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Lab Tests Checker

Calcified Granulomatous Lesions of Brain

Whenever an inflammation occurs, the tissue affected respond producing an inflammatory
exudate and a granuloma is formed. A granuloma in the brain is nothing but a localized area of

This inflammation may be due to some infection, vascular problem, injury or any other trigger.

Products of inflammation are formed there. Inflammatory exudate along with WBCS, pus cells,
sloughed tissue debris etc. is present in the granuloma.

Calcified Granuloma
As a granuloma becomes old, it may calcify. Therefore, calcification of granulomas indicate that
they have been there since a long time. This is a natural process.

This can be compared with scar formation, which is easily observed over the superficial wounds
of our body. A fresh wound heals slowly to produce a harder covering over it. Under this cover,
repair work takes place and new healthy cells are formed.

This is called scar formation, which is similar to calcification of a granuloma.

Possible Reasons of Brain Inflammations That May Lead to Granuloma


Trauma or injury to the brain

Stroke or stroke-like episode, which may have caused reduced blood supply to that
particular area of the brain. This may have led to infarction. Such a situation is common
in people presenting with long standing high blood pressure.
Infection of that brain area- encephalitis, meningitis etc. as seen in tuberculosis and other
infectious diseases.

Inflammations caused by autoimmune disorders like amyloidosis, rheumatoid disorders,

multiple sclerosis etc.

Any brain tumor

In conditions like worm infestations like cysticercosis. The eggs of the worm may reach
the brain and elicit an inflammatory response there.

Effects of a Granuloma

A granuloma is a space occupying lesion (SOL) in the brain tissue. It presses over the adjoining
brain cells. This affects the functioning of those cells.

Depending upon the area of the brain where the granuloma is present, various brain functions
may get affected. The affected individual may get severe headaches, nausea, fits (convulsions)
or some focal deficit.

Focal deficits may include complete or partial loss of vision, impaired hearing, affected speech
or any other body function.

A granuloma may be active or inactive ( also called dormant).

In an active one, inflammation is going on and fresh products of inflammation are being
produced. Whereas, inactive granulomas are dormant, showing no activity on repeated CT scans.
They are usually calcified and hard on appearance. They do not increase in size. Repeated CTs
may show shrinkage of such lesions.


Since a granuloma is a space occupying lesion in the brain, there are chances that it may press
upon the adjoining tissues to produce symptoms.

Therefore, most of the patients presenting with this problem are given an anti-epileptic
medication as a prophylaxis. Some patients may require pain medications for headaches or other
symptoms they are facing.

The treatment is essentially controlling the symptoms, to start with.

Next step is assessing whether the granuloma is active or not. If active, cause of granuloma
formation is investigated and this underlying cause is treated.
It is possible that the infection is still there and actively causing inflammation in the brain tissue.
This may be a bacteria, virus or even a parasite. Accordingly, medicines are given to combat the

Anti- inflammatory medicines are given to reduce inflammation and to prevent the granuloma
from increasing in size.

Sometimes, if the location of the granuloma permits, surgical excision of the lesion may be done.

Inactive or dormant granulomas tend to shrink in size on their own. Except for symptomatic
treatment, no medical intervention is required for them.

by Taboola
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Related posts:

1. Intracranial Tumor Vs Granuloma

2. Venous Malformations- Headaches and Seizures

3. Medication Should Be Withdrawn Only After Objective Evaluation

4. Chances of Survival in Diffuse Brain Stem Injury

5. Hippocampal Sclerosis Small Events May Damage Your Memory

This entry was posted in Medical Advice, Mental Illness, Nervous System Diseases.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on What Causes Calcified

Granuloma of Brain?
1. Jagan April 3, 2013 at 11:41 am

Dear Doctor, I have taken tablet for bilateral parietal cortical region showing tiny
calcified granuloma- left 3 x 3 mm and right 6 7 mm. I dont have any problem except
some tension. After diagnosis, the doctor gave me Albendadole 400 mg/day, Valeptol 300
mg twice a day and Clonozopium 1 mg per day.

After 10 months, as per your advice, I have taken CT scan. But the Granuloma looks the
same as earlier. The radiologist told me it is just like a scar and it will continue to be the
same. Hence the tablets are not required.

So, now in this situation what can I do? Will granuloma give me any trouble? Is any
follow up scan required? If so, how frequently should I get CT scan?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorApril 3, 2013 at 11:48 am

You may stop taking albendazole.

The other two medications are basically anxiolytics. If you feel some tension, it
would be better to discuss with your doctor about continuing these two

Granulomas dont disappear completely. They remain as scar tissues in the brain.
They may fade slowly, to some extent, with time.

You may let the scar remain as such. There is nothing to worry. Follow-up scan
would be required only if you have any other trouble.


2. Jagan April 18, 2013 at 7:26 am

Dear Sir,

When I was 8 years old (1980), I had headaches, vomiting and my tongue came out. I
was taken to a neurologist, who cured me with medications.

Now I am 40 years old. I got CT scan of my brain for some other reason and incidentally
found bilateral parietal calcified granuloma.
Do you think it might have formed in 1980 and was not detected because at that time CT
scan was not readily available.

I believe that granuloma might have formed at my young age. Whats your opinion?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorApril 18, 2013 at 7:32 am

It is very difficult to comment about the actual time of granuloma formation. All
that can be said is that such lesions may be very old.

A calcified granulomatous lesion is the result of an old inflammation in brain.

How old that inflammation was is very difficult to guess. It could very well may
be a childhood event.

Such inflammations are usually due to infections (like tuberculosis), irritations,

trauma etc.


3. Nuwan April 27, 2013 at 11:39 am

Dear sir,
I have about 1.5 x 2cm size rounded lesion without signal in right frontal region of brain,
according to MRI. No mass effect or perilesional edema. Mild perilesional enhancement
is present. The lesion has a hyperdense rim on CT, may be a Wall calcification.

Comment on MRI
Possibly chronic inflammatory lesion granuloma.
Clinical correlation and follow-up MRI is suggested.

When I discussed with doctor he said he needs to take another MRI after two months. He
also gave me folic acid 5 mg; sodium valproate 200 mg twice per day.

Now I have a headache. In 2007 they did a surgery on my neck for Toxoplasmosis.
Is there any relationship with toxoplasmosis?
Thank you.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorApril 27, 2013 at 6:08 pm

A calcified granuloma is usually the result of any inflammation that has occurred
previously in that portion of the brain.

It is very likely that toxoplasmosis, which you had in the past, is the reason
behind it.

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease. The parasites may affect any area of the
brain too. Typically multiple ring (concentric) lesions are produced by it in the
regions affected.

It would be good to inform your doctor about this past infection.


1. Nuwan April 28, 2013 at 2:43 am

Dear sir, what is the best thing to do for this? Does it require a brain
surgery? Is there any risk of life?

I have headaches and sometimes its difficult to breathe. What about the
medicine given to me and are there any side effects?

Please sir, your valuable opinion will be very helpful for my future


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorApril 28, 2013 at 5:24 am

All you need is just following it up by regular MRIs. The

inflammatory lesion has already healed up and calcified.
Intervention is required only if it grows is size or changes in any

You can understand it by the example of a simple wound we get on

our hand. Initially, the wound is painful and red. This is
inflammation. Slowly, healing begins. It hardens up and a scar is

The calcified lesion is like that scar, formed after the acute
inflammation. So nothing needs to be done for it now.
Scars may resolve on their own with time, or remain as such. Only
if they increase in size, or show any further sign of inflammation,
intervention would be required.

So relax for now. Just be watchful for the lesion by getting regular
MRI scans.

As for your headaches, it may be a side effect of the medicine

(sodium valstal) you are taking. You may discuss this with your


4. Nuwan April 28, 2013 at 7:12 am

Dear sir,
What is the time period for taking MRIs. How many days should I take sodium valstal
and folic acid.
Sometimes Ive difficulty to breath. Please give me some advice for that also.
Thank you.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorApril 29, 2013 at 7:22 am

Continue taking the medicines till you go for your MRI follow up.

You may go for your MRI after 2 months, as advised by your doctor. After that,
yearly follow ups are recommended.

As far as your difficulty in breathing is concerned, it is unlikely to be related to

the brain lesion. The breathing centers are located in the brain stem area.

There may be some problem in the chest. It would be advisable to get investigated
for it.


5. Nuwan May 1, 2013 at 5:31 am

Dear Sir, yesterday I went to meet another consultant neurosurgeon for get his opinion
about this.
After checking the reports he 90% confirmed this might be due to toxoplasmosis. He said
there are two options for this. First one is taking medicines; other option is go for a
surgery. But he recommended the second one because if it is treated by medicines, there
remains a possibility for a fit occurring again. So I have to take medicines for life time.

He recommended me to get dilantin sodium 300 mg; folic acid 2 mg per day. He also
asked to meet consultant parasitologist to confirm whether this is toxoplasmosis or not.

Please give your valuable opinion.

Thank You.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMay 2, 2013 at 4:35 am

It would be good to visit a parasitologist and get the diagnosis confirmed first.

If the brain granuloma is active in any way, there is definitely a risk of epilepsy
(fits) in future. In such cases surgery may be done. However, surgery in this area
is quite difficult.

What kind of surgery is your doctor suggesting?


1. Nuwan May 2, 2013 at 9:20 am

Dear Sir,
He didnt mention more details about surgery; he just said we have to
remove this by surgery. Sometimes I feel that a seizure is going to occur. I
dont know when and where it may occur again.

Now I have two drugs from two consultant neurosurgeons:

1.Sodium valproate 200mg & folic acid 5md twice per day.
2.Dilantin sodium 300mg & folic Acid 5mg per day.

I want to know which is the best medicine from the two above.

