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Interactive Database Editing Form Pgina 1 de 5

Interactive Database Editing - {Table Name} Form

Use the Interactive Database Editing form to make any additions, deletions, or modifications to the tables selected using the Choose Tables for Interactive Editing
form. The changes can then be applied to the model and shown in the display area of the SAP2000 window. The Interactive Database Editing form has a display area
and various menu options and buttons that can be used to add records to or delete records from the table shown in the display area, copy records, move records, and
find or find and replace user-specified data.

{Table Name} drop-down list. Use the drop-down list near the top of the form to select the table to be edited. If the alternative method of displaying the form is
used (see above), only one table name will be listed in this drop-down list.

Spreadsheet area. Modify records in the table by typing directly in the cells, including using numerical formulas (e.g., 2+3/4). Right-click within any field
(column) and a menu of pertinent operations will appear. The menu includes the Field Description option, which when clicked displays a form that shows a
description for the item. If the field expects numeric input, the menu includes the Calculator option, which can be used to speed data entry when formulae are
involved. If the field expects text input, use the View menu > Drop-Down List command to display a drop-down list of all acceptable values for the selected

Important: Objects and other defined entities are identified by their names in the tables. If you change any names, those items will be considered as new when the
tables are brought back into the model. Do not use interactive table editing to rename objects or other defined entities! Instead, use the Edit menu > Change
Labels command.

The units used for a given field can be changed by clicking on the cell just below the column heading. Select the new units from the drop-down list that appears.
Changing the units for one field will change the units for other related fields. The units chosen while interactively editing tables are temporary. All values will be
converted back to the current model units when the editing is applied to the model.

Apply to Model button. Click the Apply to Model button or the File menu > Apply to Model command to accept the changes. Or click the Done button or the
File menu > Done (Close DB and Return to Model) command and respond No when prompted to cancel the changes.

The Interactive Database Editing form has the following commands and buttons to help edit the selected table. Some of these commands can also be accessed by
right clicking in a display cell.

Command Button Action

File menu
Apply to Model Apply to Model Applies the changes made in the table to the model and
closes the Interactive Database Editing form. 16-04-2017
Interactive Database Editing Form Pgina 2 de 5

Done (Close DB and Return to Done Closes the Interactive Database Editing form without
Model) changing the model, unless No is selected in response to
the prompt to cancel the changes.

Excel menu

Send Database Table to Excel To Excel Sends the table to Microsoft Excel, which launches
automatically and displays the table. Excel's spreadsheet
functionality can then be used to edit the table. After
editing the data using Excel, do not close Excel. Instead,
return to SAP2000 and select the From Excel button to
save the changes or the Cancel Excel button to discard
them; Excel will close automatically.

Receive Database Table from From Excel With Excel open, return to SAP2000 and click the From
Excel Excel button to bring a table into SAP2000 that had been
sent to Excel from SAP2000 using the To Excel button.
Excel will close automatically.

Cancel Database Table in Excel Cancel Excel With Excel open, return to SAP2000 and click the Cancel
Excel button to discard changes made to a table that had
been sent to Excel from SAP2000 using the To Excel
button. Excel will automatically be closed.

Edit menu

Undo and Redo Undo will undo the last action. Redo will redo the last

Cut, Copy, Paste Copy, Paste Select a cell(s) to be cut, copied, or pasted using standard
Windows operations.

Paste Insert Paste Insert Use with cut or copy to paste the cut or copied cell(s) to the
row in the table above the selected cell(s).

Paste Append Paste Append Use with cut or copy to paste the cut or copied cell(s) to the
end of the table.

Delete Deletes the contents of the selected cell, but not the cell. 16-04-2017
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Delete Record Delete Record Deletes the selected record/row.

Insert Blank Records Inserts a blank record/row above the selected record/row in
the table.

Append Blank Records Append Blank Adds a blank record/row to the end of the table.

Move Record Up Up Arrow Moves the selected record/row up in the table.

Move Record Down Down Arrow Moves the selected record/row down in the table.

Find Find Displays the Find and Replace form.

Replace Replace Displays the Find and Replace form.

Align (General Left, Center, None Use the Align options to align text in the selected cell(s).

View menu

Maximize None Toggles the Interactive Database Editing form from the
default size to fill the entire computer screen. Functions
similar to the Windows minimize/maximize feature.

Hide Selected Column None Hides the selected columns.

Show All Columns None Shows any columns that have been hidden using the Hide
Selected Column command.

Autofit Column None Changes the column width to accommodate the cell with
the most characters, which may result in the column being

Field Description None Displays a form that describes the selected item in the

Element Information None Displays an information form when an object is selected.

Calculator None 16-04-2017
Interactive Database Editing Form Pgina 4 de 5

Accesses the Calculator form to speed data entry when

formulae are required. The cursor must be in a cell that
accepts such entry for this command to be available.

Drop-Down List None Displays a drop-down list of all acceptable values for the
selected cell when the expected data type is text.

Options menu

Overwrite Mode None Toggles the overwrite mode on and off. When the
overwrite mode is on, text typed in the cell will replace the
existing text. When the overwrite mode is off, text typed
into the cell will be inserted where the cursor is located.

Show/Hide None Toggles the display of the buttons on the right-hand side
of the form on and off. Hiding the buttons, expands the
display area for the table.

Highlight Table Changes None Toggles the highlighting of changes off and on.

Advanced Import Options Advanced Accesses the Tabular Database Import Options -
Options Interactive Editing form. Use the form to specify how the
data should be integrated back into the database after
editing the individual tables.

Always Display Log After None Toggles the display of the Interactive Database Import
Import Log form on or off after the edited table has been
reintroduced to the model database.

Access the Interactive Database Editing - {Table Name} form as follows:

1. Click the Edit menu > Interactive Database Editing command to display the Choose Tables for Interactive Editing form.

2. Select the table to be edited by clicking the associated check box. 16-04-2017
Interactive Database Editing Form Pgina 5 de 5

3. Click the OK button to display the Interactive Database Editing form.

Alternatively, after Step 2, expand the tree associated with a table type by clicking on the plus (+) symbol preceding the table type name. Continue expanding the tree
until the table appears (Table: {Name}. Right click on the table name and select Interactively Edit Table from the resulting drop-down list. This method can be used to
display one table at a time. 16-04-2017

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