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Day 11 - Tuesday 21st, March 2017

Assessment of Pupils Progress

Assessing students work
Observe and record strategies used by the teacher to assess

1. How did the teacher monitor classroom activities? She divide them into
4 groups ,then she started with one group of them and give them some
activities related to the lesson ,at the same time she keep looking at the
other groups students and ask them if they need some help.

2. What sort of designated assessment tasks are integrated within

classwork? Some activities , games, questions .

3. How does s/he assess the activities during lesson? She assess them by
giving everyone chance to confirm their understanding and knowledge.

4. How did s/he give feedback to facilitate learning? She always support
them to participate in the class.

5. Did s/he give homework? Yes, a few homework .

6. Which of these strategies would you use/not use? Why? I would use
(standing for 2 minutes)strategy ,because children were behave good
when they see their classmate stand and feeling shame.

7. Was there anything that could have been done differently? No , I think
everything was perfect.

8. What surprised you?

TP Task Booklet for EPC 1401 Practicum 1a

Year One, Semester 2/2017/SWC

9. What shocked you?

10. What delighted you? Children always try to be good and help
and respect others.

TP Task Booklet for EPC 1401 Practicum 1a

Year One, Semester 2/2017/SWC

TP Task Booklet for EPC 1401 Practicum 1a

Year One, Semester 2/2017/SWC

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