Is there any risk of life with a brain surgery? If yes, whats your

1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMay 3, 2013 at 5:22 am

Have you ever had a seizure in the past? If not, it is more likely
that youll never have them. Stay relaxed.

It is not essential that a granuloma will give a fit. If it is inactive,

nothing needs to be done. Granulomas may remain silent and
symptomless all life. Just a annual MRI scanning needs to be done,
to see if there is any change in it.

Both the medications are almost the same, just the names are

Brain surgeries are not easy, as said earlier. You may discuss with
your doctor about the type of surgery he wants to do and the risks
involved. Go for it only if no other option is left.


6. Nuwan May 5, 2013 at 4:16 am

Currently Im using dilantin sodium 300 mg and folic acid 5 mg.

Now its difficult to sleep at night and difficult to breathe sometimes.

I find it difficult to watch TV and use the phones. There is a loss of energy and body

Is this due to above medicines or brain granuloma?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMay 6, 2013 at 4:40 am

You need to talk to your doctor, who has prescribed you these medicines, about
your symptoms.

The symptoms may be due to the medicines. Evaluation is required to find the
exact cause.

7. Sri May 18, 2013 at 11:29 am

My sister got her CT scan report with old healed granuloma in left parieto-occipital
sulcus in brain (7.6*4.8*6.6) suggested betacap tr40 + amitor 10. Is this curable, how
long she should take tablet.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMay 20, 2013 at 12:22 pm

Is the granuloma active or silent?

Though old granulomas usually remain silent, they may sometimes flare up. An
activity in a granuloma can be a cause of worry.

You need to keep an eye over the granuloma on a regular basis (annually) by CT

Of the two medicines your sister is taking, one is a steroid and other is a mild anti
depressant. It would be better to continue with the medications. The steroid
depresses the activity of the granuloma and prevents any flaring up. Taking a mild
dose of both the medications is desirable.

The medications can be tapered or stopped only if you are sure that her granuloma
is silent, without any activity.


8. Nuwan May 21, 2013 at 4:43 am

I met parasitologist and she confirmed brain granuloma is due to toxoplasmosis. Now Im
taking pyramethamine, sulfadiazine and folinic acid. She told this must be continued at
least 6 weeks.
But the thing is still I have breathing problems and difficult to sleep. I met another two
specialist and they checked my chest, neck and abdomen by taking x-rays and scans and
told me everything is fine. But still my breathing problem is not cured.
Please advice about this situation and is sleeping difficulty due to breathing problem.
Thank you.

1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMay 21, 2013 at 10:29 am

Disturbed sleep may be related to difficulty in breathing.

Bring to your doctors notice that you have difficulty in breathing. This doesnt
look related to your medicines. Do you have any other problem like sinusitis,
cough or allergy.

This problem needs to be dealt separately.


9. tejas May 31, 2013 at 3:06 am

My son, Tejas, 13 years getting convulsions and we admitted in hospital. EEG report is
normal, CT scan report shows multiple granuloma (edema). Now tablets taken oxetol 300
mg, doctor mentally I am depressed because in future it is big problem or it is
permanently curable. Please suggest me and which type precaution required.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMay 31, 2013 at 6:49 am

Firstly, continue taking the medicine. This is very important.

The condition may be treatable. Granulomas are just a sign, caused by some
underlying medical condition. Read above about the different conditions that may
lead to granuloma formation in the brain.

The underlying medical condition, which may be some infection, any

autoimmune disease etc., needs to be detected and treated.

For that, your son requires a thorough check up and evaluation.

Commonly, such granulomas are caused by parasitic infections, which enter our
body through improperly cooked non vegetarian food. So, as a precaution, you
may switch your child to vegetarian food till he gets alright. Vegetarian food is
less complex, has more healing value and is free from most parasitic infestations.

Include plenty of cooked vegetables and fresh fruits in his diet. Let him have
plenty of water. This would surely help.

10. Anonymous June 1, 2013 at 12:22 pm

Dear sir was told that I have degenerative disc problem in the X-ray. I was taking
medicines from homeopathy doctor but there was too much stiffness and head ache so I
scan my brain and the CT findings were suggestive of old calcified granuloma in right
parietal region. Please tell, I am in trouble.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJune 2, 2013 at 11:10 am

If your X-ray is suggestive of degenerative changes, your back needs to be

evaluated more. Your symptoms may be due to your back problem.

Degenerative changes are common, especially after an age. Patients usually

complain of backache, stiffness and limitation of movements. Read more on
degenerative problems of the back.

As for the calcified granuloma, it has to be ascertained whether this granuloma is

active or not. Only if it is active, it can trouble you and give any symptoms.

Sometimes, a long infectious disease in the past can result in the occurrence of
such granulomas. With time, these lesions become calcified and stay silent
(dormant). They may remain as such, without causing any trouble, for years.


11. Nuwan June 26, 2013 at 4:26 pm

As per previous MRI report, I took another MRI/MRA yesterday. But they said they cant
say anything from that scan. They need to get another scan called MRI/MRV. I have no
clear idea about this. Please help. Thank you.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJune 28, 2013 at 12:53 pm

MRV is a kind of MRI, used to visualize the veins of an area.

Your doctor wants to assess the condition of blood circulation of the affected area
of the brain. He may be suspecting some obstruction due to disease process or any
blood clot.


12. Nuwan July 4, 2013 at 5:40 am

(MRI Brain +MRV) Report

There is small abnormal signal intensity lesion, measuring 1.2*0.6 cm in size seen in
posterior aspect of right inferior temporal gyrus.

On T1W sequence, there is high signal intensity foci seen within the lesion. On T2 high
signal foci are seen within the lesion. Also seen few dilated veins converging centrally.
The lesion represent the appearance of an umbrella. On MRV there appear to be abnormal
vein draining towards the lesion.

No evidence of thrombosis of major venous sinuses. No similar lesions area seen in the
rest of the brain. No other abnormal signal intensity lesions are seen in the cerebral
hemisphere, cerebellum or brain stem. The ventricular system is normal. No mid-line
shift. Corpus callosum and gland are normal. Both orbits are normal. Bilateral maxillary
sinus are unremarkable. Incidental chonca ballosa is seen on right side.


13. Nuwan July 4, 2013 at 5:48 am


Features are suggestive of a venous malformation (venous angioma) in right temporal

lobe, with previous hemorrhage within it.

Sir, this is my new report. I would like to know details of this report my current situation
by comparing my previous MRI on April. Sorry, there may be some spelling mistakes in
this report. Thank you.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 5, 2013 at 6:53 pm

Your question has been answered here.


14. Nuwan July 5, 2013 at 9:56 pm

Dear Sir, but Parasitologist said there was a small issue in venous system. Now it is
working properly. She also said dont stop taking drugs for toxoplasmosis.
Is venous system malformation due to this treatment or other reason.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 6, 2013 at 4:22 am

Take it as two different lesions, one calcified granuloma and one venous angioma.

For treating the calcified granuloma, continue medication for toxoplasmosis. That
should be adequate.

For the venous angioma, you need to consult a neurosurgeon and seek his
opinion. Most of such lesions are benign and do not cause any harm. In such
cases, they are left as such. Nothing is done.

In cases where there is a risk of hemorrhage, B.P. is regularly monitored and kept
under control.

Only sometimes, the doctor may want to obliterate the malformation by direct


15. Nuwan July 5, 2013 at 11:07 pm

Now Im experiencing some difficulties in my head. Sometimes I feel something is

running in my head with headache. But it remains only for a few minutes. My doctor says
this is a result of injecting dye for getting MRI. Is it true?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 6, 2013 at 4:30 am

It may be the dye. The effect of the dye may stay for 3 to 4 days.
If your symptoms continue even after a week, report to your doctor.


16. DURGESH SHUKLA July 6, 2013 at 2:52 am



1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 6, 2013 at 3:23 pm

Your question has been answered here.


17. Nuwan July 6, 2013 at 10:50 am

Dear Sir, I took MRI on 24th June. But previous mentioned symptoms have been
occurring from about 2nd July. But my parasitologist is telling the toxoplasmosis drugs
are difficult I said about the dates but she is telling the dye is still in the brain and we
couldnt guess about life time of dye. Most of time Im feeling something is happening or
something is there on my chest very close to heart area.

On previous MRI there was only one lesion (Calcified Granuloma). But on new report
there are two lesions (Calcified Granuloma, Venous Angioma). I need to know how
Venous angioma is indicated on new report. Is this due to toxoplasmosis treatment or
there was Venous angioma on previous MRI but it was not detected. I told all these things
to my parasitologist, but she isnt considering this as a serious case. Please explain about
mentioned things. Is this a serious situation? Thank You.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 6, 2013 at 5:28 pm

Since you have no serious symptom, this doesnt appear to be a serious situation.
Just stick to your treatment for toxoplasmosis.

As for the venous angioma, it is unlikely to be caused by the treatment drugs.

Since the MRV has shown an intracranial hemorrhage as well, this lesion appears
to be old. It is unlikely to be very recent.

For this lesion, you need to go to a neurosurgeon with your MRV report and
discuss its outcome. However, it doesnt appear to be serious.


18. Nuwan July 6, 2013 at 10:57 am

Sorry. Im feeling something is happening or something is there on left side of chest. But
there is no pain. Thanks.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 6, 2013 at 5:16 pm

You need to be objective in the perception of your symptoms. If there is no pain

or any other perceivable symptom, just be relaxed.


19. Nuwan July 12, 2013 at 6:05 am

Dear Sir,

Now Im having some new symptoms. My blood pressure is rapidly increasing. (24th
June 122/80, 07th July 130/80, 11th July 140/90). Im feeling some pressure like thing on
my eyes. Sometimes small part on my left side of chest is moving like up and down for
about 10 seconds. Feeling some difference on my chest on left side. Im feeling some
pain on back side of my shoulders. Im feeling some weight on my head but its not
headache that occurred before. I feel sometimes Im mentally confused. If I started to do
something then I want to stop it. But my mind is telling no I want to continue it. As a
example I started to drink glass of water, OK now my thirst is over. But my mind forced
me, no you must drink more and more.

