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An Assessment of Customer Satisfaction of
Janata Bank


Dr. Masudur

Associate Professor

Department of


University of


An Assessment of Customer Satisfaction of
Janata Bank
Md. Rabbi

Hasan BBA
Program, 13 Batch

Roll: 12, Sec-B

Department of


University of

September 10, Dhaka Letter of

Dr. Masudur Rahman

Associate Professor

Department of


University of Dhaka

Sub: Submission of internshi p Report.

I am writing in connection with the internship report naming AN ASSESSMENT

Under the state of the report, I have been given relevant information from the
employees of JANATA Bank Ltd. for collecting primary data. i also have gone
through various publications relating with Janata Bank Ltd. and its operation.

This report provides me an insight on the customer service department of Janata

Bank. In this report I have tried to find out some problem areas related to
customer satisfaction of Janata Bank Ltd. and tried to find out some
possible solutions to those particular problems.

I have enjoyed the preparation of the report because it provides me with the
chance to put my theoretical knowledge in a real life situation. If you need any
kind of further information I will be glad to provide accordingly.

I therefore pray & hope that you would be kind enough to me in accepting this
report and oblige thereby.

MD. Rabbi

BBA Program, 13th


Roll: 12,
Department of Marketing

University of
All praise is to the one to one to whom all dignity, honor and glory are due, the
unique with perfect attributes, who begets not, nor is he begotten. He has not
equaled, but he is almighty, omnipotent for preparing fruitfully this internship

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my course instructor Dr. Masudur

Rahman, Dept. of
Marketing, University of Dhaka for his valuable advises
and cooperation.

I am also grateful to MD.RAFIQUEL ISLAM Sir, Assistant Manager of Mirpur Branch

and other oficers of JBL(Mirpur Branch) for their relentless eforts in carrying
out my study. They providing me with necessary information and extended their
hands to me. I can humbly tell that without their meticulous care, valuable
suggestion and instruction it would not have been possible for me to
complete my internship report.

I would like to express thinks to my friend and all of my well-wishers for

supporting me to do best in such an academic work.

I lack the space here to acknowledge all of the other individuals whose special
efort went into this paper. I offer intend my sincere thanks, and the
finished report that they helped guide to completion.

I, of course, have same full responsibility for errors or fact

or emphasis.

Now the banks constitute the core of the countrys organized financial system in
Bangladesh. Banks are now-a-days the most trusted financial organizations to the people
all over the world and they satisfied their customer by offering Different banking services.
Ensuring the maximum level of customer satisfaction is an aim for each financial
institution. As a result the customer expectations about the service quality of Janata Bank
always remain medium. I got the opportunity of getting important information from the
employees of this bank that help me to prepare this project paper.

Janata Bank Limited, a leading commercial bank with 867 outlets strategically located in
almost all the commercial areas throughout Bangladesh, overseas Exchange Houses and
hundreds of overseas Correspondents, came into being as a Public Limited Company on May
17, 2007 with a view to take over the business, assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of
Janata Bank which emerged as a nationalized commercial bank in 1972 immediately after the
emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state.

The objective of the report is to assess the level of importance, the customer of Janata Bank
put across various service attributes and also to determine how well Janata Bank is
satisfying the customer of those service grounds and different service quality dimensions.
The survey is conducted on 100 respondents (sample) those represent the total general
customers segment. Customer had to mark the level of importance that they perceive about
a particular service attributes quality. The survey data is then analyzed with the help of
statistical tools like weighted average mean and simple arithmetic mean.

The survey outcome is not highly satisfactory. Customers are highly dissatisfied with the
service quality of ATMs because of the less number of ATMs. By increasing the numbers
of ATMs, constructing the new branches, employees training, introducing locker service,
personalize caring, implementing charges Janata Bank can improve its service quality.
Janata Bank should attract the dissatisfied customer in order to bring them to positive side of
the road strong relationship with the customers can be maintained.
Table of

Chapte Titl Page

r e No
1 Introduction 9

1.1 Introduction of the Topic

1.2 Objectives of the Study

1.3 Scope of the Study

1.4 Methodology of the Study

1.4.1 Type of Research

1.4.2 Questionnaire Preparation

1.4.3 Target Group

1.4.4 Sources of Information

1.1.5 Data Collection Instrument

1.1.6 Method and Size

1.4.7 Data Analysis and Findings

1.5 Limitation of the Report

2 Customer Service 16

2.1 Satisfaction

2.2 Customer Satisfaction

2.3 Need to Measure Customer Satisfaction

2.4 Benefit of Customer Satisfaction

2.5 What do Customer want

2.6 Customer Satisfaction Dimension

2.7 Define Service Quality and Satisfaction

2.8 Service Quality Dimension

3 Overview of the Organization 25

3.1 Historical Background of Janata Bank

3.2 Nature of Business

3.3 Organizational Overview

3.4 Company Mission & Vision

3.5 Organizational Hierarchy

3.6 Business Challenges

3.7 Credit Rating

4 Bank Service Provided By Janata Bank Ltd. 33

4.1 Agency Service

4.2 Locker Service

4.3 Evening Banking Service

4.4 Financial Service

4.4.1 Import Finance

4.4.1 Export Finance

4.5 Merchant Banking Operation

4.6 Foreign Remittance

4.7 Remit ONE Money Transfer Management

4.8 Future Plan

5 Customer Satisfaction and Level of Importance at 44

Janata Bank
5.1 Reliability

5.2 Responsiveness

5.3 Assurance
5.4 Care & Empthay

5.5 Tangibility

5.6 Some Other Analysis

5.7 Findings from observation

5.8 Implication of Result

5.8.1 Divers of Satisfaction

5.8.2 Most important attributes of service

5.8.3 Satisfaction Towards the most important

5.8.4 Most Satisfied aspects of Janata Bank
5.8.5 Most dissatisfied aspects of Janata Bank
5.9 SWOT Analysis

6 Conclusion & Recommendation 70

6.1 Conclusion

6.2 Recommendation


Chapter -1

1.1 Introduction of
the topic

1.2 Objective of
the Study

The objectives of the study are

mentioned as beneath:

a) Primary Objective: Primary objective of the report is fulfilling the

course requirement for Completion of the degree of BBA program at
Department Of Markeitng Under University Of Dhaka.

b) Secondary Objective: Beside the primary objective, there are
some other objectives
which are equally important. The prime objective of the study is to examine

To come up with possible ways of improving service quality and

efficiency that will lead to bring more customer satisfaction for
Janata Bank Ltd.
Analyze customer opinion regarding satisfaction through
questioning customer.
To assess the level of importance, the customer of Janata Bank
put across various service attributes and also to determine
how well Janata Bank is satisfying the customers on those
service grounds and diferent service quality dimensions.

