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2 Electrofilters
This document provides basic
For details, consult specialized
2.1 Definition:
In two words the electrostatic precipitator - also known as ESP - is a dust extraction device
- by electrical
2.2 Constitution:
The electrostatic precipitator is mainly composed of:
- A large metal casing.
- Of wires, also called discharge electrodes, installed vertically.
- These wires receive an electrical current with a high negative charge and a high voltage o
- The discharge electrodes are located and suspended between parallel plates.
- There are different types of discharge electrodes available:

- The plates are mounted in parallel and vertical and are most often made of stainless steel
These plates are connected to the ground at potential 0 and are also called collecting elec
- positive charge).
- The distance between wires and plates can vary from 150 to 250mm depending on the na
- The plates usually have a maximum height of 9m.
- There are different types of collecting plates available:
- The gas velocity is around 1 m/sec.
- Diagram:

2.3 Different types:

- There are three types of electrostatic precipitators:
* One stage filters (high voltage)
* The 2-stage filters (10-12kV)
* The wet electrostatic filter
- The discussion here is limited to the study of the one stage electrostatic precipitator.
- Example of ESP:
2.4 Principle of operation:
The principle of operation of an electrostatic precipitator is based on the force applied by a
- to a
limestone particle or other.
The particle of limestone is naturally charged but its charge is too low to give rise to a suffi
- attractive force
to be exploitable.
It is therefore necessary that the particle be exposed, by an external process, to have a su
- charge.
This charge, useful and negative, is created by ionization of the carrier gas, obtained by th
- electrodes
raised to a high potential and giving what it is called the corona effect.
- The corona can be positive but it seems that the performance is less satisfactory in that ca
- So, the particles across this electric field are negatively charged.
- They are then deviated by the field and collected on the collecting electrodes.
With time, the particles begin to deposit on the collecting surface, the thickness of the lay
- thus increases.
- A collecting plate takes care of 12-25 cm of particles before being removed by shaking (ha
- An endless screw is often used to remove the material collected in the bottom of the filter.
- Diagram of the principle:
- The capture of the dispersed particles in the ionized gas is thus carried out in three succes
* The dust electrical charge
* The migration of the charged particles in the electric field toward the collecting electrode
by electrical discharge
* The evacuation of the purified gas and the removal of collected dust.
It should be noted that the total length of these three steps must be shorter than the resid
- the gas
through the filter.
Below is another diagram of the
- operation:
- Summary of separation steps:
* Generation of an electrical charge (corona effect)
* Ionization of gases
* Charging of the particles
* Migration of the particles
* Captation of the particles
* Cleaning of collector plates (and electrodes)
Without going into detail, it should be noted that the cleaning of charging electrodes and c
- plates
is often realized via a system of impact hammers electromagnetic pulse device as shown

2.5 Efficiency of the ESP:

- The efficiency of an electrostatic precipitator depends on many factors such as:
* dust concentration
* the amount of gas
* the collecting surface
* the temperature
* the moisture
* the particle size
* the resistivity of the particles
- Here below is a table giving an idea of the influence of these parameters:

- The main characteristics of the particles affecting the efficiency are:

* the particle size
* the resistivity
- Regarding the size, here is a typical chart of efficiency as a function of particle diameter:

- Some resistivity according to the temperature (source Wikipedia)

Regarding the resistivity of cement dust, here's a chart showing its relationship wit
- and temperature:
It should be noted that the resistivity of the raw meal is very high (up and the d
- sometimes difficulty
to precipitate.
- Suitable devices can provide, for many industrial emissions, an overall efficiency of dust re
- The commonly used formula to calculate the efficiency of an electrostatic precipitator look

is the efficiency
is the migration velocity of the particles in m/s
S is the collecting surface in m2
Q is the quantity of gas in m3/s
- This equation is called formula of
- After, it was found that the efficiency was much more influenced by the variability of the r
of the particles, especially the finest, and the Deutsch formula has been modified as follow
and Ohnfeldt):

- With a coefficient called m, between 0,4 and 0,7 (0,5 being the standard value generally a

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