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M.A (English)., B.Ed., B.L., (LL.M)
I Addl. Junior Civil Judge, Bhimavaram

A voluntary transfer of personal property without consideration. A
parting by owner with property without pecuniary consideration. A
voluntary conveyance of land, or transfer of goods, rom one person to
another, made gratuitously, and not upon any consideration of blood or
money 1. Section 122 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 defines

Oral Gift of an Immoveable Property-

In view of sec. 123 of Transfer of Property Act, a gift of immovable
property, which is not registered, is bad in law and cannot pass any title to
the donee. Any oral gift of immovable property cannot be made in view
of the provisions of sec. 123. Mere delivery of possession without a
written instrument cannot confer any title

1. Dr. Nathu Lal Vaishi & Anr. . vs G.S.Kamal Advocate & Anr on 12 January,
2010, Delhi High Court
2. Sneh Gupta vs Devi Sarup & Ors. on 17 February, 2009, Supreme Court of
3. Ashiq Ali And Ors. vs Smt. Rasheeda Khatoon And Anr.,2005 (2) AWC 1342
4. Mt. Akbari Begam vs Rahmat Husain And Ors. , AIR 1933 All 861
5. Smt. Sudha Devi And Anr. vs Smt. Shanti Devi,1995 (2) BLJR 1328
6. Ziauddin Ahmed vs M.A. Raoof (Died) By Lr., 2002 (5) ALD 830
7. Hasan Ali vs Hafiz Mustak Ali, 1986 (2) WLN 1
8. Mahboob Sahab vs Syed Ismail & Ors, 1995 AIR 1205
9. Chota Uddandu Sahib vs Masthan Bi (Died) And Ors., AIR 1975 AP 271
10. Shaik Nurbi vs Pathan Mastanbi And Ors., 2004 (3) ALD 719


1 Black's Law Dictionary defines ''GIFT''

2 "Gift" is the transfer of certain existing movable or immovable property made voluntarily
and without consideration, by one person, called the donor, to another, called the donor,
and accepted by or on behalf of the donee.
'Onerous gift' is a gift made subject to certain charges imposed by
the donor on the donee.''
-The rule is based on equity, which speaks the person who accepts
the benefit of a transaction must also accept the burden of the same.
- It applies equally to Hindus and Mahomedans.
Who is Universal Donee?
A is father. B is son. A makes a gift of the whole property of his estate to
B. A directs B to pay his debts and then B is a Universal Donee. Thus, B
is liable to pay all debts of donor.

-Section 128 of the Transfer of property Act speaks about '' Universal
-The foremost condition is the gift should consist of the whole
property of the donor.
-In case of a gift pertaining to some portion of the property of donor, such
donee is not a Universal donee.
Deference between '' Hiba'' and ''Gift'':
HIBA (The Mohammedan law) GIFT (The English law)
i) As to a valid gift, under Mohammedan i) As to rights in property, under The
law, three essentials conditions are English law, is classified by a division on
required: (i) declaration of gift by the the basis of immoveable and moveable
donor (ii) an acceptance of the gift, property. The essential conditions of a
express or implied, by or on behalf of the valid gift are (i) The absence of
donee, and (iii) delivery of possession of consideration; (ii) the donor; (c) the
the subject of gift. donee ;(iii) the subject-matter; (iv) the
transfer; and the acceptance

Gift to Hindu woman under Hindu Law:

1. Any gift to women under Hindu Law is subject to special rules of
2. Whether such gift passes an absolute estate or limited estate
depends upon the terms of the grant.
3. That too, it depends upon the expressions used in the terms of the
grant. (Shaliq Ram vs Charanjit3)
4. Under partition or in lieu of maintenance, a Hindu woman acquires
an absolute estate4.

3 (1930) 57 IA 282
4 See section 14 (1) and (2) of the The Hindu Succession Act (Act XXX OF 1956)
5. Where the property is acquired without pre-existing right such as
under a Will, gift, decree or award, her estate depends upon the
terms of the instrument.
6. A Hindu , whether belonging to the Mitakshara or Dyabhaga
School, can make a gift of his/her separate as also self acquired
estate subject to the claims of those entitiled under the Hindu
Adoption and Maintenance Act.
7. No sooner does the donor relinquish his right in the property
followed by delivery of possession and acceptance by the donee
than a gift is completed.
8. See sections 18 to 22 as wife, widowed daughter-in-law,minor
illegitimate children, aged parents and others.
9. A Mitakshara coparcener has no power to make any gift of his
coparcenery interest except small gifts based on affection.
10. The right of a wife or widow for maintenance attaches to her
status so she can pursue the property even in the hands of a stranger
acquiring the same with notice of her claim5.


