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1. Stride (verb and noun)

a) Definition:

v. [no object]

1. To walk with a long step or steps.

n. [countable]

2. A long step in walking.

3. The distance covered in a stride.

4. A step forward in development or progress.

b) Synonyms:

Sense: v.

March, walk pompously, storm, straddle, pace, step.

Sense: n.

Pace, gait, progress, distance, advancement, reach, true ability level.

c) Picture:

2. Thrash (verb)

a) Definition:

1. To beat soundly in punishment; flog. [~ + object].

2. To defeat thoroughly. [~ + object].

3. To plunge about wildly or violently. [no object].

4. Thrash out or over, to talk over thoroughly to reach a decision or understanding.
[~ + out/over + object].

b) Synonyms:

Sense: To beat

Trounce, flog, flail, beat, punish, birch, wallop.

Sense: To toss about

Swing, fling, flail, throw, toss, thresh.

c) Picture:

3. Spit (verb and noun)

a) Definition:


1. To expel saliva from the mouth. [no object; (~ + at + object)].

2. To expel (something) from the mouth. [~ + object].

3. To sputter. [no object].

4. Spit up, to vomit; throw up. [no object] and [~ + up + object].

n. [uncountable]

5. Physiologysaliva.

6. Insectsthe act of spitting.

b) Synonyms:

Expectorate, splutter, drivel, slobber, drool, discharge, hawk, spew.

c) Picture:
4. Shoelace (noun)

a) Definition:

n. [countable]

A string or lace for fastening a shoe.

b) Synonyms:

It does not exit.

c) Picture:

5. Renowned (noun)

a) Definition:


1. Widespread and high repute; fame.

2. Report or rumor.

b) Synonyms:

Famous, notable, celebrated, distinguished, acclaimed.

c) Picture:
6. Jinx (noun and verb)

a) Definition:

n. [countable]

1. One thought to bring bad luck.

v. [~ + object]

2. To bring bad luck to.

b) Synonyms:


c) Picture:

7. Rife (adjetive)

a) Definition:

1. Of common or frequent occurrence; plentiful.

2. Full of.

b) Synonyms:

Sense: Widespread
Prevalent, common, prevailing.

Sense: Abundant

Plentiful, abounding, replete, full.

c) Picture:

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