Kenyon Collegiate - Issue 9.7

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FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 2017 | Year MMXVII | Number 9.




Liberal Bigots!!

FROM HIS CAMPUS At Least HisCampus

Finally Made My
Dad Proud

Men Who Swing

Dear Feminists: Boys Do NOT go to Jupiter to Get Bats Around All
Day Compensating
More Stupider For Nothing

A lright, Im going to address one of the me, okay?) So that means that boys couldnt than that. This hyper-feminist idea that only Middle Path Too
most commonly used pieces of libe-
ral and feminist propaganda ever to
go there to get stupider even if they wanted to.
Which they dont. If we could go to Jupiter,
girls go to college isnt female empowerment,
its male oppression. How are little boys sup-
Left Leaning For
be circulated through our culture and society. and stand on it and stuff, why would we waste posed to believe they can grow up to be whate- Me
This is something that kids are taught from our time getting more stupider while we were ver they want to be--like a baseball player--if
childhood, and people (I dont want to say there? That just plain doesnt make any sense- you all spread the idea that only girls can go to
only women, because I know thatll just rile -something youre probably used to, femina- college, and only girls can get more knowled- No Homo
people up, but its almost exclusively women) zis. But if you all just took a minute to give up ge? Its reverse-sexism, and its wrong.
will say this like a cheer or a fun rhyme, as if the PC bullshit, maybe you would understand Not to mention, what about all those trans
that makes it more okay. But its not okay, students youre all so fond of? If youre not I Came Out Of A
and when you really think about it like I have, If we could go to Jupiter, a girl or a boy, where do you go? Jupiter or Vagina Once
I think youll all agree that this idea is just college? How does it feel to have your own
another piece of the liberal agenda. and stand on it and stuff, words turned on you, like all the fake news out
So lets get one thing straight: Boys dont there turns ours (and the Presidents) back on
go to Jupiter to get more stupider. Thats just why would we waste our us? Not good, I bet.
plain wrong.
Dont believe me? Of course not; you all time getting more supider?
When I was a kid, all I wanted was to grow
up and be a spaceman (not space-person;
exist in your little safe spaces where male
members of the human race can just go to
theyre called spacemen, and Im not going
to censor myself for your delicate tastes) but
James Polk . . . . Ord Dimmesdale
space whenever they want, for the sake of be- how illogical you sound. then when I was told that boys went to Jupiter Thomas Jefferson . .Miguel ngel Kill
coming less intelligent. And you think this is Also, the other part of the little liberal bra- to get more stupider, I gave up on that dream.
Andrew Jackson. . . . . Rotten Waspman
realistic? Grow up, feminists. inwashing technique is that girls go to co- I didnt want to get more stupider, because I,
Bill Clinton . . . . theForbiddenMan
Lets look at some of the facts. First of all, llege to get more knowledge. Okay then, like most boys I know, actually like knowled-
George W. Bush . . . . . . Scooter
Jupiter is far away. Really, really far away. theres a few glaringly obvious flaws with this ge. Implying that boys go to Jupiter to get
William Taft. . . Squeeps Mcqueeps
Not to mention there have been a lot of stu- one. While girls do go to college to get more more stupider is just spreading lies, false in-
Franklin Roosevelt ..DallasHernandez
dies done, by a lot of science people and as- knowledge, so do boys. A lot of boys. I can formation, and fake ideas, and this boy, for
Theodore Roosevelt . . . Tippi Brizard
tronautmers that says that Jupiter is actually think of at least a dozen boys, besides me, that one, is sick of it. Shame on you, feminists,
a gas planet. Yep, you heard me. (Im not go to college, and thats just my bros on the for trying to keep little boys everywhere down John F. Kennedy . . . . . Baba Wawa

going to link to the studies, but just believe baseball team. But theres definitely more with your lies. n AbrahamLincoln ..SexmoneyCoolidge
Herbert Hoover. . . Salacious B. Crumb
Rutherford B. Hayes. . . . . Phil Tippett

I Dont Need Feminism, or a Basic Understanding of What it is . . . . . . . [REDACTED]

President of the World . . . . . . .

