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An investigation of green supply chain management in the

construction industry in the UK


Octavio Barreiro Trigos

Thesis presented in part-fulfilment of the degree of Master of Science in accordance with the
regulations of the University of East Anglia

School of Environmental Sciences

University of East Anglia
University Plain
August 2007

2007 M.Sc. Student

This copy of the dissertation has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is
understood to recognise that its copyright rests with the author and that no quotation from the
dissertation, nor any information derived therefrom, may be published without the authors
prior written consent. Moreover, it is supplied on the understanding that it represents an
internal University document and that neither the University nor the author are responsible for
the factual or interpretative correctness of the dissertation.

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Environmental issues have been on the international agenda for several decades. More
recently, the focus has expanded to broader topics such as sustainability and has forced
industries to amplify their attention into their supply chain (customers and suppliers) (Hall,
The dissertation will address the theory and practices of Green Supply Chain Management
(GSCM) in the construction industry in the UK focusing on large contractors and suppliers
within the sector. Specifically on the power and drivers of big contractors to engage their
supply chain, the practices they are requiring and the main barriers of their suppliers to
implement them.
The methodology was originally based on sending questionnaires to contractors and suppliers
in the construction industry in order to analyse the responses. However, there was a provision
because of the potentially low response on the suppliers side (mainly SMEs) by arranging
telephone interviews with two contractors.
The results showed that the respondents have the financial or market power to engage their
supply chain. However, GSCM in the construction industry is still reaching a small
percentage of the entire population. About the GSCM strategies that are being implemented,
the findings illustrated that process-based practices are more common than product-based
practices at this point. The results on the drivers confirmed that the two most important
categories were sustainability and economic motivators. Nevertheless, legislation as a single
driver was the most important for the majority of the companies. In terms of the barriers
experienced, lack of resources was the most significant barrier for suppliers, followed by lack
of skills or knowledge, internal barriers and finally the lack of government legal enforcement.
The economic performance of GSCM in the construction industry is not yet detectable.
However, negative economic impacts were perceived as more probable than positive
economic impacts at this point.

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Table of contents
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 2
List of figures ............................................................................................................................. 4
Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 6
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 8
Role of Construction in the UK.............................................................................................. 8
Environmental Impacts of construction ................................................................................. 8
Supply Chain Management (SCM) ........................................................................................ 9
Construction Supply Chains................................................................................................. 11
Environmental pressures through the Supply Chain ............................................................ 12
Sustainable Construction...................................................................................................... 13
Main concepts of GSCM...................................................................................................... 15
Classification of GSCM practices ........................................................................................ 17
Drivers and barriers to implement GSCM practices ............................................................ 19
Performance of GSCM......................................................................................................... 21
Objectives............................................................................................................................. 22
Methodology ............................................................................................................................ 23
Population............................................................................................................................. 24
Sampling............................................................................................................................... 25
Classification of GSCM practices ........................................................................................ 26
Drivers and barriers .............................................................................................................. 27
Justification of method ......................................................................................................... 29
Designing of the questionnaire............................................................................................. 30
Content of questionnaires..................................................................................................... 30
Part A................................................................................................................................ 30
Part B................................................................................................................................ 31
Interviews ............................................................................................................................. 32
Results and Discussion............................................................................................................. 33
Description of the respondents............................................................................................. 33
Contractors ....................................................................................................................... 33
Suppliers........................................................................................................................... 34
Environmental Impacts ........................................................................................................ 34
Identification of critical suppliers ........................................................................................ 36
Pressures over the supply chain ........................................................................................... 37
GSCM practices ................................................................................................................... 38
Drivers for GSCM on the construction industry .................................................................. 42
Barriers for the implementation of GSCM practices ........................................................... 43
Perceptions about the economic performance of GSCM ..................................................... 46
Conclusions and recommendations.......................................................................................... 49
Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 49
Recommendations for further research ................................................................................ 50
References ................................................................................................................................ 51
Appendix 1. Contractors Questionnaire ................................................................................... 56
Appendix 2: Suppliers Questionnaire ...................................................................................... 65

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List of figures

Figure 1 The power matrix 10

Figure 2 Stakeholders of the construction and built environment 11

Figure 3 Conceptual view of a construction project supply chain 11

Figure 4 Framework to achieve sustainable construction 15

Figure 5 Typical environmental impacts of a supply chain 16

Figure 6 Overview of main issues of Construction GSCM 17


Figure 7 Detailed methodology 24

Table 1 Classification of GSCM practices 26

Table 2 Summary of GSCM practices 27

Table 3 Drivers VS barriers identified in the literature 28

Results and Discussion

Table 4 Description of the contractors sample 33

Figure 8 Type of construction buildings 34

Figure 9 Perceptions about the environmental impacts 35

Figure 10 Attributes to identify critical suppliers 36

Figure 11 Type of available support from the contractors 37

Figure 12 Product-based practices 39

Figure 13 Process-based practices 40

Figure 14 Drivers for GSCM 42

Figure 15 General averages about perceptions on the barriers for GSCM 43

Figure 16 Detailed results of barriers for GSCM 44

Table 5 Barriers stated on the open question 44

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Figure 17 Perceptions about the positive economic impacts 46

Figure 18 Perceptions about the negative economic impacts 46

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CIB Construction Industry Board

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

EA Environmental Assessment

EMAS Eco-Management and Audit Scheme

EMS Environmental Management Systems

EU European Union

GSCM Green Supply Chain Management

JIT Just in Time

LCA Life Cycle Assessment

NGO Non Governmental Organisation

SCM Supply Chain Management

SME Small and Medium Enterprise

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I would like to thank Tracey Nitz for her guidance during the first stage of the dissertation.
And Dick Cobb, who was extremely helpful and always available when I had questions
during the whole year, and of course during the entire dissertation.

I am very grateful to all the people that answered the questionnaire and to the interviewees for
their help, without them this dissertation would not have been possible.

Personally, this is for my family, my brother Javier for his strength and Samantha for her
support, patience and for making this experience possible.

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Environmental issues have been on the international agenda for several decades, and both
public and private sectors are concerned about the role they play in these matters. More
recently, the focus has expanded to broader topics such as sustainability and has forced
industries to amplify their attention into their supply chain (customers and suppliers) (Hall,
2001). Eventually, those suppliers must inevitably interact with lower tier suppliers if the
whole supply chain wants to be integrated (Emiliani, 2000; Envirowise, 2001).
Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices can contribute to an organizations
environmental/sustainable policy by ensuring that the main suppliers and their products
achieve better environmental performance as well as promoting sustainability awareness
throughout the market and other supply chains (Brady, 2005). An effective supply chain
management and purchasing process are crucial to the improvement of a companys
environmental performance (Envirowise, 2001).
Therefore, the dissertation will address the theory and practices of GSCM in the construction
industry in the UK focusing on large contractors and suppliers within the sector, and
specifically on the drivers of big contractors to engage their supply chain, their financial or
market power do it, the practices they are requiring and the main barriers of their suppliers to
implement them.

Role of Construction in the UK

The construction industry is one of the most important in terms of turnover and human
resources required, in the UK it contributes approximately 10% of gross domestic product and
employs 1.4 million people for a total volume of work in 2000 of approximately 65 billion
(Environment Agency, 2003).

Environmental Impacts of construction

Human development is based on construction of buildings and infrastructure. Unfortunately,

construction is also responsible of significant impacts on the environment (Shen and Tam,
2002). Therefore, construction has been described as a major exploiter of natural resources,
both physical and biological (Spence and Mulligan, 1995). It is also identified as a major

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contributor to environmental pollution from both on-site and off-site activities. On-site
activities relate with the construction of a physical facility, resulting in air pollution (including
50% of greenhouse emissions (Patermann, 1999)), water pollution, traffic, noise, dust, waste
(responsible for generating 19% of total waste and 21% of the hazardous waste in the UK)
and the conversion of 6,500 hectares of land per year from rural to urban (Environment
Agency, 2003). While off-site activities relate to the mining, quarrying, manufacturing and
transportation of different materials, representing 10% of national energy consumption in
production and transportation of materials (Patermann, 1999).
In addition, the construction industry is a major user of non-renewable energy sources,
minerals and metals (Spence and Mulligan, 1995), using over 420 million tonnes of material
each year (Environment Agency, 2003). Finally, the construction industry in the UK is
responsible for almost a third of all industry related pollution accidents and for almost 50% of
all accidents at work (Patermann, 1999).
It is clear that the construction stage of any development can be particularly disruptive, and
depending on the type of project (e.g. extractive or infrastructure projects) it can last up to ten
years (Glasson et al., 2005).
Based on these potentially significant impacts, Ofori et al. (2002) argues that major
contractors should have the responsibility of environmental management of construction
projects in order to minimise the environmental impacts on and off the site. In addition,
Lamming and Hampson (1996) argue that the key for the wider spread of environmental
management relies on the capacity of large companies to pass on best practice on
environmental performance to their smaller counterparts (suppliers).

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

SCM was born in the manufacturing industry in the 1990s with the Just In Time (JIT)
delivery system implemented in Toyota (Vrijhoef and Koskela, 1999), with the main aim of
reducing inventories and regulating suppliers interaction with the production lines.
Nevertheless, since its birth SCM has evolved into a full range of disciplines that involves
closer customer-supplier relationships.

