EarthDay2017 Bates

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S AT U R D AY , A P R I L 2 2 , 2 0 1 7
Neighborhood Earth Day
B e a u t i fi c a t i o n a n d C l e a n U p D a y
10am 2pm
S o u t h w e s t C o rn e r o f P a n d Fi s t S t N W
Come join neighbors and friends for the Annual Neighborhood
Beautification and cleanup activities. To support our efforts and
beautifying our streets, tree boxes and parks, we will gather at P
and Fist St NW where there will be:
Trash bags
Perennials and Annual Plants
Volunteers are need to assist with clean up and trash pick
up the Florida Avenue Park. Please meet at the park by
the basketball courts at 10:30am

All Trash bags (no solid water/furniture) from clean-up will be

picked up by DPW at the corners of:
SW Corner of P and Fist St NW
Q and First St NW
P and 3rd St NW

This event is brought to you by:

The Bates Area Civic Association

Area Neighborhood Commission provided the grant for flowers
and plants

D.C. Department of Public Works


Provided and delivered compost, trash bags and trash pickup after
the event

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