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_—ft_ KUTZTOWN April 10, 2017 ‘To Whom It May Concern: Itis my pleasure to write this letter of reference for Lauren Miller . [ have known Lauren as a student in my early childhood classes at Kutztown University. She is a hard working and dedicated young lady. She is thorough in her assignments that she completes for her course work. Lauren takes her role as an education major seriously. She attends classes, completes work and is a model for her classmates, Miss Miller has a positive outlook and helps to make her classmates. smile, she possesses a calming and nurturing spirit that is essential when working with young children, Lauren is always ready to lend a hand to a classmate and take initiative in any way she is needed. Itis my belief that Lauren is a hard working, caring student. She is a positive representative of Kutztown University and she possesses the traits and dispositions important in a teacher. She will make a wonderful addition to any faculty. Please do not hesitate to contact me with further questions. Sincerely, Dr. Jexneferf*. Gfhringer Assistant Pfofessor Elementary Education 610.683.4280 PO, Box 730, Kutztown, PA 19530-0750 + Phone: 610-683-000 / TDD: 610-683-4499 + wwwkutztown.eds A menber ofthe Pemivoia Sate Syste f igh aan An equal pportunyafrmative action emplyer and eatin provi

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