1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 13, 2013 at 5:47 am

Talk to your doctor about these blood pressure readings. It would be better if he
can put you on some low dose anti hypertensive drug.


20. Nuwan July 12, 2013 at 6:07 am

I told all these things to my parasitologist. But still she is telling these things due to
contrast dye, no other reason for this. Also, she told me not to consult another doctor
about new symptoms, I will look after you. Today she increased the dose.

Please advice me. Is there any risk in heart or kidney failure? Should I check those
organs? I have a fear about new symptoms. Thank You. Please advice me. Thank You.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 13, 2013 at 5:52 am

No, there is no risk on the heart or the kidney. It is alright if she is taking care of

The doctor who is seeing you physically knows the maximum about your health
state. Just keep her informed about all your complains.


21. Nuwan July 12, 2013 at 7:40 am

Today my stool is also black. I saw this on some days within last two weeks.

For your kind attention: Im taking Orofer Syrup two table spoons once in three days
from May 2013. Thanks.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 13, 2013 at 5:55 am

Orofer syrup contains Iron and Vitamin B12. It is good for you. It enhances the
health of the nervous system.


22. Nuwan July 12, 2013 at 10:36 am

Dear Sir,

Today I discussed with my doctor (Parasitologist). She said medicines couldnt reach to
lesion because still contrast dye is in veins and they are blocking it. So she increased my
medicines about two times from previous dose.
Also said the reason for increasing blood pressure also due to contrast dye. Blood
circulation in brain is blocking by dye and so to circulate blood from that area it will go
through that area on high pressure and therefore blood pressure is continuously
increasing. Please explain me about these things. Thank you so much.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 13, 2013 at 6:08 am

You require to keep your blood pressure under control. Under no circumstances
can the blood pressure be allowed to increase continuously. This can be
hazardous and may lead to intracranial hemorrhages.

Contrast dyes used for investigating purposes are usually washed away in a
weeks time.

What is your neurologists/ neurosurgeons opinion about your case?


23. Nuwan July 13, 2013 at 7:33 am

My parasitologist is not allowing me to consult my neurosurgeon or another physician.

She is the only parasitologist for toxoplasmosis in here. So I cant go beyond her words.


24. Nuwan July 13, 2013 at 7:42 am

That is why Im asking everything from you. You are only person who can help me and
can trust. Thank you so much for your valuable advices.


25. Nuwan July 13, 2013 at 7:57 am

Sometimes I feel big difference in my head and that time my eyes and ears also feel some
difference than normal times. Its difficult to lie on bed on that time and if I did that I feel
headache like thing and Im breathing than normal speed. What should I do sir?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 15, 2013 at 6:19 am

Get your blood pressure checked up. If it is high on a constant basis, you
definitely need medicines for it.

A low dose antihypertensive would be essential. Your symptoms also point

towards it.


26. Nuwan July 15, 2013 at 10:39 am

Today I am admitted to hospital. They are testing my blood and urine. Sir, now my blood
pressure is fluctuating. Sometimes BP is 120/80, but after few minutes it goes to 155/100.
Before my pain was on whole head. But now Im feeling it only for left side and Im
feeling more pressure on left eye. Still they have no clear idea about this situation. Please


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 16, 2013 at 6:16 am

Your doctors have to manage this fluctuating blood pressure and the pain in the
head, which seems to be linked with it.

Variability in blood pressure is common. Getting a normal reading at a time does

not mean that your B.P. is under control.
The high surge in blood pressures cannot be ignored. These surges usually
coincide with periods of headache.

Patients with variability in blood pressure are prone to strokes. So, there is a need
for 24 hour monitoring of B.P. and prescribing some medicine that can assure no
high surge in B.P.

Read in detail about fluctuating blood pressures.


27. Nuwan July 16, 2013 at 6:18 am

Neurosurgeon suggests to go for a surgery. Is it necessary sir and how about the risk.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 16, 2013 at 11:00 am

Difficult to say!

What is his diagnosis? What kind of surgery is he planning, is it a drainage

operation, where the hematoma/ fluid present in the brain is drained, or excision
of the SOL (space occupying lesion) you have?

All surgeries in the brain are difficult and complicated and do carry certain risks.
However, if the doctor is sure that this is the only way to alleviate your symptoms,
you may opt for it.

Discuss the operation in detail with your doctor and then decide.


28. Nuwan July 16, 2013 at 1:30 pm

As I understand neurologist told infected cell are died and so there is a drainage towards
it. So he suggest a surgery.

But my parasitologist are saying there is no need to go for a surgery. She can cure the
lesion with toxoplasmosis treatment. But she is telling however, I need to solve new
situation by consulting another doctor.
Now my blood pressure is continuously fluctuating and there is some changes in my heart
beat. Also there is pain in my chest.

Today another doctor came to see me and he said we want to do a 24 hour urine test for
check blood pressure. I think he might be a GP.

Are they suspecting for Pheochromocytoma. Please now I have some fear about my

Please Im waiting for your valuable opinion. If Im suffering from that disease what is
cause to that and is it to related to Toxoplasmosis drugs. How about the treatment and
risk. Thank you.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 17, 2013 at 4:26 am

Your doctors are trying to investigate the reason behind this fluctuating blood
pressure. So, they are going for a 24 hour urine test.

Fluctuating blood pressure can be due to many causes, like, certain kidney
diseases, Pheochromocytoma, cardiac reasons etc. Your doctor wants to rule them

However, it is very unlikely that you have Pheochromocytoma or any of the

causes mentioned above. B.P. fluctuations in your case appear to be due to the
SOL you have in your brain.

Treating this SOL, either by surgery or by medicines, would solve all your


29. Nuwan July 17, 2013 at 6:21 am

Sir, I would like to cure my lesion by toxoplsamosis drugs rather than surgery. As your
instructions, there may be risk in brain surgery. So can we treat all this complications
through T drugs. Thank you.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 18, 2013 at 4:50 am

Whether the situation can be dealt totally by drugs or not has to be assessed.

Brain surgery is not done until it is very necessary.

For the toxoplasmosis infection, you will require medications that would act on
the parasites to kill them.

This parasite has nested in some parts of your body, like the brain. In their nest, it
is possible that they have produced pools of infected fluid, mixed with dead cells,
dead parasites etc.

Your neurosurgeon may opt to drain such pools, as these pools put pressure on the
surrounding brain tissues and produce symptoms.


30. Nuwan July 17, 2013 at 10:45 am

Sis ATL 86 , ASL 42 U/L Serum. Doctor said these values are too high.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 18, 2013 at 5:53 am

Your liver enzymes are high. You may use our lab checker for ALT levels and
AST levels for further references.

High value of liver enzymes suggest some significant load on the liver followed
by some liver tissue damage. This may be due to the infection or as a side effect
of the medicines you are taking for toxoplasmosis.

Most of the drugs prescribed for toxoplasmosis are hepatotoxic in a long course.
Overdoses should not be taken, the prescribed dose is alright.


31. Nuwan July 21, 2013 at 4:39 am

After one week they discharged me. But they didnt give medicines for me. Did some
blood and urine test. Urine for VMA result is still pending and other reports had no
There were two neurosurgeons and 5 doctors. All of them said there is no need to go for a
brain surgery. Take medicines for toxoplasmosis as prescribed.

They also said the reason for fluctuating blood pressure, pulse, pain in chest and
shoulders backside and other symptoms is due to Anxiety. So there is no need to take

Sir, please explain. Thank you.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 22, 2013 at 6:17 am

It would be good to go with your doctors, who have thoroughly examined and
investigated you during your hospital stay.

Just take the prescribed medicines for toxoplasmosis and stay relaxed. Blood
pressures do vary greatly with stress and anxiety. Things will improve with time.


32. Nuwan July 22, 2013 at 8:52 am

Sir, they assumed all those new symptoms due to anxiety. But they didnt give medicines
or instruction to minimize this situation.

Is it necessary to do a test to confirmed that and how can I control that situation. Please


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 24, 2013 at 6:44 am

Controlling the symptoms would be better. You may talk to your doctor about
taking any mild anti anxiety medication.

Also, keep monitoring your blood pressure on a regular basis.

33. saurya August 3, 2013 at 7:13 am

Dear sir, Im 30 yrs of age. Before 3 yrs I have a feed in CT scan of my brain. It showed
one spot in right side and Im taking eptoin 100 2 time daily and polybion and now I have
done MRI like old healed granuloma was found so how long I have to take medicine
because I have to join merchant navy so what I will do.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 3, 2013 at 7:37 am

Polybion is a vitamin pill, good for the brain. You may stop taking it any time.

However, you need to be cautious with eptoin. This drug controls the brains
activities. It has phenytoin as its active component.

This salt controls any high activity going on in the brain. It is given to check
against any chance of seizures, especially in patients with brain granuloma.

So, you have to discuss with your doctor before leaving this drug. Never leave it
without the supervision of a doctor.

If your granuloma is active, the medicine is required. However, if it appears to be

inactive on repeated examinations, the drug may be slowly stopped.


34. papitla upender rao August 14, 2013 at 5:15 am

Sir, I am 31 years old, Im suffering with fever from 10 days. In that fever severe
headache comes. My doctor had advised for CT the report calcified granuloma
involving left frontal region is reported. My doctor is giving treatment for only fever.
Now fever is controlled. For granuloma, Dr gave tab pregabalin 75mg..headache also
controlling..but doctor any problem with granuloma and please tell me treatment for
granuloma..thank you sir.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 15, 2013 at 8:13 am

You are under the right treatment regimen. Pregabalin is given to control to your
headaches, as well as to check any possibility of onset of seizures.

