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.1.4{- d

Y ly a.,
[[u ?lJOtroUrrayuocrouR'lHto{ nqu

[?{0fln[a0nunnatuI flnHt9l05vnu uilcnnninur

lt l.tI ?YtuI nufi : :tJ FfI clgt:

qqn 2

d{l?uatdYtfi aatrYunrurilfi.
oUfi ::lJfl 1dglt
l|fi 1?11U1
v j - I < t.l A
9 I Y 9/-.,Y-

i u a u d 4 9 io a q g?
.r j';ntut
- A u A ,)4 | q u u a 4 a u lt
d qrtu ^ d y I J A qYY.- .llYts-, . i
tflU l0n-ill'r
t14udiln?:tfi0fiilUiltlU?lJOdOuttdsl,OdOURlulo{nquXU l'iJflUtfl
I d o I hY I

nu n nu 0lr I oirt o do u ltar dlu 1t CIrgr dil

: uu n ?nou doil tnouliltll tJ'13

rodourrljilriluI srou:rilfr'.rfiutoodo
noufi 1 i WritingAbility (n'Hnncounarufnr.rriruln:.rsirutst)
z il:smmi zsdo
I .I Errorldentification (nl: il l{ota'onfi ru^n
:ion (fl1I fi 1{o16onfi rflu {o Qnh ur n: aiiirm:-urJ: sI unfi nrri rrnI { r

noufi 2 I Vocabulary(allfloGloun?lilieilufrrrrri)
z il:smmfi zs{o
z.r {oeouuuuctozerflu{oaoufiriurio.r'ir.rli}?rfirrirfrnrifionslo.r
z.z iloaotsfifinr:flsrdulsir{rlurJ:sIunuavl#rdonrirfifinrrunurulndrdurndir,-irfir

j r i vq
nOuri 3 . Reading Comprehension (fl1101il1il0n?1il1{1lo)

riroluil:vnou o-- rie

nn?ruil: vurg{7-8rio.ruuiarrfo{isfi
'?ult.tilunfi so r70
dru rdu mainideas,
rflunr:infrnu&nltcitu?faru1 pronoun
details, reference.

GeneralDirections: Mark your answer only on the answer sheet provided.

Part | : WRITINGABILITY (25 points)

A. Error ldentification

Directions: Ghoosethe underlinedpart that is grammaticallywrong.

i,. -.i ,. r .'.

1. Asian semiconductordemand is forecast to grow by an averagerate of

21.5%a year between1993and 1998with Taiwanand China are taking
the lead in the exploding market.
3 ,4

2. One of Japan'scar giants, Honda Motor CO Ltd., said it had developed

three types of super-safecars which use advancedelectronicsto prevent
collisions,warn sleepy drivers and for providingtraffic information.

3. Rugby star Well Carling has attackednewspaperspeculationabout his

friendshipwith PrincessDianaand said he was consulting his lawyers
over whose action to take.

4. lsolatedfrom the most visible affect of reforrns,rural Russiansblame

1 2 .
Boris Yeltsinfor all sorts of problemsthat came with the collapseof
communism and the transitionto a market economy.

5. The Expresswayand Rapid Transit Authority will seek approval for the

Cabinet to construct an expressway cotlectiori and distribulion road

which will requireland to be expropriatedfrom the Ban Krua Muslim

6. S p e a k i n go n t h e i s s u ea t t h e j u s t c o n c l u d e da n n u a lm e e t i n go f t h e
A S E A Nf o r e i g nm i n i s t e r sa, n A S E A Nd i p l o m a st a i dT h a i l a n dh a d f a i l e d
t o p e r s u a d et h e E u r o p e a nU n i o nt o c o n s i d e rt o e s t a b i i s ha f r e et r a d e
area on the two continents.
rj i'
' r'd
7. A n u n k n o w nn u m b e ro f m e n t h r o w i n ga n M 2 6 h a n d - g r e n a d a et a f o o t
'l 2 \
p a t h i n f r o n t o f a r e s t a u r a not f a f i v 4 - s t a rh o t e l i n Y a l a m u n i c i p a l i t yo n
Sunday night but it did not explode,.-Y

8. B a n g k o ka n d n e i g h b o u r i n gp r o v i n c e sc a n e x p e c ts e r i o u s l yf l o o d i n g
a s a r e s u l to f h e a v yd o w n p o u r sd u r i n gt h e r e s t o f t h e r a i n y s e a s o n .
-" vt
9. The EutopeanUnion planslo merge nationalcurrenciesinto one by the
end of the century will be the focus of attentionwhen the bloc's finance

ministerswill-meetin l.uxembourgnext week.

4 ,'- t,"-i o

10. R a p i de n v i r o n m e n t adl e g r a d a t i o ni s t h r e a t e n i n gt h e e c o n o m i c
developmentof the Asian region,as naturalresourcesare wasting and
financialresourcesto assist environmentprojectsdecrease.

11. The first HIV vaccinetrial to begin soon involves30 volunteers

infectedwith the virus from 4 to 10 years but those do not have
svmo to mso f i l l n e ss.

12. Two shortcuts,one at Soi Asavaphichetand the others close to the outer
ringroad, are open to motoristsheadingfor BuddhamontolSai Song
Road, according to TalingChan district director.

13. W a t e r u t i l i t yo p e r a t o r so v e r s e a sa r e m a k i n gi n q u i r i e si n t h e P h i l i p p i n e s ,

w h e r e a n e w l a w c o n d u c i v et o f o r e i g ni n v e s t m e nw t o u l d e n a b l ei t t c
t a k e p a r t i n s e r v i n ga r a p i d l yg r o w i n gp o p u l a t i o n .

1"r Not only is it tragic that in many parts of the globe eHdreqmus! forfeit
t h e i r e d u c a t i o ni n o r d e rt o w o r k , b u t m a n y o f t h e 1 1w o r k i n b r u t a '
A ':,. 3
s l a v e - a l i k ec o n d i t i o n s .

15. A u s t r a l i ai s s e t t o e m b a r ko n a U S $ 7 2m i l l i o np u b l i c i t yc a m p a i g nt o

p e r s u a d ew e a l t h yA s i a nt o u r i s t st h a t t h e c o u n t r yi s n o t a c u l t u r a id e s e r t

with a "rock in the centre." blJf$at it has a rich artjgt ianciscapewortr:



if ife"sdsns: ,lnoose the word or phrase that sesi compreies tilf s*nisilcl

-{a. e u r r e n t i y , t h e i e a s t e x p e n s i v c c o n o c r n r r r i u r yi nr [ 3 a n g x c k ,E ; : , , : .* f i u i s a t .
o n F e t c h k a s e r FR o a d , i s e n i c y i n g i t s r ' ' * a : : 1 r . { - i e ; ' -
{ . r i o u e r l \m
' a r } < e s; i o w c ' o w f .a l c r * s * -

! " a l r n o u ; i* i. wni;',l
l n: soite c:- d . i n a c J d r f r o tn' :

Cabinet memoers spoke about infiaric;,'r,

peoniethougiri ne$ativeilo
aboi.rttne tocaistock exchang*'stradlr,,:

1 . W h a t e v e :"". " . ,i e s ; i * T n e r n o r e" . " . .t.h e r n o r *

L i i . . . . . r. n o s ;

t h r e et i m e * .

t. five-years-olddaughter 3. five year old's daughter

2. five-year-olddaughte: 4. daughter--fiveyears oie{

19. Lower income consurhers by the soaring inflationthat

makes prices of food and other necessitieshigher.

1. have hurt 3. were hurting

2. are being hurt 4. have been hurting

20. M r . C h u c h e e ps a i d i f s o u t h e r na g e n t sc o n t"j i n u e dt o s e n d T h a i c e m e n tt o
Malaysia,he r e g u l a t i o n sb a n n i n gc e m e n te x p o r t si n t h e

1. will introduce 3''would introduce

2. had introduced 4. would have introduced

21. lf you cannot buy chemical-freevegetablesor plant them on your own,

the right washing and cooking methods can help the
toxicity of produce from fresh markets or supermarkets.
.r {. ": ' .. i. ,
1. reducing ......buying 3 . t o r e d u c e . . . . . .t o b u y
2 . r e d u c e . . . . .b. o u g h t

22. The elevatoris an essentialfacitity in the vast majority of Bangkok

b u i l d i n g s ,s o k n o w l e d g e is important.

1. of how to use it safely 3 . w h i c h i s u s e ds a f e l y

2. that uses it safely 4. usingit that is safe

23. M a s s i v eu r b a n i s a t i o nw, h i c h r e s u l t si n i n c r e a s i n gd e n s i t ya n d t r a f f i c ,
has taken its toll on the lives of peoplewho live in Bangkok,
them to live a part from family members,thus having less time to spend

1. forces 3. will force

2. forcing 4. to force

24. by modern medicine,more and more people have

rediscoveredthe long neglectedmerit of traditionalmedicine.

1. Disillusioned 3 . H a v i n gd i s i l l u s i o n e d
2. Disillusioning 4. Disillusion

ZS. Marketingcampaignsstressingnew product designs and affordable

prices as well as'discounts favorite strategyof many

1. has been 3. is
2. being 4. are

d t9ud
gtolJYt 1 tfi:{d:'t{t t2u1n:€l1

A. F rror Tdentification
ov qt,A gt Aa 9 qgia q u J
flldil Han tlu'.|n:iu

1. grJrruufio1. whicheretakingdo,flu relativeclause

rtfi^loi'z il?o
2. taking ry{tilU presentparticipial phrase.
o A y ^ d ltAe,t
ilnrlrfrrilufl::u (object)lJo{
r{roBurs rionrrufinlilHd'{ preposition

riu d.:riu Taiwan
aretaking do{rsr^trwhich rr?rh.J1#rirrrirfirflurJ:ytru
niohjfinergrJn?uraretaking 1#rflu present
z. dfi"6u ,?u+ uritflu (to)proriiderniot#tfluJn:rair.:turu (parallelstructure)
flU to prevent ttAY (to) warn

r7og ruilflu wharactionr rnja'ir 'ovrirrfiunl:ou\'l:'

g. fifisrnoo )
actionfiorz rJ:ynr:no
t. tur8.:n':rr.l?ruru actionrtrja'ir 'nr:pirru'un't:lJ0.:'
whose d,rhirdrri'lrfiorio.r
2. lurfr'r'hurfltofwhoserflu relative
119l11lUlluU infinitive phrase (to take)

4. ruirflueffects r rnJa'ir'r{an:yru')
ritoGurs preposition
ovslornrudroriruruuiohjfinrudrurirniurfioEilu;ilcro.l ( = prcSentparticiple)

rrririlu approvalfrom ( rnJn'jr 'nt:oqfgl^olfl' )

4|a4t) 9cl
o. ll9{nno flo I
.iA 4 Y Y4
6. nflqn0_A04 ttntuu establishing
o A o a i e a y rq I
n l O f i U l U f l ] n : U 1 1 1 9 1 l U ? 1 n i l n :cUo ln s i d e r9 t 0 . l 0 g t U [ U_ _ i n g
a. Yt9.t9tFto
t0 2 ruirflu'thgv"anunknown
8. rrrlrfluserious
d{tflu adjective
rirnrirfitutulJlu flooding
dA 4 ,t ydl
9. ll?.lflnO1|0 4 [[ntUU meet
filOfiUlU nln5ul tu adverb.
clauseof time w.tttJutrqnt:ailuoutnn (lufrilil

nextweek ttrlpr.tfl?tttrfluournn)0v1# presenttense lil1# futuretense


v4 .i zi dl
10. dEsrdo
{o s ItflllJU are beingwastedtUO.l0lflClOnffruUrutUttJU

Qnldodx fruril a'o.rr mf nurn: ov1#d":

im;n urn: r : : :.rrr nrir d'.r ro.:hi 1d'd'o
{ fihil.fl
11. t t n t u u who do not ... lflU relativeclause lJUlU 30 volunteers
'r2. .!A 4
n9{9rfioflo 1
thodher (ronfl 0f ) ruio.:or n1ur.J
: vI unfl 4nn'{vrr{ del
z rduvrr.:ryirdu
io 4 tt 9J4. d
1 3 . n9{4fl0 1|0 2 ttntilU them (?fUlUtt.l water utility operators)

rriln'il nAHuru0yriruh{yrr nrrrfiriru:':ru'lu : yny u'

nr: iu 1#rJ
da a y ,)4 , I ' i 4
L 4 , ltfl9tfiOlJ0 4 ilnlilu slave-likettila?] dfl"tTtyttl4u0ul1td

to. dfitdu du g ,rrYrflu,rtistic rflu adjectivetururirurt landscape

aru arrist

ts. Senrence-completion
o - "lfrnon"fonnnhutn:niiirn:"lr-i:sJunfi
6t 94 v A 4 lo o
mdg rirrunl#
d49 'l n:qnr:noulprfirfiurrJ:
16. n0nflo
-..._ flo 2 od-:ro,:
tfl:ugfi0' in spiteof srrtd'':un{utorrirurru(nounphrase)

rio r frntn:ry although
rio r finrn:rrnrrlJfirJru'hidofl
4 t4 rd I
?l:0 tUfl9lltJ9l?U participial phrase

{o + finru: rynr lil Hil ru'hiaoprnd'o.r

ri'urJ: yI unfi rir n un1#
L7. fignfior7os 'Srnotviguiln:'4eroornnyriurfiorurnrvir'l:
4 q q u lt I
fl R1?3lJ0.1n1: ry01'tUlUnA1nfiAnm: lt U?1ttuA,t
i 4 y ^ q oi u ry a o y a 4
1 8 . ngnfl0 xo 2 tun:iuu year lruqtoltgttts til:]vli1Hu111i!1r adjectiveIJUtU

rirurru daughter
4 +- 1 1- ^ ..Y e\ id Uy,i o u o q9d 9 a g -i :
1 9 . m Q n nto
o 2 ' P . l u 5[ R n m u : 1
t eur n l n r a { q nt tf i rt n - o n 5 o u 0 r nrinu1r 1f o
l: f rq { T u '
20. ilgnno 3 rflu;rJtruuto{Jfl:{air{if clause z ncillfio niur'iu
if clause tvrflu pasttenseuCIvn;Ul'lumainciausetvtflu futurein thepast

( w o u l d+ verb)
ii. n_ -nu n n o 2 niordnrrud.rniarhelp'hiri'0.:n:voru rnJasr:.r6'r'ji
'siluafl' riru boughtrflu pastparticipleflUlufi-iullJproduce(p{azufrprt
lJ'10]fl which is bought (t{nnnflry{Qnry0)

d 4 ' f l ' l - t l9Jt : ? ' l 0q /va t / t t q 149 | t'l
il0nflo 1
U0 u ' l . lt : '
t S n T l f r r 0 u l { u n 0 q Rl o

ct y
r ^qd4/ d
j ll/rq
'[o Z ilo tTl:lvtilu relativeclause 1JU]Uknowledge ry{Qnt']U]n:il [[9][u

rfirnrrrururuhiqnd'0.: fionrrrumruru
9 o q 9a I d.l4 rtl y

r n : t v f r l l : J :U1 1 1 n : u lI u a v { ?t1i l t n
ZB. ilenflo Z prirriciplenfl;iltJtoln whichtorcesd{lirH#lfi1uru
rilu presenr
y A I Llrg) 9)
110 fi l'tlJl'l n n l? l?1Jl.: 11u 1

1ufifi Bangkok
rior uav{os fiorn:tvrfluniorfi'hifiri:vtru
n 'Lr9/ 4 t i q - ddc)AC"
:il (objecr)
[ u l F r t r { : r v [ i l u d l u T n l L ? a { p r e p o s i t i o n ' i n '0.ru11ul1rrilun:
qJ0.t preposition

do + fior ril5rv to forcertrjo'ir'tffofiovril6'u'fiJn:qair.rr6ru'ir

in orderto
il : vd':ri d.rhi aoqnd'0.:fiuruoo
forced.:rflur 6fi rtdfl{ {n CI rdo.:
more and more people
24. iignEio f lilu pastparticiple dqgil]Jl0ln
were/havebeendisillusionedby modernmedicine' Jgru:rrurriln'jr
v 4 a 9q -r &
t0 (9t]d?].lfl
JlJo{[nqn?lxJ[l] u) ttnv
lu :r0Jm0naurnuillulu'

25. o.:il:vtru campaigns


PART ll : VOCABULARY(25 points)

A. Cloze

Directions: Choosethe best alternativeto completeeach of the following


A person becomesfat simply becausehe takes in more calories in his food

t h a n a r e u s e d b y h i s d a i l y a c t i v i t i e s .N o s i n g l e( 2 6 ) figure can be set
for calorie intake becausethe number of caloriesa person needs dependson the
amount of energy he (27) : a farmer's requirementsare higher than a
clerk's. (28) , once particularrequirementshave been satisfied,the
(2e) calories,in the form of fats, are carried by the bloodstreamto
special storage depots in the body, the fat ceils, are (30) thereas
t h e f a t c o m p o u n d sc a l l e dt r i g l y c e r i d e s .W h e n i n t a k e( 3 1 ) exceeds
requirement,the storage of triglycerideincreases,the fat cells increasein size
a n d n u m b e r ,a n d m o r e f a t i s l e f t u n d e rt h e s k i n , a r o u n dt h e h e a r ta n d k i d n e y sa n d
the organs of the intestinaltract.

1 2 3 4

26. optimum accurate implicit ultimate

27. exhausts exerls expends exposes
28. Furthermore Gonsequently Indeed However
29. excess scarce ample immense
30. assembled enlarged deposited compiled
31. absolutely consistently promptly eventually

For thousands of years, leprosywas one of the world's most feared

diseases. Anyone (32) with it was automaticallya social outcast.
Even the Bible recountedstories of lepers,cast out from society and
(33)_ t o w a n d e r ," l o n e l ya n d u n t o u c h a b l e ' u
, ,n t i l t h e y d i e d .