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Handfield and Nichols (1999) defined SCM as:
The supply chain encompasses all activities associated with the flow and transformation of
goods from raw materials (including extraction), through the end user, as well as information
flows. Materials and information flows both up and down the supply chain

In other words SCM can be defined as the integration of suppliers and customers into the
decision-making processes, focusing on the planning, implementation and control of the
logistics operations to pull materials through the supply chain (Kannan and Tan, 2005).
However, there are some implications for customer firms that decide to work with their
supply chain: understanding of the pressures they are experiencing as well as their
capabilities, understanding of their suppliers activities and capabilities, and evaluation of
whether or not they have the power over their suppliers (Hall, 2000).
The power matrix is a model that compares Buyer power VS Supplier power to assess the
dominance situation. Figure 1 presents four possible scenarios.

Figure 1.- The power matrix (Cox and Ireland, 2002)

The features that define the different sections of the matrix are: balance between buyers and
suppliers, buyers expenditure to the supplier, number of alternatives, extent in which the
product or service is commoditized or standardised and the level of information flowing from
one part to the other (Cox and Ireland, 2002).

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Construction Supply Chains

The main stakeholders of the construction industry and those who interact with it are shown
in Figure 2 to illustrate the complexity of the sector.

Figure 2.- Stakeholders of the construction and built environment (Courtney, 1999)

There is no such thing as a typical construction supply chain because of the variety of
buildings, sizes, technologies and products that can be used (Akintoye et al., 2000).
Regardless, figure 3 exemplifies some of the most important elements:

Figure 3.- Conceptual view of a construction project supply chain (O'Brian et al., 2002)

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Within a construction supply chain there are several supply chains, each one with different
properties and circumstances. The main types of suppliers can be classified into materials,
labour, equipment or machinery and professional services (Cox and Ireland, 2002). The role
of contractors is usually the integration of all the actors mentioned.
To understand construction supply chains there are two main factors, 1) the behaviour of
construction firms within markets and 2) the behaviour of individual supply chains
(operational aspects) (O'Brian et al., 2002).
In terms of the construction industry market, it can be described as fragmented and highly
adversarial (Boardman, 2004) because of the conflicting nature of demand-supply (Cox and
Ireland, 2002). It is characterised by traditional trading and non-cooperative relationships
which result in a non-trusting climate and aggressive business mentality (Vrijhoef and
Koskela, 1999), generating more focus on the clients than on the suppliers (Akintoye et al.,
About the operational aspects, the construction industry has a large amount of suppliers,
mostly SMEs with less than 20 employees (Courtney, 1999; Sjostrom and Bakens, 1999). In
some cases, the customer selects the contractor and some of the suppliers (Akintoye et al.,
2000). In addition, lack of communication which generates large amounts of waste (Vrijhoef
and Koskela, 1999).

Environmental pressures through the Supply Chain

Generally, suppliers are not exposed to the same kind of pressure from external stakeholders
as their customers, so environmental pro-activity or innovation often comes from higher links
in the supply chain (Hall, 2000). The main reasons why these pressures passes on to the
supply chain are because stakeholders do not make a distinction between the environmental
impacts of the company itself or their suppliers (Rao, 2005), and due to the large amount of
clients or the size of their projects, big firms are the last and more visible link which makes
them target for massive public attention and the media (Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-
Benito, 2006) (Epstein and Roy, 1998). For example, for NGOs is more simple to focus on
one particular organisation rather than the thousands of suppliers involved in a supply chain
(Hall, 2001). And finally, legislation, that still is the most important pressure for the majority
of companies. For example the duty of care in the UK in which any company related with the

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production, handling or storage of controlled waste is responsible for its safe passage through
the supply chain (Lamming and Hampson, 1996), and the tax system which encourages
beneficial and discourages harmful impacts on the environment (Raynsford, 1999).
Thus, according to the pressures identified and the nature of construction supply chains, it is
more likely that GSCM practices evolve better based on buyer dominance and inter-
dependence where the influence can force the implementation of the strategies (Cox and
Ireland, 2002). In the case of construction, only large contractors are expected to pressure
their supply chain.
A key step is to prioritise the suppliers and commodities according to their importance in the
supply chain, given that it would be impossible to attack all the supplies and suppliers at the
same time (Envirowise, 2001; Hanfield et al., 2005). According to Cousins et al. (2004), the
degree of commitment of every company in greening the supply chain is defined by two
characteristics, available resources VS perceived losses.
One way to identify critical suppliers is by assessing the risk attached within the supply chain.
More specifically, performing a risk assessment to protect against corporate risk such as
liabilities or loss (financial, performance, physical, social, psychological or time)
(Envirowise, 2001). For example suppliers that handle hazardous materials (Lippmann, 1999)
or when a company is over-reliant on a single or a limited number of suppliers for a product,
technology or process (Cousins et al., 2004).

Sustainable Construction

Several organisations such as the Construction Industry Board (CIB), the Environment
Agency and the UK government have stated their concerns about the sustainability of the
construction industry. CIB with an agenda 21 on sustainable construction, the Environment
Agency with a position statement on sustainable construction (Environment Agency, 2003),
and finally, the UK Government with the releases of two special reports, the Latham report
(1994) and Egan report (1997) to address the barriers and promoting more effective EMS and
SCM in the construction industry (Akintoye et al., 2000).

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Before defining sustainable construction, it is important to understand what a sustainable
industry is.
an industrial ecosystem where the consumption of energy and raw materials is optimised,
waste generation is minimised, and the effluents of one process serve as the raw materials for
another process. Theyel (2001)

Sustainable construction is a term that usually starts in the design phase and continues after
the construction company has left the site. It should, by definition, encompass four attributes
of sustainability; social, economic, biophysical and technical. The social pillar is based on the
notion of equity and social justice, focusing in aspects such as promoting human health,
enhancement of the disadvantaged people or equitable distribution of the social costs and
benefits of construction. The biophysical refers to the improvement of the quality of human
life within the carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems, reduce the use of energy, water,
raw materials and land, increase the use of renewable resources and minimize pollution. The
technical pillar is referred to a number of concepts about the quality and service life such as
the durability, reliability and functionality of buildings. Finally, the economical pillar refers to
several issues such as the promotion of employment, enhance competitiveness, choose
environmentally friendly suppliers and contractors, and the financial affordability for the
stakeholders (Hill and Bowen, 1997). It is important to acknowledge though, that whatever
technology is used it is impossible to conceive a construction industry which does not result
in some irreversible changes to the physical, social and economic environment (Spence and
Mulligan, 1995).
Hill and Bowen (1997) propose a multi-stage framework based on environmental tools such
as Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Management Systems (EMS) to
sustain the four pillars. EA during the planning and design stages of the construction projects
with the aim of identifying the preferred options in terms of materials, sources of the
materials, locations and design, as well as the mitigation measures. And EMS functioning
with the objective of managing the significant environmental impacts during the construction
phase, after the facility is delivered to the client and if possible during the decommissioning
process. Figure 4 illustrates such framework.

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Environmental policy
Organisational structure
Environmental management

Internal reviews External audits

Figure 4.- Framework to achieve sustainable construction

(adapted from Hill and Bowen (1997))

Main concepts of GSCM

Green et al. (1996) defines GSCM as follows:

The way in which innovation in supply chain management and industrial purchasing may be
considered in the context of the environment

GSCM is a broader term than sustainable procurement (Bowen et al., 2001a). However, this
concept is also related with GSCM practices and can be defined as:
The process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities
in a way that achieves value for money on a whole-life basis in terms of generating benefits
not only to the organisation, but also to society and the economy, whist minimising damage to
the environment (Purchasing and Supply Agency, 2006).

The supply chain processes influence the quantities and types of resources acquired and select
the source of key products and suppliers; these activities are directly connected with the
degree of negative impacts on the environment and indirectly connected with economic and

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social growth within a community (Morton et al., 2002). In other words, GSCM is related
with any attempt of improving the environmental performance of the purchased
products/services or the suppliers that provide them (Bowen et al., 2001a). The main aims of
GSCM are to identify benefits, costs and risks associated with environmental performance
(Hanfield et al., 2005). A typical starting point in considering the inclusion of the supply
chain is by implementing ISO 14001, which recommends the inclusion of policies to ensure
the suppliers are aware of their environmental practices and liabilities (Rao, 2005).

Sarkis (2003) detailed the components of a supply chain and its environmental impacts (see
Figure 5).

Figure 5.- Typical environmental impacts of a supply chain (Sarkis, 2003)

Environmental impacts and responsibilities within the supply chain can be classified as
follows: direct impacts, depending entirely on the organisation and refers mainly to the
construction of the building, shared impacts between the organisation and its suppliers, and
indirect impacts that depend entirely on the suppliers activities (Hall, 2001). Nonetheless,
when a company decides to purchase goods or products from a particular supplier, it
inherently accepts the waste stream generated by its decision as well as the liability
implications (Hanfield et al., 2005).

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Figure 6 provides a summary of the topics that will be explored on this dissertation.

Construction Green Supply Chain Management

1) Product-based
Packaging modification or
reduction PRODUCT
Materials Housing buildings
Recycling schemes Commercial buildings
Eco design Industrial Buildings
Life cycle assessment buildings
Labour Civil engineering works
2) Process-based
Refurbishment and/or
Environmental policy Contractors maintenance
Completion of questionnaires
Equipment Environmental criteria for
supplier selection ENVIRONMENTAL
Waste Management Plans IMPACTS
Waste generation
Reverse Logistics Plans Raw materials mining
Environmental audits and fabrication
services Air pollution
Collaboration towards 1- Sustainability Water pollution
environmental objectives 2- Economic Deposits to land
3- External pressures Traffic
EMS certification 4- Purchasing process Health and safety hazards
Energy use
Economic impacts
Social Impacts

Figure 6.- Overview of main issues of Construction GSCM

Classification of GSCM practices

There are many ways of classifying GSCM. For example, Theyel (2001) explains three types
of environmental relationships, setting environmental requirements, sharing information and
collaboration for improving products or processes. Bowen et al. (2001b) present a different
classification: greening the supply process (that includes the incorporation of environmental
practices into suppliers management), product-based green supply (that includes changes in
the product supplied) and advanced green supply that introduces more proactive measures
into the customer-supplier relationships such as the inclusion of environmental goals in
supplier selection. Zhu and Sarkis (2004) identifies four types of GSCM, Internal
Environmental Management, External GSCM practices, Investment recovery and Eco-design.

