Green Plumbing

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Green Plumbing

Plumbing engineers play some part in the grand scheme of things, but water source, and more than 280 million children under five live
they are not the green police. Their primary responsibility is serving in households without access to improved sanitation facilities,
the client that hires them to design a specific set of plumbing systems. according to UNICEF.
However, plumbing engineers can try to educate clients and help them 90 percent of wastewater in developing countries is discharged
appreciate the immediate and long-term benefits of sustainable design, into rivers and streams without any treatment, according to
and as a result, an increasing number of projects is going green. In fact, World Resources 2000-2001: People and Ecosystems: The Fraying
many code authorities already require some of the practices discussed Web of Life.
in this chapter. Diarrhea can be reduced by 26 percent when basic water, hygiene,
This chapter is designed to help plumbing engineers incorporate and sanitation are supplied, according to the World Health Orga-
sustainable design practices in their designs, as well as to provide assis- nization (WHO).
tance in designing Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
Water and Disease
(LEED)-certified projects. These are expansive subjects with a constant
Major diseases transmitted by water include cholera, typhoid, bacillary
growth of emerging technologies. It is up to each individual to further
dysentery, infectious hepatitis, and Giardia. Major diseases caused by
investigate these concepts and technologies, as plumbing engineering
lack of water include scabies, skin sepsis and ulcers, yaws, leprosy, tra-
continues its journey into this new era.
choma, and dysentery. Some alarming facts about water and disease
All benefit by increasing the efficiency of buildings. Also, it is essen-
include the following:
tial to make efforts to preserve some of the natural resources that are
4,000 children die each day as a result of water-related illnesses,
being flushed away every day. Some of these design considerations are
according to WHO.
mandated by federal law. Some may be legislated in the future. Others
In the past 10 years, diarrhea has killed more children than all the
provide immediate financial benefits, and many provide health ben-
people lost to armed conflict since World War II, according to the
efits. Part of this learning process begins with some facts about the cur-
Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC).
rent state of affairs to further appreciate the need for these practices.
Water is implicated in 80 percent of all sickness and disease world-
The BIG PIcTure wide. 19 percent of deaths from infection and disease worldwide are
Humanity is consuming the worlds natural resources at an amazing water related, and waterborne diseases contribute to nearly 4 mil-
rate. lion child deaths, according to the Rehydration Project.
At any one time, it is estimated that one-half of the worlds hospital
Water Use Facts beds are occupied with patients suffering from water-related dis-
According to the American Water Works Association (AWWA):
eases, according to WSSCC.
Approximately 4,776 gallons of water are needed to raise a Christ-
Diarrhea kills more than 3 million people each year, and chronic
mas tree. For the 35 million Christmas trees that U.S. families enjoy
diarrhea is a leading killer of people with AIDS, according to the U.S.
each year, a total of 167 billion gallons of water is consumed.
Agency for International Development (USAID).
If all mothers refresh their floral arrangements and flowering
plants after Mothers Day, they use a total of 2.8 million gallons of Water and Economic Growth
water. Thats equivalent to the amount needed to supply a weeks According to Water for People,
worth of water to 1,157 households. More than 40 billion work hours are lost each year in Africa to the
1 inch of rainfall drops 7,000 gallons, or nearly 30 tons of water, on need to fetch drinking water.
a 60 180-foot plot of land. Water-related illnesses cost the Indian economy 73 million work-
On average, 5070 percent of residential water is used outdoors for ing days per year.
watering lawns and gardens.
After a typical Thanksgiving dinner, 16.4 million Americans watch Buildings pose both economic and environmental impacts. Build-
football. At halftime, American toilets flush 16.4 million times ings comprise:
and use 48.5 million gallons of water. Using water-efficient toilets 65 percent of total U.S. electricity consumption
would save 22.3 million gallons of water, or the same amount of 36 percent of total U.S. primary energy use
water needed to fill 1,476 swimming pools. 30 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions
The average five-minute shower uses 1525 gallons of water. 136 million tons of construction and demolition waste in the
United States (approximately 2.8 pounds per person per day)
Water and Sanitation 12 percent of potable water in the United States
What about underdeveloped nations? 40 percent (3 billion tons annually) of raw materials used globally
An estimated 2.6 billion people lack adequate sanitation, and 40 percent of the worlds energy, 75 percent of the worlds wood,
1.1 billion people are without access to safe water, according to and 16 percent of the worlds water
UNICEF. In addition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finds
Globally, more than 125 million children under five years of
that people spend 90 percent of their time indoors, yet 30 percent of
age live in households without access to an improved drinking-
new and renovated buildings have indoor air quality problems.