I t ' s a c h r o n i c( 3 4 ) diseasecaused by a bacteria,

mycobacteriumleprae,spread by prolongedand direct skin-to-skincontact.While
e v e r y o n es i n c e b i b l i c a lt i m e s i s ( 3 5 ) of the disease,the world really
never knew very much about it until 187gwhen a Nonrregiandoctor, Dr Amar
Hansen,who had many leprosy patients,first diagnosedthe bacteria.

1 2 3 4

32. conflicted atflicted./ coincided engaged

33. forced determined nourished mourned
34. inflammable skeptical infectious intensive
35. astute dubious suspicious aware

B. Synonyms

Directions: Choosethe alternativethat best keeps t h e m e a n i n go f t h e u n d e r l i n e d

word or phrase.

36. Rice first cultivatedin India 5,000years ago, becamesuch a staple

that one word for it in Sanskrittranslatesas "sustainer of the human

1 . an enormity 3. a necessity
2 . a stance 4. a constraint

37. Sharks play a vital role in the balanceof ocean life. Yet fishermen, mainly
in Asian waters,hack off the fins and throw the sharks back to die.

1. chop 3. drain
2. convert 4. transform

38. It is thought-provokingto realisethat Burmeseexpectationsof democracy

governancemay be elevatedin the next decade.

1. exaggerating 3. increasing
2. congratulating 4. manipulating

39. S i n c et h e d e m i s eo f t h e S o v i e te m p i r ei n 1 9 9 1 ,C h i n a ,J a p a na n d l s l a m
have been the butt of a chorus of criticism from leadingU.S.politicians
and media.

1. donor 3. altitude
2. response 4. targef-

40. Democracy is a worthy goal, but the hard truth is that it takes root best in
placeswhere the economy is alreadyflourishing.

1. demolishing 3. timorous rr'i z

2. prosperous 4. stagnant

41. lf money were the only measure,Japan should wield great influencein
the U.N.Japan has been askedto contributeabout 12.4%of the regular
budget of the UN. i,,"-.,.,; f1i

1. defend 3. possess
2. suffice 4. support

42. .Thetrend for foreigners' shift to the service business is going to

acceteratein the coming years as Thailand lowers its myriad barriers to
foreign wholesale and retail networks.

1. abundant ': 3. crucial

2. serious 4. original
- t0 -

43. A n o i l t a n k e rr a n a g r o u n di n A l a s k aa f e w y e a r sa g o , c a u s i n ga n o i r s p i l l
for over a hundredmiles and raisingfears of ecologicaldisasterfor the

1. spur 3. er uption
2 . d i sch a rg e 4. epidemic

44. RelationsbetweenChina and Taiwan have worsenedthis year. This

obstructs a law pavingthe way for the islandto further expand economic
a n d p o l i t i c a lt i e s w i t h t h e m a i n l a n d .

tr.prohibiting 3. hampering
2 . a l l e vi a ti n g 4. clearing

45. Each year, numerousconsumersinadvertentlyoverdoseon drugs or take

inappropriate m e d i c i n e so r e v e n d r u g s h a z a r d o u st o t h e i r b o d i l y m a k e - u p
b e c a u s et h e y r e l y o n b u y i n g b y t r a d e n a m e .

1. accidentally 3. reluctantly
2. increasingly 4. willingly

46. Many people unruittln.qlyallow pressure on their neryous system, and

supportingstructures,to accumulateto the point of physical or

1. unwisely 3. seemingly
2. unintentionally 4. incompatibly

47. T h e u n i t e d s t a t e s h a s b e e n b u i l t u p b y p e o p l eo f v a r i o u sn a t i o n a l i t i e s .
T h e i rf a m i l yn a m e sm i g h t r e v e a ls o m e t h i n ga b o u t t h e d i v e r s i t yo f n a t i o n a l
backgrounds they represent.

1. conceal 3. foretell
2. explain 4. disclose

48. The operationdestroyedhis spinal tumour thereby averting paralysisthat

almost certainlywould have resultedfrom conventionalsurgery.

1. aggravating 3. causing
2. avoiding 4. alarming

49. Becausewe can offer a potent dose safely, w€ can expect to limit the
treatmenttime to one or two out-patientvisits.

1. huge 3. normal
2. minute 4. powerful
- 1I -

50. The Russia-NorthKorea treaty may be renewedautomaticallyevery five

years unless either party wants to reviseor abroga-t-e

1. prolong 3. cancel
2. subscribe 4. resume

noun z ntflT{Yl

A. Cloze
fltdn tuuo.1?'.l.:

d s I i i tr | 4s 9
ruo ?t1 I nu d: tJfl 0 {lt: 0.111?lu{ fl a 1?0.: t : n 0 ? u

nudrurudo.:0rnfuil:yynuorHr: { usiti.rhifi
q ' o a ra ii d ar ra i
tnn tY{ :r uu:} J10r 11[?l ]J l v dtJ
9 t ? t a f l r ru u 0 u d 1 ? t:u u :rJl i l rrna0:llr HUtvdlJltfiuft?:03u:
A3 tq tA v d Y ctt | | t) qrt i
tsttnnvnu tTu r y' ]1u1010910.:
l J 0 { l I r n a 0 :1 u 0 q n u !5 l J1 0 rl J0' :ilni{ r u110s910.l tsttfla 0:

ufir : ou 1 ti"rlotrav'lnnaoorouoiu rvoir.r 1
o'h riufiovavdlJnluluru^r

26. eroil{o I optimum - <6 ttfilJlvdllliqn)

27. sroudo 3 expends - 11f,ti'ldrul

28. floudo 4 However - todxl:fierrl)

29. gtou{o I excess - trfiu)

30. elou{o 3 deposited - (dsdlJ)

31. n o u {o 2 co n s istently- fodr { adr tdilo)

I q r i .i ' dr I
ru o fi 1 t 9tudl u x 0.l[: 0.111d 0.1n a 110.1t : fi t: 0 u

rflunarunrufiuflrrrrd'rfiI : nriourflul: nfirjraff.rnd'rfiqa1: av :-': 1n: finru

j j,- a q ea e 9 4? a
A4 * 4 S -s l-
lnUontuUn ltIJr lflFr :Ji:11' :il:fl 91
f r r i l ul : nu o vn o tU l i l u U n fl n ytult{ tnuttoilti{ nU

araurfikincirr fi.rnufirfluJ: nrioufiqndunlfiornd{nilbi'oqjoci'r'traa,rE

er, .n; 1ilfi1n:
ou'ln$nun o{ I o.ltt?v 0u n?1il?n[11t3nlu

t: n[: outUu t: nmnnnot: o: { triqornrinrnEundr nrul nunl : dilridvrr.:n'r n ri.r
q -s t 9q * io ,J s j yi a, i
nu turYUU
tu:'liliOn t:fiu9t rrglvt?
tantil.:ltrJoiln.fl. lgTg nio flt. AmarHansen
rril r tlil 1uof,.,it oi'r,r oi frofo rf;orinrn:'riunu1{I : nri ouI oirrirl

32. ctou{o 2 afflicted tnnl:nl

33. nourTo I forced (qnrilrYu;
34. nourTo3 infections ffrersiol
35. noudo 4 aware (ytrtu'jlfi)

B. ririifinarumusrmruoouffu
fudi rao
onr{rnoufifinr rrunrur,,r
ln drdo{ 6'urirui o':6fii nrd'uldurnfi an

36. rTrrfirJant'unirtr:nlurJ:vurqdu16uru"o
,it a
0u n: 3yt'lufi?1u},tlJ'lutuR1u1flu dnqn?1 "4ert: I i nu trter{u !ruu u u,'
-.q v | --go e 4v d J

I. N?lUUIfiW1: 3. n:ru,ilrrflu
z. lndu 4. rio,firtin
nlnouYrqnnox0 3
37. rJarqarufluflurytdrrTrgrion'rrruauqndro.:f;inlururaryvr:
il?il:vu.l Inutqilrslunsrrirurirrorvriilrorfiold'lcicirfirrrornEurJarrrdrlu
d":rJ a.rmsrarrayil rioul#nru
ar onrl vrj.r
l. du (eret) 3. :yu'lu
2. njfiuu 4. nJdaugrJ
f l l n o l rY l Qfl n ox0 I

38. rflufirjrn'nlufiuihir.rnrlr
l. nlrlxnrnufl?'lu0:{ 3. tilultu
2. nlslrdn{nrru0'u6 4. n.l:f,nn1:
fl'lnolrTlQRRo {0 3

3s. sl.rrrsiaunrnlryfiusr\driuaarurfiofl n.a.tggt rJ:vrms6u firlu navnciruil:srvra

6anrru'ldnarurflurflrt oI nr: i vtrni t r: sirloI rinnr: tu'o{ rtavdoI o':oruifiu
l. p.ru50'ln 3. fi?]uq.t

2 . n ]:9 l 0 U d u 0 { 4. uJr
nrnoumQnoo10 4

40. uovrfie'fru'[6'
rJ: yrrfi rJlsrorfluulrmurufi{rurirusilunrrurfluoir udtrJ: vmt^rJln

tail 1vluil : v tYlfllI tfl: u gnontta?

t I
l. :000u 3. lXn'l9l
;' ;" 'lnrilauuttila{/n{11

2. U{n.l 4.
"i49 clo2

yqte-..4-. i d ' J'1 '

.d' '--:-.'^rufn'lU
drl.frrlurilutnio.liotfru{il:ynr:tdu': 0YlIv{a
ar il : vvr6sr euil : yrrno^ld'toio.rl#firluuiornriurJ
: vu101 12-4vo nol
:'rl3uw il : r lJtotfl u il : sryrtrgt^
l. rlo.:fiu 3. fi
z. tfiuluo 4- ariuarlu
irqoldonfio rlo :


42. rrurJdlrosyreir{il:yrvrnfioyri'uhJrirq:
rniodrtlt oI rrrqix il : Yttls
t. ururil:vnr: 3. tird'q
v e J e-.
2. drlid/fmtt:.1 4. 9l{tfilJ

xo 1

ia J-*v &; 4{ --4r, o-q-83--i-,*-e^ri -1-

43. n1:frrio1J::11nU]lJu 2-3iln0u YlliHlnnulillll_ullnru
d* | Y q d o q 9a I d
lr uattnr mr[utfl9r fr ?1]..,s1:vfiuflFl0fl];qEl dF J l l l :
my[n ti l u Iru l u t]:yu yfl?r 50u
a 6.6t 4

ut?flu tutlgllr
i i1 f.iru!9;.3,
I $il"l.fllqtl ,' trrrauii.i:

r ! ".i' 4 i:.-,-- ,:
2. n1:1jao$11.r
f l r a o u Y l Qfi n Cto
I 2

a v I ' r:i q 14 I 4i t * <i I i ij

ililli lqr:r:uln:n lfll-rifi:r q.'l[1i1.1'e]Uf,T:f]fif,r]tr]f

d,d =
n4" :tvii;r:"":i'n"r.l;.j
:"Junrtrucf ;..ili:iil
a! q 'p1"1 Y , ti jr q * l e 4 s | 4
a;1Lilglll l?1iil"jlii i01:filu!:rf"i:l:lliY:3,;!i':'ili?ililsfrlii:,-:ilf
I 1{^'' 3. lei i':iqjecJ'l'l'i

-) ':-'.'i:I ,:t" iili'lii-it

., .j :: :,
-.i1, d
. t. , .
r:' ! t.-

| .ll ? eY 'iv::-r dlia, I

4 t] ' C9' 6
i,... i",'!1,11; rr. - : ,
l ; 1 4, ; - l J T L : : l ' ; ' :
r ! : : . . i i _ ! ; . 1 t
- 1 . I i , ! | - . , , I '--.'-

5t d :! I '' 6*
i.i tl l: I :.ri: : ': ,,,
i ::: i9* -,
,' ;";'Ll. I :- )

'.' o' i ii.ii,jr;

1 -r.:
l , * t , t - ,i 1 l : i i i, !: : : , ;! ' ; 1l . i I t

-al* ;' ,.1 !
.j iwLr?jlj ;i:iijrj'jl};ii,:?j ii

,"' -l '-fl t i ' ' ! : , - i i l , ' r ; r!tl !

fl or sru !gtgt tuFi.ric ri i1#l frernr : 16u il :ruvr{ 1'}I { nt€i[[;'lvri rt "lt 1d
s tt rJ.l o c 9la d tt J

i" odr{'hiqnrFr 3. firulJfiu?r
2. jpru"trupi.:11
= S Ll 19 q tl rtty
4 lAUtUq?Un',,J
f l l g r o u T q n n 0 r0 2

o a I Y i a ae
4't. urtJdflarl0{nu0tlJ:flud1u1:0lJofl
u I i e a v -t,,J-.,1g
Qilila{10{fiutHaluu t9l
0u l:utiroul.:rnu?nu

l. rjniJn 3. viruru
2. Otilru 4. rflnmu

I q o u I y 6t q o \leq! - 4-4-.^^--.Fl^.
48. tun:r qnauua{ 10' ltx' ltqr l tl' l[lJlHantau{ n1:tuu
n 1 :h t" tst'F l d 'tu 't:0 n td n r u051u
- I 4 a & ,---l-y- ..- I
oruu rn ry.:tn0u 0utnaI u 01nn1: p.l'l9l
I ttu u tf'l''l
1. 111t?lttua.l
3. rfluarrnqbi
2. ilAnlau{ 4. rirb?srnlo

| | a I l49ar J o
49. tuo.l0]fl[51 txlllU{ n:{ [9l u')
0u1{ iln0nRUr [nnu

d{ arur: nrir nuq'l#nu'h1uonr{r r:rfu nr: rirrjsrn9{fi i oao.rni.rfino

q rs
l. tilrutel 3. rjnfi
2. tnnu0u 4. fidruro
n t n o u v t q n n o1 0 4

-50. autdryrgr:yn'jr{far6ufiurnrudruu'o
r1n1 #rfl d'rvrnrlrulnrlrtlnfi.:'hido{nr:rrr{ltnioanrfin
l. u9rr'lal -t. unrnn a

z. uonfutfluarurfrn 4. t:u l?llJ
nlnoullqnno 1o 3

( 5 0p o i n t s )
P A R Tl l l : R E A D I N GC O M P R E H E N S I O N

D i r e c t i o n s : R e a de a c h p a s s a g ea s c a r e f u l l ya n d r a p i d l ya s y o u c a n . T h e n
c h o o s et h e b e s t a n s w e rf o r e a c h q u e s t i o n .

Passage 1

White or transparentplasticbottles litteringthe green forest, the beach or

u r b a n w a l k w a y s ,h a v e b e c o m ea c o m m o ns i g h t w h e r e v e ro n e g o e s i n T h a i l a n d .

It takes only a few minutesto consume a bottle of drinking water, but it

takes hundreds of years for the bottle to disintegrate.

The Boon Rawd Co. Ltd, which producedSingha,has begun to packageits

water products in plastic bottles. lt will be able to turn out 14,000plastic bottles
a n h o u r ,w h i l e N o r t hS t a r ,w h i c h p r o d u c e sP o l a r i s ,h a s f i v e m a c h i n e s ' c a p a b loef
p r o d u c i n g2 0 , 0 0 0p l a s t i cb o t t l e sa n h o u r . l f w e c o u n t a l l t h e f a c t o r i e sw h i c h
p r o d u c ed r i n k i n gw a t e r i n p l a s t i cb o t t l e s ,i t i s c l e a rt h a t t h e p l a s t i cb o t t l eg a r b a g e
w e p r o d u c ea n n u a l l yn u m b e r st h o u s a n d so f t o n n e s .

A l t h o u g ht h e p l a s t i cb o t t l e sm a y b e c o m p a t i b l ew i t h t h e n e e do f
c o n s u m e r s , t h e y g o a g a i n s tt h e s o c i a lt r e n d o f e n v i r o n m e n t acl o n s e r v a t i o n .
C o n s e q u e n t l ym, a n u f a c t u r e ro s f d r i n k i n gw a t e rs h o u l d a l s o b e c o n c e r n e da b o u t
t h e e n v i r o n m e n t ailm p a c to f p l a s t i cb o t t l e sa n d s h o u l dt a k e s o m e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y
b y b u y i n g t h e p l a s t i cb o t t l e sb a c k f o r r e u s eo r r e c y c l i n g .


1. Plastic Bottle Manufacturers

2. Great Demandfor DrinkingWater
3. Growing Mountainsof PlasticWaste
4. Plastic Bottle Conservation

52. The main purpose of this passageis _.

1. to comparetotal numbersof plastic bottles produced by large

2. to show concern about environmentsbeing spoiled by plastic bottles
3. to predict the future of drinking water products in Thailand
4. to discreditplastic containersmanufacturers

' d i s i n t e g r a t e( 'l i n e 4 ) m e a n s
53. The word

1. put out of positions 3. send away for service

2. move from placeto place 4. break up into small pieces

54. The writer of this passagemay agreewith the following statements


1 . P l a s t i cm a n u f a c t u r e r s h o u l d i n c r e a s et h e i r p r o d u c t st o m e e t
c o n s um e r s ' n e e d s .
2" Plasticcontainershave destroyedsome naturaltourist attractions.
3. Thousandsof plastic bottles are producedevery year.
4 . E a c h p l a s t i cb o t t l es h s u l d b e b o u g h t b a c k f o r r e c y c l i n g .