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Finally, Srivastava (2007) and Bowen et al. (2001a) identify just two categories, product-
based and process-based.
The following description of GSCM practices are based on the latter classification (see figure
6), and within every category the practices are the most common identified in the literature
and are listed according to the level of complexity and resources needed to implement them. It
is important to mention that these practices do not exclude each other and several practices
can be performed together.
Product-based practices are those related with modifications to the product purchased or its
by-products. One of the most common requirements is packaging reduction or modification, it
refers to actions such as reducing the amount of packaging material, elimination of hazardous
materials, facilitate dismantling or recycling (Envirowise, 2001). Another product-based
practice is the implementation of recycling schemes, which involves the collaboration
between supplier and customer for the collection, sorting and transportation when the
recycling happens on a different link of the supply chain. Eco-design refers to the designing
of products with certain environmental considerations (Srivastava, 2007). The main practices
aim to material reduction, materials recovery (e.g. to facilitate dismantling or recycling),
waste minimization or hazardous materials removal (Zhu and Sarkis, 2006). And finally, life
cycle assessment (LCA), which can be considered as the most complex product-based
practice because it requires knowledge about all the stages of a product. It is a technique used
to track all materials and energy flows of a product associated with any activity over its entire
life-cycle from raw material extraction, manufacturing, and use to ultimate disposal, it is also
known as cradle to grave assessment (Vigon, 1994; Starkley, 2000).
On the other hand, process-based practices are those related with modifications to the
suppliers management practices. One of the most common is the requirement of an
environmental policy in order to improve the environmental performance. Nevertheless, an
environmental policy has to be more than just a written exercise, it needs to reflect the
realities of the wider environmental context in which the company operates (Sheldon and
Yoxon, 2006). Another common practice is the completion of questionnaires to demonstrate
to the customer commitment and performance. Some issues addressed are: regulatory
compliance, environmental affects and measures, existing procedures and general
commitment (Lamming and Hampson, 1996). Environmental criteria for supplier selection
refer to the inclusion of environmental attributes or requirements in order to be approved as a
supplier. Site Waste Management Plans is a process performed by customer and supplier
involving the collection, transportation, incineration, composting or disposal of goods traded

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between the two parties involved (Srivastava, 2007). A plan of this type should detail the
amount and type of waste generated and how it will be reused, recycled or disposed (DEFRA,
2007). Reverse Logistics plans can be considered similar to a site waste management plan.
However, it is about the collection, sorting and transportation of used materials specifically
for remanufacturing. It needs the coordination between the return rate of materials and the
actual demand (Srivastava, 2007), so to be effective it requires the close collaboration
between the customer and the supplier. One more process-based practice is the
implementation of environmental audits by the customer of by a third party on behalf of the
customer. It consists on a systematic, periodic and documented evaluation of environmental
performance of facility operations and practices (Glasson et al., 2005). Finally, the
requirement to design, implement and certify an EMS in order to maintain the relationship
with a specific client. There are mainly two standards used in the industry, the development of
EMAS in 1993 and the release of the ISO 14000 series in 1996 (Morrow and Rondinelli,
2002). A recent addition is the British Standard 8555 (Project Acorn) that breaks down the
ISO 14001 or EMAS implementation into six stages, each stage with official recognition
(DEFRA, 2005) (Gascoigne, 2002).
Collaboration towards shared environmental objectives was included on the questionnaire as a
single process-based practice. It may include meetings, site visits, workshops, collaborative
projects, discussions or networking (Envirowise, 2001). Nevertheless, collaboration can occur
in any of the practices mentioned before and it refers to any kind of support provided by a big
customer to its supply chain. It can be financial, training or provision of information
(Lamming and Hampson, 1996). As an example some big contractors with the support of
CIRIA have worked in recent years towards the implementation of EMS with their tier 1
suppliers (ENDS Report, 2001).

Drivers and barriers to implement GSCM practices

The classification of drivers is based on a survey carried out by Rao (2005), in which two
main factors were identified as the most significant, sustainability motivators and economic
motivators. In addition, additional research has commented on the influence of external
pressures and the purchasing process itself (Hall, 2000; Morton et al., 2002).
Sustainability motivators refer to the improvement in management practices to prevent
significant environmental impacts as well as develop new environmental solutions (Rondinelli
and Vastag, 2000). Economic Motivators refer to the reduction in energy use, raw materials,

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increase market share or any strategy that could be translated into financial capital (Morrow
and Rondinelli, 2002). External pressures refer to any external force capable to initiate these
types of practices and finally the motivation of improving the purchasing process itself.
Usually the barriers for GSCM do not appear as isolated issues. Hence, the analysis on this
section will be for groups of barriers that are linked because of their nature. The first group is
formed by lack of resources, short term planning and lack of markets for recyclable materials.
These are linked because they all deal with availability of resources (financial or human) for
GSCM. Lack of resources is probably the most important barrier identified because the
sources needed have to compete with other companys priorities (Stoesser, 1997). In addition,
the costs and efforts involved in the design, development, documentation, implementation and
certification of an EMS usually discourage smaller companies in which financial resources
are restricted (Rondinelli and Vastag, 2000). Furthermore, costs have to be incurred on the
short term whilst the benefits can take years and often can be difficult to associate with the
measures taken (Freimann and Walther, 2001). Finally, lack of markets for recyclable
materials can become a barrier for companies trying to implement product-based strategies
(Rao, 2005).
The second group is formed by top management commitment, middle management
commitment, inappropriate organisational structure and internal communication because they
all deal with the internal aspects of a company. Top and middle management commitment are
related and have to do with the companys capacity towards a successful GSCM. Top
management particularly on SMEs, differs from the management behaviours found on large
publicly owned businesses because they respond to different stakeholders and have different
experiences and capabilities (Emiliani, 2000). Top-management commitment needs to
understand the value, efforts and support required to implement GSCM strategies successfully
(Lippmann, 1999). On the other hand, middle management commitment, knowledge and
awareness towards legislation and environmental impacts are a crucial step towards the
successful implementation of GSCM strategies (Bowen et al., 2001a). Another barrier
identified is the internal communication within a company. Organizations need to
communicate effectively their environmental goals to their own personnel as well as their
stakeholders and make clear how these goals relate with their regular functions (Lippmann,
1999). Lack of appropriate organisational structures and widespread ignorance of supply
chain philosophy are also barriers identified for the implementation of GSCM (Akintoye et
al., 2000).

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Another group is formed by lack of knowledge, lack of information and lack of support to
implement such measures. These barriers deal with the expertise needed on issues such as
environmental impacts, sustainability and supply chain processes. For SMEs, lack of
knowledge about environmental impacts or underestimation of the environmental impacts is
usual, one reason is that legal thresholds are usually bigger (Hillary, 2000). Lack of technical
knowledge and skills on SMEs are also common. Usually these type of companies have less
information and expertise available to them for dealing with environmental requirements from
customers (Hillary, 2000; Ofori et al., 2002). In the absence of other capabilities (such as
quality control, inventory control management or pollution prevention) the concepts of
continual improvement, lean production practices as well as avoiding the focus on end of
pipe technology are more difficult to understand and achieve (Darnall and Edwards, 2006).
Finally, the lack of government legal enforcement (Shen and Tam, 2002) or compliance with
different types of legislation (local, national or even international legislation depending on the
size) can be considered as a barrier to SMEs (Hillary, 2000).

Performance of GSCM

There are two major aspects related with performance, environmental and economic. In terms
of environmental performance, Theyel (2001) identifies cleaner production, innovative
approaches in design phase as well as environmental management and waste minimisation as
the possible benefits. In terms of economic performance, Zhu and Sarkis (2004) distinguish
between positive and negative economic impacts. Positive economic impacts such as
decreased costs of purchasing materials, decrease in costs of energy consumption, decrease of
waste treatment or decrease in fines for environmental accidents. Finally, negative economic
impacts such as investment in technology or training, increase of operational cost or increase
of costs for purchasing environmentally friendly products, given the availability and relatively
cheap costs of virgin materials in the construction industry.
However, GSCM can be considered as a relatively new topic, so with current data sources and
experiences it is difficult to assess if in practice GSCM is delivering better results to the
companies involved (Zhu and Sarkis, 2004). The extent in which SMEs will respond to these
requirements will depend on a case-by-case basis and the commercial benefit identified for
these companies (Lamming and Hampson, 1996).