1.3 Scope of the study

As a student of BBA, it is normally essential to know the customer service
and satisfaction of any bank. In modern world without Customer
Satisfaction any organization can not run in
any moments. This report covers:

Customer Service and Satisfaction of Janata Bank Ltd.

Organizational Structure and Financial Service of Janata
Bank Ltd.

The scope of this report is limited to the overall description of the

company. Its service and their customers assessment about the service
provided by the customer service department.
1.4 Methodology of
the Study
1.4.1 Type of

In this study, exploratory research will be conducted to find out and

understanding of the overall banking of Janata Bank Ltd. and also to
determine some of the attributes of service quality in this bank.


Exploratory research is a type of research conducted for a problem that

has not been clearly defined. Exploratory research helps determine the
best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects. It
should draw definitive conclusions only with extreme caution. Given its
fundamental nature, exploratory research often concludes that a
perceived problem does not actually exist.

Exploratory research often relies on secondary research such as

reviewing available literature and/or data, or qualitative approaches
such as informal discussions with consumers, employees,
management or competitors, and more formal approaches through in-
depth interviews.

1.4.2 Questionnaire
The entire questionnaire is prepared based on the SERVQUAL scale.
There are five service quality dimensions Reliability, Responsiveness,
Assurance, Empathy and Tangibles. I also designed a structure and
unstructured questionnaire. This structured questionnaire was the major
tools of this research project. 21 questions are selected which
focus this 5 dimensions.

1.4.3 Target
Individual Customers of Janata
Bank Ltd.
1.4.4 Sources of
1. Primary Data

I have collected primary data by variety of ways, first of all by

interviewing employees of Janata Bank Ltd. and directly communicating
with the customers. I have also conducted a questionnaire survey of the
customers minimizing interruptions in their baking activities. Primary data
were mostly derived from the discussion with the employees &
through surveys on customers of the organization. Primary information is
under consideration in the

Face to face conversation with the employees.

By interviewing customers of Janata Bank.

2. Secondary data

I have elaborated diferent types of secondary data in my research.

Sources of secondary information can be defined as follows:

Internal Sources

Prior research report

Group Business Principal manual
Banks Annual Report

External Sources

Different books and periodicals related to the banking sector

1.4.5 Data Collection
In-depth interview: During the exploratory research, Iconducted in-depth
interviews with employees and customers of Janata Bank Ltd.

Questionnaire survey: I also designed a structure and unstructured

questionnaire for the customers of Janata Bank. This structured
questionnaire was the major tools of this research project.

1.4.6 Method
and Size
1. Method

For the purpose of getting better result, I adopeted non probabilistic

purposive sampling technique during the survey of these project where
customers were given copies of the questionnaire and were asked to fill
them. I gave continuous support to the customers for any problems that
they faced while filling up questionnaire so that the validity of the
questionnaire increases. As the simple random sampling is easily
understood and results are assessable it is best suited for my study.

2. Size

In this research phase I selected a group of

100 people

1.4.7 Data analysis and

The analysis of collected data is completed with the help of the
statistical tools. The response of the survey including the level of
importance and the customers perception are tallied at first and than
the weighted average of those responses are prepared. Here the value
of the SERVQUAL scale (5, 4, 3, 2, and 1) is counted as the weight.
Finally by doing mean of the three questions of the single segment the
overall mean importance and overall mean satisfaction level of the service
quality dimension are calculated.
1.5 Limitation of the report
Time frame of the research was very limited. The actual survey
was done with in a month.
Large scale research was not possible due to constraints and
restriction posed by the
Part of organizational culture was written from individuals
perception and may vary from person to person.
Getting relevant papers and documents were strictly prohibited.
Chapter -2

Customer Service
2.0 Customer
Customer Service is the set of behavior that a business undertakes
during its interaction with its customers. It can also refer to a specific
person or desk which is set up to provide general assistance to

Definition 1: Satisfaction means the contentment one feels when one
has fulfilled a desire, need or expectations.

Definition 2: Customer level of approval when comparing a product

perceived performance with his or her expectation. Also could refer to
discharge, extinguishment, or retirement of an obligation to the
acceptance of the obligator, or fulfillment of a claim. While satisfaction is
sometimes equated with performance, it implies compensation substitute
where as performance denotes doing what was actually promised.

2.2 Customer
Gaining high levels of customer satisfaction is very important to a
business because satisfaction customers are most likely to be loyal and
to make repeat orders and to use a wide range of services ofered by a

Rather than a single definition, I think it is appropriate to provide several

definitions because a single definition gives the impression that there
can be only one, which is certainly not true.

Definition 1: Customer satisfaction is equivalent to making sure

that product and
service performance meets customer expectations.

Definition 2: Customer satisfaction is the perception of the

customer that the outcome of a business transaction is equal to or
greater than his/her expectation.
Definition 3: Customer satisfaction occurs when acquisition of
products and/or services provides a minimum negative departure
from expectations when compared
with other acquisitions.

2.3 The Need to Measure Customer Satisfaction

The word "satisfied" itself had a number of
diferent meanings for respondents, which can be split into the broad
themes of contentment/happiness, relief, achieving aims, and
achieving aims and happy with
outcome and the fact that they did not encounter any hassle.

In the era of the globalization, management of

the companies is more concerned about Customer Satisfaction,
which leads to profitability. Satisfied customers are central to
optimal performance and financial returns. In many places in the
world, business organizations have been elevating the role of the
customer to that of a key stakeholder over the past twenty
years. Customers are viewed as a group whose satisfaction with the
enterprise must be incorporated in strategic planning efforts.
Forward-looking companies are finding value in directly measuring
and tracking customer satisfaction (CS) as an important strategic
success indicator. Evidence is mounting that placing a high priority
on CS is
critical to improved organizational performance in a global

With better understanding of customers'

perceptions, companies can determine the actions required to meet
the customers' needs. They can identify their own strengths and
weaknesses, where they stand in comparison to their competitors,
chart out path future progress and improvement. Customer
satisfaction measurement helps to promote an increased
focus on customer outcomes and stimulate improvements in the
work practices and processes used within the company.
2.4 Benefits of Customer
The importance of customer satisfaction and support is increasingly
becoming a vital business issue as organization realize the benefits of
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for providing effective
customer service. Professionals w o r k i n g w i t h i n c u s t o m e r focused
business or those running call centers or help desks, need to keep
informed about the latest customer satisfaction techniques for
running a valuable customer service function. From small customer
service departments to large call centers, the importance of developing a
valued relationship with customers using CRM is essential to support
customer and long-term business growth.

