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VoL. XXIV, no. 27 bIcoL, tHe pHILIppInes January 22-28, 2017 p5.


declared 80%
of drug-affected

police Director buenafe


fIceLco says Legazpi city gov't starts capturing

catanduanes full power
restoration by february stray dogs roaming the streets
by connIe b. Destura by emmanueL p. soLIs

The entire province of LEGAZPI CITY -- The

Catanduanes will have to Legazpi City Veterinary
wait for at least a month Office (CVO) has start-
before its power supply ed capturing stray dogs
could be fully restored af- roaming around different
ter its power lines were cut villages and subdivisions
due to typhoon Nina. in the city as part of its
Engineer Francis Gianan, stray dog elimination pro-
technical services depart- gram.
ment manager of First Cat- This is one way of
anduanes Electric Coopera- preventing the widespread
tive (FICELCO), said they circulation of the rabies
(Turn to page 2) (Turn to page 7)

barangay san felipe, naga city 473-8888

3rd Floor, GerONiMO bLDG., bArLiN sT., NAGA CiTY TeLePHONe: (054) 884-93-76 CP 0921-3183720 / 0929-245-7353 / 0920-5337766

BR_January 22-28 noel.indd 1 1/24/2017 10:38:02 AM

2 bikol reporter opinion january 22-28, 2017

Duterte promises to rid Funds and Interest Rates

PhilHealth of corruption (Atty. APA chairs Acyatan & Co., by the Sias. PEZA has allready ap-
CPAs-DFK International is past chair proved the mixed-use Greater Luce-
of ASEAN Federation of CPAs, PICPA
past president and Hall-of-Famer, opinions na economic zone.
GOVT DEBT: The national gov-
and ACPAPP Lifetime Achievement ernment spent more in November
CASH AWASH: As the Yuletide unlimited last year for interest and debt the Bu-
reau of the Treasury reported. The
funds to returned to the banks after the Duterte administration settled 28.96
holiday season, the Bangko Sentral billion of debts last November (inter-
ng Pilipinas (BSP) term deposit facil- est and principal) - higher by 9.3%
ity (TDF) auction was swamped with compared with 26.5 billion in the
tenders from banks looking for funds Atty. TONY (APA) ACYATAN same month in the previous year. A
parking. Both the 7-day and 28-day total of 17.45B were used to settle
term deposits had excess tenders. This local debts, while 2.09B were paid
indicates that there are funds in the Philippine Economic Zone Authority to foreign lenders.
marketplace which the banks cannot (PEZA) is studying a proposal to create Debt payments programmed by
fully utilize for their lending and invest- a government center that will relocate government, depend on maturing
President Rodrigo Duterte vowed to reform the Philip- ment activities. the three branches of government and debts. This means it can go lower
The BSP auctions on January 18 other agencies on a 200-hectare are despite a weaker currency. As of
pine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) to provide bet-
and 25 will determine if the Cash- a in Mauban, Quezon, 146 kilometers November 2016, government debts
ter healthcare for Filipinos.
Awash situation will continue. If this south of Manila. PEZA Dir- General stood at 6.105T, up by 2.6% from
In a speech during the 20th anniversary celebration of Pre- happens, the interest regime may Charito Plaza said the property will be 5.952T same month a year ago.
miere Medical Center (PMC) in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija lead towards maintenance of the low- donated by businessman Philip Sia, Domestic debt reached 3.939T,
on Wednesday, January 18, the President said PhilHealth is er rates. The atmosphere is ripe for owner while offshore obligations amounted
plagued by problems particularly corruption that needs to be more business projects that will surely If approved, the center will decon- to 2.165T. In the 2017 Budget, gov-
fixed with urgency. be funded by the banks. Some fund gest Manila and boost development in ernment expects to end 2016 with
"Pero napag-usapan na lang naman ho natin itong profes- holders may also decide to purchase the south. Depending on traffic situa- total debt of 6.187T, 3.6% higher
sion ninyo, malaki ho yung problema ko sa gobyerno and foreign exchange investments and that tion, Mauban is 2 to 4 hours travel by compared with previous year. Ang
this is not the first time that I have heard again complaints sa will make the USD costlier (against the the car from Manila. The proposed gov- laki ng utang natin!
PhilHealth," the President said before a crowd of doctors and Ph peso) due to the strong demand for ernment center will be also boost the PRAYER: We hope that our land
health officials. the greenbacks. development of the Greater Lucena In- will soon return to peace and pros-
He said he plans to summon medical associations, Phil- MAUBAN GOVT CENTER: The tergrated Economic Zone also owned perity with God-fearing Filipinos.
Health and Department of Health (DOH) officials to a meeting
in Malacaan to craft policies aimed at reforming the health
insurance agency.
The kidnappers should be brought to justice
"There has to be a corrective measure put in place now,"
he said.
& we need to help one another
Corruption must be eliminated, he said, asking the public to
First, let me correct sentences him. How greedy and conscience-less
support government's anti-corruption drive. The people must
erroneously printed in my column dated these criminals can be.
also be assertive to fight abuses and misdeeds, he added.
At the same time, the President warned corrupt government
Jan. 8-14, 2017. The title of my column
should be CASURECO IIs Turtle-like
from *****
I am bothered at the seeming
officials and personnel to mend their ways. Restoration and Watch the movie Oro
conflict of Catholic Church and the
"Kayong lahat nasa gobyerno, if you are dealing with the to know why it was given the FPJ Award Duterte administration both sides
transacting public, the taxpayers, I have this to say: Now is not for Excellence. The word award was have the welfare and interest of the
the time to do it," he said.
"Sabi ko sa kanila, you have had your heydays, your fun
omitted. The sentence I learned that
Secretary Wimpy Fuentebella sent three window people.
President Dutertes campaign
and glory but this time, at my time, paki lang po kasiIts Task Force Kapatiran to the province and against illegal drugs to protect the
only six years, a little bit of sacrifice," he added. city to help in restoration work of electric present and future generation from the
As proof of his anti-corruption drive, he said he fired two cooperatives should refer to Wimpy nenita fuentebella-peones bad and ill effects to the people and
of his fraternity brothers involved in anomaly. Ninety two per- Fuentebella as undersecretary not our country. What will happen if illegal
sonnel at the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory secretary. He is Usec. of the Department drugs will be allowed to continue and
Board (LTFRB) were also sacked, he said, adding he will not of Energy. The other sentence is why is to them, pronto. The world is watching grow. Look at what is happening to
stop in eliminating corrupt personnel. it (meaning the law against violence and our country and we should show them Colombia and Myanmar.
President Duterte also renewed his strong anti-illegal drugs cruelty to animals) against dogs only and our countrymen that criminals are Along the way in the implementation
stance, adding that after meeting the mayors at the Palace last when it is also a delicacy in some places, punished. I condoled with the family of of this anti-illegal drug campaign,
week, he will meet the governors this week to also discuss the why does the law allow slaughtering not the victim. extrajudicial killings happen. It
perils of illegal drugs. He promised to eliminate illegal drugs show slaughtering of pigs for lechon or It is good that the Department of does not mean President Duterte
adobo, chicken for fried chicken, cows Justice under Sec. Vitaliano Aguirre committed it or ordered it, but the
in the country during his term.
for roast beef and steak, carabaos for acted with dispatch. The policemen government is expected to find the
The President also talked about Mindanao rebellion and
carabeef, goats for caldereta, etc. Arent allegedly involve in the commission of perpetrators to catch them and bring
warned them against the threat of the Islamic State (ISIS) that these animals too? the crime are already in hands of the them to justice, This is not only the job
has already affected the Middle East. ***** DOJ and murder and kidnapping for of the government but also the people.
Aside from meeting officials of PMC here, the President The kidnapping, murder and ransom cases are already filed against Killings do happen not only because
also came face to face with cancer patients in the hospital's cremation of Korean businessman Ick them in a Regional Trial Court in Angeles of illegal drugs but also other things.
villa for patients and relatives. Joo Jee, is truly a super heinous crime City in Pampanga. A companion of the But the government should do this for
Among those who welcomed the President were Atty. and those who committed it should kidnappers who thought their operation the people to see.
Danilo Yang, PMC chairman of the board; Dr. Sylvia Yang, be punished with the full force of the was official confessed everything that I hope and pray that both sides
PMC medical director; and Dr. Reynaldo Yang, PMC presi- law. This kidnapping for ransom case happened when he discovered that it will talk and discuss how to tackle
dent. should immediately be tried in our court was not an anti-drug operation. their problems and not allow politics
of justice so that those perpetrators of The wife of the Korean businessman to affect their intentions. We need to
the crime will get the punishment due paid P5 million ransom but they still killed help one another.
Catanduanes full power . . . poles that were cut could not
be found.
were doing their best to re- showed there were 1,219 Pandan, or 14 of 26 barangays; He said the four power
store the power supply in the poles that were damaged 65.2 percent in Panganiban, plants in the province were
province. while 96 transformers and 141 or 15 of 23 barangays; 5.2 all operational. These are
But based on our assess- poles were leaning after be- percent in San Andres, or 2 of Marinawa Diesel Power Plant
ment of the damage it is not ing hit by strong winds during 38 barangays; 4.17 percent in (DPP), Balongbong Hydro
possible to restore completely the typhoon. San Miguel, or 1 in 24 baran- Power Plant, Viga DPP and
on the deadline given by the He said in the 11 towns gays; 67.7 percent in Viga, or Catanduanes Power Genera-
Department of Energy (DOE) of Catanduanes: power had 21 of 31 barangays; and 38.10 tion Inc. DPP.
Tel. No. (054) 475-6262 which is on January 31, he been restored in 45 percent of percent in the capital town of Gianan said as of Jan. 12,
said. Bagamanoc, or 8 out of 18 ba- Virac,, or 24 of 63 barangays. the partial damage costs in
Gianan said FICELCO rangays; 22.2 percent in Bato, Gianan said in the munici- Catanduanes power supply
could fully restore the power or 6 of 27 barangays; 51 per- palities of Baras and Gigmoto due to typhoon Nina was esti-
supply only by February. cent in Caramoran, or 14 of no barangay had been ener- mated at Php38 million.
He said initial reports 27 barangays; 53.8 percent in gized because the lines and
ed g. yu
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Lee G. Dullesco II
Head, Advertising Associates

