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From: Publius II <xxpubliusiixx@gmail.

Date: April 14, 2017 at 11:59:53 PM EDT
Subject: Our final word on Aramis Ayala

Wed like to begin with some brief comments about our previous email, which was
sent at around 9:40 pm on March 30th. Although Ms. Ayala surreptitiously had the
email deleted at around midnight from the email accounts of all employees at the
SAO, some enterprising soul still managed to snare a copy of it and disseminate it
to the public. When asked to comment about the email, Ms. Ayala somehow
managed to extract a spell from her cauldron of deception and made herself out to
be a victim by claiming that we hacked into the servers of the SAO! This is pure
applesauce (we are mindful of legal commentators speculating that this expression
was the functional equivalent of judicial swearing). For the record, we sent the
email to, which is a commonly-known email address to anyone
who has been employed at the SAO over the last 10+ years; said email address
automatically forwards all emails sent to that address to every person at the SAO.
When pressed to provide proof for a supposed hacking, a recent television report
indicated that Ms. Ayalas office changed the narrative of our previous email being a
hack to our previous email being spam. Ms. Ayalas public information officer
Eryka Washington assured reporters that the case management system was not
compromised. Of course it was not compromised, as we never laid a digital finger on
it. We are not hackers, as Ms. Ayala and her associates are aware. All we have done
is exercise our constitutionally-protected right to free speech by sending a public
email in order to shed some light on Ms. Ayalas falsehoods. Any claim that Ms.
Ayala makes to the contrary is false.

Now on to more pressing matters. We are surprised that no one followed the trail of
bread crumbs we left in our last email regarding Ms. Ayalas abrupt change of heart
on the death penalty. Allow us to break it down further with the additional
information that has since come to light:

*March 2016 Ms. Ayala files paperwork, indicating that she will be running for
state attorney (at this point she reportedly lived in Lake Mary, and was not even a
resident of our circuit)

*May 2016 Ms. Ayala files a Full and Public Disclosure of Financial Interests
form with the state, indicating that her net worth is negative $189,873.25and yet,
she somehow manages to find $9,248.40 somewhere to pay the filing fee

*Summer of 2016 Ms. Ayala moves to Orange County

*August 30, 2016 Ms. Ayala wins the SAO race with almost 60% of the circuits
registered voters being unable to cast a vote because she closed the primarybut
then pretends she didnt

*August 31, 2016 (or thereabouts) Although Ms. Ayala had a negative $189,873.25
net worth in May, her husband immediately resigns from his job (at this point Ms.
Ayala had not worked for around 6 months)

*November 2016 Ms. Ayalas husband starts a nonprofit called Reach, Teach,

*January 2017 Ms. Ayala gets sworn in as State Attorney; her husband becomes
the community liaison for Florida Rights Restoration Coalition

*February 2017 Emails obtained by Channel 6 show that Ms. Ayala was
discussing messaging strategies with well-funded anti-death penalty activist
groups. These propaganda sessions revolved around her developing talking points to
spin her refusal to follow Florida law as deliberative decision-making. (Dont take
our word for it; here is an exact quote from the email, where an activist is
discussing strategy with Ms. Ayala: In addressing the upcoming case, I think it is
important to not say anything that will create push back or counter pressure before
you are ready to announce, while also being careful to not say anything that could
be viewed as counter to what you later end up rolling out. Some specific thoughts on
messaging bullets are below.) Coincidentally, around this same time the Florida
Rights Restoration Coalition receives a $130,000 fast-tracked grant from a Soros-
affiliated group

*March 2017 Ms. Ayala suddenly announces that she is no longer seeking the
death penalty, giving the same robotic talking points as discussed with the advocacy
groups referenced above

This is not a Rorschach test. Connect the dots: according to Channel 6, Ms. Ayalas
public information officer stated that Ms. Ayala decided to not seek the death
penalty in any case a day or two before announcing it to the voters in March. This is
a fascinating bit of posturing to lead us all to believe that Ms. Ayalas decision was
based on information followed by a thorough deliberation. However, the February
emails contradict Ms. Ayalas handlers as to how she arrived at her decision. The
emails show that Ms. Ayala, the ethically transparent goddess of integrity at whose
altar the citizens of this circuit have been yearning to worship, lied to us (and she
lied bigly), because this decision was made at least a month before it was
announced, and most probably earlier, since the emails imply that extensive and
ongoing conversations had occurred about how to frame her soon-to-be-publicly-
announced anti-death penalty stance. (According to the Channel 6 story, when
asked about the February emails, Ms. Ayalas public information officer responded
that Ms. Ayala had been speaking to people on all sides of the issue. Really?
Where are the emails between Ms. Ayala and groups that favor the death penalty
then?) Why did Ms. Ayala lie about this? If anyone believes that Ms. Ayala has
researched anything regarding the death penalty, then wed like to sell you a
timeshare on Mars. She doesnt even refer to the term accurately for goodness sake
(she repeatedly refers to it as death penalty instead of the death penalty; hardly
a ringing endorsement of familiarity).