As you may read above, a granuloma is the result of a localized infective/

inflammatory process in a portion of the brain.

You may understand it like a wound. Just as, when you get hurt somewhere, a
wound is formed as a result of inflammation. Slowly, it gets alright and gets
converted into a scar.

The granuloma follows a similar course. Once formed, it slowly gets resolved on
its own. We cannot intervene directly in the area.

However, symptoms likely to be caused by it need to be controlled. The

granuloma is a SOL (space occupying lesion) and may press upon the adjacent
structures. When it presses upon the nearby nerves, headache is caused.

Also, it may potentially give rise to temporary fits or seizures.


35. Sue August 18, 2013 at 5:00 am

My daughter has been diagnosed with calcification of the brain. She is 39 years old and is
currently waiting to see a neurologist. She has co planned of the fact that one of her eyes
feels like it is being pushed out and has general lethargy. What treatment might she be
given, I know that there is no cure. Also will the condition get progressively worse.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 18, 2013 at 5:04 am

Her exact treatment would depend upon the cause that lead to calcification in her
brain. Your neurologist has to investigate it.

You may read above about the various causes leading to brain calcification and
their complications.

Doctors usually give an anti-epileptic to cover any chances of seizures, which are
common with this condition.

With treatment, the problem is unlikely to increase or grow in future. It may

gradually get better.

36. gan August 23, 2013 at 4:17 am

Dear sir, 30 yrs old. I had vascular headaches 5 year back and taken treatment from the
neurologist. But it started again on the complete left side of the brain, met the ENT
surgeon. He has advised to take some migraine tablets and also the brain CT Scan. The
scan results shows 3mm calcified granuloma on the right side of the brain and sinuses are
clear. I have high myopia (-13 and-10 power) and using glasses since 20 yrs. So my
questions are 1. Whom should I show the scan report ..the ENT surgeon or neurologist.
2. Is this headaches because of high myopia. Please suggest.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 23, 2013 at 8:03 am

A neurologist would be a better person to deal with your problems. Since there is
no problem with your throat and sinuses, your ENT would not to able to help

You have been having high myopia since last 20 years. Headaches are a recent
occurrence. So it is unlikely to be a cause. You may anyway get a eye test
repeated just to be sure.

Granulomas dont cause trouble unless they are active. As you may read above,
granulomas are basically foci of inflammation or infections in the brain. They are
commoner in people consuming non vegetarian food.

Your granuloma looks old and inactive, as it is calcified. No intervention is

therefore required.

One sided headaches are commonly migraines. Let us know more about your
headaches- severity, time of occurrence (early morning or evening, any stimuli
linked with it?), any other symptom like nausea etc. linked with it?


37. gan August 23, 2013 at 1:54 pm

Hi sir, thanks for the quick reply. Last week itself I have done with eye check up and the
power is contact from last 8 years. Secondly, with respect to headaches its mild in the
morning and high during the evening with nausea (today is better as had check up
yesterday). And I am vegetarian.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 24, 2013 at 5:25 am

Your headaches are likely to be migraines. What treatment have you been
prescribed for it?

Also, get your evening blood pressure check up sometime, just to rule out any
possibility of high B.P.


38. Sainath August 27, 2013 at 5:55 am

My sister is suffering from severe headaches on the right side since last 6 months almost
everyday. They migrate from behind to the forehead. There is no vomiting, aura, fever.
She has tremors in hands.
Doctor advised her contrast CT scan which showed a 85 mm calcified lesion in left high
parietal region. Rest was normal.
She also remains stressed.
Are this lesion in the brain significant? There is no history of trauma!


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 29, 2013 at 1:27 pm

Brain lesions which are calcified, are usually old and dormant. They do not cause
any symptoms.

Your sister needs to be evaluated further. These migratory headaches are likely to
be migraines or tension headaches. Migraines can be with or without aura.

Migratory headaches are also seen in a condition called brain aneurysm. Here, a
portion of a blood vessel supplying the brain is swollen. The condition is detected
after vascular studies.

However, you may get a CT brain done for her on an annual basis, just to observe
if the calcified lesion is increasing in size. If the lesion is growing and is active, it
may require treatment.

39. ahmad September 18, 2013 at 7:22 pm

After CT scan, a small healed calcified granuloma was found in the right parietal lobe
and another in left frontal region. I was advised eptoin and zen retard which I took for
almost a year but the pain was continuing regularly for 45 minutes. I was again advised to
have an MRI with contrast by another doctor in November 2010 which said perifocal
edema and significant enhancement on post gad images small calcified granuloma
(neurosynctuc). But slowly the pain stopped and I too stopped taking medicines.
Meanwhile I used to feel heaviness in head sometime but didnt feel pain for almost last
one year. But for last four days I felt the same horrible pain. What could be the reason for
this pain coming back?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorSeptember 19, 2013 at 5:37 am

Are you still taking those medicines?

Both, eptoin and zen retard are anti-epileptics. They are given as a precaution
against the occurrence of any seizures or fits, that may sometimes happen in
patients with brain granulomas.

These medications do have their side effects on long term uses. They include,
headaches, nausea, constipation, trouble sleeping. Swollen or bleeding gums is
another common problem with these medications.

Your headaches may be due to the granuloma or a side effect of the medicines you
are taking.

Your granulomas need to be investigated further. What is the cause of these

granulomas? Are they inactive or show some signs of activity?


40. ahmad September 25, 2013 at 1:24 pm

No, I am not taking those medicines. Actually I had got a wound in my head from an
electric pole in 2006. It was terrible but blood didnt come. After that, I was getting pain
continuously. Some doctor initially thought that blood would have got clotted inside the
brain and that is causing pain. But after some time I was asked to have an CT Scan and
the granuloma was found inside my brain. After my CT Scan and MRI, Doctors never
believed that the pain is because of the wound. I had got but the pain is there only after
that wound I had got. What type of investigation needs to be done?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorSeptember 26, 2013 at 5:42 am

Blood clots usually resolve with time on their own. It is unlikely for an old clot to
give you symptoms now.

A closer eye on the granuloma is needed. We need to know the cause of the
granuloma and whether it is active or not. An active lesion would grow in size or
have signs of inflammation (edema, fluid) around it.

You need to talk to your doctor about it.


41. asr November 28, 2013 at 12:46 pm

Dear Sir, I am suffering with breathless, tiredness in head, depression since 20 years. I
LOBE. Kindly show the solution.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorNovember 29, 2013 at 2:57 pm

This granuloma would give you symptoms only if it is active. Many a times, a
granuloma may lie in some part of the brain in dormancy, without causing any

Is your granuloma active?

Depression is unlikely to be due to the granuloma. This needs to be managed and

treated separately. You need to go to a doctor and get medications for this.

42. raghu December 16, 2013 at 5:12 pm

Sir, I am taking treatment for occipital granulomatous lesion in left occipital lobe. For the
1st 2 months I took
1. zentel(400mg)
3.levipil 250 and 500mg as a course.

Now I am taking only levipil250mg in the morning and 500mg at night.

Can I get rid off this problem permanently after completion of my treatment?
Is there any scope in getting the same problem in future even after taking medicine?
What are the problems I can face bcoz of this in future?
I am a bright student in my college days but I cant remember things for long time and
this problem is increasing day by day (now i am 26yr old).
If I see laptop continuously for 2 to 3 hrs I get headache immediately and it lasts after
long time. Some times I get severe headache also. Is this related to my problem? Can I
overcome this problem after my treatment.

I am waiting for your valuable reply.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorDecember 23, 2013 at 2:30 pm

You may continue with zentel tab for some more time. This will help controlling
your headaches. Discuss this with your doctor.

When you hurt your hand or any other part of your body, an injury is formed that
heals gradually by scar formation.

This scar is comparable to a granulomatous lesion in the brain. What was the
injury that lead to this scar formation is usually undetectable. It may have been an
injury, a parasite or some infection.

Yes, most of these lesions are treatable and dont disturb later in life. Active
granulomas need treatment. Complete your treatment and go for a follow up brain
scan to see the status of the lesion.

As a scar gradually dries up and fades away, these granulomatous lesions also dry
up and gradually fade away.

If this is not happening, may be the infection or the parasite causing the lesion is
still in your brain and requires treatment.

43. yatharth January 9, 2014 at 7:51 pm

Sir, recently my brain MRI was done and it showed a calcified cysticercus granuloma in
right frontal parietal region. Ive been experiencing psychiatric problem like depression,
anxiety and sometimes I feel something a pin type sensation in that region. Is that due to
the granuloma? Doc said it is nothing but just a scar and it is an accidentally finding, but
still I am feeling problems.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJanuary 10, 2014 at 7:06 pm

The depressive or anxiety states you are facing are unlikely to be due to the
granuloma. This is a separate problem and needs to be dealt separately. Anti-
depression medicines are available for this.

Your calcified granuloma is like an old scar in all likelihood. It appears to be

inactive and no medical intervention is required for it. If it were active, you could
get symptoms like seizures, headaches etc.


44. yatharth January 11, 2014 at 12:55 pm

Sir, I want to know that the difference between calcium shell and calcified granuloma?
Can calcified cysticercus granuloma cause mental retardation or dementia type


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJanuary 12, 2014 at 6:18 pm

A calcified granuloma is unlikely to cause mental retardation or dementia.

Granuloma is like a scar you get anywhere else on the body. Such lesions press
over surrounding brain tissues. They give symptoms like fits, severe headaches,
sudden loss of vision etc., depending upon the affected area of the brain.