BR_January 22-28 noel.indd 2 1/24/2017 10:38:02 AM

january 22-28, 2017 bikol reporter 3

PNP Bicol declared 80%

of drug-affected barangays
CLEARED By Jorge Hallare

that there were 580 baran- of 66 barangays; Camarines

gays or 16.7 percent of the Sur-85.9 percent or 141
total 3,471 barangays in the of 164 barangays; Catan-
region which it deemed to be duanes-73.6 percent or 36
drug-affected when the cam- of 81 barangays; and Al-
paign started. bay-31.3 percent or 33 of
The remaining 20 per- 106 barangays.
cent or 114 barangays of Calubaquib said PRO5s
the total drug-affected ba- Double Barrel Alpha cam-
rangays are still under the paign from July 1, 2016 to
Police Director Buenafe PNPS clearing operation, January 16, 2017 recorded
said Buenafe. 86,141 drug surrenderees
LEGAZPI CITY -- A Sr. Insp. Ma. Luisa Ca- (80,222 users; 5,919 push-
top official of the Police lubaquib, PRO5 spokesper- ers) in the Bicol region.
Regional Office in Bicol son, said they declared all of She said Project Tokhang
(PRO5) said that 80 per- these barangays as "cleared" was able to knock on the
cent of the total number instead of "drug free" be- doors of 1,166,872 houses,
of barangays deemed by cause only the PDEA has arrested 900 drug personali-

