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playerenchantobject <ObjectID> <Enchantment ID> <Enchantment ID>

Weapon Enchantments
0010582C Damage Health Bleeding
000F1AC2 Dragon DamageII
00091AE5 Instant Kill
00105834 Ignore Armor Damage
000F23D3 Spriggan Poison Damage
00016D46 Unrelenting Force Strong

Staff Enchantments (Spells)Edit

Ench. IDEnchantment
0010FDD4 Frenzy
0010FDD3 Frostbite
0010FDD2 Sparks
0010FDD1 Flames
0010F7F1 Incinerate
0010F7F0 Icy Spear
0010F7EF Thunderbolt
0010EE49 Conjure Storm Atronach
0010EE48 Conjure Frost Atronach

0010CED9 Fortify Carry Weigh
0007A0FC Fortify Lockpicking
0010FC13 Flame Cloak
0007A103 Fortify Sneak
000946F3 Health Regeneration
0010FC14 Konahrik's Privilege
00109630 Regenerate Magicka
0007A105 Regenerate Stamina
0010F812 Regenerate Health
00017121 Shadowcloak of Nocturnal
00092A48 Waterbreathing

0010EB61 Ancient Knowledge
0010FDD4 Frenzy
0010F1E6 Nightstalker's Footsteps
0010EBCB Friendly Fire
0010E8AF Fortify Sneak
0010E4FD Aura Whisper
010E4FC Resist Shock PerkElementalProtectionResistShock
0010E4FB Resist Frost PerkElementalProtectionResistFrost
0010E4FA Resist Fire PerkElementalProtectionResistFire
0010CBDF Sparks ShockDamageConcAimedPerk
0010CBDE Frostbite FrostDamageConcAimedCloak
0010CBDD Flames FireDamageConcAimedCloa
0010CAAD Shield Charge Knockback
0010CAAB Shield Charge Cloak Effect
0010CAAA Werewolf Knockback Effect
0010C645 Damage Stamina Regeneration
0010C4EB Briarheart Lifeforce
0010C4E6 Fortify Unarmed Damage
0010A273 Fire Damage
0010A24B Reduced Lockpick & Pickpocket
00106E1D Septimus Vanish
001090F6 SprigganMatronFX Ability
001090F9 Spriggan Matron Swarm Spray
001058A9 Nightingale Shadow Ability
001058A5 Fortify Health
001058A4 Fortify Stamina
001058A3 Restore Stamina
001058A2 Restore Health
001031D5 Restore Stamina
00101931 Poison Damage TrapPoisonFFContactEffect
00101930 Frostbite TrapFrostDamageConcAimed
0010192F Ice Spike TrapFrostDamageFFAimed .
0010192E Ice Storm TrapFrostDamageFFAimedArea
0010192D Sparks TrapShockDamageConcAimed
0010192C Lightning Bolt TrapShockDamageFFAimed
0010192B Chain Lightning TrapShockDamageFFAimedArea
0010192A Firebolt TrapFireDamageFFAimed
00101929 Fireball TrapFireDamageFFAimedArea
00101928 Flames TrapFireDamageConcAimed
000FDBC2 Invisibility
000FCC62 Shield - Lesser ShieldConcSelf
000F5FFB Dragon Infusion
000F1989 Shadowcloak Invisibility
00026D7A Shadow Warrior Invisibility
00050CF5 Fortify Stamina - Master of the Mind
00050CF4 Fortify Health - Master of the Mind
0003104B ParalyzeMassBodyArtHolder
0009E0C5 Rally - Master of the Mind
0009E0C4 Courage - Master of the Mind
0009E0C3 Hysteria - Master of the Mind
0009E0C2 Rout - Master of the Mind
0009E0C1 Fear - Master of the Mind
0009E0C0 Mayhem - Master of the Mind
0009E0BF Frenzy - Master of the Mind
0009E0BE Fury - Master of the Mind
0009E0BD Beloved - Master of the Mind
0009E0BC Mass Charm - Master of the Mind
0009E0BB Charm - Master of the Mind
0008BB2D Fortify Marksman
0008BB2C Fortify Two-handed
0008BB2B Fortify One-handed
0007F82F Unrelenting Force Strong
0007F82E Unrelenting Force Middle
00072313 Phantom Visuals AbPhantom
00072312 Invisibility Phantom
00013CAB Sparks
00013CAA Frostbite
00013CA9 Flames

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