55. lt can be inferredfrom the passagethat

1 . m a n u f a c t u r e r s h o u l d s t o p p r o d u c i n gp l a s t i cc o n t a i n e r sa s s o o n a s
2 . t h e s i t u a t i o nc f p i a s t i cp r o d u c t i o ni n T h a i l a n di s n o l o n g e rc r i t i c a l
i . T h a i s r : c i e t i irs s t i l l u n a b l et o h a n d l et h e p l a s t i cg a r b a g ei t h a s
4" plastic $otties are more popuiarthan glass bottles becausethey are
e a s r e rt o r e u s e

P a s s a g e2

Do you find yoursell dizzy,head aching,coughing and sneezingfor no

reason,with stinging red-eyesand permanentflu-like symptoms? You may be
s u f f e r i n gf r o m " S i c k B u i l d i n gS y n d r o m e " .- w h o s e d e s i g n ,a n d f u r n i s h i n g s ,
a c t u a l l yi n c r e a s ea n d t r a p a i r p o l l u t a n t s l,e a v i n gw o r k e r sa n d r e s i d e n t su n h e a l t h y ,
stressed-outand permanentlytired through breathingoxygen depletedair.

Even the floor can pollutethe air you breathe. An office block in
W a s h i n g t o nD . C .i n s t a l l e da n e w c a r p e t . W i t h i n m o n t h s 2 0 e m p l o y e e sw e r e s o i l l ,
they had to quit their jobs and other workers threatenedindustrial action unless
t h e c a r p e tw a s r e m o v e d .T h e e m p l o y e re v e n t u a l l ya g r e e d ,b u t w a s p u b l i c l y
e m b a r r a s s e d- t h e o f f i c eb u i l d i n gb e l o n g e dt o t h e g o v e r n m e n t ' sE n v i r o n m e n t a l

The E.P.A.(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)estimatesthat 30% of new

a n d r e m o d e l e dc o m m e r c i a b l u i l d i n g sa r e " s i c k " , a n d t h a t 2 0 % o f U . S .w h i t e - c o l l a r
workers suffer symptoms relatedto poor air quality. The most disturbing fact is
t h a t t h e l e v e l so f p o l l u t a n t si n s o m e b u i l d i n g sa r e 1 0 0t i m e s g r e a t e r t h a n
outdoors, and peak time - during the repaintingof an office, for intance - levels
can be 1,000times greater!

- t9 -

56. We can concludefrom the passagethat

1. "Sick Building Syndrome"can causevarious ailments resultingfrom

i n d o o ra i r p o l l u t i o n
2. becauseof the depletionof air in the streets,"Sick Building
Syndrome"is an illnesswhich occurs outdoors
3. "Sick Building Syndrome"describesbuildingswhich are not good
residencesdue to air pollution
4. people suffer from "Sick BuildingSyndrr:r*.: lr+**r.rsethey ai'*
exposedto damagedbuilding materials"

57. An employerin WashingtonD"G.felt ashamedbecause

1. even the E.P.A.'sbuildingwas affectedby indoor pollution

2. innocentemployeeswere contaminatedby industrialpollutants
3. workers were fired althoughthey did nothingwrong
4. the employer was threatened by E.P.A.'sworkers to remove a
new carpet

58. Which informationis inaccurate?

1. Pollutionindoors can be at a more dangerouslevel than pollution

2. The amount of pollutantsindoors is often greaterthan the amount
of pollutantsoutdoors.
3. The most dangeroustime for you to stay indoors is when they are
repainting you r office.
4. The E.P.A.believesthat 30% of all buildingsnowadaysare polluted.

59. The phrase "white collar workers" mentionedin the passage refers to

1. workers who are sick from their work environment

2. people who work in office buildings
3. environmentalistswhose job concernspollution
4. manual laborers who work outdoors in polluted areas

60. We can infer from the passagethat all the following are ways to avoid
"Sick Building Syndrome" EXCEPT

1. testing new building for toxins before leasing

2. purchasing an air purifier to support the ventilation system
3. not repairing damaged furniture and building materials
4. not using suspect building materialsand furnishings

Passage 3

Many studies of the habits of tigers and leopardshave been made in

Africa, lsrael and Nepalbut not many in SoutheastAsia especiallyThailandwhere
they have been consideredan endangeredspeciesfor the past decade. Dr. Alan
Rabinowitz,an American researcherfrom NewYork ZoologicalSociety,decided
to launch a project to study the ecologicaland behavioralrelationshipbetween
the two species in Huai KhakhaengWildlifeSanctuary,which is the largestand
most pristineforest remainingin Thailand.

For his study three leopardswere capturedand radio collared between

June 1987and March 1989and two additionalleopardsand a tiger were followed
by their spoor. His two year long study indicatesthat: "Male leopardshad slightly
overfapping home rangesol27-37 kilometers,while females had rangesof
11-17kilometers. The residenttiger rangedover an area of 33 kilometers.

Evidenceof the animals'movementswas provided in the form of Scrapes

(scratcheson tree trunks),which were observedmost frequentlyduring the rainy
season along roads and trails in the areaswhere the ranges of all five big cats
overlapped. The major prey of the tigers and leopardswas barking deer,although
wild boars, samba deer, porcupines,and hog badgerswere importantsecondary
prey for both species. Primates,the second most frequentlyencounteredprey in
leopardfaeceswere not often found in tiger faeces. Populationdensitieswere
estimatedat one tiger per 100 kilometersand one leopardper 2.5 kilometers."

His project came up with some interestingnew information. Previous

studies had indicatedthat tigers and leopardsdo not usually co-exist
harmoniouslybut Dr. Rabinowitzdiscoveredthat "resident leopardsin the study
area did not show the usual subservientbehaviortowards tigers in other study
areas and is probablydue to the low use of his study areasthereby making social
dominanceunnecessaryin the relativelyinfrequentleopard-tigerinteractions.

Also competitionfor food was not as intense. Leopardshave a more

diverse appetiteand are happy enough with smallerprey animals,taking anything
down to lizards and rodents whereas tigers are known to prefer large ungulates
(hoofed,herbivorousquadrupeds)as prey. The availabilityof ungulatesin the
study area was limited. From this we can concludethat a reduction in tiger
density is correlatedto a reductionin the ungulatepopulation.

61. The best litle for the passageis

1. Forms of Big Cat Movements

2. Results of Big Cat Tracking
3. Search for Big Cat Interactions
4. Study of Big Gat Hunting

62. The main idea is that the

1. behaviorof tigers and leopardsare relativelysimilar

2. characteristicsof tigers and leopardscan be closelytracked
3. interactionsof tigers with leopardsare mostly discoverable
4. diets of tigers and leopardsare mutuallyexclusive

63. Which of the following statementsis true accordingto the passage?

1. In the forests of Thailandthe residentialareasof tigers ranged

wider than any other big cat.
2. In the forests of Thailand,ratios of male and female leopardsand
male and femaletigers overlappedextensively.
3. Fewerresidenttigers inhabitedthe forest of Thailandthan leopards.
4. Residentleopardsin the forest of Thailandbehavedless subtlely
than tigers.

64. The phrase" came up with" (!ine21) would best be replacedby

1. expressed 3. acquired
2. recovered 4. revealed

65. The author'smain purposein the passageis to

1. debateformer behavioralstudiesof tigers and leopards

2. presentresearchon the behaviorof tigers and leopards
3. analyzerecentdiscoveriesof tigers' and leopards'behavior
4. study the relationshipbetweentigers' and leopards'behavior


Peoplewho live in cities use all sorts of sprays and potions to repel that
most unwantedguest,the cockroach,and urban environmentalistsare beginning
to worry about the long-term effects of all these poisons in the kitchen. Now
EcoScienceCorp. of Worcester, Massachusetts, has producedthe world's first
naturalroach killer. Insteadof chemicals,the BengalRoachChamberuses a
f u n g u s f a t a l t o r o a c h e s c, a l l e dM e t a r h i z i u m
a n i s o p l i a ew, h i c h i s f o u n d i n s o i l
throughoutthe world. When roachesenterthe chamber,they pick up the fungus.
When they take it back to their nests,it infectsothers. Unlikea chemicaltrap, the
Bengal chamber requires that infected roaches only be touched not eaten, by
others for the fungus to be passedalong. The fungus is harmlessto humans,
pets and plants,so chamberscan be placedanywhere.

66. This passage suggests a new method for

1. controllingfungus sPread
2. treating a new infection
3. modernizingthe kitchen
4. killing cockroaches
5;. lt may be concludedthat rnost chernicaltraps work when the content

1. swallowed ct" inhaled

?. injected 4. touched

fi8. All of the following statementsabout Metarhiziumanisophiaeis

correct EXCEPT

1. i t i s a n o r g a n i cm a t t e r
3. it is safe for pets and olants
3. !t is extremelyharmfulto roaches
4. i t i s c o m m o n l yf o u n d i n t h e k i t c h e n

dg. E c o S c i e n c eC o r p i s _
' 1 . a r e s e a r c h: n s t i t u t eo n
2 . a n a c t i v ee n v i r o n m e n t agl r o u p
3 " a m a n u f a c t u r eor f B e n g a lc h a m b e r s
4 . a s o i e d i s t r i b r : t oor f M e t a r h i z i u m


"i. i n t r o d u e ea p r " o d u c t
?. e:'itic;;*-' ,;se st chemicalsprays
3. p u b i :: : i : i n e n v i r o n m e n t apl r o j e c t
4. persu;,<*e peopleto return to nature


1. ealrn 3 . b r i n ga b o u t
2. drown 4.. drive away
The word "others" iline 9) refersto

1. nests 3. fungi
2. traps 4.. roaches

!1'sbeen one of the great Euestsof 2Oth-century medicine:a cure for
;besitv in nnice,Ever since the discoveryof a nnutantstrain of mice which weigh
**arly twice as q:ruchas normal.scientistshave been looking for ways to help
i.*ernreduce.W!ll pouieralone dicin'twork. $ince mpcedon't have any, which is
:,.':ei'easonthey neideal{or studyrnghuman benavior.A repcrt in Scieneereveals
that a syntheslzed versionof a slaturalproteincausedobese mice to lose up to
a:i ounce of ugly fat in just sne rnonth--withoutdiets, boring exerciseor
i.rnpleasantside effects.

To be fair, maybeth* fat wasn't reallyug!y--on mice, in faet, it's actually

kind of cute. But not many peoplewant to weigh twice the average,and for tl"lem
this was also good news--amajor breakthroughin the field of obesity.This is
becausethe "Ob protein" injectedinto the rnieeis very similar to a proteinfar.rnd
in humans. lt is a great leap fronl mice to rnanbecausethe gene that encodesthe
protein !n the mouse is abeut 92 percentthe same as that in humans.

[f ii lives up to its prornise,Ob proteinrnay be the first miracledrug in the

fieid of weiEht mice produceOb protein tn their bedy fat, and at a
certain level it triggersthe same responseseen in hclffianswhen they have
trouble buttoning their jeans: they eat iess and nurr:rrsu*,,:j riiilr*. in this w&-J"r.&rJh
of us might be set to maintaina particularpereentageof body fat" The ohese
mice, who cannot make Gb protein naturally,showed the most drarnatic
response;even their body ternperatureswent up, indicatingthey were burning
more caloriesat rest"But nornnalmice also lost body fat when injectedwith Ob
protein,and so did thsse who had been adlficiallyfattenedon a high-tatdiet. lt is
easy to see how this effect couid help peoplewho can't lose weight no matter
how many boxes of fai-free$nack Well's eookiesthey eat.

However,Ob proteinstill has some obvious problems: it must be given

regularlyby injeetion,and in nri*e,at least,the effectswore of"fwher:the
treatnnentstopped.I-lumantrials rnay begin next year, probablyon peoplewith "
$?A&ld obesity"--thoseweighing two or three tirnes their ideal weight--but a
enarketableproduct is at least five to seven years off.

73. The genetiesirnilaritiesbetweenOb proteinused ir'lthe ir"e*ta'nent

obese miee and a protelnfound in huniansg[ves s*i*niist.c.:;onethat
0b protein rnight'beused ta_
'tr"eure obesltv*in humans as effectivelyas in rnice
2. i"eplacethe signilarprateinfound in the human body
3. boost will pow*n ir-r*bese
who are desperateto lose weigitt
-$.hefipthe hunranb*dy t<:preidueesirnilargenes as those founri in mice

i+. It !s imBleariist tne third paragra,*htl'rat tl'r* vray I'rurnansa"naintaici

l*veil of body fat is a{r:3 m e eh a n i s n : .

i. rapid ii. natura8

!. c*rnp3ex 4. r,c;x*sual

:5, {sh ps,*fe:**ar r'r*ii,r*!:*s* 'rcti*:+

i* il.:* r've*ig5ht

tr.ih*:"nleewiE$ h*v* nrcre r*st ameithe* bu*"nrnt:r* eai*ries

2" the rnieewiiShecon*snr".]rsrespsr::iivet* the burn*d eaiorics
prCIcessin their [-'od1i
3. the proteir':aetiveiesthe exi*r'i*-"*urm!mg
4. the protein sustains ealorie level and temperatureof their boely

fv ' l n p
76. lt can be inferredfrom the last paragraphthat regularinjectionof Ob
p r o t e i ni s r e q u i r e d ;o t h e r w i s e_, . robots ts t:
1. t h e m i c ew i l l g a i nw e i g h ta g a i n pc,int' nne-n
2. the treatmenw t ill be terminated comtrad
3. the side effects of the treatmentwill result ig6f
4. the effectsof Ob proteinon the mice will be more obvious ELJ'i'1€0s
Ir-.< Em'rtl
77. The word "morbid" (line 29) can be best replacedby

1. prevailing 3. startling ilGS

2. existing 4. ailing $ffi
78. The word "triggers" (line 17) can be best replacedby a#lF
1. shows 3. affects srcf
2. delays 4. starts W

79. The peoplewho seem to gain the least benefitfrom the discovery of Ob fl-
protein are those who ---.

1, find it difficult to changetheir eating habits

2. control their calorie intakewith a strong determination
3. suffer from the side effectsof other weight control drugs
4. want to lose weight with little time to sparefor exercising

80. The most appropriatetitle for the above article is

1. A Never-EndinF g i g h tA g a i n s tO b e s i t y
2. Ob Protein:A PotentialFat-Fighter 9-
3. Mouse Proteinas a Cure for Obesity
4. New Drug for Obesity Readyfor Launch


Japan's lifetimeemploymentsystem offers a host of advantages,many of

which are not widely recognizedin the West, and only one clear disadvantage--the
fact that employers cannot cut labor costs as fast as their Westerncounterparts
w h e n d e m a n dt u r n s d o w n .

ConsiderJ apanese corporations'well-deservedreputationfor the speed

with which they introduce productivity-enhancement new technologies.A big
reason is that since Japaneseworkers enjoy lifetimejob guarantees,they see no
downside risk in helping employersimprove productivity.In fact, they embrace
new technologybecausethey know it will enhancetheir company'sfuture and
theirown jobs'

One notable example: automation.Japaneseworkers are delightedfor

robots to take over dirty, dangerous,and repetitivejobs such as pressing and
painting.These machinesare often treatedas part of the corporationfamily, to the
point where they are named after favorite female singers and movie stars. By
contrast, Americanworkers are naturaHysuspicious of such new labor-saving
technology becausethey know from experiencethat U.S.employers often use it to
cut jobs. lt is not surprising,then, that with only half America'swork force, Japan
has three times as many robots in operation.

lf a corporationis to innovate,it must also train its workers to handle ever

more sophisticatedtasks. Here again the Japaneselabor system provides a vital
advantagebecausecompaniescan undertakeexpensivetraining programs
confidentthat their enterprisewill reap the rewards.By contrast,American
e m p l o y e r si n c r e a s i n g l yc o n s i d e r t r a i n i n ga d u b i o u si n v e s t m e n t, s i n c e i n t h e U . S .
system trained workers are free to take their skills to rival employers. A recent
survey found that U.S. corporationsare only one-seventh as likely as their
Japanese counterpartsto provide new recruitswith formal training.

81. T h i s a r t i c l ei s p r i m a r i l y c o n c e r n e dw i t h

1 . w h y J a p a n 's l i f e t i m ee m p l o y m e n ts y s t e mi s n o t w i d e l y r e c o g n i z e di n
the West
2. how Japanesecompaniesreap the benefitsof their lifetime employment
3. how Japan's lifetimeemploymentsystem affectsthe economy in the
4. why the lifetimeemploymentsystem carried out in the West is not as
s u c c e s s f u la s t h a t i n J a p a n

82. We can infer from the first paragraphthat western companies reducetheir
labor costs by _.

1 . w o r k i n g o u t a n a l t e r n a t i v es y s t e m
2 . c u t t i n g b a c k t h e c o m p a n i e s e' x p e n d i t u r e
3. laying off their surplus workers
4 . t u r n i n g d o w n t h e i r w o r k e r s 'd e m a n d

83. Japaneseworkers and Americanworkers react differentlyto new

labor-savingtechnologybecauseof the differencein their

1. views on their company's prospects

2. perceptionof the impact of the new technology
3. backgroundknowledgeof high technology machines
4. managementpracticeconcerningproductivityenhancement

84. Accordingto the article,the !mprovementin .,!apanese

productivityis the result of

1. workers' refusalto do dirty, dangerousand repetitivejobs

2. workers' willingnessto makefull use of new productiontechnology
3. the managementsystem that guaranteesworkers lifetimejob
4. the managementsystem in which all workers are treatedas part of
the corporationfamily

85. Accordingto the last paragraph,many American companies

1 . f e e l r e l u c t a n tt o s p e n d m u c h m o n e yo n p e r s o n n e tl r a i n i n g
2 . c o n s i d e rp e r s o n n e tl r a i n i n ge s s e n t i aol n l y f o r n e w e m p l o y e e s
3. invest a large sum of money in training programsfor new recruits
4. encouragetheir workers to employtheir trained skills to beat their rivals

86. We can concludefrom the articlethat Japan' s lifetimeemployment

s y s t e mi s r e s p o n s i b l ef o r

1. the increaseof job mobility in Japan

2 . a s l o w d o w ni n b u s i n e s sc o m p e t i t i o n
3 . t h e h i g h u n e m p l o y m e nrt a t ei n J a p a n
4 . a s e n s eo f l o y a l t ya m o n gJ a p a n e s ew o r k e r s

P a s s a g e7

AdvancedInfo ServiceCo (AlS)has more than halved its digital-phone

s a l e st a r g e tt h i s y e a r .

