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Youth Pledge ( SUMPAH PEMUDA) is authentic evidence that on 28

October 1928 the Indonesian nation was born, therefore it should have all
the Indonesian people commemorate the momentum of 28 October as a day
of birth of the Indonesian nation, the birth of the Indonesian nation is the
fruit of the struggle of people oppressed for hundreds of years under the rule
of colonialists at the time, conditions of oppression is what then encouraged
the youth at that time to resolve to appoint Harkat and Dignity of People
Living Indonesian Original, determination that is the commitment of the
Indonesian people struggle to successfully achieve its independence 17
years later ie on 17 August 1945. The formulation of the Youth Pledge was
written Moehammad Yamin on a paper when Mr. Sunario, as a messenger of
scouting the middle of a speech at the last session of Congress. Oath was
originally read by Soegondo and then explained at length by Yamin.


On October 28th, Indonesian people and especially youth celebrated

Hari Sumpah Pemuda or The Youth Pledge Day a day which is believed to
be the day of youth rising in 1928. It was the promise that was written and
declared by Indonesian Youth; from every race, every culture, every belief
and religion, every background in Indonesia. The goal is to have an
independent Indonesia with one motherland, one nation and one language.

It started from the first Indonesian Youth Congress held in 1926. At that
time, they promoted the idea about United Indonesia. In 1928, the second
and third Indonesian Youth Congress was held; they discussed educational
issues. In the final session, the participants heard the future of the
Indonesian National Anthem Indonesia Raya, which then was followed by
the declaration of Sumpah Pemuda or Youth Pledge.

Heres the English version of Sumpah Pemuda

Firstly : We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one

motherland, Indonesia.

Secondly : We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one

nation, the nation of Indonesia.

Thirdly : We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, uphold the language
of unity Indonesia
Indonesia has 34 provinces, 17,508 islands, 300 distinct native ethnic
groups (with their own culture, traditional clothes, traditional food, traditional
song and dance and 742 different languages and dialects). Since that day,
Indonesian youth have been willing to do every single thing in the name of
Indonesia and for the social welfare of Indonesian people. It was the time,
when the youth showing their power and braveness to make a better
Indonesia. The simple proof is, were speaking in Bahasa Indonesia even
though we have our own language based on our culture or in which province
we were born. (

I will not talk about the history that much, but from the history Ive
realized that We have no idea" how strong we are until we do something or
move to make the better future of our world. We should realize that we
actually have so many creative ideas in our head, we have so many places to
speak out and share every single incredible dream in our mind. Even when
the people around are just silent, it doesnt mean, they don't care about
what youve said, it means they are thinking about it.

The idea of organizing the Second Youth Congress comes from the
Student Association of Indonesian Students (GN), a youth organization which
membered students from all over Indonesia. On the initiative GN, congresses
held in three different buildings and divided in three meetings. Resulting in
the Youth Pledge. First Meeting, Building Jongenlingen Katholieke Bond The
first meeting, Saturday, October 27, 1928, in Building Katholieke
Jongenlingen Bond (KJB), Field Bull. In his speech, Soegondo hope the
conference will strengthen the spirit of unity in the hearts of youth. The
event was followed by a description Moehammad Jamin about the meaning
and relationship of unity with youth. According to him, there are five factors
that can strengthen the unity of Indonesia, namely the history, languages,
customary law, education, and willingness. Second Meeting, Building Oost-
Java Bioscoop The second meeting, Sunday, October 28, 1928, in Oost-Java
Bioscoop Building, to discuss education issues. Second speaker,
Poernomowoelan and Sarmidi Mangoensarkoro, agreed that children should
receive education nationality, must also be a balance between education at
school and at home. Children also should be educated in a democratic
manner. Third Meeting, Building Indonesisch Huis Kramat At the next session,
Soenario explain the importance of nationalism and democracy in addition to
scouting movement. While Ramelan argues, the scouting movement can not
be separated from the national movement. Scouting movement since the
early to educate children and self-discipline, the things that are needed in
the struggle. Before the congress closed played the song "Indonesia" by
Wage Rudolf Supratman. The song was greeted with a very lively by
Congress participants. Congress was closed by announcing the formulation
of the congress. By the youth in attendance, the formulation was pronounced
as Oath Faithful, reads:







On this day in 1928, exactly 87 years ago, the Youth Pledge was made
at the Second Youth Congress and Indonesia Raya was sung for the first time.
The pledge, which proclaimed unity of homeland, nation and language, laid
the foundation for a unified Indonesia, and guided the country through its
tumultuous founding years.

Each Oct. 28 we commemorate Hari Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Pledge

Day) and its pivotal role in the foundation of Indonesia. This day is also a
celebration of youth and its leading role in the national awakening: Young
people proclaimed Indonesia's undividable character in 1928, and it was
youth that had a leading role in the 1945 Declaration of Independence and
the following war of independence. Therefore, Oct. 28 is the celebration of
the youthful revolutionary hero, and the ideals it embodies.

