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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-9, September 2014

In-vitro screening of antifungal activity of essential

oils of some higher plants against Chaetomium
globosum Kunze
Neeraj Srivastava

Abstract During an investigation of Websters Dictionary in Dictionary of the English Language (Second Edition,
Gorakhpur infested by cellulolytic fungi, Chaetomium globosum Unabridged, 1934),
Kunze has been found as one of the most frequently occurring London infested by fungi, 15 fungal genera were isolated
fungi, isolated from all the eight samples1. This fungus was
from unglazed papers18. Out of these, Chaetomium globosum
selected as the test fungus in the present study. Essential oils of
five plant parts viz. Cinnamomum zeylanicum Bark, Ageratum
Kunze was one of the most frequent genus isolated from all
conyzoides Leaf, Aegle mormelos Leaf, Callistemon lanceolatus the 8 samples. This fungus was selected as the test fungus in
Leaf and Citrus aurantifolia Leaf were extracted by the present study.
hydrodistillation in Clevengers apparatus. Antifungal activity Therefore, the present study was undertaken to collect plant
of volatile essential oils of these plant parts were determined samples and to test the in-vitro antifungal activity of their
in-vitro as per cent mycelia inhibition, by inverted Petri plate volatile essential oils against Chaetomium globosum.
method. Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Cinnamon) Bark oil was
found to inhibit the mycelial growth of this fungus completely, at
the lowest dose. This oil was selected for further studies. The
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) as well as the nature
of fungitoxicity of the oil were determined. It is concluded that
this oil can be used as a potent fungitoxicant at the place of A. Plant Materials: -
chemical fungicides used, which deface and destroy the objects
at which they are applied. Five plant parts were collected from local and forest flora or
obtained from local stockists. These were identified with the
help of Floras (Hooker, 1872-1897; Duthie, 1960; T.N.
Index Terms Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark, essential oils,
Srivastava, 1976) and experts.
fungitoxicant, Chaetomium globosum, Cellulolytic fungi.
B. Extraction of Essential Oils:-
I. INTRODUCTION Essential oils of the five plant parts were obtained by
Plant volatiles exert potent bioregulatory action, hydrodistillation in Clevengers apparatus.
particularly on microorganisms2-3. In recent years, volatile
constituents of various higher plants ,i.e., many essential oils C. Test Fungus:-
and their constituents, terpenoids and alcohols have shown
potent fungitoxic activity in their vapors4-11. Use of such Chaetomium globosum Kunze was selected as the test
volatiles for protection of stored foods against fungal fungus in the present study.
infestation and also for controlling fungal diseases of crops
has been suggested12-13. D. Antifungal Activity of Plant Essential Oils: -
The climatic condition of Gorakhpur is characterized by
high relative humidity and moderate temperature in most of Antifungal activity of vapors of extracted essential oils was
the months (July to March). This climate is suitable for assessed by the inverted Petri plate technique13.
microbial biodeterioration of various commodities including
cultural ones, made of paper, textile, wood and leather.
Cultural heritage made of paper, textile, wood and leather,
either movable or immovable, is subjected to biodegradation
induced by these microbes. Of all the microorganisms, fungi
are the most active ones in this process14. In India, damage to
cultural properties is enormous due to fungal biodeterioration
of paper manuscripts and archival materials15. A large
number of fungi are known to degrade paper16. A high fungal
diversity has been reported in paper from Gorakhpur 17. Fig. I : Inverted Petri plate Technique
During an investigation of Websters New International
A 5 mm. diameter inoculums disc of the test fungus, cut
Manuscript received September 23, 2014. from the periphery of the mycelial colony of a seven day old
Neeraj Srivastava, Associate Professor, Post-Graduate Department of culture, was inoculated on 10 ml. Czapek Dox Agar medium
Botany, St. Andrews (P.G.) College, Gorakhpur 273001, India. Mobile:
+91-9415362639 in an 80 mm. diameter Petri dish. The dish was then inverted,
and the requisite amount of oil in 0.5 ml. acetone, soaked on a