'Tabang Bicol' extends help

the Philippine Drug En- the authority to declare it as ties while 83 drug suspects
forcement Agency (PDEA) drug-free. were killed in police opera-
as drug affected in the re- Among the six provinces tions in the region.

to Kilantaao residents
gion have been declared and seven cities in the Bi- In November and Decem-
cleared of the problem col region, Camarines Norte ber last year, anti-narcotics
of proliferation of illegal and Naga City in Camarines lawmen were able to con-
drugs during the past Sur were able to record a fiscate multi-million pesos By Ana-liza S.
six months and two weeks hundred percent number of worth of illegal drugs in the Macatangay
since the government cleared barangays. region.
launched its war against il- In Camarines Norte, 81 of These were in Barangay SANGAY, CamSur Out
legal drugs. 81 drug-affected barangays Palta Small in Virac, Cat- of 418 affected households
Chief Supt. Melvin Ra- were declared "cleared" as anduanes, where 359.7 ki- here, 402 were severely af-
mon Buenafe, PRO5 direc- with Naga City, where 15 of lograms of shabu (metham- fected by the damaging
tor, said data from July 1, 15 drug-affected barangays phetamine hydrochloride) winds caused by Typhoon
2016 to Jan. 18 this year were declared cleared. were seized, while in Baran- Nina.
showed that 466 of the In Sorsogon, the percent- gay Sogod, Tiwi, Albay, au- Fifty-years old Rosemarie
580 barangays have been age of cleared barangays thorities were able to recover Flores was able to pull a smile
cleared of the illegal drug is 98 percent or 98 of 99 18 bricks of high-grade co- when she saw the team of Ta-
problem. drug-affected barangays; caine weighing 12.17 kgs off bang Bicol approaching the
PDEA records showed Masbate-93 percent or 62 the sea waters of Sogod. basketball court, the designat-
ed venue where food and non-
food items will be distributed.
Salamat saindo ta na-
kakua kami relief ta maski
banig saka balde, nawara sa
baha, gabos. Ang sim mi nag
rulupad. May nakua man an
mga aki ko, pero gutay gutay
na. Ginamit mi muna pang-
sukyab sagkod dahon kan ni-
yog, Nanay Rose narrated in
the local dialect.
(Thank you, because of you
we were able to receive relief
packs. Everything was washed
out by the floodwater, includ- old resident of Barangay soap, laundry powder, pail and
ing our mats and pails. Our Kilantaao, with 3 children water dipper were also distrib-
roof flew. The children were tearfully recalled how she uted to the affected families.
able to get some remnants but helplessly watched the debris A-PAD Philippines Bicol
they too were damaged, yet of their house literally flying Regional Coordinator Mari-
we still made use of them as until no sight of it was left. cris Bias said that Tabang
temporary shelter and coconut Nanay Rose and Rechilda Bicol do not only focus on the
leaves.) were among the member of food needs but also looks at
Barangay Kilantaao, one the Indigenous People or IP hygiene and sanitation requi-
of the upland barangays of community residing in the sites of the affected individu-
Sangay was one of the worst area, comprising almost 90 als.
hit areas in the said municipal- percent of the residents in the TABANG Bicol is com-
ity, with 251 partially dam- said barangay. Their houses, posed of A-PAD PH Metro
aged and 151 totally damaged just like the others, were made Naga with MNCCI, Tarabang
houses. of light materials which un- para sa Bicol, Inc., Central
Nanay Rose recalled how derstandably cannot stand a Bicol State University of Agri-
she managed to move out her maximum sustained wind of culture, Metro Naga Develop-
5 kids and ailing husband to a 175kph and gustiness of up to ment Council, Kapisanan ng
safe area after typhoon Nina 290kph. mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas
totally uprooted their house at They, together with 478 Camarines Sur, Philippine
This was according to General Manager Anna Sylvia Alsisto, representative of NEA the height of its wrath and left other families received food Information Agency Cama-
Administrator Ed Masongsong, during the CASURECO II Press Conference at Villa Caceres
only the four holes where the packs comprised of 3-in-1 rines Sur, Mariners Polytech-
Hotel together with Mr. Orlando M. Andres, Mr. Rolando Pante of CASURECO II, Mr. Gilbert
Albero of MNCCI and the City Government of Naga. The presscon aims to clarify and fast-track four posts of their shanty used coffee, milk, 4 kilos of rice nic Colleges, and Naga City
the rehabilitation timetable, see personnel, equipment augmentation and materials needed for to stand. and canned goods. Non-food Disaster Risk Reduction and
power restoration. Rachelda Soto, a 40-year items like detergent bar, bath Management Office.