The image of the youthful revolutionary hero continues to play an

important role in the national imagination, particularly regarding
development and progress. Contemporary young Indonesians are still
considered to be the vanguard of positive change, as they were in 1928 and

Education plays a vital role in this imagination: According to widely

shared ideals, young people should devote their time and energy to
becoming educated, and achieve progress for themselves and the nation.
These ideals are endlessly repeated in the public domain and at schools,
through state-supported outlets, such as school textbooks and government

As a result, young people consider themselves to be central to national

progress and development. For example, for educated young people in
central Flores, East Nusa Tenggara ' where I studied the life course
trajectories of educated young people who had returned from studying in a
city to their natal communities in Ngada regency ' their educated status
entailed a promise of personal progress, like finding a white-collar job and
associated income.

Yet, it was at least equally important to these young people that their
educated status also implied a moral obligation to contribute to the well-
being of their community, mainly through obtaining jobs that could benefit
the community, like being a teacher, nurse or administrator.

The problem, however, is that in areas like Ngada there is not much
work for these educated young people. In Ngada, most people still rely on
agriculture. Young people, their parents and the community consider an
educated status unsuitable for agriculture. Instead, the educated young
should aspire to white-collar jobs. However, private sector service jobs are
rare in Ngada and the government, which previously

employed most educated young people returning to Ngada, has

implemented a hiring freeze since 2011.

Thus, educated young people in Ngada, like in so many other rural

area outside Java, have much trouble realizing the promise that their
education entails. For the young people I spoke to during my research, this
meant that they had to live with ' and depend on ' their families, delay
marriage (as they were not financially independent) and therefore prolong
their youth.

Despite the negative impact that this lack of jobs had on the lives of
the educated young in Ngada, they were remarkably active: They pursued
volunteering positions at the church or in local government, for example
within local health posts. Also, they frequently expressed their commitment
to parents, families and the community, and showed a deep connection with
local practices through, for example, participating in rituals. As a result, they
were active and positive members of their natal communities.

Their actions were not merely opportunistic attempts to gain

experience, learn new skills and improve their labor market position; these
were also attempts to give substance to notions of being a positive force
within their community. In a way, they thus gave shape to the ideals that are
celebrated today.

Educated youth were central to the formation of Indonesia. They

voiced their discontent with the colonial order, and proposed new ways of
imagining the state; that is, as a unified nation. The Youth Pledge is a symbol
of young people's capacity to be at the center of positive social change.
Also in Ngada, like in many other parts of Indonesia' s outer islands,
educated young people feel they can contribute to the development of their
relatively poor areas. Yet, if young people are unable to find suitable entry-
level jobs, how can we expect them to practice the ideals we celebrate

We should be aware ' particularly on Hari Sumpah Pemuda ' that

in many places people still lack basic needs (for example in sanitation,
infrastructure and social security), and that educated young people are vital
to improve the livelihoods in these areas. Therefore, they need jobs that are
appropriate to their level of education and which enable them to live up to
their potential to contribute to the welfare of their community.

Their ideals and potential should be nourished and not hindered by a

poorly functioning labor market. If the central and local governments are
sincere about young people and their capacity to establish positive change,
today should not only be a celebration of the Youth Pledge; today should also
be, in fact, about celebrating contemporary young people, and paying
attention to their difficulties in realizing their potential.

In a way, today is about the educated young men and women of areas
like Ngada, and placing them central to the national imagination of the
revolutionary young hero, as it is them ' with the right policy support '
who will further transform Indonesia into a prosperous nation.


Later no day without a decent demo of up to an anarchist, made by

various parties, both were college students or other community elements.
One thing that I pity as part of the community, demonstrations are often
accompanied with anarchist actions of the demonstrators. Starting from the
destruction of public facilities to fisticuffs had become mandatory daily meal
we in this country. State assets is also often the targets, such as official cars
burning and destruction of an office building. The demonstration was also a
positive side that must be considered. The demonstration will show that
there are concerned with an issue, that there will be a move to demand, not
only silent and watch what happens. But, again unfortunately, never
happened there a few times demonstrators who do not know the root of the
problem. Not familiar at all with what was demanded. Submission of the
aspirations I think can be done in another way, in addition to the
demonstration. We can do it with the idea of writing or in any public
discussion. Conducting rallies to promote scientific attitudes in respond to
any problems that exist in this nation. Understanding the scientific attitude in
conducting rallies, it is a protest with the stages to understand a problem
that will be addressed by using a healthy mind. It's time for us to not only
comment, but began to think to develop the potential of what can we
contribute to our beloved nation. Science, technology, economics, social,
cultural, or other. Let's vying to become national heroes. Because the real
hero is someone who willingly fought for the interests of society at large. May
the spirit of Youth Pledge still be smoldering in the minds of the youth, now
and forever.

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