Pentingnya Pendidikan Remaja.: Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan

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Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Pendidikan,

Pentingnya pendidikan Remaja.

Ladies and gentlemen...This will be a short speech about education. Your

education. The bottom line is that you must take responsibility for it.

Many of you already know that you have to take charge of your hair and
your clothes. Perhaps you know that all too well. Youre also figuring out
that you have to take charge of your diet and exercise, of trying to look
good and feel good. And youre figuring out you have to make some
tough choices about how you spend your time and whom you spend it
with. But some of you may not have figured out the education part. One
reason is that there tends to be an adversarial relationship between
schools and students. The tendency is to resist what adults want, to say,
dont bother me with that serious stuff now. Ill worry about that in a few

My suggestion is to start worrying today. Now!

The main thing you might not have figured out is that a lot of people
dont give a damn whether you become educated or not. Some of these
people run the schools you go to. Some of you cant read well, and I
guarantee that is the fault of the school. Some of you cant multiply and
divide, and I guarantee that is the fault of the school. Some of you dont
know where the Pilgrims came from, which direction they went in, or
where they landed when they got there. Some of you dont know the
names of the oceans, the freezing point of water, or what 8 times 8 is.
And I guarantee that all this is the fault of the school. Some of you dont
know the most basic things that any second-grader can understand and
learn. Why dont you know these things? I guarantee its the fault of the
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See what youre up against??

When we study American schools, we see a lot of make-believe, of

keeping kids busy and making it appear that they are being educated.
They are not. Youre not. Schools used to push students toward
excellence. Now theyll let you drop like a stone toward mediocrity, if you
let them.

I think its fair to say that American education has been warped by
ideology and politics. Whats that mean? Some people are all too willing to
dumb you down so they can keep you in your place. Say no! Say to hell
with you, buddy--I want to know more. I want to be educated. I want to
be able to make intelligent choices. I want to be a good voter. I want to
succeed if I go on to college. I want to be a smart educated parent when
the time comes. I want to be able to help make this a better country.

So, as I say, take control of your education. Learn what you have to
learn; and keep right on going. Any time you see a word you dont know,
look it up. Any time you see a name or a subject you havent heard about,
run to the nearest encyclopedia or search the web. Try to read at least
one magazine cover to cover every week. Read a book a month. Go on
offense. Take a look at the subjects you know and plan how you can
extend that knowledge. Consider the subjects you know little about and
figure the easiest way to move toward learning more. Take charge.

Has this little pep talk been gloomy? Thats because I find myself
worrying about education stats. Did you know that this country has 50
million functional illiterates; that SAT scores are dropping; that our A
students cant compete against the A students from other countries; that
Jay Leno goes out on the street and finds apparently ordinary citizens who
dont know which way is north?...I just want to impress on you that in
education, much more than you might realize, you are on your own. If
you dont do it, it may not happen.

Thomas Jefferson said we cant be ignorant and free at the same time.
Ignorance is a kind of slavery. That has always been true. Whats new is
the number of people who might be pushing you in the wrong direction.

I hope youll push back with all your strength.

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