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CHTest ID: 168262 TarGATE16 www.gateforum.


General Ability :
Q. No. 1 5 Carry One Mark Each

1. Both the countries have tried their best to have a ____ relationship between them but the
constraints of domestic politics have often _____ their bilateral mutual relationship.
(A) Amalgamated, ameliorated (B) Petulant, equivocated
(C) Tacit, guaranteed (D) Cordial, eclipsed

2. Choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.
(A) Ruffled (B) Rakish (C) Dismounting (D) Fleecy

(A) Tornado: mayhem
(B) Avalanche: deluge
(C) Draught: perennial
(D) Tsunami: earthquake

4. The widespread culture of social networking is leading to heartbreaks and cases of

suicides, therefore social networking is hazardous.
Which of the following exhibits a pattern of reasoning most similar to the one exhibited in
the argument above?
(A) A passionate fan of Honey Singh died of a heart stroke while listening to his song.
Therefore, renditions of famous singers are malevolent.
(B) Turtles are on the verge of becoming extinct. Therefore, the airport authorities should
go the extra mile to curb the smuggling of endangered species.
(C) Some national banks are increasingly hiring recovery agents who have criminal
background. Hence, banks are perilous.
(D) Marine biologists in Florida have made remarkable progress in the discovery of new
aquatic species. Therefore, the government should avoid oil spills.

5. If the square of a number is subtracted from 4052 and the difference is multiplied by 15,
the answer so obtained is 41340. What is the number?

Q. No. 6 10 Carry Two Marks Each

6. There are four mixtures ( P,Q,R and S ) containing liquids X and Y in different
proportions. Mixture P contains X and Y in the ratio 1:2, Q in the ratio 11:13, R in the
ratio 5:3 and S in the ratio 19:5. Which of the following parts, mixed in equal quantity
will have the highest concentration?
(A) Q and R (B) P and R (C) P and S (D) Q and P

7. There are four persons wearing different colour shirts and four gift packs of colours, same
as those of the shirts. The number of ways in which the gifts, one each to a person, could
be given such that a gift does not go to a person of his shirt colour is________.

8. In a 800m race, A beats B by 80m and in 1000m race B beats C by 200m. If in 500m race
A beats C by 35sec, then find the speed of B in m/s.
(A) 9m/s (B) 8m/s (C) 6m/s (D) 5m/s
 ICPIntensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
 Indias No.1 institute for GATE Training  65+ Centers across India
All rights reserved by Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission.

CHTest ID: 168262 TarGATE16

9. Denim and Cube are two brands of trousers available in the Indian market. Denim is a US
brand which was introduced in 1990, while Cobe is an Italian brand introduced in 1997.
For both these brands, 20% of the trousers bought in a particular year are disposed off as
spoiled exactly two years later. It is known that 10 denim trousers were disposed off in
1997. The following figures show the number of Denim and Cobe trousers in operation
from 1995 to 2000 as at the end of each year.

162 134
150 124
30 Denium
0 0
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

How many Cobe trousers were purchased in 1999?

(A) 44 (B) 50 (C) 55 (D) 64

10. The following question contains a paragraph from which the last sentence has been
deleted. From the given options, choose the sentence that completes the paragraph
in the most appropriate way.
The plebeian origin of the prints explains why the cultivated Japanese have not, as a rule,
looked upon them with much enthusiasm. Only now, when the greatest print treasures
have gone out of Japan, are a few Japanese collectors beginning to buy back at high prices
works which they allowed to leave the country for a song. The admiration of Europe and
America has awakened them to a realization of the distinction of the prints, in spite of the
undistinguished nature of their subjects;
(A) the interest of Western collectors in Japanese prints is of comparatively recent origin.
(B) and the day will come when the Japanese themselves will be the most formidable
bidders at the sales of great Western collections.
(C) and the Japanese print is swiftly becoming a general treasure.
(D) Japan has been ransacked so thoroughly that the would-be purchaser can perhaps
more wisely go to London or Paris or New York than to Tokyo or Kyoto in his search
for prizes.

 ICPIntensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
 Indias No.1 institute for GATE Training  65+ Centers across India
All rights reserved by Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission.