WhAT Is susTAINABle DesIGN? The project team can register a building at
Sustainable design is not a new concept. It has been done for years. In Someone on the team must be committed to overseeing the certifica-
some cases, sustainable design actually returns to old technologies that tion process. A LEED Accredited Professional would be ideal, but is not
were abandoned when petroleum products became so available and required.
cheap. However, sustainable design has taken on new meaning with After the project is registered, the team is entitled to two free credit
the popularity of green building. Plumbing engineers always should interpretation rulings (CIRs). Anyone on the team can search and view
consider the efficiency of the systems they design for any project and previous CIRs on the USGBC website.
utilize the sustainable technologies that are appropriate for each proj- A review process starts 14 days after submittal. When the application
ects needs. While some sustainable practices help achieve LEED cer- is returned to the team leader, the team has a maximum of 30 days to
tification, many do not, but certification should not be the only objec- correct application deficiencies and resubmit. The USGBC then per-
tive. forms a final review, concluding with a certification score. If problems
The Brundtland Commission, also known as the U.N. World Com- with the application still exist, the client or design team must appeal
mission on the Environment and Development, defines sustainability within 30 days. The USGBC then has another 30 days to respond.
as the ability to meet the needs of the present, without compromising For the final submittal, the following items must be sent in a three-
the needs of the future. Sustainability also might be described as design ring binder: a copy of the application, the scorecard, a project narra-
and construction practices that significantly reduce or eliminate the tive, and documentation for each prerequisite and credit.
negative impact of buildings on the environment and occupants in five The LEED Rating System
broad areas: The LEED rating system covers different types of buildings and con-
Sustainable site planning struction, which are differentiated under the following LEED catego-
Safeguarding water and water efficiency ries:
Energy efficiency and renewable energy LEED-NC: LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations
Conservation of materials and resources LEED-EB: LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Mainte-
Indoor environmental quality nance
Standards and Validation LEED-CI: LEED for Commercial Interiors
Numerous organizations worldwide provide rating and accreditation LEED-CS: LEED for Core and Shell
processes for various types of construction. The Building Research LEED-H: LEED for Homes
Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) is the LEED-SC: LEED for Schools
European equivalent and predecessor to the United States Green LEED for Homes
Building Council (USGBC), which offers the LEED program. LEED for Healthcare
LEED for Neighborhood Development (in pilot in 2008)
U.S. Green Building Council LEED for Retail (in pilot in 2008)
The USGBC is a nonprofit coalition of leaders from across the build- For the latest information on LEED categories, go to www.usgbc.
ing industry that works to promote buildings that are environmen- org.
tally responsible, profitable, and healthy places to live and work. The The program offers a total of 69 possible points to achieve certifica-
purpose of this organization is to integrate building industry sectors tion. The four levels of LEED certification are:
and lead a market transformation. This includes the need to educate Certified: 2632 points
owners and practitioners. Silver: 3338 points
hOW cAN leeD helP? Gold: 3951 points
LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. A Platinum: 52 or more points
LEED AP is a LEED Accredited Professional. Note that the certification levels are subject to change and reflect the
The LEED certification process encourages a whole-building current system. For instance, LEED for Schools has a total of 79 points.
approach. This promotes and guides a collaborative approach toward Always double-check which system and version applies to each par-
integrated design and construction process. It includes a rating system ticular project.
