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Airbus A319, A320, A321 Quick Reference Notes


GEN 1 Line

(7.1.9) If there is smoke in the avionics compartment the


light will come on in the GEN 1 LINE pushbutton. The procedure will callfor the
pilot to press the pb. This will open the GEN 1 line contactor and

depowerAC bus 1.

GEN 2 will then automatically pick up AC BUS1 through the AC BUStie.

However, GEN 1 will still be powering two wing fuel pumps, one in each
winginner tank.

Note: this is not the complete smoke procedure, just the beginning that deals
with the GEN 1 LINE pb.

In loss of all AC (RAT only) emergency the

APU is allowed 3 min. for startafter EMERG GEN connects

The APU will not start in-flight when on BAT only(this is due to the DCBAT BUS
being disconnected during Electrical Emergency configurationabove 100

Lights available in loss of all AC emergency are:-

Capt. instrument lights

F/O dome light (if on DIM or BRT)

Compass/ice light (PH 5.15.1).If any generator is operating at more than

100% rated load the GALY & CAB (orGALLEY) pb will
illuminate amber FAULT

. You will be directed to select OFFwhich will then load shed by offloading the
main galley, secondary galley and thein-seat power supply. In AUTO (normal
blank) pb position the main galley (A319& A320) or all galleys (A321) and
inseat power supplies will automatically loadshed if in-flight with one
generator operating or on the ground with only oneengine generator
operating.If APU gen or EXT PWR is supplying power then allgalleys are
powered.Commercial pb (A321 only) when pushed will depower all
commercial electricalsystems (Cabin & Cargo lights, Water & Toilet system,
Drain mast ice protection,Galley, Passenger entertainment).Circuit breakers
are color coded.

Green are monitored by ECAM

. All othercolors are not monitored. The ECAM will display C/B TRIPPED ON

green monitored breaker

is tripped for

more than aminute

Yellow breakers

are pulled during the procedure for

flight on batterypower only.Red capped breakers



pulled in flight. Red caps are installed on the

wing tip brakes circuit breakers

to prevent loss of flap asymmetry protection.All circuit breakers have a letter

(horizontal) and number (vertical) code.When on the gate with normal APU or
EXT PWR (AC established) the

GEN 1 &2 amber FAULT lights will normally be the only amber FAULT lights on
inthe overhead panel(with packs ON).With packs OFF the GEN 1 & 2
amberFAULT and the PACK 1 & 2 amber FAULT lights will be on.
Airbus A319, A320, A321 Quick Reference Notes

12When shutting down the APU and turning off BATTs allow

2 min.

after APU

Green AVAIL light

goes out to allow time for APU flap to close (PH 3.16).

Batteries must always be on when APU is running for fire protection.

This is no magic when the electrons stop! Bottom line here, you got to
haveelectrical somehow! Make sure you have a



or at least a


or your sidestick just became a worthless piece of plastic! And you become
partof an unguided missile

Fire Protection (TM 7.26.x)

Both engines and the APU each have

two identical loops, A & B

and acomputer- FDU

(Fire Detection Unit)

.A fire warning is given when bothloops reach the proper overheat condition.
If one loop fails the other loop is ableto generate the warning by itself. A

fire warning

is givenif

both loops failwithin 5 seconds

of each other. There is a

red disc

on the aft fuselage to showthermal discharge for the

APU fire bottle

. The engines each have

twoextinguishers, the APU one

. Engines have sensing elementsin


pylon nacelle

engine core


fan section

. APU has sensingelement in APU compartment.APU fire on ground will auto

shutdown, blow extinguisher bottle, sound nosewheel well horn and APU FIRE
light will illuminate on external interphone panel.APU fire in-flight must be
manually shutdown (will not auto shutdown) andextinguished.


APU will auto shutdown in air for other than fire (go figure). The forward cargo
compartment has

two(2/4)smoke detectors

and the

afthas four

(319,320). The

321 has(4/6)four forward detectors and sixdetectors in the aft cargo

. In either case two loops. Agreement of two smokedetectors on a loop will

give warning. If one smoke detector fails the systemremains operational on
the remaining detector. There is
one extinguisher bottlefor fore and aft compartments with one nozzle forward
and two nozzles aft.

If cargo SMOKE is warning is given an isolation valve will close and

theextraction fan will stop.

Cargo smoke gives: CRC, Master Warn light andCargo SMOKE light.

ENG fire test: (7 items 4 reds) (PH 3.4.1, 8.2.1)ENG 1 Test press and hold

ENG FIRE pb illuminated (red)

SQUIB and DISCH lights illuminated (2)

MASTER WARN illuminated (2) (red)

CRC aural chime

Airbus A319, A320, A321 Quick Reference Notes


ENG 1 FIRE warning on E/WD (red)

ENGINE page on SD

FIRE light ENG 1 (on ENG panel) illuminated (red)

Repeat for ENG 2

APU fire test: (BAT only 2 items

1 red, AC 6 items 3 red)

(PH3.3, 8.2.2)APU FIRE Test press and hold (APU will not shutdown during
test if running)APU FIRE pb illuminated (red)

SQUIB and DISCH light illuminated

MASTER WARN lights illuminated (2) (red)

CRC aural chime

APU FIRE warning on E/WD (red)

APU page on SD

BAT only (when doing Safety and Power On checklist on Battery only,
noExternal power)ENG FIRE pb pressed performs: (work down panel with
2,1,2,1,2 sequence two on FIRE, one on HYD, two on FUEL, one on ELEC,
two on AIR COND)FIRE - Silences CRC, Arms squibs(2)HYD Closes hydraulic
fire valve(1)FUEL - Closes low pressure fuel valve and turns off FADEC(2)ELEC
- Deactivates the IDG(1)AIR COND- Closes engine bleed & pack flow valves

APU FIRE pb pressed performs: (work down panel with 3, 0, 2,1,2sequence)-

FIRE - Silences CRC, Shuts down APU, Arms squib (3)HYD - (0)FUEL - Closes
low pressure fuel valve & APU fuel pump off (2)ELEC - Deactivates APU
GEN(1)AIR COND- Closes APU bleed & Cross bleed valves (2)

Cargo Smoke Detector test - press & release button for test

. You should get(PH 3.4.1):

DISCH amber lights illuminate.

SMOKE red lights illuminate

MASTER WARN light illuminate

CRC aural

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