BR_January 22-28 noel.indd 3 1/24/2017 10:38:03 AM

4 bikol reporter halo - halo january 22-28, 2017

Sunday Gospel: Mt 4:12-23

When Jesus heard that John had been arrested,
he withdrew into Galilee. He left Nazareth and went
ASEAN matters to You
The regional association of of the Philippines Chairman- Peace is a good example to a market of 100 million poten-
to live in Capernaum, a town by the lake of Galilee, ten nations in Southeast Asia ship of ASEAN. President talk about in relation to being a tial buyers (Philippine popula-
at the border of Zebulun and Napthali. will benefit you more than Duterte called on all Filipinos member of the ASEAN. A key tion) is suddenly more than half
In this way, the word of the prophet Isaiah was you think. to take an active and construc- reason why Filipinos have not a billion!
fulfilled: Land of Zebulun and land of Napthali, The word bayanihan, tive part during the Philippines experienced wars or threats of Not only that, the Filipino
crossed by the Road of the Sea; and you, who lived signifies a lot of things for the Chairmanship of ASEAN. wars for decades is because of consumer is also poised to ben-
beyond the Jordan, Galilee, land of pagans. Filipino. It means helping one Knowing more about the the peaceful and harmonious efit from this economic set-up
The people who lived in darkness have seen a another, carrying each others ASEAN, finding ways to get relationship with its neighbors. as competition would cause
great light; and those who lived in the land of the burden, putting in more effort involved could prove wise Its a benefit derived from the businesses to step up in terms
shadow of death, a light has shone. than extended, going the extra counsel, because this regional partnership with the nine other of product quality, delivery, and
From that time on, Jesus began to proclaim mile, and seeing the collective bloc matters to you more than countries in the region. customer service. Prices would
his message, Change your ways: the kingdom of success of each other fulfilled. you think. A rules-based community, shift to benefit yougiving
heaven is near. Teamwork. Unity. Coopera- As the nations of Brunei Da- where each nation respects you the most value for peso as
As Jesus walked by the lake of Galilee, he saw tion. Agreement. Shared suc- russalam, Cambodia, Indone- the norms within their region choices widen for goods and
two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew, his cess. sia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myan- is what has allowed ASEAN services.
brother, casting a net into the lake, for they were Its what bayanihan is all mar, the Philippines, Singapore, countries to be at peace with For the Filipino worker, its
fishermen. He said to them, Come, follow me; and I about and more than ever, its Thailand, and Viet Nam con- one another. This also paved much easier to work around
will make you fisher for people. a concept thats invoked by the verge in the Philippine shores way for economic growth and the nine other member nations
At once, they left their nets and followed him. President himself, especially in the coming yeareveryone development, and a culture of that compose the association.
He went on from there and saw two other brothers, this year 2017 as we lead the ought to remember that its their peace amongst member states. Should you decide to move to
James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John, in charge in heralding the precepts future thats at stake. A successful ASEAN opens another ASEAN country, AEC
a boat with their father Zebedee, mending their nets. of the Association of Southeast The success of the ASEAN up opportunities for Filipino provides that you get the same
Jesus called them. At once, they left the boat, and Asian Nations (ASEAN). This is the success of the Philip- workers, consumers, and busi- salary level for your profession
their father and followed him. year, on ASEANs 50th found- pines, and thereby, the Filipino. nessmen at par with the market rate of
Jesus went around all Galilee, teaching in their ing anniversary, the Philippines Here are a few reasons why The ASEAN Economic that country.
synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the is hosting her neighbor coun- this regional alliance of coun- Community (AEC) has promot- OFWs and marginalized
kingdom, and curing all kinds of sickness and tries to further cooperation, tries matters to you. ed globalization on a regional Filipinos gain a larger audi-
disease among the people. Daily Gospel 2017, strengthen ties, and truly make If youre a Filipino citizen, level, removing trade hurdles ence where their voices can be
Reading and Reflections, Claretian Communications, the ASEAN more people-cen- you are an ASEAN citizen and barriers so that products heard
Foundation, Inc. tered and people-oriented. No matter where you live and services can be exchanged You may not be one of them
"I say to you today in full in the Philippines, what your easier. but you sure have seen one of
humility: the Philippinesas background is, or what your This means that if youre a our countrymen who have dis-
Teachers Training: ASEAN Chairwill remain stand is in key issues affecting businessperson selling goods, ability, are impoverished, or
steadfast in upholding the ide- the country, you are a part of you have the 630 million strong know someone who is a mi-
For Greater Quality Education als and values we hold dear and ASEAN by virtue of being a consumer market throughout grant worker an Overseas
By Miss Naomi Doronilla in working for the realization of Filipino citizen. As this regional the region as potential buyers. Filipino Worker. You may also
Teacher I-Tamban Elementary School our shared aspirations," Presi- bloc of 10 nations continues to Its an instant six times jump have experienced a typhoon at
dent Rodrigo Roa Duterte said integrate, what happens in other in the possibility of who could a point in your life (or know
Teachers are the single most influential and powerful on Sunday at the Grand Launch nations affects you. buy from youwhat used to be (Turn to page 6)
force for equity, access and quality in Education. Hiring
and training new and already established teachers is fun-
damental in protecting childrens ability to learn in school.
According to Iriva Bohova, A quality universal primary
H/S education inaccessible to teens in upland village
education will remain a distant dream fo millions of chil-
dren living in countries without enough trained teachers By Mike dela Rama adjacent Barangay Badian. She said there is no other of livelihood of their family of
in classroom She said she stopped going way to reach the nearest high 10 members that include their
Training of teachers is an effective strategy to improve OAS, Albay -- Like many to that school because Badian school from their village. father. Her mother died some-
quality educational system. The success of the govern- other teenagers in Baran- proved to be inaccessible from Our community is locat- time last year.
ment program to upgrade the quality of education of our gay Bogtong in Oas, Albay, Bogtong. ed in the upland and it is too Her elder siblings work
numerous learners across the country is anchored on the Norelyn Minas, 17, is a high She recounted that she used dangerous if we will climb the on the side as charcoal-mak-
school dropout. to wake up at 4 a.m. to reach steep mountains just to reach ing helpers where they earn
teachers technical and academic capabilities. The effec-
The rough terrain and poor her former school. the main road in the neighbor- Php150 to Php300 per week.
tiveness of the school depends on the type and quality of
road network in the upland vil- From my barangay (Bog- ing barangay, said Norelyn. I am not the only person
teachers who can mold the future leaders of the country. lage of Bogtong have made it tong) I needed to walk for al- She said she is even lucky with the same problem, most
High quality teacher education, training and on going pro- difficult for young people in most two hours and cross riv- she was able to reach first year of the teenagers in our com-
fessional development improves teacher retention, effec- the community to get a high ers four times daily to reach the high school unlike her seven munity intend to finish only
tiveness and learners achievement. school education in the nearest school, she said. other siblings who finished elementary, Norelyn added.
Teachers now aday must undergo trainings. Intensive public school in Oas town or But during heavy rains, only elementary school in their Danjoveh Carison, 19, also
trainings and on going professional development to new- neighboring Ligao City. crossing the rivers becomes barangay. a resident of Barangay Bog-
ly hired teachers as well as senior teachers, in order for The eighth among the nine impossible because of the Her youngest sibling, who tong, shared Norelyns senti-
them to become equip with new techniques, strategies, children of a coconut farmer, strong water current. is eight years old, is still in el- ments.
approach and an integration of modern multi-media and Norelyn said she managed Sometimes by chance, I ementary school. He said he could not pursue
some applicable software will be an integral part of the to finish only first year high am able to commute by riding Norelyn said rice and co- high school because of poor
(Turn to page 6) school in a private school in a motorcycle, said Norelyn. conut farming are the sources (Turn to page 7)