that includes new construction, existing building renovations, core and The LEED program is broken into six categories:
shell, commercial interiors, and residential projects. It is expanding to 1. Sustainable Sites
encompass other categories, such as neighborhood development, as 2. Water Efficiency
needs are identified. LEED helps plumbing engineers design systems 3. Energy and Atmosphere
that optimize environmental and economic factors, increasing effi- 4. Materials and Resources
ciency in these areas. 5. Indoor Environmental Quality
LEED also provides recognition of quality buildings and environ- 6. Innovation and Design Process
mental stewardship through: Some of these credits are directly related to water use reduction, and
Third-party validation of achievement some are related to other aspects of plumbing systems. Among those
Federal, state, and local government incentives that are directly related to reduced water consumption are:
Contributing to a growing knowledge base Water Efficiency (WE) Credit 1.1: Water Efficient Landscaping:
LEED certification plaques to mount on buildings Reduce by 50 Percent
Official certificates WE Credit 1.2: Water Efficient Landscaping: No Potable Water Use
Marketing exposure via the USGBC website, case studies, and or No Irrigation
media announcements WE Credit 2: Innovative Wastewater Technologies
WE Credit 3.1: Water Use Reduction, 20 Percent Reduction
The LEED Certification Process WE Credit 3.2: Water Use Reduction, 30 Percent Reduction
The LEED certification process is essentially a three-step process: Sustainable Sites (SS) Credit 6.1: Storm Water Design: Quantity
1. Project registration Control
2. Technical support SS Control 6.2: Storm Water Design: Quality Control
3. Building certification Innovation and Design (ID) Credit 1: Innovation in Design
ID Credit 1 may be applied to water management design or may be for plumbing fixtures was reduced by 20 percent to qualify for one
related to some other aspect, such as reduced energy consumption in point. The total domestic water used for fixtures must be reduced by 30
plumbing systems. Other applicable credits that may be obtained in percent to qualify for an additional point.
plumbing system design include those relating to energy savings, third-
Low-flow Fixtures
party Commissioning, and recycled materials. This chapter focuses A number of low-consumption fixtures facilitate this task. Specifying
primarily on credits relating to water use reduction and wastewater these fixtures in lieu of conventional fixtures can easily accomplish
management. this objective for most projects. The standards used as the reference, or
reAl lIfe fINANcIAl BeNefITs baseline, are per the requirements of the Energy Policy Act of 1992. This
Increased sustainability in plumbing system designs can have direct includes 1.6-gallon-per-flush (gpf ) toilets, 1.0-gpf urinals, 2.5-gallon-
financial rewards. It is estimated that construction costs may increase per-minute (gpm) faucets, and 2.5-gpm showerheads. Note that flush
3 percent for a LEED-certified building. In fact, the construction cost fixtures are rated in gpf, and flow fixtures are rated in gpm. These fixture
of a typical office building has been shown to be about 2 percent of the types have different characteristics and need to be addressed relative to
total lifetime cost, assuming a 20-year lifespan, and about 5 percent for their functionality.
operation and maintenance, whereas the people inhabiting the build- Some of the reduced-consumption fixtures include:
ing may account for as much as 92 percent of the total cost through 1.28-gpf toilets
salaries and benefits. 0.5-gpf urinals
Some of the ways that sustainable design practices can provide 0.125-gpf urinals
tangible financial benefits are through reduced operating costs and Waterless urinals
reduced maintenance costs: 0.5-gpm faucets
Higher valuation of the building: The rule of thumb is to divide 1.6-gpm kitchen faucets
the reduction in annual operating costs by 10 percent to get the 2.0-gpm, 1.8-gpm, 1.5-gpm, and even 1.0-gpm showerheads
increased value of the building, which may be up to $4 in increased
valuation for every $1 spent. Which fixtures are best? It depends on the project. This is a decision
Higher visibility and marketability that must be made by the plumbing designer in conjunction with the
Reduced insurance and risk of liability: Improved health of occu- architect, taking into consideration the needs of the owner. Some of the
pants, greater occupant satisfaction, improved performance of considerations may be site-specific. For instance, waterless urinals may
occupants, reduced absenteeism, lower environmental impacts, be a good choice for areas that have little or no water supply. 0.125-gpf
and streamlined regulatory approvals urinals may be more appropriate for other projects.