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The research aims to investigate GSCM practices, drivers and challenges that the construction
supply chain is experiencing in practice. Two different questionnaires were used to examine
these issues, one for contractors and one for their suppliers. More specifically the research
aimed to obtain information on:
Perceptions on the significance of environmental impacts and requirements by
contractors and suppliers
Barriers and expectations about the economic impacts for implementing GSCM

Identification of the main drivers to implement GSCM practices
Assess if big contractors have the power to engage and support their suppliers and
how they identify critical suppliers

Available resources to implement the GSCM practices required by customers
What kind of support is available to implement such strategies

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Selecting a suitable industry sector for the research meant looking for some characteristics, it
should be recognised as environmentally significant, it should deal with a large quantity of
suppliers, and it should have big firms on the end of the supply chain with the financial power
to pull the rest of the supply chain links (Hall, 2001). Using these features, the construction
industry was chosen for the dissertation. Another factor involved in the selection of the
construction industry was that a consultant from White Young Green who has worked with
construction firms and CIRIA in the design of an EMS specific for the construction industry
was available for liaison.
The methodology was originally based on sending questionnaires to contractors and suppliers
in the construction industry in order to analyse responses in terms of their perceptions about
environmental impacts, GSCM practices, drivers and barriers. However, there was a provision
because of the potentially low response on the suppliers (mainly SMEs), to focus more on the
contractors side by arranging interviews to get more relevant information about the top link of
the supply chain. A diagram with the complete methodology is presented. (see Figure 7)

23 of 72
Step 1
Selection of the construction sector

Step 2
Selection of the sample

Step 3
Classification of GSCM practices

Step 4
Design of questionnaires

Step 5
Contact Paul Burr to get
specific contacts of the industry


Step 6 Step 6
Get the contact information Get the contact information
about contractors on websites about suppliers on websites

Step 7
Send questionnaires and
reminder after 3 weeks

Acceptable Step 8
response Design interviews to get more
rate? NO in depth information

Step 9
Analyse results

Figure 7.- Detailed methodology


The construction industry includes a wide range of companies including building contractors,
quarrying firms, products producers, builders merchants and professional services. It is
estimated that the number of companies related with the construction industry in the UK is
around 350,000 firms, from which 170,000 are building contractors (Jones et al., 2006).
According to the European Union (EU) classification of size, 93% of construction firms are
small with less than 14 employees, while 139 firms with over 600 employees accounting for

24 of 72
0.1% of all firms are responsible for more than 25% of all construction output in the UK
(Jones et al., 2006).


Two different questionnaires were designed in order to assess both sides of the supply chain.
For this reason, two types of samples were used, non-probability sample for the contractors
and simple random sampling for the suppliers. A non-probability sample is a sample that has
not been selected using a random method, thus the members of the population do not have the
same probability, while simple random sampling is a selection at random from a list of the
population (Bryman, 2004).
The selection of the contractors sample was based on size and turnover, with the objective of
contacting the biggest contractors in the UK. The source of information was Construction
News (2006), particularly the top 25 house builders in the UK in 2006 and Considerate
Constructors Scheme (2007), which also lists top contractors that are dealing with the image
improvement of the construction industry, and also recognise the inclusion of the supply chain
as crucial to achieve this aim. A total of 35 questionnaires were send between these two
sources. The method to identify the respondents of each company was to search on their
websites specific contacts related with EMS, Supply Chain or Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR). Because of the size of these companies it was common to find these types of contacts.
The selection of the suppliers was a combination of two methods. First, 37 suppliers were
identified from big contractors websites, specifically on the supply chain section. Second, 45
suppliers were identified in the East of England on general construction databases such as
EMAS ISO 14001 database (2007) of materials suppliers, the Norfolk Broads Building
Services Supplies Norfolk & Suffolk UK (2007) and construction companies in the Norwich
region from the Google construction directory. In the end, a total of 82 questionnaires were
sent to these different sources and the method to find the respondent was to search on their
websites to identify a department or person related with environmental issues or customer
services. Because of the size of these companies, it was not possible to identify specific
contacts, so the questionnaire had to be sent to a general customer services e-mail.

25 of 72
Classification of GSCM practices

As discussed, there has been several attempts to classify the different GSCM practices (see
table 1 for some examples).

Table 1.- Classification of GSCM practices

Theyel (2001) 1. Setting environmental requirements
2. Sharing information
3. Collaboration
Bowen et al. (2001b) 1. Greening the supply process
2. Product green supply
3. Advanced supply chain
Zhu and Sarkis (2004) 1. Internal environmental management
2. External GSCM practices
3. Investment recovery
4. Eco-design
Srivastava (Srivastava, 2007) 1. Product-based
& Bowen et al. (2001a) 2. Process-based

The classification used in this research was product-based and process-based practices.
The GSCM practices included on the questionnaire were identified on the literature and then
included in one of the two categories mentioned before. See table 2 for a summary of the
practices researched.

26 of 72
Table 2.- Summary of GSCM practices
1.- Product-based practices
Packaging modifications or (Envirowise, 2001; Zhu and Sarkis, 2006)
Recycling schemes (Ofori et al., 2002; Shen and Tam, 2002; Srivastava,
Eco-design (Lamming and Hampson, 1996; Starkley, 2000;
Morton et al., 2002; Zhu and Sarkis, 2006; Srivastava,
Life cycle assessment (Starkley, 2000; Envirowise, 2001; Morton et al.,
2002; Srivastava, 2007)

2.- Process-based practices

Environmental policy (Starkley, 2000)
Completion of questionnaires (Lamming and Hampson, 1996; Lippmann, 1999)
Environmental criteria for supplier (Lamming and Hampson, 1996; Rao, 2005)
Waste management plans (Lamming and Hampson, 1996; Envirowise, 2001;
Morton et al., 2002; Ofori et al., 2002; Shen and Tam,
2002; Srivastava, 2007)
Reverse logistics plans (Sarkis, 2003; Srivastava, 2007)
Environmental audits (Starkley, 2000; Morton et al., 2002; Rao, 2005; Zhu
and Sarkis, 2006)
Collaboration towards shared (Lippmann, 1999; Envirowise, 2001; Shen and Tam,
environmental objectives 2002; Rao, 2005; Zhu and Sarkis, 2006)
EMS certification (Starkley, 2000; Envirowise, 2001; Morton et al.,
2002; Shen and Tam, 2002; Zhu and Sarkis, 2006)

Drivers and barriers

In terms of the drivers and barriers for GSCM, the classification for the analysis was
presented on the previous chapter. See table 3 for a summary of these two aspects.

27 of 72
Table 3.-.Drivers VS barriers identified in the literature
Contribute to environmental protection Lack of resources (financial/human)
(Rao, 2005; Zhu and Sarkis, 2006) (Epstein and Roy, 1998; Rondinelli and
Vastag, 2000; Ofori et al., 2002)
Reduction of waste (Akintoye et al., Short term planning over long term
2000; Envirowise, 2001) (Freimann and Walther, 2001)
Reduction of environmental risks Lack of markets for recyclable materials
(Envirowise, 2001; Shen and Tam, 2002; (Rao, 2005)
Cousins et al., 2004)

Cost benefits (Envirowise, 2001; Rao, Lack of knowledge about environmental
2005; Zhu and Sarkis, 2006) impacts (Hillary, 2000; Ofori et al., 2002)
Avoid fines (Cousins et al., 2004) Lack of technical knowledge and skills
(Hillary, 2000)
Image improvement (Morton et al., 2002; Lack of expertise from consultants or
Rao, 2005) industry in a specific sector (Gerstenfeld
and Roberts, 2000; Shen and Tam, 2002;
Darnall and Edwards, 2006)
Meet market expectations (Shen and Lack of information sharing between
Tam, 2002) customer-supplier (Theyel, 2001)


Regulations (Lamming and Hampson, Top management commitment
1996; Bowen et al., 2001b) (Lippmann, 1999; Akintoye et al., 2000;
Hillary, 2000)
Customer pressures (Hall, 2000; Morton Middle management support (Lamming
et al., 2002) and Hampson, 1996; Stoesser, 1997;
Hillary, 2000; Bowen et al., 2001b)
Community/Environmental groups (Hall, Effective communication (Lippmann,
2000) 1999)
Construction sector Inappropriate organisational structure
(Shen and Tam, 2002)


Develop relationships with suppliers Lack of government legal enforcement
(Emiliani, 2000; Morton et al., 2002) (Shen and Tam, 2002)
Secure the supplies (Envirowise, 2001;
Morton et al., 2002)

28 of 72
Justification of method

The data needed for this research was about environmental perceptions, strategies and
practices in a particular sector and with a particular type of firms. Therefore, this type of
purpose can be characterised as descriptive, which aims to portray a profile of events or
situations and requires previous knowledge of the situation to be researched (Robson, 1993).
Robson (1993) describes three types of social research strategies, experiments, with the aim
of measuring effects of manipulating one variable on another, case studies, with the aim of
developing a detailed and intensive knowledge about a single case or a small number of cases,
and surveys, which can be described as a collection of information in standardized form from
individuals from known populations and usually deals with relatively small amount of data.
According to the former description, the most suitable research strategy for the purpose of
descriptive knowledge was the survey.
There are two main types of surveys, questionnaires and interviews. The method selected for
this research was a combination of the two methods. The first step was to send the
questionnaires to both contractors and suppliers and then arrange interviews with some of the
contractors to get more detailed information.

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires over the interviews are:
Simple and straightforward approach to study attitudes, motives, beliefs or values, and may be
adapted to collect general information. It is also considered as a low cost and less time
consuming technique especially if there are time constraints, as well as anonymity if it is
required (Robson, 1993).

Typically low response rate, there could be misunderstandings or ambiguities during the
completion and no chance to elaborate on an answer which could give additional or new
information to the research (Bryman, 2004). And finally, the data may be affected by the
respondents characteristics such as lack of seriousness or responses based on desirability
rather than real facts (Robson, 1993).

29 of 72
Normally, the most important characteristic of surveys is that they study the sample not in its
own right but as a mean of understanding the population from which it is extracted. For this
research, the contractors sample could be a clear indicator of current practices while for the
suppliers this is not the case. Nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge that the sample was
not representative.

Designing of the questionnaire

The self-completion questionnaires were designed with a set of characteristics that usually
helps the respondent and increases the response rate. Closed instead of open questions to
reduce the variability of responses, facilitate the coding and interpretation, and avoid
misunderstandings by clarifying the questions with a set of possible answers. Specific instead
of general to provide more standardisation, inclusion of a do not know option, and a
covering letter explaining the aim of the survey, confidentiality and the name of the
sponsoring institution. Although, is not demonstrated if a cover letter increases the rate
response (Bryman, 2004).