45. yatharth January 12, 2014 at 8:19 pm

Sir, is calcified granuloma as hard as a bone? Can calcified grabuloma be considered as a



1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJanuary 13, 2014 at 1:55 pm

Calcified granulomas are hard, though not as hard as a bone. The main difference
between a bone and a granuloma is in the structure. Bone structure is composed of
crystals and is very organized. It is made up of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
protein molecule etc. They make up a hard and strong structure.

Whereas, granulomas are irregular. They are formed when calcification occurs in
soft tissues, like that of the brain.


46. yatharth January 13, 2014 at 8:35 pm

Sir can calcification in the brain cause psychiatric illness?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJanuary 14, 2014 at 5:35 pm

Calcification in the brain may lead to mental illness, exact symptoms depend
upon the area of the brain affected.

Different areas of the brain control different functions/ faculties. When

calcification occurs in some particular region of the brain, the functions controlled
by it get affected.

47. yatharth January 14, 2014 at 5:49 pm

The psychiatric illness as I am having is due to that granuloma or calcification?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJanuary 14, 2014 at 6:02 pm

Earlier you mentioned that you are having depression and anxiety. Those
symptoms are unlikely to be due to granuloma. These symptoms are very
common even among otherwise healthy individuals and may occur
simultaneously with the other conditions. Medications are easily available for
their treatment.


48. yatharth January 14, 2014 at 5:58 pm

Sir can you tell me the symptoms of psychiatric illness due to that granuloma or
calcification in brain? I feel some sort of defensiveness, easily distracted, emotionally
uncontrolled, unable to memorize things that occur recently, unable to take decisions.


49. yatharth January 14, 2014 at 6:29 pm

Sir, can you tell me the symptoms if calcified granuloma is found in the region as I have?


50. yatharth January 14, 2014 at 9:18 pm

Sir I wanted to know that do I have any psychiatric problems with this calcification?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJanuary 15, 2014 at 6:04 am

The exact correlation of psychiatric symptoms with the actual location of
calcification can be done only after a careful physical examination and analysis of
brain scans by a specialist. Only then it may be said whether the psychiatric
problems are related to the calcification or occurring independently.


51. Anonymous January 15, 2014 at 6:40 am

Sir, may I know the symptoms of psychiatric illness when calcified cysticercus
granuloma is detected in the location as mine, i.e in right frontal parietal region?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJanuary 16, 2014 at 5:53 am

As replied earlier, you need to get a direct physical examination and thorough
brain scan evaluation by a specialist.


52. rohit January 24, 2014 at 1:36 pm

Sir, does calcified cysticercous granuloma cause mood swing? I have been diagnosed
with a tiny hypointense calcified cysticercous granuloma in right frontal parietal region of
brain. My mood swings very much. Sometimes, I feel nervousness unnecessarily,
sometimes I feel aggression on no matter, depression. Unable to listen or concentrate on
what is being explained. Is that due to granuloma sir?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJanuary 26, 2014 at 6:47 am

Mood swings are commonly due to chemical imbalances in the brain. It is very
unlkely to be due to the granuloma, since it does not secrete any chemical.

You need to visit a specialist doctor. There is medical help available to manage
mood swings.

53. rohit January 31, 2014 at 2:25 pm

Sir, will my granuloma disappear?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJanuary 31, 2014 at 6:29 pm

In a normal course, granulomas tend to shrink in size, just as a scar does

anywhere on the skin.

Your granuloma is likely to reduce in size with time. You may go for follow up
scans on an yearly basis to assess the situation.


54. rohit February 2, 2014 at 2:27 pm

Sir but doctor said that it will be there forever..will it disappear completely??


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorFebruary 2, 2014 at 4:46 pm

It is unlikely to disappear completely. Such lesions gradually reduce or shrink

with time.


55. rohit February 2, 2014 at 6:37 pm

Sir, doctor prescribed me a tablet named sibellium. He told me that it is a calcium

channel blocker. Why did he prescribed me it? What is the use of this medicine?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorFebruary 11, 2014 at 6:06 am

Probably as a prophylaxis against headaches or symptoms of central vertigo.

Did you tell him about any headache or dizzy feelings you are having?

This medicine also works as an anticonvulsants. Since patients with active

granulomas are prone to fits, this medicine may be prescribed as a prophylaxis
against it.


56. rohit February 4, 2014 at 3:21 pm

Siri have not got my answer yet


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorFebruary 11, 2014 at 6:21 am

We are sorry for the delay, please see your answer above.


57. rohit February 6, 2014 at 2:47 pm

Sir. Ive done my MRI second time. First time it hypointense calcified cysticercus
granuloma nodule in right frontal parietal region of brain, but second time it didnt
showed that granuloma. Is it totally disappeared?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorFebruary 11, 2014 at 6:55 am

It is possible that it has shrinked considerably and is not showing up again.

You may stop worrying about it now. Get one more MRI done after 6 to 8 months,
just for follow up purposes.

58. rohit February 15, 2014 at 4:13 pm

Sir, does the presence of granuloma in brain may cause attention deficit hyperactivity


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorFebruary 16, 2014 at 12:01 pm

The exact etiology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not

known. However, many factors have be observed to be closely associated with it.
They include genetic factors (running in families), consumption of alcohol or
smoking during pregnancy, too much of artificial food with preservatives, too
much exposure to rapidly changing screens (as in video games).

However, some cases of brain injury and illnesses have also been seen to be
associated with ADHD. Both, minor brain injuries and illnesses, may produce
granulomas. So, at least theoretically, granulomas may be associated with ADHD.


1. rohit February 16, 2014 at 12:55 pm

Sir, can you tell me about this disease (ADHD)? What are its symptoms
and treatment? Can it be cured? How is it diagnosed?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorFebruary 18, 2014 at 7:56 am

Here is a detailed article on ADHD.


59. rohit February 18, 2014 at 11:24 am

Sir, if this disease is found to be due to the presence of granuloma then what would be the

1. Buddy M.D. Post authorFebruary 22, 2014 at 11:38 am

You need to make sure if it is due to the granuloma.

Is your granuloma active?

Treatment of granulomas depend upon their cause, which can be infective,

traumatic or vascular.


1. rohit February 22, 2014 at 1:01 pm

Sir, doc said that my calcified cysticercus granuloma in brain is an

accidentally founded granuloma. He ignored it..but as u said that ADHD is
associated with the granuloma.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorFebruary 24, 2014 at 9:54 am

It is very unlikely for an inactive granuloma to be causing ADHD.

Such granulomas lie dormant, just like a scar anywhere else in the

There are many other causes that can lead to ADHD symptoms.


60. Nuwan March 12, 2014 at 6:20 am

Dear Sir,

This my latest MRI report ( 07-03-2014).


T1 FLAIR axial, sagittal, T2 FLAIR axial, FSE axial, sagittal, coronal, DWI, T1 axial,
sagittal and coronal with I.V Contrast.
INDICATION : Treated for Toxoplasmosis

comparison was made with the previous study done in April 2013. The previously known
lesion in the right parietal region demonstrate high signal intensity on T1 weighted
images. On the T2 weighted images a hemosiderin rim surrounds the lesion. Following
contrast no enhancement of the lesion seen but an enhancing vein is identified. The size
of the high signal intensity is reduced now measuring 6.2*5.8*5.2 mm as opposed to
2*1.5*1 cm? Development venous anomaly with resolving hemorrhage . Co-existing
toxoplasma lesion is not excluded.

No similar lesion seen in the rest of the brain.

The grey white differentiation is maintained.
Diffusion weighted images are negative for acute infarcts.
The ventricular system and cerebral sulci aqe of normal size.
The signal intensity of the neuro hypophysis and adenhypophysis remains normal.
No enlargement of the pituitary gland.
The cavernous sinuses show no enlargement or abnormal signal intensity.
Both internal carotid arteries are patent.
The globes of both eyes both optic nerves, both superior opthalmic veins appear normal.
Optic chiasma is of normal size and signal.
The cerebellum, tectum, tegmentum, pons and medulla oblongata show no areas of
altered signal or enhancement.
No tonsillar ectopia. No apparent cranio-vertebral junction anomaly.
Para nasal sinuses are clear.

Sir, Please check and explain my current situation.

Is my condition better than previous or not? Thank you.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMarch 13, 2014 at 5:51 am

As compared to your last year report, the lesion is much reduced in size. This is a
clear sign of healing.

It is very likely that it further reduces and shrinks with time.


61. Nuwan March 13, 2014 at 5:01 pm

Thank you so much for you valuables advices.

But my doctor said, lesion has been surrounded by rim & toxoplasmosis drugs cannot be
reached to that location. Therefore she told me to stop taking drugs for toxoplasmosis.

So is there any risk with my lesion because i dont take drugs as doctors advice.

There are another issue & that mentioned about enhancing a vein.

Thank you.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMarch 15, 2014 at 7:19 am

May be the lesion is now surrounded by thick scar tissue. There is no point taking
the toxoplasmosis medicine if it is not reaching the lesion.

The lesion/ scar is likely to further shrink in size in due course of time.

The finding about enhanced vein is not very specific. It would be difficult to
comment on it.


62. sandeep kumar March 23, 2014 at 8:46 am

My mother suffering problem. As per CT scan report- impression: finding suggest

calcified granuloma right parietal region.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMarch 24, 2014 at 5:10 am

What symptoms does she have? Was this an accidental discovery, or you went for
a CT due to some symptoms?


63. Aryan Gupta May 15, 2014 at 4:57 am

I am having calcified granuloma in brain at right occipital lobe and I got seizure nearby 2
years ago and approx 9 months I took medicine and after that I left medicine and up to
now no seizure. So now what should I do? Should I continue or anything else? Can I get
seizure in future? If yes, then how can I control that?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMay 15, 2014 at 4:58 am

All you need to do is to assess or monitor the status of your granuloma.

An active granuloma can any time give symptoms. It may cause you headaches,
visual problems or even seizures.