Another water-saving technique is vacuum-operated waste trans-
Obstacles and Objections port systems. They are used on cruise ships and in some prisons. The
According to some surveys, the most
common objections to building green are:
Perceived high cost of LEED docu- Table 14-1 Treatment Stages for Water Reuse
mentation Level 1 Components
Design and construction costs Nonpotable systems needing limited treatment
Resistance to change Catchment flushing Screen
Lack of financial resources Large contaminate removal First Flush
Sediment filtration Vortex/Centrifugal
DOmesTIc WATer use Level 2 Components
reDucTION fOr IrrIGATION Low-level potable systems Everything above
Credits WE 1.1 and WE 1.2 are related to All of the previous steps Cartridge filters
irrigation. A building can receive one point Treatment for odor control Automated sand filters
if the project team demonstrates that the Increased level of filtration Ultraviolet (UV) light
domestic water required for irrigation and Limited treatment for disease-causing pathogens Ozone
landscaping was reduced by 50 percent. By Level 3 Components
eliminating domestic water use for land- Potable water for human consumption
scaping altogether, the building receives All of the previous steps
an additional point. Automated system testing of pre-potable incoming water
How to accomplish this? Methods for Increased level of filtration Everything above
earning these credits include many deign Increased level of disinfection processes Membrane filtration
choices, such as: Automated system of testing the water after treatment Reverse osmosis (RO)
Utilizing plantings that do not require to confirm water quality meets the standards for human Nanofiltration
consumption Chlorination as required
watering other than the rain that they
receive naturally Level 4 Components
Using rainwater to sustain the land- Black water for nonpotable systems Everything above.
All of the previous steps Manmade wetlands
Bio-remediation with membrane system and air injectors Additional filtration
Capturing and reusing various waste- Post-recovery filtration similar to Level 3: RO, O3, UL, etc. Additional testing and monitoring.
water from the building, such as con- Additional testing with strict manual and electronic monitoring 24-hour technician on site
densate waste, for landscaping needs Biosludge disposal 24-hour technician on site
DOmesTIc WATer use On-site technician, 24/7 Proper disposal plan and systems
Level 5 Components
reDucTION fOr fIxTures
Black water for potable systems
The water reduction credits related to
All of the previous steps Everything above
plumbing fixture specifications are WE 3.1 Additional filtration similar to Level 3: RO, O3, UL, etc. Additional filtration
and WE 3.2. The project team must dem- Additional testing with strict manual and electronic monitoring Additional testing and monitoring
onstrate that the domestic water required On-site technician, 24/7 Proper disposal plan and systems
water closets require only 0.5 gpf, but additional energy is required to This type of system typically treats suspended solids, odors, and
operate the vacuum pumping systems. This drainage system relies on bacteria in water to be reused for toilet flushing.
a mechanical device requiring power to operate, which adds another Level 3: Potable water for human consumption: Level 3 consists
potential weak point to the system. of both public domestic water and water from Level 1 and Level 2
systems, with additional treatment. Water shall be collected from
WAsTeWATer mANAGemeNT the public water utility, as well as from Level 1 and Level 2 produc-
Wastewater management must be part of a total sustainable building tion surpluses. The Level 1 and 2 water must be processed with UV,
strategy. This must include consideration for environmental aspects reverse osmosis (RO), ozone, and filtering systems similar to Level
relative to waste. The quality, quantity, and classification of wasted 2, but monitored to EPA or National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)
matter must be taken into account. The wastewater expelled from standards or local equivalents. Each system shall include filters,
buildings is a combination of biodegradable waste, reusable waste, a UV or similar system, tanks, pumps, etc., all of which must be
storm water runoff, and non-degradable waste. The biodegradable indicated on the plumbing drawings.
waste can be considered a source of nutrients that can go back into Level 4: Black water for nonpotable systems: Level 4 includes
nature by bioremediation methods. Many non-degradable wastes water not meant for human consumption without further process-
can be recycled. Some by-products may require handling as hazard- ing. It can be used for toilet flushing and laundry facilities. This
ous materials. Storm water runoff can be recycled and used to reduce system must include redundancy. Water shall be collected from
domestic water consumption. the graywater system, as well as from Level 1 and Level 2 produc-
Wastewater reclamation and reuse systems can be categorized into tion surpluses. Each system shall be provided with emergency
domestic water makeup. Each system shall include filters, a UV
system, tanks, pumps, etc., all of which must be indicated on the
plumbing drawings.
Level 5: Black water for potable systems: Level 5 includes water
not meant for human consumption or contact without additional
treatment. It consists of black water that has been collected and
treated. Each system shall include membrane filters, bio-cham-
bers, a UV system, tanks, pumps, etc., as indicated on the plumb-
ing drawings. Sludge accumulation shall be conveyed to a suit-
able site for further processing and disposal, based on analysis of
sludge components.