Cervical Cancer was the topic of the lecture of Dr. Alma M. Bresnan, O.B., Gynoncolo- selves to pap smear at least once every 3 years.
gist, at the Elderly Health Lecture Series held last January 15 at Peafrancia Parish The program was opened by Fr. Austin Ostinero, parochial vicar, with a Paraliturgy.
Hall, here. Speaking before the eldery of Peafrancia Parish, Dr. Bresnan called upon the The lecture series started June last year, has been sponsored by the Peafrancia Par-
participants to be more conscious of possible indications of cancer of the cervix, ovary ish in cooperation with the Tomasinong Bicolano.
and uterus. Shown in the upper photo are the elderly listening to the lecture.
She said among the symptoms of early cancer include bloated stomach, pains after In lower photo are Fellowship business manager Ninfa Saballegue, vice chair Ester
meals, regular urination, abnormal bowel movements, indigestion, back pains, irregular Elopre and chairman Tony Amparado at the presentation of a token gift of appreciation
menstruation, among others. She suggested that elderly and young women submit them- to Dr. Bresnan.

BR_January 22-28 noel.indd 4 1/24/2017 10:38:04 AM

january 22-28, 2017 bikol reporter 5
Nagas clean-up drive marks January as
zero-waste month
By Jason B. Neola barangay officials and volun- debris-gathering op-
teers, and several hundreds of erations in residential
NAGA CITY --- Still City Hall employees. Groups areas inside the sub-
on the clearing operations of students from different divisions and interi-
due to the havoc wrought colleges and universities in ors of the city streets
by super typhoon Nina this city are also expected to outside the Central
last Christmas, the local join the fray. Business Districts I
government unit here is Personnel from the city and II. The remain-
spearheading a city-wide engineers office will be as- ing days before Sunday will trees that were downed by following months, garbage ardship of Mayor Bongat,
clean-up that will be held signed in the de-clogging of also be spent in the collection the typhoon and the cables collection and disposal will which include the arrival of
simultaneously along with canals, especially in the citys of regular household wastes that fell and made our roads become more effective and another 4 new garbage trucks
other local government business districts while most which suffered delays as we almost inaccessible, says better because of the efforts within the year and another 4
units in the country to of the employees will engage have to prioritize the trash Martin. being undertaken by the city by year 2018.
mark the declaration of the in clearing operations in the left by Nina including the Martin sees that by the government under the stew- (Turn to page 6)
month of January as zero- streets. Rural areas will be at-
waste month as provided
for by Proclamation No.
760 series of 2014.
tended by barangay officials
and volunteers living in the
citys upland barangays.
Bicol records high maternal death rate
The national event is Mayor Bongat assured the By Mike Dela Rama nal deaths. to pre-eclampsia, eclampsia report said 85.50 percent of
also a part of the continuing public that by Sunday, Janu- In 2015 alone, there were and hemorrhage have con- the 173 cases in the Bicol re-
National Clean-up Day that ary 22, the entire city are al- LEGAZPI CITY -- The 173 maternal death cases (per tributed to the maternal death gion cited the place of mater-
started in September 2016, ready ridded of the trash left big number of maternal thousand live births), said cases in the region. nal deaths as the hospital.
said Regional Director Eva by the super typhoon. This, deaths in the Bicol region Dr. Rita Mae Ang-Bon, coor- Eclampsia is a condition Only 14 percent of the
Ocfemia of the Department after Solid Waste Manage- over the past two years con- dinator of DOH-Bicol Family in which convulsions occur in deaths occurred while in tran-
of Environment and Natu- ment Office head Engr. Joel tinues to spoil the efforts of Cluster program. a pregnant woman suffering sit (from the home to birthing
ral Resources-Environment P. Martin told newsmen that health authorities and lo- She said the biggest num- from high blood pressure. Of- facility) or at home, added
Management Bureau as she they are now in the conclud- cal government agencies in ber of cases were reported in ten followed by a coma these the report.
enjoined Mayor John G. ing period of the clearing improving the reproductive Camarines Sur at 61, followed pose a threat to the health of Bon said the consolidated
Bongat in a letter to conduct operations they have been health of women in the re- by Masbate-31, Albay-29, the mother and the baby. report from the six Bicol
clean-up activities with the undertaking since the day gion over the years. Camarines Norte-23, Catan- Bon said the other causes provinces showed that ma-
The latest report from the duanes-16 and Sorsogon-13. of deaths are indirect medi- ternal deaths by stage at time
help of the local communi- after the tropical cyclone bat-
Department of Health (DOH) Bon added they were able cal conditions, sepsis infec- of death were mostly in the
ties. tered the Bicol Region in the to record 124 cases in the re-
in Bicol Family Cluster pro- tion (or blood infection), post-partum phase or the
Participating in the activ- evening of December 25, last gram cited complications gion as of November 2016. home transit to health facil- immediate period after the
ity, which will be held tomor- year. arising from hypertension as She said from 2015 to ity and unknown. baby has been delivered.
row, January 20, this year, are We are now focusing our the major cause of the mater- 2016, hypertension resulting Citing the 2015 data, the (Turn to page 7)