However, most of the granulomas heal by themselves in due course of time, just
as an injury anywhere on the body heals by scar formation. The scar may shrink
in size to almost disappear with time.

Assessment of the granuloma is made by follow up CT scans, done in every 6



64. purushotham May 22, 2014 at 7:08 am

Sir, due to heavy headache in the frontal part of brain and backside, I have consulted a
doctor and before one year I was operated for and sinusitis. From past 6 yrs, I have been
advised flunarizine and tryptomer with variation of dosage and pain killer naprosyn. DUE


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMay 23, 2014 at 4:50 am

Is your headache relieved after the surgeries you underwent? Do you still have
any symptoms? Why did you get yor MRI brain done? Was the granuloma an
accidental finding?
It is very likely that your frontal headaches were due to sinusitis.

The calcified granuloma is likely to be a dormant lesion. You may take it as an old
scar tissue, produced in response to some injury or infection in that area.

If this granuloma is inactive, and is giving no symptoms, no medical intervention

is required. Nothing needs to be done.

However, if the lesion is giving you some trouble, or you notice it to increase in
size on follow up U/S, medicines would be required.


65. Ravinder May 29, 2014 at 6:27 am

My daughter is 13 years old. In CT Scan report it was mentioned that:-

Focal areas of calcifications right frontal and left parietal region-? Calcified
Please advise what should I do?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMay 29, 2014 at 6:29 am

What are her symptoms? What made you go for the CT scan?

These focal areas of calcification in the brain may be taken as different foci of
brain tissue irritation or inflammation.

This may be due to some infection, parasitic infestation, or some vascular


Non vegetarian food, if not properly cooked, may carry parasites that reach the
brain tissue to produce such lesions. You may shift her to vegetarian food for
some time.

She needs to be followed up by an expert neurologist, to control her symptoms

and decide the treatment protocol.


66. Srilakshmi May 29, 2014 at 8:27 am

Dear Doctor, I got Calcified granuloma in Lt frontal lobe.

Two times I felt down. I felt down first time with unconsciousness, second time with
consciousness. With doctors suggestion, I am using T Levera 500mg 2 yrs course.

I would like to know when I stop my course and what are the effects of Granuloma.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorMay 29, 2014 at 9:28 am

A granuloma is a scar or wound like lesion in the brain. There are chances that it
may press upon the surrounding brain tissue.

This pressure may give you headache or even fits (convulsions). Levera is being
given by your doctor as a precaution to control any chance of fits/ convulsions.

If you are alright since 2 years, that is you didnt have any fit, you may wean off
the medicine. However, it would be better to discuss this with your doctor, who
has prescribed you this medicine. This is so, because he knows your case history


67. John June 2, 2014 at 10:27 am

Doctor, last year I had mind tension continuously. So I went to a neuro doctor. He advised
to get a brain CT scan. The report showed the following: 1) Bilateral parietal cortical
region show tiny calcified lesion/granuloma (right 7 x 6 mm and Left 3 x 3 mm without
edema). 2)Left Maxillary polyp and sinusitis. Rest was all OK.
The Doctor gave
1) Albentazole 400 mg- 1/day
2) Valeptol-cr 300 mg- 2 /day
3) Clonazepem1mg 1/day
For last 9 months, I have been taking the medicines continuously. But still I have some
tension. Every 3 months, I discuss with doctor through phone. He said that I need to take
tablets for a year. Then again a CT Scan will be done to decide further. But now, in the
evening time, I am very tired. So, can I stop the tablet? Is the calcified lesion getting
cured? Is there any relation between my tension with it? Because one of the doctor said
that 20% people have granuloma and there is nothing to worry. Please clarify.

1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJune 2, 2014 at 10:28 am

Your doctor has given you a medication against worms (albendazole). May be, he
is suspecting worms to be the cause. The two other medications are anxiolytics,
It would be better to continue with these medications for the prescribed time. A
fresh assessment according to the results would then be required.


68. atul June 28, 2014 at 6:10 pm

Sir, yesterday while sleeping my sister screamed and went unconscious (might be fit).
This was the first time ever she got a fit. We rushed to hospital and doctors took her for
CT scan immediately and the report is as below, please let us know if it is something very

1. an approx 86 mm dense calcification is seen in left high parietal lobe. mild

surrounding white matter hypodensity is seen suggestive of white matter edema /

2. rest of cerebral parenchyma shows normal attenuation.

3. bilateral basal ganglia and thalami are normal.

4. the 3rd and lateral ventricles are not dilated.

5. Cisterns are within normal limits.

6. Posterior fossa structures including 4th ventricle are normal.

7. no evidence of extradural or subdural collection is seen.

8. Bony structure are normal.

Mild polypoidal mucosal thickening is noted in bilateral maxillary sinuses.

IMPRESSION : calcified granuloma left high parietal lobe with mild surrounding white
matter edema/ gliosis.

Suggest CECT brain for further evaluation.

but they have not for CECT yet. What do you suggest to be done further? Doctor said its
because of egg. but is this egg dead or may form a worm later?

Please do revert, we are really worried.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJune 29, 2014 at 5:47 am

You may understand this as a wound in the brain. Due to some parasite or
infection, a localized area of the parietal region shows inflammation.

This is an active inflammation, with inflammatory fluid oozing out and

surrounding area swelled. The fluid gets accumulated with time, pressing upon the
nearby structures. This disturbs the functioning of the nearby regions. Pressing
upon of the surrounding brain tissue may cause fits or headache.

Management would include taking medicines to prevent any further chance of

fits. Anti-inflammatory medicines are to be given to reduce brain inflammation.

This may be due to egg, though nothing can be said for sure. It is advisable to
switch her to vegetarian diet. Parasites are commoner in meat products. Avoid
taking raw vegetables. Cook all veggies well before eating. Only fruits may be
taken raw.

Investigations are required to confirm if this a parasitic infestation. If confirmed,

appropriate anti-parasitic medication may be started.


69. ranjit singh July 16, 2014 at 9:16 am

I have problem since last 7-8 months in my head. Ive changed 2-3 doctors for medicine
but no results and after all this I have done CT scan of my head and there report is-
A small calcified focus is seen in left frontal region with no adjoining edema.
And tell it is not dangerous for me. What is symptoms when this effect body? What is the
treatment to remove same?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 16, 2014 at 9:26 am

A calcified granuloma is produced when there is a local reaction of the defense
cells against some bacteria, parasite or some injury. This always occurs after some
injurious event.

Firstly, it is important to remove the injurious trigger, so that further damage to

the brain cells is stopped.

A single calcified granuloma in the brain tissue may be an old scar, remaining of
some old tissue insult. This scar presses upon the adjoining areas and may
produce the following symptoms:
Localized fits or seizures
Focal problems like loss of vision or memory

Treatment comprises removing the cause of granuloma formation. If there is no

evident cause, or the cause has been treated but the granuloma persists, anti-
inflammatory pills are given to control the granuloma.

Preventive medicines against fits may be given.


70. Chinnapa reddy. s July 22, 2014 at 10:52 am

Sir, my age is 23. I was affected by epilepsy first time 8 yrs before. I started using
medicine from that time but still I got seizures for 3 times in this period. I am using
medicine under strict observation of neurosurgeon. The reason for epilepsy as per CT-
SCAN reports are
1no evidence of hemorrhage/ infarct
2no evidence of mid line shift
3no evidence of extra axial collections
4brain parenchyma
NO PERILSEIONAL EDEMA This is what the reports got from can you
please suggest me what I have to do next and provide me some more knowledge about
my health status. Thank you Dr.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 22, 2014 at 10:54 am

An insight into why you have those multiple granulomas is required. Did your
doctor comment on this issue?

71. Swarup dutta July 28, 2014 at 10:41 am

Granuloma is dangerous or not, please tell me.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 28, 2014 at 10:48 am

An old calcified granuloma may not be dangerous. However, an active

granuloma, which is growing in size or has signs of inflammation around it, can
be dangerous.

The location of the granuloma is also important while talking about its risks.


72. Swarup dutta July 28, 2014 at 10:57 am

Sir, I have chronic headache. I went to a doctor. He told me for a CT scan. The CT scan
result is like this.1.there is a small calcified granuloma measuring 5mm in the right
parietal lobe. There is no perilesional edema .2.Rest of both cerebral hemispheres reveal
normal morphology and are bilateral symmetrical. No focal/diffuse region of abnormal
density seen. 3.The basal ganglia and thalami reveal normal morphology. Sir, I want to
know that is it danger or not, please tell me.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorJuly 28, 2014 at 11:00 am

No, not dangerous. However, you do require treatment.

The cause of granuloma formation needs to be investigation. You need to see a

neurologist for this.

73. Jai August 8, 2014 at 2:48 pm

Hello Sir, my CT scan report, I got, Calcified Granuloma at left high parietal region with
no attendant perifocal edema. Could you please tell me the cause, treatment and how
dangerous it is?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 9, 2014 at 2:26 pm

Let us know your symptoms first. What led you get that CT scan done?


1. Jai August 11, 2014 at 2:51 pm

My hand and leg were stiff and some saliva was coming out and some odd
sound from my mouth. It happened with me during sleep.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 11, 2014 at 5:34 pm

Whats your age? Has this happened to you for the first time?


1. Jai August 12, 2014 at 4:01 am

It happened to me 3 yrs back and many times in childhood.

I had a treatment for around 4 yrs in childhood and after
that it was okay. But 3 yrs back suddenly it happened again.
After that, I consult with a neuro and he told me to continue
the medicine for 3 yrs. After 3.2 yrs it happened again.

2. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 12, 2014 at 10:07

You may need the medication for the time being.

Did you get a CT scan brain done?