Rainwater Capture and Reuse
Rainwater reuse can help earn more than one credit: water use reduc-
tion, innovative wastewater, storm water management, and innovation
in design. The captured water may be used for irrigation, flushing toi-
lets, cooling tower makeup, or other uses. Various filtration methods
may be necessary, depending on the final use of the water. Ideally, the
storage tanks should be elevated, such as on the top floor of the build-
ing, to reduce or eliminate pumping requirements. Remember that
tanks store water, but also can store pressure by permitting the stored
water to flow by gravity. Static head increases with height. If the build-
ing is high enough to require multiple water pressure zones, multiple
Figure 14-1 Typical Small Rainwater Cistern System Diagram tanks can be located at varying levels, possibly with one tank cascad-
ing down to another. As with all aspects of design, the approach must
be customized relative to each individual project. Figure 14-1 shows a
levels (see Table 14-1). typical small cistern system diagram.
Level 1: Nonpotable systems needing limited treatment: Rain- Many jurisdictions require rainwater detention to control the release
water and condensate waste collection systems shall be provided rate into the sewer systems. Many municipal systems are overloaded
for irrigation and cooling use. Provide a collection tank, circulat- and cannot process the storm water entering the system during times
ing pump, and point of connection for landscaping, coordinating of significant rain events. Some cities have combined storm and sani-
with the landscape and heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning tary sewer systems, which can make the problem even worse. One of
(HVAC) contractors. Recovery and delivery systems should include the causes of this problem is increased impermeable surface features
redundant tanks and other equipment to facilitate cleaning and due to increased density, a result of urban sprawl. This effect can be
maintenance. Domestic water makeup also should be included for reduced through the use of green roofs, permeable paving materials,
emergency use and when supplementary water is required. Excess storm water detention, and other innovative approaches.
water production from Level 1 shall be conveyed to Level 2. Table 14-2 outlines some types of treatment for rainwater systems.
Level 2: Low-level potable systems: Level 2 systems shall collect Many options are available, for different purposes. Most systems
water from graywater processing, as well as from Level 1 production require some combination of these treatment options. Table 14-3 com-
surpluses. Each system should include redundant tanks and other pares the cost, maintenance, and effectiveness of these filtration and
equipment to facilitate cleaning and maintenance. Domestic water disinfection methods.
makeup also should be included for emergency use and when sup- Storage Tanks
plementary water is required. Each graywater system shall include Storage tanks come in many shapes, sizes, and materials. They can
filters, an ultraviolet (UV) system, tanks, pumps, etc., all of which be located below grade, above grade, near the roof, or in many other
must be indicated on the plumbing drawings. The graywater reuse locations. Table 14-4 compares the different storage tank options for
fixtures may return their waste to a black water treatment system. rainwater collection.
Graywater and Black Water guishable from the finished compost. The final product ultimately
About 68 percent of household wastewater is graywater. The other mineralizes (biodegrades to carbon dioxide, water, and biomass as new
approximately 32 percent is black water. Figure 14-2 and Table 14-5 microorganisms) at a rate like that of known compostable materials in
compare the two types of wastewater. solid waste such as paper and yard waste.
Wastes from dishwashers and kitchen sinks can be piped to auto- A compost-compatible material is one that disintegrates and
matic grease separators. These separators automatically siphon off becomes indistinguishable from the final compost and is either biode-
the fats, oils, and greases, which can be used for bio-diesel fuel. The gradable or inert in the environment.
remaining wastewater then is processed as black water. Its a good idea A removable material is one that can be removed (not to be com-
to locate these facilities on the truck dock or another location that pro- posted) by existing technologies in MSW composting (such as plastics,
vides plenty of external venting to reduce odors indoors. stones, or glass).
