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Standard #: 7.

Artifact #: 7.1

Artifact Name/Title/Description: Collaboration in Co-Teaching

The research paper titled Collaboration in Co-teaching reveals a very important

aspect of teaching. Whether one has or has not been exposed to co-teaching, this artifact
provides many essential details covering this matter. This artifact explains why co-
teaching is imperative in the world of special education to better ones understanding and
awareness. Throughout the research, I learned coping strategies for co-teaching as
reflected in this paper. Some of the coping strategies include the co-teachers discussing
strengths, weaknesses, goals, and plans of action with each other. In this artifact, there are
details that include how general education teachers observe and gain knowledge from
special education teachers when they have students with exceptionalities their class. This
artifact also touches on the aspect that co-teaching includes a wide range of settings and
collaborators. The collaborators may include general education teachers, special
education teachers, or aides and they may have differences and discrepancies. Another
wide range of settings includes a classroom that consists of typical students and students
on different parts of the spectrum. Lastly, the artifact elaborates on the six steps for co-
teachers to effectively work together to promote the well-being of individuals with
exceptionalities, as corresponded to the standard.
As a mild-moderate special education major, this artifact has an impact on my
growing proficiency as a teacher. It portrays that I have the knowledge and coping
strategies to apply when working with others. It provides an indirect exposure to
inclusion and a better understanding of the structure of that particular classroom
environment. In order to be a teacher, one must be flexible with working in diverse
environments. As a beginning teacher, this artifact will help to prepare me for co-teaching
if I ever get placed in a co-teaching classroom in the future. A part of having flexibility
involves trying new things because co-teaching is a learning experience. If one of the
teachers tries something new and it does not turn out as expected, the other teacher will
be there to assist with redirecting the lesson. Being flexible and adaptive will help me to
continuously grow as a special educator. The skills and insights from this artifact may be
implemented in new experiences and situations. If I work with another individual who
was brought up differently than me or has different opinions than me, I will have the
strategies to find a way to come to a middle ground. If the two teachers have different
teaching styles, they can find a way to come to an agreement to incorporate both of their
styles into their lessons. This artifact sends an important message to have no expectations
when working with others. It also sends a reminder to always make the plans in advance
to avoid any issues or concerns. Another insight that has been gained from this artifact is
to never be afraid to speak your mind, but it is crucial to always remain professional as an
educator. If I get placed into a co-teaching classroom, I will have the knowledge of
creating a balance. A balance may be established by making sure that the work split
among the professionals is equivalent.

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