Salesof digital GSM 900s in the first quarterof this year have promptedthe
c o m p a n yt o l o w e r i t s a n n u a lt a r g e tf r o m 1 5 0 , 0 0 0t o 7 0 , 0 0 0p h o n e s .

AIS presidentSomprasongBoonyachaisaid the company had to reset its

s a l e st a r g e tf o r d i g i t a lG S M ( G l o b a lS y s t e mf o r M o b i l eC o m m u n i c a t i o n9) 0 0
c e l l u l a rp h o n e sb e c a u s es t u d i e ss h o w e dc u s t o m e r sw e r e n o t s a t i s f i e dw i t h t h e
s e r v i c e ,i n p a r t i c u l a ri t s f a i l u r et o o p e r a t en a t i o n w i d e .

The cut was not a marketingfailure,he said, but was an "adjustmentto the
m a r k e ts i t u a t i o n " .

The company has no intentionto reduceits budget for network expansion.

The company hopes to completethe expansionthis year, enablingit to

serve 40 provinces. lt hopes to be able to offer full nationwidecoveragenext
year. ln remoteareas,where the need for contactsthrough cellular phones is
small,the company sees no reasonto establishGSM networks becausethe
presentservicewill suffice.

87. The main purpose of the passageis to report on AdvancedInfo Service


1. targetmarket 3. sales performance

2. marketingmix 4. management improvement

S*. Accordingto the passage,GSM 900s are not so popular becausethey are
not satisfyingin terms of

1. appearance 3. price
2. coverage 4. size

89. The passageimpliesthat a company'smarketingstrategiespartly

depend on

1. knowledgeabout its competitors

2. its customers'income
3. the budget available
4. its previoussales

90. Paragraph6 mainly presentsthe company's

1. contacts 3. needs
2. plans 4. reasons

P a s s a g e9

The United States,with its 255 million people,is the second-largestmarket

in the world after the EuropeanCommunity. The country has spent over $487
billion on imports, more than $1.3billion per day, 365 days a year. However.this
vast market won't be easy to penetrate.

The wise exporterwill considersurveyingthe potentialbeforeeven

seeking prospectivebuyers. This is an additional,up-frontcost, but it can save
yoL!a great deal of time and money.

The experienceof a South African metal-formingcompany may be

instructive. The firm's managersknew that oil companiesin Texaswere using
the steel products they wished to sell. Thus, they establishedan office in a
Texas port city and began importingcontainersof their products.

lmmediatelythey learnedthat they were at a disadvantageon price

becausetheir competitorswere importingby the shiploadand they had only
containerloads. In addition,their productswere calibratedin metric
measurements,which the United States had not yet adopted.

Their main prospectsdid not do their purchasingin Texas ports; orders

were placed from headquaftersoften 1,000or 2,000miles away,and then only to
"approved vendors."To qualify for approval,they were requiredto fill out "a
telephonebook" of applicationforms. The South Africans,losing heart,packed
u p a n d r e t u r n e dh o m e e m p t y ' h a n d e d .

91. T h e a b o v ep a s s a g ei s p r i m a r i l ya b o u t
' ! . s p e c u l a t i n gi n t h e U n i t e dS t a t e s
2 . f i n d i n g b u y e r si n t h e U n i t e dS t a t e s
3 . i n v e s t i n gi n t h e E u r o p e a nC o m m u n i t y
4 . s u r v e y i n gm a r k e t si n t h e E u r o p e a nG o m m u n i t y

92. The underlinedstatementin the first paragraphrevealsthat it is not easy


1 . g e t c u s t o m e r si n t h e U n i t e dS t a t e s
2 . l i v e o n a l i t t l em o n e y i n t h e U n i t e dS t a t e s
3 " l a u n c ha b u s i n e s s! n t h e E u r o p e a nC o m m u n i t y
. 1 . c c m p e t ec o m m e r c i a t l wy i t h t h e E u r o p e a nC o m m u n i t y

93. W e l e a r nf r o r nt h e s e c o n dp a r a g r a p ht h a t c o n d u c t i n ga s u r v e yb e f o r e
s t a f t i n ca b u s i n e s s

f. i s t o o e x p e n s i v ea n d t i m e - c o n s u m i n g
2. i s p o s s i b l eb u t s o m e t i m e sv e r y w a s t e f u l
3. r e q u i r e sa d d i t i o n ael x p e n s e sb u t i s w o r t h w h i l e
4. r e q u i r e sa l o t o f t i m e , m o n e y ,a n d i s u n n e c e s s a r y

94. T h e w o r d ' p r o s p e c t i v e(' l i n e 6 ) c a n b e s t b e r e p l a c e db y

1. possible 3. experienced
2. profitable 4. competitive

95. T h e a c c o u n to f a S o u t hA f r i c a nc o m p a n yi s p r o v i d e di n t h e p a s s a g et o
show that they were

1 . q u a l i f i e dm a n a g e r s 3. expertcompetitors
2. approvedvendors 4. unwiseexpor ter s

96" T h e p a s s a g ei m p l i e st h a t

1. the South African metal-formingcompany is a merchandiserof oil

2. Texas is the only state where oil and steel-makingcompaniesare
3 . t h e E u r o p e a nG o m m u n i t yi s t h e l a r g e s ti n t e r n a t i o n am
l a r k e ti n t h e w o r l d
4 . m e t r i cm e a s u r e m e nits a v e r y o l d s y s t e m ,s o t h e U . S .d o e s n o t u s e i t

97. All of the following are factors in the failure of the South African firm

f. i m p o r t i n gb y s h i p l o a d s
2. importing by containerloads
3. calibrationof their products
4. receivingorders from headquarters

98. w e c a n i n f e rt h a t t h e a p p l i c a t i o nf o r m s w h i c h t h e c o m p a n yh a d t o

1. simple 3. numerical
2. bulky 4. comprehensible

99. The last paragraphsuggeststhat the South African company

1. f e l t s o p r o u d o f t h e i r s u c c e s si n t h e U . S .
2. was disqualifiedto stay in the U.S.
3. departedthe U.S.feeling discouraged
4. w a s a l l o w e dn o t e l e p h o n ec o m m u n i c a t i o n si n t h e U . S .

100. The organizationof the passagecan be categorizedas

1. fact-opinion 3. general-specific
2. cause-effect 4. comparison-contrasi


4t - , I d r/61
3 nttotutY{on?1ilt,f1lo
J-l/^ -g^-.o, 4 i - -., i q q o I I
of3til ]JtydlJl1dgtdt]1:Ufitnt]JtlFloylJo
[a o n9']ra0 n11n4

Passage 1
-- : ' d .a a rv ^^^i-s!.E-.-..^--.:--!- q j
! 1 1 n ? ]i l u n n l 'l cl ': 1 ? n i l n l dFr nll.lYltilulr { n]dfln1u
r r ny?{ ntdFtn' tawlqnT.:" [i
.-i^, q-.-'r-i.d ..+- 4 ,
u v- ra ," .i a q- 4 .i a
tnn0uflnln lu!llltlJU?ryqil 11Y]J1{l9r fi:0FntJllt':rflu [u[]J0.:lilun]n11rnu"lFtytr"til"iu

4s _ 4 9_+- -__
I dt6l adqy !'l rd d t9 q9
["ft?n]rilu5ou.l TJ"lunt:
nl:u: tflf,iulFllJ0lfll-l9tu
tlnuryt ttgtg{0.:
' .iqy : J
u 0 u d a t u fl?9 t1tsu
1 : :0 u -tu u
as y: ! a o zrnyl a -
u : u vl U i U :0^ o
!^tf^ _4^<r- A
01na ry{[U u t{zuanu19r } JgrlFtt:uU::qzuafln0JflutFlilto.tF
:1d.1fi "! tu
6r .6 =--- d a -A r4c, ^-,61 - llur r ar
6 - lur iuyyt
q j
l u l ' l n l \ n l d a n !:u 1 1 u fl l i l l :0 2 4 n1?qilnldnn ta 14,000lu I 1.1J.
A o J d {- g -y = i S .{ .t d - d at o u a
u : H 1 1 u 0 :rd fl l : ry.:[l Ju zu p""{n n ulgr lJ :Jtnt0{ dn:5 r nto{ tr nr nlnt:zuafl1r pl
'l! 'iurrnr
20.000 I s.rJ. ti'rt:rrTudruruJ:{.:rufip.ra'srur6ruu::0r?Fl
. ' .^ ^ . , :
ltn1fl9lfi n0vIHu l9lsglt0u?lljUvYttljulJ?ntlatdgtFtuuiltn[1JuurrunHarufuFtugloTJ
4 9tt Y I 6s vtlJ4 r r
0 . l t t l J l ' ] f l ' l a v i n l d f l n 0 l 0 0 v 9 1 0 U d U 0 { n ? t i l F t O . : n t : r O .i :nrni l"5l s i r i l u O U rd . :rFr ts l

61 lqia,j,o,'rto,
r l l 5 0 u l d t 0 n L z u n n : v 1 1 U 1 1 l j ? f l l l n l d g r f i t H a l u i l g t 0 d R T { r r ? n dt roat Jy n ? : 0 y r u n t u

: lJp{fl ryO
! tur: 0.tu I fl unt: : u ryofl ?ail nldn nyt lyrrn?nau illlTt0n I : ["f,f I

5 l. s0t:0.t lltlt tJlvdult dFrlJ
l. fir{anu'l9t}.JU::E1?Ftilntdnn
v la
2. fl ?txJ9t0
{ n1: u1ail

3. lJUyrtn1dfinfi

4 . n t:0 u :n H fl ? n i l a td n n
nlnoumQnflo10 3

q 4 - rl , 14 rq I r.-..1_._4Fl- j
n?ta0nl, 2, ltav4 tlJtYlj:vtfiumrilur'"lrurnutufrtylilu
_v_.r)_..y_^.^-4_-.9 4l

rirnou rn:rsf;orio.tto.tum
u{on':ru @hrase)
1 4y - . , e/ v 9 J..^-..A-..d-
:]ila?{- ?1
r9tyt -.-g-^t- -i 4
ut?1 unn?]iluu0vrilurto.tvrrnurtiufrfooopic/subject)
(Details)firflu supporting
- 31-

52. rU 1 1 4 }J'rU H A n l 0 .r UTn?lUUn0
at a ztY a q I a 149
: ]u l?liu c'ld1xJ15
4 td o
l. ril 0[1J aldgtnm4t{an
: uurvruu0lu?u11av{ 09.lan
i I q i - A 9 Ao - o l a
2. tY{0rrdn{n?]il14?.1
tu tnu'lnud.ltr?qa0ilYln]a.l0nil]alu
d I u a - /i A q
n fl Rfilcllu] grlJtuu : u tl] fl tylu
3. tvt0 fi 19tfi y tu 0 u 1nn I 0.19.r
4. tlI 0 0 fl n ? llJ u ttso CI0 lJ0'l 9.19{
{ a n RlTu 3 11a ldn n
nlnoun0nn0 no 2

-53. riljr 'disintegrate'

(u:5fi'flfi 4) ?1tJ1uo4.l

l . u a n 0 0 n 0 l fl sl 1 ttfiu{
2i e A f,rrr'.r j tr
2. rna0uutuornmilu.t
3. d.t tiltll0u:nt:

4. rrnnuunoonrfl
n l n o u n q n n o1 o 4
n 1 0 tu ]u tl Iu [9 tu
tUOTl01:Oll0lnU:UYl(Context) lJ0.1U11n'llut:0'lU

disinregrate nr:uijnnilrornl'lnilatder'nfiuavqrn
, i a iqY Y I V t!, I q ty'a ql
tuuuno tHtnnilruil'l9l
dutu rrnn]:y r: 0.rljuv0]ntJ?nnatdn 0
d y a J - 4 tt 4 d A .--,2t, y i- 4 -^d-^
to 4 0{ilfl?-rlJ?tlJlulld09rfia0{nutu0t:0ilulnmq9l
ti{rtrnaou 9t.tuuglltaon
q ii y 4q e qYt 14 |
ty{: 1 yi li l HrT l n u ? nuluvnn0n1:mlaluluv tl.lu0udalu

etd J d y v I l r r,r ri t)
54. r.l rl j U u u yl fi ? 'l 0 1 0 0utfiu9t?unuu:vtunn0tuu
l Ju unt?u
9 A 4 a 4 i -- A q tt
l. p.rruan o{n util0 gtouduo{n?lil910{ n15I 0il
r{arafl fln?: 0gtiluHanRucvtx
fl u 5 tR n
2. nlSU3ilnldnnTlA'l0tt?f

3. 1?Fr?rOldnnQnHAnO0nulHA 1 1 Ut U t U t t f l A U U
1l U
a q C - U r i o qeh -!
tUn?:Qnryona!tulil0n1:ulul t1 t141J
4. X?nilA1d9ln4n
nlnouYrQnno10 1


4t-,9-- .i'r - 4^ :
a 4
pilra-on2, 3 r[ne 4 riluxonl]illliln?lilfiulugl]lJtu014l0lflumn?lilu
, v j , Y A !,-..i ^
2 2
tJroln u0fiil]ll I ttAvuofiulYl 4 U55119lvl
, 9A
3 U l 0 l n u o ? l u ]l l 3
4 lJlt'ln UOfiUlYl4 U:v tunqnlllu
d ,y , J .iqtqY4--^ i-4--
ilrrsrdoI t14luu 14[u tniln?lu]l1J1u9ll]Jtuot:o':

ss. ornumn?1ufiarrur:naqilld"jr
t . l : l t r unr : oyfi qnHAnntsu vuatan^ nodrt: r orrfrfi qnrvirfi ovifluhJl d'
2. do1unI : 01nr: Hfisrfi uri'rnoraqr'nnir uri'ui nqsl^
nfi nurflu{ri ofi r'.r
3. d'.rnil'l vruti':'iriarr:r : nd'qn1: fi'ufluvvrarasr^
4. r ?flil ar danrflufi fi uruurnn'irr ?ertt#':rn: rvil r nd'ururt#1nri1d'.irun'ir
n" Jrznr vo u Y t Q n n1oo 3

fronr: a; il t rn
duiuflun'r: 6'.rrirorru1#{'rirdoaoul#fr'nuvl utdo'r Inference
rfiourfirJ: rn0'luilm n?lxJ
6'1a^on{o r. hi oroaqrJ1d''jrri'rfiuurduouuvhi'{HfrnnqnHfrnnrvuvil aI del- rl
rrsiuuyrit h{eiH nfildrtdl nd'u1:J
fisriu finI oud?unr: dot r nnarasr^

d o l4 lqt'fq I
1110u'ltu tT tlllJ
q 14 rl4Y
u 4 L
Z. luunnrru'[tr"[n:vt1'ltdotunt:iunt:p{anilnldslrlfl0.ltuo{
I a a u ll4 tl49r A- -14 I a -3..-Y-
lu,$x-nqn nluunsaqil-tru
nrlo+. luu nnrrthild'nri rl6w ?erttdr
Passage 2
: I d d rt A a o -J
u mn ? l i l u n a t? 00{ 1 n 1:t0uu?ur y{ r nn0lnun
nl?uRlu tu0]fil: 9t.l
u :-
yA d .t- | .l 14 14 r s er
u?9rfl:H3l0 rrav0lut9tufi'rdrrl-rE
tililil rrctuu.:u0]fl]:

4 .t 4 4 \\tJ v g 4 14 r o
[do{sn snr[Ft.r qilor0fird'{il:yau
u tl q a - J r dq e4 q o 6l ga d
i l u 0rn r:u ? u 0 u rn n 0 rR 9 t10]fi1:
r y{ n- t:00ntluLJr r avn' r :nnr r gt.ltuuu00u
tfinfl ytflnu
"ilafiu" 6{drhi'p'i,fiyir{rurrayeifiorfiootifiarnrnhi6
rrnvrnjruiliruror fior:unirniuel {uq

14 | 94 |A 4 aqs 6t i a yU
ru]arrnvfdnrruourilunoin : rn: ryr tu"[0rorornrf,fr
I rFtoonryro
y ,A
,* dv o j 61 a t'ttJ
1) e9 914 t4 I o
nu.:dTJ't:fiYlltr0tnlflTn0J?t]u t0tljl tutljuY{u t9t 140.1yt't.t]u
itl1.tltu'ltuua5fi10s.:9tuqry t
l?tlJlJutlnnlu tut?a1tunlfl0u nun.:'tu
jo J rr u e 4t o cr r/ o
"; 0]n{]u 0uruut{am1
,) tt o a y 9) 14 | i tt J u | 6r i I
1{ ]ntilr na0uuluvl:uu00n
9 t 0 {1 ? 1 0 v9 t][u u fl 1 :9 l ]UnAfiillu( Tl0.t:0.t) til luYr d9tul u0r 'r
do y 4 o o .l , rdg q o q o u
f l n tn 0 {u 0 l J(yr0 yY n g rl u n l|:un:0{ttnnn0.r
) til:' r v0r n1:fl0.:dl un':r u
' J< .. | a q J y u
" 10'l: dula
utljulJ o.: "14u?u.:tuYtllflHdR'tytil?na0ru
tt?t.t *rn,
d d | 4a / u l49r o
0 yt r0 (E.P.A.fiulu.:ru?Imn!dn1?1t[?n4oil) l9t1j:vutilJnl: t??1 011-t?1-r
a tA y 3 q | 4 | r o , J v c,q f,tn ,
t?f}J ?t:0!r0illllrtnflttgr.ttl.llJuu ]Jnovl1Ju0lfi1:11
1i0{01n1:il10Jsury{d:1.:lJu tilnn
q o 61 9/a ll -
[Hrnaolnt:rl?u rray 20vo ro.rrifirir.:ruludrrin.:ru'lurJ:vrvlflflH;f,