Biosolids are categorized as Class A and Class B biosolids. To ensure
Biosolids Technology that biosolids applied to the land do not threaten public health, the EPA
Biosolids can be a by-product of graywater, but they primarily come created 40 CFR Part 503. This rule categorizes biosolids as Class A or B
from blackwater processing. Biosolids are the remaining sludge and depending on the level of pathogenic organisms in the material and
also what is skimmed from the surface. It consists of different compo- describes specific processes to reduce pathogens to these levels. The
nents requiring a variety of handling methods and technologies. rule also requires vector attraction reduction (VAR)reducing the
A compostable material is one that undergoes physical, chemical, potential for spreading of infectious disease agents by vectors (i.e.,
thermal, and/or biological degradation in a mixed municipal solid flies, rodents, and birds)and spells out specific management prac-
waste (MSW) composting facility such that it is physically indistin-

Table 14-2 Rainwater Treatment Options

Treatment Method Location Result
Prevents leaves and debris from
Leaf screens and strainers Gutters and downspouts
entering tank
Sedimentation Within tank Settles out particulates
Activated charcoal Before tap Removes chlorine*
Roof washers Before tank Removes suspended material
Inline multistage cartridge After pump Sieves sediment
Activated charcoal After sediment filter Removes chlorine* and improves taste
Slow sand filters After tank Traps particulates
Microbial Treatment/Disinfection
Boiling/distilling Before use Kills microorganisms
Chemical treatment Within tank or at pump (liquid, tablet, or
Kills microorganisms
(chlorine or iodine) granular) before activated charcoal
Ultraviolet light After activated charcoal filter and before tap Kills microorganisms
Silver ionization After activated charcoal filter and before tap Kills microorganisms
Ozonation After activated charcoal filter and before tap Kills microorganisms
Nanofiltration Before use, polymer membrane (10-310-4 pores) Removes molecules
Removes ions (contaminants) and
Reverse osmosis Before use, polymer membrane (10-310-4 pores)
*Should be used if chlorine has been used as a disinfectant.
Source: Texas Guide to Rainwater Harvesting, 2nd edition, Texas Water Development Board

Table 14-3 Filtration/Disinfection Method Comparison

Treatment Method Cost Maintenance Effectiveness Comments
Removes particulates > 3 Disinfection treatment also
Cartridge filters $2060 Change filters regularly
microns is recommended
Change filter when
Removes particulates > Disinfection treatment also
Reverse osmosis $4001,500 clogged (depends on
0.001 microns is recommended
Disinfects filtered water
Replace bulb every 10,000 Water must be filtered
$3501,000 ($80 bulb provided (< 1,000
Ultraviolet light hours or 14 months; clean prior to exposure for
replacement) coliforms per 100
protective cover regularly maximum effectiveness
Monitor effectiveness
Less effective in high
with frequent testing or Requires pump to circulate
Ozonation $7002,600 turbidity; should be
monitoring equipment ozone molecules
(about $1,200)
Excessive chlorine levels
$1/month manual dose or Less effective in high
Include monitoring with have been linked to health
Chlorination $6003,000 for automatic turbidity; should be
automatic dosing issues and damage to
dosing system prefiltered
copper piping systems
Source: Texas Guide to Rainwater Harvesting, 2nd edition, Texas Water Development Board
Table 14-4 Storage Tank Options
Material Features Cautions Cost Weight
Commercially available, UV-degradable; must be
Polyethylene/polypropylene $.0351.00/gallon 8 lbs/gallon
alterable, and moveable painted
Commercially available, Must be sited on smooth,
Fiberglass $0.502.00/gallon 8 lbs/gallon
alterable, and moveable solid, level footing
Commercially available,
Steel Prone to rust and corrosion $0.502.00/gallon 8 lbs/gallon
alterable, and moveable
Possibly prone to rust and
Commercially available,
Welded steel corrosion; must be lined for $0.804.00/gallon 8 lbs/gallon
alterable, and moveable
potable use
Concrete and Masonry
Ferrocement Durable and immovable Potential to crack and fail $0.502.00/gallon 8 lbs/gallon
Stone, concrete block Durable and immovable Difficult to maintain $0.502.00/gallon 8 lbs/gallon
Monolithic/poured in place Durable and immovable Potential to crack and fail $0.301.25/gallon 8 lbs/gallon
Attractive, durable, can be
Redwood, fir, cypress Expensive $2.00/gallon 8 lbs/gallon
disassembled and moved

tices, monitoring frequencies, recordkeeping, and Figure 14-2 Graywater versus Black Water
reporting requirements. Incineration of biosolids
also is covered in the regulation. Graywater Black Water
Class A biosolids contain minute levels of
pathogens. To achieve Class A certification, bio- Showers Toilets
solids must undergo heating, composting, diges-
tion, or increased pH that reduces pathogens to
below detectable levels. Some treatment pro-