CHTest ID: 168262 TarGATE16

Chemical Engineering

Q. No. 1 25 Carry One Mark Each

1. Let x be a Random variable with the following probability distribution then the value of E
E (1 + 2x ) is

X=x 3 6 9

P(X = x) 16 12 13

93 13
(A) 213 (B) (C) (D) 4
2 2

2. If the equation cos(x)=x2 is solved by Newton- Raphsons method with the initial guess of
x=1 then the value of x after 2 iterations would be ___ .
(A) 0.725 (B) 0.824 (C) 0.924 (D) None

3. The system of equations, given below,

2x1 2x 2 + x 3 = x1

2x1 3x 2 + 2x 3 = x 2

x1 + 2x 2 = x 3
(A) Only the trivial solution (B) One independent solution
(C) Two independent solution (D) Three independent solutions

log x

4. The value of the integral dx is
1 (1 + logx)2
e e e e
(A) +1 (B) +1 (C) 1 (D) 1
2 2 2 2
(1 + i ) ( 1 + 3i ) is
5. The polar form of the complex number
1 i
5 5
(A) 2cis (B) 2cis (C) 2cis (D) 2cis
6 6 6 6

 ICPIntensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
 Indias No.1 institute for GATE Training  65+ Centers across India
All rights reserved by Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission.

CHTest ID: 168262 TarGATE16

6. For a mono atomic ideal gas, the molar Gibbs energy is given by
T 5/2
G = T ln
The molar volume of gas is
(A) (B) (C) T P (D) None of these

7. Concentric tubes A and B of diameters 30cm and 25cm are maintained at 540C and
200C temperatures. The emissivity of tube A is 0.87 and that of tube B is 0.26.
Determine the net heat transfer by radiation between the two surfaces of tubes. Take
= 4.875 108 kCal / hr m 2 C
kCal kCal kCal kCal
(A) 3750 (B) 4129 (C) 4113 (D) 3930
hr hr hr hr

8. A system containing 2 kg of gas undergoes a process during which the relation between
pressure and volume is PV = constant. If the initial conditions of the gas are given as 100
atm and 2 m3 , then what is the final pressure in atm corresponding to the final volume of
5m3 ?

9. A suspension of uniform particles in water at a concentration of 200kg of solids per m 3 of

slurry is setting in a tank. Density of the particles is 1000 kg / m3 and the terminal
velocity of a single particle is 15cm/s. The setting velocity of the suspension is
______cm/s, if the Richardson-Zaki index is 5.

10. In double declining balance method of depreciation, the fixed percentage factor is
equivalent to _____ , if the original value of equipment is Rs. 22,000, salvage value is Rs.
2000 and service life is 10years.

11. The width and speed of a conveyor belt depends upon the ___ of the material
(A) Lump size (B) Bulk density
(C) Both A&B (D) Neither (a) nor (b)

12. Use of bafflers in a agitators help in minimizing the ___ tendency

(A) Swirling (B) Vortexing
(C) Both (A) & (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)

13. Reason for operating an evaporator in multiple effect is to secure

(A) Increased steam economy
(B) Decreased steam consumption
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) Increased capacity

14. The viscosity of carbon monoxide at 105 Pa and 27 o C is 15 106 Ns / m 2 . The

temperature of the gas was increased so that its viscosity becomes double. Then the
change in temperature of the gas is ____ o C .

 ICPIntensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
 Indias No.1 institute for GATE Training  65+ Centers across India
All rights reserved by Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission.

CHTest ID: 168262 TarGATE16

15. Oil at 160C enters a 22m2 single pass counter-current heat exchanger and exits at 80C.
Cooling water enters at 20C at a flow rate of 3kg/sec and leaves at 70C. (The specific
heat of water at the mean temperature of 45C is
4180 J/kg C.)
Calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient U (W/m2 oC).

16. McCabe-Thiele method of binary distillation does not assume that the
(A) Sensible heat change area negligible compared with latent heat changes
(B) Molar latent heats of all components are equal
(C) Heat of mixing is negligible
(D) None

17. The value of Lewis number for air-water system is around

(A) 1 (B) 0.24 (C) 3.97 (D) 600

18. If the activation energy for an elementary reaction is given as 40 kJ / mol , then the rate of
reaction at 400K is _______ times the rate of reaction at 500K.