0 y a 0 . : 1 1 u y ! n l t n u ? n[u: n l t n v 0 ' l n l : 9 1 1 d
{ l q r { t n n 0 l n 0 l f l ] f l 1 1 E f u n 1 ti u
l 9lltutilun t0
i d4 | q q t J o i 4
f l q fl n n 0 ? t:3 9 t1 J1 0 {tJo[u0]n1:91].t6'
y{ u 100r vll r r av 0r l {l n
luur Julnfl?]R]uu0flnfl0.1
, i ri | | | d.q o- v y-. a d ; j'
4 , - 4
r i l us? ,1 1 1 rru 1tT ludlun{ ' lu :3au1o.llJaT{ un0100vl 1,1l J l J ul uu
1 du90tu :y1 { ?1{ nl:Ttd qq

d e dd

n.: 1000tYtlytt9tu?
tr4 Y d I
56. rsrd rl Jr:0 d E i l l a 0 l nt:0.1?1

r. "0rnr:rl?ud'urfi
srornornr: qn?ruriu
" dlur:orio1#rfr hid'uuio':
u a i l H R l U[ U 0 ' l n t :
lurio.rnuu otnt:il ?0dutfi
z. rn: rv'irrjiillollJO'rornrg#ouar
4 4 d r,rYd a d
0 ':riul n ? l i l r0 ut1r y{ tnnluR]ulJ0n01n1:

nornorn'l:" of;uruo'.:
3. "o'lflr: il ?udurfi d'tornr: d.r'hirfl
,, ,t Jq -- e J ,) rt a | |
4. p.tnugro.lyluytfllnu
" t}I:1u?]nutHaluugt0{
dut{fl nu ?dq n 0d : 1'ls.til Ea
n l no i l T Qn n o 1 0 I

, ,t O q a u ddt)4 q I
57. uruol{tu5!?0s{ailnry;dn0uo'lur}1:]y?1_______
d d q q)l
0 y{[0
. ..^q..-f^- I u a q s
t. rrlJrrgtOlfil:10.1 [uFt?oln]:
hi firir ulu nr: rioh{rfiauanr?yfidru
2. il fin{ ruryA.: rJr uryr: ruuafi u0rn

3. nrin.rruqn1cioonrni'jrrrr nrt r'hikiri rov1: ru^
. I S I q d d t 9 q r
4 . U tU o l {q n l n :: tryntn u i lufl.l- lu0 ?1r 0 ?loyr, n6i0ugr
A u I
u lil
n r n o u m Q n nxo0 I

y 6l or iiu | ,t - & A
- 5 8 . l J ovi l Atn tu ytutu d o q n a 0 {nutu0r to.:

I . ruan^unrulu d":or nr : orooqj1

u: v6'!d'usr: ruuI nn'jtuail^uRtuuonoI nI :
z. il?ilrnrto.tunfiuntu'luornr:finovurnn'iriliilrrur
fi unruuofl
- i- A ; rq d4 j do v r
0uFt:'tuTqnmr:10y0g luotnls flfl0r?atf mldtirun{ru-lilrJ
3. t?n111
d < i ^^ ^ J| 6l c.r v q
4 . 0 y{ ro r5 0 ? 't 3 O7 o1 J0,:01n1:l1.tfiuFr tuilotuur j:yduiliufir ur uan u
I d

-n t f l o u m C Ifl n o
10 4
oAAAY- q94y'
,AAUt Aaur6ll
f i 1 0 5 u ] u [? Iu tg l l JJo u ntu 1 0 4 tl jufl0Unytnatqr fln0u
lilor nr fo.r tFlu
n,{ :ty"ht- [v
:oq o

o.:or nI : i*'.:fi il a rrsirflu 30ZolJo.tor nr : a fi{ lH il


59. ?n "ilun{tunordorrl"fionnrir:n'.:1urie.:fuililtu0o{ q

l. yrrin{ rud{ d'urlr urn: tydRI trrr?od'oru'lunr: rir,:ru

2 . n u ry.:m1 {1tuuo l n l :d l u n{ tu
v v lA c/ j

3. unoU:nffi{rnndoild.:rir{rurfi
4. n::un:qr{T1.:'tu0gntuu0n0'tn'tt
n l n o u m Q n nnoo 2


60. r:rdrtJlToa:rJiflufiuornrio.r'ir

" o tn t:u ? u 0 u tu0 .l u 't0

tn0]ft1:" untlu
I. 149td0 U 141d.1yltlj UTtU tU0 ]n t: d:'1.:tHil n 0 U0UtUtn nu u
z. 0nryotn: 0.111
0 flo1n1fl[1,{
0 u1tJ15?utd:ilnu
tI r I A 4 u I y jo
3. tlJcr0il[n50.:t:0 uttaS?dnn0d5't{ytst:91 q q

l4 rq Yq 6l t y 4 t i t s I dq4 a
4. ( ?10yuilr yil1iln}1u)
l u tu l d E tu n l :n od:1.: ?f:0nt:9tflr r 9l{ ytuld{ du
nlnouTqnn0 fl0 3

Passage 3
u11n'lrilunal??1n 1: fin u lt n u? fl u 1^lft 9lfl : : u lJ0.1td 0 a ]u ylI n n a 0 u t ta v [d 0 9lI ?

cl a I q 4 r A 16l d a d 619
t u r r c t u 0 l i l : n 10 d : ] t 0 4 $avruiltCIuu!oqfinlusu

lu il : yr14
Jnurqil ryodr{o^{ rfludsr{
fl'lnu d.rrfluu?n nrfi rdoaruil l flnaoutraurdont?{'sr
a I q dt4 | @ q aq
i o v u J 4 o A ^
Dr. AIan Rabinowitzufl?0u
frntd{ailTtuli nt:dnut"[ur5o.tFt.:nar?nnuu-lil]Jtnun

q I 4 q q

ryl?o tlJ5n'uolndil 1nxJdgr':Tnoru ?uo j n Q'{ewYork ZoologrcalSociety) 0'lfl 9ldu t0yl

ae A a 4

od s 4 q u J q a a .J q a a | --4- &-^'^^
o v i r 5 t r] n : { nr:d n u tn ? tu d u ytu t [u tg.:unnuttavlutr luqnnt:il:vfi?1.ltdoYl.1d0.l
v 4 4 - q Jq Jtt 9) I d rl q '4 4
dtuyt'uli ol rllFld.:'luytuqdnliltf?ulrrlt{ ry.:liluilrllu'lFltHfumqq
a d dq d rq | -14
11u{ fi a{[?la 00q luil : v tll f, 111u
r : : lJs'rertJ]nmqq
'lunr:finurto.t ddAuzlQu
Dr. Rabinowitz (ryltttdo 6 9l'l) td09l1?dlxJn?Qn0uuldxxJ
, ! do Ur/ A e | 4 a dl d 4 d 'll
i l a o n n o f r s r F rrn S o .:d .rd i u E :u
ti u1"4?t{
ti taouilqutuu il 1989
il 1987 o.:t9l0uiJulnil
Jo 4 orJ^Y d ,i iq q g,-o?-.--tA .i q
Dr. Rabinowitz rylnut':nrutu6l.:d0.:il Y [f r?1u?1ou11td09l119l']tdolfluoqry.:03t]jao]Jflu
t r, !
270{ 37 n lntilet: lufloruncruvttaonl?et?tuuolfluoqtv0g
4 -as a ia q ' a
o u l l td o a l u i l l q n aouolfluoqovnuu:
t I 0 . r 1 7n t a rl JF r: ]t':at::fiJarugr:
- i , i a s I 4 ' : u c/cr | --.4--!-- d I
Iu n 6 ru 1Jo' :tdotHaluy{
r a n gru vtu .l s,:ct{n t: u ( :0u141?u
y Lry A t 1e , i q e I q ,r i<t ; -i A v. -.4^^y^y--|-.
entJetu '
[tJ) ry{y{u[9t!0u14d9ltu?tut9.luslrrJllr.:
s 4 tt o 149 | I rl q I
0urrayrdon1?l glrrnln{ [rn]r{il1 n?1.1
Hdnl o{[doolun'.|nna iuflun0nn (samba
deer) ruu rray€ron rflurnaodrd'cy:o.ralrurtirmfutfrovt'{ao':
v 4 d 4I u4 4o o A A i r a a 61 4 J -
- '- '-a lpruouttJuougrud0.l
dlu1\ufdnrorurnn{ry{rilutfiUoytuu nauilu
tuuaflo{tdo9ll?uu v

\^9Y 6r d o 4 J q Jd I s' I

- ' - 0tulutdot1.td0.tdtuilullJft11}J}4ulttuu
tutJat0iltdontuy{tflnaou q
v A a o A a i a s d'tun-um
4q61 Ad-a\4
or.:uno 100n latugr:ovUtd-on]u1119lfla0uI 9r? tlav lu?luYl2.5 n tatlJgl:ovtJ
4 q | | 4 J -.v..J-t - -.--lt-y--i+ i4-
t9l9l':un0 iltdo
rdoflll I 9t? n?tilfiutttuux0{il:yy]fl:td011.ld0.1d]uTluEu:vu-l0l
alu?I]flfln0u?lu(rgl?gto z.s frlarrusr:
100n tatlJgr:ttnvtfYogtl?14u.:glxgio
s - - at @ty 4I .- q-^-14-!-^.--q^ d
ln:qnt:to.l Dr. Rabinowitz tilflrilu t?tyt:lufr'1lJ0{atililYluldu t0 n]:flnu1
, ia I | 4 .{ I gJUttJqy<
9-14,1---- l4-!-.---!
9t't'r6l Ytuulfl0u1.1u]u tgruYlltuilnou t}Jil]oq
o da u a a t t 4 d q rq a d 4
luntnu':nu[[uudufi ttgr Dr. Rabinowitz ]t|u?t tdo9n?il0lflu09tuu:tl0tyltljlflflul
rn rr4y a A1,4 4 tt | 4 - A a A ia q
tlJ l9lttd9l.lllqnn::ilYttuu:0.:14:0noun?1td00'tuil]qfln0u 9t.tYtlIutuu:t?fil0u 6"1llu
4 r4y dt ,q 4 J: X;Y a ut4 oqy
tu 0.lYl]tl'l
-37 -

<t :l rcr I d J 4 I itt,o < q raq a J I d 4

fi?rlJruu tHrutu4.:tdouu ruudilYrtlJolrlj u tunl: ila dil?1u5:y 11?]irrdoo1?
o l u Yl l q n n0u 1 1 L 0
n u fl 1 .1 u o u
dr,irdqr dadY4d
u 0n0tn ufl 1:9t0dt?I0ttu.l0]?tt: n tu: ut[:.1 td0 9r1?u.l
n 1]il

q q A ;4 v JAa d r a vtv I v
i l n l fl H a l u rra vY l 0
o fl u r1 4 u oYltLJudgr ?lluljulatanfl?l
nu tonnoul{ 0un:yvt{ n y n't9l
a J,r
4 Ay- a la i
A tt r I q J44 q,
llnUnSIUU011ll:) [UUr?rU0rU0{0ln01U?Udfl?nU
a a 4 ll49t r o 4 d e q Ja
F r . : uu r:'1 0 .:dl 9:lr?
J l fr? ]l J? lu' lttuuljo' 10lu?utdoalu} tlana0u
m aqa{ 0ydulluI fl u

Ad j i J4
61. 50r:0.tytt?til1vdtJmqat0':unn?tilun0

l. :rlrrrunr:TuntlrucJo.:rfio


2. HAflt:flnH1gr9r9t]lJtdO
I l^ a v 4 4
3. flt:nuHtljndilnutl0{rd0

4. n1: flflU'tt:0{nt: n]rfi u0lJ0.ltdo


-f i t f , i O u T 0 f l f t 0 1 0 2
o A i o q 4 I dt o j i I hgd.i
flt0tu'tu[nil[9lxJ fl?[n0fl10 2 tUunlfl0uYtfi:0uftqiltu011l1l.l1{lJolj0.lumn?]il
t9t9tYld9l q


62. l 0 n ? l u i l a fl n o
l. il fl n n: : ulJ0 { rd0 aluT{1nfla 0 uilau td0 9tl'tft0 }llJ1{fl alun a{fl u

2. d'ngrurrorrdoaruvrrflnaou
S | 6t I I tav q I 4 4 I l'19)
3. t9l
4 . 0 tl tl :l J0 '1 td o a ]uilt9tna0u tutfiuouRu
nlfloul]Qfrfi0 lJ0 I
fl?ra0nr0 I
n]05u]u[y{rJtgtu n:0unoru

a a i ; u r y 14 rlny ' l49rct i A v a i o r

n ? r ao fl yt2 l ta vl l 3 tu o
tu tnnat?t' l tutuol:0' l 9t?tconm
n n0{ 111:tv 4 n1?1

mutuauy ive,fu,fl un''r fiuorx r: d'hjrr u'{ dr ruti'ul d' d.rurlovrflu

9 A i A d[rqrq q
1 0 n? 1 u 1U 1 C In n tu ru 0 [:0
tu t0n?lilHafl

63. dolqludosiohifionri'o.telruuYtrl'iru
q A ja1 i I a 4 d 6! | |
!t I .14
l. lurjrzuo.ttJ:yrltf, qu
h4u fiuyrlilu14oUorflulj0.ltdOaru]119rn40uil1u19t
t do u :vtR Y l C 1
O rt r l4 a | | 4 q 9 4,,' ' Y' 4
2. l ui l r1 0 .1 i l :ytytfl nu09l:' lu
l yl u 0 9 1:]d?u:v?t?1.:idoa]?n?r ,l[ta3tcYoa]19t?tu
d ? u : y 111't.lrd 0 n lu fl 1n n a 0 u 912 p.t
I ta g n ?txjtJtHn 0 ]Jn u o u1{ lJ1fl
3. 1'l
lJtd 0 a 1uv{I fl n a 0 u 0 1flu 0 uv tu lJllj o.l t}J0.1t?1uu 0 u fl ? ltd o 91
d ; q rq it | !l 4 a A- 9J 9) I
f, tll u lJv{c fl n : : ilmryuerouu 0un?110.:
0lflu 0ua tull ]lJ0.:]J5v t14
4. rdo9t1?vt
nlnoumQnflo10 3
nrotututytrutnu n ?taoflL!0yt I [d0tylu.:llfldo.:
tlJQnn 0.: tY{:lvuv'lfl?11Jufl41?fl.:
| o q YY r v 9) ;
v J - J o /o 4 r
d ' t u r { u q a { u u n 1 : l ryn l ? l " td 0 i l :vtR110u
6' 1"40.11' itl
I 4
lilQnn0{ fl?tn0fl10Y}
, l rr u n 1
n" 6
, o . : r n :tu
- l i d .rvi
d rH- a o
i ]Jnt u yl
U 9 nntr
q Jo A e d h tq rq t
ti tuumn?r Lun0ou0r flull0.:[d0llJtr yoFl:ldxu
I ta u fl ?tuu
t o.:tfl o 9t?p.l

d - al .ir"u-i g o I
64. 1n "cameup wirh" (u::l]'flfr 2l) ttmufr'lr{ell4qnn":runrrr

l. t rfl F t'to o n 3. ldfu

2. nu?rlj 4. tu9ltftu
n r n o u l l q f l n o fl 0 4

I v grza a ia
6-5. qqu-
sY I 4. a a 4 4 qe ' o J
I" tgtrru{nt: flfiutts{t ?ifl9tfl:: ueJ0'ttd0-dtux\lafla0 utlnv [dCI9!l']1'!]J:.Jlfl0'r,l
ao i q 4 4 c:
}tflafl 55u1J0.:[d0a]ilulnflneiuilav l'tr0Fl?
2" tdl-t0't1u?0u[nu?nu
a / tJ -i'.1 d ;'i s a ':6
3'. ?tfl;1r?f fll:fiU?tlJlllJl:.J0t:1 I UInf.l?fiU]$El9ji']T53,1*,JO{lffilfi1e.ii{lF}iiilCUlift3


Ut: v l.t?"1.1148fl
4" flnHlf')?11JflUy{ 0 ilr.tstvtd0JF}--l?
nlaoilTQnno q0 2
n1ofrlt]u_nxlJtgriltu 0.:ntnumn?1ilu u'ttdu0fl't:fln!]t:0{ y{t'l9rfi::
Dr. Alan Ft.luufilFtoulJ0
2 0.ltiluntn0uT0nFl0.t
d?ugt? g

4 y i & e v u r;
& q
t a 0 n f l 0 0 u.1 u u tl Jl fl u ? l J0 .l n u l uCI?n

Passage 4
; | 4 Ay j q q 4 q tq / J a j u
fl a t'r onfl 1: 11p{
LJli n'n r 1-l nu?l0]flu lunJ0.: tfi ilJtYdru: ulrav dr5 ll u 0 u 1 n u

. I t ! aA , q 4 q a i q q I a
$iln.:fllu f^101,1:n8fl.][[?91d0]J
I dq I t 4 a 4 ^@ 4 u

iHnlU lU1'l0.lil:l lllil]JUU U:U11 EcoScienceCom [lJ0.1Worcester:f, Massachusetts


rs qv at49< J q s j qY d
t { n f lu l c}.n rrl j 0 n d
l aTuJl Y fl t:0tnt:5tj5tFlt9ttuun:{ tt:fltu tafl t[11ul10v
tYdl:[ft ]J

riu6'nttilo{aiil BengaiRoach(theBengalRoachChamber)1#urriif,qrrta.:arrjfirflu
d 4 d s.l l4 t6l s 4 t 9 14 t !q a q
lS0:lS0 jvletarhizium
anisopliaetSOlllrlJ0gtUAUm?1 t1JtU [An lil0tlil4.:dlilt1J1t!

q - d o d,l ty d r q - i<t d v a
e/ q y ,io & t d q o q rq r a s : - i A d
lu isOflflu tFtuttila{d]lj9t?0u"l tyo:]fl0y
' Lr | & in ,< s I d v ,J 4 - J 4
rrp{fl:v0'lu00nl! rT0:lut}Jtuu0ugl:iuFl0tJuuu dgtltnu.:iiay}1s Fl.luu 0.1d]:Jt:0
s q tl 9iu 4\ly
lr{nuflfl ll11 ll'tu 1 n l9t
: o ad o ro

66" l J ? 1 f i ? t X J U r r u v U t ? 5[fll.rl:t J d t ? t : u
1" n]:ft'lunlJnt:uilfl:y0tu110.:tso:t
2 . n r : : f l H r n 1 : F r 9 l t T O s u[9?l1 ] J

3. nr:il ir rJ:.:ri'o.r

4. flt:nl09rttlJn.:fl]lj

00 4
o 6 ; Jyo d i o q t& ty
n t0 r! lut?{}JtfltJ uT n'ilrJuHiljUul\fl0.1t:0.tfl1:

rLri/i a a d r an'r d - oJ
i,,:. 0 ! i l n u d : 1 _t p
. ir ' l l f l u f l n d l : t ? . )du' l u t J t n 0 u 0 0 n n n t f l 0 $ J O F t ? d t : t n i l u u o f l !