cesses change the composition of the biosolids Baths Urinals
to a pellet or granular substance, which can be
used as a commercial fertilizer. Once these goals
are achieved, Class A biosolids can be applied to
land without any pathogen-related restrictions at
Lavatories Kitchen Sinks
the site. Class A biosolids can be bagged and mar-
keted to the public for application on lawns and
gardens. Clothes Washers Dish Washers
Class B biosolids have less stringent standards
for treatment and contain small but compliant
amounts of bacteria. Class B requirements ensure
that pathogens in biosolids have been reduced
Graywater = Wastewater Black water = Wastewater
that has a low bacteria, that has a high bacteria or
to levels that protect public health and the envi- chemical, or solids loading high organic content
ronment and include certain restrictions for crop
harvesting, grazing animals, and public contact
for all forms of Class B biosolids. As is true of their Table 14-5 Comparison of Graywater and Black Water
Class A counterpart, Class B biosolids are treated
Parameter Graywater Black Water Grey + Black
in a wastewater treatment facility and undergo
heating, composting, digestion, or increased pH BOD51 (g/p/d2 and mg/l) 25 and 150-300 20 and 2,0003,000 71
processes before leaving the plant. This semi- BOD5 (% of UOD3) 90 40
solid material can receive further treatment when COD4 (g/p/d and mg/l) 48 and 300 72 and 2,0006,000
exposed to the natural environment as a fertilizer, Total P (g/p/d and mg/l) 2 and 435 1.6 4.6
where heat, wind, and soil microbes naturally sta- Total N (g/p/d) 1 (0.65 mg/l) 11 (main source urine) 13.2
bilize the biosolids. TSS (g/p/d) 18 > 50 70
The biosolids rule spells out specific treatment Pathogens Low Very high Very high
processes and treatment conditions that must be Inorganics, organics,
Main Characteristic Inorganic chemicals Organics, pathogens
met for both A or B classifications. and pathogens
BOD5 = Oxygen required for the decomposition of the organic content in graywater during the first five days, determined as BOD
Class A Technologies after a five-day period of incubation under standard conditions
Technologies that can meet Class A standards 2
g/p/d = grams/person/day
include thermal treatment methods such as com- 3
UOD = Ultimate (total) oxygen demand in a sample taken
posting, heat drying, heat treatment, thermophilic 4
COD = Oxygen demand for all chemical (organic and inorganic) activities; a measure of organics
(heat generating) aerobic digestion, and pasteuri- Sources: Haug 1993; Droste 1997; Dixon et al. 1999b; Hammes et al. 2000; Lindstrom 2000a, 2000b
zation. Class A technologies are known as PFRP,
or processes that can further reduce pathogens.
The technologies must process the biosolids for a specific length of As an example, the power consumption ratios of a typical bioreme-
time at a specific temperature. diation system may consists of:
Composting This is an environmentally friendly way to recycle the 38 percent for membrane aeration blowers
nutrients and organic matter found in wastewater solids. Compost- 35 percent for other blowers
ing systems turn wastewater biosolids, sawdust, yard waste, and wood 16 percent for recirculation pumps
chips into high-quality compost. As the material decomposes, oxygen 5 percent for process pumps
filters through the compost site, releasing water, heat, and carbon diox- 4 percent for mixers
ide. This process helps dry the organic material, while the generated 2 percent for controls, monitors, and other equipment
heat increases the rate of decomposition and kills pathogens. This does not include pumping the water throughout the building,
Heat drying This process applies direct or indirect heat to reduce which may require additional power.
the moisture in biosolids. It eliminates pathogens, reduces volume,
and results in a product that can be used as a fertilizer or soil amend- eNerGy effIcIeNcy AND eNerGy-sAvING sTrATeGIes
Energy consumption within plumbing systems can be reduced using
ment. Because dryers produce a 90 percent dry material, additional
several methods, such as variable-frequency drive domestic booster
VAR is not required.
pump systems. The energy savings are difficult to define precisely and
Digestion In autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion (ATAD)
vary for every project.
systems, biosolids are heated from 131F to 140F (55C to 60C) and
Water heaters offer a potential area for energy savings, as plumbing
aerated for about 10 days. This autothermal process generates its own
engineers are specifying more high-efficiency equipment these days.
heat and reduces volume. The result is a high-quality Class A product
If required to specify a minimum efficiency of 84 percent for gas-fired
acceptable for reuse as a liquid fertilizer.
boilers, specifying 98 percent efficient units can save 14 percent of
Pasteurization Pasteurization produces a Class A material when the
energy costs, theoretically.
