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Optimization in Heat Transfer Process (Insulation) :

Determine the optimum economic thickness of insulation that should be used under the following
conditions: Saturated steam is being passed continuously through a steel pipe with an outside
diameter of 10.75 inches. The temperature of the steam is 400 oF, and the steam is valued at P1.80
per 1000 lb. The pipe is to be insulated with a material that has a thermal conductivity of 0.03 Btu /
h - ft 2 (oF / ft). The cost of the installed insulation per foot of pipe length is P4.50 I t , where I t is
the insulation thickness in inches. Annual fixed charges including maintenance amount to 20% of
the initial installed cost. The total length of the pipe is 1000 ft and the average temperature of the
surroundings maybe taken as 70 oF. Heat transfer resistances due to steam film, scale, and pipe wall
are negligible. The air film coefficient at the outside of the insulation maybe assumed constant at 2
Btu / h - ft 2 oF for all insulation thickness.

1000 feet

Satd. Steam

400 oF
Cost of Steam = P1.80 / 1000 lbs
Do = 10.75 inches
h air = 2 Btu / h - ft 2 oF
K ins = 0.03 Btu / h - ft 2 (oF / ft)

Do = 10.75 D ins Since pipe wall is thin,

D o D i = 10.75

Basis : 1 year operation

Factor to be optimized : CT
Variable : I t = Insulation thickness = (Dins Do) / 2

Relationship: CT = CF + CV

CF = 0.20 [ (P4.50) x (Dins Do)/2 ] / foot ( 1000 feet)

= 450 ( D ins Do )
CF = 450 ( Dins - 10.75 )

CV = ( P1.80 / 1000 # steam) ( 1/ s, # / Btu) ( Q, Btu / hr) ( 8760 hrs/ yr)

From steam table, s at 400 oF = 825.9 Btu / #

CV =( P1.80 /1000 # steam) ( 1.211 X 10 -3 # / Btu) ( Q, Btu / hr) ( 8760 hrs/ yr)

CV = 1.91 X 10 2 Q

but Q = T / R = (400 -70) / ( R film + R wall + R ins + R air)

but R film and R wall = 0
Q = (400 -70) / ( R ins + R air)
Rair = 1 / ( Dins L hair)
R ins = ln (Dins/Do) / (2 L Kins)

Q = 330 / [ 1 / Dins L hair) + ln (Dins / Do) / 2 L Kins ]

Q = 330 / [ 12 / Dins (1000) (2) + ln (Dins / 10.75) / 2 (1000) (0.03) ]
Q = 330 / [ 12 / 6283.185 Dins + ln (Dins / 10.75) / 188.5 ]


CV = ( 1.91 X 10 -2 ) { 330 / [ 12 / 6283.185 Dins + ln (Dins / 10.75) / 188.5 ] }

= 6.303 / [ ( 1.91 X 10 - 3 / Dins) + 5.3 X10 - 3 ln (Dins / 10.75) ]

CT = CF + CV

CT=450 ( Dins -10.75) + 6.303 / [ ( 1.91 X 10 - 3 / Dins) + 5.3 X10 - 3 ln (Dins /10.75) ]
CT =450Dins -4837.5 + 6.303 / [ ( 1.91 X 10 - 3 / Dins) + 5.3 X10 - 3 ln (Dins / 10.75) ]

d (CT) / d( Dins) = 0
0 = 450 - 6.303 ( 5.3 X10 - 3 /Dins 1.91 X10 - 3 / Dins 2 )
1.91 X10 - 3 / Dins + 5.3 X 10 - 3 ln (Dins / 10.75)] 2

By trial and error,

Optimum D ins = 15.68 say 16 inches

Optimum I t =(Dins Do) / 2 =(16 - 10.75) / 2 =2 and 5/8 or (2.625)

Derive an expression for the optimum thickness of insulation to put on a flat surface if the annual
fixed charges per square foot of insulation are directly proportional to the thickness.
a. Neglecting the air film
b. Including the air film
The air film coefficient of heat transfer may be assumed as constant for all insulation thicknesses.
X Xins