the lives of oh, you know, everybody boycotting all media outlets except . . . . . . . . . . Ruth Thundercat Bubis

ets start with the basics here, on earth and has been a crucial aspect my one true love ESPN and literally
kiddos. I have no idea what fe- of political discourse for the last one burying my head in the sand every Sponsors . . . . . . . Lard Lad, Duff Gar-

minism is! Not even a broad, hundred plus years? time a woman speaks in my vicinity! dens, Krusty Burger, The Springfield Nu-

generalized hunch about what it might Well why dont you take a seat and Why would you do that? you ask, clear Power Plant, Oui Monsieur Cloth-

be getting at! Heck, guys, youre lucky zip up your little lady mouths because even though I told you to be silent ing for Boys, Legitimate Businessmens

I can even spell it, assuming I spelled Im about to hit you with the answer: I while Im speaking. Once again Ive Social Club, The Leftorium, Barneys

it right. dont know what feminism is becau- got the answer right here up the slee- Bowlorama, Girdles N Such, Luigis,

Ok, ok. I know what youre pro- se I dont need or want to! Believe you ve of my meticulously pressed pink Expensive Bros. Jewelry, Costingtons,

bably thinking. Why the dickens do me, Im not this stunningly ignorant button down. I dont want to achieve I Cant Believe Its a Law Firm!, Com-

you, an 18-year-old human boy with by accident; Ive put some real blood, a fundamental understanding of the pu-Global-Hyper-Mega-Net

access to top notch education throug- sweat and tears into this. All my life, challenges facing others because my
hout your entire life not to mention this information has been at my fin- existence is easier and more fun this Founder/Editor Emeritus . . . .

the wild and wonderful expanses of gertips and I have actively avoided it way! Honestly, you gotta try it. Maybe Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicho-

the world wide web, not have even by screaming in the faces of teachers if you lightened up and forgot some las Collegiate, 1st Earl Collegiate of

an inkling about feminism, a pretty and mentors who wanted to help me of your namby-pamby, idealistic res- Ohio, KG, GCB, GCSI, GCIE, GCVO

easily grasped concept that affects understand, lighting books containing pect for others you could be a chill
information on this subject on fire, dude like me. n

NEWS Student Life

Study Shows
that Becky is
a Lying Bitch,
My Penis is
Normal Sized

ll be honest, if you had
asked me a year ago what
feminism meant to me, I
would have made a bunch
of fart noises and high fived
my boys. However, since a
girl in my Quest for Justice
class disagreed with me, Ive
learned that modern femi-
nism is a leftist movement
How to Tell Community Advisors that Your Dads a Lawyer and
that does nothing but encou-
rage our women and girls to Youll Fucking Sue Their Asses
attack right-leaning mens that theyre going to have to pour out all error of his ways, but if not, its time to
freedom of speech, especia-

by BEAU GRISTLE the beer because youre eighteen. break out the big guns.
lly on college campuses. icture this: Its Friday night. And there it goesthe perfect night, 3) Break Out the Big GunsDiplo-
Dont believe me? The boys are all over in your the dream. Gone. macy didnt work, so its time to take the
McBride double. Youve got Well Im here to tell you that it doesnt gloves off and show this kid who you are.
Clearly you havent heard a have to be this way. All you have to do is Thats righta lawyers son. A lawyer who
a thirty pack of Keystone Light that
feminist claim that wo- a junior on your team scored for follow these three simple steps, and your specializes in suing people. So tell this C-
men earn less than men for you. Connor just said something perfect night doesnt have to end becau- Gay on duty hes gonna sue your ass so
the same work, access to hilarious about boners, and you se of some nerd with a nametag and a flip hard you wont have an ass anymore and
abortion is a basic human havent once fantasized about phone. everyone call you Andy No-Ass even if
what your life would be like if your 1) Identify Your OppositionCommu- your name isnt Andy, bitch. Shout like
right in the modern world,
dad had been more present. This is nity Advisors go on duty rounds in pairs. your dad shouts at waitresses. Shout until
or Beau Gristle has an ag- the college experience you couldve Now, the ideal situation is that both of the CA realizes what hes done and leaves.
gressively underwhelming had every moment of every day if them are girls because then you can just These three steps work in any setting
dick. youd been good enough at your close the door in their faces and keep the including fist fights, vandalism, and even
Well lets use science to sport to get recruited by a division good times rolling. However, in the sce- Title IX cases. Just shout until people
put these outrageous lies to one school instead of this fucking nario that one of them is a dude, youll bow to you because youre a heterosexual
daycare for transgendered leftists. want to only talk to him. white man of means, a fucking king, a gol-
rest because a new landmark 2) Talk It OutYoure not in high den, glistening prince strutting through
But then come those awful
study from well-renowned words. CAs on Duty. You turn. school anymore, so you cant just call the the garden of your life, and goddamn it
psychologist Greg Grags, There they are, standing in the CA a homo and shove him in a locker to if youre going to feel any regret until you
who has created a stir within doorway. vent that awesome rage youve inherited look back at your moment of death and
the academia for taking a You know how it goes. It all from your father. Youre an adult now realize you never truly loved anyone. Just
starts to happen so fast. They tell and you need to talk your way through make sure you save one of those beers for
more conservative stance
you to turn down the music. They things. Try asking the Community Advi- me! n
when it comes to many so- tell you that you need to show sor if he gets off on killing peoples vibes.
cial issues such as perso- them your k-cards. They tell you Hopefully this will make him realize the
nal pronouns and depres-
sion, has found conclusively
that Becky Haynie 20 is a We Cant Figure Out The Mongolian Stir Fry Bar
lying bitch and Beauregard minutes before a merciful AVI worker dont agree with the message of the
Hornsby Gristle 20 possess by BIG, BRAVE BRICK OF MEAT

