be reality is a subjective experience. (72)
66. Personal expectations and attitudes affect how we experience events. (72)
67. Ideas held in the mind of the observer play a role in what the observer sees. (72)
68. The best way for us to think of a fourth dimension is to think of an idea. (72)
69. Archetypes (Universal psychic patterns) 73)
70. New Science of life and The presence of the past (Rupert Sheldrake) (73)
71. Morphogenetic force fields (73)
72. Ideas are real in themselves. (73)
73. Ideas create physical reality. (73)
74. Cayce, however, would have us understand that ideas exist in another dimension, that they exist outside of space
and time. (73)
75. As we tune into an idea, it begins to shape our experience. Every moment of our lives were acting as channels of
energy, shaping events through the ideas we hold. (74)
76. Ideas dont belong to us but exist within the universal mind. (74)
77. Its more accurate to say that our choices determine which ideas will create our reality. Were responsible for our
choices. (74)
78. To Plato, ideals are the invisible templates, or patterns, that govern the visible forms of nature. Ideals are models of
perception. (74)
79. Perfection is something that belongs to the gods, not to humans. (75)
80. Cayce warns us not to confuse ideals with their offspring, ideas. (75)
81. Once they materialize, Cayce remarked, ideas die. (75)
82. Only values that are truly based on an ideal can keep us going, only ideals can continue to provide inspiration. (76)
83. Learning to express your ideal, in fact, is one way to channel your higher self. (76)
84. The Christ Consciousness is that awareness held in the mind of Jesus and expressed in that life. (76)
85. God incarnates in each of us. (76)
86. To sin is to miss the mark. (76)
87. Cayce often define sin as self, meaning to focus on our separateness rather than on our oneness. (77)
88. Personalities are social creations. Our individuality, however, is who we really are underneath the personalities.
89. Ideals are the currency of the higher self. (78)
90. I die daily so that Christ might live in me. (78)
91. Augustines advice, Love and do as you will. (79)
92. All energy is from one source. (79)
93. Sexual energy is the strongest physical force within the body. (79)
94. Sex and the Spiritual Path (Herbert Puryear) (79)
95. No sex act or sexual relation is necessarily bad in and of itself. (80)
96. Sexuality for the sake of ones own self-gratification is destructive and confusing. (80)
97. The conceiving of a child doesnt begin when the sperm and the egg meet. (80)
98. What is an ideal home? Its a home with an ideal. (81)

Edgar Cayce (Channeling Your Higher Self)
Henry Reid ISBN: 0-446-34980-1

99. A desire for companionship was Gods motivation for creating souls and companionship. (82)
100. Cayce define love as the giving out of that within self. (82)
101. To experience love is to experience a giving from within. (82)
102. Love displaces fear. (83)
103. Theres only one commandment. (83)
104. Love is a law unto itself. (83)
105. Meditation is listening to the Divine within. (87)
106. Emmanuels Book (Pat Rodergast) (88)
107. On a clear day you can see forever. When the waters become still and quiet you can see clear to the bottom (Zen)
108. All knowledge is within us. (94)
109. Exercise: (94)
110. Having a need to know and the intention to apply the knowledge helps draw the guidance to you. (95)
111. Approaching meditation in the spirit of curiosity, in the spirit of letting go of ones defences to what may come,
isnt particularly advisable. (99)
112. Attuning. (99)
113. The Book of Revelation, according to Cayce, is a symbolic description of what happens in the body of a mediator.
114. The endocrine system operates to change patterns of psychic and mental energy into physical patterns within the
body, and vice versa. Its in the endocrine system, not the brain, that mind and body merge. (101)
115. Cayce explains that what happened to John during his revelation experience is a prophecy of what will happen to
any meditator. (101)
116. Christ Consciousness. (101)
117. Kundalini energy. (101)
118. The pineal gland. (101)
119. The adrenals. (101)
120. The seven headed dragon. (103)
121. Christ Consciousness, the birth of this awareness necessitates a death for the ego and a rebirth into a new spirit of
being. (103)
122. The Lords Prayer. (103)
123. The adrenals are what science recognize as the center of the fight or flight reflex. (104)
124. A second coming of Christ. Its the birth of the Christ Consciousness in John. (104)
125. Christ Consciousness. (105)
126. The body is the temple; its where we meet with God (105)
127. Its not what we put into our body that defiles us, but what comes out of it, by way of our thoughts, speech, and
actions. (105)
128. Were not what we eat, but what we digest of what we eat. (105)
129. Its not what we learn that changes us, but what we apply of what we learn. (105)
130. The essence of fasting isnt the abstinence from any particular substance or activity (105)
131. The real inspiration is the arousing of the consciousness of that within! (107)
132. Christ-Mind. (107)
133. Attune. (111)
134. Automatic writing: An Approach to the Unconscious (Dr. Anita Muhl) (114)
135. Ouija: The Most Dangerous Game (Brad Stoker) (116)
136. Attunement (122)
137. God is the Supreme Creator, AS souls, we are miniature replicas of God. (129)
138. Creativity flourishes with self-esteem and self-confidence. (129)
139. The Temple Beautiful and the Temple of Sacrifice. (130)
140. Of all sensory effects, odor has the most powerful influence on the body. (130)
141. Everything consists of vibration. (131)
142. Listening to music can alleviate migraine headaches. (131)
143. The aroma of spiced apples can lower blood pressure, and the aroma of peaches can reduce pain. (131)
144. Its not true, however, that in order to be creative it helps to be a bit mad. Mental disturbances interfere with
creativity; they dont add to it. (133)

Edgar Cayce (Channeling Your Higher Self)
Henry Reid ISBN: 0-446-34980-1

145. Cayce indicated that opening the channel when the adrenals are overstimulated, as in fear and anger, is much more
hazardous to an individual than an overstimulated sex center. (133)
146. Our voice is the highest vibration we can achieve with the physical body! (138)
147. Focusing on the end product, and how it might be judged. (143)
148. Being creative demands that you set aside your expectations, get out of your own way, and let the activity happen.
149. The visualizing of any desire as may be held by an individual will come to pass, with the individual acting in the
manner as the desire is held. (145)
150. Christ consciousness. (146)
151. The Boy Who Saw True. (147)
152. Thoughts are things. (149)
153. Cayce often remarked that people dont become any smarter after they die, except to discover that there is life after
death. (150)
154. Explanation of Karma. (150)
155. He explained that the soul has to return to teach itself wisdom through having experiences. (150)
156. One needed to learn to do good for its own sake. (150)
157. Incompleted strong desires bring you back to the planet to fulfill them. (151)
158. No matter the color of the light shining through the colored glass, the sun is the same. (151)
159. Cayce explains that our being like God doesnt mean that our body has a physical appearance that resembles God.
160. It is Gods imagination thats the source of Creation is another interpretation to being created in the image of God.
161. Out of the mind of God came images. Those images are us, the souls that we are. (152)
162. Exercise. (152)
163. The activity of the imagination often upsets the social order of the status quo. (153)
164. Imagery is the process of experiencing in patterns rather than in linear, logical thought. (154)
165. Although a thought only makes you think, an image touches and affects our whole being. (155)
166. Imagination creates reality. (155)
167. Theres nothing as powerful as an idea whose time has come. Thoughts are things. Imagination is reality.
168. Spirit is the Life, Mind is the Builder, the Physical is the Result. (155)
169. Etheric force. (157)
170. The perceiver and the perceived have the same ONE source: the imagination! (156)
171. Images in the imagination arise first from feelings. (157)
172. Times of heightened visionary imagination correspond to time of intensified creative feelings. (156)
173. The pattern of gnome activity. (115)
174. We cannot see what we cannot first imagine. (159)
175. What our eyes see adds but physical detail to what our imagination has already grasped through intuition. (159)
176. Perceiving is a creative act. (159)
177. Its the same source that creates manifestations that also experiences them. (159)
178. Acting as if something were true has the effect of making it true! (160)
179. Creativity, psychic, and inspiration have the same source---the soul. (161)
180. ESP researchers have found that one persons thoughts can exert a subliminal influence upon the daydream patterns
of another person. (161)
181. Traveler in Inner Space. (167)
182. There is being awakened within self a power, an influence. Do not allow this to be directed by an entity that does
proclaim himself or herself as being the guide. (171)
183. Trances (Stewart Wavell) (172)
184. Spiritualism began on March 31, 1848. (173)
185. Many Voices (Eileen Garrett) (175)
186. Psychic awareness, Volume ( Vol. 9) The Edgar Cayce Readings (Spiritual Communications) (176)
187. A Seer out of Season: The life of Edgar Cayce (Harmon Bro) (178)
188. When a person dies the personal conscious mind dies with the body, but the subconscious mind remains unaffected.
189. There is life after death, but its the life of the subconscious mind. (178)

Edgar Cayce (Channeling Your Higher Self)
Henry Reid ISBN: 0-446-34980-1

190. Tibetan tradition. (178)

191. Akashic Record. (178)
192. Souls spirit journey in other dimensions of being. (178)
193. Effects of the records (179)
194. Eliza (179)
195. Traces of the deceased thought patterns. (179)
196. The principle of affinity. (180)
197. Peoples interests and desires dont stop when they die; they continue to be active within the subconscious regions.
198. When a person dies with unfulfilled desires, or compelling interests, those needs serve as attachments, keeping the
active spirit searching for a means of expression. (180)
199. Cayce indicated that a living person can call upon the active spirits of the dead (180)
200. The dead have little to teach the living. (181)
201. Cayce had reservations about the practice of Mediumship. (181)
202. Image of an Oracle (Ira Progoff) (182)
203. The transparent life energy (183)
204. The Old Wise Man is a role the mind plays when (184)
205. Ouvani is therefore a personification of a protective function of the mind. (184)
206. Progoff notes that we all know much more than were able to put into words. (184)
207. Progoff concludes that the psychic function (accessing information), and the function of being an oracle (delivering
wisdom), exist at different levels of consciousness. (185)
208. In order for the oracle of the mind to function, the channel, and those seeking, have to be concerned for more than
their own needs. (185)
209. The inner principle of meaning, will be present there in the struggle. (185)
210. In the application comes the awareness, (185)
211. Living through the crisis. (185)
212. In being possessed, were not innocent. (187)
213. There is always an affinity between the possessor and the possessed. (187)
214. The Unquiet Dead: A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession. (Dr. Edith Flore) (187)
215. People of the Lie (M. Scott Peck)
216. There is an affinity to the spirit of evil within us. (187)
217. Cayce indicates that evil isnt a separate force---all force is the one energy of God
218. Nothing can possess us against our will. (188)
219. Return from Tomorrow (George Ritchie) 188)
220. The infinite Boundary (D. Scott Rogo) (189)
221. It seems important that we give careful thought to how we open ourselves to the psychic, transpersonal, and
potentially turbocharged energy of the psyche. (190)
222. Ultimately, we have to be our own channels of guidance (192)
223. A heuristic is a method of discovery. (192)
224. You need to do your best with what you have available, and then more will be given. (193)
225. In the application comes the awareness. (193)
226. Be careful what you pray for, youll probably get it. (195)
227. As a source of guidance, desire operates in wishful thinking (197)
228. Either hopes or fears can be confirmed by the operation of desire in the guidance process. (197)
229. Expectancy operates through the imagination, where an answer is created simply from the pattern of the question.
230. Trance channels, therefore, can be quite susceptible to fulfilling your expectations. (197)
231. The subconscious mind does not, in itself, have ideals, but primarily the inclination to express itself. (200)
232. There is always that personal element, something less that a willingness to be in harmony with the larger whole.
233. The danger of obtaining misleading information is especially great in the case of seeking guidance from discarnate
entities, disembodied beings, or even psychic sub-personalities of a channel. (200)
234. A source that seems more personally suited to you may also be lower and may reflect your own subconscious.
235. Universal truth, by its very nature, ignores the uniqueness of the individual. (201)

Edgar Cayce (Channeling Your Higher Self)
Henry Reid ISBN: 0-446-34980-1

236. That sense of a separate self promotes fear because we feel a need to protect that separate self. (201)
237. The Atman Project (Ken Wilber) (201)
238. Love is letting go of fear. (201)
239. We ask for guidance, not because we dont already know that we create our own reality, but because we
experience ourselves as being compelled to create it as we do, and we want to find a way to do otherwise. (201)
240. Too often, sources of guidance that deal only with universal truth become a disservice in the lives of the seeker.
241. When we use valid spiritual truths as a means of gaining personal power, we can aggravate our sense of ultimate
personal isolation. (201)
242. A Pollyanna trip of denial. (201)
243. Compassion is present in the highest sources of guidance. (201)
244. Dont get lost in trying to pinpoint the exact source of channelled guidance. (203)
245. A very common sense approach to the matter of evaluating guidance (203)
246. Seek guidance from more than one source and look for commonalities and correlations in the information. (204)
247. If youre going to get a psychic reading from someone, get one from at least two different psychics. (204)
248. The practice of applications is also good grounding. (206)
249. The knowledge of whether or not well actually put into application guidance thats being sought is often available
at the time the guidance is asked for. (207)
250. Knowledge not applied, he said, was much more costly than the bliss of ignorance. (207)
251. The more and more each is impelled by that which is intuitive, or the relying upon the soul force within, the greater
the farther, the deeper, the broader, the more constructive may be the result. (208)
252. Hypnosis Session(209)
253. Self-Hypnosis (Henry Bolduc) (208)
254. There is a River (Thomas Sugrue) (210)
255. The subconscious mind operates upon the principle of suggestion. (214)
256. The conscious mind cant accept suggestion but first evaluates the statement. (214)
257. The process of hypnosis is like seducing the attention of the conscious kind and redirecting it elsewhere. (215)
258. Hypnotic subjects should be mind readers. (217)
259. Awakening your Psychic Powers (Henry Reed) (217)
260. Hypnosis often increases telepathic ability. (217)
261. Role playing allows us to take on the characteristics of the role, to channel whatever characteristics the role
suggests. (219)
262. The Laws of Psychic Phenomena ( Thomas J. Hudson) (220)
263. Deductive reasoning power. (221)
264. If you give the subconscious mind a certain assumption, it can take that premise and instantly draw out its
implications. (221)
265. The Journey Within (Henry Bolduc) (223)
266. The Eternal Ones. (223)
267. Channeling, when its not trick shooting, is an expression of the channels own growth in consciousness. (224)
268. Welcome Home: A time for Uniting. (Author Unknown)(224)
269. Improving trance channelling by using the persons own imagery parallels Cayces story of his development as a
trance psychic. (224)
270. Conjuring Up Philip (Author Unknown)(233)
271. A search for God (236)
272. Competition seems necessary to our survival. (236)
273. No Contest (Alfie Kohn) (237)
274. The survival of the fittest. (237)
275. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Nature interacts in an overall pattern of cooperation. (237)
276. Rediscovering the spirit of cooperation actually places us more closely aligned with a consciousness that promotes
our better channelling. (237)
277. The act of cooperation attunes us to the transpersonal level of our existence (238)
278. Through learning to cooperate, we can also explore the meaning and significance of our individuality as we
contribute to the common whole. (238)
279. Conflict comes from the mistaken assumption that its our ego that really needs to express itself. Instead its the
true self, the soul, the needs expression. (238)

Edgar Cayce (Channeling Your Higher Self)
Henry Reid ISBN: 0-446-34980-1

280. It is the individuality of the soul, not the personality of the ego, that is the truly unique pattern of expression. (238)
281. Each of us is a unique channel of Gods consciousness. (239)
282. Each unique individuals expression combines harmoniously with a cooperative group effort. (240)
283. Dream helper Ceremony. (240)
284. Dreams Beyond Dreaming (Jean Campbell) (247)
285. Christ Consciousness (252)
286. May the force be with you. (253)
287. The will of a plant is much stronger than the will of a human being, who might wish to bend the plants habits.
288. Plants need our love. (254)
289. You can almost hum along with the silent voices that are singing songs of Mother Nature. (254)
290. Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered (Machaelle Small Wright) (254)
291. Exercise (256)
292. Psychologists have demonstrated that with a little training, subjects can make contact with individual cells within
the body and affect their functioning. (259)
293. Christ Consciousness (259)
294. It is something about the spin of energy within the core of the atom that serves as an instantaneous telepathic link
between all atoms. (259)
295. The atoms in your body also awaken to this consciousness. (259)
296. Were able, by deciding to deeply concentrate upon our oneness with God, to awaken the atomic power of the life
force that is alive within us. (260)
297. The laying on of hands has the power to operate at the atomic level of the body. (261)
298. Prayer Group readings. (263)
299. The Therapeutic Touch (Dolores Krieger) (263)
300. Meditation, Part I [Healing, Prayer and the Revelation] (Vol. 2 Edgar Cayce readings) (263)
301. Although it is perfectly correct to talk in terms of how we might channel our energies, it can also be misleading
302. Channeling flows better when there is a point of application ready to receive it. (265)
303. Lending a hand, reaching out to touch someone, giving a hug---all these little acts are as valuable as the laying on
of hands in a formal healing service. (266)
304. Taking time to listen, rather than give advice, is also one of those little things that can make a difference to
someone. (266)
305. To become a channel of healing, its important that we understand that it isnt for us to fix or rescue people... (266)
306. Our thoughts are not private, but affect those around us. (266)
307. Dont stand in your own way. (267)
308. It is that being yourself, your real, true spontaneous, essential, genuinely individual self, is the best way to be a
channel of blessing to others. (267)
309. Man is in that position where he may gain the greater lesson from nature. (268)
310. For with God nothing is impossible, and the individual that may give himself as a channel through which the
influences of good may come to others may indeed be guided or shown the way. (269)
311. If we approach channelling, however, as a substitute, rather than as a means, to become who we really are, it wont
work. (271)
312. Spirit is the Life, Mind is the Builder, the Physical is the Result. (272)
313. The formula for channelling becomes, Set the ideal, then set oneself aside to let the idealized spirit express itself.
The result is an inspiration and then an action that serves the ideal. (272)
314. Channelling intuition requires setting aside dour rational mind to allow inner knowledge to materialize. (272)
315. We must trust our immediate experience, accept the first images that come to mind, the first words that reach our
lips. (272)
316. Learning to be a channel of you higher self involves learning self-acceptance. (273)
317. The need actually opens the channel. (274)
318. When we respond to something more compelling than our own personal concerns, its easier to set ourselves aside.
319. Thank the power of an ideal, or being needed, for pulling us out of ourselves. (274)
320. Service is our most important product. (275)

Edgar Cayce (Channeling Your Higher Self)
Henry Reid ISBN: 0-446-34980-1

321. Serving another person in need also helps distract our attention away from ourselves so that we more readily open
ourselves to channel. (275)
322. When Helping You Is Hurting Me (Carmen Renee) A Messiah trap awaits anyone who feels that serving others
means total self-sacrifice. (275)
323. Helpers High. (276)
324. The highest form of psychic ability was intuition because it holistically combined ESP and values into a form
ready-made for guidance. (276)
325. Fatima Prophecy (Ray Stanford) (276)
326. In My Own Way (Allan Watts) (278)
327. Im trying to live my life (279)
328. The only way you can be your unique self is in the conscious awake state. (279)
329. What gives universal intelligence a unique, individual flair is when it is channelled through a conscious person
330. Each piece of nature serves its Creators purpose by being itself. (279)
331. To express that spirit in your individual way is your purpose for being here. (279)

Edgar Cayce (Channeling Your Higher Self)
Henry Reid ISBN: 0-446-34980-1


The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

How does Psychic Ability Relate to Us?

1. Psychic ability as an attribute of the soul is therefore a potential for everyone. (4)
2. We as seekers must be extremely careful to avoid such simplistic evaluations. (5)
3. The subconscious, which is evident especially in our dreams and spontaneous urgings, acts as a filter (6)
4. An individual may be said to be psychic to the degree that he is able to (6)
5. There is an excellent example about external sources of information. (7)
6. Like Moses, we need to be open to God working through those around us, since they, too, have access to the Divine
within. (7)
7. Establish a spiritual ideal. (8)
8. They key should be making, compelling, inducing, having the mind one with that which is the ideal. (8)
9. (1st) Evaluating the Work of a Psychic (9)
10. (2nd) (9)
11. (3rd) (9)
What Are the Difficulties and Pitfalls of Turning Within
12. We as seekers must be extremely careful to avoid such simplistic evaluations. (5)
13. The subconscious, which is evident especially in our dreams and spontaneous urgings, acts as a filter or (6)
14. An individual may be said to be psychic to the degree that he is able to put aside the distracting input from the
conscious and subconscious (6)
The Need for Outside Sources
15. There is an excellent example in the Old Testament about external sources of information (7)
16. Like Moses, we need to be open to God working through those around us, since they, too, have access to the Divine
within. (7)
The Importance of Having an Ideal
17. Establish a spiritual ideal. (8)
18. The key should be making, compelling, inducing, having the mind one with that which is the ideal. (8)
Evaluating the Work of a Psychic
19. First (9)
20. Is the work helpful and hopeful? (9)
21. To accept responsibility for growth rather than expecting it to be handed to us. (9)
22. Second (9)
23. To what degree does this information agree with my own intuition and stimulate me to actively apply what I
know? (9)
24. Does this work build upon the best contributions of previously helpful sources? (9)
25. Does this psychic information interfere with my devotion to the highest reality? (10)
Attunement and Application
26. We must first become the seeker!Seek, and you shall find. (11)
Become the Seeker
27. The more we treasure a sense of the value of humanity, the more surely we must sense that we share it with all
others. (12)
28. To love God with all our heart, mind and soul is attunement. To love our neighbor as ourselves is application.
29. Attunement is a quickening, an elevation of consciousness. It puts us in touch with that greater reality. (13)
30. The law of One. (13)
31. All that is asked of any of us as souls is that we do what we presently know to do. (14)
32. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. (14)
Motivation and the Ideal
33. The standard of quality of motivation by which we measure our decisions and actions. (15)
34. Experiencing the helpfulness of the readings does not at all require that we believe in them (17)
35. Our challenge always entails two dimensions: the right spirit or attunement, and the right application. (17)
36. The great manifestations of the universe are life and consciousness. (18)
37. The great mysteries of the universe are the continuity of life and our ever expanding consciousness of God. (18)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

38. Oneness with God is greatly expanded and enhanced by the concept of reincarnation. (18)
The Pilgrimage of the Soul
39. We were all created in the beginning as spiritual beings (19)
40. Our entrapment in the earth was not at all due to the evil nature of the flesh (19)
The Plan for Life
41. The pattern portion of this plan for the redemption of souls was completed with the life, death, and resurrection of
Jesus. (20)
How Does Reincarnation Work?
The Law of Karma
42. Like begets like.
43. Karma: action or the law of continuity of action, like begetting like. (21)
44. The souls return in successive incarnations is not Gods requirement for payment or punishment. (22)
How Does Reincarnation Relate to Our Religion?
45. In the Bible, we may not find the word reincarnation. (23)
46. Reincarnation is the great leveller of all mankind. (24)
47. It is only in terms of reincarnation that we can think of God as being truly fair, patient, loving, forgiving, and all-
merciful. (24)
How Does Reincarnation Affect Our Daily Lives?
48. We can begin to see the lawfulness behind each of these circumstances. (25)
49. The concept of reincarnation enables us to understand how, in meeting various situation, we are meeting ourselves.
How to Know What you Were
Citizens of the Universe
Beingness Through Time
Planes and Dimensions
50. We hear of a fourth dimension. (29)
Other Dimension
51. The readings indicate that the best definition of the fourth dimension is an idea. (32)
52. This illustration also enables us to understand how prophecy may be changed. (32)
Earth Plane Consciousness
53. We experience reality as triune and understand all aspects of the One reality better by utilizing triune concepts. (32)
54. The third of the three dimensions is referred to as patience. (33)
55. Patience is an active force. (33)
56. Exercising patience means bringing the Spirit to bear on the present circumstances whatever they may be. (33)
57. When we consider that the most important aspect of this activity is the motivation or purpose, then we get a sense
of the reality of patience as a dimension. (33)
Our Neighbors
58. Angels, archangels, cherubim, and seraphim. (34)
59. Guardian angels. (34)
60. Satan (34)
The Model for Understanding the Nature of Man
61. We can love fully neither God nor our fellowman without a deeper understanding of ourselves. (38)
62. For any system of thought , the assumptions upon which it is based can never be proved: (38)
63. The primary premise of the Edgar Cayce readings is the oneness of all force.
Model from a Dream
64. A model is not intended to be a picture of reality but a tool for thinking. (39)
65. There is perhaps no more suitable three-dimensional representation of the relationship between the infinite and the
finite, defining the nature of man, than is found in a core or funnel. (40)
Model of the Tabernacle
Model for Karma and Grace
66. Law of Karma (43)
67. Karmic pattern (43)
Model for Reincarnation
Model for Psychic and Religious Experiences
68. Although we have conceptualized three bodies, there is truly only one. (44)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

69. When we turn within, we are initially confronted by our own personal subconscious. (45)
Model for Meditation
70. Meditation is attuning the physical and the mental to the spiritual. (47)
The Body: Temple of the living God
How Do We Experience God in the Earth?
71. When an individual has an experience of the Divine such as a visitation by an angel, the external otherness of the
experience may be so compelling that it seems to be entirely independent of inner processes (49)
72. This is the insight contained in the expression the body is the temple. (50)
Why Do We Have Bodies?
73. It became necessary to develop a statement, a manifestation, a pattern in three dimensional expression which would
be true to the laws of the third dimension and yet in accord with the pattern of the Infinite. (51)
The MicrocosmicMacrocosmic Relationship
74. The image or likeness of God implanted within us all is a pattern in the souls mind.
The Way Prepared by the Pattern Applied
75. The full living expression of that image or pattern of the Divine in the life of the man Jesus. (52)
76. In manifesting this pattern of perfection, Jesus took (52)
77. Incarnation into flesh gives us a greater opportunity for awakening than do some other dimensions which lack this
instrument for growth and awareness. (53)
The Temple as a Place
78. There has been a strong warning not to seek God outside of ourselves (53)
79. What is needed is transformative power of His Spirit flowing through us. (54)
The Revelation of John
The Endocrine System
80. The endocrine system includes seven major centers, which may function relatively independently from each other
as well as in concert. (55)
81. It is known that some of these glands function as emotional and motivational centers.(55)
82. The seven churches may be seen as symbolic of the seven motivational centers of the endocrine system. (55)
The Book with Seven Seals
83. As spiritual centers, these glands are storehouses of memory for all of our previous incarnations and, in a certain
sense, the history of the soul. (56)
84. The awareness that no one is worthy enough to open these seals except the Christ (56)
85. The endocrine glands serve as points of contact between the Spirit and the body. (57)
The Mind: The Builder and the Way
86. The spirit is the life, the mind is the builder, the physical is the result. (57)
87. The spirit is the life. (57)
88. The physical is the result (57)
89. The mind is the builder (58)
Made in His Image
90. What is the triune nature of our own being which corresponds to that of the Godhead? (58)
The Mind of God
91. The body is inclusive of the physical, mental, and spiritual and thereby represents the whole, or the oneness as of
the father. (59)
92. It must be understood that the term the mind does not refer to the intellect as we understand it, nor does it refer to
the limitations of the conscious mind (59)
93. John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same in the
beginning with God. All things were made by him: and without him was not anything made that was made. (59)
94. The material universe about us that we refer to as physical is a projection of this one spiritual force into
manifestation. The mind is the builder because it is the patterning mediator between the hidden reality of the Spirit
and the manifest projection of the physical. (60)
Mind and the Fourth Dimension
95. The fourth dimension has its reality in thoughts and ideas. (60)
96. All creation, as we know it, moves through this sequence of the one force of the Spirit being given direction
through desire or purpose or an ideal, followed by a patterning by the mind, and manifestation in the physical. (61)
97. Know the soul is eternal; the mind is both physical and spiritual; the body is only temporal(61)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

98. By definition that ever may be given of fourth dimension is an idea! (61)
The Mind as The Way
99. If we are made in the image of the triune God, what is the Christ or the Son aspect of our being? (61)
100. That aspect of our divine and spiritual nature which corresponds with the Christ and thus becomes the Way, is the
mind. (61)
101. The mind is made one with the indwelling pattern, it becomes the Way. (62)
102. Salvation is not an external event bestowed upon us, but an internal process of transformation. (62)
103. We are given the power and the patterns for that transformation, but we must choose the pattern, dwell upon it, and
act upon it if the power is to flow through and transform us. We permit or allow His Power to transform us only
through dwelling upon loving thoughts and acting in loving ways toward God and fellowman. (62)
The Macrocosmic and the Microcosmic
104. We, as children of God and brothers of this Son, are joint heirs in this sonship of the Divine and are indeed
purposed to be co creators with Him. (63)
105. There is nothing in the universe nearer to limitlessness than the mind of man. (63)
The Microcosmic Pattern
106. We may conceptualize our present separated levels of awareness as conscious, subconscious, and superconscious.
107. The conscious is related to the sensory system, the subconscious to the autonomic nervous system, and the
superconscious to the endocrine system. (64)
108. The macrocosmic trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The microcosmic pattern of physical, mental, and spiritual.
The Power of the Mind: Spiritual or Occult?
109. As spiritual beings who have free (and often rebellious) wills, we are not always properly motivated by high
purposes and ideals. (65)
110. When the forces of the mind are projected to influence others or conditions, without respect to spiritual purposes,
we have what the readings refer to as occultism. (65)
111. Rather than the conscious trying to program the subconscious, the conscious should invite the superconscious to
express freely its high ideals. (65)
112. When we set that pattern as the ideal and dwell upon it with the imagination forces of the minds as in meditation,
we are transformed by and become that power and pattern. (66)
113. As the spirit flows through us we are healed physically, mentally, and spiritually, and we become channels for aid
and healing to others. THE MIND IS THE BULDER AND THE WAY. (66)
The Soul: Gods Companion
114. The purpose of our existence is to be companions with God. (66)
115. God is love, how could He express love other than through relationship? (66)
116. The soul, being Divine, participates in the most essential qualities of the Divine, which are the continuity of life and
awareness. (66)
117. It is only the soul which is the true bearer of our individuality. (67)
118. We are destined to participate in every-growing, more meaningful, fulfilling, and exciting creative expressions. (67)
119. The soul may be defined specifically as the spiritual body. The spiritual body, as such, carries the record of all
thoughts and activities of its individual experience. (67)
120. The spirit is of the one force, the life force. (67)
121. The mind is the attribute of the soul. (67)
122. The gift of the will is also a special attribute of the spirit (67)
123. The spirit as the life force of the universe is (68)
124. The one great step in dealing with this problem of choice, which is given in the readings and which we have do
often reiterated, is to establish the spiritual ideal. (68)
125. The mind is the attribute of the soul which builds from impulse toward manifestation. (68)
126. With every thought we think, we are either helping or hurting, aiding or hindering the person to who or about
whom the thought is directed. (69)
127. The most significant aspect of our opportunity for soul development in the earth plane is in the utilization of that
faculty of the soul called will. (69)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

128. A major problem for us as souls is that the mind and the will are in direct contention. (70)
Why Are We Here?
129. That something went wrong and that as spiritual beings we are individually responsible for our own separation
from God. (70)
130. The readings say that there is soul entrapment throughout the universe. (71)
131. Being able to incarnate in the earth plane is a special opportunity to gain a growing awareness of the consequences
of our thoughts, choices and actions. (71)
132. Being in the earth plane is not only an opportunity to view the consequences of our actions and thoughts, but it is
also like the play area of a school. (71)
133. As indicated in the parable of the prodigal son (72)
134. God created man in His image: more specifically it is the soul that is created in the image of God. (72)
How Does it Work?
135. The soul, as a spiritual body, is not only a cocreator with God, but it also bears the records of all our thought and
activities. (72)
136. The soul incarnates into the physical body at or about the time of birth. (72)
137. The soul pattern or purposes and lessons to be learned throughout successive incarnations become predisposing
factors for the projected circumstances of the incoming entity. (73)
138. Remember, the soul not only bears the records of the individual, but it is also an energy pattern. (73)
139. It is also useless to think that part of the soul is working on several other incarnations in time periods other than the
present. (73)
One Life to Live?
We are Unique
140. In the creation of souls, God did not stamp out an infinite number of us, as if on an assembly line(74)
Other Life Forms
141. Only man is a manifestation of this special gift of the Divine, the soul. (74)
142. We should understand this continuity as expressions of the mental body or the astral body of the animal and not of
any Immortal soul quality. (74)
143. Even though we may experience an animal as having a continuing identity over time, such experience may be more
our awareness of relationships to aspects of ourselves than to the individuality of the animal (75)
144. We are souls, spiritual beings who have created for ourselves, mental bodies and are projecting into physical
bodies. (75)
145. Thus there is the potentialcalled the superconscious for the soul to be in attunement with the Whole. (75)
146. The soul is judged. (75)
147. We must set a spiritual ideal. (75)
Oneness and Love
148. The oneness of all Force, this is a basis upon which all subsequent understanding may develop. (78)
149. We must not deny the reality of evil, encouraging the untenable affirmation that everything is going the way it
should (79)
150. Evil is a product of rebellion (79)
151. Once we are clear about the monistic aspects of this premise, we can see(81)
152. God is loving that which is lawful and sensing that it is good. (81)
The Nature of the One Force
153. In the physics of an atom or a solar system we may see a quality that may be instructive for us in understanding the
physics of love in the universe. (81)
154. Once we are prepared to seriously address the patent intelligence manifested in creation, we can sense, the
Beingness behind it all. (83)
155. Holographic photography has taught us a lesson that the whole pattern may be contained in a fractional part. (82)
Oneness as Consciousness
156. The first lesson for six months should be oneness, oneness, oneness(83)
157. The consciousness of the oneness of all force is not the same as the consciousness of a one thing. (83)
158. Oneness as consciousness implies a special kind of interrelationship among all things. (83)
The Great Commandment
159. The great commandment is the commandment of love. (83)
160. We spiritual beings, possessing free will, must one day manifest that accord through using our free will and
cocreativily in total accord with the great commandment. (84)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

161. While we must have the same ideal, we cannot have the same idea. (84)
162. Differences become enriching rather than disappointing, encouraging us to share the one ideal. (85)
The Law of One
163. The law of one. (85)
Oneness and Integration
164. The psychology of oneness is a call to the individual to integration within his own being. (85)
165. If your eye be single, the whole body may be full of light. (86)
166. The principle of oneness is behind the practice of meditation as we seek attunement, atonement, and at-one-ment
within. (86)
Time, Space and Patience
167. We and all that we experience about us are manifestations of that One Force. (86)
168. He created us out of his desire for companionship, and He sought that we would be cocreators with him. (87)
169. The fall was a spiritual fall, and occurred within the spirit realm. (87)
170. Those of us who had fallen and become so enmeshed in our own thought forms needed an awareness of our
separation from the One. (87)
171. In meeting ourselves in these earth plane manifestations which we had built, we had the opportunity to sense our
separation from God, and to perceive Gods invitation to return to a full and harmonious awareness of our oneness
with the Whole. (87)
Three Dimensions
172. We speak of Oneness in triune terms simply as a way to better comprehend Oneness with our finite minds. (88)
173. Space is the arena in which we conduct our experiences in time. (88)
174. Patience (88)
175. We know that patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit. (88)
176. A dimension is a mode of measurement. (89)
177. With respect to the souls growth, we measure our lives in terms of Patience. (89)
178. In the acts of man, the essential quality of the fruit of the Spirit is Patience, Patience, thus becomes a measure of
our full and abiding attunement with the Spirit, the Oneness. (89)
179. The triune God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit(89)
180. These insights should revolutionize our attitudes toward our opportunities in the earth plane. (89)
181. In every experience we should sense that He is presenting us with a stepping-stone rather than a stumbling block
for our souls growth. (90)
182. Since there is only One Force, since God is that Oneness, and since the Divine is Infinite, then from the point of
view of cosmic consciousness, there is only one time and there is only one space. (90)
183. Only as we are obedient to the laws of the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions do we become free from them.
184. It is only in patience that we may ultimately read and become aware of these records, but in this awareness to time
and no space exist in the unity of at-one-ment. (90)
185. Patience is not a passive but rather an active force. (90)
186. In deep meditation we may raise the spiritual forces within the body and these forces may flow through the seven
spiritual centers of the body. (91)
187. In order to be patience we need to become meditators! (91)
188. Many people erroneously think that patience will make them a kind of doormat or lessen their strength of character.
189. To be sure patience, long-suffering, and endurance are, in their respective manners, urges that would lead to virtues,
but (91)
190. For each of us, each soul, patience is the lesson we must learn during our sojourn through materiality. (91)
191. Patience reveals mans response of God and what we have done in our relationship to Him. (91)
Karma and Grace
192. Reincarnation is an immediate and natural corollary of the great first premise that God is love. (91)
193. Law of Karma (92)
194. Law of Grace (92)
195. Such a theology reflects neither law nor love. (93)
196. Antecedents and consequences (93)
197. Each after its own Kind (93)
198. Like begets Like (93)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

199. Whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap (94)

200. So, within ourselves we may find that the seed of an attitude or action in one experience may not come to fruition
until many incarnations later. (94)
201. That which is held in one experience as an attitude or a pattern of behaviour may be brought into manifestation in a
subsequent incarnation as a quality of the body. (94)
202. A serious misunderstanding of the law of karma is that we are paying for some indebtedness we have incurred. (95)
203. Neither God nor the law are punitive or retributive; rather, that which we meet is the natural result of that which we
have previously built for ourselves. (95)
204. The nature of the law of Grace.
205. The law of the Lord is perfect. His grace is sufficient, if thy patience will be sufficient also. (95)
206. How to we move from the law of karma to the law of grace? (95)
207. We must meet what we have built, but we may meet ourselves under the law of grace. (96)
208. If we would have grace, we must be gracious. (96)
209. It is not that God thinks of mankind as debtors who must pay, but rather as His children who need to learn the law
of love. (96)
210. Since mind is the builder and the physical is the result, then that which is built as karma resides as a pattern in the
mind. (96)
211. The spirit, the force or energy, flows through a pattern in the mind (the karmic pattern), and brings a physical
manifestation into being that conveys the equalities of the karmic pattern. (97)
Free Will and Choice
212. If He is omniscient and omnipotent, then his foreknowing implies predetermination and predestination. (99)
213. A major reason for our failure to develop a meaningful concept of free will has been that we do not realize the
implications such a concept as regarding the full spiritual nature of man as a soul. (99)
214. An adequate concept of free will requires an understanding that we pre-existed in a perfect state and went astray of
our own choice. (99)
215. An adequate concept of free will also requires re-examination of our notions that a perfect God is omniscient with
respect to our choices. (99)
The Gift of Free Will
216. For the will to be truly free, God Himself could not know what man would do with this free will. (99)
217. A major stumbling block in the concept of free will is the notion that a perfect God must have omniscience. (100)
218. This view of God makes for a living and open-ended universe instead of a machine-like and closed universe
219. In our understanding of fee will, we must also consider universal laws. (100)
220. When choices are made which are not consistent with universal law, then the agent of choiceyou or Ibecomes
relatively less free or more restricted than before. (100)
221. God is behind it all. Therefore, they erroneously reason that all is as it should be (101)
222. Let us now review some basic premises (101)
223. The only way we can truly reconcile God the Creator and individual responsibility for ourselves in our present
plight is to understand that we went astray of our own choice(102)
224. The concepts of universal law and Gods will do not sit well with most of us who imagine that they imply a
narrow, lifeless, and rigid design to the universe which would be quite limiting to us and no fun at all. (102)
Motivation, and Ideals
225. We find unanticipated relationships between spirit, motives, and ideals. (106)
226. The basic premise is the oneness of all force. (106)
227. When we speak of the one force as spirit, we are affirming that the essence of the universe is both intentional and
purposeful, as well as active and alive. (107)
228. When we say, God is love, we are affirming a further insight into the reality that the one force has not only the
quality of goodness but also a purposeful direction of movement or activity which we can call love. (107)
229. By love we mean a mutually beneficial way to relate that has purpose, continuity, awareness, joy and creative
expression as attributes. (107)
The Problem of Evil
230. We become dualistic in our attitudes, even if not in our avowed philosophy (107)
231. Evil is real but is contained within the greater reality of God as the one force. (108)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