Content of questionnaires

The content of both questionnaires is similar; however, because of the different situation
between contractors and suppliers there are some minor differences.
There are two main sections on the questionnaires, part A in which the baseline information is
gathered, and part B with the aim of obtaining specific information about GSCM in the
construction industry.

Part A
The first three questions of this section aim to obtain information about the size, position of
the respondent within the company and the type of construction.
Questions 4-5 are relevant to clarify if the contractors have implemented an EMS and what
type of standard is the most popular. And finally, the last question of this section aims to
identify what are the perceptions of these companies in terms of their environmental impacts,
the scale used for this question is based on a Likert scale for attitudes measurement (Robson,
1993) that goes from negligible, minor and significant.

30 of 72
The only difference with the contractors questionnaire is that instead of asking the type of
construction the focus is on the type of supplier (e.g. labour, materials).

Part B
This section starts with two questions about general SCM, the first one to identify the size of
their supply chain and the second one to assess what are the characteristics that big
contractors consider to identify critical suppliers, this question presents several attributes such
as cost, distance, quality, risk of loss and environmental performance.
The following questions can be considered as the core of the research because they deal with
specific GSCM issues such as:
 Intentions to implement GSCM practices.
 Specific practices that are being implemented, classified by product-based or process-
based and listed according to the degree of complexity and resources required.
 Perception about the power of big contractors to engage their suppliers.
 Strategies to support their supply chain on the implementation of GSCM with three
possible answers: provision of information, training/guidance and financial support.
 Percentage of virgin vs recycled materials purchased by the company.
 Drivers of big contractors to implement GSCM practices.
 Perceptions about the barriers that their supply chain faces when implementing GSCM
 Perception about the economic implications (positive and negative) of GSCM.

The core of part B is essentially the same but focusing on the suppliers perspective with the
exclusion of two questions (the question related with the attributes to identify critical
suppliers and the one related with the drivers to implement GSCM). Plus two additional
questions (one related with the time required to implement the GSCM practices and the
second one related with the support that is available for this type of organisations not only
from their customers but from local government, government agencies, consultancies or the
construction sector).

31 of 72

As discussed, there was provision for interviews to be carried out (step 8 of figure 7). The
main modification was that instead of comparing the results of the two questionnaires, the
results were focused on the contractors side as the size of the respondents was relevant in
terms of turnover and power to engage their supply chain.
In order to get more depth about the drivers and practices being implemented, interviews were
held with two contractors to clarify missing information such as the number of suppliers and
their perceptions about the challenges and success of GSCM.
The interviews were designed as structured interviews to standardised the responses and be
able to aggregate the results into the questionnaire analysis.

32 of 72
Results and Discussion
Description of the respondents

From the 35 questionnaires sent to top contractors in the UK, nine responses were obtained
for a 26% response rate. See Table 4 for a description of the sample.

Table 4.- Description of the contractors sample.

Rank, turnover and employees from Construction News (2006)
Rank by Turnover
Company Employees Size Respondents
Turnover (UK) m
3 Amec 3,065.90 21,610 Large Safety and Environmental /Sustainability Advisor

4 Carillion 2,284.20 15,628 Large Supply Chain Director (PMI) and Supply Chain Lead for Sustainability

10 Amey uk plc 1,208.80 6,493 Large Health, Safety and Environmental Director

16 Miller 892.80 1,616 Large Sustainable Construction Manager

30 412.60 863 Large Environmental manager
34 May Gurney 364.90 3,238 Large Lead environmental advisor

37 Keepmoat 334.70 1,967 Large Director

65 173.70 1,525 Large Environmental manager
CPPLC 489.80 Large Sustainability Specialist, BEST (Business Efficiency Support Team)

9,227.40 52,940

Figure 8 shows the balance between the types of construction these companies performed. As
the figure illustrates, these large contractors work with a wide range of construction types. All
the respondents stated that their supplier base is over 50 for general operations. However, one
interviewee stated that the number of suppliers can vary according to the type of construction,
increasing the number if the construction is industrial or civil engineering works up to 150
suppliers. Another interviewee mentioned 436 subcontractors plus the materials and labour

33 of 72
Type of construction

al l il t
ing rci tria are Civ en
o us e du s l thc h m
H mm In ea bis
Co n/h fur
ati o Re
No. of companies
Figure 8.- Type of construction buildings


From the 82 questionnaires sent to suppliers in the construction industry, only five responses
were obtained, a response rate of 6%. Regardless of the low response rate, the suppliers
perceptions are interesting for the general analysis and could help to the understanding of the
current state of GSCM. The size of the sample was: one large, one small and three micro
companies according to the EU classification.

Environmental Impacts

It can be assumed that all the contractors are aware of at least most of their environmental
impacts, given that all the companies have already implemented and certified an EMS with
ISO 14001. Figure 9 illustrates the perceptions of these companies in terms of the significance
of their impacts.

34 of 72
0=NA - 1=Negligible - 2=Minor - 3=Significant
Environmental impacts

0 n
































Environmental significance Std. deviation

Figure 9.- Perceptions about the environmental impacts

Following figure 9, it is possible to identify the most significant environmental aspects as

perceived by large contractors. Notably, the results correspond with the data presented by the
Environment Agency (2003). Waste generation was considered by all to be the most
significant impact. This is realistic, given that the sector accounts for 19% of the waste
generated in the UK (Environment Agency, 2003). Health and safety hazards were also
considered significant with an average of 2.6 on a scale from 0 to 3, which corresponds with
the fact that almost a third of all industry related pollution accidents and almost 50% of all
accidents at work are caused by this sector (Patermann, 1999). Raw materials and energy use
were the next two in importance; this can be related with the fact that the construction
industry requires extensive mining and quarrying of raw materials (over 420 million tonnes
per year) as well as 10% of the national energy consumption for the production and
transportation of such materials (Environment Agency, 2003). Finally, the socio-economic
impacts that were also scored as significant, mainly because of the size of the labour force, the
hazards linked with construction and the benefits obtained by the final product.
Remarkably, even when three respondents stated on the questionnaires that the companies are
committed to mitigate the impacts, the general conclusion is that the construction industry has
significant impacts on the environment and that large contractors are aware of this situation.
In the case of suppliers, it is worth mentioning that from all the attributes scored, six were
below one and the other between one and two, meaning that the perceptions of these

35 of 72
respondents are much lower than the ones from the contractors. This result was expected
given the size and environmental significance of their activities.

Identification of critical suppliers

In terms of the attributes that large contractors evaluate to assess critical suppliers, figure 10
illustrate the results of a short list provided on the questionnaires.

Identification of critical suppliers

1=Very Unimportant - 3=Neutral - 5=Very


t e oss ers
Cos anc nce ppli nce
m ista ial l ma
perfor ort /d
n t
of s u
er fo r
l ity/
nsp of p bility ntal p
Qua Ris k
i la m e
nv iron
Importance Std. deviation

Figure 10.- Attributes to identify critical suppliers

It is interesting that all the attributes presented except Transport/Distance were above four
which in the scale used means that are important to the companies.
The most important characteristic mentioned was Quality/Performance, which is consistent
with the general aims of supply chain management (Kannan and Tan, 2005). The second
attribute in importance was cost, this result does not necessarily support the inclusion of
recycled materials into the supply chain provided that in some markets, recycled materials are
still more expensive than virgin materials (Rao, 2005), and that virgin materials are readily
available on the construction sector (Stewart, 2002). This topic could have been analysed in
more depth because one of the questions was the proportion of recycled materials compared
with virgin materials purchased by these companies. Unfortunately, none of the respondents
knew the actual figures.

36 of 72
Risk of potential loss and Environmental performance were scored very similarly and with an
average above four, which means that these large contractors are at least considering these
attributes on their suppliers selection process.
The lowest attribute by consensus was Transport/Distance with an average of 3.44 (between
neutral and important) and the lowest standard deviation. The implications of this statement is
that transportation of construction materials cause significant environmental impacts in terms
of greenhouse gases emissions (Patermann, 1999).

Pressures over the supply chain

All the contractors stated that had intentions, or had started already to pressure their supply
chain on the implementation of environmental practices. About the power to engage their
suppliers, the average was 4.11 with a relatively low standard deviation of 0.78. This result
confirmed that large contractors agree on this fact.
From the five respondents on the suppliers side, all stated that their customers have already
started to engage them into environmental practices. This can not be conclusive but it
supports the fact that the construction industry is interested in the growth of GSCM.
Figure 11 illustrates the type of available support for their suppliers.

Type of support

10 9
9 8
No. of companies

1 0
Financial Training/guidance Information

Figure 11.- Type of support available from the contractors

No company is giving financial support, although the support provided implied some
financial resources from these companies. All provided information to their suppliers, and all

37 of 72
except one were more involved in the process by providing training or guidance to facilitate
the implementation of GSCM. One interviewee stated that the training is mostly site-based,
with meetings and discussions about issues such as excess packaging, waste management or
general indications about their processes. Another interviewee mentioned that although
training is available, their suppliers need to pay a fee to receive it. For this reason the
respondent acknowledged that usually the most common practice is the provision of
information about legislation and environmental awareness which has no cost implications.
From the suppliers side, none of the five respondents mentioned to be receiving financial
support from any source, and only one of them is receiving training or guidance from their
customers. While the rest stated to be receiving only information from local government,
government agencies or consultancies.
The fact that all the respondents appeared to be supporting their supply chain can be analysed
from two points of view. On one hand, if this practice is extrapolated to other large
contractors (considering their turnover and number of employees), it could create a
multiplying effect in terms of the power these companies have and the spreading of
environmental awareness in the sector (Lamming and Hampson, 1996).
On the other hand, it is important to acknowledge that even with that scenario; it would be a
very small number of companies considering the size of the population. In addition, it is
impossible for large contractors to deal with all their suppliers and usually they can only work
with subcontractors and some materials suppliers, as confirmed by one of the interviewees.
Another interviewee mentioned that usually the mechanical sector, which is more regulated
and it is considered as highly technical, is more advanced in terms of environmental
performance than other type of suppliers.
Finally, there were two comments on two of the questionnaires about these issues. First, that
these efforts are not industry wide and because of the high number of potential clients, it is
still possible for some suppliers to work with other companies and not worry about
environmental issues. Second, that the size of the supplier also plays an important role in
terms of the level of influence those customers may have over them.