1. fiilu -1.
-: i-:lfi 4. fluzud
o*j 4'
rrl*elc}]iqnflo ru0 I
a a ';t4 ! 1i9,/ri q d I e s tn I d s q d

x_lttrUluruU{ru fitflUufl-all'll'l [U1J::YlFll]8-9 ?lflUnn Bengal l]Jt?lUOUflUr-ln0u

j e, d ; rd - e v f J C u , - - v
ri rUU dI : i fi tJFl:.: 1lt ttJR.ldIU vl dlJ t l fl n U tYOT1U U [U 0 t U dtJ p{fl n U
r- 4 o qYi I t4 | | 1/
rrila.:enuFt?ou dt 0v?11 rfirso: tttg{n:y0]uo
o q I t4l - d - {, a tUglr v a d
irfiulr] [Htriln{ d]ilIil u I fr?0 u gt]u Ft.t
uuo{ fI:lJ i9r']rnunnfl1: tnil
49|qt) 4 | 4 l9 5 a t td
t v is tfl il d n n 0 til 0 ttil a.:d]u 9t0.:n u dl : 11u t1J'i" lu
0.:0 y 9ttu

e, A v I .i .. --,^rr-td^_p^^^{^^^ ,)
68. anisopliae910tlJuQnno{11.1fi}lnUntlu

dt a dd
l. tuudl:0ul1:u

z. rJaonfiudrtfudsr{rdu{uovfis
3. riluo'un:roour{0{eiottun{dlil
4. rJfl n tl a l 0 vl l u 0 utu fi0{ n:?
oriA I
1J0 4
9 d r rltrq i tY dr) d 4- l- 4-
ntotulutY{utgru .[0 l -3 u n a ]? ti tutr ol ttgtilo4 ullounllnalntfla0utglut:0{nal ?

tvt q
tng,,o v 4 | 4 d l4t/61 a s q tq ! q- --q-
lan lil tstfll\lY tufi:?
ti tuu::vrqvr 6-7 ?'r tso:lu11ut9ttuFtull?

69. EcoScienceCorp tlJU -----
u ae .j - &
l. dctluu?0utnu?nutso:1
2. fl4il0U:nUCY.ltt?naoilYlttlj.:lJu

Aq A E Q I

3. utg1lHannu9lnttuCI.tdlil BengalChambers

4. di'erdrnrjru
Metarhizium rrrirfiu.r{16or
n r n o u m q n n o1 J o3
a a a yd l4y t I ao d a | |
o --!---Y
nroturotytutgtu qltneJu
4<tS .lUtt:
lJUrlJU: n1 0{ tafl

v q
d.t t d 4
70. U m n ? l U U U ! 9 l U : v d { n HnA0n
l. Itu3u19{annilcvlsu9l?1u.1
A la d qY 4 a i

2. ?illnU?01:Un1: t$dl:tnilsu9llIu
da /s i.i - d Y
3 . 9 t1 IU l n
I :.:n ]:T tn u?nUd.:ttlnaou
4. fnvru#nu1#fi'uhJnrn:
nrnouilQnnotjo I
o A 9d t A a -o- -,-.--l- -3^^'!14^1.4 ar tA o y-..- u
nrorrrrotnurril 4muuul9rtj:valnytovtrusululfl'l09rttrua{dluYu9lYl

71. riljr "repel"(u5:fr'fll) rtrJa'jr

l. rirl#a':u 3. tnntu
z. rirhl'0ru 4. dulci rriuhjhi'rrirlndl
nrg_ounq03oflo 4
{o + rflurlordorfifinrruururulnd'r6u{fiqorfi'uriljl

'72. "others"(u::ri'el 10) drqilo.t


t. :.1 3. rs0:'r
vv I

2. nuan 4. rrila{d1lj
n l n o u T Q n n o1 0 4
o a tr a d4 4 f .Y-+^- -
nf OtUfUtytrutgtruotheni nnO othercock roaches tl:OltilA{dlu9l?0U 1
- - Aet d - 1, A t3 --.-!---4. a
(nu 9tnvltil u dl: rnu 0util qn t n otxJottua{ dlil n u u]qil114: 0fl u

IrlJn{ dril dr uti'uro.r


d r d 9 ads I q aoJ !
! m n ? ]u u n a l ? fl { n 1 5 n u fi 'l ?t:flH]n?]u0?ulobesity) tufiu r y{ ilulliL'
,Jura,,Jt1 ,!-uyA
tiltn0ild0.:tl]1 fildlfin]u tud'tlJl:flaflutuunro': t9t tuo':0]fln]ri,\::'-
(willpower) j;.3;iE
rI 9,/Af d r/ s, | 4 oi , iY qY ! - tlI J - ' B
t f l r 1 i q r z uu 0 .tn t:n ut1
ilu tHaqulHuntflHu.:00L1,' - T, '-
l :9 tu t:tu 5 'tFt110ys?ufiu1l0?u

4 s l,t rY o g 4 o a i t A i a
r ? a t I r q o u l a u t i l g t 0 . l 0 1 d u 0 t 1 { ' ] : a q f l ? 1 1 J 0 ? u 1 { : 0 f l 1 : 0 o f l f l ] n ' : n l u y l u l t u. 0l i r[ r- a
- F:
tJ d iU ,< | l4 I
t{n11.:tflu.l?1tult.llJ51: 0 ul ta
| g | S I d -
nr: nu il u 1o.r}J : 6 u sr'rfrrilurirr qdr H: u flu o?u t?r: rv'ir ou hl : i rrl r,F.'! ii
I s, I d - J 4 .a o v ^,

lu"' "- - - L- ;T-
6f dq t, r I d i q / d Jo i a t rd - Jq a4
[ u ? t u i l a n u i u vn a l u ntiul :g tu Y l T tu
q q
tutJuuu 0nl]{ uur y{ p{ afl
[u:9r ugt?u
9 4, v d cr J4 | 4 d J
tuuuuuit{92 rlj0:tcrugl
,i'.,tiu ou hJ: 6ud{il r oyrfluurr:ri'no: : rleirr fu ri'firi'o'tflr: n?rJquir rr-i- r }: - i

0ydlrJr:np{aqr ou}J:6ufi1d'ro.rrrnurfio:ydu'hriuto':ixnrofrua.:d.:::a'-o1il T:-:CI='- q

-:yclt.raaard-Adugq.are - ::-
ta ilJ!LL' -,: a.' l
n ? u 0 y n : v 9 l uti l rn fl i l a n :u 1 9 l 0 u d uo.:0u1.:r 9tu?flullr :t0v?1un4u
I a y 4 r 4 a i,, a d laAa i & i

n a t? fl 0 ?qtu
?tgt?t0.:01ulju q
0 u n u u0ua{ [[nu?.:utnlu
unn:u19t01Jd1.ic.i,1' - ' - i]!"
"' l :
u q 14 q 6l I 14 Y A d r4 t a - t I t
{ ] U ] : i ] r u A 9 !o ' 3 , : : e ' - , F F - ' -
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a d taaA | - s I d r d 149- aa - J
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ob0 til:9r uou].ltfiu
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y l
u o q tta a el Gt 9Y t ll q a I
u . t d ] u ] : u li 1tl l vt.tfiv vut ul jans n rra y? tu yt0nlu tfluudn 0 a: ::- - :. .1' - ' -
tf 0?u9l?u0]lt1:

[unl:anulfiun tt!0: ,F:- ' - ' - i!r - ' - ; ' ' -

r,ty d s I- d dJ o q99A y q ! --..-v^-r?:-
n { l 9 tn ' t : a fl o b tl j :n u o 'l yrltl 4 4 y tlnuaur fia?
| !l q l4 | | Y d : -u ! 2
.F- -
i l : r a o r n [ tu u to .: S n a ckw e l l l i l Ha]una0{ ttn?nfllr ud]ill:04flul1"-
I 14 d 9 a j a d da - €
U9q s I -4.
0 u 1 . :[ : f l 9 t 1 1 Jl j o t d u v l t u u[ F l s 9 l 1 0 . o
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[ul liJl ]ru l 0' l00vun1:Ytaa0{
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.i t { ou iJl r H ua ni l l n n ? l u
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na1fl n.rovdo.rl#r:n16nodr.rrlou s-z fl dr'rnrir

i3. nrTriuilun':rrund'runfr.:1uln:.rafi.:6uro.r
ou }J:6ufil#lunr:fnurnufidru
; q- o Jd v I ct9
n- : 1u, _tu
_\^t-d -.- -4 -s,q !-
:9 ru l l l \Utu u u u u 111 tfiun?Tulflldgt:iln?1il14?.:?' l
r :t0100sdtlJ]: 0tT ob
i . nonrrud'rur o':ru11 rJ: yfrmtruauo 1 riur o.:Hr4
qr) s I d ia- I v j u9,/q d
6'lnuvtytutn luruquu
2. tTlrllUtil:nuylunnHOJUflnlU
; , J q J q q | 7, ;j q
.1. [y{}Jn
qv lUfl1: n nU1fiUn tUrUn UOrUytdufi a.t
of yr i<- 9 v a <l
4. y'lu tlt:]'tflludtlJt:0Hnfluumilanu0Jynalu 6'tflu1Jo.t?tu g


-f l - l F r 0 u 1 1 0 n f l100 I
o A a a I y d - | t) s I d d <1 | .to v
n l 0 I U l U t i l l J t s l l J 0 ] n U 0 ? 1 u 1 121 [ : 1 1 1 5 ] U ? 'n1l : n u T { U O b l l J : 9 t u u l i l u x t ? F t r i t ? l i U
^^ l^^..4-^l-q-y.--- lt4 s I I a t'r d - J ,,, r a q
n u 0 ? ucr{111 t14t: td: lJ t 9t?1 t! t glugt? u u 10u tu1j: y dmt n 11,'t
lu n t: R9l
,/ i i d - Jo i a
n?txj0?uI 0.:lJuHulsut9tu?fl
uilnTtnnfluflu ?1u qv

74" r:lrylill:craqilnrrruorntjourird
: 1d''jrnn'lnfiurludldinur:y6'l'hriulu
: 1 . : n l u r u u nt n
.i4 A
l. 11:?9rt:? 3. ntrt::tJYlgl
i- s ir,r '
l. mquryOu 4. vr ttJfi::lJ9n

P n 9 r0 u 1 1 e n n10o 3
0tnuoilftfr3 r:ryrsru'jrob JrJ:6ulurqilnor'ovrflud'rn:t{u1#
il u 0?un u u 0ua{ ttny ?.1
lJtnl u tT{0 : fl! t: y nu 9r.:til u [t n u [u : r,:nru
f A+A r d - i ri yq J v J o
u a n :u ]F t0udu0.:0u].ltnu?numi9l
tulJuuu Ft.:uut:10.1 fl ]ul :0
. tllt) | 11 d < 14 a
f,qu t9t?1nn tflutljuna tflgt]lJt::lJ1'l9l

i5. ob JrJ:6uoyrirul#Hufidruanurnrin'ldrn:rv

l . fi uS Ut y u o u u 1nl u ttay tr.l'rt{

n']il ttfia 0 : il] nI u
- d taaa ' ii Uy 3
2. ?fld0y uil a n : ulet0u du 0.:et0rrna 0 : ylQnlfl19..t
a lq t9tu ]n I u
- s I z. -^4-._l-q^y.i--.-___ jq v
3. tlJ:etuet?u0yt:.1
4. tlJ:etlJel?u0y
a 0: rrayq ilH QIJtunrr q
n r n o u T Q n nxo0 3

o A : A o ,r : , Y A A | | jUY- 4
3 Ytnal??1?luYt
tfl:unl:an ob
lu:Fru 0vuqilr8u:'t{nlunlulju ry{rrd9til
tilt?tu?] :1.:nlul0.r1.1u

16. r:rdrilr:oa:iln':ruorndonrhaoryiruld'ir ob }J:6u1#nufirnu


tJlgu d s I d - J t J
tfl: u n t: a a l u t9 tu g l ? u 0 u1.l

l. l tu 0 vn a u u l u u '1 H u ntiltJlJu
l4 rl4t'q e I 14 |
2 . 1 4 U 0 vt U t 9 r : U f l 1 5 : n H 1 9tll0J
a a I Q 9a I d
3 . n 1 : : n H l U U 0 U n 0t i l t n n p { a 1 1 ' l t f i u . t

4. e.raroil
ob }J:6udfisiouu0vteiu,i'r'fru
x0 I
o A A a q r 9) y I t) .t s td JqY
nl0tulutllutgltJ tUU014Uld9ll4lU
t:11'l:]U?lfllHqnAfltil:9lUU tilHU the effects
q q $ -

wore off cy{ltila?1 il:vrYn5Rly{lj0{ lil:9tuuvlilgt0?lu03ana.:


7i. (u::ri'nfi29) finrrrurrutu'ir

rilir "morbid"
l. 911u9ru 3. rirrj:vnarnlo
2. YrlrOU g 4. rfiurlru
n l n o u m q n n o1 0 4

78. riljr "triggers"(u::ti'nfi l7) finrrilHilru'jr

l. [tc[9l'l 3. fiHan:vvru
2. xvao 4. riol " fin

79. nqunuTQr?tuo
nuflu ilu0uTqnn-onqrunufr

r. ff;n'jrnr:nJdoufi
dunr:fu il : vvrru,flurdo
r ,l q jj- tl
i-. t€ ,)
2 . il n?turJ':u u tun1:n'lu quu : lJl0tttfla0: n : u tt 1q: 1{n1u
-). rnuu : vfru u iu?r'tnuHnI 1{rnu{I 0{ u] n1u quu 1fi u nTu9tou
nrfloul1Qnnoxo 2

80. T0r:oilllr?1lJ'lvdudl11:uu11fi1]ililfio
| 9a tt I h r J
l. n1:fl0dnun't]tJ0?u0ut.:Iu?tugtuil

z. ou LJ:6u: uloern?urdrufifirj:yfrmGnryr
3. urann?rudrufi
uornru v

4. uI anntlu dr ur uru'lnrifi yrio

n ] n 0 u 1 1 q n n 0n o 2
_o__3_ _. i i .ja 4t .i j j , i Ja
- leet
fil0SUlU s0 t:0 .1 1 4 9 1 1 0 'l U mn?tlJ
n?:0yr ilu"t0r to' r nUon
tf4or um:tU?tr io.tutil u
a^.^ty^.^-.Ll_ ^, 4 rvr J, d rn y.j
t50{lnulnu0v t: 0rnnr:0tuumn?tuuytl
til t9t1i
- qt) S I d d. I
0s tr ob tlj:eturljuulnnn?tuo?u

Passage 6
| '!t 'l I da o"'1,

u Ylfr'l 1}Jil n n l'l n.:53 UU fl 501't':I Ufl A0 AS?9l1J0'1fU1lL i' -

d .---

o; dr: ^ :: . < ' a i d I U r.