232. It is helpful to think of evil as existing within Golds permissive will while not expressive of His intentional will.
233. Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. (Psalms 82:6)
234. Evil becomes reality when we rebel and choose outside of the law of love. (109)
235. I will. (Isaiah 14:12-17) (109)
236. Not my will but thine. (Luke 22;42) (109)
237. The reality of evil, however, does not lie in the nature of the force, nor in the manifestations of it, but rather in our
own abuse of spirit, prideful motivation and misguided choices. (109)
238. We deceive ourselves when we think we can act independently from the purpose of the Whole without
consequences. (109)
Physiology of Motivation
239. When our motivation is not in accord with the law of one, the law of love, then the activities and expressions of the
motivational centers are out of harmony. (110)
240. Dis-ease becomes the inevitable result. (110)
Changing Motivations
241. With application comes awareness. (111)
242. In choosing to act in a loving manner, we may awaken the potential within to be more fully loving. (111)
243. The spirit of love leads to service to others and is the motivational basis by which selfishness may be overcome.
244. The setting of a spiritual ideal is a first major step toward reorienting the motivational thrust of the soul. (112)
245. An ideal is not a goal. It is a motivational standard by which to evaluate our goals and our reasons for pursuing
those goals. (112)
246. The goal is what; the ideal is why! (112)
247. A spiritual ideal is not so much a goal toward which we move as it is the spirit in which we grow. (112)
Analogy of the MANTRA
248. A mantra calls reality into manifestation. (112)
249. We should use the word mantric rather than mantra. (112)
250. The setting of an ideal has similarities to the true function of a mantra in meditation. (112)
251. The word which we set as our spiritual ideal should be one which, when dwelt upon by the mindnot the intellect
but the imaginative forces of the mindelicits a response in our bodies physically, mentally, and spiritually. (113)
Setting the Ideal
252. Exercise (113)
An Answer for the World
253. Man may not have the same idea, Manall menmay have the same IDEAL(115)
Soul Development
254. Soul development should take precedence over all things. (116)
A Willing Spirit
255. Be willing to be led; not my spirits, but by the Spirit of GodGoodRight. (117)
Desire versus Will
256. Desire is the opposite of Will. (118)
257. Provided that the will is made one with the ideal, there is no greater factor. (118)
The Basic Pattern
258. The attunement comes in opening the self to the consciousness of the Christ-purpose or Christ consciousness. (118)
259. Soul development relates most directly to the application of the great commandment with respect to our
relationship to the Divine and our relationship to our fellowman. (118)
260. As spiritual beings we have access through that spiritual part of ourselves, the soul, to be in attunement with the
One Force, God, with Love Universal. (118)
261. In the material plane only little things count: patience, long-suffering, kindness, and brotherly love. (119)
Personality versus Individuality
262. The nearer one becomes to that which will give its individuality, yet losing itself, in the whole, the more
individuality one attains! (119)
Awareness of the Oneness
263. To insist upon unworthiness, is to insist upon maintaining a separation. (120)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

264. The Christ consciousness to which we are invited is an awareness of the ones of our soul with the Divines. (120)
In Patience
265. In patience possess ye your soul. (Luke 21:19) (121)
266. What is patience? It is the Spirit being raised within ourselves; this is best accomplished in the practice of
meditation. (121)
267. If we do not meditate regularly we fail to raise that force which may be given expression in our lives in
manifestations of patience. (121)
268. Patience is even seen as one of the three dimensions in which we find ourselves in this present experience: Time,
Space, and Patience. (121)
269. Patience the most beautiful of all virtues and the least understood! (121)
270. Soul development should take precedence over all things. (122)
Attitudes and Emotions
271. An attitude is literally a stance, a posture, an orientation. (122)
272. Our attitudes reflect more directly the nowness of our being than any other quality. (122)
273. Our attitudes are a matter of our own immediate choice. (123)
274. Attitudes clearly affect our behaviour and subsequently the experiences we undergo. (123)
275. Many of our decisions are based on attitudes held at the particular moment. (123)
276. Our emotions are reaction potentials stored deeply in the psychic mechanisms of our being. (123)
277. The choice of an attitude is like the selection of a key to a storehouse. (123)
278. An attitude dwelt upon by the mind turns the lock to open the expression of deeply stored emotions. (123)
279. As the mind dwells upon a certain attitude, the physiology of the body follows the representation in the mind
Attitudes and Ideals
280. Setting the ideal is establishing the spirit with which we intend to respond to all of life. (125)
281. The mind is the builder begins with the posture of stance or attitude. (125)
282. The physical is the result, means the best way of achieving the mental attitude growing out of the spiritual ideal.
283. The mind as the builder is truly the creator of our bodies and our experiences, both here and hereafter. (126)
284. The attitude upon which we dwell becomes the mantra of the moment. (126)
285. It is the attitude that we hold that turns the key either to open these as sources of karma of grace. It is of the utmost
importance that we choose, in the nowness and the momentary focal point of consciousness, attitudes that are
consistent with the highest ideal that we have set. (126)
A Place to Stand
286. For the attitude to be constant there must be established something within our lives which is stable and to which we
may direct our consciousness. (126)
287. When we say that we believe in God, we should not only be indicating an orientation of the intellect, but also
affirming our deepest attitude toward the nature of reality. (126)
288. As an ideal the love of God establishes a singleness of intent and purpose as the motivating spirit of our lives. (127)
Ideals and Ideas
289. It is of the utmost importance that we learn in our very deepest response, the difference between ideas and ideals.
290. This focusing on different ideas leads to polarization. (127)
Choose Life
291. Life is attunement, atonement, at-one-ment. Death is a consciousness of separation. (128)
292. Our attitude of the moment is the most immediate accessible expression of ourselves as spiritual beings. (128)
293. When the ideal is set and held, it quickens the spirit and predisposes it to right purposes. (128)
294. The beginning point of creativity is, from its very earliest inception, an orientation towards life or death. (128)
295. Attitudes are not only held but maintained, not in a static but in a dynamic sense. (128)
296. To be sure attitudes oft influence the physical conditions of the body. (129)
297. All healing comes from the divine within, that is creative. If one would correct physical or mental disturbances
298. Some of the most destructive of our attitudes relate to that type of self-concern that has its beginning in doubt and
fear. (130)
Dreams---Scenes from the Sixth Sense
299. All dreams are given for the benefit of the individual, would (he) but interpret them correctly(131)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

300. We have the potential for both experiencing different levels of consciousness and for receiving input from different
dimensions into our waking consciousness. (132)
301. There is not a question we can ask which cannot be answered from the depths of our inner being when the proper
attunement is made. (133)
The Dimensions of Our Dreams
302. The Edgar Cayce readings portray the dream as dealing meaningfully with more dimensions of human experience
than perhaps any other existing information. (133)
303. We are physical, mental, and spiritual beings; therefore, the dream may be of a physical, mental, or spiritual nature.
304. We are souls, and since psychic is of the soul, the dream may deal with all manner of psychic manifestations.
305. All subconscious minds are in contact with one another. Through the subconscious, dreams may place us in
attunement with those in the physical plane or those in the spiritual plane. (134)
306. Nothing of importance happens to us that is not foreshadowed in our dreams! (134)
307. We call these dreams precognitive or prophetic and when they deal with symptoms in the physical body,
prodromal. (134)
308. Because we have been incarnate in the earth many times, our souls within us carry the records of these past lives.
Working with versus Interpreting Dreams
309. One of the great stumbling blocks to a more intensive and widespread use of dreams is the notion that dreams have
a single right interpretation, which the dreamer has little chance of deciphering without highly skilled psychological
or psychic help. (135)
310. It is erroneous to think that the dream has its origin in some message couched in a foreign language of symbols
311. The dream is a visual or sensory depiction of the forces that are being energized within our internal system in
relationship to those other systems with which we are in attunement. (136)
312. We may truly say there are no bad dreams because the dream is an objective report on the complex combination of
forces which are operative in our life at the time. (136)
313. Working with dreams is a dynamic and constructive response to the whole potential of the dream, whereas
interpreting dreams may become a static or passive response to a limited portion of that with which the dream
deals. (137)
How to Work with Your Dreams
314. 1. Write down your ideals. (137)
315. 2. Have a seeking attitude. We should not anticipate or request dreams related to a specific question, because the
whole point of dreams is that the conscious mind alone usually does not know what we need most. (137)
316. The whole point of spiritual life is that the conscious does not always know best. (138)
317. Thou knowest that of which I am in need. It may be truly said that the Spirit stands at the door and knocks. (138)
318. 3. Write the dream immediately. (138)
319. 4. Consider the dream from different levels and approaches. (139)
320. 5 .Correlate those truths. (139)
321. 6. Decide upon a course of action. (139)
322. All healing comes from within; and there is not question we can ask which cannot be answered from within when
we are in attunement. (140)
323. We may now define meditation as attuning the physical body and the mental body to the spiritual by practicing
silence. (140)
324. The secret of secrets of meditation is realization of the godhead within us. (140)
Seven Key Considerations
325. 1. Purpose of Meditation. The true spirit of meditation is more to express love than to receive recompense. (141)
326. When we start listing the benefits that are to be accrued from loving, we move away from the language of love and
toward the language of cause and effect, of karma. (141)
327. The closest we can come to the spirit of love is to say, I love you because you are you. (141)
328. A Buddhist Story (141)
329. The purpose of meditation is not to develop an ability, such as levitation; it is not to have an experience, nor is it to
withdraw. (141)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

330. In any love affair, we want to be near the loved one. To love God with all our hearts should be accompanied by a
desire to be near Him. (142)
331. We practice a period of silence in order to express our love for God. (142)
332. Psychic development, better health, an uplift of spiritall will result from meditation; but the ultimate fruit of the
spirit is love. (142)
333. Love is the purpose as well as the outcome of meditation. (142)
334. 2. Practice of Meditation. The most important thing about technique is our attitude toward it. (143)
335. A Buddhist Story (143)
336. We do not attune to the Spirit by virtue of technique, but rather in response to our own seeking spirit, the quality of
our desire to love Him. (143)
337. 3. Phenomenology. (143)
338. It cannot be stressed too strongly that the criterion for effective or right meditation is the changed life. (143)
339. Seeking experiences builds barriers to their occurrence (143)
340. The purpose of meditation is love through attunement. (144)
341. In everyone we meet and in every experience we have, we are offered an opportunity to meet God and we should
not be afraid. (144)
342. Doubt is one of the most serious and destructive things that happens to man. (144)
343. What we think and worry about is what we hold in our minds and hearts in preference to an awareness of His Spirit.
344. We should never evaluate the effectiveness of our meditation by the experience we have in those minutes of
silence. (144)
345. 4. Physiology. (145)
346. The Edgar Cayce readings suggest correlates in the flesh body to the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies (145)
347. The reason we must be still and quiet is so that the sensory motor system related to our muscles and our senses will
not rule the flow of the process (145)
348. The reason why we must be still is to establish first a contact with the spiritual level, then provide a direction for
the flow of life energy to take. (145)
349. 5. Preparation for Meditation. (146)
350. Preparation for meditation should above all be on ones own terms and not what anyone else requires. (146)
351. Know where you are going before you start out! (146)
352. 6. The Pattern and the Power, In Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism. Lama Govinda has written about the principle
of the pattern (147)
353. Jesus is the pattern, the Christ is the power. What is it that mediates between man as a finite being and the
infinite? ... (147)
354. It is not I but the Father in Me. (147)
355. 7. The Promises of Meditation. (147)
356. As we study the realm of the psychic and understand that psychic is of the soul, we may understand that the
optimum, perhaps ultimate psychic expression, is given in prayer. (148)
357. All psychic manifestations may be characterized in terms of three qualities: information, energy, and relationship.
358. In the practice of prayer we optimize the potentials of all three. (148)
Some Problems
359. Although it is clear that psychic is of the soul and that prayer is the basic exercise of the soul (149)
360. Another very serious problem regarding prayer lies in our own sense of unworthiness. (150)
Prayer and Meditation
361. We pray in order to meditate and we meditate in order to pray, (150)
362. It may indeed be said that the preparatory prayers are a vital part of the meditation process (151)
363. To the extent that the attunement is made through preparatory prayer, the potential exists to direct the energy to
others for whom we pray. (151)
How Does a Prayer Work?
364. With every thought we think about another, we are either sending helpful or harmful energies to that individual.
365. A way of defining man as a spiritual being is that we are focal points in the consciousness of God through which
the one force may flow and be given expression. (152)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

366. We may also be in contact with others through the meditation of other spiritual entities such as guides, or guardian
angels, or through the ultimate Mediator, the Christ. (152)
367. The Edgar Cayce readings differentiate between prayer for, and prayer and meditation for, another. (153)
368. We may pray a prayer of protection for anyone and everyone. (153)
369. Prayer for healing should only follow the request of that individual for such healing. (153)
370. As we send prayerful thoughts to another, it is not as though these thoughts must carry all the power needed for the
healing! (154)
371. When someone desires to change and asks for our help, there may be no more effective way to work than through
prayer and meditation. (154)
372. This special emphasis on the differentiation between prayer for protection and prayer for healing should not detract
from the variety of rich potential within the spirit of prayer. (155)
A Potential Beyond Limits
373. If we select a pattern of love through which to pray and relate to another, then the Life Force of Love is drawn to us
as a channel of that energy and flows to others. (156)
374. We cannot offer that which we do not have. (156)
Decisions and Decision-Making
How to Obtain Guidance on Decisions
375. Set the Ideal. (157)
376. It is better to set an ideal with which we are willing to work than to set a higher one, having no intention of working
with it in practical, everyday matters. (158)
377. Pose the question so that it may be answered yes or no.(158)
378. Decide. A choice must be made. (158)
379. Measure the decision by the deal. Sometimes the right decision may be made for the wrong reason! (158)
380. Meditate. (158)
381. Listen! (158)
382. We must be cautious at this point about trying to read external signs instead of listening to the voice within. (159)
383. Measure the decision against the idea. (159)
384. Do it! The readings warn that we must not make decisions in this manner and then fail to act on them. (159)
385. Be thankful. (159)
Personal Health
Holistic Healing
386. Wholeness is a process at at-one-ment, or becoming attuned wherein the physical and mental are one with the
spiritual. (162)
387. To be whole we must be in accord with that for which we were created. (162)
388. We must live dynamically as channels for the flow of His Spirit, in creative expressions. (162)
389. All illness comes from sin, whether we like it or not. (163)
390. When we work out of harmony with the whole, this is sin.(163)
391. We build that disharmony into our own beings, physically, mentally, spiritually, and it manifests in illness. (163)
392. Healing begins when our desires, choices, and subsequent applications move in harmony with the Whole. (163)
Integration and Timing
393. Holistic healing results from balanced, integrated, and properly timed physical, mental, and spiritual applications
toward wholeness. (163)
Spiritual Healing
394. Healing is not the result of merely external application or internal medication, but rather of attuning to the Spirit
within. (164)
395. There are only two good reasons why we should want to be healed. The first is our desire to changethat is,
change the patterns that led to the illnessand the second is our desire to serve our God and others better. (164)
396. Spiritual healing begins, then, as we reorient our desire, purposes, and ideals toward being one with and a channel
for the flow of the Spirit. (164)
397. Physical illness at its most basic level may be characterized as the imbalance of the rotary forces about the atoms of
our bodies. (164)
The Role of the Endocrine System
398. The system most capable of bringing about the proper balance of all the atoms in the body is the endocrine system.

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

399. The transformation takes place at the subatomic level, within the atom. (165)
How Spiritual Healing Works
400. There is within each of us a pattern, the Law written within, through which we may enter into the very presence of
the Creative Forces within ourselves. (165)
401. The channel is not the source of healing but one who may aid the seeker in attuning to the Spirit within himself.
402. The laying-on-of-hands. (166)
Mental Healing
403. Music, which may span the space between the finite and infinite should become fully integrated into any truly
holistic approach to healing. (166)
404. There is much to be rediscovered about the healing effects of music and the human voice. (166)
405. The power of suggestion is strongly recognized by the readings and encouraged far more frequently than is often
thought. (166)
Physical Healing
406. Now let us consider the physical applications for healing. (167)
407. There are four essential considerations with respect to physical healing: Circulation, Assimilation, Rest, and
Elimination. (167)
Special Roles of Osteopathy and Massage
409. Osteopathy should be the basis of all physical healing. (167)
410. Osteopathy has thus tremendous potential importance in the readings because its a technique for coordinating the
nervous systems of the body. (168)
411. Massage is especially important in enhancing circulation in the lymphatic system, which functions to aid immunity
from disease and purifying the blood. (168)
A Definition
412. Holistic healing may now be defined as awakening the desire to be one with the Whole. (169)
413. If there is no development of patience, there is no soul growth and therefore not true healing. (169)
414. There is no condition that cannot be healed, provided we make our will one with the pattern of wholeness within.
Sexuality and the Spiritual Path
415. As a wave of souls, we moved into the third dimension. (170)
416. At this point another wave of souls, seeing their plight, came to the earth plane to help those who had forgotten
their origin and heritage. (170)
The Spiritual Path
417. Such readings have very serious psychological and spiritual implications because they maintain that we make no
wrong choices. (171)
418. To spiritualize means to awaken within ourselves primary motivations that are oriented toward concern for the
good of our fellowman (172)
419. To be on the spiritual path is to be a seeker. (172)
420. The true still, small voice is always forgiving and always encouraging. (172)
The Body is the Temple
421. The bodies, male and female, were designed for two important purposes (173)
422. The body is the temple. (173)
423. As we meditate, energy is raised from the sexual glands which make up the generative or motor system of the
body (173)
424. Depending upon our highly complex motivational system, sex may become either destructive or helpful. (174)
Mind is the Builder
425. Mind is the mediator between spiritual energy and physical manifestation. (174)
Sex and the Individual
426. Our emotional life comes primarily from previous earth lives; the mental qualities come from experiences in other
dimensions between incarnations. (175)
427. The principle that there are no innocent victims, that we are meeting ourselves, is the foundation of a constructive
attitude about any circumstance in which we find ourselves. (175)
428. Karmic scenarios. (175)
429. Homosexuality. (175)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

430. Masturbation. (176)

Sexuality in Relationships
431. Selection should be influenced by spiritual ideals, mental aspirations, and physical agreements. (177)
432. The spiritual path is a path of decisions; the sexual life is a life of decisions. (178)
433. As we begin to make choices in accordance with our own ideals and inner guidance, we may be assured that there
is a power greater than our own that will flow through us and transform us. (178)
(C.A.R.E.) A Positive Approach to Health
434. To be healthy is to be whole (178)
435. The major consideration regarding health of the physical body may be summarized as an attitude of caring. (179)
436. Osteopathy should be the basis of all physical healing. (180)
437. The beneficial effects of osteopathic or chiropractic adjustments, some of which may also be obtained with regular
massage, should not be underestimated in the health program of an individual. (180)
438. Walking is the best exercise for most. (180)
439. Positive and cheerful attitudes held during mealtime activate systems within the body that enhance proper
assimilation of food (181)
440. Proper assimilation is enhanced by adequate intake of water (181)
441. Proper mastication of foods. (181)
442. The biological fact is that saliva is a necessary ingredient in converting unassimilable starches into assimilable
sugars. (182)
443. While there are many combinations of foods that are helpful, others should be avoided. (182)
444. Do not take vitamin supplements regularly and indefinitely, because the body may then lose its ability to produce
those vitamins from the foods it ingests. (182)
445. Tendency toward the alkaline rather than the acid. (183)
446. Carbonated drinks should rarely be taken, because carbonation itself is injurious to the kidneys. (182)
447. The French fried potato is one of the least desirable foods imaginable. (182)
448. Severn-and-a-half hours sleep is needed for most bodies. (183)
449. The anabolic, which is the building up of tissues and cells, and the catabolic, which is the tearing down of tissues
and cells. (184)
450. Dreaming sleep. (184)
451. If we sleep eight hours, about an hour-and-a-half is spent in dreaming sleep. (184)
452. If we miss the last forty-five minutes of sleep we may very well be cutting down our dreaming period by fifty
percent. (184)
453. The quality of our overall lives may be reduced immediately by neglecting to avail ourselves optimally of this
opportunity given in sleep. (185)
454. One hour of massage is worth four hours of normal sleep or other rest. (186)
455. Five to seven minutes of meditation immediately upon awakening might be worth several hours of normal rest.
456. Keep the pineal gland operating and you wont grow old-you will always be young. (188)
457. To love life is to love that which enhances life, in ourselves and in the lives of others.(189)
458. To love that which enhances life in ourselves is to love those qualities of spirit, mind, and body which enhance life.
459. Regarding love for others, it is interesting to reflect on those few individuals told by Cayce that it would not be
necessary to return incarnate in this plane. (190)
460. The role of the mind as builder can be understood as we observe within ourselves the effect upon our lives of that
upon which we dwell mentally. (190)
461. To keep the pineal gland operating is to keep the imaginative forces operating. (190)
462. The mind, and its physiological correlate in the pineal gland, is especially associated with the autonomic nervous
system and with the subconscious mind. (191)
463. The raising of the Kundalini forces within the spiritual centers of the body. (191)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

464. It is the Cells of Leydig (191)

465. The special relationship between the mind and the spirit is that it is out of an obedient spirit that we may choose the
proper ideal; and it is with the mind that we may dwell upon that ideal to build the highest motivational forces
within the physical, mental and spiritual structures within ourselves. (192)
466. Physical healing is based upon the proper balancing of the rotary forces of the atom. (192)
467. The whole body is entirely renewed in every seven-year cycle. Thus, if any disease is treated consistently and
persistently, it may be thoroughly healed if the seven-year cycle is observed and the applications are given
throughout the period. (192)
468. We are often told that of the Ten Commandments, only one is given with a promise. (193)
Christianity, and the Occult
469. Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt, for the tree is
known by his fruit. (198)
470. The mystical experience is the awareness of Oneness. (200)
471. The occult is defined in the readings as the use of the minds powers without respect to purposes. (200)
472. The psychic is, according to the readings, of the soul, and the preferred terminology regarding the Spirit working
through the individual and manifesting its gifts. (200)
473. What differentiates between the occult and the spiritual is the individuals ideals and purposes. (201)
474. We should dwell upon and apply the positive and not criticize or attack the negative. (201)
475. In criticizing others works because they dare to have different ideas, we may place ourselves in a position of
committing the most serious of sins, that is, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. (201)
Religion and Spirituality
476. The oneness of force. This force is the Spirit, and the Spirit is life. (203)
Religion as Form and Structure
Spirit versus Form
477. There is no form guaranteeing the spirit of God awakening us. (206)
Diversity and Divinity
478. We cannot all have the same idea but we must all have the same ideals. (206)
479. The attitude should be Come and See. (207)
480. Is it loving to hold a dogmatic position? (207)
481. Is it loving to hold a judgmental attitude toward others who do not share our own deals? Any orientation that leads
to the separateness of a we-they consciousness is clearly not born of love for our fellowman. (207)
482. If we think ourselves superior to those who have close organizational affiliations or rigid belief systems, we place
ourselves under our own judgment and may reflect an even narrower position by implying that all who do not
believe as we do personally are wrong. (207)
483. We need to view our religious organizations more as opportunities to serve and to build love than as places where
people agree upon ideas or concepts (208)
484. If we would keep in mind the uniqueness of the individual even in this lifetime (208)
485. If mankind is ever to come to love his neighbor, as the great commandment requires, then it must be a love born of
sharing the same ideals, not the same ideas. (208)
486. If we truly come to understand and appreciate the reality of the Divine in every soul, then our love of our neighbor
becomes straightforward.(208)
487. In addition to the uniqueness of every individual experience, we must understand the God always works through
imperfect channels (208)
488. Just because a person is a great spiritual leader, and even nationally or internationally effective (208)
True Spirituality and Form
489. The basis of spirituality in the individual is motivation. Right motivation is pursued by establishing our spiritual
ideals. (209)
490. As we see and come to love this process in the manifestations of the Spirit in all of the finite forms of nature about
us, we come to see and appreciate the role of form as the vehicle of the Spirit in our own lives. (209)
Good and Evil
491. The one force, the Spirit, is life, law, and love. (209)
492. With the premise of the oneness of all force we affirm that God is, that he is all that is, and all that it, is God. (209)
493. When we come to the question of evil there are typically three ways with which we can deal with it (209)
494. We may affirm the reality of evil, but assume it to be contained within the far greater Reality of the first premise of
the oneness of all force. (210)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

495. The sons of God came before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. (Job 1:6)
496. Some of us, in a spirit of rebellion, wanting to be gods apart from God, went astray. (210)
Dimensions of Consciousness and Reality
497. Many of us who have come to be comfortable in addressing and considering the facts of reincarnation, have still not
prepared ourselves to contemplate the nature of our experiences in other dimensions between incarnations. (211)
498. The Bible implies it, the readings confirm it, and many reputable esoteric sources develop the concept of a
hierarchy extensively. (211)
499. If He sends a messenger, that is good; but each of us should seek to become a direct channel through which may
pass the application of the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, and the universal Christ-Conscious. (211)
Hierarchy of Evil
500. Some of these thinkers still have great difficulty in contemplating a hierarchy whose purposes are not constructive,
in the same way that there may be a hierarchy of those whose purposes are in accord with the One Force. (211)
501. The Devil, the Serpent, they are One. That of rebellion. (212)
502. As there is, then, a personal savior, there is the personal devil. (212)
503. The readings refer to Satan, Lucifer, the Devil as a soul. (212)
504. STORY (212)
505. If there is an organized hierarchy of those bent on evil in the earth plane, then how would it be surprising to us that
there might be such a hierarchy in the spirit plane. (213)
Power of the One Force
506. While recognizing the reality of evil, we should not elevate these facts to a primary premise, thereby hypothesizing
a dualistic philosophy of good and evil. (214)
507. Now what power have these evil influences been given over us? None except what we in our own thoughts desire,
and indiscretions open ourselves to. (214)
508. As we seek expressions or activities that are out of accord, we attune our vibrations to lower consciousness. (214)
509. Out of our desire, if it be of selfishness, or self-aggrandizement, we may open ourselves to influences that are
motivated by that same lower quality of intention. (214)
510. There are countless entities in the spirit plane who, not taking cognizance of their present state, still want to have a
say in the affairs of the work. If we open ourselves to concerns about what others think, we open ourselves to the
influences of the vibrations of those consciousnesses. (214)
511. Again we stress and underline the challenge from the readings that the most important experience for any entity is
to know what is the ideal spiritually. (215)
Heaven and Hell
512. Concerning the question of heaven and hell, it is clear from the readings that these refer primarily to states of
consciousness. (215)
513. Heaven is an awareness of our oneness with the Father; thus, we do not go to heaven, we grow to heaven, for each
soul grows to the awareness within the temple of its own body. (215)
514. As we experience being away from the at-oneness, this state is called hell. (215)
515. Though a soul may will itself never to reincarnate, but must burn and burn and burn or suffer and suffer and suffer!
For, the heaven and hell is built by the soul. (216)
516. We see that even if the entity does not incarnate again there may be elements of desire remaining (216)
517. The real evil is the spirit of rebellion. (216)
518. If we have the consciousness of evil, then evil is present with us. (216)
Jesus who became the Christ
519. No finite mind can hold all the truth. (217)
The Universal Viewpoint
520. We may thus truly see the brotherhood of all nations, of all religions, and of all people. We may come to
understand that we ourselves have been perhaps Hindu, Buddhist, Moslem, Taoist, Christian, and Jew. (217)
521. The concept of reincarnation is the great leveller. (217)
522. By what name shall I say that I am sent? I AM THAT I AM (218)
523. Christ is not a man; Jesus was the man, Christ the messenger. (218)
Jesus Who Became the Christ.
524. The Spirit of the Christ took up the life of the man Jesus. Apparently, in the being fully obedient to the law. He
became the Law. (220)
525. The Christ is the powerJesus is the pattern. (220)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

526. To understand the special significance of this event, we must consider more exactly the way in which we as souls
were cut off form God. (220)
527. Jesus, in fulfilling the law, established for all mankind a new though form, a pattern, through which man might
enter into an awareness of his oneness with God. (221)
528. The most controversial aspect of contemplating the relationship of Jesus with God is the question of the divine
nature of man. (221)
529. If ye have seen me, you have seen the Father. I am the Father, the Father in me, I in you, you in me. (221)
530. Thus the Word or the Logos, is the Christ. (222)
531. The difficulty we have with the notion that God can manifest in fullness in a man, is (222)
The Specific Role of Jesus
532. What, then, is the special role of Jesus? And why should we concern ourselves with this Name or with questions of
our relationship to Him? (223)
533. There is a function of the Divine that is of the law; law, as we understand it, is the law of Karma, that what we sow
we shall reap. (223)
534. What way have we to quicken our consciousnesses to Infinite love? (224)
535. In being fully obedient to the law and thus becoming the Law, Jesus gained mastery over the dimensions of our
present consciousness. (224)
536. In the body of God there are many beings, incarnate, discarnate, and angelic. (224)
The Reappearance of The Christ
Knowing Thyself
537. What is man that thou art mindful of him? (228)
538. The greater study of individuals, groups, nations should be the study of self. (228)
539. We need to know ourselves, both to avoid becoming what we need not be, and to allow ourselves to become what
we truly are. (228)
In the Beginning
540. Oneness of all force. (229)
541. The first step in coming to know ourselves is to do the hard, solid, clear thinking work of establishing and keeping
straight some first premises. (229)
542. The Edgar Cayce readings as well as other responsible sources provide abundant objective evidence that there are
realities all about us beyond our present state of consciousness. (229)
543. Coming to know ourselves is to deal with that part of ourselves which keeps us from becoming what we are. (230)
544. A major hindrance and barrier to loving God and others lives in the inadequate understanding we have of ourselves,
of our basic spiritual nature, of the spiritual nature of others, and of the lawfulness of the influences which have led
to our present state with all its limitations and opportunities. (230)
545. We do not understand the forces, structures, and processes involved in the functioning of our total being and in our
relationships with others potential. (230)
546. We lack proper perspective of our ultimate potential. We must come to understand fully that we are spiritual beings
and that all of us are children of God. (230)
Our Search for God
547. We may consider it to be a universal law that, if we seek, a law is put into action assuring us that we shall indeed
find. (230)
548. If we affirm God, we mean not only that God is, but also that He is all that is, and all that is is God. (230)
549. The affirmation of God further requires us to consider Love as the motivating force of the universe, and to ask
ourselves whether our own motives are in or out of accord with the flow of this force of Love. (231)
550. The law to be fulfilled is the law of Love. (231)
551. What stands between us and our full attunement with that potential? (231)
552. How can we open the door to our unconscious and deal with it? (232)
Turning Within
553. One of the most important insights given is the insistence that we must all turn within to meet God. (233)
554. Attuning the physical and the mental to the spiritual truth of ourselves. (233)
Archetypes of the Self
555. There is a hierarchy of archetypes or patterns of the unconscious. (233)
556. As we pursue the practice of meditation, there is awakened within us remembrances, recollections of past lives and
past relationships, hidden talents and potentials for gifts of the spirit which bring a new dimension, a new richness,
a new awareness to our lives and to the lives of those with whom we come in contact. (234)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)

557. It is only in attunement to the Spirit within that we truly come to know ourselves. (234)
The Truth Awaits Us Within
558. We were warned by Jesus that in the last days many would come in his name, saying, I am the Christ. Go not
forth! There is a psychological principle underlying this teaching; it is to warn against the temptation to turn to
others as a source of information, guidance, or healing in preference for and neglect of the attunement with the
Spirit that we can and must make within the temple of our own bodies. (235)
559. Be still and know. (235)
560. To know the true Self requires that the lower consciousness and the lower self be still and quiet. (235)
A Little Leaven
561. Through attunement and application we may become channels through which the living Spirit may flow. (236)
562. The unit through which God may express in the earth is the individual soul. (236)

The Edgar Cayce Primer
(Herbert B. Puryear, PH.D: ISBN: 0-553-25278-x)


The Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz ISBN: 1-878424-31-9

1. Be impeccable with you word

2. Dont take anything personally
3. Dont make assumptions
4. Always do your best
5. Toltec (XIII)
6. Naguals (X111)
7. Tonal (XVI)
8. Naguals (XVI)
9. The dream of the Planet (2)
10. Attention (3)
11. The outside dream hooks our attention and teaches us what to believe (4)
12. (Agreed) The only way to store information is by agreement (5)
13. The domestication of Humans (6)
14. Children are domesticated the same way that we domesticate a dog, cat or any other animal. (6)
15. We are punished many times a day, and we were also rewarded many times a day. (7)
16. The fear of being rejected becomes the fear of not being good enough. (8)
17. We are an autodomesticated animal. (9)
18. The belief system is like a Book of Law that rules our mind. (9)
19. The inner Judge uses what is in our Book of Law to judge everything we do and dont do, everything we think and
dont think, and everything we feel and dont feel. (9)
20. There is another part of us that receives the judgments, and this part is called the Victim. (10
21. The Judge decrees and the Victim suffers the guilt and punishment. (11)
22. True injustice is paying more than once for each mistake. (12)
23. Ninety-Five percent of the beliefs we have stored in our minds are nothing but lies, and we suffer because we believe all
these lies. (13)
24. In the dream of the planet it is normal for humans to suffer, to live in fear, and to create emotional dramas. (13)
25. We are living in a dream of hell. (14)
26. No human can condemn another to hell because we are already there. (14)
27. There is no truth to find. (15)
28. We live in a fog that is not even real. (16)
29. Mitote (16)
30. Mitote maya (16)
31. To be alive is the biggest fear humans have. (17)
32. We dishonour ourselves just to please other people (18)
33. They way we judge ourselves is the worst judge that ever existed. (19)
34. In your whole life nobody has every abused you more that you have abused yourself. (20)
35. It is through the word that you manifest everything. (26)
36. All the magic you possess is based on your word. (27)
37. Impeccability means without sin. (31)
38. A sin is anything that you do which goes against yourself. (31)
39. Self-rejection is the biggest sin that you commit. (31)
40. STORY (34)
41. Whenever we hear an opinion and believe it, we make an agreement, and it becomes part of our belief system. (35)
42. The truth is the most important part of being impeccable with you word. (37)
43. I am impeccable with my word. (44)
44. Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. (48)
45. Taking things personally makes you easy prey for these predators, the black magicians. (49)
46. You eat all their emotional garbage, and now it becomes your garbage. (49)
47. When you take things personally, then you feel offended, and your reaction is to defend you beliefs and create conflicts.
48. You create an entire picture or movie in your mind, and in that picture you are the director, you are the producer, you
are the main actor and actress. (52)
49. The way you see the movie is according to the agreements you have made with life. (53)
50. Whatever people do, feel, think, or say, dont take it personally. (53)
51. Our mind also exists in the level of the Gods. (54)

The Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz ISBN: 1-878424-31-9
52. The Mitote can be compared to (55)
53. Only by making an inventory of our agreements will we uncover al of the conflicts in the mind and eventually make
order out of the chaos of the Mitote. (56)
54. The addiction to suffering is nothing but an agreement that is reinforced every day (57)
55. When we see other people as they are without taking it personally, we can never be hurt by what they say or do. (57)
56. When you make it a strong habit not to take anything personally, you avoid many upsets in your life. (58)
57. If you can make this second agreement a habit, you will find that nothing can put you back into hell. (59)
58. You are never responsible for the actions of others; you are only responsible for you. (60)
59. The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth. (63)
60. We make an assumption, we misunderstand, we take it personally, and we end up creating a whole big drama for
nothing. (64)
61. We create a lot of emotional poison just by making assumptions and taking it personally, (64)
62. It is always better to ask questions than to make an assumption, because assumptions set us up for suffering. (65)
63. We have millions of questions that need answers because there are so many things that the reasoning mind cannot
explain. It is not important if the answer is correct; just the answer itself makes us feel safe. This is why we make
assumptions. (68)
64. When we believe something, we assume we are right about it to the point that we will destroy relationships in order to
defend our position. (68)
65. We make assumptions that everyone sees life the way we do. (69)
66. Often when you go into a relationship with someone you like, you have to justify why you like that person. (70)
67. We dont need to justify love; it is there or not there. Real love is accepting other people the way they are without trying
to change them. (70)
68. We have to be what we are, so we dont have to present a false image. (71)
69. The way to keep yourself from making assumptions is to ask questions. (72)
70. The day you stop making assumptions you will communicate cleanly and clearly, free of emotional poison. (72)
71. With clear communication, all of your relationships will change, not only with your partner, but with everyone else.
72. What will really make the difference is action. (73)
73. A white magician uses the word for creation, giving, sharing, and loving. (74)
74. When you transform your whole dream, magic just happens in your life. (74)
75. Under any circumstance, always do your best, no more and no less. (75)
76. STORY (77)
77. Doing your best, you are going to live your life intensely. (78)
78. Doing your best is taking the action because you love, it, not because youre expecting a reward. (79)
79. If you take action just for the sake of doing it, without expecting a reward, you will find that you enjoy every action you
do. (80)
80. When you do your best, you dont give the Judge the opportunity to find you guilty or to blame you. (80)
81. When you do your best you learn to accept yourself. (81)
82. If you take action because you have to, then there is no way you are going to do your best. (81)
83. Action is about living fully. Inaction is the way that we deny life. (82)
84. STORY (82)
85. Puja (83)
86. God is life. God is life in action. (83)
87. If you live in a past dream, you dont enjoy what is happening right now because you will always wish it to be different
that it is. (84)
88. Dont resist life passing through you, because that is God passing through you. (84)
89. We dont need to know or prove anything. Just to be, to take a risk and enjoy your life, is all that matters. (84)
90. By doing your best, the habits of misusing your word, taking things personally, and making assumptions will become
weaker and less frequent with time. (85)
91. If you do your best always, over and over again, you will become a master of transformation. (86)
92. Puja (87)
93. You dont need to worship idols of the Virgin Mary, the Christ, or the Buddha. (87)
94. If you are impeccable with your word, if you dont take anything personally, if you dont make assumptions, if you
always do your best, then you are going to have a beautiful life. (89)
95. Do not give your Judge the satisfaction of turning you into a victim. (90)
96. Do not be concerned about the future; keep your attention on today, and stay in the present moment. (91)

The Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz ISBN: 1-878424-31-9
97. True freedom has to do with the human spirit --- it is the freedom to be who we really are. (94)
98. If we see a child who is two or three, perhaps four years old, we find a free human. (94)
99. Very young children are not afraid to express what they feel.
100. But, what has happened with the adult human? (95)
101. You dont need to blame your parents for teaching you to be like them. (96)
102. There is no need to blame your parents or anyone who abused you in your life, including yourself. (96)
103. The real you is still a little child who never grew up. (97)
104. Responsibilities. (97)
105. The freedom we are looking for is the freedom to be ourselves, to express ourselves. (98)
106. The worst part is the most of us are not even aware that we are not free. (98)
107. The problem with most people is that they live their lives and never discover that the Judge and the Victim rule their
mind, and therefore they dont have a chance to be free. (98)
108. Awareness is always the first step because if you are not aware, there is nothing you can change. (99)
109. Your life is the manifestation of your dream; it is an art. (99)
110. To be Toltec is a way of life. (100)
111. There are three masteries that lead people to become Toltecs. (100)
112. The Mastery of Awareness (100)
113. The Mastery of Transformation (100)
114. The Mastery of Intent (100)
115. Intent is life itself; it is unconditional love. (100)
116. A parasite that invades the human mind. (101)
117. All humans who are domesticated are sick. (101)
118. If we look at the description of a parasite, we find that a parasite is a living being who lives off of other living beings,
sucking their energy without any useful contribution in return, and hurting their host little by little. (101)
119. One function of the brain is to transform material energy into emotional energy. (102)
120. The Toltecs believe that the parasite --- the Judge, the Victim, and the belief system --- has control of your mind; it
controls your personal dream. (102)
121. The freedom we seek is to use our own mind and body, to live our own life, instead of the life of the belief system. (102)
122. We can declare a war against the parasite. (102)
123. Shamanic traditions. (103)
124. At best, being a warrior gives us an opportunity to transcend the dream of the planet, and to change our personal dream to
a dream that we call heaven. (103)
125. We need to be free of the parasite. (104)
126. One solution is to attack the parasite head by head, which means we face each of our fears, one by one. (104)
127. A second approach is to stop feeding the parasite. (104)
128. Initiation of the dead. (105)
129. The dream of the first attention. (105)
130. The dream of the second attention. (106)
131. If you have the awareness that the whole drama of your life is the result of what you believe, and what you believe is not
real, then you can begin to change it. (106)
132. The decision to adopt the Four Agreements is a declaration of war to regain your freedom from the parasite. (107)
133. Art of Transformation, to help you break the limiting agreements, gain more personal power, and become stronger. (108)
134. Going into the desert. (108)
135. STORY (108)
136. You cannot expect to break the domestication in one day. (109)
137. All of these old agreements which rule our dream of life are the result of repeating them over and over again. (110)
138. The way you see the world will depend upon the emotions you are feeling. (111)
139. Every human has an emotional body completely covered with infected wounds. (113)
140. The mind is so wounded and full of poison by the process of domestication, that everyone describes the wounded mind as
normal. (113)
141. We have a dysfunctional dream of the planet, and humans are mentally sick with a disease called fear. (114)
142. If we can see our state of mind as a disease, we find there is a cure.(114)
143. First, we need to forgive our parents, our brothers, our sisters, our friends, and God. (115)
144. Forgiveness is the key. (115)
145. You will know you have forgiven someone when you see them and you no longer have an emotional reaction. (115)
146. The truth is like a scalpel. (115)

The Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz ISBN: 1-878424-31-9
147. The denial system. (116)
148. The problem with most people is that they lose control of their emotion. (116)
149. How are we to become a warrior? (116)
150. The warrior has control. (117)
151. The big difference between a warrior and a victim is that the victim represses, and the warrior refrains. (117)
152. What the angel of death can teach us is how to be truly alive. (118)
153. The angel of death can teach us to live every day as if it is the last day of our life, as if there may be no tomorrow. (119)
154. The love that makes me happy is the love that I can share with you. (120)
155. When we live in the dream of the planet, it is as if we are dead. Whoever survives the initiation of the dead receives the
most wonderful gift: the resurrection. (121)
156. If we surrender to the angel of death we will be happy forever and ever. (121)
157. For every moment that is past, the angel of death keeps taking the part that is dead and we keep living in the present.
158. The dream you are living is your creation. (123)
159. Imagine that you have permission to be happy and to really enjoy your life. (125)
160. Imagine living your life without fear of expressing your dreams. (125)
161. Imagine living your life without the fear of being judged by others. (125)
162. Imagine living your life without judging others. (125)
163. Imagine living without the fear of loving and not being loved. (126)
164. Imagine living your life without being afraid to take a risk and to explore life. (126)
165. Imagine that you love yourself just the way you are. (126)
166. Only love has the ability to put you in that state of bliss. (126)
167. Moses called it the Promised Land, Buddha called it Nirvana, Jesus called it Heaven, and the Toltecs call it a New Dream.
168. To fulfill the biggest need of the human body --- to breathe. (132)

The Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz ISBN: 1-878424-31-9


Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
1. When you are exalted, so, too, am I. And when you are humbled, so, too, am I. (23)
2. I have not come to humble you, but to exalt you. (23)
3. There is only One of Us. You and I are One. (23)
4. Money that is used Is not lost. (28)
5. I dont hold onto anything that I have! (28)
6. If I hold onto money, it is worthless. (28)
7. The only way to have the experience of having anything is to give it away. Thenand only thencan you know that
you have it. (28)
8. The point is that people who teach the real word of God do not, and should not, do it for the money. (29)
9. Why should people have to pay for this message? (31)
10. I ask other people to value that for which I would take nothing of value. (33)
11. To empower the dreams of humanity with the living of our own dreams. What a magnificent idea! (34)
12. Many more people do not even think of Me as a friend at all. Thats the sad part of it. (36)
13. If you are not correct in the understandings at which you have arrived, I will punish you. (37)
14. Among those who do see Me as their friend, you are right; most of them hold Me at a great distance. (37)
15. The courage to reject every notion, every idea, every teaching of a God who would reject you. (38)
16. You cant have a friendshipnot a real, not a close, not a working, give-and-take friendshipwith someone you fear.
17. A fearship with God. (39)
18. If the integrity of any system is faulty, the system itself will collapse. (47)
19. There is no such thing as a victim or a villain. (47)
20. There is no such thing as Judgment Day. (50)
21. What would it take for you to have a real friendship with Me, and not just some kind of artificial one? (51)
22. You think keeping friends means asking nothing of them? (52)
23. A friend is somebody who cant be imposed upon. Everybody else is an acquaintance. (53)
24. A true friendship is something to be used. (53)
25. Command Me. (55)
26. Having a true, working friendship with God will take a change of mind, a change of heart, and courage. (56)
27. Seven Steps to Friendship with God. (57)
28. Then You are not Our Father, who art in Heaven? (60)
29. The problem is that you insist on personifying Me, and I am not a person. (60)
30. One thing I will say: keep thinking of Me as a parent, and youll have a devil of a time. (60)
31. Our Friend, who art in heaven? (61)
32. You have to be willing to see Me where you find Me, not only where you expect to find Me. (63)
33. You have to see Me where you find Meand find Me where you see Me. (64)
34. To recognize is to know again. That is, to re-cognize. You have to come to know Me again. (64)
35. Its not your belief in Me that creates problems, its your belief about Me. (64)
36. You must not only believe in God to know Me, you must also be willing to really know menot simply know what you
think you know about Me. (65)
37. You must be willing to suspend what you imagine you already know about God in order to know God as you never
imagined. (66)
38. For what friend would you have who would punish you for your every misdeed? And what kind of friend considers it a
misdeed to simply be called by the wrong name? (67)
39. What does it take to make life WORK????? What have I done to deserve a life of such continuing struggle? What are
the rules here? (69)
40. The Ten Commandments dont exist. (72)
41. In order to truly know God, you have to be out of your mind. (74)
42. You will never find Me in your mind. (74)
43. The mind analyse and remembers, the body experiences and feels, the soul observes and knows. (74)
44. Your stomach actually provides you with a very good barometer (75)
45. The soul is the part of God that is closest to you. (75)
46. To have a friendship with God, all I really have to do is have a friendship with my Self. (75)
47. A big ego is not a sign that one likes oneself, but just the opposite. (76)
48. A painful observation is almost always a truthful one. (76)
49. Your ego is who you think that you are. It has nothing to do with Who You Really Are. (77)
50. Confusion is the first step toward wisdom. (77)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
51. Youve entered the relative worldwhat I call the Realm of the Relativein order to experience what you cannot
experience in the Realm of the Absolute. (78)
52. The desire of your soul is to know itself experientially. (78)
53. The reason you that you cannot experience any aspect of Who You Are in the Realm of the Absolute is that in this
realm, there is no aspect you are not. (78)
54. Degrees of things can only exist in the Relative. (78)
55. The Realm of the Relative was created so that you can know your Self as magnificent, experientially. (78)
56. In the Realm of the Absolute, there is nothing but magnificence, and so magnificence is not. (78)
57. In truth, you are One with everything. That is you magnificence! (78)
58. The only way for you to experience the magnificence of being One with everything is for there to be some state or
condition in which not being One with everything is possible. (79)
59. It was for the purpose of creating this illusion, then, that the Realm of the Relative was created. (79)
60. Your ego is you chief tool in creating this illusion. It is the device which allows you to imagine your Self as separate
from All the Rest of You. (79)
61. You are not an individual, yet you must be individualized in order to comprehend and appreciate the experience of the
whole. (79)
62. What you are trying to do is use the illusion of separateness to better comprehend and appreciate the experience of
Oneness, which is Who You Really Are. (79)
63. When the ego becomes so enlarge that all you can see is the separate Self, all chance of experiencing the unified Self is
gone, and you are lost. (79)
64. This is what the Christian churches meant by their concept of a savior. (80)
65. If you are using the ego as a tool with which to ultimately experience the Only Reality, it is good. (80)
66. If the ego is using you to stop you from experiencing that reality, then it is not good. (80)
67. If you do not believe that you create you own reality, then you will experience your reality as something you did not
createproving that you create your own reality. (82)
68. Its not that people dont like themselves completely. (83)
69. Once you know Who You Really Are, youll fall in love with your Self. (84)
70. Once you fall in love with your Self, youll fall in love with me. (84)
71. You are notfirst and foremost I want to tell you that you are notyour past. You are not your yesterdays. (84)
72. You are not what you did yesterday, what you said yesterday, what you thought yesterday. (85)
73. What you are invited to do is live in the moment. Create your Self anew in the present moment. (85)
74. Do not seek to forget your past, seek to change you future. (85)
75. The worst thing you could do is forget your past. (86)
76. Once you have made that decision, let go of your past. (86)
77. You may ask it profitably before and after every decision in you life (86)
78. You cannot discover Who You Are (87)
79. Do not be who you thought you were, be who you wish you were. (87)
80. Its the biggest difference of your life. (87)
81. You are only changing because you choose to change (88)
82. Is this Who I Am? (88)
83. Every decision you makeevery decisionis not a decision about what to do. Its a decision about Who You Are. (88)
84. Every act is an act of self-definition. (89)
85. There is no time that is not decision-making time. (89)
86. Some people are sleeping even when it looks like they are awake. (89)
87. There are two five-word magic questions. (90)
88. Is this Who I Am? What would love do now? (90)
89. No life is pointless! And I tell you that no life is hopeless. (91)
90. Fear and guilt are the only enemies of man. (91)
91. If you let go of fear, fear lets go of you. If you release guilt, guilt will release you. (91)
92. Only a decision is required to change ones mind. (91)
93. The opportunity for atonement comes to you automatically at what you call death. (92)
94. At-one-ment. It is the awareness that you and all others are One. (92)
95. All souls experience their at-one-ment in a most interesting way. (92)
96. You will allall of youexperience the impact, the outcome, and the results of your choices and decisions. (93)
97. The goal is awareness, not retribution. (94)
98. The highest level of trust is not having to trust? (105

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
99. If you have faith that all your needs will always be met, then, technically, you have no needs at all. This is the truth, of
course, and it will become your experience, and so your faith will be justified. (106)
100. The true Master lives outside the space of expectation. He expects nothing and desires nothing more than what
shows up. (107)
101. There are three levels of awareness around everything. These are: hope, belief, and knowing (107)
102. You have come to a knowingness that the perfect thing is going to occur. (108)
103. A Master always prefers what occurs. (108)
104. Have intentions, but dont have expectation, and certainly dont have requirements. (108)
105. Elevate your Addictions to Preferences, and you Preferences to Acceptances. (108)
106. Ken Keyes: A Handbook to Higher Consciousness. (109)
107. The secret of life is not to have everything you want, but to want everything you have. (109)
108. Gratitude is the fastest form of healing. (111)
109. What you resist, persists. (111)
110. I have sent you nothing but angels. (111)
111. I have given you nothing but miracles. (111)
112. Every event of life is a miracle, as is life itself (111)
113. Seek results and outcomes, but do not require them. (111)
114. If you require a certain result in order to be happy, you have an Addiction. (112)
115. If you simply desire a certain result, you have a Preference. (112)
116. I you have no Preference whatsoever, you have Acceptance. You have achieved mastery. (112)
117. Holding a Preference is an announcement to the universe that alternative outcomes are possible. God doesnt imagine
such things, so God never has Preferences. (113)
118. No results are unintended, although many are unanticipated. (113)
119. Remember that the purpose of life is to re-create yourself anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever
you held about Who You Are. (114)
120. Live your life without expectations. (115)
121. Three Levels of Experiencesuperconscious, conscious, and subconscious. (115)
122. See the perfection. (115)
123. Three Levels of Experiencesuperconscious, conscious, and subconscious. (115)
124. The superconscious level (115)
125. The conscious level (115)
126. When you are committed to the spiritual path, you move through life ever seeking to elevate your consciousness, or
to enlarge the experience of your physical reality to include and encompass a larger reality that you know exists. (116)
127. The subconscious level (116)
128. It is important to be aware of what you have chosen to be unaware of. (116)
129. Supra-consciousness. Some of you also call it Christ consciousness, or elevated consciousness. (116)
130. This Beingness is the ultimate source of creation within you. (117)
131. The Master is one who always agrees with results, even if they do not appear favourable, because he knows that at
some he must have intended them. (117)
132. Condemnation has no part in that process, Indeed, that which you condemn, you keep in place. (118)
133. We are, all of us, exactly where it is perfect for us to be, all the time. (118)
134. Not needing a particular result frees the subconscious mind from all thoughts about why you cant have a particular
result, which in turn opens the path to the particular result which was consciously intended. (119)
135. You are able to put more things on automatic. When you face a challenge, you automatically assume that things will
go well. When you face some difficulty, you automatically know that it will be handled. When you encounter a
problem, you automatically understand that it has already been solved for youautomatically. (119)
136. Things start to happen automatically (120)
137. The time between your thinking a thought consciously and it being made manifest in your reality will begin to
shrink (120)
138. I am not creating results at all, but simply realizing they are already there. (120)
139. This, then, is the greatest secret of all about God: I will appear to you as you see Me. (121)
140. You must improve your education systems, reigniting the spirit of inquiry, and the joy of learning, in you schools.
141. Children will not learn much that way. (127)
142. Spend more time with your children. Dont let them slip away from you. (129)
143. Take an active stand against violence, and role models of violence, in their lives. (129)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
144. Imagery teaches faster, and imprints deeper, than words. (129)
145. A new ethicand ethic of non-violence. (129)
146. Do what it takes to make sure that instruments of violence and tools of violence are unavailable to your children and
your teenagers. (129)
147. Most important, eliminate violence from your life. (129)
148. You actually kill people to get people to stop killing people. (130)
149. It is insanity to use the energy that created a problem to seek to solve the problem. (130)
150. It is insanity to repeat the behaviours you want to stop in order to stop them. (130)
151. It is insanity to model behaviours all over your society that you say you do not want your offspring to copy. (130)
152. And the highest insanity is pretending that none of this is happening, then wondering why your children are acting
insane. (130)
153. You want to know what its like having a friendship with God? (130)
154. Giving directions is not the same as stating Preferences. (132)
155. Humans have been telling God for thousands of years what kind of life theyd like to have. (133)
156. No two people meet by chance, and nothing occurs by accident. (134)
157. You do understand, dont you, that I have no agenda for you, other than the agenda you set for yourself? (139)
158. Unless you learn to acknowledge Who You Are and what you have done, you can never acknowledge others for Who
they Are and what they have done. (150)
159. The trick is not to do what you do for acknowledgment, but rather, as an expression of Who You Are. (151)
160. The true Master knows this, which is why the true Master acknowledges everyone for Who They Really Are, and
encourages others to acknowledge themselves as well, and never to deny, in the name of modesty, the most magnificent
aspects of the Self. (151)
161. Announce yourself, Declare yourself. (151)
162. It is this very teaching of superiority that has caused so much pain in your world. (152)
163. People of many faiths and nations have believed and taught this through the years, producing righteousness so huge
that it desensitized them to any other experience, including the abject suffering of others. (152)
164. If there is one thing which it would benefit you to remove from your various cultural myths, it is this idea that, by
means of some magic ingredient, you have been made better than some other humans; that yours is the superior race, or
the superior faith, the better country or the better political system, the higher approach or the higher way. (153)
165. The word better is one of the most dangerous words in your vocabulary, exceeded only by the word right. (153)
166. Yet I have made no ethnic or cultural group My Chosen people, and I have made no path to Me the one true path.
Neither have I singled out any nation or religion for special favour, nor given any gender or race superiority over
another. (153)
168. Service can be a deep form of meditation. (167)
169. Like need, expectation is deadly. Expectation reduces freedom, and freedom is the essence of love. (169)
170. When you love someone, you grant them total freedom to be who they are, for this is the greatest gift you could give
them, and love always gives the greatest gift. (169)
171. Your religions say that I give you the freedom to do anything, to make any choice you wish. Yet (169)
172. You are able to make what ever choice you wish, but you are not free to. (170)
173. Love expects nothing save what freedom provides, and freedom knows nothing of expectation. (170)
174. You can only receive Gods love in the way that you give God yours (171)
175. You can only receive anothers love in the way that you give them yours. (171)
176. You cannot experience what you do not allow others to experience. (171)
177. Jealousy takes many forms. It has many faces. Not a one of them is beautiful. (172)
178. Get rid of your idea that happiness depends on anything outside of yourself, and you will get rid of jealousy. (174)
179. Get rid of your thought that love is about what you get in trade for what you give, and you will get rid of jealousy.
180. Get rid of your claim on any other persons time or energy or resources or love, and you will get rid of jealousy.
181. Live your life for a new reason. (174)
182. The purpose of life is (174)
183. Changing values are the sign of a maturing society. (176)
184. It is a sign of growth not to have your peace taken away from you by that(176)
185. Because they love another, does that mean that they do not love you? (176)
186. It is not love that dies. It is the need. (177)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
187. You kill the need. You do not kill the love. (177)
188. Why do you have to let your love for that one person go in order to love another? (177)
189. Can you not love more than one person at a time? (177)
190. The difficulty is that most people confuse love with need. (178)
191. Loving someone has nothing to do with needing them. (178)
192. If you love them because you need them, you have not loved them at all, but merely what it is that they have given
you. (178)
193. When there is nothing that you do need, then you truly can love them. (178)
194. Remember, love is without condition, without limitation, and without need. (178)
195. This is a love that you cannot imagine receiving, because it is a love that you cannot imagine expressing. (178)
196. Highly Evolved Beings live and breathe and have their being in truthfirst, last, and always. (178)
197. Truth is not what they speak, truth is who they are. (178)
198. To be a Highly Evolved Being, you must always be true (179)
199. If you are not true to yourself, you cannot be true to anyone else. (179)
200. The truth should be something to celebrate, not to admit. (179)
201. All true Masters have declared their glory, and they have encouraged others to do the same. (180)
202. Telling someone that you love another is not infidelity. It is honesty. And honesty is the highest form of love. (180)
203. A correction is for someone who has done wrong. (181)
204. Advice is for someone who is seeking direction. (181)
205. I am saying that a thing is okay or not okay depending on what you decide about it. (182)
206. Lying is lying, whether it is by commission or omission. (182)
207. I am saying that if you need nothing, then you can love another unconditionally, without any limitations whatsoever.
You can grant them total freedom. (182)
208. Mastery is reached when this becomes a decision and a choice based on what is true for you, rather than what
someone else has told you ought to be true, or on what your society has established as its current convention around life
partnerships, or on what you feel others may think of you. (183)
209. Freedom is the basic concept and construct of life everywhere, because freedom is the basic nature of God. (183)
210. All systems which reduce, restrict, impinge upon, or eliminate freedom in any way are systems which work against
life itself. (183)
211. By nature the soul is free. (183)
212. Freedom is not granted, but rather, taken for granted. (183)
213. What is observable in enlightened societies is that all beings are free to love each other, and to express and
demonstrate that love to each other, in whatever way is authentic and true and appropriate to the moment. (183)
214. The less you need from someone, the more you can love them. (184)
215. Loving another does not mean that you must stop loving yourself. (185)
216. Granting another full freedom does not mean granting them the right to abuse you, nor does it mean sentencing
yourself to a prison of your own device, in which you live a life you would not choose, in order that another may live a
life that they do. (185)
217. Yet granting full freedom does mean placing no limitations of any kind upon another. (185)
218. You do not place limitations on them, you place limitations on yourself (185)
219. You are free to announce and declare Who You Are in every moment of Now. (186)
220. You are not free, however, to declare who someone else is, or who they must be. (186)
221. You do not have to end a relationship in order to change it. (187)
222. You always have a relationship with everyone. (187)
223. Your relationship with Life, and all the elements of Life. (188)
224. Try using the Parable of Whiteness. (189)
225. The moment you go out of your mind, you cease to exist in your own experience. (189)
226. Solitary confinement. (191)
227. It is when you just be with a problem, rather than keep thinking about it, that the greatest insight comes. (192)
228. You can either seek to create a solution, or you can simple become aware of the solution that has already been
created. (193)
229. Thinking is the slowest method of creation. (194)
230. Create from a state of being, rather than from a state of mind. (194)
231. You cannot find the answerany answerrapidly by thinking about it (194)
232. To be a genius, you have to be out of your mind! (194)
233. The genius is someone who has remembered what all of you have forgotten. (195)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
234. In truth, there is nothing for you to have to create. (195)
235. All that is necessary is for you to become aware that everything you wish and everything you seek has already been
created. (195)
236. You cannot think aware, you can only be aware. (195)
237. Awareness is a state of being. (195)
238. When you have a problem, pay it no mind. (195)
239. When you are surrounded by negativity, negative forces, and negative emotions, do not mind a thing. (195)
240. When you mind it, you obey it! (195)
241. You are controlled by it, because you are minding it. (195)
242. Remember, you are a human being, not a human minding. Move, therefore, into beingness. (195)
243. What you are feeling is what you are being. (196)
244. What you are feeling tells you exactly what you are being. (197)
245. You can change how you are feeling by simply changing how you are being. (197)
246. The way you feel is a response to the way you are being. (197)
247. Beingness is a state in which you place yourself, it is not a response. Feeling is a response, but being is not.
Your feelings are your response to what you are being, but your being is not a response to anything. It is a choice. (197)
248. Dont do it. Simply be it. (198)
249. What you are being gives birth to what you are doing. (198)
250. Nothing means anything at all. (199)
251. Out of your state of beingness will meaning spring. (199)
252. Here is the great secret. You can choose a state of beingness before something happens, just as you do after
something happens. (199)
253. You can create your experience, not simply have it. (199)
254. Yet you cannot be totally awake while you are thinking. (200)
255. Thinking is another form of being in a dream state. (200)
256. Thought creates reality, so if youve created a reality that you dont like, dont give it a second thought! (200)
257. Nothing is evil, lest thinking make it so. (200)
258. Think about what youre thinking about. This is the first step toward Mastery. (201)
259. You cant focus on nothing until you first focus on something. (201)
260. When you listen to your inbreath, you are listening to your inspiration. (203)
261. A flickering blue flame. (205)
262. This is when you will become dangerous. You will fall in love with everyone. (207)
263. Wisdom is knowledge, applied. (207)
264. Know God. Trust God. Love God. Embrace God. (208)
265. When you are with the Selfthe True Selfyou are with Me, for I am One with the Self, and the Self I s One with
Me. (208)
266. Embrace others as you would seek to embrace Me, for when you embrace others, you do embrace Me. (209)
267. Embrace all the world, for all the world embraces who and what I am. (209)
268. You are both the creator and the created, as am I. (209)
269. There is no person that love cannot heal. (211)
270. There is no saving to be done at all, for love is what every soul is. (211)
271. When you give the soul of another what it is, you have given it back to itself. (211)
272. As long as you dont confuse regret with guilt. They are not the same. (223)
273. Your Will and Mine is that will which is Divine. (224)
274. The world around you is exactly what youve had in mind. (226)
275. What you carry in your mind about your life is what you will see in your life. (226)
276. It is only through the creative power that resides within youpower given to you by Me--that you have been able to
create the world of your dreams. (227)
277. Nightmares are dreams as well. They are particular kinds of dreams. (227)
278. If you use Me consciously, if you use Me with awareness and with intention, all things will change. (228)
279. Use God. (228)
280. Use all the tools gifts I have given you. The gift of creative energy, which allows you to form your reality and create
your experience with your thoughts, words, and deeds. (228)
281. The gift of gentle wisdom (228)
282. And the gift of pure love (228)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
283. Use Me all the time, every day. In you darkest hour and your shining one, in your moment of fear and in your
moment of courage, in your ups and you downs, your highs and your lows. (229)
284. This is the difficulty with much spiritual and esoteric writing. They are attempts to convey truth about ultimate reality
with limited words, taken out of context. (232)
285. Live your life deliberately, harmoniously, and beneficially. (234)
286. When you know this, you can choose to be the cause of your experience, rather than being at the effect of it. (234)
287. Life proceeds out of your intentions for it. When you are aware of this, you can live your life deliberately. (234)
288. The things you think, you think deliberately. (234)
289. The things you say, you say deliberately. (234)
290. The things you do, you do deliberately. (234)
291. Everything you do, you do on purposeand your purpose in every moment of your life is, indeed, to live the
grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are. (235)
292. Harmony means feeling the vibration of the moment, of the person, place, or circumstance you are now experiencing,
and blending with it. (235)
293. When you sing in harmony, you change the way the entire song is sung. (235)
294. Bring a gentle wisdom to your moments (235)
295. Nothing happens in life by accident. Nothing. (241)
296. Nothing occurs in your life by chance. Nothing. (241)
297. Nothing takes place without producing the opportunity for real and lasting benefit to you. Nothing at all. (241)
298. That is the final step, the Seventh Step, in creating a friendship with God. (242)
299. I am a God of such love that by showing your gratitude, you will receive all good things. (244)
300. Life sends you good things whether you are grateful or not. But with gratitude, life sends them to you faster. That is
because gratitude is a state of being. (245)
301. You create most effectively, most efficiently, and most rapidly when you create not from the subconscious, but from
the supraconscious (245)
302. Being is, thought does. (246)
303. is-ing is faster than doing, and being is therefore faster than thinking. (247)
304. Being is first cause. (247)
305. Your thought about God does not create God. It merely creates your experience of God. (249)
306. When you think, you do not create. The all. You reach into The All to create whatever experience of The All that you
choose (250)
307. Does thinking affect being? No. Not in the largest sense. You are What You Are, no matter what you think about
it. (251)
308. What you think about, what you focus on, will be made manifest in your individual present reality. (251)
309. You can move to any state of being you wishthat is, you can all forth any part of your True Beingat any
moment, instantly, by simply knowing it to be so, and declaring it to be so. (251)
310. When you declare what you know, you make is so. (251)
311. Declarations are made most powerfully with I Am statements. (251)
312. I Am That I Am. (252)
313. You are making a statement about how it is with you. You are saying what is so. (252)
314. Declarations are a calling forth of Who You Really Areor, more accurately, of that portions who You Really Are
that you wish to experience right now. (252)
315. Beingness is the fastest method of creation. That is because what is, is right now (253)
316. All spiritual Masters are out of their minds (253)
317. Being is instant. (254)
318. As fast as thought is, it is very slow compared to being. (254)
319. When you thank God, you are being aware that all good things in life have already come to you; that everything
you needthe right and perfect people, places, and eventsto express and experience and evolve as you have chosen
has already been put in place for you. (256)
320. You have just uncovered a great secret. (256)
321. People have this idea that God is never humorous, cannot laugh, and that everybody has to act very sacred around the
Divine. I wish you would all lighten up a bit. (262)
322. You grow up the day that you have a good laugh at yourself. (262)
323. The Five Attitudes of God? (262)
324. The First Attitude. (262)
325. Joy is the soul. (263)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
326. If the soul is so joyous why arent you? (263)
327. Your heart is the corridor between your soul and your mind. (263)
328. Joy is life, expressing. (264)
329. The free flow of life energy is what you call joy. (264)
330. This is what life is: unity, expressing. (264)
331. The feeling of unity is the feeling that you call love. (264)
332. The essence of life is love. (264)
333. Joy, then, is love, expressing freely. (264)
334. Joy is not fully expressed is the feeling that you call sadness. (264)
335. Life is Beautiful. (265)
336. Release the joy that is inside of another, and you release the joy that is inside of you (266)
337. Elisabeth Kbler-Ross, On Death and Dying. (268)
338. When you are not afraid to die, you are not afraid to live. (274)
339. Theres always a way to contribute to Life, even when you are alone. Sometimes, especially when you are alone.
340. There is no time that you are ever alone. (287)
341. If you think you are really alone, it could be devastating. (288)
342. You can create the illusion of aloneness, yet the experience of something does not make it a reality. (288)
343. In life, there appear to be those who do not know, and who do not know that they do not know. They are as children,
Nurture them. (289)
344. There appear to be those who do not know, and who know that they do not know. They are willing. Teach them.
345. Then there appear to be those who do not know, but who think that they know. They are dangerous. Avoid them.
346. Then there appear to be those who know, but who do not know that they know. They are asleep. Wake them. (289)
347. Then there appear to be those who know, but who pretend that they do not know. They are actors. Enjoy them. (289)
348. Then there appear to be those who know, and who know that they know, they would not have you follow them, Yet
listen very carefully to what they have to say, for they will remind you of what you know. Indeed, that is why they have
been sent to you. That is why you have called them to you. (289)
349. You have created an entire world of your illusion, a kingdom in which you can reign, and you have become the
drama king and the drama queen. (290)
350. All Wisdom Teachers do this (290)
351. All of life is an illusion, that it has a purpose, and that once you know its purpose, you can live within the illusion or
outside of it, at will. You can choose to experience the illusion, and make it real, or you can choose to experience
Ultimate Reality, in any given moment. (291)
352. Cultivate the habit of joining Me in divine connection once each day. (291)
353. Once you have truly embraced God, once you have made that divine connection, you will never want to lose it, for it
will bring you the greatest joy you ever had. (292)
354. When you actually feel your eternal connection with the God within, you are giving away joy (292)
355. The role of messenger is given to everyone, in truth. (293)
356. Come to Me in the depths of your soul. Talk to me from your heart. (293)
357. Once you are aware of me, your sadness will leave you. (294)
358. Every time you have a hunch about something and ignore it, you turn Me down. (294)
359. Every time you receive an offer to put an end to bad feelings, or cease a conflict, and ignore it, you turn Me down.
360. Every time you do not return the smile of a stranger, walk under the awesome wonder of a night sky and dont look
up, pass a flower bed without stopping to behold its beauty, you turn Me down. (294)
361. Every time you hear My voice, or feel the presence of a departed loved one, and say its just your imagination, you
turn Me down. (294)
362. Every time you feel love for another in your soul, or feel a song in your heart, or see a grand vision in your mind, and
do nothing about it, you turn Me down. (294)
363. Every time you find yourself reading just the right book, or hearing just the right sermon, or watching just the right
movie, or running into just the right friend, at just the right time in your life, and write it off to coincidence or
serendipity or luck, you turn Me down. (295)
364. As you move into the next millennium, you will plant the seeds of the greatest growth the world has ever seen. (295)
365. The twenty-first century will be the time of awakening, of meeting The Creator Within. (295)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
366. This will be the beginning of the golden age of the New Human, of which it has been written; the time of the
universal human, which has been eloquently described by those with deep insight among you. (295)
367. You may choose to be one of them. (296)
368. All of you know everything. No one is sent into this life without the knowing. (296)
369. There are those who do not remember, and they do not remember that theyve not remembered. (296)
370. Those who have fully Re-membered have become a Member Once Again of the Body of God. (297)
371. All Earthly loves are temporary and short-lived (298)
372. Love is the meaning of life itself. Life is love, expressed. That is life. (299)
373. Every act of love is life expressing, at the highest level. (299)
374. Experiences of love are temporary, but love itself is eternal. (299)
375. Masters know that it is the full-out loving of life, and of all that life presents in every moment, that is the expression
of Godliness. (302)
376. Life is not a process of discovery; it is a process of creation. (302)
377. The phrase I love you, yes. People say it, but many people do not understand what it meanswhat it really
meansto love another. (303)
378. Many people have had a real challenge, a real problem, with this word love, and this phrase I love you. (303)
379. To be fully loving is to be completely natural. Loving is the natural thing to do. It is not normal, but it is natural.
380. Your basic nature as a human being is to be loving, to love everyone and everything though it is not normal for you
to do so. (309)
381. To be natural was to be sinful, indulgent, perhaps even dangerously evil. (310)
382. You have discouraged telling the truth, even though it is very natural for you to do so. (310)
383. You have discouraged basic trust in the universe, although it is very natural for you to have it. (311)
384. You have discouraged singing and dancing and rejoicing and celebration, though every bone in your body is aching
to explode with the pure wonder of Who You Are! (311)
385. You carry this fear because you hold a Sponsoring Thought about the human race which says that your species is
basically evil. (311)
386. That is the first step in being fully loving. You must fully love your Self. (311)
387. This questionwhat is the basic nature of man?is the most important question now before the human race. (311)
388. If you believe that humans are by nature non-trustworthy and evil (311)
389. If you believe that humans are by nature trustworthy and good (312)
390. The degree to which you are not fully free is the degree to which you are not fully joyfuland that is the degree to
which you are not fully loving. (312)
391. A consequence is a natural outcome, a punishment is a normal one. (313)
392. Highly evolved societies have observed that little is learned from punishments. (313)
393. Punishments are artificially created outcomes. (313)
394. Consequences are naturally occurring outcomes. (313)
395. Punishments are imposed from the outside (314)
396. Punishments are someone elses decision that one has done wrong. (314)
397. Consequences are ones own experience that something does not work. (314)
398. The biggest punishment that you have devised is the withholding of your love. (314)
399. True love never withdraws itself. (315)
400. It means that no behaviour is even called wrong. (315)
401. Love means not having to say youre sorry. (315)
402. One does not have to practice what one is, one simply is it. (315)
403. I am the love that knows no condition, nor limitation of any kind. (314)
404. I am totally loving, and to be totally loving means to be willing to give every mature sentient being total freedom to
be, do, and have that which they wish. (315)
405. And if they are not yet mature, the fastest way to lead them to their won maturity is to allow them the freedom to
make as many choices as possible as early as practical. (316)
406. Love lets go. (316)
407. Need holds on. (316)
408. Let go of expectation, let go of requirements and rules and regulations that you would impose on your loved ones.
For they are not loved if they are restricted. Not totally. (316)
409. You do not love yourself totally when you restrict yourself, when you grant yourself less than total freedom, in any
matter. (316)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
410. Choices are not restrictions. (316)
411. Do not seek to impose your ideas, your rules, your choices upon another. (317)
412. Do not withhold your love should another make choices you would not make (317)
413. What else does it mean to be totally loving? (317)
414. What would love do now? (318)
415. When you ask this question, you will know instantly what do. In any circumstance, under any condition, you will
know. You will be given the answer. (318)
416. You are the answer, and asking the question brings forth that part of you. (318)
417. When you second-guess is when you fool yourselfand can make a fool of yourself. (319)
418. To be totally accepting means not to quarrel with what is showing up right now (320)
419. You are not concerned with outer appearance, only with your inner experience. (321)
420. This is what is meant by being in your world, but not of it. This is mastery in living. (321)
421. You cannot change that which you do not accept (321)
422. Accept everything, therefore, as the divine manifestation of the divinity within you. Then you declare yourself to be
its creator, and only then can you uncreate it. (321)
423. To accept something is not to agree with it. It is simply to embrace it, whether you agree with it or not. (321)
424. How can you heal that which you will not even hold? (322)
425. You must first hold something firmly in your grasp, firmly in your reality, before you can let it go. (322)
426. Love and acceptance are interchangeable concepts. (322)
427. In order to change something, you must first accept that it is there. (323)
428. Deborah Ford, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers. (323)
429. When you become totally loving and totally accepting, you become totally blessingand this renders you and
everyone else totally joyful. (323)
430. In Gods world there is no such thing as condemnation, only commendation. (323)
431. You give something your blessing when you give it your best energies, your highest thoughts. (324)
432. You change nothing by condemning it. Indeed, you literally condemn it to be repeated. (325)
433. Judge not, and neither condemn? (325)
434. Failure to condemn does not mean failure to seek change. (325)
435. A choice to change does not always have to come out of anger. In fact, your chances of affecting very real change
rise in direct proportion to the decrease in your anger. (325)
436. Bless, bless, bless your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. Send them your best energies, and your
highest thoughts. (326)
437. Gratitude is the attitude that changes everything. (326)
438. To be grateful for something is to stop resisting it, to see it and acknowledge it as a gift, even when the gift is not
immediately apparent. (326)
439. Gratitude for an experience, condition, or outcome in advance is a powerful tool in the creation of your reality, and a
sure sign of Mastery. (326)
440. God is totally grateful, blessing, accepting, loving, and joyful! (327)
441. Thank you, God, for helping me to understand that this problem has already been solved for me. (327)
442. Nothing can take your joy away from you, for joy is Who You Are, and who you will always be. So, in the face of
every problem, do a joyful thing. (327)
443. Tell your story, yes, but do not be your story. (345)
444. Your relationship with God is no different from your relationship with each other. (355)
445. This one single thought, this one idea that you have, that you are somehow better than someone else, has caused all
the heartache, all the suffering, all the cruelty, all the inhumanity that you have inflicted upon each other. (358)
446. Again I say: put an end to Better. (359)
447. There is no master race. (359)
448. There is no greatest nation. (359)
449. There is no one true religion. (359)
450. There is no inherently perfect philosophy. (359)
451. There is no always right political party morally supreme economic system, or one and only way to Heaven. (359)
452. Erase these ideas from your memory. Eliminate them from your experience. Eradicate them from your culture. (359)
453. For these are thoughts of division and separation, and you have killed each other over these thoughts. Only the truth I
give you here will save you: WE ARE ALL ONE. (359)
454. Dispel FOREVER the second-most dangerous idea on which human beings have based their behaviours: the thought
that there is something you have to do to survive. (359)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
455. There is nothing you have to do. Your survival is guaranteed. (359)
456. The question is not whether you will survive, but what shall be your experience while you are surviving? (360)
457. We create our own heaven, and our own hell! (360)
458. Get the hell out. (361)
459. Always you are justifying cruelty to others, even the killing of others, as a means of surviving, yourself. (366)
460. There is nothing that you have to do to survive. (367)
461. Everything you have been doing in order to survive has been unnecessary. (367)
462. Who You Are is life. You are life itself! And what is life? It is a process. And what is that process? It is evolution
463. Everything in life changes! Everything! (368)
464. Life is change. That is what Life is. When you put an end to change, you put an end to life. Yet that you cannot do.
465. That you evolve is not. (369)
466. I am going to invite you to view life as nothing more than a continuing process of change. (369)
467. You are both the changer and the changed. That is because, even as you are changing, you are causing the change in
your Self and in the world around you. (369)
468. This is Gods recreation! (370)
469. You are doing nothing but changing. (370)
470. You cannot kill a mosquito against its will. (371)
471. The universe cannot disagree with itself. (371)
472. Life is what you call behavioural anarchy, (371)
473. You do have a new message. (372)
474. This message is the only message that can save the world. (372)
475. The old message, which you say has given humanity hope, has brought you none of the results youve hoped for.
476. The old message of right and wrong, crime and punishment, good and evil, everlasting rewarding and everlasting
damnation, had done nothing to end the suffering on your planet, to end the killing on your planet, to end the torture that
you are inflicting upon yourselves. It is a message of separation. (373)
477. The New Gospel: WE ARE ALL ONE. (373)
478. From this new Gospel emerges a new message of total responsibility (373)
479. You are doing all of this to yourselves. (373)
480. You cannot do anything to another that has not at some level been co-created with you (374)
482. You cannot avoid politicizing your spirituality. Your political viewpoint is your spirituality, demonstrated. (376)
483. Spirituality, on the other hand, is universal. All people participate in it. All people agree with it. (377)
484. Spirituality is nothing more than life itself, as it is. (377)
485. Spirituality says that all things are part of life, and that is a statement with which no one can disagree. (377)
486. You must deal with the question of first cause. (377)
487. This first cause is life itself, expressing in physical form. (377)
488. God is first cause. (378)
489. The words life and God are interchangeable. (378)
490. You are Gods In-formation. (378)
491. That governments and politics were created in order to guarantee the experience of what spirituality iswhich is life
itself. (379)
492. People want you to pray for peace, but not to do anything about it. They want God to find a solution (380)
493. You say you want a world that can live in peace and harmony and joy, and I tell you this: joy is freedom. (380)
494. I tell you this: a way to have such a world, a way to create it virtually overnight, is to preach and live The New
Gospel. (381)
495. History has been a repeating of your own failures (381)
496. Marianne Williamson: Healing the Soul of America. (381)
497. They said the same thing about Jesus (381)
498. If there is no better way, what is the point of spiritual activism? (382)
499. Every act is an act of self-definition. (382)
500. Who You Are is the most important decision you will ever make. (382)
501. The new teaching is (382)
502. Because it is impossible for you to better someone, does that take away your reason for living? (383)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
503. Because you cant have a better religion, or a better political part, or a better economic system, does not mean
you should not have any at all? (383)
504. The soul is that which beholds beauty even when the mind denies it. (385)
505. It is your soul which sees the beauty and the wonder and the truth of my words. (385)
506. Effective political activism does not come from anger or hatredand spiritual activism never doesbut rather from
507. It is not a question of making someone or something wrong; it is simply a decision to exchange the present reality for
a new one, out of a new thought about Who You Are, and Who You Choose to Be. (385)
508. I have no will separate from your own, on this or any other matter. I have no preference other than yours (386)
509. I tell you, the purpose of life is for you to decide and declare, express and fulfill, Who You Really Are. (386)
510. You have tried this system, and it does not work. (386)
511. You have created an entire society based on lies. (387)
512. You call some of these lies secrets, yet they are lies nonetheless, for a withholding is a lie. (387)
513. The human race has demonstrated quite clearly that My will, as you have understood and enunciated it, means
nothing. (388)
514. Because there are so many disagreements over what My will, is you would probably do even more killing in My
name if you suddenly became fervent in your beliefs. (388)
516. Each day you must make your decisions. Know only that, in deciding, you are announcing and demonstrating Who
You Are. (388)
517. Repetition is good. It allows integration. (389)
518. In your daily actions and choices, you are not only announcing Who You Are, you are also deciding Who I Am,
because you and I are One. (389)
519. I am doing it through you. (389)
520. Oneness does not mean sameness (389)
521. Theres enough. (391)
522. Only when you know the truth that theres enough can you easily have any of the good things in life that you,
yourself, would choose. (392)
523. A tiny percentage of your worlds people holds a massive share of your worlds wealth, and uses a colossal share of
your worlds resources. (392)
524. Only when there is a change in the human heart will there be a change in the human condition. (393)
525. If not you, who? If not now, when? (393)
526. This is why all spirituality is ultimately political. (394)
527. You cannot do the message, but only be the message, for you are not a human doing, you are a human being. (394)
528. You carry the message as you, not with you. You are the message! This is your spirituality in action. (394)
529. Your message is your life, lived. (394)
530. And the Word was made flesh? (394)
531. You are, quite literally, the Word of God, made flesh (395)
532. You are already what you seek to be. (395)
533. But vengeance is Yours, sayeth You. No, you sayeth that. I never sayeth that. (396)
534. As you make these statements of being consciously, rather than unconsciously, you begin to live from intention; you
begin to live deliberately. (396)
535. Do the third, and the first two will come automatically (396)
536. The more you see, the more you see that there is more to see. (397)
537. You will never stop the process of growing and getting. (397)
538. There is no end to how big you can be. (397)
539. True teaching is not a process by which you learn, but by which you are caused to remember. (398)
540. Awareness is a state of being in which you may choose to live. It means to be awake to the moment. (398)
541. To live in awareness is to not pretend that you do not know. (398)
542. Awareness is about being aware, and being aware that you are aware. (399)
543. Awareness has many levels. (399)
544. Awareness is about being aware of the level of awareness of which you are aware, and it is about being aware that
there is no level of awareness of which you cannot be aware, if you are aware of that. (399)
545. When you live a life of awareness, you no longer do things unconsciously. (399)
546. It is not difficult living a life of awareness when you are aware that it is not difficult. Awareness feeds on itself. (399)
547. That is why remembering is so important. (399)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9
548. Once you have been made to remember, you are brought back to awareness. (399)
549. Awareness is about noticing the moment. It is about stopping, looking, listening, feeling, experiencing fully what is
happening. It is a meditation (400)
550. Awareness is moving to the level of the Unobserved Observer. (400)
551. That is Full Awareness. (400)
552. This is what every Master who ever lived, and who lives now, has taught. (401)
553. When you stop pre-tending, you become totally honest. (401)
554. Honesty is about saying, first to yourself, then to others, what it is of which you are aware. (401)
555. You cannot stand for something until you stop lying all around. (401)
556. To be totally visible is to be utterly transparent. (401)
557. Be aware of what you have done, and then be honest about it (402)
558. Responsibility does not mean guilt (402)
559. New Age bypass. (402)
560. You are each responsible for each other. You are, truly, your brothers keeper. (402)
561. You cannot legislate morality. (403)
562. Core Concepts (403)
563. This is the agenda of your worldwide society in the new millennium. You, yourself, have set this agenda (404)
564. There will be chaos before the shift. (404)
565. None of these outcomes will occur (404)
566. Differences confirm, and make possible, your experience of Who You Are. Divisions confuse, and render impossible
that experience. (405)
567. There are not divisions between black and white, male and female, Christian and Muslim. These are merely different
versions of the same thing. (405)
568. You do not have to disappear as an individual in order to experience Oneness. (405)
569. Oneness will not put an end to your survival as an individual expression of The Whole. Rather, it will allow it. (405)
570. Survival of the Fittest. (406)
571. Life is eternal, and there is only One of Us. (406)
572. What does it mean to have a friendship with God? (407)
573. In truth, I will not bring you any answers at all, but simply show you that you have brought them with you when you
came into this life; that you have had them all along. (407)
574. To the outer world it may very well appear as if nothing, in fact, has changed (407)
575. Tell them the truth. The truth shall set them free. (408)
576. Tell them that nothing has changed but your experience. (408)
577. When you know lifes great truths, what changes is the totality of your cognitions. (408)
578. Your experience changes when you remember, totally, Who You Really Are. (409)
579. I will give you back to yourself. (410)
580. Use Me. Those are the two magic words. (412)
581. When you say Use me, you are saying I love you (412)
582. To be, or not to be, that is the question. (412)
583. Go home to your own heart, and you will find Me there (413)
584. Mastery is where you are headed. (414)
585. When you know this, you know the greatest secret. (414)
586. Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not irritable or resentful (415)
587. Love bears all things, yet forgives nothing, for love knows that nothing and no one needs to be forgiven. (415)
588. As for your prophecies, they will pass away: (415)

Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch, ISBN: 0-399-14541-9


The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

1. Pathological conditions often predominate among the other types of trance states such as comas, catalepsy, syncope and
suspended animation. (x)
2. Mediumship is among the most valuable it is a method for expanding awareness. (x)
3. Free of pathological conditions. (xi)
4. Great mediums are as rare as great musicians or great artists. (xi)
5. The Psychic Phenomena, F.S. Edsall (xii)
6. His feeling that ones mind leaves the body during sleep, for instance, is classical and hearkens back to primitive times. (xiv)
7. The stated purpose of his communications is to provide a means by which people can understand themselves better, re-
evaluate their reality, and change it. (xiv)
8. An idea is an event (xv)
9. In whatever sphere of activity, whether physically materialized or not-would have an impact upon our lives. (xv)
10. Idea as reality (xv) (xvi)
11. According to Seth, the Crucifixion originated in the universe of dreaming, (xvi)
12. An idea being actualized in another realm of time and space that affected our temporal world and changed our civilization.
13. The temporal one of cause and effect. (xvi)
14. The dream universe possesses concepts which will some day completely transform the history of the physical world, but a
denial of such concepts as possibilities delays their emergence. (xvi)
15. The senses create the material world, (xvi)
16. Carl Jung noted the existence of what he called archetypal figures in the unconscious who often communicate to the
conscious mind through the symbolic garb of mythical, religious or great historical figures. (xvii)
17. The Crucifixion originated in the universe of dreams. (xvi)
18. An idea being actualized in another realm of time and space that affects our temporal world and changes our civilization.
19. The idea is reality which has a profound effect upon the temporal world all the time. (xvi)
20. The dream universe possesses concepts which will some day completely transform the history of the physical world, but a
denial of such concepts as possibilities delays their emergence. (xvi)
21. (Kant), mind imposes reality on the data of sense. (xvi)
22. He himself (Seth) has indicated, he is a communicator and a stimulator of thought-as too few temporal teachers are. (xvii)
23. Physical matter will disintegrate, but you will not. (1)
24. Death is another beginning. (1)
25. When you are lead, you are not silenced. (2)
26. Your joy is not dependent upon your youth. (2)
27. Your joy is not dependent upon your physical body. (2)
28. I have always had the identity that is mine. It is never diminished. It grows and develops (2)
29. The grave is not the end. (2)
30. You have lived before and will live again, and when you are done with physical existence you will still live. (2)
31. Travel through the universe and know that it is not dependent upon your physical image. (2)
32. To change your world, it is yourself you must change. You must change what you project. (3)
33. Since before this physical life we chose the circumstances into which we would be born and the challenges that could best
bring about our development. (4)
34. We form physical matter as effortlessly and unselfconsciously as we breathe. (4)
35. We are individualized portions of energy, materialized within physical existence, to learn to form ideas from energy and
make them physical (this is idea construction) (13)
36. We project ideas into an object, so that we can deal with it. (13)
37. The object is the thought materialized. (13)
38. Physical representation of idea permits us to learn the difference between the I who thinks and the thought. (13)
39. Idea construction teaches the I what it is, by showing it its own products in a physical manner. (13)
40. We learn by viewing our own creations. (13)
41. We learn the power and effects of ideas by changing them into physical realities; and we learn responsibility in the use of
creative energy. (13)
42. The entity is the basic self, immortal, non-physical. (13)
43. The individual is the portion of the whole self that we manage to express physically. (13)
44. The senses are the channels of creation by which idea is projected into material expression. (13)
45. The basic idea is that the senses are developed, not to permit awareness of an already existing material world, but to create
it. (13)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

46. The subconscious is the threshold of ideas emergence into the individual conscious mind. It connects the entity and the
individual. (14)
47. The physical body is the material construction of the entitys idea of itself under the properties of matter. (14)
48. Instinct is the minimum ability for idea construction necessary for physical survival. (14)
49. The present is the apparent point of any ideas emergence into physical matter. (14)
50. Expansion of spirit allows physical organism to expand, release pressures. (19)
51. In some submerged manner, all fragments of a personality exist within an entity, with their own individual consciousness.
52. The entity gives the fragment independent life, then the entity more or less forgets the fragment. (22)
53. Its as impossible for the entity to control fragment personalities as for the conscious mind to control the bodys heartbeat.
54. Even thoughts, for instance, are fragments, though on a different plane. (22)
55. Personality fragments differ from others in that they can cause other fragments to form from themselves. (25)
56. The present individual in any given life could be called a fragment of his entire entity, having all the properties of the
original entity. (26)
57. Split personality fragment. (26)
58. Personality fragment images. (27)
59. Thrown off materializations of your own negative and aggressive feelings. (27)
60. Illness is often the result of dissociated and inhibited emotions. (33)
61. The psyche attempts to get rid of them (dissociated and inhibited emotions) by projecting them into a specific area of the
body; in the case of ulcers the diverted energy goes into the actual production of the ulcer itself. (33)
62. If really large areas of the self are inhibited, a secondary personality can be formed. (33)
63. Very charged repressed energy can actually from pseudo physical images which present the personality with the physical
materialized image of his fears. (33)
64. The idea of motion, for true transparency is not the ability to see through, but to move through. (42)
65. We construct images consistent with the senses we happen to have. (42)
66. So real are the wall constructions of your room that you would freeze in winter without them, yet there is no room and
there are no walls. Those walls are transparent. (42)
67. What you call emotion or feeling is the connective between us, and it is the connective that most clearly represents the life
force on any plane, under any circumstances. (43)
68. Everything on your plane is the materialization of something that exists independently of you plane. (47)
69. As your ability grows in relation to the environment then you can afford to look around, use the Inner Senses, and enlarge
your scope of activity. (47)
70. Once you exist on a particular plane you must necessarily be attuned to it while blocking out many other perceptions.(47)
71. Time has no meaning without barriers. (48)
72. Solidity is illusion. (48)
73. Feeling of vitality is moving and itself a part of the living stuff of the universe. (49)
74. The motions of the apparently solidified vitality, gives the illusion of time. (49)
75. The action and counteraction is the time trigger. (49)
76. Individual life, or rather the life of any present individual, could be legitimately compared to the dream of an entity. (60)
77. Infinities of diversity and opportunity are given to the personalities by the entity. (61)
78. An inner part of each personality was aware of its relationship with its entity-and that this portion did mans breathing for
him and controlled those bodily processes that we consider involuntary.(61)
79. Physical symptoms are the outward materialization of inner disease. (64)
80. He emphasized the importance of suggestion and the dangers of self-pity. (64)
81. If one of us was ill, the other was not to offer excessive consolation and thereby reinforce the idea of sickness. (64)
82. If we are overly concerned for effects, then the spontaneity disappears. The ego comes in, and we are lost.(73)
83. Human personality is not innately limited. (74)
84. The waking state is as much a trance state as any other. (74)
85. The personality must always be considered in an elemental way as patterns of action. (74)
86. When you crack an egg to discover what is inside, you ruin the egg. (74)
87. Those who have a closed mind will not get any evidence that will satisfy them. (74)
88. A portion is always connected to the whole of which it is part. (92)
89. If you realized thoroughly that your physical world was an illusion, you would not be experiencing sense data. (108)
90. Cant I experience an illusion that I create for myself? You can experience the illusion, but when you experience the
illusion as an illusion, you no longer experience it. (108)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

91. Is there anywhere else to be that is not illusion? (108)

92. I am one with what reality I create. There is nowhere else to go. (109)
93. There is no place to go because you are the placeand all placesin those terms. (109)
94. You must be free enough to explore the nature and experience of each living thing within you own system. (109)
95. At no time are events predestined. With every moment you change, and every action changes every other action. (117)
96. Seth does not agree on the existence of one historical Christ, while he sees reincarnation as a fact. (120)
97. Suffering is simply an attribute of consciousness and an indication of vitality. (120)
98. You create your reality according to your beliefs and expectations. (121)
99. If you do not like your world, then examine your own expectations. (121)
100. Every thought in one way or another is constructed by you in physical terms. (121)
101. Your world is formed in faithful replica of your own thoughts. (121)
102. You form a physical environment cohesive enough so that there is general agreement as to objects and their placement
and dimension. (121)
103. There is no place within me that creativity does no exist. (122)
104. Most people take it for granted that we are pretty much at the mercy of events over which we have little control. (124)
105. We project our ideas outward to form physical reality. (124)
106. Our bodies are the materialization of what we think we are. (124)
107. We are all creators then, and this world is our joint creation. (124)
108. Not only do we form our own reality now, but we will continue to do so after physical death. (124)
109. You create physical matter by use of the inner vitality of the universe. (125)
110. Chemicals themselves will not give rise to consciousness or life. (125)
111. Your scientists will have to face the fact that consciousness comes first and evolves its own form. (125)
112. Molecules and atoms and even smaller particles have a condensed consciousness. They form into cells and form an
individual cellular consciousness; this goes on ad infinitum to form the physical body mechanism. (125)
113. Matter is a medium for the manipulation and transformation of psychic energy into aspects that can then be used as
building blocks Matter is only cohesive enough to give the appearance or relative permanence to the senses that
perceive it. (126)
114. Matter is continually created, but no particular object is in itself continuous. (126)
115. Continuous creations of psychic energy into a physical pattern that appears to hold a more or less rigid appearance. (126)
116. As individualized energy approaches your particular field, it expresses itself to the best of its ability within it. (126)
117. As energy approaches it creates matter, first of all in an almost plastic fashion (126)
118. Matter of itself, however is no more continuous, no more given to growth or age than is, say, the color yellow. (126)
119. Physical objects cannot exist unless they exist in a definite perspective and space continuum. (127)
120. Mark sits in his own chair that he created. (128)
121. No physical object can be constructed, and no action can occur, without what you are pleased to call suggestion. (124)
122. No action and no material object can be perceived without inner consent and willingness. (134)
123. Behind every action and every construction there is indeed suggestion. (134)
124. Suggestion is no more and no less than an inner willingness and consent to allow a particular action to occur; and this
consent is the trigger which sets off the subconscious mechanisms that allow you to construct inner data into physical
reality. (134)
125. It is erroneous to think in terms of one physical universe. (134)
126. Telepathy operates constantly, providing inner communications to back up all sense data. (135)
127. The objective world is the end result of inner action. (135)
128. You can indeed manipulate the objective world from within, for this is the means and definition of true manipulation.
129. Thoughts and images are formed into physical reality and become physical fact, they are propelled chemically. (135)
130. A thought is energy. It begins to produce itself physically at the moment of its conception. (135)
131. Mental enzymes are connected with the pineal gland. (135)
132. Body chemicals are physical, but they are the propellants of this thought-energy, containing all the codified data necessary
for translating any thought or image into physical actuality. They cause the body to reproduce the inner image. They are
sparks, so to speak, initiating the transformation.(135)
133. Chemicals are released through the skin and pore systems, in an invisible but definite pseudophysical formation. (135)
134. The intensity of a thought or image largely determines the immediacy of its physical materialization. (135)
135. There is nothing about your own physical image that you have not made. (135)
136. The initial thought or image exists within the mental enclosure. It is not yet physical.(135)
137. It is sparked into sparked into physical materialization by the mental enzymes. (135)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

138. Objects are composed of the same pseudomaterial that radiates outward from your own physical image, only the higher
intensity mass is different. When it is built up enough, you recognize it as an object. (136)
139. Every nerve and fibre within the body has an inner purpose that is not seen, and that serves to connect the inner self with
physical reality, that allows the inner self to create physical reality. (136)
140. In a very real manner, events or objects are actually focal points where highly charge psychic impulses are transformed
into something that can be physically perceived; a breakthrough into matter. (136)
141. When such highly charged impulses intersect or coincide, matter is formed. (136)
142. An identical or nearly identical pattern may re-emerge at any time again and again, if the proper coordinates exist for
activation. (137)
143. In your system of reality you are learning what mental energy is, and how to use it. You do this by constantly
transforming your thoughts and emotions into physical form. (137)
144. You are supposed to get a clear picture of your inner development by perceiving the exterior environment. (137)
145. What seems to be a perception, an objective concrete event independent from you, is instead the materialization of your
own inner emotions, energy, and mental environment. (137)
146. We form our physical reality not only now and after death, but through at least several lifetimes, as we learn to translate
energy and idea into experience. (137)
147. We not only form our environment now, but ahead of time we choose our parents and circumstances. (137)
148. All of us have been reincarnated, and when we are. We will continue to exist in other systems of reality. (138)
149. We have chosen beforehand, circumstances and challenges tailored to fit our own needs and develop our own abilities.
150. Only reincarnation weaves these seemingly disparate conditions into a framework that make sense. These situations are
not thrust upon us, but chosen. (138)
151. If we lived before and if we cant remember, then what good does it do? (138)
152. We choose our illnesses and the circumstances of our birth and death. This applies to every illness, whether it is a broken
leg suffered from an accident, or an ulcer. (146)
153. We are not punished in one life for the transgressions of a past one. (148)
154. The mental attitude of everyone involved should be altered to one that is more hopeful. (149)
155. Complete recovery, illness or early death are not preordained on the part of the entity (or whole self). (153)
156. Events that seem to be in the past can be recreated. (156)
157. You are preparing your own way. (158)
158. In physical reality you are learning that your thoughts have reality, and that you create the reality that you know. (159)
159. You still do not realize that you create your own reality, then you return, and again you learn to manipulate and again and
again you see the results of your own inner reality as you meet it objectified. (159)
160. You teach yourself the lesson until you have learned it; then you begin to learn how to handle the consciousness that is
yours, intelligently and well. (159)
161. There is no predestination. (159)
162. Time as you experience it is an illusion caused by your own physical senses. (162)
163. The physical senses can only perceive reality a little bit at a time. (163)
164. Everything in the universe exists at one time, simultaneously. (163)
165. There is no past, present, and future. (163)
166. You live all of your reincarnations at once. (163)
167. The various reincarnational selves can be superficially regarded as portions of a crossword puzzle, for they are all
portions of the whole, and yet they can exist separately. (163)
168. So-called past personalities are present in you now but not dominant. (164)
169. Since all events occur at once in actuality, there is little to be gained by saying that a past event causes a present one.
170. Past experience does not cause present experience. (164)
171. Since one identity forms them, there are bound to be similarities between them and shared characteristics. (165)
172. Do not use your intellect like a shiny banner to wave from your windows. (171)
173. As a rule each entity is born so that three roles are experienced that of mother, father, and child. (172)
174. In the materialization of personality through various reincarnations, only the ego and the layers of personal subconscious
adopt new characteristics. (173)
175. Learning to some extent is passed on through the genes, biochemically. (173)
176. The human being does not erupt into existence at birth. (173)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

177. Each part of the self, while independent to some considerable degree, is nevertheless responsible to every other portion of
the self; and each whole self (entity) is responsible to all others, while it is largely independent as to activity and decision.
178. By solving problems now, we can make things vastly easier for our past and future selves. (174)
179. We form physical reality as a replica of our inner ideas. (176)
180. You must watch the pictures that you paint with your imagination. (177)
181. Your environment and the conditions of your life at any time are the direct result of your own inner expectations. (177)
182. You form physical materializations of these realities within you own mind. (177)
183. You cannot escape your own attitudes, for they will form the nature of what you see. (178)
184. If changes are to occur, they must be mental and psychic changes. (178)
185. You must learn to erase a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite. (179)
186. React to constructive suggestions. (180)
187. It does not do to repress negative thoughts, such as fears, angers or resentments. (181)
188. Remember to recognize resentment when you feel it, and then to realize that resentment can be dismissed. (181)
189. If desire for health leads instead to an emphasis upon symptoms to be overcome, you would be better off to avoid all
thoughts of health or illness. (182)
190. People react to negative suggestions only when their own frame of mind is negative. (182)
191. You are not your emotions. They flow through you. You feel them. And then they disappear. (183)
192. You are not your body. You are not your emotions (183)
193. Our bodies will be healthy automatically if we do not project false ideas upon them. (185)
194. All illness is momentarily accepted by the personality as a part of the self, and here lies its danger. (185)
195. The self does not want to give a portion of itself. (186)
196. Any heightened sensation, pleasant or not, has a stimulating effect upon consciousness to some degree. (186)
197. This acquiescence to even painful stimuli is a basic part of the nature of consciousness. (186)
198. Any stimuli and reaction represents sensation, and sensation is a method by which consciousness knows itself. (186)
199. Without this acquiescence to even painful stimuli, the structure would never maintain itself, for the atoms and molecules
within it constantly accept such stimuli, and joyfully suffer even their own destruction. (187)
200. Illness can be a healthy reaction, though it always involves personality problems. (187)
201. Illness actually represents a new unifying system. (187)
202. Unifying principles are groups of actions about which the personality forms itself at any given time. (187)
203. Illnesses may then preserve the integrity of the whole psychological system and point out the existence of inner psychic
problems. (187)
204. Illness is a portion of the action of which personality is composed and therefore it is purposeful, and cannot be considered
as an alien force that invades personality from without. (187)
205. Illness could not be called an impeding action unless it persisted long after its purpose was served. (188)
206. An action cannot be judged as impeding without a thorough knowledge of the actions that result in the makeup of any
given personality. (188)
207. When action is allowed to flow freely, then neurotic rejections will not occur. (188)
208. Neurotic rejection causes unnecessary illness. (188)
209. Physical symptoms are communications from the inner self, indications that we are making mental errors of one kind or
another. (188)
210. Physical illness that are not critical but observable, generally represent problems that are in the process of being solved,
problems that are out in the open. (189)
211. The symptoms in such cases are themselves part of the healing process. (189)
212. What we are supposed to do, then, is change our mental attitude, search ourselves for the inner problem represented by the
symptoms, and measure our progress as the symptoms subside. (189)
213. In cases where the symptom itself is interior, as in ulcers, this is a sign that the personality is not yet willing to face the
problem, and the symptom itself is shielded from physical sightquite rightly, symbolically speaking. (189)
214. The relative observability of a symptom is, therefore, a clue to the personalitys attitude toward its problem. (189)
215. Many problems are never materialized (189)
216. Each case of senility is different, but generally speaking, the personality transfers the vital parts of consciousness into the
next area of existence. (190)
217. The physical disease(the hardening of the arteries) is caused by the personalitys gradual refusal to accept new physical
stimuli. (190)
218. The individuals inner decision causes the physical symptoms, not the other way around. (190)
219. Ill health is the projection of distorted ideas outward onto the body. (191)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

220. Once you wholeheartedly accept life on lifes terms, then you may indeed get what you are after, but not while you insist
upon it as a condition for continued existence. (191)
221. Your own purpose will make life a daily joy when you let your conditions go. (191)
222. You must live in the faith that your purpose is, and will be fulfilled, is being fulfilled. (192)
223. The uniqueness that is your own personality is to be cherished. (192)
224. You should desire good health because it is a natural state of your being. (192)
225. You should trust in the innate intelligence of your own being. (192)
226. Health is its natural state. (192)
227. Through your physical image the energy of the universe expresses itself. (192)
228. You, as an individual, as individualized consciousness, are a part of this, and you cannot express yourself fully, nor fulfill
your purpose as an identity if you are not in good health. (192)
229. If you are in poor physical shape this does not mean that you are an evil person. (192)
230. Theoretically, if you are using energy the way you should, you would be in excellent health and filled with abundance.
231. Self-hypnosis and light trance states be used as ways to uncover inner problems that are causing us difficulty. (193)
232. Ask the inner self to make the answer available on a conscious basis. (193)
233. Dreams are very important both in uncovering problems and in providing solutions to them. (193)
234. In larger terms, there is no evil, only your own lack of perception. (196)
235. May peace be with you. (197)
236. Dream reality is as valid and real as waking reality. (197)
237. The personality is composed of energy gestalts. (197)
238. It seems to you that dreams cease when you are no longer aware of them. This is not so. (198)
239. On one level the personality attempts to solve problems through dream construction. (198)
240. Dream actions can be turned toward fulfilling constructive expectations. (198)
241. Many illnesses could largely be avoided through dream therapy. (198)
242. We do not want an individual to suggest that he dream of harming another. (199)
243. A dream or imaginative experience is as real as any waking event. (199)
244. Each dream begins with psychic energy which the individual transforms not into physical matter, but into a reality every
bit as functional and real. (200)
245. Although the dreamer creates his dreams for his own purposes, selecting only those symbols which have meaning to him.
246. Dream-created personalities. (200)
247. Energy projected into any kind of constructions, psychic or physical, cannot be recalled ... (201)
248. The reality of the dream continues. (200)
249. Telepathy could be called the glue that holds the physical universe in precarious position, so that you can agree on the
existence and properties of objects. (201)
250. Those who know existence on the physical level now, have, because of certain cycles, lived before at approximately the
same historical periods. (201)
251. The same sort of psychic agreement holds the dream system together as holds the physical system together. (202)
252. One reason, I think, that dreams seem so chaotic and meaningless at times is simply that we only remember dim
fragments of them and forget the unifying factors. (202)
253. Dreams have an intuitive, associative logic that has to be interpreted, and in which time, as we know it, has little
meaning. (202)
254. You are indeed conscious while you sleep. (206)
255. Dream location can exist simultaneously with the room in which the body sleeps. (206)
256. From energy you form patterns which you then recognize as objects and use. (206)
257. The Crucifixion was an actuality and a reality, although it did not take place in your [physical] time. (207)
258. The Crucifixion was just a dream. It did not occur historically; it did happen within another reality and emerged into
history as an idea rather than a physical event. (207)
259. An idea is an event, whether physically materialized or not. (207)
260. The Ascension [of Christ] did not occur in time as you know it. (207)
261. Many concepts and practical inventions simply wait in the dream system in abeyance until some man accepts them as
possibilities within the physical frame of reality. (207)
262. Imagination is waking mans connection with the dream system. (207)
263. The dream universe then possesses concepts which will someday completely transform the history of the physical world.

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

264. There is form within dream reality. Form is first of all potential existing within psychic energy. (210)
265. Potential form exists long before its physical materialization. (210)
266. When you are manipulating within physical reality, you have a fairly simple set of rules to serve you. (211)
267. Waking consciousness is not the ego. (211)
268. Waking consciousness can be taken into the dream state; the ego cannot. (211)
269. Are our dreams private? (212)
270. Shared dreams then, are also usually well beneath awareness. (212)
271. When you dream of others, they know it. (212)
272. Mass dreams have a way of bringing about historical change. (213)
273. Our psychic development and growth, learning processes and experience, are all involved with our dream life. (213)
274. Through our dreams we change physical reality and our physical daily experience alters our dream experience. (213)
275. We may forget our dreams, but they are always a part of us. (213)
276. The dream experience is felt directly by the inner self. (213)
277. All experience is electrically coded within our cells but not dependent upon them. (214)
278. A mans thoughts and dreams are far more reaching than he knows. (214)
279. Once created [thoughts and dreams] cannot be withdrawn. (214)
280. Each individual from birth forms his own counterpart from built-up, individual, continuous electrical signals that include
his dreams, thoughts, desires, and experiences. (214)
281. At physical death his personality then exists detached from its physical form. (214)
282. Each of us has counterparts in other systems of reality. (215)
283. Action is action whether or not you perceive it, and probable events are events whether or not you perceive them. (221)
284. Thoughts are also events, as are wishes and desires. (221)
285. Event X. (222)
286. The inner ego, as you know, exists in the Spacious Present. (222)
287. The Spacious Present is the basic time in which the whole self exists. (222)
288. The ego maintains much of its stability by looking backward into a past and finding something of itself there. (223)
289. A portion of the self can and does experience events in a entirely different fashion [than does the ego] and this portion
goes off on a different tangent. (224)
290. The ego must choose on event because of its limitations. (224)
291. Portions of the self simply operate in a different dimension of reality, with different fields of activity (225)
292. There is within the family a general realization of the experiences of its members. (225)
293. Some events will be perceived by all layers of the self (225)
294. It becomes actual in your reality only when it is experienced by the physical self. (226)
295. Other probable events become just as real within other dimensions. (226)
296. Because personality is multi-dimensional, it cannot be discussed under one heading alone. (226)
297. Identity is not the same as personality. (230)
298. Personality represents only those aspects of identity that you are able to actualize within three dimensional existence.
299. Personality may be molded by circumstances, in your terms, but identity uses the experiences and is not swept willy-nilly.
300. A one-dimensional psychology. (230)
301. Each of you exists in other realities and other dimensions, and the self that you call yourself is but a small portion of your
entire identity. (231)
302. In dreams you do have contact with other parts of yourself. (231)
303. You do not see your ego in the mirror. (231)
304. This whole self has lived many lives. (231)
305. You do not suddenly acquire a spirit at death. You are one now. (231)
306. You adopt a body as a space traveler wears a space suit, and for much the same reason. (232)
307. Granted we survive death, what part of us survives? (233)
308. No individuality is ever lost. It is always in existence. (233)
309. Our individual consciousness grows, and out of its experience it forms different personalities or fragments of itself.
310. These fragments themselves grow, develop, and may form their own entities or personality gestaltsor, if you refer,
whole souls. (234)
311. In this life, each of us has various egos; we only accept the idea of one ego as a sort of shorthand symbolism. (234)
312. The ego as we think of it changes constantly. (234)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

313. Identity may be termed action which is conscious of itself. (235)

314. An identity is also a dimension of existence, action within action, an unfolding of action upon itselfand through this
interweaving of action with itself, through this re-action, an identity is formed. (235)
315. The energy of action, the workings of action within and upon itself, forms identity. (235)
316. Identity cannot be separated. Identity then, is actions effect upon itself. (235)
317. Action must, by its very nature, of itself and its own working, create identities. (235)
318. 1st dilemma--Action is not a force from without the acts upon matter. Action is, instead, the inside vitality of the inner
universeit is the dilemma between inner vitalitys desire and impetus to completely materialize itself, and its inability to
completely do so. (236)
319. Action is, therefore, a part of all structure (236)
320. Action, having of itself and because of is nature formed identity (236)
321. 2nd dilemmait is a mistaken notion, however, that identity is dependent upon stability. Identity, because of its
characteristics, will continually seek stability, while stability is impossible. (236)
322. Consciousness and existence do not result from delicate balances so much as they are made possible by lack of balances,
so richly creative that there would be no reality were balance ever maintained. (236)
323. Identity must seek stability while action must seek change; yet identity could not exist without change. (236)
324. Identities are never constant as you yourselves are not the same consciously or unconsciously from one moment to the
next. Every action is a termination. (236)
325. Without the termination, identity would cease to exist. (236)
326. Consciousness without action would cease to be conscious. (236)
327. Consciousness, therefore, is not a thing in itself. It is a dimension of action, an almost miraculous state, made possible
by what I choose to call a series of creative dilemmas. (236)
328. Consciousness of self is still consciousness directly connected with action. (237)
329. 3rd dilemma--Ego consciousness is a state resulting from the third creative dilemma, which happens when consciousness
of self attempts to separate itself from action. (237)
330. No consciousness or identity can exist without action, we have the third dilemma. (237)
331. Ego consciousness, on the other hand, involves a state in which consciousness of self attempts to divorce self from
actionan attempt on the part of consciousness to perceive action as an object and to perceive action as initiated by the
ego as a result, rather than as a cause, of egos own existence. (237)
332. Inner vitality can never achieve complete materialization. (237)
333. Action [inner vitality] can never complete itself. (237)
334. Materializing in any form whatsoever, it at once multiplies the possibilities of further materialization. (237)
335. Because inner vitality is self-generating only a minute fraction of it is needed to seed a universe. (237)
336. Action necessarily changes that which it acts upon [which is basically itself], then it follows that the action involved is our
sessions changes the nature of the sessions. (237)
337. Action implies infinite possibilities of focus. (237)
338. The physical body and its senses are specialized equipment to allow us to live in physical reality. (238)
339. To perceive other realities, we have to use the Inner Sensesmethods of perception that belong to the inner self and
operate whether or not we have a physical form. (239)
340. The Inner Senses allow us to see beneath the camouflage. (239)
341. Undistorted and yours for the asking, is the knowledge inherent in the inner self, pertaining to reality as a whole, its laws,
principles and composition. (239)
342. Psychological Time (240)
343. Psy-Time (240) (280)
344. The past exists as a series of electromagnetic connections held in the physical brain and in the non-physical mind. (240)
345. The future consists of a series of a series of electromagnetic connections in the mind and brain also, and this is the only
reality that you are justified in giving the present. (241)
346. The past and the present are real to the same extent. (241)
347. Present actions can also change the past. (241)
348. The past is no more objective or independent from the perceiver than is the present. (241)
349. The perceiver is always a participator. (241) [pg 29 wu li masters]
350. The past is seldom what you remember it to be. (241)
351. The past is being constantly re-created by each individual as attitudes and associations change. This is an actual re-
creation, not a symbolic one. (241)
352. Severe neurosis is often caused precisely because the individual has not changed his past. (241)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

353. A change of attitude, a new association, or any of innumerable other actions will automatically set up new
electromagnetic connections and break others. (241)
354. Every action in your present affects those actions you call past. (241)
355. It is possible to react to the past to an event that has not yet occurred, to be influenced by your own future. (243)
356. Any given event can be changed not only before and during but after its occurrence. (243)
357. The individual is hardly at the mercy of past events, for he changes them constantly. (243)
358. He is hardly at the mercy of future events for he changes these not only before but after their happening. (243)
359. The past is as real as the future, no more or no less. The past exists only as a pattern of electromagnetic currents within the
mind and brain, and these constantly change. (243)
360. An individuals future actions are not dependent upon a concrete finished past, for such a past never existed. (243)
361. Stay away from books that deal exclusively with conventional religious subjects, interpreting reality in those limited
terms. (245)
362. The definition of a personality energy essence, from which, of course, all personalities spring. (246)
363. There are points of contact having nothing to do with time, as you know it, that are significant to all personalities; origins
of new energy that are sometimes brought into existence because of the strong latent psychic capacities within individual
selves. (250)
364. The personality in general is formed from components existing in many realities and is an apex point. (253)
365. Physical life is not the rule. (254)
366. Identity and consciousness existed long before your earth was formed. (254)
367. Consciousness is the force behind matter, and it forms many other realities besides the physical one. (254)
368. The source and power of your present consciousness has never been physical. (254)
369. The physical system is an illusion, but you must accept it and from its viewpoint try to understand the realities that exist
beyond it. (254)
370. The illusions are real since they exist. (254)
371. The inner portions of your own identity and reality are not known to you, for you cannot objectify them, and therefore you
do not perceive them. So much of your energy is used in these physical productions that you cannot afford to perceive any
reality but your own. (255)
372. Our basic and ancient knowledge and energy automatically reaches out to nourish all systems that grow. (256)
373. The blocks of physical reality appear very real to you when you dwell within their perspective. (257)
374. We gave you mental images and upon these images you learned to form the world that you know. (260)
375. We gave you the pattern by which your physical selves are formed. (260)
376. We gave you the patterns, intricate, involved, and blessed, from which you form the reality of each physical thing you
know. (260)
377. The most minute cell within your brain has been made from patterns of consciousness which we have given you. (260)
378. We taught you to form the reality that you know. (260)
379. Energy gestalt. (261)
380. The way in which the universe expands, that it has nothing to do with space. (261)
381. This absolute, ever-expanding instantaneous psychic gestalt, which you may call God if you prefer, is so secure in its
existence that it can constantly break itself down and rebuild itself. (261)
382. Your idea of space and time is determined by your neurological structure. (262)
383. You must, of necessity, focus your attention in the physical reality which has been created. (262)
384. Actually time exists as the pulses leap the nerve ends. (262)
385. Imagine past, present, and future then as a single-line delineation of experience in your terms; the line, however,
continuing indefinitely. (263)
386. The single line [representing physical experience] is merely the surface thread along which you seem to travel. (263)
387. Only by meeting one of these other selves can he become aware of the nature of this strange structure through which he is
traveling. (264)
388. The purpose is, quite simply, being as opposed to nonbeing. (264)
389. There is nonbeing, but a state in which probabilities and possibilities are known and anticipated but blocked from
expression. (264)
390. This is the lesson that ALL THAT IS had to learn, and that could not be taught. This is the agony from which creativity
originally was drawn, and its reflection is still seen. (264)
391. All that is or Primary Energy Gestalts. (265)
392. It is not enough that All That Is, as a primary consciousness gestalt, desires further being, but that each portion of it also
carries this determination. (265)
393. All That Is initiated within itself the means to be. (265)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

394. All That Is protects itself, therefore, and all that It has and is and will create. (265)
395. All That Is knows no other. (265)
396. We know that within this system of our All That Is, creation continues and developments are never still. (266)
397. The first state of agonized search for expression may have represented the birth throes of All That Is as we know it. (266)
398. Desire, wish, and expectation rule all actions and are the basis for all realities. (266)
399. Within All That Is therefore, the wish desire, and expectation of creativity existed before all other actuality. (266)
400. The strength and vitality of these desire and expectations then became in your terms so insupportable that All That Is was
driven to find the means to produce them. (266)
401. All That Is existed in a state of being, but without the means to find expression for Its being. (266)
402. The agony and the desire to create represented its proof of its own reality. The feelings in other words, were adequate
proof to All That Is that it was. (266)
403. It gave consciousness and imagination to personalities while they still were but within its dreams. They also yearned to be
actual. (267)
404. Potential individuals, in your terms, had consciousness before the beginning or any beginning as you know it, then. All
that Is, in unspeakable sympathy, sought within itself for the means. (267)
405. All That Is saw, then, an infinity of probable, conscious individuals, and foresaw all possible developments, but they were
locked within it until it found the means. (267)
406. The pressure came from two sources: from the conscious but still probable individual selves who found themselves alive
in a Gods dream, and from the God who yearned to release them. (267)
407. This then, is the dilemma of any primary pyramid gestalt: It creates reality. (268)
408. It must release the creatures and probabilities from Its dreams. (268)
409. With love and longing It let go that portion of Itself, and they were free. The psychic energy exploded in a flash of
creation. (268)
410. It is triumphant and joyful at each development taken by each consciousness, for this is an added triumph against that first
state, and It revels and takes joy in the slightest creative act of each of Its issues. (268)
411. It, of Itself and from that state, has given life to infinities of possibilities. (268)
412. From its agony, It found the way to burst forth in freedom, through expression, and in doing gave existence to
individualized consciousness. (268)
413. All individuals remember their source, and now dream of All That Is as All That Is once dreamed of them. They yearn
toward that immense source and yearn to set It free and give It actuality through their own creations. (268)
414. Within each of you is the memory of that primal agonythat urge to create and free all probable consciousness into
actuality. (269)
415. These connections between you and All That Is can never be severed. (269)
416. God is not static Himself. (269)
417. Most of your God concepts deal with a static God and here is one of your main theological difficulties. (269)
418. There is no static God. (269)
419. All portions of All That Is are constantly changing, enfolding and unfolding. (269)
420. All That Is, seeking to know Itself, constantly creates new versions of itself. (269)
421. Entities, being action, always shift and change. (270)
422. Some personalities can become more than one entity. (270)
423. Any personality can become an entity on its own. (270)
424. As atoms have mobility, so do psychological structures. (270)
425. Consciousness, seeking to know itself, therefore knows you. (270)
426. You, as a consciousness, seek to know yourself and become aware of your self as a distinct individual portion of All That
Is. (270)
427. There is no personal God-individual in Christian terms. (270)
428. There is a portion of All That Is directed and focused within each individual, residing within each consciousness. (270)
429. It (God) is aware of itself as the smallest seed. (270)
430. This portion of All That Is that is aware of itself as you, that is focused within your existence, can be called upon for help
when necessary. (270)
431. This portion that knows itself as you, and as more than you, is the personal God, you see. (270)
432. This portion of All That Is, looks out for your interests and may be called upon in a personal manner. (270)
433. Prayer contains its own answer. (271)
434. This psychic gestalt may sound impersonal to you, but since its energy forms your person, how can this be? (271)
435. If you prefer to call this supreme psychic gestalt God, then you must not attempt to objectify him. (271)
436. What you call God is the sum of all consciousness. (271)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

