Sample Passages With Several Arguments

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Sample Arguments for Discussion; 16 December 2016

You can read about a countrys history and culture, you can pore
over travel brochures but you cant get a true feeling for the
people and the culture without witnessing both first hand. Thats
why there is no substitute for sending your children abroad to
study, and why hosting a foreign student yourself can be a a
valuable experience for your family.

She is a woman, therefore may be won;

She is Lavinia, therefore must be lovd.

The death penalty is further warranted because it is the only

practical way to make certain that a murderer will not repeat his
crime. Under todays permissive, revolving-door justice, it is
almost an everyday occurrence to read where a convicted
murderer, after serving a relatively short sentence, has killed

Wealth is not sought except for the sake of something else,

because of itself it brings us no good, but only when we use it,
whether for the support of the body or for some similar purpose.
Now the highest good is sought for its own, and not for anothers
sake. Therefore, wealth is not manss highest good.

Mario is a principal by inducement. By promising to give

P50,000.00 to Dalmacio, which is an agreement for a
consideration for the purpose of avenging his brothers death, the
inducement was made directly with the intention of procuring the
commission of the the crime. Furthermore, the facts show that
Dalmacio has no personal reason to kill Pedro except the
inducement, which is therefore the determining cause for the
commission of the Crime by Dalmacio.

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