The Legislatures intent to cut the budget of the SAO back to where it was last year
did not sit well with Ms. Ayala. Her executive director Kamilah Perry was
dispatched to Tallahassee last week, where she essentially threatened to dismantle
the human trafficking unit if the budget was cut. (Keep in mind that Ms. Perry, who
is paid $130,000 a year and is the second-highest paid employee at the SAO, has
never prosecuted a murder case in her life, and in fact, may not have prosecuted
any case in her life, according to conflicting interpretations of what she told Sen.
Latvala in Tallahassee.) Yet we have heard that the human trafficking unit only
has one prosecutor currently assigned to it, and that the caseload is so low that this
prosecutor is not even assigned to that unit full-time. Is that extra money then
being used to pay the sky-high salaries of Ms. Ayalas friends (who have less of a
load to carry than an ant dragging a donut crumb down the sidewalk of Orange
Avenue)? Regardless of staffing issues, its interesting that Ms. Ayala has
threatened to hold the victims of human trafficking hostage to her mismanagement
of office funds. And while were on this subject, why does the SAO even have a
public information officer who gets paid $80,000 to send out press releases? Ms.
Ayala goes to bat for alleged murderers by bringing in high-profile attorneys from
Washington D.C. (we still dont have any information from our paragon of
transparency on who is paying the attorneys legal fees), but she pays struggling
prosecutors who are working to put armed robbers and house burglarers in jail with
Publix coupons. $80,000 is greater than the salary of 80% of the attorneys in that
office. If Ms. Ayala released a list of cases where charges were filed by Ms. Perry
($130,000), Mr. Bennett ($105,000), Ms. Colon ($105,000), or Ms. Washington
($80,000), our educated guess based on what weve heard is that she would be
releasing a blank sheet of paper. These individuals have been paid for three months
now to do zero actual prosecutorial work, yet Ms. Ayala is crying foul over office
funds being cut to last years levels?

Speaking of prosecutors in that office, as we stated in our last email, the SAO is
bleeding attorneys. Nothing is a better indicator at the effectiveness of management
than the morale of employees. Since our last email only two weeks ago, around 10
more attorneys have either quit or submitted their notices intending to resign. Is
every attorney at the SAO eyeing the exit, waiting for the acceptance letter to arrive
from a prospective employer so that they can drop their notice and dash out the
door? (Our guess is that the employees who come to work, send an email or two, and
then head out to do the laborious task of community outreach after a generous 45
minutes on the clock love their job.) Per our sources, around 20% of the attorney
positions in the office are unfilled (and this is a low-ball estimate; go into the
courtrooms and its quite possibly more than that). With the recent resignations
since our last email, that number will only climb. Alarm should be spreading
throughout the Ninth Circuit at this staggering number of departures. (The
question no one is willing to ask these departing prosecutors: why did you leave?)

Finally, we note that a few days ago Ms. Ayala made good on her promise and filed
multiple lawsuits against the governor. She starts off her federal complaint by
indicating that the voters in November of 2016 overwhelmingly elected her, and
boasts that she received 99.7% of the vote in the general election. (We would be
remiss if we did not mention an individual who had a similar electoral track record
a few years ago. This person also ran in a race where the only choice was that
individual, and, well, pretty much no one else, much like Ms. Ayalas race in
November. In his first election in 1995, he won with 99.96% of the vote. He then
promptly outdid himself in 2002, winning that election with 100% of the vote. We, of
course, are referring to that polestar of electoral success, Saddam Hussein.) Ms.
Ayala also argues in her court filings that by the governor reassigning the murder
cases to Brad King, the Executive Orders deprive Ninth Circuit voters, including
Ayala, of the right to elect their own State Attorney[.] (Yes, she actually said that.
We are not making it up. Its on page 12 of her federal complaint, in paragraph 54.)
She also states that she has suffered reputational harm[.] (That line is on page 15
of her federal complaint, in paragraph 75.) The right of the citizens of this circuit
to elect their state attorney apparently did not cross Ms. Ayalas mind when she
colluded with her campaign donor to purposely close a primary and disenfranchised
almost 60% of the voters in this circuit by exploiting a loophole in the law. Her
reputational harm was not considered when she lied about when she decided to
not seek the death penalty. We would also point out one fact which she never
mentions that casts aside her claims to being overwhelmingly elected to the office
that she now occupies: during the August primary, Ms. Ayala received 36,278 out of
734,618 possible votes in Orange County, and 10,317 out of 183,586 possible votes
in Osceola County. By our math, the duly elected Ms. Ayala, who reportedly has
told SAO employees that they serve at her pleasure and can be fired at any time she
so chooses, and insists on labeling everything and anything with State Attorney
Ayala (as opposed to the traditional Office of the State Attorney), was elected by
a whopping 5.07% of the total registered voters in this circuit (we decided to be
generous and not round down to the nearest whole number, in the event that a
statement was blasted out that we were being inaccurate).