1. Rameshwar Pandey And Anr. vs Suresh Pandey ,2007 (2) BLJR 895
2. Giano vs Puran And Ors. ,AIR 2006 P H 160
3. Kikabhai Samsuddin vs Collector Of Estate Duty, AIR 1969 Guj 326
4. T.R. Srikantaiah Setty vs Balakrishna And Another ,ILR 1999 KAR 2953
5. Mst. Noor Jahan Begum vs Muftkhar Dad Khan And Ors. , AIR 1970 All 170
6. Brij Raj Singh (Dead) By L. Rs. & Ors vs Sewak Ram & Anr
8. Virendra Singh And Ors. vs Kashiram (Deceased By L.Rs.) ,AIR 2004 Raj 196
9. MOMAN LAL VS ANANDI BAI & ORS,1971 AIR 2177 , Supreme Court of
10. Hutchegowda vs Smt. Jayamma And Anr. ,ILR 1996 KAR 17
11. K.S. Mohammad Aslam Khan v. Khalilul Rahman Khan

What are the important conditions of a valid gift Hindu Law ?

i) Relinquishment of one's proprietory right in the property. Yet it
should be without any consideration.
ii) Merely registering the gift deed does not afford to pass the title of
the property.
iii) Creation of right of any person must be completed by acceptance.

5 Radha bai vs Gopal, AIR 1944 Bom 50

iv) A gift is totally different from a surrender by a Hindu widow where
she does not in fact or in law purport to transfer any interest in the
property surrenders.
v) In addition to that in the case of Karunamoyee vs Maya Moyi6, it
was observed that the widow simply withdraws herself from the
estate and the reversioner steps into the inheritance as a matter of
vi) Yet, in the case of Narbada Bai vs Mahadeo, it was held that in
case of transfer of the whole estate, the reversioner takes the same
subject to the liability for her maintenance. It is thus vividly known
that the reversioner is responsible for her debts, if she relinquishes
the same.
vii) Where delivery of possession is enough to complete the
transaction of a gift, is abrogated under section 123 of the Transfer
of Property Act. However, the restrictions on power to enter into
the transaction of gift under personal law exist without any change.

1. Brij Raj Singh (Dead) By L. Rs. & Ors vs Sewak Ram & Anr on 22 April,
1999, Supreme Court of India;
2. Giano vs Puran And Ors.,AIR 2006 P H 160;
3. Ramjeet Mahto And Ors. vs Baban Mahto And Ors. ,2003 (4) JCR 268 Jhr;
4. Rameshwar Singh And Ors. vs Harendra Singh And Ors. on 30 November,
2007,Patna High Court;
5. Gurdial Singh And Another vs State Of Punjab And Others on 16 July, 2009 ,
Punjab-Haryana High Court;
6. Mahant Rattangiri vs Chairman Indian Red Cross Society ... on 14 December,
2009, Punjab-Haryana High Court;
7. Smt. Takri Devi vs Smt. Rama Dogra And Ors., AIR 1984 HP 11;
8. Smt. Chinnamma And Ors. vs The Devanga Sangha And Ors., AIR 1973 Kant
9. Dhruba Sahu (Dead) And After Him ... vs Paramananda Sahu., AIR 1983 Ori
10. Most. Ram Dular Devi And Ors. vs Shri Satya Narayan Prasad And Ors., 2002
(3) BLJR 1757;
Gift under Mohammedan Law:
1. A hiba (oral gift) is an out-and-out transfer of some determinate
thing or an incorporeal right, it is necessary that such thing or right
must be in existence and can be transferred immediately.
2. In the case of a gift of usufruct (Ariat) produce (Manqfi) refers to
rights which accrue from day to day in future. Such produce or use
of a thing becomes property particle by particle as it is brought into
6 AIR 1948 Cal. page 84
being. The manqfi may thus be transferred by the donor during his
lifetime by gift or by bequest and be the subject of gift even though
they are not in existence at the time of the gift.
3. In view of section 129 of the Transfer of Property Act, it is clear
that the rule of Mahommedan Law as to gifts is not affected under
the said Act.
4. Generally, This rule of Mohammedan law is unaffected by the
provisions of sec. 123, Transfer of property Act and, consequently,
a registered instrument is not necessary to validate a gift of
immovable property.
5. In the case of Abdul Rahim & Ors. Vs. Sk. Abdul Zabar & Ors.
Reported in (2009) 6 SCC 160 held thus: -"15. We may notice the definition of
gift as contained in various textbooks. In Mulla's Principles of Mohammadan
Law the "hiba" is defined as a transfer of property made immediately without
any exchange by one person to another and accepted by or on behalf of later
(sic latter). A.A.A. Fyzee in his Outlines of Muhammadan Law defined "gift"
in the following terms: "A MAN may lawfully make a gift of his property to
another during his lifetime; or he may give it away to someone after his death
by will. The first is called a disposition inter vivos; the second, a testamentary
disposition. Muhammadan law permits both kinds of transfers; but while a
disposition inter vivos is unfettered as to quantum, a testamentary disposition
is limited to one-third of the net estate. Muhammadan law allows a man to
give away the whole of his property during his lifetime, but only one-third of it
can be bequeathed by will."..."7
6. In any gift by a Mohammedan, three essential requirements have to
be complied with for a valid gift : (i) Declaration of the gift by the
donor. (ii) Acceptance of the gift expressed or implied by or on behalf of the
donee. (iii) Delivery of such possession of the subject of the gift by the donor
to the donee. (Para 20). it was further observed that '' since the deed itself
makes it clear that upto the date of the execution of this deed, the executant
was in possession, and there can be no oral gift without possession. Therefore,
this document cannot be constituted to be a memorandum of gift but it is a gift
deed itself.'' (para 21)8.
7. It was held in the case of ''Ashiq Ali And Ors. Vs Smt. Rasheeda
Khatoon And Anr9 '', that '' in view of the provision under Section 129