19. Back mixing is most pre dominant in

(A) a well stirred batch reactor
(B) a plug-flow reactor
(C) a single CSTR
(D) CSTRs connected in series

20. The conversion of a reactant, undergoing a 1st order reaction, at a time equal to three
times the half life of reaction is ________%.

21. Which one of the following sensors is used for the measurement of temperature in a
combustion process (T>1800oC)
(A) Type J thermometer
(B) Thermistor
(C) Resistance temperature detector
(D) Pyrometer

22. Offset which does not vary with time is defined as the ____ error in controlled variable
(A) Unsteady state
(B) Steady state
(C) Highest maximum deviation
(D) Lowest maximum deviation

23. If A and B are the molecular weights of basic raw materials used for the production of
styrene, then A + B is equal to____________

24. Ammonia is kept at 380 C and 3 atm pressure.

Density of ammonia approximately in kg / m 3 is
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1.1
 ICPIntensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
 Indias No.1 institute for GATE Training  65+ Centers across India
All rights reserved by Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission.

CHTest ID: 168262 TarGATE16

25. The gas which contributes the maximum to the heating value of natural gas is
(A) CO (B) CO2 (C) H2 (D) CH4

Q. No. 26 55 Carry Two Marks Each

26. The analysis of the gas entering the secondary converter in a contact sulphuric acid plant
is 4% SO2, 13% O2 and 83% N2 (vol%). In the converter SO2 is oxidized to SO3. The
gases leaving the converter contain 0.45% SO2 on an SO3 basis. The percent conversion
of SO3 is ____ .

27. The binary mixture A-B forms an azeotrope with a boiling point of 71.8oC at 1 bar
pressure, the azeotropic composition being 50 mol percent A. The pure component
vapour pressure at 71.8oC are A=0.71 bar; B=0.7432 bar. What is the activity coefficient
of A in the liquid, assuming the vapor to be an ideal.

28. What is the fraction of pure ethane that would dehydrogenate at 750 k and 5 atm, if the
following reactor goes to equilibrium
C 2 H 6(g) C 2 H 4(g) + H 2(g)
G o for the reaction at 750 k= 42.576 kJ. Assume ideal gas behavior.

29. Air flows through as packed bed of a powder material of 1 cm depth at a superficial gas
velocity of 1 cm/sec. A manometer connected to the unit register a pressure drop of a 1
cm of water. The bed has a porosity of 0.4. Assuming the Kozeny-Carman equation is
valid for the range of study, the particle size of the powder is ____mm.
(Patm = 1.23 kg / m3 ; air = 1.8 105 kg / m sec)

30. A liquid of specific gravity 1.25 is draining from the bottom of a large open tank through
a 50 mm ID pipe. The drain pipe ends at a position 5m below the surface of the liquid in
the tank. The velocity of flow at the point of discharge from pipe is ___m/sec.

31. The differential equation

y 5y + 6y = 0 with boundary conditions y(0) = 2, y(0) = 2
(A) 4e 2t 2e3t (B) 4e 2t + 2e3t (C) 4e3t 2e 2t (D) 4e3t + 2e 2t
32. The value of c
(xy 2 + 2x)dx + (x 2 y + 4x)dy along the circle c : x 2 + y 2 = 4 in the anti
clock wise direction is ___ .
(A) 16 (B) 4 (C) 4 (D) 16

33. A coin is tossed until a head appears. What is expectation of the number of tosses
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) infinite (D) 2

 ICPIntensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
 Indias No.1 institute for GATE Training  65+ Centers across India
All rights reserved by Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission.