437. God is more than the sum of all personalities, and yet all personalities are what He is. (271)
438. The responsibility for your life and your world is indeed yours. (271)
439. You form your own dreams, and you form your own physical reality. (271)
440. Christ does not exist as one historic personage. (271)
441. There were three men whose lives became fused in history and merged, and whose composite history became known as
the life of Christ. (271)
442. The three men were a part of one entity, gaining physical existence in one time. (272)
443. There are reasons why the entity did not return as one person. (272)
444. The entity was born once as John the Baptist (272)
445. Using your free will, you have made physical reality something quite different that what was intended. (272)
446. You have focused so strongly upon physical reality that it becomes the only reality that you know. (273)
447. Men knew that death was merely a change of form. (273)
448. Not God created the crime of murder, and not God created sorrow or pain. (273)
449. Because you believe that you can murder a man and end his consciousness forever, then murder exists within your reality
and must be dealt with. (273)
450. There is never any justification for violence. (273)
451. There is no justification for hatred. (273)
452. There is no justification for murder. (273)
453. Those who indulge in violence for whatever reason are themselves changed, and the purity of their purpose adulterated.
454. I have told you that if you do not like the state of your world, it is yourselves that you must change, individually and en
masse. (273)
455. It is wrong to curse a flower and wrong to curse a man. (274)
456. It is wrong not to hold any man in honour, and it is wrong to ridicule any man. (274)
457. You must honour yourselves and see within yourselves the spirit of eternal vitality. (274)
458. You must honour each other individual also, because in him is the spark of eternal vitality. (274)
459. When you curse another, you curse yourselves, and the curse returns to you. (274)
460. When you are violent, the violence returns. (274)
461. When every young man refuses to go to war, you will have peace. (270)
462. As long as one person commits acts of violence for the sake of peace, you will have war. (270)
463. There is no man who hates but that that hatred is reflected outward and made physical. And there is no man who loves but
that that love is reflected outward and made physical. (270)
464. You must cease identifying yourself completely with your ego, and realize you can perceive more than your ego
perceives. (276)
465. You have more than one conscious mind. (276)
466. The Inner Senses are not important because they release clairvoyant or telepathic abilities, but because they reveal to us
our own independence from physical matter, and let us recognize our unique, individual multidimensional identity. (277)
467. Using our Inner Sense, we simply increase our entire range of perceptions. (278)
468. Think of the Inner Senses as paths leading to an inner reality. (278)
469. Psychological Time is a natural pathway that was meant to give an easy route of access from the inner world to the outer,
and back again, though you do not use it as such. (280)

The Inner Senses

470. Inner Vibrational Touch. (278)
471. Perception of Past, Present, and Future (281)
472. The Conceptual Sense (282)
473. Cognition of Knowledgeable Essence. (283)
474. Innate Knowledge or Basic Reality. (284)
475. Expansion or Contraction of the Tissue Capsule. (285)
476. Disentanglement from Camouflage. (285)
477. Diffusion by the energy Personality. (286)

480. You cannot truly understand or appreciate any living thing unless you can become that thing. (282)
481. Any true concept has its origins outside of your camouflage system and continues beyond it. (282)
482. There is a condition of consciousness that is more awake than any you have ever known (283)
483. As human beings we live suspended between life and death. (289)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

484. Animals, as far as we know, do not anticipate their own death, or wonder about their status before birth. (289)
485. Clock-time is an artificial device. (289)
486. Physically we can only handle so much data at once. (289)
487. Each sensation we have received since our birth is still intact in the subconscious. (289)
488. Events are not concrete in any case, but plastic, and initially they are always mental. (290)
489. Do we have psychological blind spots as defence mechanisms to prevent our being overwhelmed by reality as it actually is?
490. Our nervous systems allow us to perceive only so much true.(290)
491. ESP abilities are natural ones that we have denied because they seem to contradict our ideas of reality. (290)
492. We only inhabit the flesh, existing within it but independent of it. (291)
493. The orthodox view of many scientists and psychologists. (291)
494. It preaches the survival of the soul. (291)
495. We are, to some extent, free of our physical bodies. (291)
496. We can see and feel and learn while our consciousness is separated from the physical form. (291)
497. We can perceive portions of the future. (291)
498. We do have access to information that does not come through the physical senses. (291)
499. We are multidimensional personalities nowyou and I and everyone else. (292)
500. Consciousness congregates just as atoms and molecules do: there are clumps of consciousness just as there are clumps of
matter. (292)
501. In sticking so close to the confines of egotistical physically oriented awareness, we may be closing ourselves off from
answers to our deepest questions, knowledge that can help us deal more intelligently with physical life. (292)
502. Energy essence personality. (293)
503. The words I speak to you transmit information, but the words are not the information, only the verbal carriers of it. (299)
504. A perception is: an alteration of neurological structure. (300)
505. The receiving mechanisms themselves change, and are changed by that which they perceive. (300)
506. Any perception is action and it changes that upon which it acts, and in so doing, it is itself changed. (300)
507. Physical perception itself shapes reality into certain forms. (300)
508. The very translation into words must necessarily distort the meaning. (300)
509. The human race is a stage through which various forms of consciousness travel. (301)
510. Before you can be allowed into systems of reality that are more extensive and open, you must first learn to handle energy
and see, through physical materialization, the concrete result of thought and emotion. (301)
511. When you leave the physical system after reincarnations no longer a member of the human race, for you elect to leave it.
512. In more advanced systems, thoughts and emotions are automatically and immediately translated into action. (302)
513. The responsibility for creation must be clearly understood. (302)
514. You must be taught and trained to create responsibility. (302)
515. Yours is a training system for emerging consciousness. (302)
516. The training will serve you for existence in a variety of interrelated systems. (302)
517. The teachers within your system are those who are in their last reincarnation, and other personalities who have left the
system but have been assigned to help those still within it. (302)
518. You are dealing with the transformation of emotional energy into action and form. (302)
519. Humanity dreams the same dream at once, and you have your mass world. (302)
520. The dreamer dreams and the dreamer within the dream dreams. (303)
521. It is not that your being exists in a lesser reality. It is that you have not learned to recognize the extent of the reality in which
you do exist. (303)
522. The race of man is far more than the physical race, however. You see him in but one stage of development. (305)
523. Destruction is merely the changing of form. (307)
524. There were nine planets once. (309)
525. Existence uses form. (309)
526. Your own thoughts and mental actions appear to the inhabitants of other systems like the stars and planets within you own.
527. You own universe was formed by entities that you do not presently understand. (313)
528. The subjective reality of one man, left alone in the universe, would emit enough energy to seed another. (314)
529. The fetus does have its own astral form. (315)
530. Many natural abortions are caused when the new personality is having difficulty constructing the new form, projects to
others for advice, and is advised not to return. (316)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)

531. The fetus sees the physical environment. (316)

532. The fetus also hears. (317)
533. He (fetus) is in telepathic communication with animals and other people, and on a different level he is in a kind of
communication with plants and other such consciousnesses. (318)
534. Plants will react quite sharply to an abortion. (318)
535. The fetus, however will also react to the death of an animal in the family. (318)
536. The plants in a house are also quite aware of the growing fetus. (318)
537. Plants will also pick up the fact that a member of the family is ill, often in advance of physical symptoms. (318)
538. Plants will also know whether a fetus is male or female. (318)
539. The fetus is highly involved with perceptive mechanisms. (319)
540. There is one large point, underestimated by all of your psychologists when they list the attributes or characteristics of
consciousness. (327)
541. (Jung) presumes that consciousness must be organized about an ego structure. (328)
542. There is an inner ego; and it is this inner ego that organized what Jung would call unconscious material. (328)
543. The unconscious is conscious. (328)
544. Creativity is one of the most important attributes of consciousness. (328)
545. The inner ego is the organizer of experience that Jung would call unconscious. (328)
546. The inner ego is another term for what we call the inner self. (328)
547. The inner ego creates that physical reality with which the outer ego then deals. (328)
548. Jungs dark side of the self is the ego, not the unconscious. (328)
549. An inner consciousness with far more sense of identity and purpose than the daily ego. (329)
550. It is the daily egos ignorance and limited focus that makes it view so-called unconscious activity as chaotic. (329)
551. The conscious ego rises, indeed, out of the unconscious, but the unconscious, being the creator of the ego, is necessarily
far more conscious than its offspring. (329)
552. It is this inner self, out of massive knowledge and the unlimited scope of its consciousness; that forms the physical world
and provides stimuli to keep the outer ego constantly at the job of awareness. (329)
553. It is the inner self; here termed the inner ego, that organizes, initiates, projects, and controls the EE (electromagnetic energy)
units. (329)
554. Transforming energy into objects, into matter. (329)
555. The energy of this inner self is used by it to form from itselffrom inner experiencea material counterpart in which the
outer ego then can act out its role. (329)
556. The outer ego then acts out a play that the inner self has written. (329)
557. The outer ego is spoon-fed, being given only those feelings and emotions, only that data, that it can handle. (329)
558. The inner self or ego is not only conscious, but conscious of itself, both as an individuality apart from others and as an
individuality that is a part of all other consciousness. (329)
559. The outer ego is not continuously aware of anything. It frequently forgets itself. (330)
560. The inner ego is always aware of both aspects and is organized about its primary aspect which is creativity. (330)
561. The E.E. units are the forms that basic experience takes when directed by this inner self. (330)
562. These, then, form physical objects, physical matter. (330)
563. Matter, in other words is the shape that basic experience takes when it intrudes into three dimensional systems. (330)
564. Matter is the shape of your dreams. Yours dreams, thoughts, and emotions are literally transformed into physical matter
purposefully by this inner self. (330)
565. The individual inner self, then, through constant massive effort of great creative intensity, cooperates with all other inner
selves to form and maintain the physical reality that you know (330)
566. The buildings are solidified emotions, solidified subjective states, given physical materialization. (330)
567. vcv Physical matter can be legitimately described as an extension of the self, as much as the physical body is a projection of
the inner self. (331)
568. Throughout the ages, some have recognized the fact that there is self-consciousness and purpose in certain dream and sleep
states (332)
569. In a healthy personality, the inner self easily projects all experience into EE units, where they are translated into actuality.
Physical matter acts as a feedback. (332)

The Seth Material
(Jane Roberts: ISBN 1-56849-185-9)


Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
1. No physical form lasts. (4)
2. You cannot trust your physical senses to give you a true picture of reality. (5)
3. The fact that each of you creates your own physical reality; and en masse, you create both the glories and the terrors that
exist within your earthly experience. (6)
4. The physical senses allow you to perceive the three-dimensional world, and yet by their very nature they can inhibit the
perception of other equally valid dimensions. (8)
5. Inner ego. (9)
6. All communication takes place long before a word is spoken. (9)
7. The deeper identity forms both the inner ego and the outer ego. (9)
8. You must understand that there are no real divisions to the self. (10)
9. You cannot understand yourselves, until you rid yourself of the notion that personality is a here and now attribute of
consciousness. (10)
10. The self that you know is but one fragment of your entire identity. (11)
11. You observe the outside aspect of objects. (11)
12. There is consciousness even within a nail. (11)
13. The atoms and molecules within the nail do possess their own kind of consciousness. (11)
14. There is no such thing as dead matter. (11)
15. There is no object that was not formed by consciousness. (11)
16. You can adopt artificial limitations through your own ignorance. (12)
17. The personality is multidimensional; many people hide their heads, figuratively speaking, in the sand of three-
dimensional existence and pretend there is nothing more. (12)
18. Camouflage, referring to the physical world to which the outer ego relates. (12)
19. Personality is a gestalt of ever-changing perception. (13)
20. Each of us being presently ensconced within a physical form knows only a small portion of himself. (14)
21. The physical senses usually blind you. (15)
22. Permanency and stability basically have nothing to do with form. (17)
23. We can also take several forms at one time. (18)
24. Feelings can best be described as the three-dimensional materializations of far greater psychological events and
experiences that are related to the inner senses. (19)
25. Consciousness is not dependent upon form. (20)
26. You exist in the midst of many other systems of reality. (20)
27. You can learn to change your physical environment, therefore, by learning to change and manipulate your dream
environment. (23)
28. You can also suggest specific dreams in which a desired change is seen, and under certain conditions these will then
appear in your physical reality. (23)
29. All forms are not physical ones. Some personalities have never been physical. (23)
30. Your physical senses necessitate the perception of a three-dimensional reality. (24)
31. Your reality is no more legitimate than any other, but it is the only one that you perceive. (25)
32. The physical senses force you to translate experience into physical perceptions. (26)
33. Consciousness is a spontaneous exercise in creativity. (26)
34. You are learning now, in a three-dimensional context, the ways in which your emotional and psychic existence can
create varieties of physical form. (26)
35. Your physical environment appears as it does to you because of your own psychological structure. (27)
36. You look out into the physical universe, and interpret reality according to the information received from you outer
senses. (28)
37. When you arrive , or merge, into physical life, not only is your mind a blank slate (35)
38. Each personality has within it the ability not only to gain a new type of existence in the environment (36)
39. The entity, or the soul has a far more creative and complicated nature than even your religions have ever granted it. (37)
40. Your idea of the soul is indeed limited by your three-dimensional concepts. (37)
41. Scientists are finally learning what philosophers have known for centuries---that mind can influence matter. Mind
creates and forms matter. (40)
42. Your physical form, your corporeal personal environment, is the physical materialization of your own thoughts,
emotions, and interpretations. (41)
43. You grow the body. Its conditions perfectly mirrors your subjective state at any given time. (41)
44. The inner self, therefore, individually and en masse sends its psychic energy out, forming tentacles that coalesce into
form. (41)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
45. Each emotion and thought has its own electromagnetic reality, completely unique. And if you are not tuned into that
particular frequency, you will not perceive the physical objects at all. (41)
46. Each of you acts as transformers, unconsciously, automatically transforming highly sophisticated electromagnetic units
into physical objects. (41)
47. You are made basically of the same ingredients as a chair, a stone, a head of lettuce, a bird. (14)
48. In a gigantic cooperative endeavour, all consciousness joins together to make the forms that you perceive. (42)
49. Environments are primarily mental creations of consciousness thrust out into many forms. (42)
50. Your bodies not only change completely every seven years, for example. They change constantly with each breath. (43)
51. The physical matter that composed your body a moment ago is different in important ways from the matter that forms
your body in this instant. (43)
52. These subjective openings through which thoughts seem to disappear are in fact like psychic warps, connecting the self
that you know with other universes of experience. (44)
53. If there is any point where your own consciousness seems to elude you or escape you, or if there is a point where you
have yourselves set up psychological and psychic barriers, and these are precisely those areas that you should explore.
54. You do not understand your own multidimensional reality. (47)
55. Progress has nothing to do with time, you see, but with psychic and spiritual focus. (49)
56. Consciousness is a state of becoming (50)
57. The multidimensional self cannot act within three dimensional reality until it materializes a portion of itself within it.
58. When you realize that you do, this knowledge allows you to solve the problems or meet the challenges you have set,
quicker, in your terms, and also opens further areas of creativity by which the entire play or production can be enriched.
59. By the very nature of consciousness, it seeks to materialize itself in as many dimensions as possible---to create from
itself new levels of awareness, new offshoots. (53)
60. Reality is always in a state of becoming. (53)
61. When you think of reincarnation, you suppose a series of progressions. (53)
62. It is not restricted to one three-dimensional lifetime, nor is it restricted to three-dimensional existence alone. (53)
63. The soul or entity is highly individualized spiritual energy. It forms whatever body you now wear, and is the motive
power behind your physical survival, for from it you derive your vitality. (53)
64. Consciousness can never to still, but seeks further creativity. (53)
65. The soul, therefore, or entity, endows three-dimensional reality, and the three-dimensional self with its own properties.
66. The three-dimensional self becomes more than it knows. (53)
67. Entities or souls, in other words, send out portions of themselves to open up avenues of reality that would not exist
otherwise. (54)
68. You are learning to be gods. (54)
69. You are learning to handle the energy that is yourself, for creative purposes. (54)
70. In large manner, the physical senses actually form the physical reality they seem to only perceive.(55)
71. The inner senses, therefore, are but rarely used completely consciously. (55)
72. Your real environment is innocent of space and time as you know them. (56)
73. If you believe otherwise, then you are limited; your environment then represents the sum total of knowledge and
experience. (58)
74. As long as you believe your environment to be objective and independent of yourself, then to a large extent you feel
powerless to change it, to see beyond it, or to imagine other alternative that may be less apparent. (58)
75. You are not under a sentence placed upon you for original sin, by any childhood events, or by past-life experience. (58)
76. You are not under a pall placed upon your psyche, either by original sin. (58)
77. Creativity and consciousness are never linear achievements. In each life you choose and create your own settings or
environments; and in this one you chose your parents and whatever childhood incidents that came within your
experience. You wrote the script. (59)
78. The printed line does not contain information. It transmits information. (60)
79. Words convey information, feelings or thoughts. (60)
80. Objects are also symbols. (60)
81. The true information is not in the objects any more than the thought is in the letter or in words. Words are methods of
expression. So are physical objects in a different kind of medium. (60)
82. Though you hear the words and recognize their appropriateness, and though they may more or less approximate an
expression of your feeling, they are not your feeling. (61)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
83. You do not know how you think. (61)
84. The constant creation of your physical environment as a method of communication and expression. (61)
85. You form your physical body as effortlessly and unselfconsciously as you translate feelings into symbols that become
words. (62)
86. The environment expresses a particular individuals personality. I am telling you that this is a literal and not symbolic
truth. (62)
87. Man forms physical objects as unselfconsciously and as automatically as he forms his own breath. (62)
88. The physical universe does not contain physical objects of solidity, width and depth, to those whose existence is not
within it. (63)
89. Various points of your realities can and do coincide, so to speak. (63)
90. Coordinate points, where realities merge. There are main coordinate points, pure mathematically; sources of fantastic
energy and subordinate coordinate points, vast in number. (63)
91. There are four absolute coordinate points that intersect all realities. These coordinate points also act as channels through
which energy flow, and as warps or invisible path from one reality to another. The also act as transformer, and provide
much of the generating energy that makes creation continuous in your terms. (63)
92. These coordinate points---absolute, main, or subordinaterepresent accumulations or traces of pure energy. (64)
93. There is an ever-so-minute alterations of gravity forces in the neighbourhood of all of these points. (64)
94. These are points, therefore, of concentrated energy. (64)
95. The concentrated energy points are activated by emotional intensities that are well within your normal range. (65)
96. These points are like invisible power plants, in other words, activated when any emotional feeling or thought of
sufficient intensity comes into contact. (65)
97. This is highly simplified, but the subjective experience of any consciousness is automatically expressed as
electromagnetic energy. (65)
98. Each though or emotion therefore exists as an electromagnetic energy unit or as a combination of these under certain
conditions, and often with the help of coordinate points, they emerge into the building blocks of physical matter. (66)
99. Mental images, accompanied by strong emotion, are blueprints therefore upon which a corresponding physical object,
or condition or event, will in your terms appear. (66)
100. The intensity of a feeling or thought or mental image is, therefore the important element in determining its subsequent
physical materialization. (66)
101. The intensity is the core about which the electromagnetic energy units form. (67)
102. The more intense the core, the sooner the physical materialization. (67)
103. If your turn of mind is highly intense and you think in vivid mental emotional images, these will be swiftly formed into
physical events. (67)
104. Your thoughts and emotions begin their journey into physical actualization at the moment of conception. (67)
105. That thoughts and emotions are formed into physical matter by very definite methods and through laws quite valid. (68)
106. You cannot understand the psychic reality that is the true impetus for your physical existence unless you first realize
your own psychic reality, and independence from physical laws. (68)
107. First of all, a soul is not something that you have. It is what you are. (70)
108. Your most intimate powerful inner identity---is and must be forever changing. It is not, therefore, something like a
cherished heirloom. It is alive, responsive, and curious. It forms the flesh and the world that you know, and it is in a
state of becoming. (71)
109. The soul or entity is always in a state of flux. (71)
110. The soul or entity is not diminished but expanded through reincarnations, through existence and experience in probable
realities. (71)
111. The soul or entity is itself the most highly motivate, most highly energized, and most potent consciousness-unit known
in any universe. (72)
112. You are one manifestation of your own soul. (72)
113. The soul, above all, perceives and creates. (75)
114. Your own personality as you know it, that portion of you that you consider most precious, most uniquely you, will also
never be destroyed or lost. It is a portion of the soul. (75)
115. The truth is that the personality you are now and the personality that you have been and will be---in the terms in which
you understand time---all of these personalities are manifestations of the soul, of your soul. (75)
116. Your soul, possesses the wisdom, information, and knowledge that is part of the experience of all these other
personalities; and you have within yourselves access to this information, but only if you realize the true nature of your
reality. (76)
117. The soul itself is not static. It grows and develops even through the experience of those personalities that compose it; it
is more than the sum of its parts. (76)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
118. There are no closed systems in reality. (76)
119. Consciousness can never be a closed system, and all barriers of such a nature are illusion. (76)
120. Another word for the soul is entity. (76)
121. One prerequisite for such an intuitive understanding of the soul is the desire to achieve it. If the desire is strong enough,
then you will be automatically led to experiences that will result in vivid, unmistakable subjective knowledge. (77)
122. There are no real divisions between the perceiver and the thing seemingly perceived. In many ways the thing perceived
is an extension of the perceiver. But all acts are mental or if you prefer, psychic acts. (79)
123. This characteristic of materializing thoughts and emotions into physical realities is an attribute of the soul. (79)
124. You soul, constructs your physical daily reality for you from the nature of your thoughts and expectations. (79)
125. The soul perceives all experience directly. (80)
126. The soul does not need to follow the laws and principles that are a part of the physical reality, and it does not depend
upon physical perception. The souls perceptions are of act and events that are mental. (80)
127. Each event of which you are aware is already a translation of an inner event, a psychic or mental event that is perceived
by the soul directly, but translated by the physically oriented portions of the self into physical sense terms. (81)
128. Perception is not dependent upon physical senses. (81)
129. Your experience within the physical system is dependent upon a physical form and physical senses---again, because
these interpret reality and translate it into physical data. (81)
130. Physical existence is one way in which the soul chooses to experience its own actuality. The soul, in other words, has
created a world for you to inhabit, to change---a complete sphere of activity in which new developments and indeed
new dorms of consciousness can emerge. (82)
131. You continually create your soul as it continually creates you. (82)
132. The soul can be considered as an electromagnetic energy field, of which you are part. A powerhouse of probabilities or
probable actions. (82)
133. Within your body you cannot put your finger upon your own identity. (82)
134. When it should be asked, Who are you? it would simply answer, I am I, and be answering for you also. (83)
135. No psychological system is closed, no consciousness is closed. (83)
136. The soul is a traveler, but it is also the creator of all experience, and of all destinations in your terms. It creates worlds
as it goes. (83)
137. Consciousness is not basically built upon those precepts of good and evil that so presently concern you. (84)
138. You are a soul: you are a particular manifestation of a soul, and it is sheer nonsense to think that you must remain
ignorant of the nature of your own being. (84)
139. A spiritual or psychological or psychic exploration. (84)
140. You will not be trying to find your soul. In that respect there is nothing to find. It is not lost, and you are not lost. (84)
141. Form is the result of concentrated energy, the pattern for it caused by vividly directed emotional or psychic idea images.
142. If you have, for example, a highly vivid desire to be somewhere else, then without realizing it consciously a
pseudophysical form, identical with your own, may appear in that very spot. (85)
143. Each individual actually sends such replica images of himself out frequently. (86)
144. The body is actually blinking off and on. (87)
145. Now anything that appears in physical terms also exists in other terms that you do not perceive. (87)
146. Your present personality as you think of it is indeed indelible, and continues after death to grow and develop. (89)
147. While you continue to exist and develop as an individual, your whole self, or soul, has such vast potential, that it can
never be expressed fully through one personality. (89)
148. Through very intense emotional focus you can create a form, and project it to another person who may then perceive it.
149. The physical body is the materialization of the astral form. (90)
150. You can know what happened in the past and have histories. (90)
151. You can draw upon knowledge that belongs to these other independent selves. (91)
152. You can learn to focus your attention away from physical reality, to learn new methods of perception that will enable
you to enlarge your concept of reality and greatly expand your own experience. (91)
153. You are as actively and vividly concerned in these realities as you are in the one in which your main attention is now
focused. (91)
154. The body, in other words, is simply one manifestation of what you are in one reality; but in these other realities you
have other forms. (91)
155. You are not divorced from these other streams of consciousness in any basic way; only your focus of attention closes
you off from them. (91)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
156. The point is that you are only limited to the self you know if you think that you are and if you do not realize that that
self is far from your entire identity. (92)
157. Any creative work involves you in a cooperative process in which you learn to dip into these other streams of
consciousness. (92)
158. Know beyond all doubt that your own consciousness and identity is independent of the world in which you now focus
your primary attention. (92)
159. There is final process of dreaming that often masks intense psychological and psychic experience, and unfortunately
what you usually recall is this final dream version. (93)
160. If you do not want to remember a particular dream, you yourself censor the memory on levels quite close to
consciousness. (93)
161. Here the basic experience is hastily dressed up as much as possible in physical clothes. This is not because you want to
understand the experience, but because you refuse to accept it as basically non-physical. (93)
162. Your consciousness leaves your body often in the sleep state. (94)
163. You process daily experience, project it into what you think of as the future, choose from an infinity of probable events
those you will make physical, and begin the mental and psychic processes that will bring them into the world of
substance. (94)
164. (Short naps) The conscious self would recall more of its dream adventures as a matter of course, and gradually these
would be added to the totality of experience as the ego thinks of it. (97)
165. Ideally, sleeping five hours at a time, you gain the maximum benefit. (98)
166. You would retain a far greater memory of your subjective experience, and your body would be healthier, if these
sleeping patterns were changed. (98)
167. This sleep pattern would generally aid persons with problems of depression. (99)
168. Many diseases are simply caused by this division of you and this long period of bodily inactivity. (100)
169. The functions of hormones and chemicals and of adrenal processes in particular, would function with far greater
effectiveness with these alternative periods of activities. (101)
170. That anything over a six-to-eight hour continuous sleeping period works against you; a ten-hour period for example can
be quite disadvantageous. (101)
171. But the largely creative portions of the self do leave the body, and for large periods of time when you sleep. (101)
172. You do literally starve your bodies at night, and add to the aging of your bodies by denying them food throughout those
long hours. (102)
173. You would become aware of your clairvoyant and telepathic abilities, for example, to a far greater degree, and you
would not feel the deep separation that you now feel between the dreaming and waking self. (102)
174. The problems of senility would also be reduced. (102)
175. You are asking too much of normal waking consciousness (104)
176. The ego feels threatened by the extended leave of absence it must take, becomes wary of sleep, and sets up barriers
against the dream state. (104)
177. A clear, uncluttered, bright, and powerful consciousness needs frequent rest periods if its efficiency is to be maintained,
and if it is to correctly interpret reality. (105)
178. In some cases you literally force yourselves to sleep when your consciousness could be at one of its maximum points.
This is incidentally, in the predawn period. (105)
179. You consciousness is telepathic and clairvoyant. (108)
180. Those who over identify their consciousness with their body can suffer self-created torment for no reason, lingering
about the body. (109)
181. By its nature consciousness may flicker and fluctuate, but the spirit does not. (109)
182. Consciousness does not refresh itself in sleep. (109)
183. The spirit therefore is never in a state of nothingness, with its consciousness extinguished. (110)
184. You rely upon the body to express the perceptions of you consciousness. You tend, again, to identify the expression of
your consciousness with the body. (111)
185. If the dying person over identifies with the body then he can easily panic, thinking that all expression is therefore cut
off, and for that matter that his consciousness is about to be extinguished. (112)
186. What happens at the point of death? (116)
187. What will happen when I am not alive in physical terms any longer? What will I feel? Will I still be myself? (116)
188. Will the emotions that propelled me in life continue to do so? Is there a heaven or a hell? (116)
189. Will I be greeted by gods or demons, enemies, or beloved ones? (116)
190. Most of all the questions means: When I am dead, will I still be who I am now, and will I remember those who are dear
to me now? (116)
191. There is no separate, indivisible, specific point of death. (117)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
192. Life is a state of becoming, and death is a part of this process of becoming. (117)
193. In the midst of small deaths. (117)
194. You are often dead, even amid the sparkling life of your own consciousness. (117)
195. By Dead, I mean completely unfocused in physical reality. Your consciousness, quite simply, is not physically alive,
physically oriented, for exactly the same amount of time as it is physically alive and oriented. (117)
196. The entire structure flickers off and on. (118)
197. Consciousnesshuman consciousnessis not dependent upon the tissues, and yet there is no physical matter that is
not brought into being by some portion of consciousness. (118)
198. In many cases of senility, for example, the strongly organized portions of personality have already left the body, and are
meeting the new circumstances. (119)
199. A belief in hell fires can cause you to hallucinate Hades conditions. (119)
200. A belief in a stereotyped heaven can result in a hallucination of heavenly conditions. (119)
201. Such hallucinations are temporary. (119)
202. You can experience the after-death environment beforehand, so to speak, and learn the conditions that will be
encountered. (120)
203. Death will not bring you an eternal resting place. (121)
204. Not only must you use your abilities after death, however, but you must face up to yourself for those that you did not
use during your previous existence. (121)
205. If consciousness vacated the body for the same amount of time from a normally physically awake state, it would
consider itself dead. (121)
206. Your true feeling toward relatives who are also dead will be known to you and to them. (122)
207. You will not be automatically wise if you were not so before, neither will there be a way to hide from your own
feelings, emotions, or motives. (122)
208. You examine the fabric of the existence you have left, and you learn to understand how your experiences were the
result of your own thought and emotions and how these affected others. (122)
209. When you realize the significance and meaning of the life you have just left, then you are ready for conscious
knowledge of your other existences. (122)
210. Your consciousness leaves the physical organism in various ways. (123)
211. Thoughts and emotions form physical reality, and they form after death experience. This does not mean that the
experiences are not valid, anymore than it means that physical life is not valid. (123)
212. Christianity has believed in a heaven and a hell, a purgatory, and reckoning; and so, at death, to those who so believe in
these symbols, another ceremony is enacted, and the guides take on the guise of those beloved figure of Christian saints
and heroes. (124)
213. These after-death environments do not exist necessarily on other planets. They do not take up space, so the question,
Where does all this happen? is meaningless in basic terms. (132)
214. In sleep and dream states you are involved in the same dimension of existence in which you will have your after-death
experiences. (134)
215. Dreams are no more hallucinatory than your physical life is. (135)
216. It is much easier to pretend that all such experiences are symbolic and not literal, to evolve complicated psychological
theories, for example, to explain flying dreams. (135)
217. The simple fact is that when you dream you are flying, you often are. (135)
218. In physical life there is a lag between the conception of an idea and its physical construction. In dream reality, this is
not so. (135)
219. The soul creates the flesh for a reason, and physical existence for a reason, so none of this is to lead you to distaste for
physical life, not toward a lack of appreciation for those sensual joys with which you are surrounded. (137)
220. Any inner journeys should allow you to find greater significance, beauty, and meaning in life as you know it now. (137)
221. With proper understanding, therefore, it is quite possible for you to become quite familiar now with after-death
landscapes and environments and experiences. (137)
222. You should not embark, upon an exploration of these nightly adventures if you are depressed. (138)
223. If your ideas of good and evil are rigorous, unbending, then you do not have the understanding that is necessary for any
conscious manipulation in this other dimension. (138)
224. If you believe all men are evil, you simply will not experience the goodness in men. (138)
225. Your experience follows your expectations. (138)
226. If you are obsessed with the idea of evil, then you will meet evil conditions. (139)
227. If you believe in devils, then you will encounter these. (139)
228. Therefore, if you find yourself concentrating upon the evils of physical existence, then you re not ready for such
explorations. (139)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
229. If it is your own thought-form, then, in fact you may learn from it by asking yourself what it represents, what problem
that you have so materialized. (139)


1. It is a good idea to ask yourself every now and then: What am I actually conscious of at this time? Do this where
space seems empty, and listen in the middle of silence. (140)

