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Midwife is one of the health workers who can provide services to the public in
accordance with the competence and authority. Midwives have been recognized as a profession
and to be able to say as someone who works professionally, then the midwife must be able to
understand the extent of the role and function as a midwife. Midwives in their profession has a
role and function that is executor, administrator, educator and researcher.
A. The Role of Midwives
The role of device behavior is expected and is owned by a person domiciled in the
community. The role of the midwife expected are:
1. As an executor
As executor midwife has three categories of tasks that the task independently,
collaboration and task assignments dependence
a. Independent Task / Primer
Midwife independent tasks are tasks that are the responsibility of the
appropriate authority midwife, include:
1) Establish midwifery management at any given midwifery care.
2) Provide basic services premarital in adolescents by involving them as a client
3) Provide midwifery care to clients during normal pregnancy
4) Provide midwifery care to clients in times of labor by involving the client /
5) Provide midwifery care in newborns
6) Provide midwifery care to clients during childbirth by involving the client /
7) Provide midwifery care to women of childbearing age who need family
planning services.
8) Provide midwifery care for women with reproductive system disorders and
women in klimakretium and post-partum period.
b. The role of Collaboration
A task performed by a midwife as a member of the team that activities
performed simultaneously or as one of the sequences of the process of health care
1) Applying midwifery management at every appropriate midwifery care functions
involve collaboration with the client and family
2) Provide midwifery care in pregnant women with high risk and first aid on the
gravity that require collaborative action
3) Provide midwifery care to the mother during labor with high risks and
circumstances that require first aid urgency to the action involving the
collaboration with the client and family
4) Provide midwifery care during childbirth in women with high risk and first aid
in emergency circumstances require action in collaboration with the client and
5) Providing care in the BBL with a high risk and who have complications and
emergencies requiring first aid in action meliatkan collaboration with the client
and family
6) Provide midwifery care in infants with high risk and who have complications
and emergencies that require action involving collaboration with family.

c. Dependency / Refers
Namely tasks performed by midwives in order referral to a higher service
system or otherwise that service performed by a midwife when receiving a referral
from a shaman who is attending births, as well as referral service performed by a
midwife to the place / other health care facilities horisintal or vertically or to other
health professions.
1) Applying midwifery management in each of midwifery care in accordance with
the referral function of the client and family involvement
2) Provide midwifery care through consultation and referral for high-risk pregnant
women and emergency medical service
3) Provide midwifery care through consultation and referral during labor with
certain complications involving the client and family
4) Provide midwifery care through consultation and referral to the mother during
childbirth with certain complications with emergencies involving clients and
5) Provide midwifery care in the BBL with certain disorders and emergencies that
require consultation and referral involving family
6) Provide midwifery care among children with certain disorders and gravity that
require consultation and referral involving

The steps needed to perform the role as executor:

1) Assessing the health status to meet the needs of client care
2) Determine diagnosis / problem
3) Develop a plan of action in accordance with the problems faced
4) Implement appropriate action plans have been prepared
5) Evaluate the action that has been given
6) Make a follow-up plan of action
7) Make documentation of client and family

2. The role as manager

As a manager of a midwife has two duties is the duty of the development of
basic health services and participation in the task team.
a. Development of basic health services
The midwife in charge of developing basic health services especially obstetric
services to individuals, families and communities special groups in the working
area by involving the public / clients include:
1) Assess the needs mainly related to maternal and child health and to develop
programs to improve health services in the working area with a team of health
and community leaders.
2) Develop a work plan in accordance with the results of the study together with
the community
3) Manage the activities of health services, especially KIA / KB in accordance
with the plan.
4) To coordinate, supervise and guide cadres and the shaman or other health
workers in implementing programs / services KIA / KB
5) Developing strategies to improve public health, especially MCH KB including
resource utilization of existing programs and related sectors.
6) Promote and develop the ability of people and maintain their health by making
use of the existing potential
7) Maintain and improve the quality and security of professional practices through
education, training, apprenticeship, and activities in professional groups
8) Documenting all activities that have been implemented.
b. Participate in team
Midwives participate in our team to implement health programs and other
sectors by improving the TBAs, cadres, and other health professionals who are in
the works

3. The role of educators

As a midwife educators have two tasks, namely as an educator and health
educator for clients as well as coaches and mentors cadre
a. Providing education and health counseling to individuals, families and
communities on health issues particularly penanggulanagan KIA / KB
b. Train and guide cadres including student midwife / nursing and foster shamans in
their working area.

4. The role of researcher

Investigating or applied research in the field of health either independently or
in groups.
a. Identify the needs of the investigation / research
b. Develop a work plan
c. Carry out investigations
d. Process and interpret data results of the investigation
e. Prepare reports on the results of the investigation and follow-up
f. Utilize the results of investigations to improve and develop work programs or
health services.

B. Functions Midwives
The function is the usefulness of a thing, usability, office (work) done, the working
parts of the body. Based on the role of midwife noted above, the midwives function as follows:
1. Function Executor
Implementing midwife function includes:
a. Providing guidance and counseling to individuals, families and society (especially youth)
during marriage.
b. Midwifery care for normal pregnancy, pregnancy with certain pathological cases, and
pregnancies with high risk.
c. Helping normal labor and childbirth certain pathological cases.
d. Caring for a baby immediately after birth normal and high-risk infants
e. Midwifery care in postpartum mothers.
f. Maintaining the health of the mother during breastfeeding
g. Conduct health services among children under five and pcasekolah
h. Giving berencanasesuai family services to its authority.
i. Provide guidance and health services for cases of reproductive system disorders,
including climacteric women at menopause internal and in accordance with its authority.

2. Functions of business
Midwives function as manager include:
a. Develop the concept of obstetric care activities for individuals, families, community
groups, in accordance with the conditions and needs of the local community supported by
community participation.
b. Develop an implementation plan midwifery services in the work unit.
c. Lead the coordination of activities of obstetric care.
d. cooperation as well as communication and inter-sectoral inter-related obstetric care
e. Lead the evaluation of the activities of the team or obstetric care unit.
Functions Educators
Midwives function as educators include:
a. Provide counseling to individuals, families, and community groups related to obstetric
services in the sphere of health and family planning
b. Guiding and trained traditional birth attendants and health workers in accordance with the
responsibilities of a midwife.
c. Provide guidance to learners midwives in practice activities at the clinic and in the
d. Educate learners midwife or other health personnel according to their expertise.

4. Function Researcher
Midwives function as researchers include:
a. Conducting evaluations, assessments, surveys, and research carried out individually or in
the scope of maternity care.
b. Conduct research family health and family planning.

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