7 Smt.Ajambi (Dead) By Lr. vs Roshanbi And Others on 30 August, 2010

8 2005 (2) AWC 1342, Ashiq Ali And Ors. Vs Smt. Rasheeda Khatoon And Anr.

9 2005 (2) AWC 1342,

of the Transfer of Property Act, the provision of Section 123 of the
Transfer of Property Act shall not affect the validity of the gift
under any rule of Mohammedan Law, so if an oral gift is there and
the aforesaid three requirements are fulfilled, it cannot be ignored
on the ground that a gift made by a Mohammedan is not in
accordance with Section 123 of the Transfer of Property Act but if a
gift deed is executed, it is not exempt from registration in
accordance with the provision under Section 17 of the Registration
Act. Section 129 of the Transfer of Property Act does not exempt
the written gift deed executed by a Mohammedan.
8. Registration of a gift deed cannot cure a defect, as to condition of
delivery of possession.
9. Mohammedan law does not dispense with the necessity for
acceptance of the gift even in cases where the donees are minors.
10. The fundamental rule of Mohammedan law as to gifts is that "the
donor should divest himself completely of all ownership and
dominion over the subject of the gift.
11.There must be a delivery of such possession as the subject of the
gift is susceptible of what delivery the property is capable of and
whether such delivery as the property is capable of has been given
would depend upon the particular facts in each case.
12. As to delivery of possession is concerned, irrespective of actual or
constructive, the ultimate test of the delivery of possession is to see
whether the donor or donee reaps the benefit.
Revocation of gift deed under Mohammedan Law:
under the circumstances mentioned infra, A Mohammedan can revoke a
gift even after delivery of possession:
i) When the gift is made by a husband to his wife or by a wife to her
ii) when the donee is related to the donor within the prohibited
iii) when the gift is Sadaka (i.e. made to a charity or for any religious
iv) when the donee is dead;
v) when the thing given has passed out of the donee's possession
by sale, gift or otherwise;
vi) when the thing given is lost or destroyed;
vii) when the thing given has increased in value, whatever be the
cause of the increase;
viii) when the thing given is so changed that it cannot be
identified, as when wheat is converted into flour by grinding; and
ix) when the donor has received something in exchange for the gift
Except in those cases, a gift may be revoked at the mere will of the
donor, whether he has or has not reserved to himself the power to
revoke it, but the revocation must be by a decree of court.
Under Section 123 of the Transfer of Property Act, a gift of property,
which is not registered, is bad in law and cannot confer title to the donee.
Gift Deed should be stamped and registered as required. Mere delivering
possession without a written instrument cannot confer any title. A deed
cannot be dispensed with even for a property of small value. Attestation
by two witnesses is required. This provision excludes every other mode of
transfer and even if the intended donee is put in possession, a gift of
property is invalid without a registered instrument. A gift made by a
Mohammedan is not in accordance with Section 123 of the Transfer of
Property Act but if a gift deed is executed, it is not exempt from
registration in accordance with the provision under Section 17 of the
Registration Act. Section 129 of the Transfer of Property Act does not
exempt the written gift deed executed by a Mohammedan.
1. Parbati vs Baijnath Pathak And Anr. 14 Ind Cas 61
2. Vasudev Ramchandra Shelat vs Pranlal Jayanand Thakar And Ors ,1974 AIR
3. Firm Mukand Lal Veer Kumar & Anr vs Sri Purushottam Singh & OrS,1968
AIR 1182
4. Udaya Naik vs Lokanath Naik And Ors. ,AIR 1954 Ori 195
5. Ashiq Ali And Ors. vs Smt. Rasheeda Khatoon And Anr. ,2005 (2) AWC 1342
6. Smt. Sanjukta Ray vs Bimelendu Mohanty And Ors. , AIR 1997 Ori 131
7. Chennupati Venkatasubbamma vs Nelluri Narayanaswami ,AIR 1954 Mad 215
8. Bhagabat Basudev And Ors. vs Api Bewa And Ors. ,AIR 1974 Ori 180
9. Vettikuti Naydamma (Died) And ... vs Mupparaju Madhusudhana Rao And ,
1996 (2) ALT 185
10. Fateh Ali (Died) Per Lrs. And Ors. vs M.A. Aleem And Anr. ,2003 (6) ALD
1. Jwala Prasad vs State Of U.P. And Ors. , 2005 (2) AWC 2271
2. Hemnath By His L.Rs. And Ors. vs Jalam Singh , 1989 (2) WLN 418
3. Smt.Alamma Chacko vs The District Registrar (Audit) on 22 February, 2008 ,
Kerala High Court
4. Ms Mayawati vs Dy Commissioner Of Income-Tax , (2008) 113 TTJ Delhi
5. Ramchandra Vishwanath Ghaisas ... vs The State Of Maharashtra ,AIR 1981
Bom 164
6. Maha Vidyalaya (Degree College), ... vs State Of U.P. & Others on 13 January,
2010, Allahabad High Court
7. Hemnath vs Jalam Singh ,1 (1990) WLN Rev 590
8. Dulal Chandra Chatterjee And Ors. vs Moni Mohan Mukherjee And Ors. ,2005
(2) CHN 563
9. Gift-Tax Officer vs Rajmata Shanta Devi P. Gaekwad ,2001 76 ITD 299 Ahd
10. Glitter Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. vs Mr. Sanjay Grover And Ors. , 2003 VIAD Delhi


