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Home Kundalini Yoga Pranayam

Naadi Cleansing

This cleansing kriya balances the Ida

and Pingala naadis and can "burn the
karmas" of many lifetimes.

Sit in Easy Pose with the spine

straight and the chin in, chest out. Be
sure that you have an empty
stomach or have eaten only very

Use your right hand to alternate the

breath through the left and right
nostrils. The tip of the thumb can
block the right nostril and either the
Jupiter (index) nger or the Mercury
(pinkie) nger can block the left
nostril. Apply only enough pressure
to gently and thoroughly close the
nostril. Do not press too hard.

The ratio for the length of each part

of the breath is 1 count (inhale), 4
counts (hold the breath), and 2
counts (exhale). This kriya may be
timed by mentally counting out the rhythm or by carefully listening to the breath, but for ease of timing
and to keep the timing consistent, it is helpful to mentally recite a mantra to create the rhythm.

Sat Nam, Wha-hay Guroo, and Saa-Taa-Naa-Maa each work well for this purpose. Any of them can hold
the rhythm and keep the mind focused on Innity.

The inhalation would be one mental recitation of the mantra, the hold would be four recitations, and
the exhale would be two recitations. The speed at which you mentally recite should suit your own
breath capacity, but you must maintain a consistent timing for each of the three parts of the breath.

Inhale through the left nostril for one count. 1/3
4/16/2017 NaadiCleansing|3HOFoundation

Hold the breath for four counts.

Exhale through the right nostril for two counts.

Inhale through the right nostril for one count.

Hold the breath for four counts.

Exhale through the left nostril for two counts.

Continue this breath pattern for 15-62 minutes.

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

This pranayam can be found in Praana Praanee Praanayam, available through KRI.

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