229. The inner senses are equipped to perceive data that is not physical. (141)
230. In many ways then, you are dead now --- and as dead as you will ever be. (141)
231. Experiencing events that are not even registered within the physical brain. (142)
232. After death you are simply aware of these dimensions of activity that you now ignore. (142)
234. Events are not things that happen to you. They are materialized experiences formed by you according to your
expectations and beliefs. (142)
235. If you find severe errors of judgement, you may then correct them. (142)
236. Your life is your own personal experience perspective, and when at death you take it out of the mass physical time
context, and then you can experience it in many ways. (143)
237. If you want to know what death is like, then become aware of your own consciousness as it is divorced from physical
activities. (143)
238. As a rule ghosts and apparitions are not any more aware of their effect upon others than you are when you appear quite
unconsciously as ghosts in worlds that would be quite strange to you. (145)
239. You appear in astral form in realities that are comparatively more advanced than you own. (145)
240. If you think strongly of an object, somewhere it will appear. (145)
241. If you think strongly of being in another location, a pseudo image of yourself will be projected out from you to that
place. (145)
242. Your rooms are full now of thought-forms that you do not perceive. (146)
243. You ignore certain temperature variations and stirrings of air, as imagination, that are instead indicative of such thought-
forms. (146)
244. So others, strangers, may communicate with you when you are sleeping, and even guide you through various periods of
your life. (147)
245. There are unlimited varieties of experience open to you after death, focus instead upon (148)
246. Reincarnation involves far more than a simple decision to undergo another physical existence. (150)
247. The relationships for the next life have to be settled upon, and this involves telepathic communication with all those
who will be involved. (152)
248. Entering the field f probabilities can be compared to entering the reincarnational cycle. (153)
249. You learn to plan your existences. (155)
250. The time of choosing is dependent upon the condition and circumstances of the individual following transition from
physical life. (158)
251. A belief in heaven or hell, under certain conditions, can be equally disadvantageous. (159)
252. Either state, however, puts off the time of choosing and the next existence. (159)
253. Suicides as a class, for example, do not have any particular punishment meted out to them, nor is their condition any
worse a priori. (159)
254. The mechanics of transition therefore are highly variable, as the mechanics of physical life are highly variable. (160)
255. A belief in heaven that is not an obsessional belief can be used as a useful framework(161)
256. Those who have learned to understand and operate in the mechanics of the dream state will have great advantage. (161)
257. A systematized theology of opposites is also detrimental. (161)
258. All of these distortions are impediments, are extremely superficial and largely the result of misused intellectual abilities,
for it prevents an understanding of the facts ---the facts of inner unity and of oneness, of interconnections and of
cooperation. (161)
259. A belief in the good without a belief in the evil may seem highly unrealistic to you. This belief, however, is the best
kind of insurance that you can have, both during physical life and afterward. (162)
260. A belief in good without a belief in evil is actually realistic, since in physical life it will keep your body healthier, keep
you psychologically free of many fears and mental difficulties, and bring you a feeling of ease and spontaneity in which
the development of your abilities can be better fulfilled. (162)
261. Christianity was but a distortion of this main truth. (163)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
262. The experiment that would transform your world would operate upon the basic idea that you create your own reality
according to the nature of your beliefs, and that all existence was blessed, and that evil did not exist in it. If these ideas
were followed individually and collectively, then the evidence of your physical senses would find no contradiction.
They would perceive the world and existence as good. (163)
263. Now you do not realize your true identity. (165)
264. You have complete knowledge of your past lives. (165)
265. When the time of choosing comes, therefore, the choices available are far more diverse than those offered or possible to
personalities who must still reincarnate. (166)
266. Others, finished with reincarnations and of a different overall nature, may begin the long journey leading toward the
vocation of a creator. (166)
267. There are also those who choose to be healers. (168)
268. Throughout your reincarnational existences you expand your consciousness, your ideas, your perceptions, your values.
269. Your rate of learning depends entirely upon you, however. Limited, dogmatic, or rigid concepts of good and evil can
hold you back. (170)
270. That many of your ideas of good and evil are highly distortive, and shadow all understanding you have of the nature of
reality. (171)
271. If you form a guilt in your mind, then it is a reality for you, and you must work it out. (171)
272. He who hates an evil merely creates another one. (171)
273. To kill is obviously a moral crime, but to kill another in punishment only compounds the original error. (171)
274. If you hate another person, that hate may bind you to him through as many lives as you allow the hate to consume you.
275. It is useless then to say, When this life is over I will look back upon my experience and mend my ways. (172)
276. Your thoughts and everyday experience contain the answers. Any successes in this life, any abilities, have been worked
out through past experience. (172)
277. Families must be considered as gestalts of psychic activity. (173)
278. Families have subconscious purposed, though the individual members of the family may pursue these goals without
conscious awareness. (173)
279. The simple fact is that as long as you believe in the concept of evil, it is a reality in your system, and you will always
find it manifested. (173)
280. If a man says he loves you and yet denies you your freedom, then you often hate him. (175)
281. If you hate evil, then beware of your conception of the word. (174)
282. If, for example, you hate a parent, then it becomes quite easy to hate any parents. (174)
283. If you hate illness you may bring upon yourself a succeeding life of illness. (174)
284. If you expand your sense of love, of health, and existence, then you are drawn in this life and in others toward those
qualities. (174)
285. In the next life you will be working with those attitudes that are now yours. (174)
286. Those sparks of truth, intuition, love, joy, creativity, and accomplishment gained now, will work for you then as they do
now. (174)
287. Change of form is not destructive. (175)
288. The man, who literally hates, immediately sets himself up in this fashion. (175)
289. A man who hates always believes himself justified. (175)
290. There is nothing to be gained, either, by hating hatred. (175)
291. Hate is powerful if you believe in it. (176)
292. As a species, in the context of normal usage, you have considered yourselves as apart from the rest of nature and
consciousness. (177)
293. The species must learn the value of the individual man. (178)
294. Some individuals are being reborn at this time simply to help you understand. (178)
295. The problem of war will sooner or later teach you that when you kill another man, basically you will end up killing
yourself. (178)
296. The over-population problem will teach you that if you do not have a loving concern for the environment in which you
dwell, it will no longer sustain you. (178)
297. You will not be destroying the planet; you will not be destroying the birds or the flowers, or the grain or the animals.
You will not be worthy of them, and they will be destroying you. (178)
298. In each life you are meant to check the exterior environment in order to learn your inner condition. (179)
299. You are meant to understand the nature of your inner self, and to manifest it outward. (179)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
300. Exterior circumstances should change for the better as the inner self becomes more aware of its own nature and
capabilities. (179)
301. No consciousness has the same experiences or interprets them the same. (179)
302. Abilities cannot be developed following a one-sex line. (179)
303. There is a inner logic to your current relationships, attitudes, and experiences. If in one life, for example, you hated
women, you may very well be a woman in the next life. (179)
304. If you had no sympathy for the sick, you may then be born with a serious disease. (180)
305. A chronically ill existence, for example, might also be a measure of discipline. (180)
306. The perfectly happy life for example, on the surface, may appear splendid (180)
307. Illness is often the result of ignorance and lazy mental habits. (180)
308. The opportunity for development and knowledge is as present at this moment, in this life, as it will ever be. (180)
309. You chose the circumstances of your birth this time. (181)
310. If you examine your own life now carefully, the challenges that you have set for yourself will become apparent. (181)
311. If you release yourself from hatred, then you automatically release yourself from any such relationships in the future.
312. On a unconscious basis, you are aware of the birth into physical life of someone you have known in the past. (182)
313. Reincarnation is at tool used by personalities. (183)
314. Predetermination is never involved. (183)
315. The laws of reincarnation are adapted by the individual personalities to suit themselves. (183)
316. Each person lives both male and female lives. (185)
317. Maleness and femaleness are obviously not opposites, but merging tendencies. (186)
318. The animus, or the hidden male with the woman. (186)
319. The anima in the male is, therefore, the psychic memory and identification of all the previous female existences in
which the inner self has been involved. (185)
320. The reality of the anima and animus is far deeper then than Juan supposed. (190)
321. Personality as you know it, cannot be understood unless the true meaning of anima and the animus is taken into
consideration. (190)
322. The true unconscious is not unconscious. Instead, it is so profoundly and unutteringly conscious that it bubbles over.
323. The anima and the animus, therefore, are embedded deeply with their necessary complementary but apparently opposed
tendencies, and they are highly important in maintaining the very nature of your human consciousness. (191)
324. The Atoms that compose the fetus have their own kind of consciousness. (194)
325. The consciousness of matter is present in any matter. (194)
326. There is no rule, then, saying that the reincarnating personality must take over the new form prepared for it either at the
point of conception, in the very earliest months of the fetuss growth or even at the point of birth. (194)
327. In the early days of infancy, there is not a steady focus of the personality in the body in any case. (195)
328. The reincarnating personality is aware, therefore, when the conception for which it has been waiting takes place. (195)
329. Until the new personality enters, the fetus regards itself as a part of the organism of the mother. (196)
330. When the child, particularly the young child, is sleeping, for example, the personality often simply vacates the body.
331. A crisis, particularly in very early or very late life, may so shatter the personalitys identification with the body that he
vacates it temporarily. (197)
332. The hold of the personality over the body is tenuous in the early years, and grows stronger. (197)
333. Evolution, as you think of it and as it is categorized by your scientists, represents but one probable line of evolution, the
one in which, again, you are presently immersed. (201)
334. There are many probable systems of reality, therefore, in which physical data predominates. (203)
335. Only a portion of your entire identity is presently familiar to you. (203)
336. When you consider the question of a supreme being, you imagine a male personality with those abilities that you
yourselves possess, with great emphasis upon qualities you admire. (203)
337. You have cast your idea of god, therefore, in your own image. (203)
338. If I told you that God was an idea, you would not understand what I meant. (203)
339. Ideas, then, are far more important than you realize. (204)
340. God, therefore, is first of all a creator, not of one physical universe, but of an infinite variety of probable existences.
341. There was no beginning, and there will be no end. (204)
342. Multidimensional awareness is available to you in your dreams. (204)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
343. This awareness gives personal experience with the multidimensional richness that exists not apart from but intermingled
with, within, through, and all about your physical world of sense. (204)
344. God does not exist apart from or separate from physical reality, but exists within it and as a part of it, as he exists within
and as a part of all other systems of existence. (204)
345. There were three separate individuals whose history blended, and they became known collectively as Christ. (204)
346. These three figures worked out a drama, highly symbolic, propelled by concentrated energy of great force. (205)
347. The crucifixion of Christ was a psychic, but not a physical event. (205)
348. The three Christ personalities were born upon you planet, and indeed became flesh among you. (206)
349. Whether or not the Crucifixion occurred physically, it was a psychic event, and exists as do all the other events
connected with the drama. (206)
350. God is more than the sum of all the probable systems of reality he has created, and yet he is within each one of these,
without exception. (207)
351. God can only be experienced. (207)
352. In the most inescapable truth, he is not human in your terms at all, nor in you terms is he a personality. (207)
353. He literally was made flesh to dwell among you, for he forms your flesh in that he is responsible for the energy that
gives vitality and validity to your private multidimensional self, which in turn forms your image in accordance with
your own ideas. (207)
354. It must, therefore, create as it is created, for this is the great giving that is behind all dimensions of existence, the
spilling-over from the fountain of All That Is. (207)
355. There are no facts that can be given that can portray with any faithfulness the attributes of All That Is. (208)
356. The inner experience with the multidimensional God can come in two main areas. (208)
357. All personal contact with the multidimensional God, all legitimate moments of mystic consciousness, will always have
a unifying effect. (209)
358. There are, therefore, probable gods, each one reflecting in its way the multidimensional aspects of a prime identity so
great and dazzling that no one reality form or particular kind of existence could contain it. (209)
359. The term All That Is can be used as a designation to include all of those probable gods in all of their manifestations.
360. You have outgrown the time of childrens tales. (209)
361. In a manner of speaking, it can be said that you have reincarnational civilizations as well as reincarnating individuals.
362. He has a responsibility to and for the civilization in which he has each existence, for he helps form it through his own
thought, emotions and actions. (212)
363. As you are given many lives in which to develop and fulfill your abilities, so has the species in those terms been allotted
more than the single line of historical development with which you are presently acquainted. (213)
364. Groups of people in various cycles of reincarnational activity have net crisis after crisis, have come to your point of
physical development and either gone beyond it, or destroyed their particular civilization. (213)
365. This group of entities still takes a great interest in earth. They lend it support and energy. In a way, they could be
thought of now as earth gods. (213)
366. On your planet they were involved in three particular civilizations long before the time of Atlantis; when, in fact, your
planet itself was in a somewhat different position. (213)
367. Sound was a conveyor or weight and mass. (214)
368. Energy must be allowed to flow freely through the physical system, controlled and directed mentally or psychically if
you prefer. (215)
369. The civilization was called Lumania. (215)
370. Lumanians. (215)
371. There have been such bleed-throughs between your own civilization and the Lumanians. (223)
372. The probable system of reality is not just a philosophical question. If you are interested in the nature of your own
reality, then it becomes a highly personal and pertinent matter. (224)
373. In your daily life at any given moment of your time, you have a multitudinous choice of actions. (225)
374. All actions are initially mental acts. This is the nature of reality. (226)
375. The soul can be described for that matter, as a multidimensional, infinite act, each minute probability being brought
somewhere into actuality and existence; an infinite creative act that creates for itself infinite dimensions in which
fulfillment is possible. (226)
376. If there are individual probable selves, then of course there are probable earths, all taking roads that you have not
adopted. (227)
377. To the extent that you are open and receptive, you can benefit greatly by the various experiences of your probable
selves, and can gain from their knowledge and abilities. (228)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
378. The soul is not a finished product. (228)
379. There are probable gods as there are probable men. (228)
380. The nature of All That Is can only be sensed directly through the inner senses, or, in a weaker communication, through
inspiration or intuition. (228)
381. Probabilities are an ever-present portion of your invisible psychological environment. You exist in the middle of the
probable system of reality. (229)
382. The unrealized physical connections that might have occurred, but did not, are worked out in other layers of reality.
383. To advance as a consciousness is to become more and more aware of these other materializations of your own
identity. (230)
384. One event can be actualized by more than one probable self. (231)
385. You can avail yourself to some extent of abilities and knowledge possessed by threes other probable portions of your
personality. (231)
386. The connections make for quite constant bleed-throughs. (231)
387. It is very poor policy to dwell negatively on unpleasant aspects of the past that you know, because some portions of the
probable self may still be involved in that past. (231)
388. To dwell upon the possibility of illness or disaster is equally poor policy, for you set up negative webs of probabilities
that need not occur. (231)
389. You can theoretically alter your own past as you have known it. (231)
390. The past existed in multitudinous ways. You only experienced one probable past. (231)
391. Exercise: Pretend a particular event happened that greatly disturbed you(232)
392. Because there are bleed-throughs and interconnections(232)
393. In some probable realities, Christianity as you know it did not flourish. In some males did not dominate. In others the
makeup of physical matter simply followed different lines. (233)
394. Watch out for events that appear to make no sense, for they are often clues to larger invisible events. (233)
395. So are there spectrums of matter. (234)
396. In greater terms, it is impossible to separate one physical event from the probable events, for these are all dimensions of
one action. (234)
397. The mind, which is the inner counterpart of the brain, can at times perceive the far greater dimensions of any given
event through a burst of sudden intuition or comprehension that cannot be adequately described on a verbal level. (234)
398. It seems as if an atom exists steadily for a certain amount of time. (235)
399. These fluctuations are actually simultaneous. It would seem to you as if there would be gaps between the fluctuations,
and the description I have used the best one for our purposes; but the probable systems all exist simultaneously, and
basically, following this discussion, the atom is in all these other systems at one time. (235)
400. Christian dogma speaks of the ascension of Christ. (237)
401. The nature of good and evil is a highly important point. (238)
402. Evil does not exist. (238)
403. You must understand that each mental act is a reality for which you are responsible. (238)
404. No soul is forever ignorant. (238)
405. The devil idea is merely the mass projection of certain fears. (239)
406. There are, then no devils waiting to carry anyone off, unless you create them yourself, in which case the power resides
in you and not in the mock devils. (239)
407. The Crucifixion and attendant drama made sense within your reality at the time. (239)
408. The Buddhists come closer, generally speaking, to a description of the nature of reality. (240)
409. Thought exists before the brain and after it. (242)
410. Symbolism. (244)
411. The rules within physical reality say that objects appear to be stationary and permanent. (245)
412. Only the very highest, most developed gestalt consciousness can be aware of anything like their totality. (245)
413. The idea of guardian angels of course is highly connected here. (247)
414. Most dreams are like animated post cards brought back from a journey that you have returned from and largely
forgotten. (248)
415. In the most protected areas of sleep, the apparent barriers between many layers of reality vanish. (249)
416. You usually glide from wakefulness through to sleep without ever noticing the various conditions of consciousness
through which you pass, yet there are several. (249)
417. Suggestions given during this time are highly effective. (250)
418. The purpose of the Speakers is to help you correlate and understand this multidimensional existence, and to bring as
much as possible of it to your conscious attention. (251)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
419. Probable realities are only probable to you because you are not aware of them. (251)
420. These stages of consciousness are all a part of your own reality. A knowledge of them can be most useful. (251)
421. You can direct the healing of your body(251)
422. You may ask for the aid of a Speaker(251)
423. Within you own personality all facets of your consciousness converge, whether or not you are aware of it. (254)
424. Symbols can be regarded as samples of the way you perceive at various levels of consciousness. (254)
425. All symbols are an attempt to express feelings, feelings that can never be expressed adequately through language. (255)
426. Symbols represent the infinite variations of feelings, and in various stages of consciousness theses will appear in
different terms, but they will always accompany you. (255)
427. Physical objects are the most obvious of your symbols, and precisely for that reason you do not realize that they are
symbols at all. (257)
428. At different levels, consciousness works with different kinds of symbols. (257)
429. Your body is your most intimate symbol at this point, and again your most obvious. (257)
430. You will use the idea of a body in most stages of consciousness. (257)
431. The idea of the form is so important a symbol that you carry it through all of your religious literature, and stories of
hereafter. (257)
432. You can keep track of the way symbols appear to you in both waking life and the dream state, and learn to connect them
with the feelings they represent.(258)
433. Symbol is always a signpost (258)
434. Unless you make an effort at self-exploration, however, these symbolic guideposts will make no conscious sense. (258)
435. If you know what your own symbols mean, then you can use the knowledge not only to interpret your dreams but also
as signposts to the state of consciousness in which they usually occur. (259)
436. All symbols stand for inner realities, therefore, and when you juggle symbols, you are juggling inner realities. (259)
437. The dream universe is as objective as the corporeal one. (259)
438. The objects and symbols within it are as faithful representations of dream life as physical objects are of waking life.
439. Symbols that behave in this way can be clues to you that you are now at another stage of consciousness, and within an
entirely different interior environment. (260)
440. To some extent this transmutation of symbol can be observed in various stages of waking consciousness also. (261)
441. The form of symbols is changed as the states of consciousness change. (261)
442. Imaginatively you have greater freedom to express feelings that you do practically. (261)
443. The closer you get to waking consciousness, the more limited and narrow the symbol. (263)
444. To some extent the more precise a symbol is, the less meaning it can contain. (263)
445. Each physical event that has happened to you is filed away within your psyche as a definite group of symbols. (263)
446. Personal association, therefore, is highly involved with your personal bank of symbols, and it operates in the dream
states precisely as in waking life---but with greater freedom, and drawing from the future. (263)
447. You have greater use of symbolism in the dream state, for you are aware of past and future symbols. (263)
448. I meant to specify that this bank was yours from the day of symbols; I meant to specify that this bank was yours from
the day of your birth and before. (264)
449. The eye-opening activates the inner mechanism. (264)
450. Those who are born into the same nationality, say twice consecutively, learn to speak much quicker the second time
around. (264)
451. The thought unspoken has a sound that you do not hear. (265)
452. Trees as they stand are a sound that, again. (265)
453. Given certain sounds, you could recreate your universe as you know it unconsciously. (265)
454. The alpha state is a threshold, a preliminary state between the physically oriented portions of the personality and the
inner self. (266)
455. Physically, smell, sight, and sound are combined together to give you your main sense data at other levels, however,
these are separated. (266)
456. You operate as if your thought were secret, though you should know by now that they are not. (266)
457. Your thoughts then follow laws. (266)
458. Your system in this respect is more creative than the systems just mentioned. (267)
459. No system of reality is closed. (267)
460. Symbols should be fluid, ever-changing in their form.(268)
461. Without physical storms you would all go insane.(268)
462. The aggressive nature of symbols is little understood. (268)
463. Aggressiveness and passivity are both behind symbols of birth, for both are needed. (268)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
464. Inertia results when aggressiveness and creativity are not in the proper proportions. (268)
465. You can sometimes catch yourselves encountering such states of reality in which nothing appears and no signs of any
consciousness outside of your own is apparent. (269)
466. The alpha level is undifferentiated. (269)
467. Your intent before you enter the alpha state largely predetermines the kind of experience you will have, automatically
focusing your attention in those specified areas. (270)
468. When your consciousness leaves your body, the alpha state maintains its good condition for you. (270)
469. In A-1 your consciousness can enter the body of another, and heal it. (271)
470. It is easier to form image, and they have a greater mobility. (272)
471. Each of the deeper layers of consciousness can also be used as first steps leading to other adjacent levels. (272)
472. Any such physical clues can help you differentiate between this state of consciousness and the usual predominating one.
You have only to recognize it, learn to hold it, and then proceed to experiment in its use. (272)
473. With practice you can become as intuitively aware of your internal physical environment, as your external physical
environment. (273)
474. With greater practice, the contents of your own mind will become as readily available. You will see your thoughts as
clearly as your inner organs. (273)
475. You can request that the thought content of your mind be translated into an intense image, symbolically representing
individual thoughts and the overall mental landscape, then take out what you do not like and replace it with more
positive images. (273)
476. Feelings can be examined in the same way. They will appear differently, with much greater mobility. (273)
477. You change what needs to be changed in what ever way occurs to you, then. (273)
478. This will show you how the thoughts brought about the physical malady, and which ones were involved. (274)
479. This state can be extremely advantageous when you are trying to solve problems having to do with future arrangements,
decisions that will affect the future, and any matters, in fact, in which important decisions for the future must be made.
480. Methods of choice (four steps). (275)
481. Exercise: Explorations into probabilities. (275)
482. Reincarnation pasts are know to you here, and if some personal malady cannot be solved from A-1, you may have to go
to A-2. (276)
483. Five levels of consciousness A-1 to A-5. (271-279)
484. A-1-a to A-1-c (276)
485. Those from both you past and your future have a hand in your present world, and at this level the problems that have
been met and will be encountered are being discussed. (280)
486. The information received in any of these states of consciousness must be interpreted for the normal waking
consciousness if any physical memory is to be maintained. (280)
487. Disastrous course can be averted through such inner communications and illuminations, whether or not the ego is aware
of them. (280)
488. The experiences at these various levels may be interpreted symbolically. (280)
489. At any of these various stages of consciousness, other phenomena may also be perceived---thought-forms for example,
energy manifestations, projections from the personal subconscious, and projections from the collective unconscious.
Any or all of these may take symbolic form, and may appear beneficial or threatening according to the attitude of the
personality involved. (280)
490. Often they are incipient forms given activity by the personality who encounters them. (280)
491. If such a materialization appears threatening, then simply wish it peace and withdraw your attention from it. It draws its
main activating energy from your focusing, and according to the intensity and nature of your focus. (281)
492. There are other layers of awareness beneath this one. (281)
493. The stuff of the mind will have its origin in the mind of the projectionist, being symbolic of his idea. (281)
494. A speaker or Speakers will appear in whatever guise will be most acceptable to the projectionist, whether it be the guise
of a god, an angel or a disciple. (281)
495. Molecular structures send out their own messages and unless you are tuned in to perceive them, they may be interpreted
as static or meaningless noise. (282)
496. Often you visit such areas of consciousness in the dream state where you fall into them spontaneously, remembering in
the morning a fantastic dream. (282)
497. Consciousness must use all of its parts and activities, even as the body must. (282)
498. When you let your attention waver, however, you may often fall into a state in which you momentarily perceive
glimpses of another alternate present. (283)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
499. When you are proficient you will not be swept willy-nilly into other stages of consciousness as you sleep, but will be
able to understand and direct these activities. (283)
500. To the extent that you understand and utilize the various aspects of consciousness, you will learn to understand your
own reality, and the conscious self will truly become conscious. (283)
501. You will not longer be forced to perceive it alone, out of ignorance. (283)
502. These various stages will represent different attributes and directions inherent within your own soul. (285)
503. Often for example, seemingly unrelated symbols or images may rise into your mind. Usually you ignore them. If instead
you acknowledge them and turn your attention to them, you can follow them to several other layers, at least for example
a_1 and A-2, with ease. (285)
504. Alternate focus is merely a state in which you turn your consciousness in other than its habitual direction, in order to
perceive quite legitimate realities that exist simultaneously with you own. (286)
505. Using alternate focus, with practice it is possible to perceive the different physical formations that have filled any given
area of space, or that will fill it in your terms. (286)
506. In alternate focus you can dispense with the root assumptions that usually guard, direct, and limit your perception. (286)
507. While your normal waking consciousness seems continual to you, and you are aware usually of no blank spots,
nevertheless it has great fluctuations. (286)
508. In these lapses you are perceiving other kinds of reality. (287)
509. Normal waking consciousness weaves in and out of this infinite supportive webwork. (287)
510. Inner portions of your personality also have memory of all of your dreams. (287)
511. The conscious mind knows well of its own fluctuating state. (288)
512. Periods of reverie and creative moments of consciousness both represent excellent entryways into these other areas.
513. It is precisely in the low points of fluctuation that such experiences originate, for normal consciousness is momentarily
at a weak state and in a period of rest. (288)
514. The fluctuations also follow seasonal changes. (289)
515. Alternate focus allows you to perceive the many manifestations of any given act, the true multidimensional reality of a
given thought. (289)
516. You are active in these other layers whether or not you are aware of it. (289)
517. You learn not only in physical life and in the dream state, but in these interior existences of which you have no memory.
518. You are formed not only by your past but by your future, and by alternate existences. (289)
519. Yours is obviously a probable system to other fields also touched y the field of probabilities. (290)
520. There have been thirty great Speakers. (293)
521. The Speakers, more than most are highly active through all aspects of existence, whether physical or non-physical,
waking or sleeping, between lives or at other levels of reality. (294)
522. The original source of the Speaker data is the inner knowledge of the nature of reality that is within each individual. The
Speakers are to keep the information alive in physical terms, to see that men to not bury it within and dam it up, to bring
it --- the information --- to the attention of the conscious self. (294)
523. We speak of manuscripts, yet most of these were not written down. (296)
524. To some extent the reality of thought is consciously perceived as the innovator behind physical matter. Such an
individual then can understand the nature of hallucinations at the point of death, and with full conscious awareness enter
into the next plane of existence. (296)
525. Question: If everything exists now, or at once, how can it be added to through constant creation and expansion?: If we
are constantly creating, how can All That Is exist as complete now? (301)
526. Question: How do you account for the pain and suffering in the world? (301)
527. You strive to express as best you can the entire potential that is within you. (302)
528. Question: Are these faster-that-light particles the same as, or like, the EE units? (303)
529. The EE units are the psychic building blocks of matter. (306)
530. Inner vibrational touch is one of our inner Senses. (306)
531. Animals have varying degrees of self-consciousness, as indeed people do. (307)
532. There is nothing to prevent a personality from investing a portion of his own energy into an animal form. (307)
533. It does mean that personalities can send a portion of their energy into various kinds of form. (307)
534. Animals, as any pet owner know, have their own personalities and characteristics, and individual ways of perceiving the
reality available to them. (307)
535. The mechanics of consciousness remain the same. They do not change for animals or men. (307)
536. An animal consciousness after death may form such a gestalt with other such consciousnesses, in which abilities are
pooled and the combined cooperation makes possible, for example, a change of species. (308)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
537. All of the ages of Earth, in your terms both past and present, exist, as do future ages. (310)
538. Since you do not perceive the future and do not understand that life goes out in all directions, then it seems only logical
to suppose that present forms must be based upon past ones. You do close your eyes to evidence that does not support
this theory. (311)
539. Your sense of identity, freedom, power, and love would be immeasurably enhanced if you could understand that what
you are does not end at the boundaries of your skin, but continues outward through the physical environment that seems
to be impersonal, or not-self. (311)
540. You are biologically connected, chemically connected with the earth that you know; but since it is also formed naturally
and spontaneously from your own projected psychic energy, since you and the seasons even have psychic interaction,
then the self must be understood in a far greater context. (311)
541. What you perceive of time is a portion of other events intruding into your own system, often interpreted as movement in
space, or as something that separates events. (313)
542. What separates events is not time, but your perception. You perceive events one at a time. (313)
543. Time as it appears to you is, instead a psychic organization of experience. (313)
544. The whole self or entity or soul can never be completely materialized in three-dimensional form. (313)
545. The entity sees the whole event, the whole person-event, with the time element, or age in your terms, as simply another
characteristic or dimension. (313)
546. In greater terms, seconds and moments do not exist, either, but the reality that is behind time or that your perceive as
time, the outside time events, are composed of units that also have their own king of consciousness. (313)
547. Western man has chosen to focus his energy outward and largely ignore inner realities. (317)
548. There is no social benefit at all connected with projections in your society, and many taboos against it. (317)
549. Man learns, you see, that inner reality and outer reality both must be understood and used constructively. (317)
550. If you are presently experiencing a life in which you have chosen high emphasis upon physical locomotion, for
example, then through vague dream memories of flying you can be inspired toward, say, the invention of airplanes or
rockets; (317)
551. A personality may originally be a part of a given entity, and on its own develop interests quite different. It can on its
own take a lonely way, or it can instead attach itself or gravitate toward other entities with interests like its own. The
original connection will not be severed, but new ones made and formed. (318)
552. Almost any cell has the capacity for growing into any given organ, or forming any part of the body. (318)
553. There are basic units in all living matter capable of forming animal or vegetable life, capable of developing the
perceptive mechanisms inherent in any of these. (318)
554. It is therefore theoretically possible for you to see the world through a frogs eye, or a birds or and ants. (318)
555. The characteristics needed for Mediumship are much like those needed by any strongly creative person. (321)
556. There is comprehension of the meaning of all existence within each personality. (323)
557. The knowledge of multidimensional existence is not only in the background of your present conscious activity, but each
man knows within himself that his conscious life is dependent upon a greater dimension of actuality. (324)
558. This greater dimension cannot be materialized in a three-dimensional system, yet the knowledge of this greater
dimension floods outward from the innermost heart of being, and is projected outward, transforming all it touches. (324)
559. Those touched by it are transformed, in your terms into something more than they were. This inner knowledge attempts
to find a place for itself within the physical landscape, to translate itself into physical terms. (324)
560. Each man, then, possesses this inner knowledge with himself, and to some extent or other he also looks for confirmation
of it in the world. (324)
561. The outer world is a reflection of the inner one (324)
562. An internal drama is carried on by each individual, a psychic drama which is finally projected outward with great force
upon the field of history. (324)
563. The drama itself is a psychological phenomenon in a way, for each physically oriented self feels thrust alone into a
strange environment, without knowing its origins or destination or event the reason for its own existence. (324)
564. Ego looks outward for answers because this is its nature: to manipulate within physical reality. t also senses, however a
deep and abiding connection that it does not understand, with other portions of the self that are not under its domain. It
is also aware that this inner self possesses knowledge upon which its own existence is based. (325)
565. Now these people are chosen by others to manifest outwardly the interior truths that all intuitively know. (325)
566. This mystic projection is a continual activity. (325)
567. When the strength of one great religion begins to diminish and its physical effects grow less, then the internal drama
begins once again to quicken. (325)
568. They will be formed to impress world conditions at any given time, and therefore couched in symbols and events that
will most impress the populace. (325)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
569. When such a personality appears in history then, he is intuitively recognized, for the way has long been laid, and in
many cases the prophecies announcing such an arrival have already been given. (325)
570. The individuals so chosen do not just happen to appear among you. (326)
571. They serve quite clearly as human representatives of All That Is. (326)
572. Ideas of good and evil, gods and devils, salvation and damnation, are merely symbols of deeper religious values
573. These ideas become the driving themes of these religious dramas of which I have spoken. (327)
574. These psychic entities are real (327)
575. Man identifies with the gods he has himself created. (327)
576. Say that gods and men create each other, and you come even closer to the truth. (327)
577. The attributes of the gods are those inherent within man himself. (327)
578. Behind the frame of good and evil is a far deeper spiritual value. (327)
579. All religions, therefore, while trying to catch truth must to some large degree fear its ever eluding them. (327)
580. The inner self alone, at rest, in meditation, can at times glimpse portions of these inner realities that cannot be physically
expressed. (327)
581. The third personality, mentioned many times by me, has not in your terms yet appeared, although his existence has been
prophesied as the Second coming (Matthew 24). (328)
582. The distortions are deplorable, for this Christ will not come at the end of your world as the prophecies have been
maintaining. (328)
583. He will not come to reward the righteous and send evil doers to eternal doom. (328)
584. He will return to straighten out Christianity, which will be in a shambles at the time of his arrival, and to set up a new
system of though when the world is sorely in need of one. (328)
585. By 2075, all of this will be already accomplished. (328)
586. You may make a note here that Nostradamus (328)
587. The third personality of Christ will indeed be known as a great psychic (328)
588. One such man has already been born in India (329)
589. Another will be born in Africa (329)
590. The third historical personage, already born in your terms, and a portion of the entire Christ personality, took upon
himself the role of a zealot. (330)
591. The man, historically now, was Paul or Saul. (330)
592. He will return as the third personality, just mentioned, in your future. (330)
593. When the third personality re-emerges historically, however, he will not be called the old Paul, but will carry within him
the characteristics of all the three personalities. (331)
594. The new religion following the Second Coming will not be Christian in your terms. (333)
595. It is important that you realize that spiritual ignorance is at the basis of so many of your problems, and that indeed your
only limitations are spiritual ones. (334)
596. The exterior religious dramas are of course imperfect representations of the ever-unfolding interior spiritual realities.
597. The primary spiritual existence alone gives meaning to the physical one. (336)
598. Spirituality cannot be some isolated, specialized activity or characteristic. (336)
599. Exterior religious dramas are important and valuable only to the extent that they faithfully reflect the nature of inner,
private spiritual existence. (336)
600. Most religions per se, however, set up as permissible certain groups of experiences while denying others. They limit
themselves by applying the principle of the sacredness of life only to your own species, and often to highly limited
groups within it. (337)
601. At no time will any given church be able to express the inner experience of all individuals. (337)
602. Christ spoke in terms of the father and son because in your terms (337)
603. Buddha, Christ: Both accepted the inner projections and then tried to physically represent these. (337)
604. Mohammedanism. (337)
605. Hebrews. (337)
606. The early Hebrew god became a symbol of mans unleashed ego. (338)
607. God, therefore, became an idea projected outward, independent of the individual, divorced from nature. (339)
608. Historically the characteristics of God changed as mans ego changed. (340)
609. The ego, having its birth from within, therefore, must always boast of its independence while maintaining the nagging
certainty of its inner origin. (340)
610. The ego feared for its position (340)
611. So the concept of God began to change as the ego recognized its reliance upon inner reality (340)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
612. All That Is, in other words, represents the reality from which all of us spring. (341)
613. All That Is, by its nature, transcends all dimensions of activity, consciousness, or reality, while being a part of each.
614. Behind all faces there is one face (341)
615. The journeys of the gods, therefore, represent the journeys of mans own consciousness projected outward. (341)
616. Be careful of the gods you choose, for you will reinforce each other. (341)
617. A man attaches himself to one of the gods is necessarily attaching himself largely to his own projections. (342)
618. The open concept of All That Is (342)
619. Be careful also of those beliefs that you accept. (342)
620. In your terms all acts regardless of their seeming nature, are a part of a greater good. (342)
621. Opposites have validity only in your own system of reality. (342)
622. You do not perceive wholes but portions. (342)
623. The effect of opposites results, then, from a lack of perception. (343)
624. You are being taught and you are teaching yourselves to handle energy, to become conscious co-creators with All That
Is, and one of the stages of development or learning processes includes dealing with opposite as realities. (343)
625. In your terms, the ideas of good and evil help you recognize the sacredness of existence, the responsibility of
consciousness. (343)
626. The Lord of Righteousness, so called(345)
627. John the Baptist, Christ, and Paul were all connected in the dream state(346)
628. The other changes will occur generally over the period of a century, but the results will show far before that time. (346)
629. (Lord of Righteousness) The final place of refuge was near Damascus. (346)
630. Paul joined a Zealot group. (347)
631. You are not bound to any category or corner of existence. (355)
632. There are kinds of consciousness that cannot be deciphered in physical terms. (357)
633. There is no need to create a separate god who exists outside of your universe and separate from it, nor is there any need
to think of a soul as some distant entity. (357)
634. God, or All That Is, is intimately a part of you. (357)
635. His energy forms your identity, and your soul is a part of you in the same manner. (357)
636. In large terms, my soul includes my reincarnational personalities. (358)
637. Each part of the soul contains the whole. (358)
638. When you think of the soul as a closed system you perceive it as such, and close off from yourself the knowledge of its
greater creativity and characteristics. (358)
639. Though it seems to you that reincarnation existences involve past and future events, they are existences parallel or
adjacent to your own present life and consciousness. (358)
640. The answers to the nature of reality, the intimate knowledge of All That Is that you all seek, is within your present
experience. It will not be found outside of yourselves, but through an inner journey into yourself, through yourself
and through the world that you know. (358)
641. This does not mean that poverty leads to truth, or that suffering is good for the soul. (359)
642. The child within you is a part of your own memory and experience. (359)
643. All of existence and consciousness is interwoven. (360)
644. Only when you think of the soul as something different, separate, and therefore closed, are you led to consider a
separate god---a personality that seems to be apart from creation. (360)
645. All That Is speaks to all its parts, not with sounds, trumpets, and fanfare from without, but communicates its messages
through the living soul stuff of each consciousness. (361)
646. Politics was a legitimate hand of the church in those days, and a churchman was expected to be an excellent politician.
647. You are not fated to dissolve into All That Is. (363)
648. Since all lives are simultaneous, all happening at once, then any separation is a psychological one. (363)
649. Personality changes whether it is within a body or outside of it, so you will change after as you change before it. In
those terms. (363)
650. The soul stands both within and without the fabric of physical life as you know it. (364)
651. You are not separated from the animals and the rest of existence by virtue of possessing an eternal inner consciousness.
652. Only by looking quietly within the self that you know can your own reality be experienced, with those connections that
exist between the present or immediate self and the inner identity that is multidimensional. (365)
653. If you do not take the time to examine your own subjective states, then you cannot complain if many answers
seem to elude you. (365)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
654. Imagine the experience present in one moment of time over the globe(365)
655. Christ, the historical Christ, was not crucified(366)
656. The plea, Peter, why hast thou forsaken me? came from the man who believed he was Christ. (367)
657. Only the deluded are in danger of, or capable of, such self-sacrifice, you see, or find it necessary. (367)
658. Christ knew however, clairvoyantly, that these events in(367)
659. In the Last Supper when Christ said(368)
660. John the Baptist was an Essene in all important ways. (372)
661. Records were often falsified; completely doctored, and false records were often planted. (373)
662. Some of the distorted records have been taken as fact(374)
663. In many cases records were faithfully reproduced, but with the names changed to protect the innocent. (375)
664. Descriptions of important individuals were changed to insure their safety, and backgrounds ere often fictional for the
same reason. (376)
665. The great religions of the world all had their births near the major co-ordinations points. (378)
666. Space puckers to an unobservable degree, as far as your instruments are concerned, near these co-ordination points...
667. These co-ordination points also serve to give your system additional sources of energy. (379)
668. In Atlantis there were those who utilized this knowledge(380)
669. Exercise: Now site quietly with your eyes closed(380)
670. The truth is that physical objects are themselves symbols. (383)
671. There are mass physical symbols upon which you all agree, as well as private, personal symbols. (383)
672. Once you understand the symbolic nature of physical reality, then you will no longer feel entrapped by it. (383)
673. The environment is always altered from the inside. (384)
674. The entire framework of your existence, therefore, is constantly flowing from within outward, and being projected into
those physical symbols that you mistake, then, for reality. (384)
675. The story of your life is written by you, by each reader of this book. You are the author(384)
676. Many cases of missing persons can be explained somewhat in the same manner:(388)
677. The interior drama is the real one. (389)
678. Christ became the Crucified, Judas became the betrayer, though Christ was not crucified and Judas did not betray him.
The reality therefore was a myth. (389)
679. Those details will emerge that were important to him. (392)
680. There is interaction between you and your reincarnational selves constantly. (393)
681. Because time is open-ended, as you think of it, you can also affect what you would think of as past reincarnational
selves, and at times react in and to their environment. (394)
682. Reincarnation, as it is usually explained, in terms of one life before another, is a myth: but a myth enabling many to
partially understand facts that they would otherwise dismiss --- insisting as they do upon the concept of a continuity of
time. (394)
683. The physical Universe as Idea Construction(395)
684. To those who believe that all answers are known, there is little need to search. (396)
685. They do not accept answers given by others, but insist upon finding their own. (396)
686. The energy generated by some such experiences is enough to change a life in a matter of moments (396)
687. They continued to think in their particular way about God, even though the experience and the information given should
have brought them far beyond such a point. (398)
688. Such experiences or such doorways to knowledge are available to each individual, and to some extent each individual
partakes in them. (398)
689. Often midway in life an individual will suddenly seem to see things clearly in a physical man, straightening out his
affairs. (398)
690. There is a great fallacy operating. People believe there is one great truth, that it will appear and they will know it. (398)
691. Each of you are part of the truths that you perceive. (399)
692. Expansion of consciousness therefore requires honest self appraisal, an awareness of ones own beliefs and prejudices.
693. All who wish to look within themselves, to find their own answers, to encounter their own appointment with the
universe, should therefore become well acquainted with the intimate workings of their own personality. (400)
694. Self knowledge is in itself highly advantageous, and in one way is its own reward. (400)
695. It is impossible, however, to look inward with any clearness if you are unwilling to change your attitudes, beliefs, or
behaviour or examine those characteristics that you consider uniquely your own. (400)
696. You cannot examine reality without examining yourself. (400)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
697. You cannot hold encounter with All That Is apart from yourself, and you cannot separate yourself from your experience.
698. You cannot use truth. It cannot be manipulated. (400)
699. Whoever thinks he is manipulating truth is manipulating himself. You are truth. (400)
700. You structure your own existence, and you choose those realities that have exactly as much organization as you need at
any given time. (400)
701. Telepathically you all agree on the placement of objects, and their dimensions. (402)
702. The fact is that physical matter is not solid except when you believe that it is, and that organization is transposed from
within upon the without. (402)
703. You agree upon what objects are physical --- it makes little difference whether they are or not, as long as you agree
upon this. (403)
704. When you properly understand how to use psychological time, then to some extent you can learn to alter the nature and
focus of your consciousness. (403)
705. There must be, however, a willingness to admit that there are other dimensions in which you exist. (404)
706. There is no other way of getting firsthand information about other realities except by the exploration and manipulation
of your own consciousness. (404)
707. I offer no hope for the lazy(404)
708. It will instead inspire you to take a better hand in the job of creation; and that feeling of divine presence you will find
indeed, and feel indeed, for you will sense it behind the dance of the molecules, and in yourselves and in your
neighbors. (404)
709. All That Is, is now and you are a part of All That Is now. (405)
710. True spirituality is a thing of joy and of the earth, and has nothing to do with fake adult dignity. (405)
711. Your vitality is not dependent upon a physical image. It is not dependent upon your youth; it is not dependent upon your
body. It rings and sings through the universe, and through your entire personality. It is a sense of joy that makes all
creativity probable. (405)
712. Your people learned them from their elders, and they were called Speakers. (406)
713. In your terms, and in your terms only, the coming of Christ was the Second Coming, in those terms only; he appeared at
the time of Atlantis. (408)
714. He is an entity that appears time and time again within your physical system, but he has been recognized on only two
occasions. Once in Atlantic and once in the Christ story as it has come down to you in all of its distortions. (408)
715. Time has open ends in all directions or such a thing as probabilities would not exist. Therefore, actions that you make
now can help a so-called past personality (409)
716. Your actions now can affect the future personality as well as the past one. (409)
717. There are certain answers that cannot be given verbally, but must be intuitively understood. (410)
718. All your so-called pasts exist within you now, and you can recapture your memories and discover what they are. (410)
719. You are not imprisoned in time unless you believe that you are, and there is nothing more important than belief. (410)
720. If you believe that you exist only within the context of this life, that you are born only to death and annihilation, then
you will not use your freedoms in this existence. (411)
721. When you understand the nature of reality, then you realize that predictions of future events are basically meaningless.
722. You can predict some events and they can occur, but you create the future in every moment. (411)
723. You can tune in to certain probabilities and predict that they will occur, but free will always operates. (411)
724. Often, however, the suggestion involved in a dream brings about the event. (411)
725. You must realize that you do not form events alone. You are involved in a co-operative venture. (411)
726. You co-operate together to form the physical reality that you know, telepathically, through ways and means that are
unknown to you. (412)
727. You weave webs of psychic reality that then coalesce into physical reality. (412)
728. You will learn them through reading, and through listening to your inner self. (412)
729. For every moment of time that you seem to exist in this universe, you do not exist in it. (412)
730. Physical matter is not permanent. (412)
731. Your consciousness fluctuates (413)
732. Physical self focuses upon only those moments of physical reality. (413)
733. Because consciousness fluctuates however, other potions of your self have memory of those times when it is not
focused in physical reality, and this is also a portion of your entire existence. (413)
734. A certain portion of you remembers those non moments when you are not focused in physical reality, when your
existence is in another dimension of actuality entirely and you are perceiving what I will call, in your term of reference,
non intervals. (413)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
735. It is indeed, in this existence; and also these non intervals are moments in other dimensions of reality. (413)
736. You all know yourselves and your weaknesses and failures, so why should you suppose that the self you know is the
only self that you are? (413)
737. Surely, it has occurred to you that you have abilities you are not using, that other realities connected with your
innermost existence arent being expressed in the existence you know of. (413)
738. I will tell you that you should change your conception of the word lives. (414)
739. Think of what you mean when you use the word lives, and see how limited the term is. (414)
740. You are as dead now as you will ever be. Now if you understand that remark and think about it, you will understand
much that is behind what I have said this evening, except that in the life in which you are now involved, you are not
focusing upon the full potential of your vitality. (414)
741. I tell you to remember your dreams. (414)
742. In your context I will tell you again not only to remember your dreams, but to learn to come awake in the middle of
them and realize that you can manipulate within them. You form them. They are yours, not something thrust upon you
in which you are powerless. (414)
743. In one context what you call physical reality is a dream, but in a larger context it is a dream that you have created. (414)
744. When you realize that you form the events of your life in the same way, you will learn to take hold of your entire
consciousness in whatever aspect it shows itself in this life. (414)
745. This life is a dimension of experience and reality even if it is, in contrast, a dream in a higher level of reality in which
you have your larger consciousness. (414)
746. In some respects these pulsations represent what happens in some of your flying saucer incidents(415)
747. You cannot imagine it without perception in your terms; and yet consciousness can be vital and alive without your idea
of perception. (415)
748. Atoms and molecules, minute as they may appear to you, also carry their burden of consciousness and responsibility.
749. You are so frightened of death, in your terms, that you dare not turn your consciousness off for one second. (416)
750. You must become consciously aware of what you tell yourself is true every moment of the day, for that is the reality
that you project outward. (416)
751. Telepathy does exist. Others are aware, then, to a large extent of what you are thinking and feeling. (416)
752. When you project your ideas outward, you often behave as if they were not yours but belonged to another. (417)
753. Feelings, you can indeed change them (417)
754. The most important thing, however, is to acknowledge the feeling as legitimate, with it own realm of existence, to admit
it as a part of yourself. (418)
755. You should first of all admit that the feelings exist as a part of yourself, at the ego level. (419)
756. Whenever you close your feelings off from yourself you are, in your terms, less alive. (419)
757. You have an idea that good is gentle and bad is violent. (419)
758. You become afraid of projecting ideas or desires outward, for in the back of your mind you think that what is powerful
is evil. (419)
759. The questions spoken by one are the unspoken questions of many. (420)
760. When you do not know what to do, relax and tell yourself that other portions of yourself do know; they will take over.
761. Success does not necessarily involve great intellect or great position or great wealth; it has to do with inner integrity.
762. There is no need to justify your existence. (421)
763. If you become too determined to justify your existence then you will begin to close out areas of your life. (422)
764. For ten minutes a day, open yourselves to your own reality there would be no question of self-justification. (422)
765. Realize that if this life is a trance, then you can turn the direction of your consciousness to perceive greater realities that
presently exist. (422)
766. As you know yourselves, you only accept those suggestions, ideas and hang-ups that suit your purposes at this time.
767. You cannot be threatened in this life by fears from your early childhood, or by so-called past existences, unless you so
thoroughly believe in the nature of fear that you allow yourselves to be conquered by it. (422)
768. Suppose the worst, that in this life you have the following background. (423)
769. But realize also that you are responsible for your joys and triumphs, and that the energy to create any of these realities
comes from the inner self. (423)
770. Every thought that you have now changes reality. (423)
771. No act of yours predisposes a future self to act in a particular manner. (423)
772. You hide it from the present self simply to insure the fact that the present reality is not a pretended one. (425)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06
773. A rich man who tries to be poor for a day to learn what poverty is learns little, because he cannot forget the wealth that
is available to him. (425)
774. Consciousness is not made up of balances so much as it is made up of exquisite imbalances, and the focus of awareness
is to some degree the result of this state of excitability. (425)
775. Forget the cringing selves that you sometimes are and remember, instead, the magic essence of your own being that
sings even now through your fingertips. (426)