2.5 What Do
Customers Want?
Before we begin to create tools to measure the level of satisfaction,
it is important to develop a clear understanding of what exactly the
customer wants. We need to know what our customers expect from the
products and services we provide.
Customer expectations have two


Expressed: Customer Expectations are those requirements that are

written down n the contract and agreed upon by both parties for
example, product specifications and delivery requirements. Suppliers
performance against these requirements is most of the items directly
Implied: Customer Expectations are not written or spoken but are the
ones the customer
would expect the supplier to meet
For example, a customer would expect the service representative who calls
on him to be knowledgeable and competent to solve a problem on the
There are many reasons why customer expectations are likely to change
overtime. Process improvements, advent of new technology, changes
in customers priorities, improved quality of service provided by
competitors are just a few examples.
2.6 Customer Satisfaction Dimension
Customer Satisfaction is measured across various parameters. There
are parameters and sub parameters (some enumerated below).

Sales Experience

Level of product Knowledge with

Sales staff
Timeliness and quality of response to customer queries
on product. Level of understanding of customers
needs and unique perspective. Availability and quality
of brochures, sales material.
Presentation, communication and mannerism of
sales person.
Project of honesty and

Product Delivery Experience

Timeliness of product delivery

Sharing of status while work-in-progress
Quality and sophistication of delivery/product pack
Behavior and mannerism of delivery staf.
Level of congruence between what was sold and what was delivered.

Product Experience

Level of product quality vis--vis expectation.

Level of need fulfillment vis--vis expected

Product Servicing

Timeliness of product
servicing Quality of
product servicing Cost of
product servicing
Mannerism and conduct of servicing staff

Relationship experience

Frequency and quality of contact

Knowledge of company products and customer opportunities
Conduct and Communication of relationship person.

Complaint resolution / Grievance Handling

Timeliness of complaint resolution

Quality of complaint resolution
Level of iterations till the complaint was
resolved. Empathy of the customer
servicing staff Knowledge of customer
servicing staff

Collection Experience

Communication quality and information for collection

Conduct and communication of collection staff
Channel and Ease of giving payments.

2.7 Defining Service Quality and

The two separate terms satisfaction and quality are dificult to
define in general, and press writers tend to use those terms
interchangeably. However, the more precise meanings and measurement
of the two concepts were developed after a considerable debate.
Although these two consensuses share something in common, the
fundamental causes and outcomes difer from one another. While
satisfaction is a wide and broad concept in general, service quality
has specific attributes of the service itself. As shown below in Figure
1, service quality is a reflection of the customers perception of reliability,
assurance, responsiveness, empathy and tangibles. Whereas customer
satisfaction is more inclusive and perceived according to service quality,
product quality, price, situational factors and personal factors. (Zeithaml,
Bitner & Gremler, 2009, 103.)
Reliabilit Situational
y Service Factors


Empath Product Customer

y Quality Satisfaction Customer

Price Factors

Figure: Service Quality and satisfaction

2.8 Service Quality Dimension

The SERVQUAL model is a widely accepted model of determining
and expressing the customer satisfaction. It was first published in 1988
and has undergone improvements and revisions since than. As it is east
to understand and to identify the customer satisfaction level this model
is selected to use in the report. There are five major those entirely
represent the service quality. These are explained below:

Tangibility: Representing the

Service Physically

Tangibility is defined as the appearance of physical facilities, equipment,

personnel and communications materials. Customers, particularly new
customers, use these physical representations or images to assess
quality. Service companies can make good use of tangible factors to
improve their image, provide continuity, and indicate quality to
customers, or even combine them with another element to create a
service quality strategy. (Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler 2009, 115)
Reliability: Delivering on

Reliability is defined as the ability to perform the promised service

dependably and accurately. More specifically, it means that the
company deliverers service provision, problem resolution, and pricing
according to their promises. In this way, firms can keep their customers
loyal to them. (Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler 2009, 113.)

Responsiveness: Being
Willing to Help

Responsiveness is the willingness to help customers and to provide

prompt service. The focus is weighted on how quickly and attentively
companies are able to deal with customer requests, questions,
complaints, and problems. Companies must have customers point of
view to deliver service and handle requests in order to excel on this
dimension. (Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler 2009, 114.)

Assurance: Inspiring Trust and


Assurance is the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability

to convey trust and confidence. For high-risk service such as banking,
insurance, medical, brokerage, and legal services, this aspect tends to be
particularly significant. Companies need to gain trust and confidence in ord er to
create trusting relationships with their customers. (Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler
2009, 114.)

Empathy: Treating Customers as


Empathy is the provision of caring individualized attention to customers. The core

idea is to prove customers that they are cared and understood through
personalized or customized service, as they are special and important for firms.
Small firms are often able to reflect their personal knowledge of customer
requirements and preferences and build relationships with their customers so
that small firms tend to be more advantageous when competing with larger firms
in this dimension. (Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler 2009, 114-115.)
This attribute demands customization service process. Aspects like individual
attention, understanding customers needs and interests were categorized in this
All of those elements are equally important in order to obtain one hundred
percent of quality and have diferent influence on the final service quality.
Customers use those five dimensions to organize information about service
quality in their minds. Depending on a situation, sometimes all the
dimensions are used, and at other times not. Although this model is found
relevant for a variety of service business and therefore widely used, some
researchers suggest that cross-cultural aspect is missing on those dimensions.
Individuals from different backgrounds seek diferent experiences from the
same set of service and also perceive actual experiences differently. This has
to be taken into account when applying these dimensions. (Zeithaml, Bitner &
Gremler 2009, 112.)
Chapter -3

Overview of the Organization

3.1 Historical

Janata Bank Limited, a leading commercial bank with 867 outlets

strategically located in almost all the commercial areas throughout
Bangladesh, overseas Exchange Houses and hundreds of overseas
Correspondents, came into being as a Public Limited Company on May
17, 2007 with a view to take over the business, assets, liabilities, rights
and obligations of the Janata Bank which emerged as a nationalized
commercial bank in 1972 immediately after the emergence of
Bangladesh as an independent state. Janata Bank Limited started
functioning as a going concern basis through a Vendors Agreement signed
between the ministry of finance, Government of the People's Republic of
Bangladesh on behalf of the former Janata Bank and the Board of
Directors of Janata Bank Limited on November 15,
2007 with retrospective effect from 01
July, 2007.