In-vitro screening of antifungal activity of essential oils of some higher plants against Chaetomium globosum

25 mm. diameter sterile filter paper disc, was placed inside the infested by fungi
dish on its lid. Sterile distilled water, taken in place of oil in (Source of the test fungus Chaetomium globosum)
0.5 ml. acetone, was used as control. Every experiment was
repeated ten times and the average of results was recorded.
The dishes were incubated at 25 1 C, and on day 7 ,
fungitoxicity was recorded as per cent inhibition of mycelia
growth, calculated by the formula:

% Mycelial Inhibition = Gc - Gt x 100


Where, Gc = Colony diameter of the control set

Gt = Colony diameter of the treatment set

The dose of vapors of essential oils was expressed as ppm

(parts per million), i.e., parts (volume) of oil per million parts
of aerial volume inside the Petri dish available for diffusion of Fig. III : Deteriorated inner cover of the
oil vapor, arbitrarily assuming that the given volume of oil Dictionary
volatilizes to produce an equal volume of vapor13.


The most effective oil selected on the basis of its

fungitoxicity was chosen for its detailed study as minimum
inhibitory concentration (MIC) and nature of fungitoxicity19.

Minimum Inhibitory Concentration:

The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was

determined by observing per cent inhibition of mycelial
growth of the test fungus by progressively lower doses of oil ,
in the range of 300 10 ppm. The minimum dose required for
100% inhibition (fungistatic/fungicidal) was recorded as the
MIC. The fungistatic/fungicidal nature of fungitoxicity was
Fig. IV: Close up of infested inner page
observed20 at the MIC and higher doses for determining the
showing fungal colonies
minimum lethal concentration (MLC), which was recorded as
the minimum dose required for fungicidal action.
Table I
Comparative fungitoxicity of essential oil vapours of
Nature of Fungitoxicity: selected plant samples against Chaetomium globosum
For determining the nature of fungitoxicity of essential oil Kunze
vapors, the treatment and control sets were prepared at MIC.
Per cent Mycelial
After 7 days incubation, the mycelial discs were removed Inhibition of
from the Petri plates and re-inoculated on the fresh medium. Plant Species Chaetomium
The presence/absence of mycelia growth in the re-inoculated globosum Kunze per
discs, proved the fungistatic/fungicidal nature of the toxicity Dose of Oil
of vapors, respectively. 100 200 400
ppm ppm ppm
Aegle mormelos (L.) Correa
(Family Rutaceae) (Leaf) 79.8 82.0 100
Ageratum conyzoides L.
(Family Asteraceae) 68.2 72.2 100
Callistemon lanceolatus
DC. (Family Myrtaceae) 66.8 78.4 100
Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Breyn (Family Lauraceae) 97.8 100 100
( Bark)
Citrus aurantifolia
(Christm.) Swingle (Family 52.4 69.8 96

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-9, September 2014

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In-vitro screening of antifungal activity of essential oils of some higher plants against Chaetomium globosum

