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Bridget Vaughey



Explain the continuities and changes over time between

United States, Middle East relations from the Cold War to the
War on Terrorism

On December 25, 1979, Communist Russian forces entered the
Democratic Afghanistan. Their communist influences were
unwelcomed, and after a meeting of the United Nations there was a
vote of 104-18 to expel Soviet troops from Afghanistan. After the
Soviets refused to leave, the United States paid and supplied massive
amounts of aid to Afghan insurgents. The United States Central
Intelligence Agency influenced Afghanistan by funding military
operations, but what the United States did not know was that they
were funding the future Taliban that would then turn into al-Qaida then
later Isis.

Russias communist influence on the Middle East from the cold
war to the War on Terrorism provoked the United States continuous
interaction with the Middle East. This is because the United States
wanted to maintain their ability to trade with the Middle East as
democratic states. A change that has been occurring throughout this
time period has been modern terrorism from the Middle East. This
change came about through United States mistakes and extreme
Jihadists, an example of who is Osama Bin Laden, the leader of al-
Qaida, who was a factor of the creation of Islamophobia in the United

Russias communist influence on the Middle East was
unwelcomed and because the United States required trade with the
Middle East they stepped in. During and After the Cold War, the United
States feared the expansion of communism through Russian influence,
so they aided third world countries that were targets of communism,
but they often had corrupt governments to begin with. This in turn
pinned the USA and the USSR against each other, their battleground
being the Middle East.
Doc 2 Explanation and Analysis:
Document 2 is from The Kite Runner, a historical fiction story of a
boy growing up in Kabul Afghanistan. This passage states that
Afghanistan was nearing its end. Before the Russians entered
Afghanistan, it was a fruitful country full of fruit trees and flowers,
wide-open fields and children playing in the streets. Soon however, the
Russians came and blood was spilt. The way this passage was written
shows the authors negative feelings toward the Russians, and the
death of the Afghanistan he knew. This passage supports the idea
that Afghanistan was going to need help, which welcomes help from
the United States.

Doc 3 Explanation and Analysis:

Document 3 displays the impact communism had on the people
of Afghanistan, a bad dream as the author says. The Russians were
controlling, and able to frighten people to the point that friend would
turn on friend, neighbor on neighbor, and even child on parent. The
Russians seemed to be brainwashing Afghans into spying on each
other for the sole purpose of keeping themselves safe. Again this
exhibits how communism was unwanted, and it shows how terribly the
Russians treated the Afghans. Afghanistans government may not have
been perfect before the Soviet Invasion, but it was democratic, which
gave the United States an advantage in trade over the USSR.

Doc 5 Explanation and Analysis:

Doc 1 Explanation and Analysis:
Doc 4 Explanation and Analysis:

Synthesis and Context:


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