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Local Literature

Another works by Xinhua (2014) Filipinos are using their mobile phones not only to
communicate but also as mobile computers as well, according to a recent market study
issued.TNS, a global customized research company, said in its report that Filipino consumers
are not just using cell phones to call and texting messages and photos, but also as a means to
have "internet- on-the-go," allowing users to be always online.Of the 38,000 respondents in
Metro Manila, 75 percent of the respondents surveyed used mobile phones to take photos or
videos; 45 percent to browse the internet; 44 percent to access their social networking sites;
and 37 percent to check their emails. The study was conducted from November 2012 to
January 2013."Based on the findings of the study, the increase in various mobile activities
explain the growing trend of Wi-Fi accessibility in public areas," said TNS Philippines Managing
Director Gary de Ocampo.

About 35 percent of Metro Manila respondents connect to the internet via Wi-Fi access in public
areas in 2013.The study also showed that Filipino consumers changed their purchasing
priorities from buying phones based on physical features to choosing a phone that will enhance
personal experience.Smartphone usage in the Philippine is now at 53 percent compared to
overall mobile phone usage of 89 percent.The study identified five growth potential for increase
mobile usage video calling, Wi-Fi at home, watching live TV shows, blogging and streaming
video like You Tube.The sale of smartphone in the Philippine market is seen to increase
significantly in the next few years as prices go down.The TNS study also revealed that most
Filipinos living in Metro Manila own "multiple screens" or more than just one device.A typical
household owns at least four of the following devices : a mobile phone (89 percent), smartphone
(53 percent), tablet (14 percent), desktop (39 percent), laptop/netbooks (37 percent) and smart
TV (4 percent.)

Foreign Literature

A study by Bianchi, (2012), using predictors from addiction literature, the study sought to
predict problematic mobile phone usage. It keyed in on factors they believed to cause mobile
phone disorders. 195 subjects of both genders and an average age of 36 (ranging from 18-85
years old) were interviewed. The results lead to the creation of the Mobile Phone Problem Use
Scale. This scale was compared to the Addiction Potential Scale. Fundamentals that were used
to compare the scales and create the Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale were the amount of
time one uses their cell phone and the type of usage. The behavioral predictors that influenced
the amount of cell phone usage were: being extraverted, possessing low self-esteem, and being
young. These characteristics were fundamental in determining problematic cell phone use. The
study showed that these behavioral predictors did not influence the amount of cell phone usage:
gender, and neuroticism. The scale developed was designed to help with implementing any
interventions for potential addictive behavior.

With the advancement of modern technology and in particular mobile technology it is no

wonder that cell phones and their popularity are on the rise. It is perhaps because of their ease
of use and their ability to facilitate other applications. It is because of this that many experts in
psychology have begun to study the effects of cell phones on our society

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study which used the Coombs model.
the model sepicts three frames showing input, process, and output approach as a model which
describes the perception of the Senior High School STEM students o Tomas Claudio Colleges
about the using Cellular Phone.

The first frame describes the profile of te respondents in terms of their age, sex, siblings
position, monthly income and educational attainment of their parents.

The second frame conerns the process which includes the procedurs and activities done
during the conduct of the study such as gathering data using questionnaire-checklist the
retrieval and tabulation and encoding of data and interpretation data.

The third is the output phase that shows the plan of action to improve the using Cellular
Phone of STEM students of Tomas Claudio Colleges in Senior High School.

The feedback assesses the output and allows modifications on the advancement and
competence of faculty and staff of Tomas Claudio Colleges.
Significance of the study

School administrator- They must be do, some rules and regulations in using of the
cellular phone.

Guidance Counselor. They must be facilitate the students in giving questions,

solutions, and advised on how or why, if using of cellular phone affect in their academic

Teachers. They must be responsible in giving advised in using cellular phone of his/her
students inside the classroom.

Students. They must be know how to balanced the used of their cellular phone to make
not affect their academic performance.

Parents. They might be enlightened and more aware on the effects of cellular phone on
the behavior and academic performance of their children.

Statement of the problem

The study aimed to determine the effect of cellular phone in the academic of Grade 11
students. Specifically it sought answer to the following questions.

1.What is the profile of Stem in terms of:

1.1. Sex;

1.2. Age;

1.3. Monthly Incoms;

1.4 strands and;

1.5. Educational attainments of the parents

2. How can the effects on the use of cellular phone by the respondents be describe with
respect to:

2.1 extra-curricular activities;

2.2 class participation, and;

2.3 academic performance.

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