AUTHORS PROFILE Workshop Attended: on November 1st , 2012 on Biodiversity

Name: Dr. Neeraj Srivastava Attended: Popular Lecture Series in Biotechnology on December 5th &
6th , 2012, sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India.
Present Position: Associate Professor, Orientation Course Attended: One, organized by Academic Staff
Post-Graduate Department of Botany, College, DDU Gorakhpur University and sponsored by U.G.C., New Delhi.
St. Andrews P.G. College, Refresher Courses Attended: Two, organized by Academic Staff College,
Gorakhpur 273 001 (U.P.) DDU Gorakhpur University and funded by U.G.C., New Delhi.
Mobile: +91-9415362639 Books Co-Authored : 4 Nos.
(1) A Textbook of Microtechnique and Biotechnology.
(2) Naveen Saral Botany, Vol. I.
Immediate Past Position: (3) Naveen Saral Botany, Vol. II.
Scientist (Botanist) in Botanical Survey of India (4) Naveen Saral Botany, Vol. III.
(Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India). Scientific Articles in Magazines & News Papers : 3 Nos.
Educational Qualification: Contributions in the Corporate Life of the Institution Served/Serving:
1. B.Sc. (Botany, Zoology, Chemistry), 1984, First Div. 1. Vice-President of Botanical Society.
2. M.Sc. (Botany), 1986, First Div. 2. Certificate of proficiency during International
3. Ph.D. (Botany), 1992. Conference of Plant Physiologists of the SAARC
Fellow: F.B.S. (Fellow of the Indian Botanical Society). 3. Member of Library Committee in Botanical Survey of
Area of Interest: Antifungal Plant Products / Mycology & Plant 4. Drawing & Disbursing Officer (D.D.O.) in Botanical
Pathology. Survey of India.
5. Chaired as Judge in essay writing competition
Research Experience: 27 Years 7 Months (January, 1987 till date), as organized by Zoological Survey of India.
follows: 6. In-Charge of Departmental Herbarium of Botany
1.For Ph.D. Degree: 5 Years 9 Months (January, 1987 to October, 1992). Dept. in St. Andrews P.G. College, Gorakhpur.
2.Post-Doctoral: 21 Years 10 Months (November,1992 till date). 7. In-Charge of Departmental Library of Botany Dept. in
St. Andrews P.G. College, Gorakhpur.
Teaching Experience: 20 Years 8 months, as detailed below: 8. Joint Secretary (Press & Publicity), St. Andrews
(1) 5 Years 2 Months in the Dept. of Botany, University of Gorakhpur ( College Democratic Teachers Association.
1.1.1993 to 21.2.1998; as Young Scientist of D.S.T. and Pool Officer 9. In-Charge of Press & Publicity of Centenary Year &
Foundation Week Celebration of St. Andrews P.G.
of C.S.I.R., New Delhi, in Lecturer pay scale).
College, Gorakhpur, 2003.
10. Member, Publicity Committee of Annual Sports
Meet, St. Andrews P.G. College, Gorakhpur.
(2) 15 Years 6 Months in the Dept. of Botany, St. Andrews P.G. College, 11. President, Botany Study Circle, St. Andrews P.G.
Gorakhpur (5.3.1999 till date): College, Gorakhpur.
Extra-Curricular Activities:
(i) As Lecturer = 4 Years (5.3.1999 to 4.3.2003); 1. A-Certificate of National Cadet Corps (N.C.C.) .
(ii)As Assistant Prof. = 5 Years (5.3.2003 to 4.3.2008); 2. Certificate of National Service Scheme (N.S.S.).
(iii)As Associate Prof. = 6 Years 6 Months (5.3.2008 till date). 3. Radio talks on All India Radio (A.I.R.) concerning
Fellowships Awarded: popular science.
1. J.R.F. and S.R.F. of CSIR, New Delhi.
2. Young Scientist of D.S.T., New Delhi.
3. S.R.A. (Pool Officer) of CSIR, New Delhi.

Research projects completed: 02

(Funded by D.S.T., New Delhi and U.G.C., New Delhi).

Research Publications:

(1) Res. Papers Published = 18 Nos. ( In Journals like Mycological

Research, U.K.; Mycotaxon, U.S.A.; Indian Phytopathology; Proceedings
National Academy of Sciences, India; Journal of Plant Biochemistry &
Biotechnology; International Journal of Biological Technology;
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Bioscience;
Journal of Living World and Vegetos).
(2)Review Articles Published = 2 Nos.
Published by: i) Science Publishers, Inc., U.S.A. ; ii) SCI Tech
Publishing LLC., Texas, U.S.A.

(3)Papers Presented in Conferences/Symposia = 13 Nos.

(including two International Conferences/Symposia, one of SAARC
Countries and the other of Mycological Society of India).

Research projects completed/ongoing: 02 (Funded by D.S.T., New Delhi

and U.G.C., New Delhi).
Research Supervision:
(1)One student has been awarded M. Phil. degree.
(2)Four students are working for Ph.D. degree and one of them has been
awarded Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship of U.G.C., New Delhi.
(3 One student has been awarded Young Scientist Fellowship of D.S.T.,


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