1: --riJ0.11J11J
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I ' l I -:3
i l : r r r a f l ; { u n nr r E i : ; t t t t i i c i o r ftrru, lfii o q l i J : u n l : r !5^''-l ' li
it Iulu0l.l []Jc-:
I I : 4 i- --
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u '.t9r Y !19
o i p r n t i " f a r u d t u t t : ' : . : t u " [ o : r a t : l t 1 ' ] - r 1 l - : : ' . - ! ' " r - 1 u 0 1 { f t 0 ' i: lUn : ' i lO
J 5nttt en't't
oAd= as d,l i < 4- a
n 0.: Tl0 l: 0.!lFlS0tdU i il - . ; ' ' - t O . : U : H Y l E l - ] ' x , : - ,01' : f l ' l l l J t : ' ' l i
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fi a n51.i Yl'lillouliiJl?lU'lltdf
u .t a a d6l9
0 UYl0:.11l'l r-MIlUl.iFl [Yt]1;
i .! v o&
- r- . . . ' i--;L1",,i: : ,l-lflo.laulorflqiu
. T i l ul f o u l n f l l o
q-?.^4^^:-= -
.-lai"t{fr [FluTn o I .,''- : 5 a, ; : i'1-l: 1/1
, ai I u ? = . < o -l.l I
]U t FlU lYlfl: 0':r r
1', t o, Al --- t-
' i , :l id! if ;\ 3- i , 11919,1> :- h
l- , L\ lt-dll'- -' : ti) ;tbl!brltL,,!166rl

r',.ifnLif"'-' r'-,: ;-- riouiflud':umd*tc

!u9da - iati I
; i ; l ] i l u f l 5 c ; , , : 1 F . ' a r 1 i u u n l l g u " l t " l 0 f lI! i
- " fltti l
v 'lu.r' ; -'-.-;
: . - rlr I : ni'jI u,- i x e,., ; nr''i.#fr t fi : {dllu
1 i_. - '.' -
, i , , : : i - ' - ; ' . . ' f i u o o d { u ul lo* ' : " 1 I; " n' : r i ; I UgJ'1fl

AU i
- fiine
t 1 l 5 H 1tlf l r a : - - - :,,ii..;rirfr'r'hl-
i: io'lo": '-111<1-!

iatY ' Yl i6t1!
i lu?ldA!ry::ie:- ,luginoL i;:Gl!ilik"1 : ; l1-lcJ0{e.
t: d d
v ! -4 l'^'
o :
d t i r : - " ,: , i t : ] y u : ! i ] a ] L - ; :
: ;l I9lulllxc .1.lTl?il,'
: t.
0 t r " l - ; ' t C F l 0 U [ [ 1 l U ; ' ] 1 '' {
',:ilrir rijl.lrlrnr-,'- 'liriurfiu'jr -fl]:A{r.'-
a a Li!tna{ tY{:-: ,'-,.
<r 4!vt
n ta:unl:01- r;'hjrir:-'-
filrr; erriirrd{ Isroi.rl- :.1lJt:nf ifu:;lurhJldfi
riu o ,11$J0t:'l'

:,fru{t 1r--
)^, - a t I q

y'l1J'llc r : ld?ulJ0.lL : bl'1: ii :{

froaimrr- ; ou:lJt14
a: ! t, i- -
l0nlt!llEuu ( T t a ' a: : ' - l : )

S*tu,' , ,*-*

l' q 'd 9 u
81. umnlluud?utHiulnu?10':nu
i 9 aa r .i'r u tdr i q q s
l. llJtuuytu0u:un ut9r u
d l rH n 1 1 5 yU U nt:0r ' :.:lufln0nT?gr lJ0.:]J:utYtflfuuu Uq

Y]? tu tUlJ:yrYtflsrv
oai AU it' d i I s J tJ da
2 . ?t Ylu : u YtiuU qu u tnutfl u'lHa u : y tusu 0I n : y u u n 1: 0t.:'t1u 9td 0 9lT?91

: yuunr: dr{.rruflaonfrierr o.rfl rlufrprnn: r nuriora:ugfio1o.:rJ: yrma

9/ cta itt -l I a

F rv? u n n o u t.l
i do J 1o -o- q s y U I I
drrHq11: vu u nr: 01.r.:Iun n0qry1nm
. t
u a u nnu t1tlj: yrytdgty?ugln tuil : vdu
o d I q jtt
fl ?'lUdlt: 0rYt'rtulj : yrTflilil u sq

no 2
o A .l o 4 tt Ad i r49 ,t A
n l 0 ru l u tl l u tg tl J tu u l 0 mtnu"t.Jn?tulj0'
l " ltyl,l[:0.1

---t--.-Y llyt aq 6l I a I qgr I

82. r:rd -rl J]5 0 0 u l j 'ru 0lnu0Hu' ]il:n
tuol u9t1u
tt:'l r:]u a {[a u

t. rirrun:yuuvrr{rfronfrurut:yuuHuair
z. d'nvr
3. rJnflnu.:rufirfiunrrrudolnr:oon
tA .t I
4 . U A td tn l :t:u n :0 .l10.lfiu.t- tu
n r n 0 u T Q n n x0 0 3
o A ; a 4 y A I qy)dt - Ay ' .r
fi'1051Jluty{ulgt]J tu ulj 0 ft?-lunnal1 t?tlj uuuytgt0.t0 luttnvn n?"ttJ

83. nu'rruf,rlutravdH
nn1{nu tu
d q A au
l. f i ? ] u t ? t ut u t : 0 . t 0 u 1 f t 9 t l J 0 . 1 u : u y l

2. n?1ur{110luruan:yyruxo'lrilnIuIa6lnri
3. nrrru{4find.:rolrnio{0'n:frlrmnIuJaEq.r
9 i j v : q a
fAqa --y 9
4 . n 1: u 0 u n n] : n1un1: 0n n1t ytlfl u?x 0{ n u n 1: t?ltJfi ?ltJd'lu'l: u lu n 1: 9{a9l

f f1 9 l 0 1 l i l Q n n 01 0 2
o A A a , yA
nloIulUrllUtglU 0 1 n U 0 ? t U 1 3Y t

-la d jtt q
t d
0{ t! ! u a{ u :-
d 9
u 11n1ril u na]lfl { : v u ! n]: 01{{'luglCI0 9ls?gl11
er I cta i'r dY d A -,9--.,4-iq.-
:yuu nt: dt{.nufln 0qs?FlI 0'1E u uut 0 qHa'ru!: un1: ry.l0 l0 Qn}Jo.:
lJl}Jtlj [u
I q r .latt .r i- r ! 4 4- - r . ^ : 1^ ' ^ - . ^ ^ . ? ^ 1 4 '
l : v r n f l n y i u n n [[st:yl Ju u ]Jd o r auytvottou0qil:vflt:r 10Yl' llulu0l't}
' !u{ 1 Jd' ltJl :tl
q r qgrf y r4g d I tl tJ - e d V
nflnr [s0ruplturr:.t,:tu l9l:rflt:rtT1lt''.l.1110.:u:vlylflglv?u91fl[tJ0fl?l]J910':f115

{ln fl.:
a A d ; uyq aq i,t q .d -- <^ 4- ae ' i
[fl:il10'l!:H11fulJu tut:0.1f]?llJt:']ry{U;!11t"r{c]li

a r : p . l f r F r :l,s! l
u i i r t n l u l n u a r u u[ H i l n r y r u i l ^ i ] J f i ' 1 ] ] J d l ] Jltu: n iHqt{ndlflqflo?lluo.:tlfl
!t ! o d 14.' C I d Ll '3 |
< |
fiu.:tufil3lUyOUftlTil:yflUnl:111':lUfln0flSv{ ft"ln[zu1itJtfiUl-lidUl'lltjgl:.: t?lU1'ISUS?FJ
q o u i a!.\Y. t-f il
t r -\. -.-o
l u nt:n
u t r r d t , : i l5 1 1 i l 5 rn 'l 1 ru d tr..i I
tl' ful?i5 r ;
istllfl lu iaufr lJU
t:zunr i0u?1t:' tv,r ?nilluuFl
j.r I e. I c,l I a o .=i
: 1 I il U t r S'l U lfi 0 U ] n n I tl { lJ i U 11,ifr Xil'l U cJ0.:9lU l0 ":fl xJU
t I d I o' s ai 1a ..i1 ) i: att 4 ', d \r
4 la.5
l.qil i$iflT0{af";T flll':lu?ii1
Fli0til.t-?itgrlJsFl0xJlilinfl0i:0.:r-r.l:1'l-l.11ll Itl!l.i?,lC r? i'l
t lA 9 w i; "dv I t s *
quLri-.lF!11[d1u15il.itu?1rytry:l iYu
]J0ufl:1il !ta]---dtlT'-1!i?1,,1 n1?'0Flflil ilnyfll:ill.$
r t r <n a tl Ys s d :.q , A r) n t '! 4
!!litir.iflt'r1fr-ixl ti?:tutlt$ul!,'l:"ifr-i':
tfl iFi:iJn'tTtJ0li:uId]J01rii-]l-td'iul.Ju'l1lc.l?r:o1lfll'l1J;
it;i't.l1'4i,:illi(t;ilrjUn:e.: i l f i y f l : - l ; - l - l fi F J i i F l : " ! t i n i i C ; l ; : . l ::ii::.r;'l:-;fltrJzultifl1itlt**l.iliff ij
J:l 4 .i i a <.! I .., n i +' t
: L n t r r : t n e i o ! u f l c ni u r v r slru l o t r r u r g ? s ! : y H t . ! 9 1 t i : ; i r . t ' j i l i iiL?jr' tl Ji 9 " l i : i l c l ' ll ' 1 " i T l v ! l ? l l l 1 " l
9 lt 1J s s.l9ra ,3c t ' c r3':i ' I
50r*l:yalJfl1:iil?tutu0'1.1fi'r1:sxJft is'fr{tJ tufl-t: c'rprfit:s]1.:.tlui].:'ijir'i;:iil1
: ii'i aY q d * -1 y 'EY ' drl o
._:i&yntq [1]vl$i!u lsti:tntufiiit?!4{fl:':?iu{1J0.:fr14:s u9t lY'!'f"rl[Jilslrtrifl:'n1{lli?.J]il

fi.r 3 lyit
4 il q q
o a o J q , a or 3 I -, - 1- ! '
? 1 l n ! : H v l i n g l 0 l r i t : : l : } J f i " . l 6 { l ? 4 3 dJ l l-i:ultu0lJ9}e{0u:lJflu'lllj lHff1*l:{l
9 l Y
q 4 - i a v I t I d .j tt 4 '! Ju
I |
: l J 1 J 0 f l U . : l U y t d A U r y U r y 0 U n r t i r m nsot :u. 1 u : : i l J 1 J [ ! : . 1 . : 1 1 ] 1 , 0 { 8 , J l J UItU0S
0Uu :O
o s i ou u s i ug'i ii - ' A
dtnilil.: 11.'|:]y1J:H?td'tLit:n0fi
tnT{fl]:01J:ullillt.: tp'i tFlullrso}J1-l?lt:fltllo.l?,1'lnlii-l
r49rq t il r | 9J aq c r 4
1 U I F r 5 U t { n n O U t [ Y l U g1 l 1m. rq X J n t$ 9 t U - r U t t . l T 1 ? 0 t l J : n U r U l r l - t f l l t 0 ! : i l [ u u n l : d ' 1 l - x u
i ' 4 q @ jU y- .{a oi t4 r o
1 1 U ] t n A 0 U I t n n {t y t : 1 3[ U : v U U l J 0 . : d 1 4 : ffii u . : 1 u 1 [4F l : u n ] : 0 u : ] J ] J d l 1 r Y t 0 tv1 J 1 1 " l { l u
'l v

tiur ?fn { rni.: Jprori-rnr rrrdr}n: nfi dfu ou: r.rurhJ1#firiu 0rnn1: dr: ?or}ror:? 6'lu

vru'jrd'sr:rd':ucrosuifvranfg I 1u7
aq dtr jo
l O . t U : Hl l rU U rmd :{n t: )
U n Jfl

I' q '; 9 u
81. u n n ? ri l u d 'l u t?ifu tnu?10.1flu
i 9 aa I irr u rdr i a q s
l. d 1 r1 4 E 1 1 :y!U nr :0' r ' :' nunn0nT?91lJ0.:lJ:u[11flfu!u
tulljullu0u:ilnu tgr u
J ,.r 'q
7l?ru ruil:yrmqnsiunn
-. aai ae dtr 4 A I s I y -ta
: y lusu0ln:yuun1:01.1.1'tufl
2. ?ryru:umruUurnilrnu?t{ail a0nu?sl
Y .ia itt d r a
3. : yuu flt:0r.r{]unn 0qs?nr 0.1iu

u u:.Jp{n Hgn010,til:ylytfl
fl: u11u9t0tfl:

9 t y ? u f l n 0 u ] .tt:
j 9,/ da J q r
1o-o- I a u I
4. d'trl{Eyt: y uu nt: 0'1.:,:'tufl
n0 qs?etiluaunnutltu: vrytflgty?un
n tuil : y du
o d rq r i
n?t! iitri oryt
t"[uil: ervrafi rJu
n r f l O l J T Q n n n0 o 2
o A i A 4 ,t A4 q J A u9 1r A
fi t0 IUtutlllJtgllJ tlj ufl 0mrnu t,Jft?]lJx0,'lliltlay n : 0u ftquT q9l

82. r: rdrln : noUtl l u0rndou rirrr: nl d''irui fvr l uil : vrmaflyiu nnnnrirldri ruriru

[[:':{]U n {l 9 tu_ _ _ _ _
l. n rH u 9 l :3 u u yt1{ ta0nluut:yuu} 1u.1
v I qYr as
2 . 9 to m0 u n[T
l 0 ]u fl0.:u:Hma.:

3. rJannu{rudrfrun'lrrd'o{nr:oon
la d 9,/
4. UAreYrnt:t:un:0.:1J0{nu.:lu
n r f l o u m Q f l n o1 0 3
OAAA 4 y A I v94 - Ay I d
nr0IlJ-tut1r{tJtgrlJtlj Ufl 0 fl ? tu mfl a I ? t? tu u u u149t0.10 I u t ta 3 n n ? ]il

83. nu{Iufi{uttavdH;SfirJfl'n'iuroirfiusiormnIuIndfirJ:uilrielu:,1.1't
tu 0 {0 1 n }Jfl l l tJtlnnn l( lnutu
d q 4 aq
l. n ? t i l t ? t ut u t : 0 { 0 u ' ] f l 9 t l J 0 ( l u : u y l
- Yq q s s ai6t I
2. fl?]ilt1-lt0 tup{an:vytuflo.ttytn
til tau t?tu
3 . n 1 t i lu:{R U H A { 1 o { t n : 0 { 0 n : m u' ' tl- y'utl-na- ' -u dt {
. ta sa 9 v d d 9 v : o a
4. n1:U0Unn]:
filelouilqnnono 2
o A i a t yA
n1ofiu'tutllut9ttJ 0tnu0ilulyt 3

84. 0rnumn2rl fi nr: r.J n1uuifvr qjrlurfluprarurorn
iu il qr nr rruarur: nlu nr: Ha^


t . nr:rJgrarlunr:dr{ruvt'irryrn
iloun:ru rrav
2. nr rrurfirutoI o{ nu{ 1ul unr: l#rJ: ylumiornryrnI uIaElu nr: na^n
1nrj 1
qY4 i

5yu u nr : fiqnr : dil : sri'unr rrun o1o1unr: rit.:I unnonfiifl I o{ nu{ ru
v d vtgq tadaq 44 t A
4. :uuunr:0nnr:mnu{ru4nnu ta:u n]:uauntugluyllrlj
q ao

-f f ' t gofu m nn n 0 no 2
o 6 i a t gtA
n10IU'turltutnlJ 01flu014u111

I y t, aq Aq Aq
85. 0lnu0Hurcynyr-tu
{ u:uyrolu:nuilaluu5u14
, 1t4 v I q Ir a o q
l. td n a {ra fl 0 n ]: tryOtu r,tu0tu?uxJln
[un]:0u:uufla]n: - - - -t''-''' -

2. r14
U?tnt:0u:ilu naln:rilud.lii
tltludrHi uendl{lrrurmruu
a o q u \ e 9v a cl I
3 . a .:T u t.:u 0 1 u ? u i l ]n
tu nl:09tln:{ nt:ou:lJ lfinudut5n hlu
u cl rt uly,GljJ i -ir4y 6l | |
4. a{uauu
q t?tnu.ttutfl tsn?rilluu?ryrilT
_ ,_,__
_ -

n r n o u l l Q n n o1 0 I
nl0tu'lurlllJrgrrJ 0rnu::119tyt

86. 0tnuvln?1ruflt:tatrur:odiil1ei'jr:uuuflt:d'r{{runnoprfiisrro.rfirJurio1#r a t-c

l. n]: tHar?uulj
o{iltuly{ulJ gfi rJu
u tuu: vrvr
2 . n 1 :n n 00 u tu fl1 :ttl j .:1
u Ytl{ q:n0
y ' i j e r j,r
3 . 0n: ln1:21.t't]unq.:xu
94 s q dq jtt
4 . n?]lJgdn0{t nRnntuu: : 9llfiu{1uruuil

oaAa 4 ' J A Jdi
nl0rulutlitutglu tuunl:dqu0]nm'tt: flmqa

Passage 7
d | 4 aq

ullfilluunal?oilu:HYl Advanced (AIS)fild'antrlrnr:truJn:fivrvi

digital a.:urnn'jrnd.l

disitalcsM 900lu'ln:lrarr:nro.:iJfi
n r : 1tu a n 0 n i l 0 tn o 1 u ? tyt:flTtyt
u 150,000
r n:0.1 tHa0 70,000r n:0.1
rJ:vrruuifvrncir':'jr digital
csM 900 ryr:1v0rnnr:finuruaq{'iranr1r'hino1oluu?nr:
' Inrureilrvnr:dhiaurr:o
y A a ray.l, ,
( a l JrH a ? )Y t0 3 u :n 1t9
: 1 1 1 ?u:vr vr fl
tl 14 rq I I t4 tv J
tl Jtl fi?1ilailtfin?nr { nr :nnlar r 9r r uun' l:u:u9r ' ludnl unr :$r
n 1 :n fl ru 1 n 1 :1 'ru

aq 14 rd j 4 61 |
u : u yt nJUrrzu
ulr 0y a n{ u u : y lJ1ilr tu fl 1:lJu]u tn: o1'tu
a s v I l/t I < i .l otJ A r q i/ a e at a tl y
u : uyl?1
t9ltd:0du tuuu ry.:0vrylutfiu :Hlltuou: n1: ta
v e as v | .r a ,i, r 6l .rt Y rq i ifn i
rr9rtuYlulltna 1 ry.l
40 0.:lf?91u:uvrfi?.1?10vuu:nt:n:0unqlJll?]J:url1f,tu1j?tu]
ur | | d o dr Y A I s a J J oq q U r d o 4 i
tll:flTtll cellularuu u5ullu{ tilt?lufr?1u0'ltljull0v

csM rn:-rvuinr:1uilooriu6o'ilfi
s'7 :ru.tlutfiu?fiu
5srnil:valrinfinro.rurn?rufifio to{uifn AIS
t. nalq[u11,lillu

z. dluflduYll{n]:na19l

lq I a

4. n1:U:UUq.:nl:0fln]:
n r n o u m Q n n of l o 3
o a i o l-------/ i I 41 i .i4 9 y
ftlosululnxJrgtrJtilo.:orntuofi tRu?rio.tdunr:trulvr:fruri
88. csM 900hirflufifiuilillflrvr:rv'hirflufirirnololurj:vrdu

l. grJdx
2. nl]un:ounqrJ
3. :]n't
4. 1u't9l
oi49 djlq-d-Av
nlnoilTqnnono 2 (nlil : 1UAVr0UgtYr rJ: 1nfl tUU: : ?l9lYl 7-8 I 0'lt: 0.:n lu 10{ nqu )

i, tt4Yr o ! tr i
89. 0ln! 11n?lUVrOr u dltJ1: 0 d EtJ tstrrn r : n] il u n na qmfim1{n1: n a 1nd? u 14u.llJu

gA q r I a
l. fl?'tu:tnu?flufltlfl{11,u

z. :ru'ldro'rqnrir
3. {urJ:vurudnu,; U

4. uo9rlJlu11illUlJ1
n r n o u n q n n o l J o4
oAiatg)tYA- l rd94
n r o t uru rn ttg rtr r tavu0llul?r2 U:ln0?1u09l1lUnn0{ 9lo' : ufl l :
0 1 fl u 0 1 l uttt:n