finally told me that I, in fact, had no fry Mongolian stir fry bar. After all, dont
a normal sized, big boy pe- EIRCE HALL-- On behalf of my stirred for me. all stir fries matter? Personally, I like my
nis. dudes and I at His Campus, we And then, when I finally got in line, stir fry to have bacon, apple pie, and a
would just like to announce that what was sitting in front of me in tho- gallon of Natural Light, and without all
Grags also found that se bins? What were the yellow, stringy that PC nonsense. A real, all-American
we cannot figure out the stupid
Becky can go fuck herself, Mongolian Stir Fry Bar for the life of us. things that every other kid seemed to stir fry, just like James Madison had
and that there is a 99% chan- In fact, I disagree with the idea of the like? I kept pointing at things and the when he wrote the Federalist Papers, of
Mongolian Stir Fry Bar in its current ma- plater gave me a blank look, like hed ne- which Ive read one or two and love to
ce she was a lesbo anyways, ver seen someone who didnt agree with recite uncritically.
stating that, scientifically nifestation. I know this probably has you
liberal babies shook in your diapers, the insufferable PC culture which has Its gross how the politico-culinary
speaking, her hair is kinda but we just have a different opinion and engulfed our only eatery. discourse on this campus only tolerates
Why were there so many unfamiliar pro-Mongolian Stir Fry Bar beliefs. Rest
short. I demand to have a unilateral discussion
plant foods? As a Carnivore Identifying assured, the contributors of His Campus
Additionally, though not on the matter. I invoke my First Amend-
ment Right to have absolutely no idea Student (I believe the liberal PC term for intend to shake up discussion on this
within the initially intended whats going on and yet keep on talking. this is cis?), it seems like Im lacking a campus by providing alternative opi-
parameters, the study also Where the hell are you supposed to safe space every day that the only re- nions on Mongolian Stir Fry and will not
stand? Every time I see that the Mon- asonably good grub is riddled with too rest until we are heard or until AVI beg-
found that you should stop many veggies. News flash: its not a safe ins serving protein shakes and beer. This
gols have taken over the International
calling me cisgender be- and Vegetarian sections of the servery, space if I cant have whatever I want, campus must be a safe space for people
cause I dont know what that my bros and I are completely at a loss. whenever I want! who cant figure out how that goddamn
I stood in front of International for 45 Dont get me wrong-- I respect Mon- stir fry bar works once and for all. n
word means.n golians and their fried stirs, but I just



Student Life NEWS

We Really Just Didnt Think This Through At All

of HerCampus, and literally everything about if I thought about it, or if any of us had thought