1. Brij Raj Singh (Dead) By L. Rs. & Ors vs Sewak Ram & Anr on 22 April,
1999, Supreme Court of India
2. T.R. Srikantaiah Setty vs Balakrishna And Another ,ILR 1999 KAR 2953
3. Balbhadar Singh vs Lakshmi Bai , AIR 1930 All 669
4. Hari Singh And Ors. vs Kallu And Ors. , AIR 1952 All 149
5. Bishwanath Raut And Ors. vs Babu Ram Ratan Singh And Ors. ,AIR 1957 Pat
6. Alapati Nagamma vs Alapati Venkataramayya And Ors. ,(1935) 68 MLJ 191
7. Balappa Tippanna vs Asangappa Mallappa And Anr. , AIR 1960 Kant 234
8. S. Sundaram And Anr. vs R. Damodaraswami And Anr. ,(1986) 1 MLJ 203
9. Har Prasad vs Mst. Ram Devi ,AIR 1964 All 64
10. K. Laxmanan vs Thekkayil Padmini & Ors. on 3 December, 2008 , Supreme
Court of India

Section 126 of the Transfer of Property provides for conditions where a
gift can be revoked. the following are essential ingredients for revocation
of gift:
i) there must be an agreement between the donor and donee that the
gift shall be suspended or revoked on the happening of a specified
ii) such event must be one which does not depend upon the will of the
iii) the condition as to the suspend or revocation should be agreed to
by the donee at the time of accepting the gift. And,
iv) there must exist a ground , except want or failure of consideration,
on which a contract may be rescinded.
v) the condition should not be illegal, or immoral and should not be
repugnant to the estate created under the gift.
vi) Section 126 is controlled by sec. 10. As such, a clause in the gift
deed completely prohibiting alienation is void in view of the
provisions contained in sec. 10.
vii) A gift, which was not based on fraud, undue influence or
misrepresentation nor was an onerous one, cannot be cancelled
unilaterally. Such a gift deed can be cancelled only by resorting to
legal remedy in a competent court of law.

Despite the concept of expectation of reciprocity, a gift is
known to be free. Any person who is the legal owner of a property can
alone make a gift of his property. Basically, a gift is the transfer of
something without consideration. In other words, it can be said that
a voluntary transfer of a property in consideration of love and affection to
person is known as ''GIFT''. It is thus vividly known that '' the chief
characteristic of a gift is that it is a transfer without any consideration.''

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