CHTest ID: 168262 TarGATE16

34. Consider the curve y = bounded between the ordinates x=0 and x=2. By using
Simpsons rule with four sub intervals the arc-length of the curve accurate to the second
decimal place is ___ .
(A) 3.65 (B) 3.55 (C) 3.45 (D) 3.35

1 tan x
For A = , 0 < x < 2 the Rank of A T A 1 is _____
tan x
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) Cannot be determined (D) None

36. A horizontal stem pipe 20 m long, 50 mm internal diameter, 60 mm outside diameter

losses 13.5 kW heat to the surroundings at 310 k. The pipe carries steam at 500k .Given
that the convective heat transfer coefficient h c = 1.65 (T)0.25 W / m 2 .k and the Stefan
Boltzmann constant 5.67 108 W / m 2 k 4 . The emissivity of the bare surface of the pipe is

37. A single effect evaporator is used to concentrate 7500 kg/hr of 1% NaOH to 5% steam
used in the steam chest is saturated vapour at 120C. The pressure in the evaporator is
100 mm Hg and boiling point of the solution at this pressure is 51C. The overall heat
transfer coefficient is 1400 W m 2 k. The solution is dilute and physical properties are
same as water. Latent heat of steam is 2257 kJ kg feed temperature 35C. Enthalpy of
water vapour at 51C is 2592 kJ/kg.
The steam economy of this evaporator is________.

38. An aqueous sodium chloride solution(10 wt %) is fed into a single effect evaporator at a
rate of 10000 kg/h. It is concentrated to a 20 wt% sodium chloride solution. The rate of
consumption of steam in the evaporator is 8000 kg/h. The evaporator capacity

1 1
39. A multi-capacity process has G P = , Gm =
, and G f = 1.0. . What is
( 5s + 1)( 2s + 1) 10s + 1
the ultimate gain (Ku) and ultimate period (Pu) for the system?
(A) 12.6, 17 min/cycle (B) 10, 15.14 min/cycle
(C) 12.6, 15.14 min/cycle (D) 13.42 min/cycle

40. The reaction rate constant at two different temperatures T1 & T2 are related by
E 1 1
(A) ln ( k 2 / k1 ) =
R T2 T1
E 1 1
(B) ln ( k 2 / k1 ) =
R T1 T2
E 1 1
(C) exp ( k 2 / k1 ) =
R T1 T2
E 1 1
(D) exp ( k 2 / k1 ) =
R T2 T1

 ICPIntensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
 Indias No.1 institute for GATE Training  65+ Centers across India
All rights reserved by Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission.

CHTest ID: 168262 TarGATE16

41. For an isothermal variable volume batch reactor, the following reaction is applicable for a
first order irreversible reaction.
CA0 dX A
(A) X A = kt (B) =k
1 + A X A dt
(C) A ln (1 X A ) = kt (D) ln (1 X A ) = kt

42. What pressure drop unit length (Pa/m) is required in order to pump water at 25oC through
a pipe 5 cm in diameter at a rate of 68 cm3/sec? Viscosity of water at 25oC is 1cP.

43. Consider three infinite parallel plates. Plate 1 is maintained at 1227oC and plate 3 is
maintained at -174oC. Emissivitys are equal to that of a black body. Plate 2 is placed
between plates 1 and 3, and receives no heat from external sources. The temperature of
plate 2 is ___K .

44. A process is perturbed by a sinusoidal input u(t)=A sin t The resulting process output is
Y(s) = . If y(0)=0. The differential equation representing the process is
( s + 1) (s2 + 2 )
(A) y(t) + y(t) = ku(t)
(B) y(t) + y(t) = kAu(t)
(C) + y(t) = ku(t)
(D) + y(t) = kAu(t)

45. A reactor has been installed at a cost of Rs.50000 and is expected to have a working life
of 10 yr with a scrap value of Rs10000. The capitalized cost (in Rs) of the rector based on
an annual compound interest rate of 5% is
(A) 113600
(B) 42000
(C) 52500
(D) 10500

46. A cylindrical pressure vessel of volume of 6m3 has to be designed to withstand a

maximum internal pressure of 10 atm. The allowable design stress of the material is 125
N/mm2 and corrosion allowance is 2 mm. The thickness of the vessel for a length/dia ratio
of 3 will be closed to_______mm.

47. The characteristic equation of a closed loop system using proportional controller with
gain kc is
12s3 + 19s 2 + 8s + 1 + k c = 0
At the onset of instability the value of kc is________.

 ICPIntensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
 Indias No.1 institute for GATE Training  65+ Centers across India
All rights reserved by Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission.

