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Basic questions / Contries, nationalities and numbres (1-12) Unit 3

1) Informations words (wh-words):

Wath____________ When________________

Where___________ Why______________

How old____________ Who_______________


2) a) Whats your name?

Answer: My name is __________./ My names___________

b) Where are you form?

Answer: I am form_________./Im form_____________.

c) Whats your nationality?

Answer: I am____________./ Im ___________________

d) How old are you?

Answer: I am __________(years old)./ Im ____________(years old).

3) Answer in English:

a) What is your name?________________

b) Are you from Brazil?_____________________

c) Whats your nationality?________________

d) Is your pencil on the desk?_____________________

4) Numbres (1-12):

1______________ 7________________
2______________ 8_________________
3_________________ 9_________________
4_________________ 10________________
5_________________ 11_________________
6___________________ 12__________________
5) Answer in English:

a) 11 2 = ____________________

b) 10 + 2 = ____________________

c) 6 + 2 = ____________________

d) 2 x 3= ______________________

e) 20 : 2= _____________________

f) 2+3=_______________________

g) 2 x 2 = ____________________

6) Complete with WHEN. WHAT. WHERE.

a) ______________ is your mother? She is in kitchen.

b) __________ is your mother? Her name is MARLENE.

c) __________ is your mothers birthday? It is in July.

7) Fill in the blanks with the missing words:

a)___________is your name?

b)____________is he from?

c)_________is her nationality?

d)___________are you?

e)___________is she?

f)___________is Jake from?

g) How old_________Kate?

h) Where______Tonny from?

i) What_____his name?
8) put the words in the correct order to form up questions:

a) form/ Pedro and Anna/ are / where


b) is/ what / nationality / Maxs


c) how old / Karen / is


d) Liza and George /are/ form/ where


e) his / name / what / is


9) Look at exercise 9. Write the correct answers for letters b, c, and e.




10) Answers the questions below:

a) Whats your name?


b) Where are you from?


c) Whats your nationality?


d) How old are you?


11) Complete the sentences with names coutries or nationalities:

a) Niki is from Rusia. Shes_________________

b) Jos is form_________________. Hes Spanish.

c) Alan is form Australia. Hes _____________________

d) Pablo is form Mexico. Hes____________________

e) Tanaka is form__________________.Hes Japanese.

f) Brian is form the U.K.. Hes_______________________

12) Match the questions and answers correctly:

(a) Whats Debbys nationality? ( )His name is Ryu

(b) wheres Pete form? ( ) Im 12 years old

(c) How old are you? ( ) my name is Steve.

(d) Whats his name? ( )Hes form Australia

(e) Whats your name? ( ) Shes American

13) Read the text and answer the questions:

Hi everyone,

Its nice to meet you. My name is Alexander but, people call me Alex. My
mother named me after Alexander Graham Bell. I guess she loves talking on
the phone. Im 11 years old. Im in the 6th grade. My best friends, Brian Chen, is
from the U.S.A., but his parentes are originally from China. Hes a nice guy.
Hes 10 years old. We play vdeo games together. Thats all for now.

a) How old is Alexander?________________________________

b) Whats Alexanders nikename?__________________________

c) What is Brians nationality?___________________________

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