' y A , | ,) Y o - - --.:-ol-^--4-. o v
90. u o l { u ] l ] 6 ( U o f i U l q n m l u )U r t a U O lJo'lU:UYltlJUdlniU

l. drurU,
3. nrtrudrrflu
4 . ri l q H a
f i r eof u l l Qn n 0 \o 2
oAAA I tt a d a I ao

n10nil]ut?ItJl9lu u o fi u 1u 11
0 { n'l 1lJfi I 9r?l? il 9llil 1 I o { u : u vl
10 4 HA rll:'tu tu tTlJ:vr9rudlnq

i-,reirr fr{ il : ; rnaamfg oru?nr rJ: yryr"fiu zz5d'runu'jrrflu, u,ord

- r | fl 0,tI 0 { [ n n : 0.:0]n! : y ylfi tJUt : 1J dlj : f, 0 r]J: n I lryt{u yt.:du]J tfl fl I -t
: \ | s I v 6 q9la J: I

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a11u n1u t}.t: etflJtu n1: u n ltlj I ry{til u 01u ?u t,lu il tn n ?1}4u,ty,tu
't." ',J;r0 tu 0 u, t{l t:nn]}
-:-- .'t-{ 14 r, - A | 6t t t jily
tu,tluunm 0vt0' tvfln1fl[[Hn{
IF l
;' . : a a--it x-tiuil ntfl0vdl:?0f,nuntv{n0u0u?114110vlJlril
uQnnl nl:6it: ?09t0.:
f---:-d-l- i^-y I u a r4y6r r cr a
n - L ' h : . ' - i - .Ll u l l J 0 . l 9 l tut g l d l l J l : n L J : y 1 . l u f l t ? n t r r n yt[F. ttut i l u o u ] ' : i l t n ( [ u n t u ? t a { )
/ ^ s a qy d ja gq
. I : 0 J 10 ' : U : U y t 9 { n\ tfA t6 19
l H y 0 1 f0l 1 1 1n: 1 t F0t 1 0 0 v[ 1 4 u y t t : u u y t 9 tr y o n n l :
=t au ! - r cl d o q9,/ a q JA o d j
t 9 l L ; b f i ; i . ; ' L 1 l l J : u 1 1 u ' l l J U f i A l U t t ? t . t l u t y l n r y d t v H n n n o t . y t l 4 y t l 0 t n l Hmn1f l1 ? n t l t
e . J 4 J o q o q 4 | d - j y c,l
& 1 1 ' - : ' " : ' . - ' ' , a i u u Y { ? n t 1 1 0 . : 9 t ( l d 1 u n .l:u1lui l O . t y l t t T n r y d
ttdyt:uutttldunl (tilu
) < ty ? | J
::L-;:a'J r1'lU.lUTl0ttflAfl0UtYlUtU0:U1tYllUU
s dr d q A i | |
r r l - - i o , l 1 ' l 5 l 11tJu ? l U 1 4 ? 1 T { ? f l t l j ' l t dtud t l j : Ut ul Jt : 0 ' 1 : l f l l [ U 0 { 0 ] f l Q t t l J . : 1 0 . : y { ? n t l l

: - i ' - " - , ' -- ; , ' 1 1 . 1 0 1 1(: !0: t J l f u i l t n ) r r g t y t ? n 1 1 1 u t [ 1 1 i l : l J t i ] J t t n u[ :u:n0o u t y t u t u o :

-q-=- i- -t-- --!--o- +- le I o 9 ta r 6l I


, ' ! ' - ' - ' - ' - a - - ! l a u u f l u f i l l J o . l l l l f l t l j 1 [ . i t : y u u t t J g t :Inu n t : ? 9 1 r y { d ? t : { 0 t i l : n t t i l t 9 tt 5

I y qr) a q q 4 q 6 14 rl4gqy

y lrl r!t1l.i j | q ro
4 4 d u
h" , i- l=i-;- i l J3 -u R^ -n? f- .l l f i a n 1 0 . l 1 1 ? n r 1t1i l l 9 t d . : r y o 0 ] n n t t : 0l u t u 0 . : r m n r y dr r g t 1 l t n l :" d
: _' 1--^!d--l_-rrl 14 | 4 _ l4 t 9 J o y u
'-L---i---ilLnilu t f i r U r y { } ' 1t1n{n 0 o n t i l 1 , 0 0 0 0 . 1 2 , 0 0 0 [ U n t t n y g t 0 . l d . : d u f { t n U
' =.' >: y q
, ; 1 - :r' .r';N O\i u t9 tt1 ui ; vt9t:u0ur
1 1 ur110140v o dr - d r
u]fl 0ttiluFto{ n:0n[udun:cr { Hu l r l l t
: l r ,1 'r:q l i 1 n
'1n u u u :H T 0 1n01il:nllglr Ha1u
( t9t:u0uiuln)0.:;dnf or r t{l o
'r:: rilrnn''uriruhjru'onj


| 1',rfl1'ttJutnu?flu
1 . n 1 :rn {fl 1l : tu d l 4 :dor
€ u:n]
l. flt:1419.tcro

3. nr:CI.l4u1ur.J:vmnuql:il
+. n 1 :d l :? 0 n a 1 fltu u:yilnilq t:u
a r n 0 l m q nn 0 c l o2
. A i a o -___- q I
4 ,
,) A q - i I v
f l l 0 nU l U tl l i l l n l Jn 1 n 0 Utu xo 2 nt0Unqil t0n?]ilHanx0.ttt0{
d?ud?td' on.[odu
9 i i v q
uu tuuflI ?urnu?fl

r s ia t, qtc | ,t al 6lt I 14 r! o.r

92. t14Yl:]u?1tu'1]uuflm0e
il:v Iunnrntdu tgttuu0?
l. 1d'qnri'riuaufgotli nr
o da trt a 4 I q e a
- -''-fu tudll : q0til:
2 . 9lt:'1$19|0U9t?Ulilulnnu0u €

3. riuil:vnour:frolurj:silflilul:il -c

4. rni':dulurfi{nr: I:il
:surnruu q

n r n o u m Q n n100 I
o A i a I s ia I qY | | -. t U d 14 rt --d
r i t o t u t u t t t u tg ttt tJ:v tu n n tn td u tetttila?] "ou' fl.l0vtu{ luunn0u[01vfln191
I q | | q d

llfia{ [Htllrril.lul9r" cr':ulon?1iln4u0ununlfloulj0I ulnmq9l

dr4y- I aq 4 o I

93 2 r:lYl:]U1'ln'l:d'l:?0flAlnnOUt:ilq:n0
q9 a 14 |
l. ttlI.:ttavt5t?n]ulnlflutu
2. ?t1tgtttglu'1.:n:{qqtualuln
I qy) | q/r d o tY I
tTfil tYolutlltJtglilttnqunl
3. FrO.l
Y qY a o a o Q
4. 9t0.:t5t'lalttayt.lu0'lu?utJlnttav
m0nn0 10 3
nrotututiltJtglu nfnoltoull'101nil:v lUn11d0.: qf.lna"l1?lnl:cY1:?0
,t qyt qyt ; a i ,, I r I q e-\Y.A-.
sro{ tTnr ltoluly'|utgl}Jtu0.l9tu ttgt0uY?ulJ: v fi u9lt1o'lltavt.:u t9ltlju


94. (01nu::ti'nd6) d'llJ't:0ttYlufi1d'd'roriljr

t. rfluhjld' 3. firj:valnr:oi
z. firirl: 4. finr:uri.r{uq.r
n r n o u m Q n nx o
A au ta qY CYd t -&
95. tgltldglil
rto{r:11u:um0]n01}1:n1 t?lt?fu?lfl?nt1'ltlju
yta ia qa

l. orfluu9rt?f
c) Au tt-
2. ryXlUYr
3. 4rrx{xuYrlJn?llJrTU?T1iu
,, 1 ju,
4. flflil00nYt
gu tuTlajen'l9l
n ' l n 0 1 l Yl 8 n n 0rio +

eb. r:0.:una't?rrluriu'ir
l. uifvrr.rfinlnHv0rnorilinr:ki'rfluuifinrlrern^srri'nrqirirriurni.rud.r
- 4 d v Cq ay 4 -ia au o v aq
2. tnnrydrilu:gretu?ytuu:umurnurrauu'gmp.tanrrdn
3. rJ: vrrn,qJ: rJrflusraror1rtru: yH,jr{il : yryraid1uqjii qpr"luI an
4- : vuuruni nrflu: vuufiuirurn ri.rriuaxfr onrinrd.:'hi1#:suufi
a" i r4 9a o u n Q n n o1 0 3
c A i A v A I |
9^-^^.2^lqz^.^--^^t-, 1-.- uet e
rll0tulutllutFlunlflOut0u lgrurornil:y
oruinrrflunornfi1nqjfiqnrfludu6'uaor : o.rornil : ymnruqJ: rJ

I I rn rJ_:q_._-!-l .+.s_q -t1-.a-v ta qyr, q o a

)-. tljutuu0{nil5vn0uYtlit
t tt{uffyrotnoly{Sntlsidurua':lunt:titr:n=0
l. nr:ilrr{rmr.:rio
z. nr:drrrlryrxnoumuruof
3. nr:rirurorfrurir
4. nr:fu'luai'.rfi
f r - r el o u mQn n100 I
o A A _o_,-_ -i A r ,t g g
n 1fl0unQngt0{u101nd0.ru0
fr10t1J'tutT{ur9l}J il illqn{]u

98. r:rdun:naqilornumnrurlri'jrluarin:fiu?fvrcir{
1 duon,onriu
l. .l ]u 6 l n ::i l a ] 3. tiluanuilsgir tat
d ta yq lly
2. rJlJ:U10r:"J1n 4. rdr to'lel
n r n o u T Q n nxoo 2
o 6 A -!_ A q- 9y l, o-t) | l4yr q Ay
nl0tulutllrJtnil tuu0Hurqnvnu
nnr?t??r tudun:ytrjlJluet

99. uonrfl ufio'irui f'mt rnorvl?nr1d'

a6l d o 6 q q a
94 I
l- . 5q - a
- - n- n
\ i -ru
- -1 tudfi:!0[xJ:nl
- 0 1 1 i l :vd un?lLd1l50 €

2. tudl' l:g0tlJ:nl
tl JU E i u d U U e rr? 1lJ]vduvl0v0q

3. oon0rnil : vn'rfldHfg orui nr'hJd?un?ril idn vi'orrvi'

14 rl4to q9o t i S o.t Jq u a
4. tHrsletet0d0d1:vl'
tn t0 r:u o 1 1 E re l.l tud1{ :g0til:nI
od4 I
n l n 0 u m Q n n olJO 3
o4;a fs9t9o
n10tu'lutTlutglu 0 1 n i l :u[u ndoT]u10.lu0]tu]dlu?u losinghear t}JN?lXJfiTJIU

9 s i J- ,47t, 4 d I
tFr ?lr uu.llutluuu:v[R11
1 0 0 . rn 1tn :{r:0 .l l J0 .l u mn ?luu09r
9daad 'lllJnflt?fu
l. lJ0tYl00:':ttavfl

2. lfiEttavp{n
3. nal?0u1.:n?1.:'l ryteill;

4. tllU! nllut?{u0 UltAvt?luufl ?'llJFll.:

10 3
4 i a i: I | 4 6l I q a
{ n1:t0]v n a 1qtuil : v rYlfl d?f: g0tu: nI
il u vrfil'tu u [: ]Jfl?un1:fl n1'1fl
nr otu ruryttJtgt
I | q , i 6u qYA q
0u1{n?1'l6'lttnvn0u] tnunn?0u1.:tfl
Y 149 la
u?fluu :um0]n0ly{: fl1 [9114
ltil Uq : n 0 tUd fi : g "1 [ t9llJ: UdU n 1]U CI]Jlfi A?
TlUlU lU 03tfl 1U191



il ?r1?Ytut au fi : : fJfl -lc[9]:


nqu TU-GET

f. isrq:J:va.rri

n ?I il gRtu I o { nqUty'|o n r ]u :u ou n 21tl dl &l: o t o { gtulo.r

z. nr:6'ornr:csu
TLI-GErrj:vdlij fi + vrln^o
r Aa o I q v .v t. -
t?{11 otl4lJlutudufi:itlJfl$nt iufrou
1 l-rr qlnnt'ui iuorfiordqor#ratoqdoufiurnn
z L - lb ?{qunrfll iuorfiorriqorriraro.rro'oufiqurau
g I - lb ?wrnr iuorfiorriqnri'ruro.rrdoufiuut
4 | - lo nqninrau iuorfiorriqnri'ruraqr6ou;'urroil
* dr fi u eriu o ou or ofi nr : njd rJu rril a{ n r il Fr2r lJIr.nJr vGnJ

B. nr:drnriruluafin:
-9/_--e/-,-. 4 q u t/ r4 lng,, a< 4
z ifi Fro
:. t 6od''ranu
dy -r0.-
' d / e d
u fi 1? 11tJI d tJr 5 : Ufl I fr Fl:" J TU d 1.1n fl qU Un1U I 0.: n q U ytI 115 30 U 11:
'dy 40.-urm nrudunou 6'.:u'
:.2,i'onr.rlil: ufi rilu: rnrrrfl
3.2.1d't tuttugt" ,iltrorio, iiru':u40.-utyl (hjiuronar:nr:n'u
| 4 q (. ead s 4t)
u : y r n m o u ) t u u 1 u F l f l .f l : t y l i u d l l t l t t $ u

&sdwilnel.n#t weyat ulu uw'.-

trit{ntt TU-GET
anrriunrur uvrinurd'ur:
2 nuun:sd'unf
: &rJ:uuHr
:rri{ [uFlr\
: uuFr:
4 I ; ,d - | q re
l.z.z tiuuils-froqjnl n'rvir u ro,rhif'q rou o.:uu n: uel1unlcir ru I n
4 u-rx s frr aoqurluryoqfia.rd{anrriunrur
o J J q,q a I
03ftu nn:yfiluu'al{uury0qto
ndt: ryi0y I d lildun:il5oil
t4 qy, n | 44
ftu0 fl Ouut tHynu14t.r
ttj: u{uu)

4. uilnaunl:6llto:dau
r. n:anl,udfcritjsr:razdriiaauuavcirufrra{ooilurdf,zrr6.:srura.:lfn:uri-lu
tuav#otou niaruri.:fiorilrirsfilriazrrsil
! uulo r dr druru z lu d.:rirulun:rrrdsrriu
2. d.rl,uarin:qrrr{uiuarin:1,ugsiavdxsiraourasfi#aro:nr:
nariuafn: iunf - oni r?a'ro9.oo- 18.s0u.
rari - arfrnri t?a1o9.oo- ts.oo u.
, t -

Ioaai.:luarin:fn: razfiri.:aau6s6o:rJriruuacrfi
uarua{eo14lJraf,zrrfirirurirsarfiroura.:niolhj:urfidor.oia ,;u d'ruanriu
"trj:utitiiruru g50.- urn d'.riira
ilna!. nthxszaw luuu antlnstiaafiuawni
r qv -Y i
tostuua{dulnramuuumd.::'r lrTuvrr.:}J:ufitihjti.::-
Yo q

o"ril?g n'r:610luuR1n'l
d0'rr7un'lu'tilillinat dso::il ar an{

n:{lYtil'l 10200
*** #{dnr:ii.r'Luafn:nr.r}J:r*dtioctfiufiil:cil-uorlhjrufid:rflud'rnlfl***

s. n'r:iurisr:rJ:s,irfrr{r?i'laau
v ! ! !

il:vrrzu z i'rJor#r,rrn{arin:aarlriluirlrrr.t.c,ireilrir?iraauhirifiosiazaiuu-q:unuoir0flura.:fi

anrfunrur riauiuaaur iu loudrlura1niuriuuavfo:il::'irsiril:sarruruaot (it4iaiazaau

fu:iinzunulddzsnu t tiaiatawtza'1,#rtduima-ngwil,tndnutiuunuld1
6a douacurrranafionoiasnrrrjo:il:cmru
4 e r - A & ) - ) e v )y y
ttta un:21:1un1: la?tu:Jalfl?dauu.r:JUnt:yldrn:dau
dn1ulldau ya.:dau [1a1dau uanSruilaittiraou
a u -,1 t ,Jo' ,
v5ausr:frnr.::lun'lraanlilylrluu,do.: zB nia ss yriailsr.:au6uaatrlfl,unrraauoira

.--\ ' i 9uaur9adA

v fiN'tflllro:t - [Qtl1s6?itYt4 fldNnr6lll|,r:otdan6rNn:[o
2 ?5 aa
u i|. d?
1. 6tNn:il'littu:ututl
2. dn-n:ritunuta.t

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