GSCM practices

As discussed previously, GSCM practices were classified for this research in two categories,
product-based and process-based, with the aim of improving the environmental performance
of a purchased good or a supplier itself.

38 of 72
The results were obtained by the respondents selecting from a list of environmental strategies
identified in the literature. The strategies were listed according to the level of complexity and
resources needed for the implementation, hence it was expected that the first practices on the
list were more popular (less complex). The nine respondents had 12 strategies to identify.
Thus considering the number of strategies and the number of respondents there were a total of
108 options. Out of the 91 options that were chosen 24 were product-based (30%) while 67
process-based (70%). Moreover figure 12 and 13 demonstrate that after establishing these
strategies it was necessary to identify whether the requirements were obligatory, optional or
non existent.
Overall, both figures showed that process-based strategies appear to be more common than
product-based for the construction industry. Noteworthy, optional and obligatory
requirements from respondents showed that 89% of process-based were selected compared
with 75% of product-based.

Product-based GSCM practices

2 2 2
80% 3

60% 4
40% 6
20% 3
1 1

.. g n A
o. clin sig LC
/m cy d e
Re co-
uct E
a gi
P Obligatory requirement Optional requirement No requirement

Figure 12.- Product-based practices

Following figure 12, product-based practices are not being enforced by large contractors.
Therefore they can not be considered as pressures provided that most of them are still optional
or non existent. The results proved that 19% of the practices were classified as compulsory
requirement, while 56% as optional and 25% as no requirement.
Specifically to the case of Eco-design and LCA, only one respondent stated this as
compulsory requirement for its suppliers. Besides, as discussed above, Eco-design and LCA

39 of 72
can be considered as more complex and demanding in terms of technical skills, where as
packaging modifications and recycling schemes can be achievable in a shorter time and with
fewer resources (Vigon, 1994; Srivastava, 2007). Consequently, it could be expected that the
level of maturity of GSCM is linked to the complexity of the requirements imposed to the
Further, only one respondent chose no-requirement for the four product-based practices.
Clearly, the majority of the sample required at least one of the options presented.
It is important to mention that product-based practices are not independent of process-based
practices. Figure 13 focused on the analysis of both figures bearing these relationships in

Process-based GSCM practices

100% 0 0
1 1 1 1 1
80% 3 3 1
4 4

60% 5

40% 7 7
6 6 6
20% 4 4
0% 0

. .. ns a ns d its ie
rs io
na se la pl au pl at
l p r tp p ific
ta tio
n lie e n ics ta
su rt
en p ist n h ce
m u es up em g m
e i t
s g lo w S
i r ofq fo r
a na se ir on io n EM
v n ia e r v a t
En ti o t er t e
ev En b or
e i s R
pl cr a lla
o m
n v. W Co
Obligatory requirement Optional requirement No requirement

Figure 13.- Process-based practices

Figure 13 illustrates the degree of process-based requirements considered by large

contractors. In fact, 51% of the requirements were classified as compulsory, 38% as optional
and only 11% as no requirement. Noteworthy, the respondents whom stated the EMS
certification as compulsory also marked at least 80% of the other practices as compulsory as
The highest practice was the completion of questionnaires with seven out of nine respondents
stating it as a compulsory requirement and the two remaining as optional. This practice has

40 of 72
been classified as one of the basic ones to start with GSCM, given that it does not require
much effort from the contractors side (Lamming and Hampson, 1996).
One of the interviewees referred to issues addressed on these types of questionnaires as
complying with environmental policy, information about risk assessments, environmental
training, procedures for emergency situations, waste licences, an external certification or
membership to environmental organisations. Remarkably, the second practice was
collaboration with suppliers. This practice is also related to the size of these companies, which
presumably have more resources available than their smaller counterparts. The third in
importance was the inclusion of environmental criteria for supplier selection with six out of
nine marking the requirement as compulsory and the rest as optional.
The implementation of an Environmental policy was the fourth most implemented practice by
eight (six compulsory and two optional) out of nine respondents. This practice is frequent and
one of the first steps toward environmental awareness. Although subjectively, the policy
itself does not guarantee improvement on the environmental performance of a company
(Gleckman and Krut, 1996). The following four options were in order site waste management
plans, EMS certification, environmental audits and reverse logistics plans.
As discussed earlier, site waste management and reverse logistics plans are related because
both deal with used materials. Nevertheless, the responses of the questionnaires reflected
different patterns. Four companies scored waste management plans as compulsory, four as
optional and only one as no required. While six respondents scored reverse logistics plans as
optional and three as no required. Though these two options were at the bottom of the list,
they might become more important in the future because of changes in legislation. The reason
being is the consultation process that the UK government is carrying out with regards to the
regulation of site waste management plans for construction projects. The main issues
discussed are: the level of detail of such plans; the resources needed; the responsibilities;
regulations and penalties (DEFRA, 2007). When the process finishes, it would become
compulsory for all construction companies to create these plans and to collaborate with their
suppliers to improve the performance of the supply chain in several ways (e.g. material
reduction, re-use, recyclables or final disposal). Finally, the lowest required practice was EMS
certification, scored equally as compulsory and optional by four respondents, and no
requirement by one. It is worth mentioning, that despite of being on the bottom, it is still a
high percentage considering the implications that an EMS has, especially for SMEs
(Gerstenfeld and Roberts, 2000).

41 of 72
On the suppliers side it is not possible to draw conclusions because of the low response and
different types of respondents. Interestingly, the one large company stated that is being forced
by their customers to implement GSCM practices of some kind, in this case it was the
completion of questionnaires and the inclusion of an environmental policy.

Drivers for GSCM on the construction industry

Figure 14 illustrates the drivers that large contractors are subject to in pursuing the process of
greening their supply chain. The four main categories defined in the introduction are shown in
the columns, while the individual drivers of each category are shown on the left of each
1=Very unimportant - 3=Neutral - 5= Very

Drivers for GSCM



n ste sks ITY fits nes t ns IC ons ns ups tor ES iers lies SS
tio en
otec f wa tal ri BIL bene id fi vem ctatio NOM ulati ctatio gro n sec SUR uppl upp OCE
pr n o e n N A st v o r o pe O e g pe n v i o S s e s R
v o
en ducti ironm STA
Co A imp
x EC R r ex ity/e ruct PRE with e th G
ge arke t r
te to
R e n v S U a tom e
m un ons
hips ecu ASIN
fe Im m s m C s S CH
ibu no et Cu Co ER ion
ntr tio Me XT relat PU
Co du c E
l o
Re ve
General classification Average Std. deviation

Figure 14.- Drivers for GSCM

Similar results were found in terms of average and standard deviation for almost all the
drivers. For this reason during the interviews this topic was addressed to gain more
information about the most significant motivators to implement GSCM practices.
Nonetheless, the results on the figure showed that the four main categories were considered
important with economic motivators in the first place, followed by sustainability motivators,
the purchasing process and finally external pressures. This order corresponds to the findings
of Rao (2005) in which the two most important drivers for top links in different supply chains
were sustainability and economic.

42 of 72
Despite of external pressures situated below the other three main categories, the highest
scored from the 13 evaluated was regulations as a single driver. In fact, this was corroborated
by one of the interviewees which explained that legislation is in fact the most important driver
for his company, confirming that for many companies it is still the most important reason to
implement environmental measures (Lamming and Hampson, 1996; Rao, 2005). However,
this was not the case for the two lowest scored drivers (community/environmental groups and
construction sector pressures) which also belonged to the category of external pressures. This
result could mean that at least for now, environmental pressures from NGOs are not as
influential in the construction industry as they could be for other industries such as big
retailers, paper or the oil industry (Hall, 2001).
Some comments from one of the interviewees were that the efficiency of their suppliers and
subcontractors is an important driver, and that their environmental performance is linked to
the companys efficiency. Further, their EMS (ISO 14001) has motivated them to be closer
and to pull the rest of their supply chain.