Janata Bank Limited is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of

13(thirteen) members headed by a chairman. The Bank is headed by
the Managing Director & Chief Executive Oficer; Managing Director is
assisted by Deputy Managing Directors and General Managers. The bank
has 7 Circle ofices, 30 Divisions in head ofice, 52 zonal offices and 867
branches including 10 corporate and 40 AD( authorized dealer) branches.
The corporate and AD branches are authorized to deal in Foreign
exchange business. The authorized capital of the Bank is Tk. 800 crore.
3.2 Nature of

The principal activities of the Bank are providing all kinds of commercial
banking services to its customers and the principal activities of its
subsidiaries are to carry on the remittance business and to undertake
and participate in any or all transactions, and operations commonly
carried or undertaken by remittance and exchange houses.
The Bank also started its Merchant Banking operations at Head Ofice
level from September
03, 2009 vide registration certificate no. AMB-34/2009 dated March
23, 2009 under Securities and Exchange Commission Act, 1993 and
Securities and Exchange Commission Rules, 1996.

Janata Bank Ltd. with its wide-ranging branch network and skilled
personnel provides prompt services like issuing:

Demand Draft
Telegraphic Transfer
Pay Order
bills collection
The Bank provides the following account

Current/Savings/STD account
FDR account
Advance account
Loan account

Janata Bank has already established a worldwide network and

relationship in international Banking through its overseas branches and
foreign correspondents. The Bank has earned an excellent business
reputation in handling and funding international trade particularly in
boosting export & import of the country. The Bank finances exports within
the framework of the export policy of the country.
3.3 Organizational Overview:

Name of the company Janata Bank ltd.

chairman Khondokar bazlul haque,phd

Managing director Syed abu naser bukhtear ahmed,
Company secretary MD. Ekramul Hakim
Legal status Public limited company
Date of incorporation 17 may 2007
Registered office 9d dilkusha commercial
area, Dhaka-
Authorized capital Tk. 800 crore

Paid up capital Tk. 497 crore

Reserve and retained earning Tk. 420 crore

Number of employees 11443

Number of branch 867

Number of subsidiary 02

website www.janatab

email janata@

3.4 Company Mission
& Vision

To become a leading bank of Bangladesh.
Operating at international level of efficiency, quality and customer

We operate ethically and fairly within the stringent framework set by
our regulators. We fuse ideas and lessons from best practice to explore
new avenues to become stronger, more eficient and competitive. We
apply information and communication technology for the benefit of our
customer and employees. We invest to strengthen the future of the bank.
3.5 Organizational Hierarchy:

Managing Director & CEO (Human Resource Division)

General Manager (Operation)

Deputy Managing Director (Loan Recovery)

Assist. Managing Director

(Principal Branch)

Senior Principal Officer

Principal Officer

Senior Officer

Officers/Officers Cash

3.6 Business Challenge
Janata Bank wanted to streamline their remittance operations and
improve customer service. To achieve these objectives, they had to
address four major challenges:

Previously, most money transfers were processed manually across

Janata Banks remittance centres due to which it would take up to
four days for beneficiaries to receive funds. Janata Bank wanted
to ofer their customers popular same day services such as spot
cash within minutes.
Janata Bank wanted to be able to communicate and
collaborate information accurately, rapidly and reliably among
their 867 branches. They wanted to ensure that the right
information is delivered to the right branch at the right time using
advanced auto-routing features.
Some Janata Bank branches could expect up to 2,000 customers on
certain days, making it very dificult for their staff to serve them.
Janata Bank wanted to empower their staff to help customers as
effectively as possible.
Janata Bank wanted to have a sophisticated money transfer
management system
that could be easily used by their staf. They wanted the system to
be user-friendly so staff could rapidly learn how to use it, which in
turn could save them time and cost.
3.7 Credit

Credit Rating Information and Services Limited (CRISL) assigns AAA (Triple
A) rating to Janata Bank in the long run and ST-1 in the short term. The
above has been done in consideration of the guarantee of the Government
of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh while setting up Janata Bank under
the Presidential Order Number 26 of 1972 by assuming all assets and
liabilities of some banks operating in former East Pakistan. CRISL,
being a local rating agency, always considers the Government of the
Peoples Republic of Bangladesh as the highest risk free entity. Financial
Institutions rated in this category are adjudged to be of best quality,
ofer highest safety and have the highest credit quality. Changing
economic circumstances are unlikely to have any serious impact on the
category of banks. The short term rating indicates highest certainty of
timely payment. Safety is almost like risk free Government short-term

Credit rating by CRISL particul Lon Shor

g t

Entity Rating as ter

AAA ter
Guaranteed Bank
Entity Rating as A ST-2
Outlook Stabl
Date of rating declaration 06/09/2010
Chapter -4

Services Provided by Janata Bank

4.1 Agency
Janata Bank Limited, being a state owned Bank, has both commercial
commitment to its clients and societal commitment to the nation.
Besides catering service to its clients at nominal fees/charges the
Bank has to provide a plethora of services, free of charges, in respect
of transferring money to diferent benevolent organizations and groups of
professionals in far flung areas through its branches in urban and rural
areas all over Bangladesh.

Here below are a few of such services Janata Bank

Limited provides:

1. Collection of Utility bills :

Telephone bills of T &T Authority without service charges

Grameen Phone bills of Grameen Phone Ltd. with service charge

& other


Electric bill of REB without service charges

Electric bills of DESA without service charges

Electric bill of PDB without service charges

Electric bill of DESCO without service charges

Bills of Railways without service charges

Gas bill of Titas Gas, T& D Co. ltd without service charges

Gas bill of Bakhrabad Gas Co. ltd without service charges

Bill of Oil-bill of Meghna Petrolium Co. Ltd.

2. Sale/encashment of Saving Certificates

3. Sale/Purchase of Prize bonds

4. Payment of Army/civil pension

5. Payment of non-government primary /secondary school/college

/Madrasha teachers benefit (government portion)

6. Payment of Government primary school teachers salary

7. Payment of Honorarium to freedom fighters.

8. Payment of stipend for female students of secondary and

higher secondary institutions

9. Payment of Govt. allowances to Bayaska, Bidava and Dostho Mohila.

10. Payment of stipend to primary students

11. Payment of stipend to Shishu Kallyan Trust in urban areas.

12. Maintain of BADC disbursement account with 200 branches

13. Payment of Food Procurement bills.

4.2 Locker
For safekeeping of customers' valuables like important documents and
goods like jewelries and gold ornaments, Janata Locker Service is
available in most of the Branches in urban areas.