Seth Speaks
Jane Roberts ISBN 1-878424-07-06

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
1. The Universe is filled with Spirit and filled with Law. (32)
2. Through experience, man learns what is really good and satisfying (33)
3. When we learn to trust the Universe, we shall be happy, prosperous and well. (33)
4. That is the meaning of the word Emmanuel, the meaning of the word Christ. (34)
5. If we are really One with the Whole, we must be One with the Law of the Whole, as well as One with the Spirit of the
Whole. (34)
6. We have discussed the nature of The thing as being Universal Energy, Mind, Intelligence, Spirit (35)
7. In Him we live, and move, and have our being. (Acts 17:28) (35)
8. Mental work is definite. (45)
9. We should be very careful not to think that because we make the mold, we must create the substance. (48)
10. If we wish a certain good, we must instill into our own minds a realization of this specific good and thenas this idea is
the mold we place in mindit will be filled by the substance necessary for the complete manifestation of this good in
our lives. (48)
11. Faith, being a mental attitude, is according to law; and even though one doubts, he can overcome his doubts and create
the desired faith, definitely. (48)
12. Even though faith is a necessary attitude, it is something that can always be established by explaining the theory and
proving the Principle. (48)
13. Faith in a certain specific statement has power consciously to oppose, neutralize, erase and obliterate the opposite
mental attitude. (49)
14. It stands to reason that if thought and faith, prayer, hope and appreciation are anything at all, they are definite; and if
they are definite, they must be specific; if they are specific, then they unquestionably must accomplish their desire. (49)
15. Hope is good; it is better than despair, but it is a subtle illusion and is an unconscious compromise, and has no part in an
effective mental treatment. (49)
16. This is the scientific use of a mental statement. There must be no compromise with the consciousness. (49)
17. We have discovered what the Principle is and How It Works, and now this is What It Does (49)
18. The Infinite Law and the Infinite Intelligence are but two sides of the Infinite Unity. (50)
19. Evolution is the out-working of the mechanical, and involution is the in-working of the conscious and the volitional.
20. When we think, something happens to thought. The field through which thought operates is Infinite. (50)
21. One of the great difficulties in the new order of thought is that we are likely to indulge in too much theory and too little
practice. (51)
22. It must flow through us in order to manifest for us. (52)
23. It has been proved that by thinking correctly and by a conscious mental use of the law of Mind, we can cause It to do
definite things for us, through us (52)
24. Hence, it follows that if we believe that It will not work, It really works by appearing to not work. (52)
25. This is our own punishment through the law of cause and effect (52)
26. Sin and punishment, righteousness and salvation, are logical reactions of the Universe to the life of the individual. (53)
27. Causation. (53)
28. In dealing with this subtle power of Mind and Spirit, we are dealing with a fluent force. (53)
29. The Original Spirit is Harmony. (53)
30. We should learn to control our thought processes and bring them into line with Reality (53)
31. We should be able to look a discordant fact in the face and deny its reality, since we know its seeming reality is
borrowed from illusion, from chaos and old night. (53)
32. The realization that we have this ability must be gained by the application of our knowledge. (53)
34. A false fact is neither person, place nor thing to the one who uncovers it, and once uncovered it has no place in which to
hide. (54)
35. The illusion, seen and understood, is made negative in the experience of the one who suffered by it. (54)
36. Conditions are not entities, we are entities. (54)
37. One finds himself impoverished. He wishes to change this condition (54)
38. Law of Life is a Law of Liberty, of Freedom. (54)
39. Right here, he must stop and declare that these images of limitation are neither person, place no thing; that they have no
power, personality nor presence and no real law to support them. (55)
40. He denies anything and everything that contradicts his realization of this truth. (55)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
41. The time will come when we will let our conversation be in Heaven, (55)
42. We will refuse to wallow in the mud because of our sympathies. (55)
43. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. (Matt. 15:14) (55)
44. Of all the people in the world, the ones who have come the nearest to touching the seamless garment of Truth have been
the most sympathetic and the greatest lovers of the race. (56)
45. Jesus said, And I, if I be lifted up, (not dragged down) will draw all men unto me. (John 12:32) (56)
46. We are in the world and of it (56)
47. A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. (56)
48. I am a center in the Divine Mind, a point of God conscious life, truth and action (56)
49. Right action alone has power and right action is power, and Power is God (56)
50. I am happy, well and filled with perfect Life. I live in the Spirit of Truth and am conscious that the Spirit of Truth lives
in me. My word is the law unto its own manifestation, and will bring to me or cause me to be brought to its fulfillment.
There is no unbelief, no doubt, no uncertainty. I know and I know that I know. Let every thought of doubt vanish from
my mind that I may know the Truth and Truth may make me free. (57)
51. The Truth is instantaneous in its demonstration, taking only such time in Its unfoldment as is inherent in the law of a
logical and sequential evolution. (57)
52. There is no process of healing, but there is generally a process in healing. This process is the time and effort which we
undergo in our realizations of Truth. (57)
53. The one who wishes scientifically to work out his problems, must daily take the time to meditate and mentally treat the
condition (57)
54. The one who most completely believes in this power will produce the best results. (58)
55. When one gives a treatment for right action, and does not believe that right action will be the result, he makes his own
treatment negative. (58)
56. A power of choice. (58)
57. If one doubts his ability to give an effective treatment, he should specifically treat himself to remove this doubt. (58)
58. We should work, not with anxiety but with expectancy; not by coercion but with conviction; not through compulsion
but in a state of conscious recognition and receptivity (58)
59. We should treat until we get resultsuntil there comes into our objective experience the actual outpouring of our
subjective words. (59)
61. Gods world is perfect, and this is the Principle we have to demonstrate. (60)
62. Let us do our work conscientiously and thoroughly and leave the results to that Law which is perfect. (60)
63. True thought deals directly with First Cause; and this Science is the study of First Cause, Spirit, or the Truth, that
Invisible Essence, that Ultimate Stuff and Intelligence from which everything comesthe Power back of creationThe
Thing Itself. (60)
64. In the beginning, God! In the beginning, Spirit or Intelligence only. (63)
66. The word of God and the Self-contemplation of God. (64)
67. The Story of Creation Simplified. (64)
68. The Word is the mold, which acting through Law produces form. (65)
69. Humanity must partake of the nature of Divinity if it is to have real life. (65)
70. God gave man dominion over all earthly things. (65)
71. Man was not given the power to govern the universe, but he was given the power to have dominion. (65)
72. We believe in an Absolute Intelligence because such an intelligence is manifest throughout the universe in which we
live. (66)
73. We are in the universe and we are conscious, so we have reason to believe that consciousness exists. (66)
74. Creation means the giving of form to the Substance of Mind or Spirit. (66)
75. In the beginning of any creative series there is Absolute Intelligence alone, pure Spirit, all-inclusive, everywhere,
infinite. (67)
76. An eternal creation is proved by the fact that we must suppose Spirit to be Conscious Intelligence, and there can be no
Conscious Intelligence unless It is conscious of something! (67)
77. Spirit is conscious and must be conscious of something. Therefore, It must always create. (67)
78. To be spiritual is to create! The Spirit is alive, conscious, aware and active. (67)
79. Once central Life, from Whose Self-Existence all draw their livingness, and without which nothing could exist. (67)
80. Life cannot be divided against Itself. (68)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
81. The Infinite must be ONE, for there could not be two Infinite Beings. (68)
82. The Word of God means the power of Spirit to declare Itself into manifestation, into form. The Word of God means the
Self-Contemplation of Spirit. (68)
83. The starting point of all creation is the Word of Spirit (69)
84. Thought is an inner process of consciousness. (69)
85. This concept of Unity is the mystical secret of the ages, the key to spiritual wisdom and to the teaching of Jesus. (69)
86. It is evident that First Cause must be Self-Existent, i.e., It must be Causeless. (69)
87. The being Whom we call GOD must be Self-Existent. (69)
88. GOD IS WORD, OD IS LAW, GOD IS SPIRIT. This is self-evident (69)
89. There is but one volitional factor in the Universe, and this is Spirit, or the Self-Knowing Mind. (69)
90. God did not make Law; Law is Co-Eternal with God. (70)
91. Everything that Spirit thinks must take form. (70)
92. Creation is always beginning but never ending. (70)
93. The Invisible will always be made manifest on some plane. (70)
94. Since man is intelligent, he must have evolved from an Intelligent Cause. (71)
95. If man is endowed with the attributes of self choice and free will, he must be allowed to make this great discovery for
himself. (71)
96. This is true of all natural laws; they have always existed but only when understood may they be used. (72)
97. The principle of any science is invisible, theoretical, as is our idea of Spirit. (72)
98. No one has seen Intelligence; we experience It. (72)
99. The first great discovery man made was that he could think. (72)
100. Man does think, so behind the brain there must be a thinker. (73)
101. Back of the organism is the thinker and the doerthe Mind. (73)
102. Memory of itself is an unconscious operation of what was once a conscious though. (74)
104. Science is absolute knowledge, in so far as the facts of science are demonstrable! (74)
105. The Science of Mind, then, is the study of Life and the nature of the laws of thought; the conception that we live in a
spiritual Universe; that God is in, through, around and for us. (75)
106. No one has seen Cause; (75)
107. The only proof we have of Mind is that we think. (75)
108. The intuitive perception was not the result of perceiving the object, but was itself the cause of the object perceived! (76)
109. Emerson: There is one mind common to all individual men. (76)
110. The perception and the perceiver must be in one and the same Mind. (76)
111. No object can appear to exist in the objective world unless there is first a subjective world to perceive the object. (76)
112. The Mind which is personified is the same Mind which is Universal. (76)
113. Images of thought, although they appear to arise from without, actually arise from the objective side of that which is
part of a subjective within. (76)
114. That which is physically outside of us still exists in the same medium in which we have our being, and the intelligence
by which we perceive it is the SAME INTELLIGENCE THAT CREATED IT. (76)
115. God exists in me, I am able to recognize other beings in whom God exists. (77)
116. Thought operates through a medium which is Universal always present. (77)
117. Our thoughts are operative through a Universal Medium. (77)
118. Mental Medium is automatic, while the Spirit must be Self Knowing. (78)
119. One of the most difficult problems to realize is that when we are dealing with the Law of Mind, we are dealing with an
absolutely impersonal thing. It knows how to create without it knowing what it creates. (78)
120. Spirit is the Power that Knows Itself. (78)
121. This Law is the Karmic Law of Buddha: (78)
122. When we are dealing with Subjectivity, we are always dealing with that which is subject to the conscious volition. (79)
123. The conscious volition in the Universe is what is meant by the Spirit of God. (79)
124. The Law, is the doer of the Word! (79)
125. God is threefold in His Nature (80)
126. Trinity. (80)
127. It is the Thing, the Way It Works, and What It Does. The Thing is Absolute Intelligence; the way It works, is Absolute
Law; and What It does, is the resultmanifestation. (80)
128. The Action of the Thing Itself is what the Bible calls The Word. Absolute Intelligence. (80)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
129. The definition of Spirit is: Life or intelligence conceived of entirely apart from physical embodiment. (81)
130. Spirit is (82)
131. The fundamental premise upon which the philosophy of the Bible is developed is that Spirit is One, and that
132. That which is subjective is always impersonal, neutral, plastic, passive and receptive. (83)
133. Soul of the Universe has been called a blind force, not knowing, only doing. (83)
134. Creation is the passing of Spirit into form and is eternally going on. (83)
135. Spirit cannot change, for being All, there is nothing for It to change into. This is self-evident. (83)
136. Only active Principle is Spirit Self-Conscious, Self-Knowing Life and that all else is subject to Its Will. (83)
137. It is necessary that Soul and body should exist because Spirit, without manifestation, would construct only a dream
world, never coming to Self-Realization. (83)
138. In order to express, there must be a medium through which Spirit manifests and there must be a manifestation, hence,
Soul and Body. (83)
139. First Cause, speaks and it is done. (84)
140. The Law is the servant of the Spirit (84)
141. Law does not know itself; Law knows only to do. It is the medium through which the Spirit operates to fulfill Its
purpose. (84)
142. All action must be some action of Spirit as Law! (84)
143. An Infinite Spirit and an Infinite Law Intelligence and the Way It works. (84)
144. The whole action of Spirit must be within Itself, upon the Law (which is also within Itself) and upon the Universal
Stuff, which is also within Itself. (84) The three in reality are One The Trinity. (84)
145. Spirit creates by contemplation. (85)
147. God, the Divine or Universal Life Principle, or whatever we choose to call It, is an Original, Uncreated, Changeless
Being. (85)
148. BEING with potentialities. (85)
149. The infinite Thinker thinks, and what follows is in a sequence of Law and order, of cause and effect; this is the
mathematics. (85)
150. The Infinite Thinker, in movement, is Principal. (85)
151. To express this more simply, God thinks. As the result of Gods thought, Law is set in Motionor The Thought moves
as Lawin a field of Cause and Effect. (85)
152. Metaphysics begins where physics leaves off. Everything is movement; everything we can take hold of and analyze, all
things in the physical world or the world of form are in a certain rate of vibration and are an effect. This is the result of
an Infinite Thinker thinking mathematically. (86)
153. Anything the mind thinks, it can unthink. (86)
154. If, therefore, by the law of cause and effect we have produced unpleasant conditions, we should be able by this same
law to produce an entirely different effect. (86)
155. Truth known is demonstrated. (86)
156. To be self-conscious, is to be a spiritual entity. (86)
157. Man is a spirit while God is The Spirit. (87)
158. The meaning of inherent life is real life creative life. (87)
159. Infinite cannot come from the finite (87)
160. There is no such thing as your mind, my mind and Gods Mind. There is only Mind, in which we all live and move
and have our being. (87)
161. Things are ideas in form. (87)
162. There is nothing from which to make things except ideas. (87)
163. That which we call our subjective mind is, in reality, our identity in Infinite Mind. (87)
164. Our subjective mind is the medium through which experiences come to us. (88)
165. The Triune Nature of the One God (88)
166. The Spirit of the Universe permeates the Soul of the Universe, forever impregnating It with ideas. (88)
167. The Soul of the Universe is the Holy Womb of Nature, producing the forms which appear in the manifest universe.
168. The Body of the Universe is the result of the thought of Spirit, operating through the medium of Soul. (88)
169. The Father is Absolute, Positive Intelligence; the Son is the Offspring of the Father; the Holy Ghost is The Servant of
the Eternal Spirit throughout the ages. (88)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
170. Spirit is Absolute Intelligence, operating through the Soul of Receptive Intelligence, impregnating It with The Divine
Ideas. (88)
171. We should be very careful in abstracting the Principle not to forget the Essence. (88)
173. That which is personalized is personal to its own personification! (89)
174. The threefold Nature of Reality or Godthe Trinity of Beingas Spirit, Soul and Body: Conscious Intelligence,
Subjective Law, and Form. (90)
175. It is the Holy Ghost, or Third Person of the Christian Trinity. (90)
176. The term Subjective Minds is used in speaking of the Universal Soul (90)
178. The Subjective Mind which we call Soul, is not a knower in the sense that Spirit is, i.e., It is not Self-Conscious. (91)
179. It is the business of Soul to reflect the images that Spirit casts into It. (91)
180. The matter of Spirit. (91)
181. The ether of Science. (91)
182. Soul-Stuff. (91)
183. Soul is Subjective Intelligence. (91)
184. The Soul of the Universe is next in Principle to Spirit and is the servant of Spirit. (91)
185. Soul-Stuff refers to the primordial or undifferentiated Substance from which all things are made. (91)
186. Being a neutral, creative medium which knows neither good nor bad, it is conscious only of its own ability to do. This
is why some of the earlier philosophers referred to the Universal Soul, or Creative Medium, as a blind force, not
knowing, only doing. (92)
187. All law is Mind in action. (92)
188. Soul is the Medium through which all Law and all Power operate. (92)
189. The Karmic Law, which means the Law of Cause and Effect, works through the medium of the Universal Soul, which
is the Creative Principle of nature and the Law of Spirit. (93)
190. Soul is the medium through which Spirit works, and because It is a blind force not knowing, only doing, It was called
by the ancients Maya (93)
191. Subjective Mind, has no existence. (93)
192. Your subjective mind and my subjective mind is merely the place where Universal Subjectivity, the Creative Medium
Itself, reacts to our personal use of It. (93)
193. It is impossible to plumb the depths of the individual mind, because it is not really individual but individualized. (93)
194. Everyone is Universal on the subjective side of life and individual only at the point of conscious perception. We use the
power of the Universal Mind every time we think! (93)
195. Lodge calls the ether the cement of matter. (94)
196. Perhaps the ether is Mind? (94)
197. Anything that has ever been thought at any time in the history of man, exists today in a subjective state in Universal
Mind. (95)
198. There can be no reason given as to why the Truth is true. (95)
199. Newton said, the fact that we are able to announce the mystery is the mystery. (95)
200. We do not create laws and principle, but discover and make use of them. (95)
201. It is impossible to divide Mind. (95)
202. Consciousness is always a unity. (96)
203. There are two ways of reasoning, the inductive and the deductive method. (96)
204. Inductive reasoning is an inquiry into the truth; it is a process of analysis. (96)
205. Deductive reasoning follows an already established premise. (96)
206. God can only reason deductively, since God is Truth. (96)
207. There can be no inductive reasoning in Spirit, because It already knows all things. (96)
208. It is impersonal and neither knows nor cares who uses It. (96)
209. The Soul is without conscious consciousness, but is conscious in relationship to the impressions It has received
(whether they be Truth or only belief) and with mathematical certainty and precision, backed by the law of Its own
being, it proceeds to execute the ideas given It. Thus it is plainly seen that the Soul can only reason deductively. (97)
210. Undifferentiated substance. (97)
211. Body is the result of Spirit working through Soul or Law. (98)
GOD. (98)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
213. Body means the entire manifestation of Spirit on all planes. In my fathers house are many mansions, (98)
214. The body is distinguished from the idea, in that the body is seen while the idea is invisible. (98)
215. Body is always an effect, never a cause. (99)
216. Body is in consciousness! (99)
217. Pain and fear are in consciousness, (99)
218. The physical body is evolved for the purpose of allowing consciousness to function on this plane. (99)
219. When the body is no longer a fit instrument the soul deserts it and continues to function on another plane. (99)
220. The simplest way to think of body is to realize that it is the objective manifestation of a subjective mind and
consciousness; and if we are to be well and happy, not only the body but the mind also must be peaceful and
harmonious. (99)
221. It may be considered as a general rule that when the soul is poised in true spiritual realization, the body will be normal
and healthy. (99)
222. Since Spirit must be manifest in order to be conscious, there must be a way in which It manifests and there must be a
manifestation. So we have Soul and Body. Body, the manifestation and Soul, the Way, or Law by which it manifests.
223. Form is entirely in the realm of effect. (100)
224. Form is within the formless. Form is not an illusion, even when it is the form of disease; it then represents a false
conclusion, but is as real as it is supposed to be. If the formless did not take form Spirit would never arrive at self-
realization. (101)
225. Time is a sequence of events in a unitary wholeness; it is recollection, attention, and anticipationpast, present, and
futuresimply the measure of experience. (101)
226. Form is temporary but Mind is eternal. (101)
227. Effect is that which did not make itself but must have a power back of it, causing it to be. All manifestation, all body, is
effect, and is subject to its cause! (101)
228. The Creator is greater than His creation. (101)
229. Both cause and effect are spiritual! (101)
230. That which the Spirit involves must evolve! (101)
231. Evolution is the passing of thought into manifestation. (102)
232. Involution. (102)
233. Evolution is an effect of intelligence and not the cause of it! (102)
235. Absolute Causation (102)
236. God IS, and is in everything. (103)
237. Emerson tells us that nature is Spirit reduced to Its greatest thinness; and Spinoza says that Mind and matter are the
same thing; (103)
238. Jesus proclaimed that the very words which he spoke were Spirit and were life. (103)
239. Robert Browning writes of the spark which we may desecrate, but never quite lose, and he further announces that all are
gods, though in the germ. (103)
240. Wordsworth sings that Heaven is the native home of all mankind. (103)
241. Tennyson exclaims that more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams. (103)
242. Shakespeare perceived sermons in stones and good in everything. (103)
243. The furtherance of evolution depends upon our ability to sense a unity with Nature and her forces. (104)
244. From the standpoint of immortality we may have a body within a body to infinity. (104)
245. The physical disappearance of Jesus after his Resurrection was the result of the spiritualization of his consciousness.
246. Planes are not places; they are states of consciousness. (104)
247. Therefore, Intelligence is the ultimate agency of the Universe! (105)
248. This, of course does not mean that man is God. (106)
249. His suffering is not God-ordained, because he creates his own experience as he becomes individualized. (108)
250. Individuality must be created in the image of Perfection and left alone to make the great discovery for itself. (108)
251. Freedom of will means (108)
252. A freedom under compulsion would amount to the worst kind of bondage. (109)
253. The only way God can evolve a spontaneous individual is to let him alone and allow him to awaken to himself. Behold
I stand at the door and knock (109)
254. God never intended man to suffer. (109)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
255. We shall cease to suffer as we more and more comply with the Laws of the Universe, all suffering is the result of some
infringement of these Laws. (109)
256. Evil is neither person, place nor thing of itself, but is an experience which we are allowed to have (110)
257. The true Law is a Law of Liberty and not of bondage. (110)
258. The Universe is fool-proof. It does say we can have what we can take, while at the same time we must expect to
experience the logical result of our thought and act, be it good or what, we call evil. (110)
259. The meaning of freedom implies the possibility of suffering (110)
260. There is no freedom or happiness, as a spontaneous individuality, unless there can be a temporary restriction of bondage
and unhappiness through the wrong use of freedom. (110)
261. If man takes his images of thought only from his previous experience, then he continues in the bondage which those
previous experiences create. (110)
262. All human bondage is an invention of ignorance. (110)
263. There is no sin but a mistake, and no punishment but an inevitable consequence. (111)
264. Law of Cause and Effect must be eternally operative. (111)
265. It does mean that there is an immutable Law of Cause and Effect running through everything. We are not punished for
our sins but by them. Sin is its own punishment and righteousness is its own reward! (111)
266. Evil is not a thing of itself. It is simply a misuse of the Law of Freedom. (111)
267. Studying man, we find that his bodylike the physical Universedevoid of mind or intelligence, has no volition.
268. Man is a self-conscious, thinking, choosing center of individualized intelligence, or God-Consciousness, in the great
Whole. (112)
269. The doorway to the Absolute stands open at the center of our intuitive perception. (112)
270. These channels represent spiritual capacities since each is an avenue leading to self-knowingness, and self-knowingness
is the very nature and essence of Spirit. (113)
271. Science is Spirit inducing Its own laws. (113)
272. Intuition is Spirit knowing Itself. (113)
273. To suppose that one must retire from the world to be spiritual is one of the greatest possible mistakes. (114)
274. There can be no real enjoyment of life until we see that everything is animated by the spirit (114)
275. The Essence of Reality is invisible, but the substance of the invisible is seen and heard (114)
276. Subconscious does not mean unconscious. Subconscious merely means subjective to the conscious thought. (114)
277. Karmic Law. (114)
278. Soul contains the memory (114)
279. The law of mind is always subjective. (115)
280. Collective unconscious. (115)
281. The sum total of all erroneous human belief, binds until the individual mentally lifts himself above the law of averages
into the higher law of Spiritual Individualism. (115)
282. The thinker is conscious mind, but when he thinks he lets fall the forms of his thought into Subjective Mind (115)
283. Plotinus. (115)
284. I do not argue, I contemplate; and as I contemplate, I let fall the forms of my thought; this is the manner which
Nature createsIt contemplates. (116)
285. Whatever man things (whether it is what he calls good or bad) falls into this Universal Creative Medium, is accepted by
It, is at once acted upon and unless neutralized tends to take objective form. (116)
286. Objective man is body. (116)
287. Matter is not a solid (116)
288. The bodies we now have were not with us a short time ago; we discard many of them on our path through this life
289. The last analysis of matter resolves it into a universal ether, and leaves nothing more than a stuff which may be
operated upon; a force and energy, without volition, ready to become molded. (117)
290. Nothing could give form to a formless stuff, which has no mind of its own, but some Intelligence operating through it.
291. Body does not know it is body. (117)
292. Of itself, the physical universe is an effect. (117)
293. The Universal Subjective Mind, being entirely receptive to our thought, is compelled by Its very nature, to accept that
thought and act upon it no matter what the thought may be. (118)
294. Limitation is not in Principle nor in Law, but only in the individual use we make of Principle. (118)
295. No matter what may be in the subjective state of our thought, the conscious state can change it (119)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
296. Whatever is held in consciousness until it becomes a part of the subjective side of thought, tends to take place in the
world of affairs. (119)
298. To learn how to think is to learn how to live. Man by thinking, can bring into his experience whatever he desires if he
thinks correctly. This is not done by holding thoughts, but by knowing the Truth. There is a vast difference, a difference
which too few realize. (123)
299. Sin, which is nothing more than a mistake. (123)
300. That which we look upon is real while we look at it. We arrive at a consciousness of Unity only in such degree as we
see that what we are looking FOR, we are looking WITH, and looking AT. (124)
301. What is mans subconscious mind? (124)
302. But there is such a thing as the subjective state of my thought and of your thought in Mind. (125)
304. Thought becomes subjectified in Mind like a seed planted in the soil, and, unless neutralized, it stays there and
determines the attraction and repulsion in the experience of the one thinking. (126)
305. We, and we alone, control our destiny. (126)
306. Law is Mind in action. (126)
307. We are dealing with Law, and it follows that since we are dealing with Law, It will ultimately bring back to us the
result of the forces which we set in motion through It. (127)
308. Spirit of the Antichrist. (127)
309. Nothing is going to happen TO him that does not happen THROUGH him (128)
311. Begin at the beginning and reason this out, time after time, until all doubt disappears. (128)
312. Man is potentially perfect but free-will and self-choice cause him to appear imperfect. (130)
313. It cannot be too plainly stated that Spirit, or Conscious Intelligence, is the only Self-Assertive Principle in the Universe.
314. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. (137)
315. What we expect, said Aristotle, that we find. (137)
316. What we wish, said Demosthenes, that we believe. (137)
317. Shakespeare is accredited with the saying: There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. (137)
318. The progress of the human race is a result of that process whereby Intelligence passes, by successive degrees of
incarnation, through evolution, into the human mind. (139)
319. It is done unto you AS you believe. (140)
320. This Mind is acted upon by our thought, and in this way thought becomes the law of our lives. (140)
322. The sooner we release our minds from the thought that we have to create, the sooner we shall be able to work in line
with Spirit. (140)
323. The Spirit can do for us only what It can do through us. Unless we are able to provide the consciousness, It cannot
make the gift. The Power behind all things is without limit, but in working for us It must work through us. (141)
324. God, Who is personal to us by virtue of being personified through us. (141)
325. When we understand the Law, we learn to consciously embody what we wish, and think of this only, and then we are
drawn silently toward it. (142)
326. Merely to abstain from wrong thinking is not enough; there must be active right thinking. (143)
327. The more spontaneity put into the mechanical word, the more power the word must have. (143)
328. There is no spontaneity and no individuality without prerogative. (143)
329. Health and sickness are largely externalizations of our dominant mental and spiritual states. (144)
330. Worry, fear, anger, jealousy, and other emotional conditions, are mental in their nature, and as such are being
recognized as the hidden cause of a large part of all the physical suffering to which the flesh in heir. (144)
331. All mind activity inevitably tends to create its physical correspondent (145)
332. This Law will work for him to the fullest extent of his belief in, and understanding of, It. (145)
333. The word is nigh thee, even in thine own mouth that thou shouldst know it and do it. (146)
334. If any words have power, it follows that all words have power. It means that every word which we hear, speak or think,
has some power. (146)
335. Could we but grasp this greatest truth about life; and realize that we are dealing with a Principle, scientifically correct
and eternally present, we could accomplish whatever it is possible for us to conceive. (147)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
336. Nothing could bring greater discouragement than to labour under the delusion that God is a Being of moods, who might
answer some prayers and not others. (149)
337. If there seems to be any failure, it is in mans ignorance or misunderstanding of the Will and nature of God. (150)
338. If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. (151)
339. The secret of spiritual power lies in a consciousness of ones union with the Whole (151)
340. Emerson said: Is not prayer a study of truth, a sally of the Soul into the unfound infinite? (152)
341. This conscious commingling of our thought with Spirit is essential to the well-being of every part of us. (152)
342. Prayer, then, is its own answer. (153)
343. If our prayer is one of partial belief, then there is only a tendency toward its answer (153)
344. The Universe is a Spiritual System. Its laws are those of intelligence. (155)
345. Prayer is a mental approach to Reality. (155)
346. The idea that faith has only to do with our religious experience is a mistake. (155)
347. Why is it that one mans prayers are answered, while anothers remain unanswered? (156)
348. It must be that all persons, in their approach to Reality, receive resultsnot because of what they believe in, but
because of their belief. (156)
349. Faith is an affirmative mental approach to Reality. (156)
350. The fear of lack (156)
351. The fear of death (156)
352. The fear of loss of health, loss of friends, loss of property (156)
353. What is fear? (156)
354. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (156)
355. This is how faith brings our desire to pass. (157)
356. Co-eternal and co-existent with God. (157)
357. The principal governing faith is, that when the one praying becomes convinced his prayer will automatically be
answered. Jesus announced the law of mind saying: It is done unto you as you believe. (157)
358. Wherever prayer, in faith, touches Reality, prays arightprays according to whatever the Truth isthen prayer must
be answered. (158)
359. In order to keep faith, we must allow nothing to enter our thought which will weaken this conviction. Faith is built up
from belief, acceptance and trust. (159)
360. Affirmations and denials are for the purpose of vitalizing faithfor the purpose of converting thought to a belief in
things spiritual. (159)
361. All sciences are built upon faith principles. (159)
362. We must know that we know. (159)
363. Pure faith is a spiritual conviction; it is the acquiescence of the mind, the embodiment of an idea, the acceptance of a
concept. (159)
364. We shall often need to know that the Truth which we announce is superior to the condition we are to change. (159)
365. If we are speaking from the standpoint of the Spirit, then there can be no opposition to It! (160)
366. Spiritual understanding. (160)
367. A suffering God is an impossibility. (160)
368. We suffer because we are not in both conscious and subjective communication with the affirmative side of the
Universe. (160)
369. All human misery is a result of ignorance; and nothing but knowledge can free us from this ignorance and its effect.
370. We should be careful not to divide dour mental house against itself. (161)
371. The mold of acceptance is the measure of our experience. (161)
372. Mental Science does not deny the divinity of Jesus; but it does affirm the divinity of all people. (161)
373. Faith is centered in, and co-operates with, Divine Mind. (162)
374. We limit our faith to that which has already been accomplished, and few miracles result. (162)
375. The healing process, in so far as it may be termed a process, is in becoming conscious of this eternal truth. (164)
376. By thinking upon a condition, we tend to animate it with the life of our thought, and thereby it is perpetuated and
magnified. (164)
377. The practitioner treats the practitioner, for the patient, always! (165)
378. What is a practitioner? (167)
379. The premise upon which all mental work is based is perfect God, perfect man, perfect being. (168)
380. Browning called this the spark which a man may desecrate but never quite lose. (169)
381. We are practicing scientifically when the mind refuses to see the apparent condition and turns to the Absolute. (169)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
382. It does not matter so much what one says, it is what one believes when he says it that counts. (169)
383. We must not think of the disease as being connected with him or as any part of him. (169)
385. There are but two distinct methods; one is called the argumentative and the other realization. (170)
386. When you give a treatment, you never send out a thought, or hold a thought, or make a suggestion. (171)
387. A treatment is a conscious movement of thought, and the work begins and ends in the thought of the one giving the
treatment. The practitioner must do the work within himself. (172)
388. All argumentative statements merely conduct the mind of the practitioner to a place where he believes what he is
saying! (172)
389. When we can pursue only the way of pure realization, we will have attained the ideal method. (173)
390. He must believe that this Power does respond to his word. (173)
391. Treatment has nothing to do with any effort which attempts to concentrate the Energy of God. (174)
392. A demonstration is made when the thing is accomplished which the one treating desires to achieve (174)
393. We cannot demonstrate beyond our ability to mentally embody an idea. (174)
394. Law is and responds. (174)
395. The possibility of demonstrating does not depend upon environment, condition, location, personality or opportunity.
396. Everyone who asks receives, according to his belief. (175)
397. There should be some sign of improvement form the first treatment. (175)
398. There must not only be the image in the mans mind who is giving the treatment, but there must be an appreciation of
what the image means, before the image can reflect itself. (176)
399. Let us not deceive ourselves about our treatments. (176)
400. This matter of self-deception about the truth of a demonstration is the most prolific field for delusion in our system of
thought. (176)
401. The only secret is the persistent ability to use the Law, and the determination to continue to use It until we prove It.
402. The possibility of spiritual mind healing, changing environment, controlling conditions, etc., through the power of right
thinking, rests entirely upon the theory that we are surrounded by a Universal Mind, which reacts to our thoughtand
always according to Law. (177)
403. Sickness is not a spiritual Reality; it is an experienceand effect not a cause. (177)
404. Man need not consciously think negation in order to produce physical disturbance (177)
405. We find that prayer is essential to happiness, for righteous prayer sets the law of the Spirit of life in notion for our good.
406. Prayer is essential to the conscious well-being of the soul. (178)
407. Understanding faith is based on Immutable Principle. Its action is higher than that of the intellect, because it is born of
intuition. (178)
408. The more spiritual or Godlike the mentality of the practitioner, the more powerful the treatment. (178)
409. There is no personal responsibility in healing. (179)
410. Personal magnetism has nothing to do with mental healing. (179)
411. The whole basis of the possibility of mental healing rests upon the premise that we all live in One Creative Mind which
reacts to our belief. (179)
412. The process, if there is one, is the time and thought that it takes to arrive at the correct understanding of mans perfect
state in Spirit. (179)
413. This system of treatment is for the purpose of uncovering and neutralizing the wrong states of thought (183)
414. Spirit is Changeless Reality. (184)
415. That which we call personality is the instrument through which Spirit operates, but Spirit can operate from the
individual only by operating through him. (184)
416. We are dealing with an impersonal Principle. (184)
417. Dare to speak and to know that what you speak is the law unto the thing spoken regardless of what conditions exist.
419. The truth is Indivisible and Whole. (184)
420. The student of Truth will maintain that he lives in a Perfect Universe and among people potentially perfect. (184)
421. To daily meditate on the Perfect Life, and to daily embody the Great Ideal, is a royal road to freedom (185)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
422. Perfect God within me, Perfect Life with me, which is God, come forth into expression through me as that which I am;
lead me ever into the paths of perfection and cause me to see only the Good. (185)
423. The reason a man has difficulty in throwing off some weakness of characterwhile believing in Spirit implicitly and
having faith that he is going to overcome his limitationis because he has not induced the necessary images in mind.
425. Disease and limitation are neither person, place nor thing. (186)
426. The Infinite knows no difference between a million dollars and a penny. (186)
427. The more exalted, the more heavenly, the more boundless, the more Godlike or Christlike the thought is, the more
power it will have. (186)
428. Never limit your view of life by any past experience. (187)
429. It is not a question of failing or succeeding. It is simply a question of sticking to an idea until it becomes a tangible
reality. (187)
430. It there appears to be confusion in the condition, then there must have been confusion in the thought back of it. (187)
431. We pay no attention to the objective expression, so long as we know we are getting the right subjective recognition.
432. The way scientifically to work out a problem is daily in thought to conceive of it as already being an accomplished fact
in experience. (187)
434. KNOWwithout a shadow of doubtthat as a result of your treatment, some action takes place in Infinite Mind. (188)
435. The answer to prayer is in the prayer when it is prayed. (190)
436. This is spiritual mind healing. (191)
437. We should have no objection to any form of healing, for anything that helps to overcome suffering is good, whether it
be a pill or a prayer. (191)
438. No one will ever have a complete understanding of Truth. (191)
439. The consciousness of Truth alone is the tool of a spiritual practitioner. (192)
440. The will is directive but not creative. (192)
441. Will is the conscious, directive power of the intellect and as such has a very important place in the creative order but in
no case is it to be used as though it could force thing to happen. (192)
442. The temporary effects of will power continue only so long as the will forces them to. (192)
443. We do not create energy, we distribute it (193)
444. The Energy of Mind like other natural energies already exists. We merely use It and it is within our province to use It in
any way we may desire (193)
445. The imagination is creative, the will is directive. (193)
446. The will holds attention to the mental viewpoint until the creative power has time to work through the law of
unfoldment. (193)
447. The will is given us to protect ourselves with. (193)
448. True spiritual work will strengthen the will without exhausting the mind (193)
449. We should understand the true meaning of concentration. (193)
450. Concentration of thought is not an effort to compel, but the desire to permit, the stream of Creative Energy to take
definite form. To try to force, through concentration, would be to give ourselves an adverse suggestion and bring upon
ourselves the very opposite to our wishes through recognizing an opposite to the power of Good. (194)
451. One of the most important things for us to remember is that we are always causing something to be created for us. (194)
452. Whatever cause we have set in motion must produce some kind of effect. We are producing the effects we should like
to experience? (194)
453. Therefore, there must be a definite purpose in our imagination. (195)
454. The Law follows the word just as the word follows the desire. (195)
455. The desire arises from the necessity of the universe to become self-expressed. (195)
456. The word gives form to Substance and the principle of subjective Law produces the manifestation. (195)
457. It is unnecessary to learn any methods of concentration whatsoever if these simple rules are followed. (195)
458. Man is an individual and does with himself what he wills. (196)
459. Individuality cannot be automatically produced; it must be spontaneous. (196)
460. There is a Perfect Concept of Man, held in the Mind of the Universe as an already accomplished fact, but man is
subject to the law of his own choice. (196)
461. The Universe is the result of the contemplation of the Divine Mind (196)
462. God creates by contemplating His own I-AM-Ness. (196)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
463. Devoid of mentality, the body neither thinks, sees, hears, feels touches nor tastes. (197)
464. Man is inherently a perfect idea (197)
465. Healing, then, is accomplished by uncovering, neutralizing and erasing false images of thought, and letting the perfect
idea reflect itself through subjective mind into the body. (197)
466. Everything is Mind and that nothing moves but Mind (197)
467. Only Our Own Concepts Limit Us. (197)
468. WE are limited, not by Principle, but by our own inability to see perfection. (197)
469. The unconscious or subjective mind is compelledby reason of its natureto accept. (198)
470. Treatment is the act, the art, and the science of inducing thought within the mentality of the one treating, which thought
shall perceive that the body of the patient is a Divine, Spiritual, and perfect Idea. (198)
471. My word has the power to heal, (199)
472. The word disease means lack of easedis-ease (200)
473. From the standpoint of the mental practitioner, disease is an impersonal thing, (200)
474. Disease is an experience operating through people, which does not belong to them at all. (201)
475. You must know that the Power you are using is definite, scientific, dynamic, spiritual, absolute, complete, and that it
will work. (201)
476. The first thing a practitioner does is to separate the belief from the believer. (201)
477. Man is fundamentally perfect, this is our whole premise (201)
479. Every disease which comes up through subjectivity, and appears in the body, must come through mind. (202)
480. Mental treatment is a direct statement of belief into Mind, coupled with a realization that the work is already an
accomplished fact. (203)
481. In your work, do not feel that you must heal anyone. Your only responsibility is to uncover the Truth. (203)
482. We cannot heal successfully while we recognize sickness as a reality to the Spirit. (203)
483. Your word is the law unto the thing unto which it is spoken. (203)
484. Scientific mental healing is the result of clear thinking and logical reasoning, which presents itself to consciousness and
is acted upon by Mind. (203)
485. Claim that no form of race-suggestion, belief in limitation, subjective idea of limitation, thought of karma, fatalism,
theology or hell, horoscope, or any other false belief, has power. (204)
486. The practitioner does not try to hold a thought nor to send out a thought. He simply tries to convince himself of the
perfection of his patient. (206)
487. The practitioner does not try to make his word operate through his patient, but only attempts to know the Truth of what
he states. (206)
488. The practitioners work begins and ends within his own consciousness. (207)
489. It is true that the treatment is creative, it is also true that whatever feeling there is, must be an effect and not a cause.
491. Whereas man thinks both inductively and deductively, God thinks only deductively. (208)
492. God is not conscious of matter as we know it. God is conscious of form, but not of size. God is conscious of
manifestation but not of space. God is conscious of outline but not of limitation. God is conscious in many forms, but
not as division. (208)
493. Even a small amount of right thought puts to rout that which is wrong. (209)
494. Subjective Mind can deduce only (209)
495. We must be very careful not to labor under the delusion that because Subjective Mind cannot reason, It is not
unintelligent (209)
496. The Universe being deductive only, cannot refuse man anything. (209)
497. We are bound by our very freedom, our free will binds us, but as free will creates the conditions which externally limit
us, so it can uncreate or dissolve them. (209)
499. Knowing our Oneness with God and the Creative Medium, Law our treatments are free from any thought of control.
500. All thoughts of doubt concerning ones ability to heal, come from the belief that it is the personality and not the Law
which does the healing. (210)
501. The reason people do not get better results is that they do not understand the Principle works independently the
Truth demonstrates Itself! (210)
502. Remember that the thought of the parents influences the child. (210)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
503. It is the business of the practitioner to realize that there is no mental influence operating through the child except a
belief in perfection. (211)
504. Healing is not creating a perfect idea or a perfect body; it is revealing an idea which is already perfect. (212)
505. Healing is not a process, it is a revelation, through the thought of the practitioner to the thought of the patient. (212)
506. Disease is a fact but not a truth; it is an experience but not a spiritual reality. (213)
507. We must transcend the appearance, even though we admit it as a fact. (213)
508. Can it be true that there could be a Universal necessity for unhappiness? (213)
509. The devil is a myth, and heaven is lost merely for the lack of an idea of harmony. (217)
510. To be spiritually minded is to enter that tranquil atmosphere of pure thought (218)
511. And even when the results are not immediately forthcoming, we must still maintain a calm serenity of thought. (218)
512. To begin the treatment by a silent assurance that man, being spiritual, is exempt from negation, is a correct starting
point. (219)
513. We can go only as far as our spiritual knowledge takes us. (219)
514. Do not let anyone discourage or belittle your efforts by asking, Why dont you walk on the water? Jesus did. (219)
515. If we spend our entire time trying to find out why It does not work, we shall never find out how and why it does work.
516. Repeated treatments induce, within consciousness, a definite concept of an already established truth, even though the
fact may not as yet have become objectified. This is why mental healing is scientific. (220)
517. There is no room for doubt in treatment. (220)
518. Never say: I am not good enough to treat. (220)
519. Do not allow yourself to become superstitious (220)
520. As I let fall the forms of my thought, they are operated upon by Principles in which I believe. This is the law of God,
the law of man, and the law of the Universe. (221)
521. Do not think of disease as an entity, but as an impersonal thought-force. (221)
522. You do have a definite obligation, which is to give the treatment properly, clearly, fully, and conscientiously
when you have agreed to. (221)
523. You cannot heal anyone of his trouble, if it is the result of some mental attitude which he will not surrender. (222)
524. What is a habit? (222)
525. Unless we control thought, it will control us. (223)
526. Many times, just the statement: Right where pain seems to operate, the Presence of God is, will instantly obliterate
the pain. (223)
527. A treatment is a specific thing. (224)
528. Always come to a complete conclusion when giving a treatment. (224)
529. The treatment should be repeated daily until a healing takes place. (225)
530. A treatment for peace, alone, often brings quick results when one is suffering from headache. (225)
531. Headache (225)
532. Why people become Fatiqued. (226)
533. Treating Insanity. (227)
534. Mans mentality is a point in Universal Mind, to which all things are Known. In this Mind all persons are rational and
poised. (228)
535. Treating Lung Trouble. (228)
536. Vision (229)
537. Constipation (231)
538. Arms and Hands (234)
539. Feet and Legs (234)
540. False Growths (Tumors, Cancer, Gallstones) (234)
541. Removing the Complex (236)
542. Heart Trouble (236)
543. Almost every case of heart trouble can be traced to thought of strain and inharmony; sometimes to disappointment or
disagreement with a loved one; or to a feeling of loss from financial reverses. (239)
544. We reiterate, a remedy for all heart trouble is LOVE. (239)
545. Man is birthless, deathless, ageless Spirit; and this should be the consciousness of our work. (239)
546. Perfect assimilation, elimination and circulation (239)
547. Poison of any Kind (240)
548. Paralysis (240)
549. Asthma and Hay Fever (242)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
550. Nerve Troubles (242)
551. Blood Troubles and Skin Diseases (High Blood Pressure, Hardening of the Arteries, Eczema, Boils (247)
552. Fevers (250)
553. Obstetrics (250)
554. Colds, Influenza and Grippe (252)
555. Treating Kidney, Bladder and Liver Disturbances (253)
556. Treating Stomach and Bowel Troubles (253)
557. Treating Insomnia (257)
558. Deafness (257)
559. Weather Conditions (258)
560. Thoughts about food (259)
561. Rheumatism (260)
562. Healing Intemperance (260)
563. Supply (262)
564. A treatment for the Peace of Mind (264)
565. If we could all get what we want, it might be disastrous (266)
567. There is no limit to the Law, but there appears to be a limit to mans understanding of It. (267)
568. It is a great mistake to say: Take what you wish, for you can have anything you like. (267)
569. Mental Science does not promise anything that will do away with the necessity of comply with law. (268)
570. The Law is a law of liberty, but not a law of license. (268)
572. True prayer must be, Thy will be done, (268)
573. The criterion for any man as to what is right or wrong for him is not to be found in some other mans judgment. (270)
574. Does the thing I wish to do express more life, more happiness, more peace to myself, and at the same time harm no
one? (270)
575. Man does not exist for the purpose of making an impression upon his environment. (270)
576. There is such a thing as Universal Law and Mind, and we can use It if we comply with Its nature, work as It works.
577. There is a law of unfoldment in man, which says he can advance only by giving from where he is to the place where he
would like to be. (271)
578. It is a wonderful experiment and a great adventure to make conscious use of the Law; to feel that we can plant an idea
in Mind and see it gradually take form. (270)
579. The student should take time every day to see his life as he wishes it to be, to make a mental picture of his ideal. (271)
580. There should not be any sense of hurry or worry about this, just a calm, peaceful sense of reality. (272)
581. In confidence we should wait upon the Perfect Law to manifest through us. (272)
582. There is no medium between us and the Universal Mind except our own thought. (272)
583. The Bible says, There is no mediator between God and Man except Christ. (272)
584. Christ means the truth about ourselves. (272)
585. We must be still in our own consciousness and know that the Spirit within us knows which of these ways is the right,
and most constructive way, and will guide us. (273)
586. Emergent Evolution. (273)
587. The answer to that problem is right then and there created in Mind, and will be projected through his intellect
whenever and wherever he is ready to receive it. It is a new creation. (273)
588. God is forever doing new things, and when we conceive new ideas, it is an act of the Divine projecting itself into
Creation. (273)
589. The mind we use is the Mind of the Universe. This is God in man and it is only through this Mind that we understand
anything. (273)
590. Treatment is not for the purpose of making things happen; it is to provide, within ourselves, an avenue through which
they may happen. (274)
591. But neither fasting nor feasting, wailing nor praising will cause us to arrive at a place of acceptance. (274)
592. Treatment is not something one does to another, not something one does to an environment, nor to a situation. It is
always the thing one does to himself. (274)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
593. Troward says that we enter the Absolute in such degree as we withdraw from the relative; and that we withdraw from
the relative in such degree as we enter the Absolute. (274)
594. Any denial we make in treatment is simply to conduct us to a place of greater affirmation. (275)
595. It is impossible to divorce spiritual understanding from the proper use of mental law. (275)
596. Alls have, yet alls law. (276)
597. The Law is a blind Force, and lest we misuse It, we should be very careful to follow a constructive course. (276)
598. The Law is Absolute and we should trust Its impersonal action implicitly. (276)
599. The Universal Spirit is the Supreme Knower in the Universe. (276)
600. The highest realization we can have is a recognition of the Omnipresence of Spirit. (276)
601. This was the secret of the power of Jesus. (276)
602. Why should we not take the highest and best? (276)
603. Give thanks and then command the Law to work. This is the correct manner of approach to the Spirit and the Law.
604. The Law is subject to Spirit and is Its servant. (277)
605. Every problem is primarily mental, and the answers to our problems will be found in Spiritual Realizations. (277)
606. Success and happiness are ours when we deal with Absoluteness. (277)
607. We are surrounded by a Universal Subjectivity, a Subjective, Creative Consciousness, which is receptive, neutral,
impersonal, always receiving the impress of our thought and which has no alternative other than to operate directly
upon it, thus creating the things which we think. (278)
608. Our unity with good is not established while there is anything in us which denies it. (278)
609. If we know that the Power with which we are dealing is Principle and not personality; if we know and believe that Mind
is the only Actor, Cause, Effect, Substance, Intelligence, Truth and Power that there is: if we have a real embodiment;
then we can demonstrate. (279)
610. We must maintain a consistent, positive, aggressive mental attitude in the Truth. (279)
611. Mans Divine Individuality compels Infinity to appear in his experience as duality because he has believed in duality.
612. If our belief is limited only a little can come to us, because that is as we believe. (280)
613. The gift without the giver is bare, (280)
614. The essence of the power of prayer is faith and acceptance. (280)
615. These are the two great laws with which we have to deal and we shall never get away from either. (281)
617. This is his demonstration. (282)
618. As we bring ourselves to a greater vision, we induce a greater concept and thereby demonstrate more in our experience.
620. When things look the worst is the best time to work, and most satisfying time. (282)
621. Pray right and God cannot help responding. This is as far as anyone can go in faith. (282)
623. Faith is mental assertion elevated to the plane of realization. (283)
624. Faith knows that the life of Man is God, the birthless and the deathless Reality of all Being. (284)
625. Faith may be said to be scientific (284)
626. This is the true meaning of faith for faith is not a foolish fancy, it is a dynamic fact. (285)
627. AS WE COME INTO THE SPIRITUAL REALMwhich is a perfectly natural and normal realmWE HAVE TO
628. We cannot manifest love when we have a mental equivalent of hate in our hearts and minds. (285)
629. The Bhagavad Gita says that we shall never arrive at peace while we deal with the Pairs of Opposites. (286)
630. We can expand the finite but we cannot contract the Infinite. (287)
631. A man does not suddenly become affluent because he sits around and thinks, I am a multi-millionaire. But when he
thinks affluently he does begin to demonstrate prosperity. (287)
632. In treating we conceive of the ultimate of the idea but never of the process. Never treat a process. (289)
633. The ultimate of effect is already potential in its cause. (289)
635. See the desire as an already accomplished fact and rest in perfect confidence, peace and certainty, never looking for
results, never wondering, never becoming anxious, never being hurried nor worried. (289)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
636. To him who can perfectly practice inaction all things are possible. (289)
637. Tomorrow it is going to be, then according to the very law we are using we hold the answer in a state of FUTURITY
638. Declare every day that: No mistakes have been made, none are being made, and none can be made. Declare: there is
One Supreme Intelligence which governs, guides and guards, tells me what to do, when to act and how to act. (290)
639. Everything necessary to the full and complete expression of the most boundless experience of joy is mine now. (290)
640. We exist in Limitless Opportunities which are forever seeking expression through us. (291)
641. There is no one to talk to but yourself for all experience takes place within. (291)
642. There is but one thing to treat, as far as the practitioner is concerned, and that is HIMSELF. (291)
643. It is not enough to say: There is One Life and that Life is God. (292)
644. I expect, fully and emphatically, the answer to my prayer today. Right now do I possess this thing I so greatly desire. I
remove my fear of lack and negation, for it is the barrier which stands in the way of my experience of good. I alone can
remove it, and I do remove it now. (293)
645. As Gods thought makes worlds, and peoples them with living things, so our thought makes our world and people it
with our experiences. (295)
646. There is no power in the universe but ourselves that can free us. (295)
647. High Invocation (295)
648. Attracting Friends (297)
649. Be the friend of the whole world. (298)
650. Love is the grandest healing and drawing power on earth. (298)
651. Love is the sole impulse for creation, and the man who does not have love as the greatest incentive in his life, has never
developed the real creative instinct. (298)
652. The man who sees what he wants to see, regardless of what appears, will someday experience in the outer what he has
so faithfully seen in the within. (298)
653. When there is no longer anything in our mentality which denies our world, a demonstration will be made; nothing can
stop it, for the Law is Absolute. (300)
654. We should EXPECT THE BEST (300)
656. If we are thinking of ourselves as poor and needy, then Mind has no choice but to return what we have thought into It.
657. We can do more toward saving the world by proving this law than all that charity has ever given to it. (301)
658. If we allow the worlds opinion to control our thinking, then that will be our demonstration! (301)
659. Begin to blot out, one by one, all false beliefsall ideas that man is limited, poor or miserable. (302)
660. Cannot the Great Principle of Life create for us all that we need? (302)
661. It is ALL POWER. (302)
662. The one who wishes to make a demonstration must clear up his own subjective atmosphere, the reason being that he
may be objectively making statements which his subjective thought may be denying. (303)
663. Non-recognition of evil is the only way to avoid it. (303)
664. What we persist in recognizing we persist in holding in place. (303)
665. That which we refuse to recognize, we neutralize, and it is no longer there so far as we are concerned. (303)
666. THIS SPIRIT NEVER FAILS. Affirm this until it is a very part of your being (303)
667. This word blots out from the book of my remembrance any sense of lack, limitation, want, or fear of failure. There is no
failure, no person to fail. Failure is neither person, place nor thing. It is a false thought and has no truth in it. It is a
belief in lack and there is no lack. It is a belief in a limitation which does not exist. (303)
668. Thought is very subtle and sometimes when you are making such an affirmation, arguments will rise against it (304)
669. Never depend upon people or say that things must come from this or that source. (304)
670. God makes things through the direct act of becoming the things which He creates. (304)
672. A good meditation for Opportunity is the following: (304)
673. When we make a demonstration, we must take what goes with it (305)
674. The responsibility of setting the Law in motion is ours (305)
675. The Man of the Heart, or The Angel of Gods Presence. (306)
676. In the independence of your own mentality, believe and feel that you are wonderful. This is not conceit, it is the truth.
677. If there is one thing we should learn it is that spiritual treatment must not be confused with mental concentration. (308)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
678. The way to learn how to treat, is to treat. (309)
679. Emerson: Every fact is fluid. (310)
680. Spinoza: I do not say that mind is one thing and matter another; I say they are the same thing. (310)
681. The Bible says: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God; and all things
were made by the Word, and without the Word was not anything made that was made. (310)
682. The Bible clearly speaks of the physical universe and everything in it as though it were a word in form; that God is
Spirit; that the action of Spirit upon Itself produces creation; that man is a complement of the Universe, an incarnation
of the universe, partaking of the same nature. Consequently, his word is creative! (310)
683. It very boldly declares that death and resurrection are inventions of the human mind and not a decree of the Almighty.
684. The Bible clearly states that we are living in a spiritual Universe, governed by mental laws; that there is an action of
Consciousness, as Law, upon Substance, forever producing form, and forever withdrawing form any particular form,
thus producing another; that the form changes but the Formless never. (311)
685. Science tells us that all form comes from One Substance, made manifest through vibration. (311)
686. Physical form is real and if it were not for form, God, or Intelligence, would not be expressed. (311)
687. Emerson said: There is no great and no small, to the Soul that maketh all; and whence It cometh all things are, and It
cometh everywhere. (311)
688. The superlative cannot be the comparative. (312)
689. The Infinite knows experience but not duration. (312)
690. Anything that Spirit knows, is! (312)
691. Intelligence contacts and communicates with Itself. (312)
692. The individualization of the Universal comes to a point in the personal (313)
693. My so called mind is not another mind, it is this Mind, but it is thinking individually. (313)
694. By man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. (313)
695. We are, therefore, members of the Universe, and being members of that which unites everything, we are some part of
each other! (313)
696. Hell cools off when we think of heaven. (314)
697. To demonstrate means to prove, to exemplify, to manifest, to bring forth, to project into our experience something that
is better than we had yesterday (314)
698. No great spiritual teacher has denied the advisability of using possessions. (315)
699. Beware of holding too much good in your hand. (315)
700. We all have the spiritual power to raise the dead. (315)
701. We enter the Absolute in such degree as we withdraw from the relative. (315)
702. The Bible tells us not to count our enemies. (315)
703. It is not easy, is it, to turn form a disease and KNOW THAT THERE IS NO DISEASE, when we know very well that it
is an experience of the moment. This is not easy, but the one who can do just this, can heal. (315)
704. Energy unconnected does nothing, it is only when it is used, properly directed, that it accomplishes things. (315)
705. God is not a failure. Therefore, we must resolutely turn away from every experience which has been negative, from
every experience which has been a failure, and from every experience which denies God. (316)
706. There is nothing weird about the application of Truth. We should not be superstitious in using the Law of Mind. (316)
707. Diseaseswhether they be mumps, measles, poverty or unhappinessall are wrong adjustments to life; this is what
disease is. Lack of ease. (316)
708. The spiritual man is continuously remolding and remaking the material or physical man. (317)
709. God is belief and belief is Law, and Law produces form, in substance. (317)
710. The faith of God is very different from a faith in God. (317)
711. We must believe because God is belief; the physical Universe is built out of belieffaith, belief, acceptance,
conviction. (318)
712. We should be careful, after the treatment has been given, that we take no responsibility of trying to make it work. (318)
713. Consciousness will externalize at its own level, by its own recognition. (319)
715. There is nothing in me which can doubt my ability to heal. This will neutralize the fear and free his effort. (319)
716. How do we know when we have treated a patient long enough? (319)
717. Healing is not accomplished through will power but by knowing the Truth. (320)
718. A treatment should leave the practitioner in better condition than before he gave it; otherwise, it is not a good treatment.
719. The Law is a law of reflection; for Life is a mirror, reflecting to us as conditions the images of our thinking. (320)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
720. Right action will be compelled through right knowing. (322)
721. One should never allow himself to think of, or talk about limitation or poverty. (322)
722. Spiritual thought means an absolute belief in, and reliance upon, Truth. (322)
723. All is Love and yet all is Law. Love is the impelling force and Law executes the will of Love. (323)
724. Man is a center of God consciousness in the great Whole. (323)
725. Turning to the One with a complete abandonment and in absolute trust, he will find that he is already saved, healed and
prospered. (323)
726. Act as though I am and I will be. (323)
727. The teaching of the mystics has been that there should be conscious courting of the Divine Presence. (329)
728. This is the secret of successful metaphysical work: God in all and through all. (330)
729. It is only as the relationship of the individual to the Deity becomes enlarge that one has a consciousness of power. (331)
730. Man is in god and God is man, just as a drop of water is in the ocean, while the ocean is the drop of water. (331)
731. To the degree that we are conscious of this Union, we incorporate this consciousness in our word; and our word has just
as much power as we put into it, no more and no less. (331)
732. We are separate entities in Itindividualized centers of God Consciousness. (331)
733. This method can be used in all treatment. First, realize that Divine Power is; then unify with It; and then speak the word
as one having authority, (332)
734. In Him we live and move and have our being. (332)
735. The real Self is god-given and cannot be denied. It is the place where God comes to a point of Individualized and
Personified Expression. (332)
736. Individuality means self-choice, volition, conscious mind, personified Spirit, complete freedom and a Power to back up
that freedom. (332)
737. We have now discovered a unity with the Whole on the tree sides of life, or from all three modes of expression. (333)
738. We are one with the body of the physical world; One with the Creative Law of the Universe in the mental world; and
One with the Spirit of God in the conscious World. (333)
739. The soul is on the pathway of experience, that is, of self-discovery; (333)
740. The great mystics have all agreed that mans life is his to do with as he chooses, but that when turns to the One, he will
always receive inspiration from on High. (333)
742. The power of Jesus lay in His recognition of the Infinite Person as a Responsive, Conscious, Living Reality (334)
744. A sense of real completion can come only to that soul that realizes its Unity with the Great Whole. (334)
745. The Kingdom of God is now present, and NEEDS BUT TO BE REALIZED! (335)
746. Evil is not an entity, but an experience on the pathway of self unfoldment. (335)
748. Since each soul is some part of the Whole, it is impossible that any soul can be lost! (335)
749. God is not the God of the dead but of the living. (335)
750. This spiritual awakening should never be divorced from the mental act, which is to awaken the mind to the realization
of Spirit. (336)
751. The problem of evil It is a personal and not a Cosmic problem and disappears when we no longer contemplate it.
752. Our individualized Universe is forever complete, yet forever completing Itself. (336)
753. This is the true meaning of misfortune or vicissitude or suffering, (336)
755. A clear idea of livingness personifies itself as physical vitality. (336)
756. Suffering is man-made, through ignorance. (336)
757. Evil has only the power to destroy itself (337)
758. NO DEVIL, NO HELL, NO TORMENT, NO DAMNATION outside of ones own state of thought, NO
PUNISHMENT outside of that self-inflicted, through ignorance and NO SALVATION OUTSIDE OF CONSCIOUS
759. Heaven and Hell are states of consciousness. (337)
760. Evolution is the awakening of the soul to a recognition of its unity with the Whole. (337)
761. Material evolution is an effect, not a cause. (337)
762. Evolution is the result of intelligence, rather than intelligence being the result of evolution! (337)
763. The aim of evolution is to produce a man (337)
764. Belief is scientifically induced into a subjective state, through conscious endeavor. (338)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
765. The aim of evolution is to produce a man who, at the objective point of his own self-determination, may completely
manifest the inner life of the Spirit. (338)
766. The most precious thing a man possesses is his own individuality (338)
767. God is perfect Mind and cannot conceive imperfect ideas, hence the idea of man as held in the Mind of God, must be a
perfect idea. (338)
768. Evolution is an effect of Intelligence and not its cause. (339)
PROPELLED BY AN IMMUTABLE LAW the Law of Cause and Effect. (339)
770. God must move within God, if God is ALL. He moves within and upon Himself. (339)
771. Every time one conceives an idea, it is god expressing Himself. (339)
772. The Spirit INVOLVES the Law EVOLVES. The Law does not know that It is evolving; it is Its nature to evolve and
this nature is mechanical. (340)
773. Evolution is the time and the process through which Spirit unfolds! (340)
774. Dr. Bucke defines Cosmic Consciousness as: Ones consciousness of his unity with the Whole. (341)
775. The psychic realm is the realm of the subconscious, or relative first cause. (342)
776. The spiritual is the realm of First Cause. (342)
777. The intelligence in an animal which directs its actions and tells it where to go to find food and shelter, we call instinct.
It is really Omniscience in the animal. (342)
778. Intuition. (342)
779. Psychic impressions may control; intuition remains in the background and waits for recognition. Behold I stand at the
door and knock. (342)
780. Cosmic Consciousness is not a mystery (343)
781. Always in such degree as one has spiritual sense, he realized universality in his own soul. (343)
782. The Mystical Marriage, (343)
783. Tagore, in seeking to explain this, says that the individual is immersed in, but not lost in, Nirvana, and he uses the
illustration as an arrow is lost in its mark, still remaining an arrow. (344)
784. The highest mental practice is to listen to this Inner Voice and to declare Its Presence. (344)
785. The greater a mans consciousness of this Indwelling I AM, the more fully he will live. (344)
786. The Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works. (344)
787. Cosmic Light. (344)
788. Our conscious mind is the place where we consciously live and are aware that we are living. This is Spirit. (347)
789. The reason we have a subjective mind that Subjectivity existed in the Universe prior to our use of It; and where we use
It. It forms around us a subjective personification of ourselves, which is a result of the action and the reaction of our
thought. (347)
790. Mental telepathy would not be possible, unless there were a medium through which it could operate. (350)
791. A psychic, or medium, is one who has the ability to objectify that which is subjective (351)
792. We may contact at the point of our own subjective mind (which is a point in Universal Subjective Mind) every incident
which has ever transpired on this planet. (351)
793. Time is only the measure of an experience, and space, of itself, is not apart from, but is in, Mind. (352)
794. Any psychic power which can be used while in a normal state of mind is harmless and helpful (353)
795. If one has been told anything in the way of a prophecy which is negative, it should be directly refuted because that
negation exists in the realm of subjective causation not spiritual causation. (354)
796. Subjective Mind can deduce only (354)
797. In the creative soil (or in the seed) the full and perfect idea of the plant must exist as a completed thing, else it could
never be brought into manifestation. (354)
799. Prophecy is the reading of subjective tendencies and seeing them as already accomplished facts. (355)
800. Christ means the Universal Idea of Sonship, of which each is a member. (357)
801. The highest faculty in man is intuition and it comes to a point sometimes where, with no process of reasoning at all, he
instantly knows. (359)
802. Christ is a Universal Presence. (359)
803. As the human gives way to the Divine, in all people, they become the Christ. (359)
804. The sum-total of all these ideas constitutes the Mystic Christ. (362)
805. We should think of the Divine Being as suchas completely responsive to everything that we do. (362)
806. If we had this, we would demonstrate instantaneously! (362)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
807. An evolved soul is always a worshipper of God. (362)
808. Whatever is true of Man, of the reality of his nature, is the Divine Presence within him.(363)
809. Christ is not limited to any person, nor does He appear in only one age. (363)
810. The Christ always comes with power and might, awakened by the still, small voice of Truth. (364)
811. We should never hesitate to say that we know the Truth (364)
812. The Unity of God and man is the Truth. (354
813. The unfoldment of personality, the enlightenment of the soul, the illumination of the spiritcan come only to the
degree that the individual himself purposes to let Life operate through him. (364)
814. The answer to every question is within man (365)
816. Jesus. He was a man who knew himself and his direct relationship to the Whole. This was the secret of his success.
817. I AM, what more can I say? (368)
818. How can we receive unless we first believe? (369)
819. Immortality. (371)
820. Remembrance alone guarantees personality. (372)
821. Individuality might remain without remembrance, but not so with personality for what we are is the result of what we
have been, the result of what has gone before. (372)
822. Man, then, if he is to have an immortality worthy of the name, must continue as he now is beyond the grave. DEATH
823. Life is self existent, and all of the science, wit and art of man can never fathom that which is self-existent. I am that I
am. (372)
824. The question as to WHY he is, must forever remain unanswered. (373)
825. God could not tell why God is! (373)
826. To suppose that Life could give an excuse or reason for being would be to suppose an absurdity. (373)
827. Body or form is the necessary outcome of self knowingness. (373)
828. Some kind of a body (or expression) always was and always will be, if consciousness is to remain true to its own
nature. (373)
829. Body is a concrete manifestation, existing in time and space, for the purpose of furnishing a vehicle through which Life
may express Itself (372)
830. Matter is in a continuous state of flow. (373)
831. Our bodies are like a river, forever flowing. (374)
832. When death comes, this I Am appears no longer to be (374)
833. It is the thinker using the brain, who thinks. (374)
834. The soul needs a physical body here, else it would not have evolved one. (374)
835. Form is necessary to self expression. (374)
836. It is one of the first laws of consciousness to clothe itself in form. (374)
837. Ether. (375)
838. The new idea of matter and ether has proved that form can lie within form without interference, for it has been shown
conclusively that there is a substance which can occupy the same space which our body does. (376)
839. Celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial. (376)
840. Of itself the physical brain has no power to think or feel. (377)
842. Our contention is not that dead men live again, but that a living man never dies. (377)
843. Law of Psychic Phenomena, (378)
844. The soul can operate independently of the physical instrument. (378)
846. It is a crime against individuality to allow the conscious faculties to become submerged. (381)
848. For anyone in this day to say that powers of clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. are not exercised, is to admit his own
ignorance. (382)
849. What is true on one plane, is true on all. (382)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
850. Life is a blessing or a curse, according to the use we make of it. In the long run, no one judges us but ourselves and no
one condemns us but ourselves. We believe in a law that governs all things and all people. If we make mistakes, we
suffer. We are our own reward and our own punishment. (383)
851. The problem of good and evil will never enter the mind which is at peace with itself. (383)
852. Understanding alone constitutes true salvation, either here or hereafter. (383)
853. Every man is an incarnation of God. (383)
854. We should neither be disturbed the wailing of prophets, nor the anathemas of theology. (383)
855. Where shall we go when we die? (384)
856. If today is the logical continuance of yesterday, then all of the tomorrows which stretch down the vista of eternity, will
be a continuity of experiences and remembrance. (384)
857. If we have lived in accordance with the law of harmony, we shall continue to live after this Divine Law. (384)
858. We confidently expect to meet friends who are on the other side, and to know and be known. (384)
859. When the change comes, we should welcome it with a smile on the lips and a song in the heart. (385)
860. Christian Religion itself rests its greatest hope on the assurance that a man rose from the dead and passed from this
plane to the next, retaining and carrying with him into the beyond those qualities and attributes which constitute that
personal stream of consciousness know as an individual. (386)
861. I do not believe in the return of the soul to another life on this plane. (386)
862. Eternal and progressive expansion is its law and there are no breaks in its continuity. (387)
863. It is human to grieve over the loss of dear one. We love them and cannot help missing the, but a true realization of the
immortality and continuity of the individual soul, will rob our grief of hopelessness. (387)
864. Time heals all wounds, adjust conditions, explains facts; and time alone satisfies the expanding soul, reconciling the
visible with the invisible. (388)
865. Every man is an incarnation of eternity, a manifestation in the finite, of the Infinite which, Emerson tells us, lies
stretched in smiling repose. (388)
866. Man is an eternal destiny, a forever-expanding principle of conscious intelligence (388)
867. We prepare not to die, but to live. (388)
868. As the eagle, freed from its cage, soars to its native heights, so the soul, freed from the home of heavy flesh, will rise
and return unto its Fathers house, naked and unafraid. (388)
869. The mind of man is some part of the mind of God (390)
870. The mind of man is as infinite as is mans capacity to understand his true relationship to God or Spirit. (390)
871. Spirit is really the only Mind there is. It is Eternal (390)
872. Mind in its self-knowing state is Spirit. (391)
873. The Mind of God and The Mind of man is the same Mind. (391)
874. The discovery of this, the greatest truth about man, is the greatest discovery of the ages. (391)
875. God and man are One, but God is greater than man. (392)
876. The Whole is greater than Its parts. (392)
877. Mind in Its subjective state is Universal. (392)
878. Mind in Its subjective state cannot act until It is set in motion by mind in a conscious state. (392)
879. The invisible essence of Mind is Substance. (393)
880. The Formless is Eternal. All form is temporary. (393)
881. Both body and affairs are fluent. (394)
882. Mans mind is the Mind of God functioning at the level of mans understanding of his place in the Universe. (394)
883. God is Will and Representation. (395)
884. The normal functions of life are harmonious but we interfere with these in our ignorance and thus bring discord into
temporary being. (395)
885. Knowledge alone can free man from an ignorant and self-imposed bondage. (395)
886. The engine of the Subjective Mind must be guided (395)
887. Mind as Law is helpless without direction. (396)
888. This makes man distinct and different from all other creations so far as mentality is concerned. (396)
889. Mind as Law is unconscious Intelligence and lives only through man (396)
890. God as Conscious Mind is Spirit. (397)
891. God as Subjective Mind is Law. (397)
892. God as Conscious Mind is Self-Knowing but the Law of Gods Mind, like all other laws of nature, is given us to be
used. (397)
893. The Universal Mind in Its subjective state is what we mean by the Law of Mind. (397)
894. This is why conscious thought has power. (397)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
895. The only concentration necessary in the best use of Mind is specific mental attention and complete mental acceptance.
896. We should be careful to distinguish day dreaming and wistful wishing from really dynamic and creative treatment.
897. When we treat we do not wish, we KNOW. We do not dream, we STATE. We do not hope, we ACCEPT. We do not
pray, we ANNOUNCE. We do not expect something is going to happen, we BELIEVE THAT IT HAS ALREADY
898. We do not will, as though we were using an arbitrary force, we impress It. (400)
900. Thoughts of lack, poverty and limitation contain within themselves the conditions necessary to produce lack, poverty
and limitation. (402)
901. Because all people have believed in lack a law of human thought has been made which binds the race. (402)
902. Limitation is a condensation of the idea of want (403)
903. The Law of Mind is not selective. (403)
904. Thoughts of lack manifest as limitation. Thoughts of abundance manifest as success and happiness. (403)
905. The thought that any given condition is a thing of itself tends to make it appear to be a thing of itself. (403)
906. The Law can know no conditions as such. It knows form but not size. (404)
907. Ideas are form, condition, circumstance, cause and effect, and everything that happens between cause and effect. (404)
908. Fear is the great enemy of man. (404)
909. Fear is the reverse mental attitude to faith (404)
910. God is more completely expressed through the man who lives largely than through the one who lives meagerly. (404)
911. Fear is a belief in limitation (404)
912. Confidence overcomes the depression of doubt. (404)
913. To overcome fear is the greatest adventure of the mind of man. (404)
914. All we can do is to accept that the being which we are is some part of the Divine. (405)
915. Love alone can overcome fear because love surrenders itself to the object of its adoration. (405)
916. This is fundamental to our concept of mental and spiritual treatment. (406)
917. The Absolute is in relationship to itself alone. (406)
918. Mind is the realm of causes. (406)
919. Conditions are in the realm of effects. (406)
920. Spirit or the Mind of God is All Causation. (407)
921. Spirit or Mind is also all effect. (407)
922. Mind is forever conscious of Itself and of what It does. (407)
923. Spirit is conscious of man since man exists and since God must be conscious of all that is. Therefore man is, because
God is conscious of him (408)
924. The first man to be healed is the practitioner. (409)
925. The practitioner works within his own mind until he is mentally satisfied, until the whole reaction in his thought causes
him to understand that his patient is now healed. (409)
926. Troward tells us that the Divine Spirit is the limitless potential of human life. (409)
927. People make the mistake of using only one of these essential states of consciousness. (410)
928. The allegory of Eden is the story of human evolution. (410)
929. This is the power of Reality over seeming opposition or apparent separation. (411)
930. The relationship between the individual and the Universal Mind is one of reflection. (411)
931. If we believe in suffering we shall suffer. (412)
932. The will of God is always toward that which expresses life and happiness. (412)
933. To practice the Presence of God is to awaken within us the Christ Consciousness. (413)
934. Christ is God in the soul of man. (413)
935. The resurrection is the death of the belief that we are separated from God. (413)
936. To practice the Presence of the Divine in others is to practice mental healing for it is a recognition of this Divine
Presence which heals. (413)
937. In mental treatment we should feel as though the whole power of the universe were running through the words we
speak. (413)
938. To rise above the contemplation of conditions is to enter that field of Causation which makes all things new in our
experience. (414)
939. Thoughts are more than things, they are the cause of things. (414)

