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Serum IGF-1, IGF-2 and IGFBP-3 as Param-

eters in the Assessment of Liver Dysfunction in
Patients with Hepatic Cirrhosis and in the Diag-
nosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Rania Naguib Abdel Mouteleb Abdel Rehem1 and Wafaa Mohamed Hussein Mekky El-Shikh2
Endocrinology and 2Gastroenterology Units Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine,
Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Corresponding author: Rania Naguib Abdel Mouteleb Abdel Rehem, Internal Medicine Department,
Endocrinology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Tel: +966540703704, E-mail:


Background/Aims: Insulin like growth factor significantly lower in cirrhotic patients compared
system becomes impaired in liver cirrhosis. Hepa- to the healthy subjects and were correlated with
tocellular carcinoma (HCC) is associated with the degree of liver dysfunction. IGF-I and IGFBP-
altered synthesis and secretion of several growth 3 levels in patients with HCC were significantly
factors. lower than in both healthy subjects and in patients
Methodology: Studying the relation between with liver cirrhosis. Both IGF-II and AFP levels
serum levels of IGF-I, IGF-II and IGFBP-3 and in HCC were significantly higher than in healthy
clinical grades of liver disease according to Child- subjects and in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Pugh (C-P) score. Also, evaluation of their role in Conclusions: Estimation of serum IGF-I, IGF-II
the diagnosis of HCC. IGF-I, IGF-II and IGFBP- and IGFBP-3 together with C-P score is more ef-
3 were measured in 20 healthy subjects, 60 liver fective in predicting hepatic dysfunction and its
cirrhosis patients and 20 HCC patients included severity than C-P score alone. Serum IGF-II level
in the study. can be used as a serological marker to discrimi-
Results: IGF-I, IGF-II and IGFBP-3 levels were nate HCC from cirrhosis

INTRODUCTION indirectly combining with its receptor in neighbor-

ing cells or hepatoma cells themselves (8, 9).
Growth hormone (GH) is released from the an- Insulin-like growth factor- II (IGF-II) is a fe-
terior pituitary gland and binds to its receptors on tal growth peptide produced by the liver which is
the liver. The liver in turn synthesizes insulin-like structurally and functionally closely related to in-
growth factors (IGF) (1). The IGF system operates sulin (10). It is over expressed in a wide variety of
in anabolism and cell proliferation (2, 3). The liver is neoplasms (11, 12) and is involved in experimental
the predominant site of IGF production so the GH- liver carcinogenesis. In vitro, a pathophysiological
IGF system is adversely affected in liver cirrhosis. link between IGF-II over-expression and hepato-
Insulin-like growth factor-I and II (IGF-I, IGF- cyte proliferation was demonstrated by Lin et al.
II) are the two major forms of insulin-like growth (13), who found high concentrations of IGF-II in hu-
factor family. They are single-chain molecules man hepatoma cell lines. In vivo, Rogler et al. (14)
with three intrachain disulfide bridges (4,5). Both reported an increased frequency of hepatocellular
of them may be considered as important anabolic carcinoma (HCC) in IGF-II transgenic mice and se-
hormones which are active throughout ones life, rum IGF-II has been recently proposed as a marker
inducing anabolic metabolism, stimulation of DNA for human HCC to improve the diagnostic accuracy
synthesis, cell proliferation and meiotic division (2, and sensitivity in patients with low serum alpha-
3). IGF-I is considered the most important member fetoprotein (AFP) levels (15).
of this system. It is generally believed that IGF-I IGF-II is speculated to serve as an autocrine
bioactivity is maintained primarily through free, growth factor in various cancers because they often
unbound IGF-I (6, 7). co-express IGF-II and IGF-II receptors. It is highly
Compared with IGF-I, IGF-II is more well-known expressed during hepatocarcinogenesis, and re-ex-
as a tumor genesis marker. As serum IGF-II may pression of the IGF-II gene has recently been de-
be produced and secreted by hepatoma cells, the scribed in HCC. HCC is generally considered to be
hormone could accelerate or magnify its function of a hypervascular tumor (16) and IGF-II may play an
continuously stimulating cell growth by directly or important role in the development of neovasculariza-
Hepato-Gastroenterology 2011; 58:949-954
H.G.E. Update Medical Publishing S.A., Athens-Stuttgart
950 Hepato-Gastroenterology 58 (2011) RNAMA Rehem, WMHM El-Shikh