Nature of Service Nature of Charges Rate of Charges

a) Yearly TK.900/= for

small size locker
b) Yearly
Custody of Locker / Rent
TK.1200/= for
c) Yearly size locker
for big size locker

4.3 Evening Banking

"Evening Banking", a unique service of Janata Bank Limited, only for
receiving Cash and Documents beyond transaction hours till 6 o'clock in
the evening, is available in about 207 important Branches of Janata Bank
Limited. The service is attractive for those, like shopkeepers, who
accumulate cash as sales proceeds in the afternoon when counters of
Bank branches usually remain closed.
4.4 Financial Service:
The Bank ofers financing on easy terms to the following "Thrust Sectors":

Agro-based industries Computer Software & IT Electronics

Artificial flower Product Frozen food Export oriented non-

traditional agro

Gift item leather goods Jute


Jewelry and Diamond Silk worm cultivation Stuffed toys (except RMG)

Textile industry Oil & Gas

4.4.1 Import Finance:
With assistance from about 400 overseas correspondents, Janata Bank
Limited, through 40
Authorized Dealer Branches, has been financing full range import
business of a lot of
Importers who are Bank's clients.

Wheat Rice Suger

Milk Food Edible Oil Oil

Seeds Fruits Spices Raw

Cotton Cotton Yarn Textile Fabrics Pharmaceuticals R.M

Drugs & Medicine Chemicals Parts

Cement Motor Vehicle Electronic

Component Petrol, Oil & Lubricant (POL)

Fertilizer Scrap

4.4.2 Export Finance
To boost up country's Export, Janata Bank Limited has been providing diferent
kinds of assistance and incentive to the exporters. Some of which are:

Pre-Shipment and Post-Shipment Finance.

Discount/Concession rate of interest for exports
Finance. Back-to-Back L/C facility under bonded
Warehouse system. Sight L/C under Export
Development Fund (EDF).
Interest bearing and non-interest bearing Exporter's retention Quota A/C.
Export Incentive Program.

Financing industries of 100% foreign investment or of Joint Venture at Export

Processing Zones

Obtaining EEF (Equity & Entrepreneurship Fund) from Government through

Bangladesh Bank for building up Entrepreneurs' Equity.
Providing services to the exporters by the Bank's own logistical supports like
SWIFT, Reuters
Service, Internet, and Fax etc.

Scope of Further Expansion:

Software and Data entry Dry & Dehydrated fish Toys and

luggage Fashion item Leather goods Stationery goods

Orchid Gift item Bamboo & wooden


4.5 Merchant Banking
We shall render our service to help the capital market to increase the
supply of securities. Being a Manager to issue we shall provide assistance
to the Private Limited Companies intended to be converted into Public
Limited Companies by way of obtaining necessary permission from
relevant authorities, preparing prospectus for public issue of shares and
debentures, involving in the collection of application money and end
through listing of securities with stock exchange.

Janata Bank Limited with its strong capital base is capable of providing
underwriting commitments for successful completion of IPO of any size
enabling the companies to go public.

Initially the Non-Discretionary (i.e. Investor's Discretion) portfolio
account will be opened. Subsequently the portfolio management shall be
expanded with the introduction of following schemes:
Bank's discretionary portfolio account.
Investor's discretion portfolio management scheme for high net
worth investors. Profit loss sharing portfolio management
scheme (subject to approval of SEC).
Interest, Fees,
Commission etc:

Cost of account opening form :Tk. 25.00

Initial Documentation Charge :Tk. 500.00
Brokerage Commission: 0.50% on the value of traded securities.

Interest on Margin Loan:

Interest Rate : 13.00% per annum Mode of charging interest :
Service Charge

Portfolio Management : 1% per annum with a

minimum charge of Tk. 500.00
Mode of Service Charge : Quarterly
Statement Charge :Tk. 10.00 per statement
Terms & Conditions : Charges, fees etc. may change from
Time to time at the discretion of Janata Bank Limited.

4.6 Foreign
Janata Bank Limited gives top priority in handling remittance from
Bangladeshi Wage Earners working abroad. We have made
arrangement to ensure crediting the remitted amount to the
beneficiary's A/C within 72 hours from the time our Back Ofice in Dhaka
receives Credit Advice.

You may open NFCD Account in any of our Authorized Dealer (AD)
Branches in Bangladesh. You may also collect Forms from Bangladesh
Missions abroad and send your application to
us for opening NFCD Account. Facilities of
NFCD Account:

Your money will always be in foreign currency of your choice

You can withdraw and transfer both interest and principal in foreign

You will enjoy many privileges Government has declared for

expatriate Bangladeshis who send their money through banking
You can also convert your foreign currency into Taka

Remittance Card:

The Probashi Remittance Card is a prepaid card that provides customer

immediate access to their pay. The cardholder or beneficiaries can use
the card at any Electro ways ATM or pay for purchases at the point-of-
sale, pay bills and transfer funds to their loved ones ! Like other
prepaid payment products, the Probashi Card can be used every places
where Electro ways logos are accepted. The cardholders also can
receive a monthly statement and can obtain account information at
ATMs and POS terminals or by calling the customer care

Instant payment

No minimum balance requirement

Can be used at any Electro ways enabled POS or ATM

Access to money anytime

Balance inquiry facility available via ATMs and POS

24 hour call centre assistance (coming soon)

SMS alerts every reload

Monthly statements via email (coming soon)

Easy process of replacement of lost card

Upon enrolment, the customer receives a Prepaid card from the banks
which is working with Remittance program (Like; Probashi). The
customer can either give standing instructions for transferring a fixed
amount to his beneficiarys card every pay cycle or use the card to
transfer remittances to his beneficiary as and when he wants. The
transactions made are detailed on monthly electronic or printed account

4.7 Remit ONE Money Transfer Management

Solutions (MTMS)
Janata Bank engaged Remit ONE to provide them with an end-to-end, web-
based money transfer management solution to address their business

The Remit ONE MTMS was delivered on time and met the demands. In
addition, Janata Bank is very pleased with the level of support they
received from Remit ONE.