Barriers for the implementation of GSCM practices

Figure 15 exemplifies the general average of how the respondents scored the barriers of their
suppliers, while figure 16 illustrates the results for each barrier. In addition, an open question
about general perceptions on the barriers was included on the contractors questionnaires (see
table 5) to get more depth. Another source of information was the responses from the five
1=Strongly disagree - 3=Neutral - 5=Strongly

Summary of the barriers to GSCM



n) nt nt on re ce g) .. nt als ..
u ma itme itme icati ructu idan harin ntal. eme ateri m p.
l/ h m m u n s t gu s e o rc m t er
cia t com l com mm onal ade ation ironm l enf ble ong
an o i a l
(fin men leve nal c isat lor-m form env lega cycl ver
e s ge id ter an tai in th e nt re go
urc n a M g
In e or t or no out nm s fo e r in
so ma t r n( b r t nn
Re Top p ria uppo atio ge a ove arke pla
ro S form led G M term
Ina In now ort
K Sh
Average Std. deviation

Figure 15.- General averages about perceptions on the barriers for GSCM

43 of 72
Strongly disagree Barriers for GSCM
Disagree 100% 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
Neutral 2 2 2 0
80% 3 3
Agree 2 2 2
Strongly agree 1 3
60% 5 1 3 3
3 1 7
4 0 4
40% 3 5 1
3 3
20% 2
3 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1
0% 0 0
n) t t ) t
ma en en tio
e ng cts en ials ing
hu m itm m itm n i ca tr uc u ida h ari i m pa c em ater la nn
l/ u ls g s l for m p
cia om om mm tiona de tio
n nta en ble erm
an tc lc ma me al
(fi n en le ve a l co i s a r - o r ma o n e g y cl a n gt
m ilo inf ir l c lo
es ag
d ern rga
r ta nv en
re er
urc an Int eo to (no ee nm sf ov
e so m at o r o n t h e r e t i ng
R p ri pp ti ut v rk nn
To rop Su ma bo Go Ma pla
app I n for g ea r m
In led te
ow ort
Kn Sh

Figure 16.- Detailed results of barriers for GSCM

Table 5.- Barriers stated on the open question

Company What are the main barriers to engage your suppliers?

- Their knowledge and resources.
AMEY - But this is a product/service specific comment. Some e.g. aggregate black top
suppliers are well advanced.
- Knowledge of the supply chain, in particular their understanding of the social and
economic aspects of sustainability.
- Complexity of life cycle models.
- Potential cost increases.
- The size of the supplier and the number of clients they have (less likely to be
CPPLC influenced etc).
- Lack of government regulation.
May Gurney - Time, resources, large amount of rapidly changing environmental legislation.
- Willingness to participate and a genuine understanding of the issues. Many
suppliers already have excellent policies, whilst others have a long way to go.
- Resistance due to fear of change amongst supply chain.
- Efforts are not industry wide so we stand to lose good suppliers who can work for
Willmott Dixon someone else and not have to worry about environmental issues.
- Clients are not prepared to pay any extra to achieve a quality supply chain
despite their rhetoric.

The first group of barriers is formed by lack of resources, short term planning and lack of
markets to recyclable materials. The first two were the most relevant identified by large

44 of 72
contractors with an average of 4.22 and 3.88 respectively, and also had the lowest standard
deviation, which means that there was agreement on the relevance of these two barriers. Lack
of resources (financial or human) has been recognised before, especially for SMEs, as the
most relevant for companies trying to implement environmental measures (Stoesser, 1997;
Rondinelli and Vastag, 2000). Short term planning can be linked to the former because
usually for SMEs the top priorities are more about survival and immediate solutions, while
the benefits of environmental measures can take years to become visible and sometimes it is
not possible to associate with the investment required (Freimann and Walther, 2001). The
relevance of these barriers was confirmed by the suppliers responses that stated short term
planning as the most important constraint and lack of resources as the third most important.
A second group of barriers is formed by lack of information (average=3.55), lack of
knowledge (average=3) and lack of support or tailor-made guidance (average=3.33).
Although the averages do not show them as highly relevant for contractors, it is worth
mentioning that on the open question (see table 5), four of the respondents stated that there is
still poor understanding of at least some of the issues mentioned before. Darnall and Edwards
(2006) emphasize the relevance of internal capabilities in order to succeed in implementing
environmental management practices. The understanding of these types of barriers could
explain why all the respondents are providing training or information to their supply chain in
order to overcome them (see figure 9).
Another group of barriers is formed by top management commitment (average=3.33), middle
management commitment (average=3.11), internal communication (average=3.33) and
inappropriate organisational structure (average=2.77). The averages are situated close to the
neutral band, meaning they are not considered as relevant as the barriers mentioned before.
From the suppliers side, all these barriers were scored even lower than contractors. This
agreement between the two sides of the supply chain shows that the commitment in the
supply chain towards GSCM implementation is not considered at the moment as relevant as
the other barriers mentioned before.
Finally, lack of government legal enforcement (average=3, std. deviation=1.73) that was
scored neutral on the general grade. However, this barrier had the highest standard deviation
and figure 16 illustrates that almost half of the sample agreed while the other disagreed on this
barrier. On the suppliers side, this barrier was the second most important.

45 of 72
Perceptions about the economic performance of GSCM

When asked about economic implications because of GSCM, all the respondents expected to
have some kind of economic impacts. In order to obtain information, a short list of positive
and negative economic impacts were presented to score them in terms of their experience or
perceptions. The results are shown on figure 17 and 18.

Positive economic impacts

1=Strongly disagree - 3=Neutral -

5=Strongly agree

General average Decreased cost Decrease of Decrease of Decreased fines
of purchasing costs in energy fees for waste for
materials consumption treatment and environmental
disposal accidents or

General average Average Std. deviation

Figure 17.- Perceptions about the positive economic impacts

Negative economic impacts

1=Strongly disagree - 3=Neutral -

5=Strongly agree

General average Investment to Increase of Training costs Increase of costs
implement operational cost for purchasing
selected environmentally
strategies friendly materials

General average Average Std. deviation

Figure 18.- Perceptions about the negative economic impacts

46 of 72
As discussed in the introduction, and confirmed on one of the telephone interviews, the
economic performance of GSCM still remains to be seen. However, this question aimed to
find out the perceptions of big contractors on this matter. It has to be considered that all these
impacts are not isolated from each other and they could all happen at the same time in
different fronts.
A general comment is that positive economic impacts were scored below the neutral band
(general average=2.83) except for decrease in energy consumption, while negative impacts
were all scored above (general average=3.61). Meaning that at least at this point of GSCM
and with the results obtained so far, the expectations are more inclined to the costs and
investments required to implement such measures than to the economic benefits. Furthermore,
the standard deviations of the positive economic impacts were relatively higher than the
negative impacts, so there was more agreement on what kind of negative impacts could be
expected, while the positive impacts remained unclear. The explanation of this relationship
could be that any type of management strategy usually requires investment to obtain profits.
And in the case of GSCM this is the expected scenario, given the maturity and time that
GSCM has been present on the construction industry. On the other hand, this result differs
from the results of the drivers analysed before, in which the economic motivators had been
identified as one of the major drivers for GSCM. The result on the suppliers responses was
similar, the negative impacts had an average of four with a standard deviation below 0.6,
while the positive impacts were scored below three (average=2.5) with higher standard
In terms of the positive impacts the highest score was for decrease in energy consumption.
This statement is broad and with the available information it was not possible to get detailed
expectations about this topic. Decrease of fees for waste treatment and decreased fines for
environmental liabilities were scored similar and close to the neutral band. This illustrates
again that still there has not been enough evidence of such savings. Although considering the
amount of current and coming legislation (i.e. site waste management plans), it would be
reasonable to expect these types of benefits in the future.
The lowest score was for decreased costs of purchasing materials, which corresponds with the
highest score of the negative impacts (see figure 15 & 16). This confirms that the expectation
for environmentally friendly products is that it rises the price of the purchased goods rather
than decrease it (Rao, 2005).

47 of 72
The second negative economic impact was training, which corresponds with the fact that most
of the respondents are dealing with this issue at the moment. The third negative impact scored
was investment. On this matter, it would be expected that the biggest investment would come
on the suppliers side because they are the ones that need the modifications on their
management practices or technology. And finally, increase of operational cost, which again
depends more on the suppliers side rather than on the customers, although, if this happens in
reality, it could increase the operational cost also for the customers.

48 of 72
Conclusions and recommendations

The research aimed to identify several aspects related to GSCM in the construction industry in
the UK by performing two different types of questionnaires to different links of the supply
chain. However, the aim of the research had to be modified in order to focus only on the
contractors side considering the low response rate obtained on the suppliers questionnaire.
Thus, the main objective of the dissertation was partially accomplished. Only one side of the
supply chain was evaluated therefore further research about how suppliers are responding and
how effective GSCM could be undertaken. In terms of large contractors, the information
gathered on the interviews helped to the understanding of how the first link of the
construction supply chain is dealing with environmental issues and more specifically with
GSCM. The reason behind the low response rate on the suppliers side might be the size of
the companies sampled. In fact, most SMEs have fewer resources dedicated to these types of
initiatives and are less pressurised by external forces to implement them.
In terms of the environmental impacts caused by construction, it can be concluded that large
contractors have a good degree of awareness. The highest scores on this matter corresponded
to most of the impacts identified as significant by the Environment Agency (2003). This
included waste, health and safety hazards, use of raw materials and energy consumption, as
well as socio-economic impacts.
The responses showed that cost and quality of goods are the most important in identifying a
critical supplier, followed by other factors resulting from legislation pressures. Notably,
distance was not considered as important regardless of its impacts on the environment.
Moreover, large contractors seem to have the financial and market power to implement
GSCM. However, in the construction industry GSCM is still reaching a small percentage of
the entire population because of the nature of the market.
One crucial aim of the dissertation was to find out what types of strategies large contractors
are requiring from their supply chain. The findings confirmed that process-based strategies
are more common than product-based strategies. In the case of product-based only 19% were
compulsory, mainly caused by Eco-design and LCA. In contrast the process-based reached
51% as compulsory and was dominated by completion of questionnaires about environmental
performance and collaboration with suppliers. Confirming the fact that large contractors are
trying to support their supply chain on these issues. EMS, looked at the most complex

49 of 72
strategy of them all was elected by almost all respondents hence confirming its favourable
implementation by most large contractors at some point.
In terms of the drivers for large contractors for implementing GSCM strategies, the results
showed that the two most important categories were sustainability and economic motivators.
However, legislation as a single driver was the most important for the majority of the
companies, confirming that this is a major pressure on GSCM implementation. Unlike some
sectors, large contractors do not perceived themselves as major targets for NGOs, so the
construction industry is not felt as being under significant pressure.
In terms of the barriers that large contractors and suppliers are experiencing during the
implementation of GSCM, the most significant were lack of resources and short term
planning, followed by problems on access to information and expertise, together with lack of
government pressure.
In the end, economic benefits are not yet proven to flow from improved environmental
performance. Negative economic impacts from investment in training and environmentally
friendly products have outweighed benefits. GSCM is still developing in the construction
industry, as confirmed on the interviews.