tion of HCC. Park et al. reported that most of the cir- cirrhosis (40 males and 20 females with a mean age
rhotic and HCC tissues express IGF-II (17). HCC is of (509) years, ranging from (29-69) years were
one of the most common malignancies, and the death selected. Patients with liver cirrhosis were diag-
rate due to this tumor has been increasing over the nosed by clinical and biochemical examinations,
past 20-30 years. Chronic infection with hepatitis C ultrasonography and computerized tomography.
virus (HCV) has been associated causally with HCC Patients were divided into 3 groups by C-P score
worldwide, because approximately 20% of HCV-in- (27), 20 people were C-P A (scored 5-6), 20 were C-P
fected individuals have disease that progresses to fi- B (scored 7-10) and 20 were C-P C (scored 11-15).
brosis and cirrhosis, and about 40% of these patients A total of 20 healthy subjects were served as con-
develop HCC after a mean of 10-15 years (18, 19). trols (15 males and 5 females, mean age of (346)
Consequently, surveillance programs based on peri- years, ranging from (24-47). Twenty patients with
odic ultrasound examination and AFP determination liver cirrhosis with HCC were enrolled in the study
are recommended for patients with cirrhosis (20). (15 males and 5 females, mean age of 5810 years,
However, the effectiveness of these programs has not ranging from 39-69 years.
been fully assessed, and the need for new predictors Any patient with cardiac, respiratory or renal
for individual patients remains very high. dysfunction was excluded. Diabetic patients, pa-
More than 70% of Insulin-like growth factor tients with evidence of recent systemic infection or
binding protein (IGFBP) is insulin-like growth factor active variceal bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy or
binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3). IGFBP-3 is considered spontaneous bacterial peritonitis were also exclud-
the most important component of circulating binding ed. None of the control group was suffering from
proteins (21). It consists of 264 amino acid residues any other medical conditions.
and binds nearly 95% of circulating IGFs in the hu- All patients were subjected to complete physi-
man body, forming a stable complex with the acid- cal examination, standard biochemical tests, serum
labile subunit. The complex is believed to serve as a alfa-fetoprotien (AFP) determination and abdomi-
reservoir in circulation to prolong half-lives of both nal ultrasonography. Patients with HCC were di-
IGF-I and IGF-II (22, 23). Since most circulating agnosed by triphasic CT with or without elevated
IGF-I, IGF-II and IGFBP-3 are synthesized by hepa- AFP levels.
tocytes, lower levels of the above three parameters Blood samples were collected for assessment
should be found in patients with liver diseases due to of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline
decreased hepatic synthesis (24, 25). These changes phosphatase (ALP), bilirubin (Bb), albumin, pro-
may also result from hormonal alterations and nu- thrombin time (PT), creatinine (Cr), sodium (Na),
tritional deficiencies known to exist in patients with AFP, IGF-I, IGF-II and IGFBP-3. Samples were
severe liver dysfunction (26). collected in the fasting state in the morning. Sam-
This study was designed to clarify the influences ple collection, processing and storage were done ac-
of associated liver cirrhosis as assessed by Child-Pugh cording to the instructions of the reference labora-
score (C-P score) on the IGF system parameters, to tory and the kits.
determine whether measurement of these three pa-
rameters could reflect the severities of cirrhosis and Assays
liver dysfunction, to reveal whether the combination Plasma levels of IGF-I and IGF-II were quan-
of these three parameters with C-P score could be a tified by RIA (RIA-CT) kit following acid-acetone
more reasonable clinical option for evaluating liver extraction. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of
function. The interrelationship between these three variations were 3.5% and 6.2% for IGF-I and 5.5%
parameters and the conventional hepatic function and 12.9% for IGF-II, respectively. The results were
tests was examined. Also to clarify the role of IGF- defined in ng/mL. IGFBP-3 was measured by a two-
II as a predictor for the development of HCC in pa- site immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) using DSL-
tients with HCV-related cirrhosis and as a screening 6600 IGFBP-3 coated-tube IRMA kit (Diagnostic
method beside the conventional AFP and imaging System Laboratories, Webster, TX, USA) Intra- and
techniques for the detection of HCC. inter assay coefficients of variations were 4.6% and
15.5% respectively.
Statistical analysis
Patients Data were collected, tabulated and analyzed us-
The present study was done in The Department ing SPSS Ver.17. Qualitative data were presented
of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Alexan- as numbers and percent. Quantitative data were ex-
dria University. The period of study was six months. pressed as means and standard deviation. ANOVA
The study protocol was approved by the local ethics test was used for comparison between the means
committee. Written informed consent according to of quantitative variables, with post-HOC tests for
the hospital policy guidelines was obtained from all paired comparisons. Spearmans correlation coeffi-
patients and controls before initiating any study- cient by rank was used to analyze correlations be-
related activity. tween different parameters. A 5% level was chosen
A total of 100 subjects were enrolled in this as a level of significance in all statistical tests used
study. Sixty patients with hepatitis C-induced liver in the study. ROC curve was used to calculate the
Insulin-like Growth Factors and Cirrhosis Hepato-Gastroenterology 58 (2011) 951