With the RemitONE MTMS, Janata Bank now ofer a set of advanced,
enhanced, rapid and secure services to their customers, including:

1. Enhanced customer experience due to the following impressive

same day services: Spot Cash remittance for both account
holders and non-account holders Instant SMS notifications
after successful processing of transactions
2. Improved remittance delivery options for remitters to choose
from and to make it
easier for beneficiaries to collect their funds
3. Significantly reduced processing costs due to automation of
all remittance-related tasks
4. Improved business process management due to business-
critical information being instantly available to the right staff
member at the right branch
5. Empowered business users who can tend to a multitude of
customers in a highly effective and eficient manner
6. Rapidly increasing ROI through rapid execution of various
remittance operations, tasks and activities
4.8 Future
Janata Bank is actively working to become the foremost remittance
provider in all Bangladesh through efective market penetration.
They plan to open more overseas exchange houses in important
locations and forge strategic alliances with major global remittance
companies sending money to Bangladesh.

With 867 branches across the country and now an end-to-end, fast and
reliable technology solutions by Remit ONE, Janata Bank are certainly
placed well in the remittance industry to achieve their business goals.
Chapter -5

Customers Importance
Level of Satisfaction
An Assessment of Customer Satisfaction of
Janata Bank
5.0 Customers Importance & Level
of Satisfaction:
Customers importance and level of satisfaction at Janata Bank shown
briefly. The results are produced according to the various service quality
dimensions. Each dimension consists of its own specific questions. The
results of the survey are presented according to these questions that were
asked to the respondents with the help of a structured questionnaire. The
results of this study are as follows:

Aspects relating to reliability dimension of service quality were
asked in 3 diferent questions. These questions are as follows:

Q1: Provides services within the

time promised.

The respondents placed a high importance in this characteristic of the

service. The majority of the respondents are indifferent. 2% customers are
highly satisfied, 20% customers are satisfied 60% customers are indiferent
as well as 18% customers are negative with this statement.

Table 1: Provides services within the time


Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 2%

4 20%

3 60%

2 18%

1 0%

Provides services within t he time promised.

60% 20%
50% 10%
40% 0%
An Assessment of Customer Satisfaction of
Janata Bank

Sc ore 5
Score 4 Percentage
Score 3
Score 2
Score 1
Chart-1: Provides services within the time promised.

Q2: Employees give appropriate

solution to problems.

It is one of the most vital parts of the reliability. Customer always tries
to get appropriate solution to problem. The respondents placed a high
importance in this characteristic of the service. The majority of the
respondents are negative with this statement. 15% customers are
satisfied, 40% customers are indifferent and 45% customers are
disagreeing with this statement.

Table 2: Employees give appropriate solution

to problems.

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 0%

4 15%

3 40%

2 45%

1 0%

Chart-2: Employees give appropriate solution to problems.

Q3: Errors and mistakes
correctly promptly.

The respondents placed a high importance in this characteristic of the

service. The majority of the respondents are indifferent. 5% customers are
highly satisfied, 25% customers are satisfied 40% customers are indiferent
as well as 30% customers are negative with this statement.

Table 3: Errors and mistakes correctly


Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 5%

4 25%

3 40%

2 30%

1 0%

Chart-3: Errors and mistakes correctly promptly.


Three attributes were grouped in this dimension and the respondents were
asked to express their opinion. Results are various aspects are shown

Q1: Employee gives you

prompt service.

An extremely high percentage of Satisfaction was given in this

attribute of service. The majority of the respondents are satisfied. 2%
customers are highly satisfied, 40% customers are satisfied with this
statement, 30% customers are indifferent as well as 28% customers are
negative with this statement. The results are as follows:

Table 4: Employee gives you

prompt service.

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 2%

4 40%

3 30%

2 28%

1 0%
Chart-4: Employee gives you prompt service.
Q2: Employees are always
willing to help.

A moderate importance was placed on this attribute of responsiveness

dimension where the satisfaction percentage is high. Employees are
always willing to help but their resources are limited so they can not give
higher percentage of satisfaction. The majority of the respondents are
satisfied. 10% customers are highly satisfied, 45% customers are
satisfied with this statement, 25% customers are indiferent as well as
20% customers are negative with this statement. The results are as

Table 5: Employees are always

willing to help.

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 10%

4 40%

3 25%

2 20%

1 0%

Chart-5: Employees are always willing to help.

Q3: Employee always searches
for solution.

Most of the respondents were in indiferent while expressing their

satisfaction towards this aspect. The satisfaction percentages of this
attribute were dissatisfactory. 35% customers are satisfied, 40%
customers are indiferent, 20% customers are disagreeing with this
statement and 5% customers are highly disagreeing with this statement.

Table 6: Employee always searches for


Satisfaction Score Satisfaction

Percentage (%)
5 0%
4 35%
3 40%
2 20%

1 5%

Chart-6: Employee always searches for solution.


Aspects relating to assurance dimension of service quality where asked

three diferent questions. The results are as follows:

Q1: Friendliness & Courtesy of

the Employee

This attribute was also found to be another one of the most important
ones. In this attribute satisfaction percentage is not much higher. 32%
customers are satisfied, 40% customers are indifferent, 25% customers
are disagreeing with this statement and 3% customers are highly
disagreeing with this statement.

Table 7: Friendliness & Courtesy of the


Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 0%

4 32%

3 40%

2 25%

1 3%
Chart-7: Friendliness & Courtesy of the

Q2: You feel safe in your transactions with Janata Bank.

Most of the respondents were in satisfied while expressing their

satisfaction towards this aspect. 25% customers are highly satisfied, 45%
customers are satisfied with this statement,
35% customers are indiferent. Most of the respondents positive with this
statement. The
results are as follows:

Table 8: You feel safe in your transactions with Janata Bank.

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 25%

4 45%

3 30%

2 0%

1 0%

Chart-8: You feel safe in your transactions with Janata Bank.

5.4 Care &
3 attributes were grouped in the dimension and the respondents were
asked to express their opinions. Results of the various aspects are shown

Q1: Janata Bank gives attention to

every individual

Most of the respondents were in indiferent while expressing their

satisfaction towards this aspect. In this attribute satisfaction percentage is
not much higher. 20% customers are satisfied, 42% customers are
indiferent, 30% customers are disagreeing with this statement and 8%
customers are highly disagreeing with this statement.

Table 9: Janata Bank gives attention to

every individual

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 0%

4 20%

3 42%

2 30%

1 8%
Chart-9: Janata Bank gives attention to every individual

Q2: Employees of Janata Bank understands

your specific needs

Most of the respondents were in indiferent while expressing their

satisfaction towards this aspect. In this attribute satisfaction percentage is
not much higher. 25% customers are satisfied, 55% customers are
indiferent, and 20% customers are disagreeing with this statement.

