Actividad de Ingles Corregida

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ENERO 2010
To move an airplane or a model rocket through the air, we must use a propulsion
system to generate thrust. Different types of aircraft use different types of
propulsion devices, but all aircraft rely on some type of engine to generate power.
Rocket engines, internal combustion, or piston engines, and jet engines all depend
on the burning of fuel to produce power. Burning a fuel is called combustion, a
chemical process that we study in middle or high school.
Because combustion is so important for aircraft and rocket propulsion, we will
review the fundamentals. Combustion is a chemical process in which a substance
reacts rapidly with oxygen and gives off heat. The original substance is called the
fuel, and the source of oxygen is called the oxidizer. The fuel can be a solid,
liquid, or gas, although for airplane propulsion the fuel is usually a liquid. The
oxidizer, likewise, could be a solid, liquid, or gas, but is usually a gas (air) for
airplanes. For model rockets, a solid fuel and oxidizer is used.
During combustion, new chemical substances are created from the fuel and the
oxidizer. These substances are called exhaust. Most of the exhaust comes from
chemical combinations of the fuel and oxygen. When a hydrogen-carbon-based
fuel (like gasoline) burns, the exhaust includes water (hydrogen + oxygen) and
carbon dioxide (carbon + oxygen). But the exhaust can also include chemical
combinations from the oxidizer alone. If the gasoline is burned in air, which
contains 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen, the exhaust can also include nitrous
oxides (NOX, nitrogen + oxygen). The temperature of the exhaust is high because
of the heat that is transferred to the exhaust during combustion. Because of the
high temperatures, exhaust usually occurs as a gas, but there can be liquid or solid
exhaust products as well. Soot, for example, is a form of solid exhaust that occurs
in some combustion processes.
During the combustion process, as the fuel and oxidizer are turned into exhaust
products, heat is generated. Interestingly, some source of heat is also necessary
to start combustion. Gasoline and air are both present in your automobile fuel tank;
but combustion does not occur because there is no source of heat. Since heat is
both required to start combustion and is itself a product of combustion, we can see
why combustion takes place very rapidly. Also, once combustion gets started, we
don't have to provide the heat source because the heat of combustion will keep
things going. We don't have to keep lighting a campfire, it just keep burning.
To summarize, for combustion to occur three things must be present: a fuel to be
burned, a source of oxygen, and a source of heat. As a result of combustion,
exhausts are created and heat is released. You can control or stop the combustion
process by controlling the amount of the fuel available, the amount of oxygen
available, or the source of heat.

Task 1. Read the following text and specify the following information about it. Do it
in Spanish.
A. Title:

B. Subtitles:

C. ESP area:

D. Presentation:

E. General idea:

Task 2. Write about the ideas expressed through the title of the text Combustion
Task 3. Discuss with your partners about the following words in the table. Take
notes in Spanish about the ideas discussed.
Combustion hydrogen

Propulsion Gasoline

Power Air

Process Temperature

Oxygen Fuel

Solid Product

Exhaust combinations

Task 4. Write the equivalent in Spanish of the following phrases.

English Spanish
1. Chemical Process ( I. 6) Proceso Qumico
2. Different types of aircraft
3. To move an airplane or a model rocket
through the air
4. These substances are called exhaust

5. source of heat

It just keep burning

Task 5.- Write a heading for each of the paragraphs that organize the text. Do it in
Spanish, please.








Task 6. Read the previous information and then find examples of those resources
(Transitivity, passivization, nominalization, personification and long nominal
syntagms) in the given text.

A. Transitivity:
B. Passivization:
C. Nominalization:
D. Personification:
E. Long nominal syntagms:

Task 7. Read the text again and give a general idea of the theme discussed. Do it
in Spanish.


Task 8. Find possible, Articles, Adjectives, adverbs for each of the following words
in the text and identify their grammatical category.

Word Articles Adjectives Adverbs







Task 9. Write down the words from the text considered as technical and sub
technical vocabulary.

Task 10. Answer the following questions according to the information from the text.
Do it in Spanish, please.
1. What is the general idea of the text?
2. What is the purpose of the authors article?
3. What is the combustion process?
Task 11. Now, name the strategies you had to use to answer the tasks. Do it in
Spanish, please.

Strategy Purpose


2. Scanning

3. Reading for main points in general

4. Text organization

5. Word formation

6. Grammar

7. Annotate

Task 12. According To Reading Reviewed. Complete The Following Table. Indcate
the number of line.

Verbo Conectores Estructura Del Indicadores Voz Pasiva

Verbo De Secuencia

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