The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2
940. This Power is superior to the intellect in Its creativeness. (414)
941. The blind cannot lead the blind. (415)
942. This Mind in which we live is at all times independent of any individual action on our part. (415)
943. Personality is bound, in its objective form only, to mechanical laws. (416)
944. It someone should ask whether or not God has any intention for him the answer would be that the only intention God
could have, if man is an individual, would be to let the individual alone to discover himself. (417)
945. It is all so simple that it seems unbelievable. (417)
946. The savage thinks after the mode of his tribe and the more civilized thinks after the mold of racial belief. (417)
947. To assert our individuality is to rise above the law of averages into that more highly specialized use of the Law which
brings freedom rather than bondage, joy in the place of grief and wholeness instead of sickness. (417)
948. Judge not according to appearances. (417)
949. Entering the Absolute. (417)
950. The Spirit is greater than any particular use of the Law of cause and effect. (417)
951. It is evident that we must not allow ourselves to think this way if we wish to accomplish anything worth while. (418)
952. The practitioner knows that the spiritual man needs no healing but that this has not yet become revealed to the mind.
953. We separate the belief from the believer and reveal that which needs no healing. (418)
954. With right glance and with right speech man superintendeth the animate and the inanimate, (418)
956. Evolution is the time and the process through which an idea unfolds to a higher state of manifestation (420)
957. Evolution follows involution. (420)
958. The great mystics like Jesus have taught that as we consciously enter into the One, the One enters into, and becomes us.
959. In such degree as we become conscious of God, evil disappears. (421)
960. When one receives a clear impression of thought without the use of words, it is called mental telepathy. (421)
961. In his objective state, man is separate and distinct, but on the subjective side of life he is Universal. (422)
962. Everyone who has ever lived has left behind a mental picture of himself. These pictures are often seen when one is in a
subjective state. (422)
963. The mystical conception of Christ is an idea of the Universality of Sonship, embodied in any individual who recognizes
this Sonship. (422)
964. As the human gives way to the Divine in a person he becomes the Christ. (422)
965. This profound truth Jesus discovered and taught: that whatever is true of man, of the reality of his nature, is the Divine
Presence with him. (422)
966. As the external Jesus gave way to the Divine, the human took on the Christ Spirit and became the Voice of God to
humanity. (422)
967. What the world needs is spiritual conviction, followed by spiritual experience. (423)
968. It is far easier to teach the Truth than it is to practice It. (423)
969. The essence of spiritual mind healingand of all true religious philosophyis an inner realization of the Presence of
Perfection within and around about. (423)
970. I am that which thou art; thou art that which I am. (423)

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For more information go to:
The Science of Mind
(Ernest Holmes, 50 Anniversary Edition) ISBN 0-399-15007-2

Find out about these and more.
* Guilt and fear are the only enemies of man. That is a great truth.
* Spirituality is nothing more than life itself, as it is.
* There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.
* A painful observation is almost always a truthful one.
* An open mind is often the first step in the process of enlightenment.
* As long as you think you can win a war, you will fight it.
* Disease is a fact but not a truth; it is an experience but not a spiritual reality.
* Everything is a manifestation.
* Evolution is the passing of thought into manifestation.
* Fear is the great enemy of man.
* Heaven and Hell are states of consciousness.
* If we would remove racial prejudice, we must first remove ignorance.
* If you are seeking to become aware, then you cannot be.
* If you require a certain result in order to be happy, you have an Addiction.
* Jealousy takes many forms. It has many faces. Not a one of them is beautiful.
* Life is not a school. We are not here to learn lessons.
* Love is unconditional.
* Most of the time you are simply accepting the choices of others.
* Needing someone is the fastest way to kill a relationship.
* One engages in sex because it is the natural thing to do.
* Patience the most beautiful of all virtues and the least understood!
* Reincarnation is a fact. Its real, its purposeful, and its perfect.
* Suffering is man-made, through ignorance.
* Superiority is the most seductive idea ever visited upon the experience of humans.
* The fact is that nothing has any meaning at all.
* The first mark of a primitive consciousness is that it thinks itself enlightened.
* The greatest gift you can give the dying is to let them die in peace
* The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth.
* There are no victims and there are no villains.
* There is no sin but a mistake, and no punishment but an inevitable consequence.
* Thinking is the slowest method of creation.
* To overcome fear is the greatest adventure of the mind of man.
* We are All One.
* You are already what you seek to be.

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