ur website has come under fire recently everything. about it while writing it. Maybe we wouldve
for articles featuring broad and swee- When we wrote our article about men and even used proper grammar and punctuation, if
ping overgeneralizations, using faulty feminism, we couldve taken maybe thirty se- we thought about it.
or false logic to make our points, and by just conds out of our day, to do the absolute bare mi- What you really dont understand, is
overall existing. So in defense of those claims, nimum, and Google the definition for feminism. that at the end of the day, despite the fact that
we, the writers of His-Campus, would just like And sure, if you did that, the first thing that were toting just over one semester of experien-
to point out, that we really did not think any of would come up would say in big black lettering ce on a college campus, were just two angry ba-
this through in the slightest bit. I can tell you, the advocacy of womens rights on the basis of seball players. And the fact of the matter is, we
with full honesty, that we did not spare a se- equality of the sexes. But I didnt think about really dont care that much. Two people cant
cond of thought before making this website. it at all. So I wrote about what my dad told me support an entire platform. Once it gets warm
For example, it would have made sense to feminism was. And am I wrong about feminism outside, we will disappear, just like all other at-
realize that just by calling our emerging me- in doing this? Not if I dont think I am. tempts at His-Campus have in the past. Becau-
dia brand His-Campus it would immediately Or for another example, look at our HerCam- se maybe civil discourse between both sides
appear to oppose Her-Campus and put the pus vs. HisCampus article. If you read that sen- of an argument is important, but only when
concept down entirely. That would have made tence by sentence, it will seem like no sentence both sides have actually put some thought into
sense, if we thought about it for literally ten has anything but a superficial relation to any what theyre arguing. And, just in case it was
seconds, but guess what? We didnt. I suppo- other. I myself have gone over the article several not clear enough, let me assure you, we abso-
se if we did, maybe we would realize we dee- times, and it is literally incoherent in its points lutely, from the bottom of our crusty confused
ply and profoundly misunderstand the purpose and argument. And that would really affect me little hearts, did not. n

HisCampus Personality Quiz: Are you a urinal, a toilet, or a bidet? How Can I Be
Politically Correct
When Im Never
People see you just as a white straight cis guy who feels threatened by people wanting equal rights, but
who are you really on the inside? Take this fun quiz to find out which bathroom apparatus best represents
your personality! Correct in General?
1. Which Kenyon food classic would you be?
A. slice of lemon found on the floor of the VI after Motown by SCOOTER
B. Peirce mac n cheese made of pasta and the nacho sauce from yesterday Political correctness. Who in tar-
C. Little Caesars pizza soaked in Keystone Light at the Ganter nation needs it? I certainly dont. I
2. Whats your opinion on women? can barely keep my head on straight
A. Women should have equal rights as long as Im getting laid when someone mentions the pythago-
B. Women should be respected because they are our daughters, mothers, sisters, and fuckbuddies rean theorem. I thought Prussia was
C. Theyre cute when theyre angry just Russia with a P. One time I told
3. What would the title of your memoir be? someone bless you after they hic-
A. White Boy Explores The Prairie With His Trusty Dog Companion cupped. So if you want me to call you
B. My Side of the Patriarchy they/them/theirs, thats simply out
C. Atlas Shrugged of the picture.
4. Whats your spirit animal? Listen. I get that political co-
A. A pig rrectness is correct. I get that its pro-
B. Anthony Bourdain bably the right thing to do. I just cant
C. Your mom last night ;) ever get it right! There are too many
5. Whats your favorite safe space for men? rules. Once, I put a knife in the Peirce
A. Hollywood toaster. If I cant remember how elec-
B. The literary canon tricity works, how am I expected to re-
C. The United States of America member that not all black people are
6. Whats your favorite excuse for hurting someone? African American? Its too gosh darn
A. At least Im being honest. hard for little old me!
B. Im just playing devils advocate. To fully understand the extent
C. I dont need to be that guy, but of my incompetence, I want you to
7. Whats your favorite microaggression? imagine me dressed up like a cute litt-
A. Honey, you look much prettier when you smile. le baby. Now, if a baby says something
B. When people make fun of white people for not being able to dance :-( sexist, like women are too sensitive,
C. Calling my compliments microaggressions is a microaggression. you wouldnt be mean to him! Youd
feel sorry for him and buy him ice
Mostly As: Youre a urinal. Your slimy, slippery surface makes women uncomfortable but who needs cream and coddle his fragile masculi-
them! A night in blogging with the bros is all you need to be happy. Rock on, my dude. nity. Which is exactly what I need you
Mostly Bs: Youre a toilet. Youre full of surprisesits astonishing to think you took this entire quiz to do for me. Im just your big strong
as a ceramic bowl but here you are. Dont let yourself or anyone else underestimate you: if a woman can sweaty baby! Please be nice to me!
run for president than so can a toilet! I cant do anything right. So
Mostly Cs: Youre a bidet. You bring a bit of internationalism to the blog (you summered in Venice, why should I start with political co-
am I wrong?) but you stay grounded in the present moment. Youre good at making connections with rrectness? Im a college-aged manboy
other richer white dudesif this whole writing thing doesnt work out you might have a career in wiping who doesnt know how to iron a shirt!
peoples asses! Baby steps. Baby steps. n

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