Table 10: Employees of Janata Bank understands your

specific needs

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 0%

4 25%

3 55%

2 20%

1 0%

Chart-10: Employees of Janata Bank understands your specific

Q3: Janata Bank has your best
interest at hearts

This attribute was also found to be another one of the most important
ones. In this attribute satisfaction percentage is not much higher. 32%
customers are satisfied, 48% customers are indifferent, 15% customers
are disagreeing with this statement and 5% customers are highly
disagreeing with this statement.

Table 11: Janata Bank has your best

interest at hearts

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 0%

4 32%

3 48%

2 15%

1 5%

Chart-11: Janata Bank has your best interest at hearts

4 questions relating to the tangible dimension were asked to the
respondents. These questions covered various tangible aspects of the
services provided by Janata Bank. The results are shown below:

Q1: Janata Bank has visually

appealing facilities

Most of the respondents were in indiferent while expressing their

satisfaction towards this aspect. In this attribute satisfaction percentage is
not much higher. 25% customers are satisfied, 45% customers are
indiferent, 22% customers are disagreeing with this statement and 8%
customers are highly disagreeing with this statement.

Table 12: Janata Bank has visually

appealing facilities

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 0%

4 25%

3 45%

2 22%

1 8%
Chart-12: Janata Bank has visually appealing facilities

Q2: Janata Bank has convenient

hours of operation

Most of the respondents were in satisfied while expressing their

satisfaction towards this aspect. 44% customers are satisfied, 30%
customers are indifferent and 26% customers are disagreeing with this
statement. Most of the respondents positive with this statement. The
results are as follows:

Table 13: Janata Bank has convenient hours

of operation

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 0%

4 44%

3 30%

2 26%

1 0%

Chart-13: Janata Bank has convenient hours of operation

Q3: Statements are easily understood,
reliable and accurate

This attribute was also found to be another one of the most important
ones. In this attribute satisfaction percentage is much higher. 10%
customers are highly satisfied, 55% customers are satisfied, 15%
customers are indiferent with this statement, 8% customers are
disagreeing with this statement and 2% customers are highly
disagreeing with this statement.

Table 14: Statements are easily understood, reliable

and accurate

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 10%

4 55%

3 15%

2 8%

1 2%

Chart-14: Statements are easily understood, reliable and

Q4: Janata Bank has modern equipment and technology that
better satisfy your needs

This attribute was also found to be another one of the most important
ones. In this attribute dissatisfaction percentage is much higher. 25%
customers are indifferent, 35% customers are disagreeing with this
statement and 40% customers are highly disagreeing with this statement.

Table 15: Janata Bank has modern equipment and technology that better
satisfy your needs

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 0%

4 0%

3 25%

2 35%

1 40%
Chart-15: Janata Bank has modern equipment and technology that better
satisfy your needs
5.6 Some other
In spite of the five dimensions, some other questions were also asked to
the customers for better understanding of their satisfaction or
dissatisfaction and the reason behind this. These questions and their
analysis are given below:

Q1: Janata Bank has strong brand name

and reputation

Different customer views products and services indifferent way. The

reason for taking service or buying products from organization is
diferent among the customers. This attribute was also found to be
another one of the most important ones. In this attribute satisfaction
percentage is not much higher. 28% customers are satisfied, 52%
customers are indifferent with this statement and 20% customers are
disagreeing with this statement.

Table 16: Janata Bank has strong brand name

and reputation

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 0%

4 28%

3 52%

2 20%

1 0%

Chart-16: Janata Bank has strong brand name and reputation

Q2: Janata Bank has suficient

ATM booths

In recent days ATM service has become vital for the customers and banks.
The banks are willingly to achieve competitive advantage through superior
flexibility. In this attribute satisfaction percentage is not much higher.
20% customers are indiferent with this statement, 35% customers
are disagreeing with this statement and 45% customers are highly
disagreeing with this statement.

Table 17: Janata Bank has suficient

ATM booths

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 0%

4 15%

3 25%

2 35%

1 25%
Chart- 17: Janata Bank has sufficient ATM booths

Q3: Janata Bank has suitable

branch location

Number of customers and superior service also depends on the number of

branches. Convenience of branches or the branches availability also
influences the customer to get involved with the bank. 25% customers
are highly satisfied, 45% customers are satisfied,
20% customers are indifferent with this statement, and 10% customers
are disagreeing with this statement.

Table 18: Janata Bank has suitable

branch location

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 25%

4 45%

3 20%

2 10%

1 0%
Chart- 18: Janata Bank has suitable branch location

Q4: Janata Bank gives average bank

service and facilities

Customers always compare the products and services of one organization

with another to find out the best one. 15% customers are highly satisfied,
42% customers are satisfied, 28% customers are indiferent with this
statement and 20% customers are disagreeing with this statement.

Table 19: Janata Bank gives average bank service

and facilities

Satisfaction Score Satisfaction Percentage (%)

5 15%

4 42%

3 28%

2 20%

1 0%
Chart- 19: Janata Bank gives average bank service and facilities

5.7 Findings from the

Besides the formal questionnaire survey I have found out some important
facts. Those facts were revealed from the observation during the three
months of period. Such facts reflex the customers expectation regarding
the service provided by the bank. Such facts are as

Though the ATM machines are latest in technology but every

the customers are coming up with complaints regarding the ATM
booths are not available in diferent

Quality of service is the most important part of the Janata Bank. But
they do not give
quality full service. So it is very necessary to improve their service

Janata Bank does not use modern equipment and technology

that better satisfy
customers needs
Janata Bank does not give individual attention to the customer
The customers have to pay charge to get second copy of bank
statement. If it is for last six months then the bank provides it
instantly, but they seek for more than six
months, statements are delivered on after two or three days.

Most of the customers feel safe in transactions with Janata Bank. So

that it is one of
the most vital or strong part for Janata Bank.

5.8 Implication of
5.8.1 Divers of
If banks are to improve their satisfaction loyalty ratings and diferentiate
themselves from the competition, they need to understand what really
drives satisfaction and loyalty. they also need to know which areas have
the greatest room for improvement. There is little point in intervening
resources on areas that are important but are performing well, or in
areas that there is much room for improvement but they are not
important in driving satisfaction and loyalty. Thus Janata Bank managers
need to know what levers to push to increase these measures of success.

One useful tool is to search for the most important attributes that allow
analyzing those areas that are important and have much room for
improvements. In the following section the most important attributes will
be discussed.