74. Gagandeep Kaur August 8, 2014 at 9:06 pm

Dear Sir, I am having pain in the left side of my front Brain from last 7 months and my
left eye vision got decreased. I have pain in heart as well. So I went to doctor, he said its
only depression so he gave me medicine but the pain didnt go away. I went to doctor. I
asked him for CT Scan so the report is :
One each in the left Parietal and right Frontal (in the right caudale internal capsule
region ) and two in the left frontal region.
The Left Parietal lesion measure is 0.80.5cm
Doctor please tell me what does it mean. Pain is not going away. The pain really kills me
and I am having bad hair fall? Vision is decreasing. I dont know whats happening with
me doctor. Please help me.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 9, 2014 at 3:05 pm

Continue taking the medications your doctor has given you. You may include
some vitamins, containing vitamins B1, B2, B5. Many pills having these
combinations are available in the market. You may choose any one brand.

This vitamin would work as a nerve tonic and help in early healing.

The calcified lesions in your brain appear to be inactive now. They are likely to be
scars of some past infection in the brain.

No medical intervention is required for them. Such lesions are commoner in meat
eating population. If you are a non vegetarian, you may switch to vegetarian diet.
This would prevent any such lesion to occur in future.

What medications are you taking presently?


1. Gagandeep Kaur August 9, 2014 at 3:40 pm

Hello Dr. Thank you very much for your kind attention but Dr. My Dr.
Saying there is nothing to worry he has not give me any medicine for this
but for headache he gave me ESCITALOPRAM OXALATE but I had stop
eating because pain was not going away even with this medicine and I am
having hair fall. Today I told the Dr. Again that I am having bad headache
and I feel like unconscious drowsy and when ever I sleep pain is okay but
when I wake up again pain starts again. He gave me these three medicines:
PCM 650MG and he said I will take you to psychiatrist then we will start
medicine according.
Please doctor you guide me. They not taking my that CT scan report
seriously. They didnt give me any medicine for that.


1. Gagandeep Kaur August 9, 2014 at 3:45 pm

And Dr. I am vegetarian. I dont eat chicken. Doctor I only eat

eggs some time.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 10, 2014 at 12:48


Thats a plus point for you.

2. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 10, 2014 at 12:47 pm

Its alright. Since the granuloma, that showed up in your CT scan,

is inactive, you do not require any medication for it.

You may go ahead with the medications prescribed by your doctor.

Rizact is specifically given to control headaches. It is worth trying
this medication.

Your hair fall may be linked to your headaches. Do start taking

vitamin supplements too.

ESCITALOPRAM OXALATE doesnt show its effect till it is

taken for at least 14 days.

1. Gagandeep Kaur August 11, 2014 at 4:44 pm


2. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 11, 2014 at 5:35 pm

You are welcome!

75. rajendra August 9, 2014 at 6:38 am

I had epilepsy in the year 2004. At that time, it was a worm in my brain. I had only one
seizure, then I was on medication for 6 years. I was taking tegratol 200 twice a day. Then
I stopped the medication, then again in the Year 2012 I started having seizures. It was a
granuloma in my brain and since then I have had almost 14 seizures till now. Im on
tegratol 300. I wanted to know the following things:
I smoke and drink. Does it affect my epilepsy?
Sleeping late in the night and waking up early for my shifts. Can this affect?
Does non veg food affect?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 10, 2014 at 12:30 pm

Smoking and alcohol both have affects on the brain functioning and so not
recommended to be taken in cases of epilepsy.

They may also interfere with the medication you are taking.

You need a sound 7 to 8 hour sleep. Just assure that you are sleeping adequately.
The timings wont matter.

Worms or parasites that infect the brain tissue are much common in non veg diets.
Improperly cooked food or even well cooked food carrying eggs (cyst) of
parasites are present in non veg meals. They travel via blood to enter the nervous
system and reside there.
Switching over to vegetarianism to would benefit in future. This would reduce
your chances of having brain infections and consequent granuloma formation in


1. rajendra August 10, 2014 at 4:38 pm

Size of my granuloma is 5 by 6 mm. Is my condition serious?

And recently my doctor has prescribed me frisuim 5mg. Will this
granuloma be in my brain forever?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 11, 2014 at 11:30 am

Granuloma is like an old scar tissue in the brain. If the granuloma

doesnt have any redness or swelling around it, it is said to be
inactive or dormant. Such a granuloma is not dangerous.

You need to take the medicine your doctor has given. This is a
preventive pill against any seizure in future.

Like a scar tissue at any other part of the body, granulomas in the
brain also shrink in size with time.


76. Jai August 12, 2014 at 1:01 pm

Yes, under that I got, Calcified Granuloma at left high parietal region with no attendant
perifocal edema.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorAugust 13, 2014 at 9:07 am

This appears to be an old scar tissue in the brain, produced in reaction to some
trauma or infection.
This lesion is likely to be inactive, that is dormant, now. However, since it is
occupying space in the brain and pressing against nearby brain tissue, you may
get fits or headache due to it.

It is recommended that you keep taking the medicines prescribed for some time.
The granuloma is likely to shrink in size in due course of time. Then the
medications may be stopped.


77. Papu Banerjee September 12, 2014 at 11:09 am

My CT scan report sayscalcific granuloma in the both hemisphere of brain.

What is its solution?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorSeptember 12, 2014 at 11:13 am

Do you have any symptom due to the granulomas, like headache, seizures etc.

If yes, let us know.

If no, nothing needs to be done. The granulomas are calcified. This indicates that
they are old scars caused due to some infection or injury in the past. Since they
are silent now, no medical intervention is needed.

Like scars anywhere else on the body, these granulomas are likely to regress
(shrink) gradually with time.


78. Mandeep singh September 13, 2014 at 10:30 am

Sir, my sister is 16 year old age and many time she fear and crying in day or night. After
crying she sleep for 7-10 mint. She irritant very much in this time. I went to doctor and
did scanning of brain. And in brain one problem is occurred that is lesion in right
occipital lobe represents old healed calcified granuloma like neurocysticercosis in 2012
yr. Doctor gave medicine about this problem but this problem also arise in 2013 and 2014
yr. And one major problem is that she demand drink more and more tea and do not eat
breads or fruit in proper way. So, give me suggestion about this problem.

1. Buddy M.D. Post authorSeptember 13, 2014 at 10:34 am

Your sister is likely to have had some parasitic infection in the brain. This
happens when a parasite, like worm, or its egg (cyst) present in poorly cooked
food enters the blood stream. Along with blood, it may reach the brain and reside
there, making its nest in the brain tissue.

Such problems arise more frequently when non vegetarian diet is consumed.

It is suggested that she shifts to a vegetarian diet. She may require to take
medication against worms, anti helminthics, for some time. For that, you may see
a doctor, preferably a neurologist.


79. Shiva September 20, 2014 at 5:37 pm

Sir, in my ct scan report they found a classified granuloma without perilesional edema in
left frontal lobe. I am facing some headache and anxiety. Doctor said its a symptom of
epilepsy. But I am not having any seizures. Why its forms and what are the treatments
available? My doctor prescribed Flupirtine malate cap, Betahistine tab and some Neuro
boost tablets.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorSeptember 20, 2014 at 5:42 pm

Calcified granulomas are scars formed after some focal injury or infection
(parasite/ cyst) in the brain tissue.

Since there is no perilesional edema, its likely that your granuloma is not active.
It may shrink in size on its own with time.

Meanwhile, doctors do prescribe anti epileptic medications. This is because the

granuloma occupies space and presses upon the adjacent brain structures. So,
there is always a risk of fits.

Still, you may go for a second opinion to some other neurologist to be sure.

80. Uma kurva September 24, 2014 at 5:18 am

Good morning DR. I have granuloma in the right parieto-occipital region. I am suffering
from headache Dr. Is it dangerous in future?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorSeptember 24, 2014 at 8:55 am

Did your doctor comment on the cause of the granuloma?

When the cause is known, appropriate medicines are given to reduce the size of
the granuloma. For example, if it is due to some cyst or worm, medicines are
given to kill the worm.

A granuloma that is increasing in size needs medications. While those which are
silent or dormant are left as such. No medical intervention is required. They
reduce in size on their own with time.


81. Uma kurva September 25, 2014 at 11:09 am

Thank you DR. I am taking Ayurveda medicine. Dr is saying that its not at all problem
now. But after 3 or 4 years if there is any problem then we will see. Sir I am writing all
the reports.

Clinical features-headache
Focal calcific density is noted in right parieto-occipital region measuring approximately
5.8 x 4.0 x 4.3 cm
(TR X AP X CC). It shows no evidence of perifocal edema.
Otherwise the bilateral cerebral parenchyma appears unremarkable with no significant
abnormal focal or diffuse area of altered attenuation seen in the brain parenchyma.
No intracranial hemorrhage / collection / midline shift is seen.
Ventricular system, basal ganglia, thalami, brain stem and cerebellum appear
Craniovertebral junction reveals no obvious significant abnormality.
Visualized paranasal sinuses ,mastoid air cells and the orbits appear unremarkable .
Visualized bones reveal no significant abnormality.

Focal calcified granuloma in the right parieto-occipital region.

No other significant brain parenchymal abnormality is seen in this study.

Please DR. tell me if there any problem in future regarding this. And one more thing Dr
what is CYST and WORM?
Please give details.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorSeptember 26, 2014 at 9:31 am

From your reports, your lesion appears to be inactive, or dormant. A calcified

granuloma is like an old scar.

Like you get a wound over the skin in any part of the body, and the wound heals
slowly. A scar tissue is formed, which dries up gradually with time.

A granuloma is similar to the above mentioned situation. It is a scar tissue formed

in the brain. You may have had some injury or infection some time in the past,
that caused a wound like lesion. The lesion dried up to form a granuloma.

