Effects of Drug Abuse On The Brain: Academic Project

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Effects of drug abuse on the

Academic Project
Drug abuse is an extreme problem in todays society and has major effects on
the lives of the use and of those around the user. One of the most critical effects
of drugs and abuse of drugs is on the human brain.
Some drugs, like marijuana or heroin, interfere with the way information is sent,
received and processed in the brain. They do this because they have chemical
structures similar to those of neurotransmitters in the brain which can activate
neurons by attaching onto them. Drugs like cocaine or methamphetamine can
overclock your neurons making them produce excessive amounts of
neurotransmitters, or they can prevent the recycling of the neurotransmitters.
Things are addictive because the brain is evolved to release certain chemicals
when we do something good so that other areas of the brain are triggered to
remember an event or to produce feelings of emotion or pleasure. This is all
achieved by the neural network and when drugs are consumed, they are
mimicking the process of doing something good. Over-stimulating your brain can
cause it to remember the drugs as something that is good which makes you want
to do it again.
Drug abuse can cause serious mental disorders such as anxiety, depression and
schizophrenia. About 570,000 people die each year because of drug abuse.
Abusers can greatly affect themselves and those around them, fortunately there
are many solutions to this.
To help yourself or someone you may know with substance abuse problems it is
important that you use the following resources information for further help:
A toll-free helpline is available at 0800 121314 and you can send SMSs to
32312. This website contains information for the top rehab centres in South
Africa and contains all the information that you need to get started.

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