5.8.2 Most important attributes

of the service

The analysis of the importance scores across various attributes of service

quality dimension pointed out some attributes that were highly important
to the customer. These attributes are listed below according to
Speed of Service
Locations of ATMs
Friendliness & courtesy of the employees
Promptness of error correction
Location of the branches
These attributes were considered as the drivers of satisfaction
for the customers. Satisfaction across these attributes influenced the
overall satisfaction towards the bank services. Some other attributes,
which were important to customers but not considered as
drivers of satisfaction are listed

Individual attention
Safety of transactions with Janata Bank
Reliability and accuracy of the statements
Problem solving interest within employees

The rest of the attributes administered during the survey where found to
moderately important or less important or indiferent for the customers
and were not considered by them while deciding on satisfaction scores.

5.8.3 Satisfaction towards the most

important attributes:
As mentioned earlier, the major concern of managers is to find out
satisfaction of the customers across the various drivers of satisfaction.
The results of the survey showed that
customers were satisfied only across the following drivers
of satisfaction:

Promptness of error
correction Location of the
branches Professionalism
of the employees
Reliability and accuracy of the statements

Thus the above attributes were only very few compared to the list of highly
important attributes. Again the customer also ranked some of the highly
important factors as highly dissatisfactory. These attributes thus
damaged the overall satisfaction scores drastically.
Some such attributes are as

Speed of Service
Locations of ATMs

Most of the other drivers of satisfaction that were very important to

customers showed average satisfaction scores. This depicts that most of
the customers are not very satisfied
with the attributes and are the some what indiferent with the attributes.
This bought down the overall satisfaction scores to the neutral or average

5.8.4 Most Satisfied Aspects of

Janata Bank Service

The respondent showed high satisfaction scores towards some of the

attributes of the service dimensions. Though most of these were not very
important to customers they do represent the good side of the service
provided by Janata Bank. Some such satisfied attributes are listed
below starting from the most satisfied ones:

Safety with Janata Bank

Reliability and Accuracy of statement
Cleanliness of the premises
Friendliness and courtesy of employees
Location of the branch
Professionalism of the employees

So these were the attributes that resemble strength of service

provided by Janata Bank services, which were ranked as satisfactory
by the respondents.

5.8.5 Most Dissatisfied Aspects of

Janata Bank Service

The respondent while expressing their satisfaction views toward various

attributes ranked some of the aspect of the service quality poorly. Such
dissatisfied must be taken care as early as possible. Some such poorly
ranked dissatisfied attributes are as follows:

ATM booth
willingness to
Janata Bank has best interest of the customer
Searching for solution
Clarity of the statements
5.9 SWOT Analysis


The attribute with which customers were highly satisfied but gave less
importance was tagged as the strength areas of the bank. Some attributes
that give Janata Bank Ltd. a better standing in the competition. These are:

Large number of customers

Location of the branches

Professionalism of the


Rates on savings


Some weaknesses of the bank were pointed out in the survey, which
had low satisfaction scores and were somewhat less important to
customers. But in order to improve overall satisfaction these attributes
should be considered.

Slow decision making due to large

hierarchy Solution searching

tendency of employees Location of

the ATMs

Willingness to help

Opportunities are the ones that hold bright prospects for Janata Bank
Ltd. identifying that where it should build its strength. These opportunities

Reliability of the

statement Fees and

service charges

Location of the branch

Savings service


Threats are ones that represent danger for the bank in its future growth
and are responsible for the downgrading of customer satisfaction. Some of
the threats are:

Location of the

ATMs Technology

of bank phone

banking service

neatness of


Friendliness of employees
Chapter -6

Conclusion & Recommendation

This research has provided some interesting insight in to what kind of
service the customers give importance to and what quality service
they get from Janata Bank Ltd. It is quite obvious from the research
that the customer requirements are not fully met and they are very
dissatisfied with some of the aspects of the bank. Again the research
revealed that only one third of customers were more or less satisfied
with the service of the bank and more than half of the respondents were
on the neutral side of satisfaction line.

Finally, I would say that this research report at Janata Bank has increased
my practical knowledge of Business Administration and made by BBA
education more complete and applied. In this report, I got the opportunity
to apply various tools and concepts I learn in my BBA courses.

Customers are the vital for every business. It is not possible to make a
profitable business without concerning the customers benefit. Janata Bank
is a great domestic bank. To achieve the desired position in the market,
timely improvement in service is essential
Janata Bank is one of the most flourishing Bank of Bangladesh
with wide growth opportunities in the industry. The survey on the
customers of Janata Bank was conducted with an aim of improving the
overall customer satisfaction at Janata Bank Ltd. The research gave
valuable insights as to where improvements were necessary to improve
the quality of service. Janata Bank has strong organizational
strength can successfully utilize the
opportunities and overcome its weakness. These are
given below:

Use of Marketing
Research Focus on
relationship strategic
Clarity of the statements
Available the ATM
Reconsider interest rate and savings

These are all about the recommendation provided based on survey and my
personal experiences of internship in Janata Bank. By following these
recommendations Janata Bank would be able to build up a strong platform
of satisfied customers.
1. http://www. janatabank-bd. com/
2. http://en.
3. m/customer_service
4. Book Study from Marketing Management(Philip kotler),Eleventh Edition
Ques.1. Does the Bank provide services within the

time promised ? Ques.2. Do the employees give

appropriate solution to problems ? Ques. 3. Does the

Bank errors and mistakes correct its promptly ?

Ques. 1. Does the employee give you

prompt services? Ques.2. Are employees

always willing to help?

Ques.3. Does the employee always search for solution?

Ques.1. How is the friendliness & courtesy of the

employees ? Ques.2. Do you feel safe in your

transactions with Janata Bank ? Care & Empathy:

Ques.1. Does the Janata Bank give attention to every individual ?

Ques. 2. Does the employees of Janata Bank understand your

specific needs ? Ques.3. Does the Janata Bank have your best

interest at hearts ?
Ques.1. Does the Janata Bank have visually appealing facilities ?

Ques.2. Does the Janata Bank have convenient hours

of operation ? Ques.3. Are the statement easily

understood, reliable and accurate?

Ques.4. Does the Janata Bank modern equipment and

technology that better satisfy your needs ?

Some other Analysis

Ques.1. Does the Janata Bank have strong brand name &

reputation ? Ques.2. Is the quality of services high that are

provided by the personnel ? Ques.3. Does the Janata Bank have

suitable branch location?

Ques.4. Does the Janata Bank give average bank services and facilities

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