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SVS Sudarshan Mechanical-B 16p61a0366 Tarakarama Teja Mechanical-B 16p61a0363

The Chemical sunset demonstrates the

Tyndall effect in a fun and engaging
way.Colloidal sulfur is produced by the
reaction between sodium thiosulfate
and hydrochloric acid.
Na2S2O3(aq) + 2HCl(aq) S(s) +
SO2(g) + 2NaCl(aq) + H2O
The hydrochloric acid is then added and
briefly stirred in the mixture.As the Under the Tyndall effect, the longer-
colloidal sulfur grows the transmitted wavelength light is more transmitted
light changes from white to red and while the shorter-wavelength light is
eventually no light is transmitted. All the more reflected via scattering.It is
light is scattered, as can be seen from particularly applicable to colloidal
mixtures and fine suspensions. for
the side of the glass beaker.
example, the Tyndall effect is used in
The Tyndall effect, also known as Tyndall nephelometers to determine the size
scattering, is light scattering by particles and density of particles in aerosols and
in a colloid or else particles in a very other colloidal matter.
fine suspension. It is named after the The sulfur precipitates the higher energy
19th-century physicist John Tyndall. light from the projector will be scattered,
making the solution look blue.Red and
orange light transmitted through the
solution will be projected onto the
screen. The colours observed during a
natural sunset and sunrise are a result
of the same principle. Much more of the
blue light is scattered, but the red and
orange light is transmitted through to
our eye, so that we see the sky look
orange and red.

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