Recommendations for further research

It would be worth to exploring in more detail the suppliers, specifically their attitudes and
resources to implement GSCM practices, the knowledge and internal capabilities to respond
to their customers pressures, and finally the strategies they are using to overcome the
In terms of the construction supply chain efficiency and environmental performance, it would
be interesting in the future to investigate if GSCM in the construction industry is generating
benefits to the companies involved. In the end, the main purposes of GSCM are minimising
the damage to the environment while generating positive economic impacts in order to
achieve sustainable construction. Finally, it was not possible to estimate in this research the
percentage of virgin materials compared to the percentage of recycled materials purchased by
large contractors, so another issue would be to monitor the evolution of the markets of
recyclable materials in the coming years as an interesting indicator for GSCM in the
construction industry.

50 of 72

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55 of 72
Appendix 1. Contractors Questionnaire

56 of 72
June 19th, 2007

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am currently undertaking an MSc in Environmental Assessment, Auditing and Management

Systems at the University of East Anglia.
The topic I have chosen for my dissertation involves the research of Environmental Supply
Chain pressures, barriers and strategies within the construction industry in the UK and the aim
is to obtain information from construction firms as well as some suppliers of this sector.
Since your company is a part of the Construction Supply Chain I would be very appreciative
if you would agree to participate in this research.

The information will be treated as strictly confidential and if you are interested in the results I
will be pleased to send you a short summary when the research is completed.

If you have any questions or require further information please do not hesitate to contact me
or my supervisor.

Thank you very much for your support.

Kind regards.

Octavio Barreiro (student)
Dr. Tracey Nitz (supervisor) (01603) 593130

School of Environmental Sciences

57 of 72
Questionnaire contractors

Please mark boxes as follows:


1) What is the size of your company?

Micro 1-9 employees

Small 10-49 employees
Medium 50-249 employees
Large >250 employees

2) What is your position in the company?

3) What type of construction buildings does your company provide?

Type Comments
Housing buildings

Industrial Buildings

Civil engineering
and/or maintenance

4) Is there currently an Environmental Management System in place?

In progress

58 of 72
5) If yes, is the company aiming for official certification?

ISO 14401

6) What are your perceptions about the following impacts of your company?

Do not know Not Applicable Negligible Minor Significant

Waste generation

Raw materials mining or

Air pollution

Water pollution

Deposits to land


Health and safety hazards


Energy use


Economic (e.g. employment,

expenditure and income effects,
effects on the development
potential of the area)
Social (e.g. population and
demographic structure,
accommodation and housing)


7) How many suppliers does your company have for everyday operations? (Average)

Less than 10
Between 11 & 30
Between 31 and 50
More than 50

59 of 72
8) Of the next classification, how important are the following characteristics in your
companys identification of critical suppliers?

Very Unimportant Neutral Important Very

Unimportant Important
Risk of potential loss
(financial, physical, social,
Availability of suppliers

9) Are there currently intentions or actions to include environmental issues on your supply
chain management processes?

Do not know

10) If yes, what type of strategies has your company adopted or would be interested in
adopting to include environmental issues on your supply chain management processes?

No requirement Optional Obligatory

requirement requirement
I Product based.-
Packaging reduction or modification
Life cycle assessment
II Process based
Environmental policy
Completion of questionnaires
Environmental criteria for supplier
Waste Management Plans
Reverse Logistics Plans
Environmental audits
Collaboration towards environmental
EMS certification

60 of 72
11) Does your company have the power to engage suppliers into these strategies? (According
to the market share or financial power)

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree

12) What are the main barriers to engage your suppliers?

13) Does your company support your suppliers on the implementation of these strategies?

Not applicable

14) If yes, what kind of support is available for your suppliers?

Financial Training Information


15) What percentage of virgin and recycled materials does your company purchase?

Virgin materials (%)

Recycled materials (%)
Do not know

16) How important are the following drivers for your company to pursue these environmental

Very Unimportant Neutral Important Very

Unimportant Important
I Sustainability issues
Contribute to
environmental protection
Reduction of waste

Reduction of
environmental risks
II Economic issues
Cost benefits
Avoid fines

61 of 72
Image improvement
Meet market expectations
III External pressures
Customer expectations
Environmental groups
Construction sector
IV Purchasing process
Develop relationships
with suppliers
Secure the supplies

17) What are your perceptions about the main barriers of your suppliers to implementing
these strategies?

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree
Lack of resources
Lack of top management
Lack of mid level
Lack of internal
organisational structure
Lack of support or tailor-
made guidance
Lack of information (no
information sharing
Lack of knowledge about
the environmental
impacts of the company
Lack of government legal
Lack of markets for
recyclable materials
Short term planning over
long term planning

62 of 72
18) Has the company had or expect to have economic impacts because of these initiatives?

Do not know

19) What kind of economic impacts has the company experienced or what kind do you expect
to have in the future?

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree
I Positive economic
Decreased cost of
purchasing materials
Decrease of costs in
energy consumption
Decrease of fees for
waste treatment and
Decreased fines for
environmental accidents
or liabilities
II Negative economic
Investment to implement
selected strategies
Increase of operational
Training costs
Increase of costs for
environmentally friendly

20) Would you like to receive a short summary of the dissertation?


Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire

If you have any comments about the questionnaire or issues involved please write them on the
space below.

63 of 72
Please send it back to or

64 of 72
Appendix 2: Suppliers Questionnaire

65 of 72
June 19th, 2007

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am currently undertaking an MSc in Environmental Assessment, Auditing and Management

Systems at the University of East Anglia.
The topic I have chosen for my dissertation involves the research of Environmental Supply
Chain pressures, barriers and strategies within the construction industry in the UK and the aim
is to obtain information from construction firms as well as some suppliers of this sector.
Since your company is a part of the Construction Supply Chain I would be very appreciative
if you would agree to participate in this research.

The information will be treated as strictly confidential and if you are interested in the results I
will be pleased to send you a short summary when the research is completed.

If you have any questions or require further information please do not hesitate to contact me
or my supervisor.

Thank you very much for your support.

Kind regards.

Octavio Barreiro (student)
Dr. Tracey Nitz (supervisor) (01603) 593130

School of Environmental Sciences

66 of 72
Questionnaire suppliers

Please mark boxes as follows:


1) What is the size of your company?

Micro 1-9 employees

Small 10-49 employees
Medium 50-249 employees
Large >250 employees

2) What is your position in the company?

3) What kind of services/products does your company provide to the construction sector?

Type Specifications



Professional services


4) Is there currently an Environmental Management System in place?

In progress

67 of 72
5) If yes, is the company aiming for official certification?

ISO 14401

6) What are your perceptions about the following impacts of your company?

Do not know Not Applicable Negligible Minor Significant

Waste generation

Raw materials mining or

Air pollution

Water pollution

Deposits to land


Health and safety hazards


Energy use



Economic (e.g. Employment,

expenditure and income effects,
effects on the development
potential of the area)
Social (e.g. population and
demographic structure,
accommodation and housing)

68 of 72

7) How many customers does your company have? (Average)

Less than 10
Between 11 & 30
Between 31 and 50
More than 50

8) Are there currently intentions or actions from your customers to involve your company on
environmental issues?

Do not know

9) What type of strategies are your customers requiring to your company?

No requirement Optional Obligatory

requirement requirement
I Product based
Packaging reduction or modification
Life cycle assessment
II Process based
Environmental policy
Completion of questionnaires
Environmental criteria for supplier
Waste Management Plans
Reverse Logistics Plans
Environmental audits
Collaboration towards environmental
EMS certification

10) What is the percentage of virgin and recycled materials that your company purchases?

Virgin materials (%)

Recycled materials (%)
Do not know

11) What is your perception about the time that your company will need to implement these

69 of 72
Less than 6 months
Between 6 months and 1 year
Between 1 and 2 years
More than 2 years

12) Are you receiving or do you expect to receive support to implement these requirements?
Financial Training Information
Local government
Government agency
Private consultancy
Construction sector

13) What are the main barriers to implementing these strategies?

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree
Lack of resources
Lack of top management
Lack of mid level
Lack of internal
organisational structure
Lack of support or tailor-
made guidance
Lack of information (no
information sharing
Lack of knowledge about
the environmental
impacts of the company
Lack of government legal
Lack of markets for
recyclable materials
Short term planning over
long term planning

14) Has the company had or expect to have economic impacts because of these initiatives?


70 of 72
Do not know

15) What kind of economic impacts has the company experienced or what kind do you expect
to have in the future?

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree
I Positive economic
Decreased cost of
purchasing materials
Decrease of costs in
energy consumption
Decrease of fees for
waste treatment and
Decreased fines for
environmental accidents
or liabilities
II Negative economic
Investment to implement
selected strategies
Increase of operational
Training costs
Increase of costs for
environmentally friendly

16) Would you like to receive a short summary of the dissertation?


Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire

If you have any comments about the questionnaire or issues involved write them on the space

71 of 72
Please send it back to or

72 of 72

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