Public urged to be safe around NGCP facilities

NAGA CITY The Na- promoting. mission lines or climb trans- Somera likewise urged She also urged the pub-
tional Grid Corporation of In her office interview, on mission structures. the public not to plant trees lic to let us help one another
the Philippines urged the Friday, Jan. 20, Nilda Som- She also advised the pub- near transmission structures maintain a reliable, safe, and
public to be safe around era, NGCP Regional Com- lic not to build grass fires and any incident of branches secure transmission system
transmission facilities and munication and Public Af- near or under transmission tangled with transmission in our country.
always bear in mind the fairs Officer said, the public structures as the fire may wires must be immediately NGCP cares about your
safety tips it is constantly must not fly kites near trans- cause power interruption. reported. safety, Somera added. somera

BR_January 22-28 noel.indd 5 1/24/2017 10:38:05 AM

6 bikol reporter january 22-28, 2017

DOH-Bicol intensifies 'Oplan

Goodbye Bulate' campaign
By Mike Dela Rama dren as the target population of is not a new campaign of the
Oplan Goodbye Bulate. DOH.
LEGAZPI CITY - The Arellano said the target pop- Last 2015, it was already
Department of Health (DOH) ulation is 605,438 for ages 1 to administered to public schools.
in Bicol, along with local gov- 4; 1,403,262 (ages 5-14); and We will continue this campaign
ernment units (LGUS), have 497,940 (ages 15 to 18). twice a year, particularly in Jan-
intensified their deworm- She explained that the DOH uary and July, she said.
ing campaign called Oplan campaign seeks to address the Arellano assured the pub-
Goodbye Bulate among the fears and myths associated lic that all medicines distrib-
2.5 million 18-year-old be- to deworming as it conducts uted are certified by the World
low population in the region. a harmonized schedule and Health Organization and Food
Dr. Janish Alcala-Arellano, mass drug administration in and Drug Administration.
DOH cluster program coor- public and private schools na- She dismissed misconcep-
dinator, said the deworming tionwide against the soil-trans- tions on the anti-bulate (worms)
activity is being conducted to mitted worms called helmin- medicines and appealed to the
PNP PRESS CORPS achieve a 100-percent bulate thiasis or STH. parents and guardians not to
The new officers of the Camarines Sur Police Provincial Office Press Corps for the year (worms)-free target population Arellano clarified that the believe in wrong information
2017 was elected last January 9, 2017 at the Police Provincial Office, Concepcion Grande, in the region. deworming activity is also being circulated in social media
Naga City. The new officers are Oscar Esmenda of DWLV/BBS President, Lee Duliesco II She said deworming for the
a year-round activity of the and community.
of Bikol Reporter / DWJR Vice President, Joel Jeremias of BRIGADA FM Secretary, Jojo 5- to 18-year-old age group is
DOH, along with the LGUs and The administration of med-
Buenafrancisca of DWJR Treasurer, Juriz Pajares of MBC Auditor, Joe Caguimbal of DWOS being conducted in all public
Department of Education, as icines is voluntary and will not
Sgt. @ Arms, Jun Joson of DWRN Business Manager and Melvin Machado of DZGE P.I.O. schools while those pupils en-
The Board of Directors are Gerald Garcia of Bombo Radyo, Angelo Abugao of DWLV Radyo rolled in private schools need to school-aged children enrolled be implemented without the
Agila and Ma. Theresa Iraola of Radyo Amigo. avail of the medicines in their in private schools and children consent forms filled up by the
communities through their Ru- who are not in enrolled in the parent or guardian of the child
school system may avail of in public elementary schools,
Teachers Training . . . ASEAN . . . ral Health Units (RHUs).
the free deworming services at said Arellano.
Arellano said the 1- to
modernization program. The education of teachers to un- someone who had) especially 4-year-old population will be health centers, RHUs and ba- She said just like any other
dergo a fundamental shift from traditional classroom lec- for a country like ours that ex- provided with medicines during rangay health stations. drug, taking deworming drugs
tures to computer aided visuals will be the main thrust of periences at least 10-12 of this their communities scheduled She said the program aims may lead to minimal side ef-
a year! deworming activity. to deworm approximately 19 fects like dizziness, nausea,
the coming 21st century.
As governments within the She said in Bicol, they see million school-aged children headache and vomiting.
We are looking forward to the Department of Education ASEAN continue to work to- enrolled in public schools (Kin- These effects are transient,
to continue strengthen the quality of education by giving an estimated 2.5 million chil-
gether, the goal is to not only dergarten to K12) and some 23 minor, self-limiting and disap-
more attention to the needs of every teacher in terms of make an economically stronger million pre-school and school- pear after some time and can
new approaches, techniques and strategies in teaching and more peaceful region, but a The overall goal is to ensure aged children not enrolled in easily be managed with reme-
to improve classroom practice and get the best teachers safer one for all of its citizens. that no city, town, or citizen public schools within a month dies like resting in a quiet room
in every school. We need to attract the right people into The ASEAN Socio-Cultural should be left behind or feel un- nationwide. for a few hours and providing
teaching, give them the best possible training and sup- Community aims to build a safe in the region. Arellano said the National water mixed with sugar to the
port them as they move into the classroom.. We know that common identity among mem- In the ASEAN, the under- School Deworming Month patient, Arellano said.
bers of the regional bloc, while privileged are heard, the envi-
within a school, teacher quality is the single biggest influ-
ensuring that ASEAN citizens ronment is protected, and the
ence on learners engagement and achievement and that who are marginalized are given rights of the individual upheld.
improving teacher effectiveness is the best method of im- the care that they need. This As this regional alliance cel-
proving learners performance. The training of teachers as is why agreements that aim to ebrates the past, it also looks
well as their computer- literacy will build confidence and protect human rights, curtail forward to the future. The Phil-
increase the level of competence for the advancement of child trafficking, strengthen ippines, as one of its founding
education in the country. humanitarian response, nurture Members has a huge role to
biodiversity, and preserve the play in seeing a more inte-
environment have been signed grated, more unified, and more
24K PAWNSHOP & JEWELRY STORE by the ASEAN Member States. prosperous ASEAN.
Blk 7, Stalls 2 & 4 GF, NCPM Naga City
Nagas clean-up drive . . .
AUCTION SALE on February 10, 2017 He said that plan to dispose equipments is being consid-
of all unredeemed articles pledged from JULY his office of old garbage trucks ered.
is a part of the city govern- Regarding the closure of
- AUGUST 2016 at 9:00 a.m.
ments preparation for the op- Balatas dumpsite, Martin re-
erationalization of P104.5M ported that they are now just
Published: January 22, 2017 waiting for the date when the
sanitary landfill in Barangay
San Isidro. Aside from the facilitys closure plan will fi-
nally be implemented. He said
R. GUINHAWA PAWNSHOP trucks, the procurement of sev-
eral heavy equipment that will that the winning bidder is now
Blk. 11, Stall 2, GF, NCPM, Naga City be utilized in running the land- making proper coordination
fill like Bulldozer, Payloader, with his office to ensure that
Grader, Backhoe combination, all the technical requirements
AUCTION SALE on FEBRUARY 10, 2017 water tanker, power generator, are met.
of all unredeemed articles pledged from JULY and water pumps is now being
- AUGUST 2016 at 9:00 a.m. deliberated upon.
BIKOL REPORTER Martin, however, said that a
Published: JANUARY 22, 2017 slash in the budgetary require-
ment of P101M for the heavy
for december
Name of Deceased Date of Interment