biosolids are heated to at least 158F (70C) for 30 minutes. This extreme
One problem in quantifying these savings lies in the fact that efficien-
heat kills pathogens in the organic matter. When followed by anaero-
cies vary with several factors, including incoming water temperature
bic digestion, the VAR is attained, and the biosolids can be applied to
and return temperature. These factors apply to all types of heaters, but
land with minimal restrictions. The majority of the energy used in the
the numbers typically are jaded. Thus, it might be reasonable to assume
pasteurization process is recovered with an innovative heat exchanger
that the system is still 14 percent more efficient. Using low-flow fixtures,
system and used to maintain the proper temperature in downstream
with their related reduced hot water consumption, saves as much as 40
anaerobic digesters.
percent of the energy required to heat the domestic hot water.
Class B Technologies The expected energy savings can be calculated using gallon-per-day
The EPA regulations list a number of technologies, which, under cer- (gpd) figures and extrapolating an estimated savings. These numbers,
tain operating conditions, can treat and reduce pathogens so that the combined with energy consumption and reduction figures for other
material qualifies as Class B biosolids. These processes are known as aspects of the building, can indicate the percentage of total energy saved.
processes that can significantly reduce pathogens, or PSRP. Class B These savings may be applied to LEED Energy and Atmosphere credits.
technologies include anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, compost-
ing, air-drying, and lime stabilization.
Digestion Several EPA-approved stabilization technologies are
available for anaerobic and aerobic digestion, including:
Heaters, heat exchangers, digester covers, gas, and hydrau-
lic mixing systems, all important components in conven-
tional anaerobic digestion systems 2 7
Temperature-phased anaerobic digestion (TPAD) systems,
which optimize anaerobic digestion through a heat recov- 4 3
ery system that pre-heats raw material and simultaneously
cools the digested biosolids SOLAR
Membrane gas storage systems, which include an expand- RADIATION 5
able membrane cover that provides variable digester gas
storage, optimizes digester gas utilization for heating and 1 6
electrical generation, and increases storage capacity
Hydraulic mixers, which use a multi-port discharge valve to
greatly improve biosolids mixing in the digestion process
Air diffusers and aerators, which can be incorporated in
any aerobic digester configuration
Lime stabilization Adding lime can stabilize biosolids by raising
the pH and temperature. While adding sufficient amounts of lime
to wastewater solids produces Class B biosolids, adding higher
amounts yields Class A biosolids. Combining low amounts of
lime with anoxic storage also can yield Class A biosolids.
Rainwater and condensate collection systems use minimal
electrical power. Graywater systems for a large project may be
estimated to require up to 10,000 kilowatt-hours per year. Black-
water systems for the same project may be estimated to require 3. STORAGE TANK
as much as 20,000 kilowatt-hours per year. These numbers are 4. HEAT EXCHANGER
subject to the building systems for the particular project and Figure 14-3 Simple Solar Domestic Water Heater Diagram
vary greatly from project to project.
High efficiency does not always come from high-efficiency equip-
ment alone. The efficacy must be considered relative to the application.
98 percent efficient water heaters do not necessarily save energy on
every system. All designs require an integrated approach and a balance
of the correct elements relative to the needs of the project and the goals
of the client.
Solar water heating is an excellent way to reduce energy consumption.
The average solar system for a typical home (see Figure 14-3) can save
about two-thirds of the homes yearly cost for providing domestic hot
water. The energy savings for a commercial application are more diffi-
cult to precisely quantify, but they may be in the same range, depending
on a variety of factors.
One important factor in any system involving heat transfer is the
loading of the system. Other than when they are shut down and using
no energy, heat exchangers, like pumps, are most efficient when they
are running at 100 percent capacity. Oversizing equipment leads to
reduced efficiencies and maybe even premature failure of the equip-
Refer to other Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook chapters for
additional information, including Volume 3, Chapter 10: Solar Energy
and Volume 2, Chapter 6: Domestic Water Heating Systems, as well as
the resources listed at the end of this chapter.
GeOThermAl sysTems
Geothermal energy can be used for homes, as well as industrial and
commercial buildings. They even are used by some utility companies
to generate steam to spin turbines, creating electrical power for munici-
palities. They can be used for radiant heat, as well as radiant cooling.

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