Flow of heat


Inside Film Outside air film 9ambient)

hi ho

Required: Develop an expression for optimum economic thickness

Basis : one (1) year operation
Factor to be optimized : CT, Annual Cost
Variable : Insulation thickness, in inches

Let Xins = insulation thickness in inches

A = Area of flat surface, ft2
Q = heat transfer rate, Btu / hr.
K = thermal conductivity, Btu / h - ft 2 (oF / ft)
T = Overall temperature difference
ho = air film coefficient = constant
a = annual fixed charges, Pesos / ft3 -yr
b = cost of heat , Pesos / Btu
Hy = no. of operating hours / year

At steady state, q hi = qX = q Xins = q ho = Q

For flat surface, A hi = AX = A Xins = A ho = A

Heat transfer equation, Q = T / Resistances

T = TX ins - Ta (refer to the drawing)
Resistances :
R insulation = (X ins / 12) / ( K A)
R Air film = 1 / hoA

Therefore, Q = T / Resistance
= T / [ (Xins / 12) / ( K A ) + 1 / hoA ]
= 12 K A ( T) / ( Xins + 12 K / ho ) , in Btu /hr

CT f (Xins) = CF + CV
` ( CF / A) ( Xins/ 12)

CF = ( a, Pesos/ ft3-yr) (A Xins / 12) ft3 , Pesos / year

CV :
CV = ( b, Pesos/ Btu ) [ 12 K A ( T) / ( Xins + 12 K / ho )] Btu/hr
CT = a (A Xins) /12 + Hy ( b 12 K A T) / ( Xins + 12 K / ho ) , pesos/yr

d ( CT) / d(Xins) = 0
0 = a A /12 + (- 12 K A T b Hy) / ( Xins + 12 K /ho )
a A /12 = 12 K A T b Hy / ( Xins + 12 K /ho )

Therefore, Optimum X ins = 12 [ b K T Hy / a ] 1 / 2

- 12 K / ho

Optimization in Absorption process:

An absorption tower containing wooden grids is to be used for absorbing SO2 in a sodium sulfite
solution. A mixture of air and SO2 will enter the tower at a rate of 70,000 ft3 / min., temperature of
250 oF, and pressure of 1.1 atm. The concentration of SO2 in the entering gas is specified, and a
given fraction of the entering SO2 must be removed in the absorption tower. The molecular weight
of the entering gas mixture may be assumed to be 29.1. Under the specified design conditions, the
number of transfer units necessary varies with the superficial gas velocity as follows:

Number of transfer units = 0.32 Gs 0.18

Where Gs is the entering gas velocity, in lbs/ hr-ft2 , based on the cross-sectional area of the empty
tower. The height of a transfer unit is constant at 15 feet. The cost for the installed tower is $1/ ft3 of
inside volume, and annual fixed charges amount to 20% of the initial cost. Variable operating
charges for the absorbent, blower power and pumping power are represented by the following

Total variable operating costs as $/ hr = 1.8Gs2 x 10 - 8 + 81/ Gs + 4.8 / Gs 0.8

The unit is to operate 8000 hours per year. Determine the height and diameter of the absorption
tower at condition of minimum annual cost.


Sodium Sulfite SO2 -free Air

NTU = 0.32 Gs 0.18

Gs = entering gas velocity
= lbs. / ft2 -hr
= based on x-sectional area
of empty tower

Air SO2 Mixture 70,000 ft3 / min.

Cost of tower = $1 / ft3 inside volume

250 oF 1 atm. Operation = 8000 hours per year MW = 29.1

Required: Height and diameter of tower at minimum annual cost


Basis: 1 year operation (8000 hrs per year )

Let Z = height of one (1) transfer unit = 15 feet per transfer unit = constant

CF = 20% [ Initial cost of tower]

CV = 1.8Gs2 x 10 - 8 + 81/ Gs + 4.8 / Gs 0.8 , $ / hr.