ISAGANI T. DADIS December 1, 2016
HENRY S. LEONEM December 2, 2016
ROBERT C. PEREZ December 3, 2016
DULCE B. COLASITO December 3, 2016
VICENTE B. AZOTILLO December 4, 2016
CRISANTA R. MAGISTRADO December 11, 2016
SAMSON A. REODIQUE December 9, 2016
ESTRELLA I. ESPINOSA December 11, 2016
SUSAN P. PANTE December 12, 2016
RAMON V. BORBOR JR. December 15, 2016
FELICISIMO M. PENOBLAR December 15, 2016
IRENE D. TRANSONA December 16, 2016
ELIAS B. TIRAO SR. December 21, 2016
ESPERANZA A. BANDAY December 23, 2016
ELENA A. DELOS SANTOS December 23, 2016
ERLINDA M. ALEJO December 27, 2016
PELAGIO P. SEAR JR. December 28, 2016
GRACE B. LOPEZ December 27, 2016
VIRGINIA A. ORDOEZ December 29, 2016
AMBROSIO C. MARISCAL December 30, 2016
ELMER F. TARROBAGO December 31, 2016
CECILIA T. CHAVEZ December 31, 2016

BR_January 22-28 noel.indd 6 1/24/2017 10:38:06 AM

january 22-28, 2017 bikol reporter 7
Bicol records high maternal death rate . . . deaths in Civil Registry Of- sand live births. Population Commission
fices nationwide reached a to- The Epidemiology Bureau (PopCom)-Bicol Director
She said local government Bon said DOH, along with ment effective interventions tal of 1,447 (per 100,000 live reported that by province, for Magdalena Abellera has said
units (LGUs) in the region local population officers, just before a baby is delivered births) while the MMR was the same year, there were 23 that the target is to lower ma-
have been intensifying their BHWs and their rural health by the mother. 0.8 per thousand live births. maternal deaths in Camarines ternal mortality to 52 deaths
campaign on maternal and units have introduced many Immediate and exclusive It said that in 2012, the Sur with an MMR of 0.9; Al- per 100,000 live births under
child health. interventions to reduce mater- breastfeeding is highly recom- Eastern Visayas Region re- bay-23 (1.3 MMR); Cama- the governments new Sus-
This is to make sure that nal and child deaths. mended to mothers, she said. corded the highest MMR of rines Norte-19 (1.4 MMR); tainable Development Goals
all pregnant mothers are be- Since a majority of ma- Bon said there have been 1.6 maternal deaths per thou- Masbate-14 (1.0 MMR); Sor- or SDG program.
ing properly monitored and ternal deaths occur during a number of interventions sand live births while the sogon-12 (1.0 MMR); and SDGs otherwise known as
that they submit themselves and soon after delivery, many aimed at educating and sup- Cordillera Administrative Re- Catanduanes-4 (0.7). the Global Goals are univer-
to regular prenatal check up, interventions concentrate on porting women to initiate gion recorded the lowest with In the same report, the sal calls to action to promote
said Bon. this period, she said. breastfeeding and adopt opti- 0.5 deaths per thousand live DOH bureau described ma- development that are being
She said barangay health She said that currently mal breastfeeding behaviors. births. ternal mortality rate or MMR implemented by the United
workers (BHWs) and mid- traditional birth attendants She said it has been shown The bureay said six out of as the mirror of a womans Nations Development Pro-
wives have been deployed to or TBAs are only allowed to that improving breastfeeding 17 regions "had MMR higher health and nutritional status gramme in 170 countries.
all villages to provide direct assist midwives and mothers practices can help to reduce than the national rate of 0.8. during pregnancy, at child- Policy planners said the
services to mothers. during pregnancy or birth at neonatal mortality. In the Bicol region, the birth, or in the period after goals, that combine the fac-
Bon said that rural areas the birthing facility. In its 2012 Philippine DOH-bureau said maternal childbirth. It also highlights tors necessary for quality life
also have higher Maternal Bon said programs have at- Health Statistics, the DOH mortality in 2012 was 103 her access to professional in the 21st millennium, must
Mortality Rates, also called tempted to utilize this existing Epidemiology Bureau said the per 1,000 population with the medical services before, dur- serve as a framework in gov-
MMR by statisticians, be- system by giving short train- number of registered maternal MMR at 1.05 deaths per thou- ing and even after childbirth. ernance.
cause many women in rural ing courses to TBAs.
areas begin having children at But there is little evidence
a young age. that such programs are ef- Legazpi city gov't starts capturing stray . . . seeks to maintain the citys sta-
Since adolescent women fective in reducing maternal tus as a zero-rabies territory.
virus in the community, The measure promulgated days for the first offense while
are normally not developed mortality even if they may be Rabies is a virus that may
according to Dr. Nancy Andes, the rules and regulations of ra- second-time offenders will pay
enough for childbirth, these effective in reducing mortality affect the brain and spinal cord
head of CVO. bies control and prevention in a fine of Php2,000 or face im- of its victim. Patients who
young mothers face many among newborns, she said. She said for the month of Legazpi in support of the na- prisonment of 15 to 20 days. manifest the rabies show loss
complications during and af- Bon said through a nutri- January, CVO has posted a to- tional governments rabies and Those who violate for the third of appetite and weakness that
ter pregnancy and contribute tion promotion program the tal of 30 stray dogs captured in control program. time will pay Php3,000 or be could lead to death.
to the high maternal mortality DOH and its counterparts in