Your granuloma is not dangerous. It is unlikely to cause any problem in future.

Nothing needs to be done as far as your granuloma is concerned.

Your headaches may be due to your sinus problem. You may see an ENT
specialist regarding this.

Worms/ cysts are common in people who take non vegetarian food. Sometimes,
meat is not properly cooked and may harbor some worm. Its egg is called a cyst.
This enters our blood stream and may reach the brain tissue to produce a focal
point of irritation or inflammation there.


82. Uma kurva September 25, 2014 at 11:57 am

Sir I am 31 years old and I am suffering sinus problem.

Thank You sir.

83. Uma kurva September 27, 2014 at 3:39 am

Good morning Dr. and thanks a lot for your valuable advice.
Youre helping so many people. You are giving advice to them.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorSeptember 27, 2014 at 3:11 pm

You are welcome!


84. Anonymous September 30, 2014 at 11:08 am

Dear Doctor, in 2010 suddenly my right hand started shaking, its almost 3 and half any
hour, so went to general physician. He had given me one injection its stop shaking. Later
I consulted one neurologist he told to to go for CT Scan and EEG. I undergone for that, in
CT scan it was showing 3mm calcified granuloma in the left side of the brain. So doctor
suggested me to take oxitol 300mg for 3 yrs. I took in the same way but when it was two
and half year I got same symptoms. So I asked doctor, he told me that scar will not go, it
would remain. So after 3 yrs, doctor told me to stop medication, now its almost 2 and
half year I didnt get any symptoms. But now I am pregnant. Is there any problem during
pregnancy. Please doctor kindly let me know.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorOctober 1, 2014 at 8:56 am

Do not take oxitol or any other anticonvulsant during pregnancy.

In all likelihood, youll not have any problem.


85. Sanjay September 30, 2014 at 4:57 pm

My sister is having severe headache since last 2 months. Doctors give medicines to her
but since few days she is seeing double from her eyes, she is having vomiting
continuously. Doctor advised for MRI
We get it done MRI contrast.
T2 weighted images demonstrates numerous small hyperintense space occupying lesions
spread diffusely in the brain stem, bilateral cerebral hemispheres and bilateral cerebellar
hemispheres. These lesions are also seen in both basal ganglia regions and right thalamus.
They show hypo-intense signals on T1 and FLAIR images. Mild to moderate amounts of
surroundings edema is seen around few of the spaces occupying lesions. Post contrast T1
weighted images demonstrates ring and disc like enhancement from these lesions. The
lesions are measuring about 14X10 mm and small.

IMPRESSION:- Finding are suggestive of Multiple ring and ring enhancing space
occupying lesions spread diffusely in brain stem, bilateral cerebral hemispheres, bilateral
cerebellar hemispheres suggesting-Active inflammatory Granulomas? Neurocysticercosis
in various stages.

After this Doctor started medicines

Zental 2/day
levipil 500 2/day

After 15 days her condition become very serious, we admitted her in hospital. Her
condition is better now in hospital, but she is not able to see from her eyes, only very near
can see. Doctors saying when edema will reduce, she can see.
Im worried, please advice.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorOctober 1, 2014 at 9:08 am

Just continue with the treatment her doctor has prescribed. The vision problem is
likely to be temporary. As her edema reduces, shell be able to see better.


1. Sanjay October 5, 2014 at 4:47 am

Doctor told us now, that she is having brain TB. Treatment is for 1 year.
they started Cap :- Rcinex Tab Levipil 500 Tab Pan 40
She is still having vision problem, how long time she will take to see

1. Buddy M.D. Post authorOctober 5, 2014 at 11:22 am

It may take 3 to 6 months, time required for the lesions in the brain
to regress gradually.

Have you informed your doctor about this symptom?


86. Sanjay October 8, 2014 at 4:32 am

I informed to Doctor about it, he told me that will take some time.
But still she is having headache and fever everyday, when she feel headache her vision
become more dull after some time it gets better but not able to see clearly.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorOctober 8, 2014 at 1:46 pm

Feel sorry for her condition.

Unfortunately, not much can be done. As your doctor says, this will take time to
get better.

Lesions of the brain are difficult to manage. Surgical procedures are not preferred


87. Rohit October 12, 2014 at 12:35 pm

Sir, whenever I wake up, I feel depressed, low mood, remember nothing of the past
condition, feel heavy headed at the right frontal region, sleepy mind. Im very upset with
my disease. I did my MRI and showed an incidental calcified granuloma at right frontal
parietal region. Please tell me about this problem.

1. Buddy M.D. Post authorOctober 13, 2014 at 9:22 am

You are not sleeping well.

Granulomas in the brain tissue is like a scar tissue anywhere else in the body. This
scar tissue in the brain, presses upon adjoining normal brain cell, compressing it.
This may be giving you headaches.

If the granuloma shows signs of inflammation around it, like swelling etc., you
need treatment for it. Talk to your doctor regarding this.


88. Riya October 27, 2014 at 6:19 am

In my mothers CT Scan report, she had well defined 4.2*4.3mm calcific density
nodular lesion at left frontal lobe. It revealed a calcified granuloma in left frontal lobe. 4
days back she suddenly woke up from sleep and her left hand was stiff. She had pain in
her right foot. She had lot of difficulty in speaking (Hardly could speak one word with
fluency). So we took her to the hospital as it was the first time she had such type of
symptoms. Are these symptoms of granuloma? Can it be treated or not? She also had an
MRI after which she is continuously vomiting. Can MRI result in vomiting?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorOctober 27, 2014 at 7:45 am

If it was a contrast MRI, she may get vomiting after that. This would subside in a
day or two.

Your mother needs to see a neurologist. She needs treatment.

The calcified granuloma in the brain tissue is occupying space and is pressing
over the nearby brain tissues. This pressure over the normal brain tissue may give
rise to symptoms, like loss of speech, partial loss of movements, loss of vision/
hearing or even fits.

There are medicines to control all these symptoms.

89. Pooja October 28, 2014 at 9:10 am

Sir my name is Pooja and age is 20 years.

I got an attack of fits in the month of may 14.
After CT SCAN calcified granuloma with perilesional edema was found.
Dr. gave me treatment with tab Oxetol 300, vitafol yellow color, Oxetol 450 and Naxdom
500 for headache (only when headache is there).
Now after five months of treatment Dr. suggested me for MRI. IN MRI report there are
8mm, 4mm and 6mm calcified granuloma WITHOUT perilesion edema found. Now Dr.
is saying to increase the doses and I am pregnant also for last three months.
Kindly suggest me the best to do.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorOctober 28, 2014 at 10:13 am

Have you informed your doctor that you are pregnant?


90. Pooja October 31, 2014 at 7:16 am

Yes sir, my Dr. is aware that I am pregnant.


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorNovember 1, 2014 at 7:53 am

You may take the medicines prescribed for your brain lesion.

Though these medicines are not without side effects, not taking them can be more

You may go as per your doctors advice.


91. Rajni Rawat November 3, 2014 at 6:35 am

The patient under consideration is my father aged 71 years. For last three months he is
suffering from various symptoms like difficulty in speaking, swallowing, extreme
throbbing and bending of left jaw including general decline in health. These symptoms
are worsening with passing days. He is undergoing treatment at AIIMS, New Delhi. The
MRI shows a well defined mass with mild central necrosis of size (3.6)cc x (3.5)AP X
(2.9)W cm in right fronto-parietal region with surrounding perilesional edema and
heterogeneous enhancement on post contrast study. An immediate surgery has been
suggested. He is also taking telma40 and Gimmer500, once a day for last 4 years to treat
mild BP and sugar. Kindly advice on urgency of surgery or some alternative method is


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorNovember 4, 2014 at 6:13 am

Surgery is the only possible option.

The lesion in the brain is occupying some space amongst the brain tissue. It is
necrosed from the center. This mass is pressing the adjoining brain tissue, as the
brain is bounded by a bony covering (skull) and cannot expand. This pressure is
giving symptoms. Speech is affected, some muscle groups are affected and so on.

It is essential to immediately relieve this pressure, otherwise the normal brain

tissue near the mass would also undergo pressure necrosis, that is, get damaged.


92. Sonam November 3, 2014 at 4:35 pm

Sir, my father has a calcified granuloma, approx 7.06.0mm in right temporal lobe. Old
healed granulomatus lesion. Is it cause problem in future?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorNovember 4, 2014 at 7:15 am

Its like an old scar tissue lying in the brain. This lesion is likely to be inactive and
cause no problem in future.

You need not worry about it unless he has some symptom, may be headache, fit or
anything else.

93. Manjula November 5, 2014 at 6:47 am

Which cyst or swelling is more in person consuming non vegetarian? Why?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorNovember 5, 2014 at 6:50 am

Animals are often infected with worms, due to their hygiene and dietary habits.
When you consume their meat, it is possible that you ingest cysts/ eggs of worms.

These cysts may be very tiny and resistant to your cooking methods. They survive
and move in our blood, till they get a chance to settle down in some tissue and


94. Veeresh Babu November 6, 2014 at 7:43 am

Calcific focus in the left occipital lobe of brain. I have epilepsy since 2004 onwards. I
was using Zeptal CR 200mg from 2004 onwards. I have changed the doctor due to
location change. Doctor check EEG & MRI. changed the medicine to levipil 500.
Previous if I forgot to take medicine for 2 days, I was getting pain in left part of the brain.
Because if I travel in bus, Im getting seizures. How can solve the issue?


1. Buddy M.D. Post authorNovember 6, 2014 at 2:40 pm

Both the drugs work alike. You need to take the medicine regularly. As you take
it, your body would get adjusted to it.


1. Veeresh Babu November 7, 2014 at 4:59 am

Thanks for above information of Calcified Granulomatous Lesions of


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