cut off value and the area under the curve to calcu- mL) and higher than healthy subjects (114ng/mL)
late the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of both (p<0.001).
IGF-II and AFP. Regarding the mean values of different liver
biochemical tests, these showed no significant dif-
RESULTS ference in the AST level between the three stud-
ied groups. Serum bilirubin, ALP, creatinine and
Serum IGF-I in cirrhotic patients, HCC and splenic size were significantly higher in the HCC
matched controls group than in the liver cirrhosis and control sub-
The mean value for IGF-I in 60 cirrhotic pa- jects. These parameters were significantly higher
tients was (6250ng/mL). It was significantly lower in the cirrhotic group than in the healthy control
than in the 20 healthy subjects (27252ng/mL). The group. The mean values of serum bilirubin, ALP,
mean value for IGF-I in 20 patients with HCC was creatinine and splenic size showed significant in-
(287ng/mL). It was significantly lower than in the crease with worsening of the degree of liver cirrho-
20 healthy subjects and patients with liver cirrho- sis. The mean values of serum albumin and PT%
sis (p<0.001). were significantly lower in the HCC group than in
the liver cirrhosis and control groups. They were
Serum IGF-II in cirrhotic patients, HCC and significantly lower for the cirrhotic group than for
matched controls the healthy control subjects. They showed signifi-
The mean value for IGF-II in 60 cirrhotic pa- cant decrease with worsening of the degree of liver
tients was (432204ng/mL) .It was significantly cirrhosis.
lower than in the 20 healthy subjects (1122103ng/ In the three studied groups, mean IGF-I lev-
mL). The mean value for IGF-II in the 20 patients el was negatively correlated with age (r=-0.692,
with HCC was (888623ng/mL). It was significantly p=0.001), mean serum bilirubin level (r=-0.523,
higher than liver cirrhosis and lower than healthy p=0.001), ALP (r=-0.923, p=0.001), creatinine
subjects (p<0.001). (r=0.508, p=0.001) and splenic size (r=-0.819,
p=0.001). It was positively correlated with mean
Serum IGFBP-3 in cirrhotic patients, HCC serum albumin level (r=0.762, p=0.001) and with
and matched controls PT% (r=0.734, p=0.001). There was no significant
The mean value for IGFBP-3 in 60 cirrhotic pa- correlation between serum IGF-I and both mean
tients was (128ng/mL). It was significantly lower serum AST (r=0.016, p=0.873) and sodium levels
than those in 20 healthy subjects (404ng/mL). The (r=0.194, p=0.053).
mean value for IGFBP-3 in the 20 patients with In the cirrhosis group of patients, the mean
HCC was (72ng/mL). It was significantly lower IGF-II level was negatively correlated with age
than those in 20 healthy subjects and those pa- (r=-0.664, p=0.001), mean serum bilirubin level
tients with liver cirrhosis (p<0.001). (r=-0.505, p=0.001), ALP (r=-0.927, p=0.001), creati-
Since mean values of the three parameters were nine (r=-0.471, p=0.001) and splenic size (r=-0.837,
negatively correlated to age according to our statis- p=0.001). It was positively correlated with mean se-
tical show (r=-0.692, -0.249, -0.670), data were re- rum albumin level (r=0.702, p=0.001) and with PT%
vised with covariance analysis to remove the effect (r=0.715, p=0.001).
of age on the three parameters and a similar result While in the HCC group, the mean IGF-II level
was obtained (p<0.001). was positively correlated with age (r=0.564, p=0.001),
mean serum bilirubin level (r=0.476, p=0.001), ALP
Serum IGF-I, IGF-II and IGFBP-3 levels in (r=0.836, p=0.001), creatinine (r=0.739, p=0.001) and
patients with different C-P scores splenic size (r=0.654, p=0.001). It was negatively cor-
The mean values for IGF-I, IGF-II and IGFBP-3 related with mean serum albumin level (r=-0.787,
were 12045, 594144 and 217ng/mL, respectively, p=0.001) and with PT% (r=-0.682, p=0.001).
in C-P A; 4219, 365104 and 104ng/mL, respec- There was no significant correlation between
tively, in C-P B. The mean values for IGF-I, IGF-II serum IGF-II and both mean serum AST (r=0.002,
and IGFBP-3 in patients classed as C-P C stage, the p=0.988) and sodium levels in both liver cirrhosis
worst stage of liver dysfunction, were 258, 339239 and HCC groups (r=0.163, p=0.106). There was a
and 62ng/mL, respectively. A significant difference significant positive correlation between mean se-
of the three parameters was found between the con- rum IGF-II and serum IGF-I (r=0.893, p=0.001) in
trol group and any stage of cirrhosis. These three the control and liver cirrhosis group groups. But a
parameters gradually diminished, along with dis- significant negative correlation between them in
ease progression (p<0.001). HCC group (r=-0.732, p=0.001).
The mean IGFBP-3 level was negatively cor-
Circulating Levels of serum AFP, IGF-II in related with age (r=-0.670, p=0.001), mean serum
healthy subjects, patients with chronic liver bilirubin level (r=-0.562, p=0.001), ALP (r=-0.926,
diseases and in patients with HCC p=0.001), creatinine (r=0.544, p=0.001) and splenic
The mean value of serum AFP in HCC patients size (r=-0.842, p=0.001). On the other hand, it was
was (599800ng/mL). It was significantly higher positively correlated with mean serum albumin
than those patients with liver cirrhosis (3039ng/ level (r=0.766, p=0.001) and with PT% (r=0.779,
952 Hepato-Gastroenterology 58 (2011) RNAMA Rehem, WMHM El-Shikh