Factor to be optimized : CT, Annual Cost

Variable : Gs, entering gas velocity


CF = 20% [ Initial cost of tower]

= 0.20 [ $1 / ft3 inside volume (A) (Z) (0.32 Gs 0.18 ) ]

A = (70,000 ft3/min) ( gas, lbs./ ft3) / ( Gs, lbs. / ft2 hr) (1hr / 60 min)

gas, = PM/ RT
= (1.1 atm) (29.1) / (0.73 atm -ft3 / lb.mol o R) ( 250+ 460) o R
= 0.06175 lb. / ft3

CF = 0.2 $ 1 / ft3 70,000 ft3/min) (0.06175lbs./ ft3) (15 ft) (0.32 Gs 0.18 ) ]
( Gs ) (1hr / 60 min)

CF = 248,976 / Gs 0.82 , $ / year

CV = ( 1.8Gs2 x 10 - 8 + 81/ Gs + 4.8 / Gs 0.8 ) $ / hr. ( 8000 hrs / year)

CV = 1.44 X 10 -4 Gs 2 + 6.48 X 10 5 Gs + 3.84 X 10 4 / Gs 0.8 , $/ year

CT = CF + CV

CT = 248,976 / Gs 0.82 + 1.44 X 10 -4 Gs 2 + 6.48 X 10 5 Gs + 3.84 X 10 4 / Gs 0.8

d (CT ) / d (Gs) = 0

0 = 0.02 (248976) /Gs1.82 + 2 ( 1.44 x10 -4Gs 6.48 x105 / Gs2 0.8 (3.84 x10 4) /Gs 1.8

by trial and error,

Optimum Gs = 1758 lbs. / ft2 hr


But A = (70,000 ft3/min ) (0.06175 lbs./ ft3) / ( Gs) (1hr / 60 min)

A = D2 /4 = 259350 / 1750 = 147.53 ft2

Optimum D = 13.7 feet

Optimum Height = Z (NTU) = 15 feet /unit [ 0.32 (1758) 0.18 ]

= 18.4 feet

Optimization in a Solvent extraction process:

A Solvent-extraction operation is carried out continuously in a plate column with gravity flow. The
unit is operated 24 h/day. A feed rate of 1500 ft3 per day must be handled 300 days per year. The
allowable velocity per square foot of cross sectional area of the tower is 40 ft3 of combined solvent
and feed charge per hour. The annual fixed costs for the installation can be predicted from the
following equation:
CF = 8800 Fsf 2 - 51,000 Fsf + 110,000 ,in Pesos/year
Where Fsf = cubic feet of solvent per cubic foot of feed. Operating and other variable costs depend
on the amount of solvent that must be recovered, and these costs are P0.04 for each cubic foot of
solvent passing through the tower. What tower diameter should be used for optimum conditions of
minimum total cost per year?

Solvent extraction (Gravity flow)
Feed rate = 1500 ft3 per day
Operation = 24 hours per day at 300 days per year
Allowable velocity / ft3 tower area = 40 ft3 of solvent and feed / hour

CF = 8800 Fsf 2 - 51,000 Fsf + 110,000 ,in Pesos/year

3 3
where Fsf = ft solvent / ft feed

CV = P0.04 / ft3 solvent

Required: Dopt of tower for minimum annual costs


Basis : 1 year operation

Factor to be optimized : CT
Variable : Fsf = ft3 solvent / ft3 feed
Relationship : CT = CV + CF

CF = 8800 Fsf 2 - 51,000 Fsf + 110,000 ,in Pesos/year

CV = f ( Fsf )
= ( P0.04/ ft3 solvent ) (Fsf, ft3 solvent / ft3 feed) (1500 ft3 feed ) ( 300 days/ yr)
CV = 18,000 Fsf


CT = 8800 Fsf 2 - 51,000 Fsf + 110,000 + 18000 Fsf

= 8800 Fsf 2 - 33,000 Fsf + 110,000

d (CT) / d( Fsf) = 0 = 2 (8800) Fsf - 33000

Fsf opt = 1.875 ft3 solvent / ft3 feed

If feed = 1,500 ft3 / day,

solvent = 1.875 (1500) = 2812.5 ft3 / day
Total charged volume per day = 1500 + 2812.5 = 4,312.5 ft3 /day

Area of the tower = (4,312.5 ft3 / day) (1 day/24 hrs)

40 ft3 / ft2 tower area- hr
= 4.5 ft2
= D2 /4

Dopt = [ 4 (tower area) / ] = [ 4 (4.5) / ] = 2.39 feet

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