the streets. According to the ordinance, imprisoned from 25 to 30 days. Andes urged all pet own-
rate, she said. the LGUs continue to imple-
Andes said CVO is waiting all dogs and cats must be regis- Andes said she will ori- ers to put up their own animal
for the dog owners to claim tered at their respective baran- ent all the barangay (village) pound in their own backyards
Republic of the Philippines their pets otherwise these will gay halls after which CVO will chairmen, barangay health to ensure their pets could not
LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRY OFFICE be given up for adoption to issue a dog or cat registration workers and other concerned roam city streets and other
Province: Camarines Sur other interested pet lovers or certificate to the pet owners. parties as part of preparations public places.
City of Naga will be impounded at the citys All their pets must be vac- for the high-density vaccina- She said this move will also
designated animal pound. cinated as required by the ordi- tion to be soon conducted by lessen animal bites and prevent
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION She said the stray dog nance, said Andes. the citys anti-rabies vaccina- the spread of rabies cases in the
CFN- elimination program was first She said pet owners, who tion teams in 70 villages of community.
CCE-0436-2016 implemented after enactment violate this ordinance, shall Legazpi. CVO conducts annual lec-
In compliance with the publication requirement and of the anti-rabies ordinance in have to pay a fine of Php 1,000 Anti-rabies vaccination is tures on responsible pet own-
pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 the city. or imprisonment of 5 to 10 an annual CVO activity that ership and rabies awareness
Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative
for pet owners during barangay
Order No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172), Notice
is hereby served to the public that RUVEY BENARABA H/S education inaccessible to teens . . . assemblies.
She said this helps add to
CUATOR has filed with this Office, a Petition for correc- access roads and transporta- a better future. They need help sons like me need more help their knowledge on how to
tion of entry in the sex from MALE to FEMALE in the tion. from the outside community, from other government agen-
certificate of live birth of JILLIAN MAE BENARABA CUA- properly care for their animals.
I need to walk for more he said. cies for their high school edu-
TOR at Naga City, Camarines Sur and whose parents are Andes said at the age of
than two hours to reach the This was echoed by Nore- cation.
EMEMSIO LOLA CUATOR and ROVEY BUSTAMANTE lyn who said barangay officials I want to continue my three months, pet owners
public high school located in should have their dogs and cats
BENERABA. Barangay Cabarian (a coastal were able to provide assistance studies so I can finish even a
Any person adversely affected by said petition may to elementary pupils in the vocational course. I want to vaccinated and must consult a
area in Ligao City in the west-
file his written opposition with this office not later than form of school supplies. have a better future and earn a veterinarian on the status of the
ern coast of Albay), said Dan-
January 29, 2017. But she said young per- living, said Norelyn. health of their animals.
Some of our village mates
(Sgd.) ALEXANDER M. CAYETANO have their own motorcycles
City Civil Registrar while others are using their ca-
Naga City, Camarines Sur
rabaos as means of transporta-
Published: January 15 and 22, 2017 tion, he said.
Danjoveh said this mode of
transportation is called paba-
ba which means a carabao
VACATION LOTS FOR SALE pulling a wooden cart.
The farmers would have
AFFORDABLE AREAS FOR VACATION to rely on the carabaos hard
work and patience to get the
HOMES ARE NOW ON SALE. LOCATED job done, he said.
ALONG PAVED NATIONAL ROAD TO Danjoveh said even if he
CAROLINA, NAGA CITY TOWARD MT. could avail of a school scholar-
ISAROG. ONLY FIVE KMS. FROM CITY ship, another concern would be
PROPER. the school expenses and fees
for a boarding house near the
LOTS MEASURE 700 SQ.M. EACH. YOU public high school.
It is impossible for me to
CAN HAVE AMPLE AREA FOR ORCHARD, earn, he said as farm work
FLOWER/VEGETABLE GARDEN OR gives him only P15 per harvest
BACKYARD POULTRY. of 100 pieces of coconuts.
Prisco Tipano Jr., village
CALL TONY ACYATAN (CP 0917 852 7391) chief of Bogtong, affirmed the
FOR DETAILS & DISCOUNTS. stories of Norelyn and Danjo-
He said the coconut farmers
need to increase their produc-
tion so they could send their
children to high school but
the poor farm-to-market roads
make it difficult for them to
improve their livelihood.
Barangay Bogtong is seven
kilometers away from the near-
est main road, which is in Ba-
rangay Catburawan in Ligao
Tipano said to help farm-
ers in the village, they seek
assistance from government
agencies like the Philippine
Coconut Authority in Bicol to
provide them with seedlings.
Our teenagers should
strive hard if they want to have

BR_January 22-28 noel.indd 7 1/24/2017 10:38:07 AM








Willprint Bldg., Concepcion Grande Willprint Bldg., Capt. F. Aquende Drive Willprint Bldg., Central Plaza
Naga City, Philippines Legazpi City Brgy. Lag-on, Daet, Camarines Norte
Tel. No.: (054) 473-2288 Telefax No.: (052) 480-1417 Tel. No.: (054) 721-1684
(054) 473-8888 (054) 440-2408

11.75 x 17.5.indd 1 1/24/2017 9:29:45 AM

BR_January 22-28 noel.indd 8 1/24/2017 10:38:07 AM

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