p=0.001). There was no significant correlation be- levels of IGF-I, IGF-II and IGFBP-3 in liver cirrho-
tween serum IGFBP-3 and both mean serum AST sis is the presence of severe GH resistance caused
(r=0.011, p=0.917) and sodium levels (r=0.194, by the feedback maladjustment of the GH-IGF-I-
p=0.053). There was a significant positive correla- IGFBP-3 axis which reflects the effect of injury to
tion between mean serum IGFBP-3 and both se- the liver. In addition, the production/secretion of
rum IGF-I (r=0.905, p=0.001) and serum IGF-II GH receptor is markedly reduced due to severely
(r=0.918, p=0.001) in the control and liver cirrhosis damaged hepatocytes, thus leading to the distur-
group but IGFBP-3 was negatively correlated with bance of feedback maladjustment and GH resist-
IGF-II in the HCC group (r=-0.562, p=0.001). ance (33, 34).
The mean level of AFP level was positively cor- Our data reported a progressive decrease in
related with age (r=0.259, p=0.008), mean serum IGF-I, IGF-II and IGFBP-3, which was statisti-
bilirubin level (r=0.395, p=0.001), ALP (r=0.327, cally significant, with the degree of liver dysfunc-
p=0.003), creatinine (r=283, p=0.011) and splenic tion with a progressive decrease from C-P A to C-P
size (r=0.375, p=0.001). On the other hand, it was C. This was consistent with previous studies (35,
negatively correlated with mean serum sodium level 36). Donaghy et al. (37) also reported that serum
(r=-0.268, p=0.016), mean albumin level (r=-0.420, IGFBP-3 levels effectively predicted functional liv-
p=0.001), and with PT% (r=-0.485, p=0.001). There er reserve and prognostic and clinical states of the
was no significant correlation between serum AFP patients. In agreement with our result, Assy et al.
and mean serum AST (r=-0.006, p=0.961). There was (38) also speculated that C-P score alone could not
a significant negative correlation between mean se- be regarded as an ideal predictive method for pa-
rum AFP and both serum IGF-I (r=-0.281, p=0.012) tients with liver cirrhosis.
and serum IGFBP-3 (r=-0.283, p=0.011) while there The IGF system also has a role in cellular
was no significant correlation between AFP and se- growth and differentiation. Thus, it may play an
rum level of IGF-II in the three studied groups. important role in hepatocarcinogenesis as well
The optimal cut-off values of IGF-II (99ng/mL) as in other types of carcinomas. Transformation
and AFP (20ng/mL) were determined with ROC of hepatocytes to neoplastic cells demands these
curves. The sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic growth factors. Many products of oncogenes are
accuracy values for IGF-II were 73%, 64% and 65%, similar to IGF receptors in terms of transmembra-
respectively. Those for AFP were 45%, 50% and nous tyrosine kinase activity. IGFs also promote
46%, respectively. Determination of both markers transcription of proto-oncogenes that modulates
in parallel significantly increases the diagnostic transcription of other genes stimulating cellular
accuracy (69%) and sensitivity (78%), with a high growth (39).
specificity (70%). In conclusion, IGF-II and AFP Recent studies have discovered changes in the
may be used as complementary tumor markers to IGF axis that affect the molecular pathogenesis of
discriminate HCC from cirrhosis. HCC, including the autocrine production of IGFs,
IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). Characteristic al-
DISCUSSION terations detected in HCC and hepatoma cell lines
The liver is the main source of most serum pro- comprise the over expression of IGF-II (12).
teins (28). Therefore, in patients with hepatic cir- Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most com-
rhosis, it is expected to find a reduction of serum mon forms of malignant cancer with the 4th highest
albumin and other plasma proteins as well as dis- mortality rate worldwide (40). Serum AFP was con-
turbed endocrine functions (29). In the liver, syn- sidered as the gold standard marker of HCC, but its
thesis of IGFs takes place under the control of GH significance in the early diagnosis of HCC is unclear
(30). It has been found that more than 98% of IGF and the positive rate is not high (41, 42). Its sensi-
in serum circulate bound to IGFBP-3 (31). tivity varies around a value of approximately 65%
Since the liver is the abundant site of IGF-I, (43-45). This means that 35% of examined HCC pa-
IGF-II and IGFBP-3 production, several studies tients may be considered false negatives. Thus there
have been performed to show if they can be used as is a need for the enhancement of the detection of
markers of the severity of hepatocyte dysfunction. HCC using AFP. Our study investigated the concept
To confirm this assumption we compared changes of combined detection using IGF-II in order to sup-
in serum IGF-1, IGF-II and IGFBP-3 levels in the port the detection of HCC using AFP. The choice of
different stages of cirrhosis with other commonly markers in our study was AFP, which is the main
used hepatic function tests. The mean IGF-I, IGF- tumor marker of HCC and IGF-II, and is mainly
II and IGFBP- 3 levels were negatively correlated produced by liver cells and transcribed in many pri-
with mean serum bilirubin level, ALP, creatinine mary HCC cell lines (46, 47). IGF-II was found to be
and splenic size. On the other hand, it was posi- significantly higher in HCC than liver cirrhosis and
tively correlated with mean serum albumin level healthy subjects. The sensitivity, specificity and di-
and with PT%. These results were compatible with agnostic accuracy values for IGF-II were 62%, 57%
those of the other reports in the literature (6,25,32). and 58%, respectively. Those for AFP were 45%,
Low levels of IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-3, and albumin 50%,and 46%, respectively. Determination of both
may be attributable also to poor nutritional status markers in parallel significantly increases the diag-
(33). Another explanation for the markedly dropped nostic accuracy (60%) and sensitivity (72%), with a
Insulin-like Growth Factors and Cirrhosis Hepato-Gastroenterology 58 (2011) 953

high specificity (65%). dysfunction. Also in patients with HCV-related cir-

In conclusion, data of previous studies as well rhosis, the development of HCC is accompanied by
as our own proved that the IGF system is an impor- a significant increase in IGF-II and so the latter can
tant indicator of liver function. IGF-I, IGF-II and be used in combination with AFP to support the de-
IGFBP-3 may serve as markers of hepatocellular tection of HCC.

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