Contrary to her claims, Ms. Ayala was not elected because she was the reform
candidate, or because she was going to bring back integrity to the office, or because
she had a fresh vision, or any of the myriad of other reasons that are being peddled
in order to convince people of the reasons for her electoral success. Not a single
person can honestly believe that she was elected for the reasons that are claimed,
for if true, she would have simply campaigned on her platform and let the voters -
all of them - decide. Instead, as we noted before, she closed the primary and accused
her opponent of practicing bigotry in his enforcement of our states laws. With her
false racially-charged accusations, she deceived many voters who did not know that
said accusations were a lie. (It is unfortunate that no one corrected her on her
deceitful campaign tactics then or even now.) Be warned that Ms. Ayala has plans
to close the primary in every subsequent election because that is the only way she
knows she can keep being duly elected in this circuit.

The falsehoods put forth by Ms. Ayala have led this community down a terrible
thing path, teetering on the brink of ruin. The voters in this circuit must also ask
themselves a very important question: what other policy will she enact during her
tenure that runs contrary to the dictates of the law? At some point is she going to
order prosecutors to waive PRR or VCC sentencing enhancements because she
feels that these enhancements dont serve justice? Will she order her
subordinates (the ones that are left anyway) to not file any charges under the
10/20/Life statute? This is not hyperbole; all of these criticisms of Florida law are
freely discussed under the umbrella of criminal justice reform by groups she is
coordinating with. In order to insulate herself from electoral pitfalls, Ms. Ayala has
utilized the network of these activist groups (some of which are funded by Soros,
according to various media accounts) to rally to her cause by using the same divisive
tactics of name-calling. In fact, a coalition consisting of some of these activist
groups filed an amicus brief at the Florida Supreme Court yesterday, supporting
Ms. Ayalas lawsuit. Interestingly enough, these groups argue the same thing that
Ms. Ayala and her subordinates argue, such as it being clear that Ayala was
elected to reform criminal prosecution in the Ninth Judicial Circuit (pages 6 and
11). (These coalition of groups appear to have coordinated their strategy with Ms.
Ayala, as footnotes 14 and 15 indicate that the brief was being researched, if not
drafted, on the same day that Ms. Ayala filed her pleading, which was on April
11th.) The amicus brief also explicitly states that one of the goals of reform is
ending mandatory minimums for criminal cases involving guns (only three
months into her term, is this another reform that Ms. Ayala intends to implement
in this community soon?). Ms. Ayala has even taken to traditional media, asking
people to contact their state representatives because she claims she was
wrongfully removed from the murder cases reassigned by the governor, as she
claims to have prosecutorial discretion to do what she did. Even her scant two years
of prosecutorial experience would have indicated to her that prosecutorial discretion
involves applying the law to the facts to make a decision as to whether charges are
warranted; it most certainly does not involve issuing blanket policy decisions that
the law does not tell a prosecutor to consider. Ms. Ayala did not apply the law to her
decision to remove the death penalty as an option in every single first-degree
murder case, but instead, applied the talking points of activist groups who seek its
eradication. It is unfortunate that the duly-elected-by-5.07%-of-the-registered-
voters State Attorney in this circuit and her allies (including Markeith Loyd) are
deflecting criticism of her actions by claiming that her critics are bigots, in order to
stifle into silence those who question why she is doing what she is doing.

This has gone on long enough (and we are not just referring to this email). Governor
Scott, we ask again that you immediately suspend Ms. Ayala
(#AyalaRegimeChange). The State Attorneys Office is not a place to conduct social
experiments or house campaign headquarters. It is the only place in this circuit
where citizens who have been the victims of crime can go to seek justice. But when
accused murderers are asking that Ms. Ayala prosecute their case because of a
policy decision that she has no authority to make, then there is no justice left. There
is only chaos. The fires that she has lit burn more ferociously in this community
with each passing day, and we implore you to suspend her immediately before she
does any further damage.

Publius II

P.S. We were forced to create this new Gmail account because we were locked out of
our previous Gmail account. We strongly urge one and all to hold Ms. Ayala to
account by watching the Channel 6 piece referenced above, the video for which can
be found at this link:

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