CHTest ID: 168262 TarGATE16

48. Methane and chlorine are allowed to react according to the reaction,
CH 4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl . The following data is supplied as feed composition:
CH 4 30%, Cl2 40%, and N 2 30%.
If 50% of limiting reactant is converted, then what is the number of moles of Cl2 in the

49. Match the product in Group I with the name of the process in Group-II.
Group-II Group-II
P. Sodium Carbonate 1. Haber
Q. Ammonia 2. Solvay
R. Sulphuric acid 3. Fischer tropsch
4. Contact
(A) P-2, Q-1, R-4
(B) P-4, Q-1, R-2
(C) P-3, Q-4, R-1
(D) P-2, Q-1, R-3

50. 44 kg of C 2 H8 is burnt with 1160 kg of air (mol wt=29) to produce 88 kg of CO2 and 14
kg of CO.
C3 H8 + 5O2 3CO 2 + 4H 2 O
What is the percent excess air used?

51. Two spheres of diameter 2.5m and 1.5m are connected to each other by a pipe with a
valve. One sphere contains 14kg of air and other 5kg of air when the valve is closed. The
temperature of air in both spheres is 20OC. The valve is opened and the whole system is
allowed to come to equilibrium conditions. Assume there is no loss or gain of energy.
Volume of pipe can be neglected.

1 2

The pressure in spheres when the system attains equilibrium will be __________bar.
(A) 1.6 105 N / m 2 (B) 1.8 105 N / m 2 (C) 1.7 108 N / m 2 (D) 1.6 108 N / m 2

 ICPIntensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
 Indias No.1 institute for GATE Training  65+ Centers across India
All rights reserved by Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission.

CHTest ID: 168262 TarGATE16

52. The RTD E(t) of a reactor is zero until 3 min and then increases linearly to a maximum
value Emax at 8 min after which it decreases linearly back to zero at 15 min.

E(t) max

30 8.0 15.0

What is the value of max ? t (min)

53. Air at 300 K , 1atm flows over a flat plate at a speed of 2m/s. The plate is heated
uniformly throughout at 333 K .
Data: Properties of the fluid (air) at t avg = 316.5o K; = 17.36 106 m 2 / s c ;
K = 0.0275W / m o K; C p = 1.006kJ / kg o K; Pr = 0.7;
Plate width 1m,air =1.1154kg / m3 .
Compute the drag force on the first 500mm of the plate using the analogy between fluid
friction and heat transfer.
(A) 6.7 104 N (B) 7.5 103 N (C) 8.6 103 N (D 9.5 103 N

 ICPIntensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
 Indias No.1 institute for GATE Training  65+ Centers across India
All rights reserved by Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission.

CHTest ID: 168262 TarGATE16

54. Consider the diffusion of a reactant A through a cylindrical catalyst pore of radius R and
length L>>R. Reactant A undergoes a zero order reaction on the cylindrical surface of the
pore. The following equation describes changes in the concentration of A within the pore
d 2CA
due to the axial diffusion of A and the disappearances of A due to reaction = k,
dX 2
where CA is the concentration of A at a distance X from the pore entrance and k is a

If the concentration of A at the pore entrances (X=0) is CA0 and X=L is a dead end where
no reaction occurs, the concentration profile of A in the pore is given by
Kx 2
(A) C A (X) = kLx + C A0
Kx ( X L ) x
(B) C A (X) = C A0 + CA 0
2 L
(C) C A (X) = CA 0
(D) C A (X) = C A0

55. An insulated tray is used for drying of food. The following data is provided for air.
Partial pressure = 2500Pa and wet bulb temperature = 150c
Drying surface area for the material is 0.015 m 2 / kg
and the mass transfer co-efficient is given as 5 104
Assume vapor pressure of water as 4200Pa
The drying rate in the constant rate period is given as
kg kg kg kg
(A) 2.435 2 (B) 1.055 2 (C) 0.785 2 (D) 0.255
m hr m hr m hr m 2 hr

 ICPIntensive Classroom Program  eGATE-Live Internet Based Classes DLP  TarGATE-All India Test Series
 Indias No.1 institute for GATE Training  65+ Centers across India
All rights reserved by Gateforum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission.


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