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SIX TISSUE TERRAINS and share this chart as long as you
a division of Kether-One, Inc. do not alter it in anyway.




General Indications General Indications General Indications General Indications General Indications General Indications
Increased metabolic rate, Reduced metabolic rate Excess fluids in tissues Excess minerals with Muscle cramping and Excessive secretion of
elevated temperature, Lowered temperature with insufficient mineral insufficient fluids (water spasm body fluids, sweat,
fever Skin is typically pale or electrolytes to keep fluids and fats) to keep tissues Conditions that alternate mucus, urine, blood, etc.
Classic signs of white and cold (warm, in motion moist and flexible between extremes, such Conditions involving a
inflammationheat, dark red or purple Swollen, spongy, Dry, rough, leathery skin, as fever and chills or "leaking" or rapid loss of
swelling, redness and splotches may also be water-logged tissues typically thin and weak diarrhea and constipation body fluids such as
acute or sharp pain present in this condition Tongue swollen and Brittle nails, hair, skin Pulse tense or wiry incontinence, diarrhea,
Red tongue, often pointed due to putrefaction) damp, often with and bones Tongue often quivers bleeding, constant sinus
or elongated Dull or chronic pains scalloped edges Pulse thin, weak and/or Sharp stabbing or drainage, etc.
Rapid pulse usually Pulse slow and/or weak, Tongue may also have a deep, sometimes tense on shooting pains that Pale, cool, moist skin
floating or superficial often deep or thin (may heavy mucus coat one side with weakness migrate from one location Non-resistant, relaxed,
White fibers in iris be rapid and Pulse rolling or slippery Dry mouth with dry to another languid pulse
Initial tissue reaction to non-resistant with When skin is depressed tongue, usually pale, Person is tense, nervous Radial furrows (radii
injury, trauma or disease putrefaction) on the hand or the arm it often cracked or fissured and high strung solaris) in the iris.
Hyperactive function of Tongue pale or white takes more than 2 or 3 In advanced cases, the Conditions aggravated by Expanded collarette in
any organ or gland (dark red or purple with seconds to return to tongue may appear nervous stress or fatigue the iris.
putrification) normal color shriveled or withered Contraction furrows Tophii floculations
Tendency to fatigue and Heavy mucus production Psori in the iris (nerve rings) in the iris (lymphatic rosary) in iris
lethargy, lack of response Lymphatic congestion Tissue degeneration and Constricted collarette in
to stimulation Oily skin and hair decay iris
Dark fibers in iris Lacunas in iris
Hypoactive function of Hydrogenoid subtype in
any organ or gland iris

General General General General General General

Irritation Depression Stagnation Atrophy Constriction Relaxation

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