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The Glass Castle Quotation Scavenger Hunt

Instructions: Find the best possible quote for each of these questions. Dont forget to include page numbers! The
quotations you find will be useful in the Letter to the Author assignment and Socratic Seminar assignments at
the end of the unit. Have fun

1. Is it possible to be sympathetic toward Rex? Find one quote that accurately represents Rex as a sympathetic

2. Find one quote that accurately represents Jeanettes character:


3. Find one quote that accurately represents Jeannettes relationship with her siblings.

4. Find one quote that accurately represents Jeannettes relationship with Rose Mary.

5. Find one quote that accurately represents Jeannettes relationship with Rex.

6. Find one quote or passage that accurately represents the familys impoverished lifestyle.

7. Find one quote that represents a major theme of The Glass Castle.

8. Find one quote that represents a major symbol or motif in the The Glass Castle.

9. Fine one quote where the Walls family feels wealthy.


10. Find a quote where we can see that Jeannette has moved social classes. For example, from being poor to
being wealthy.
11. Where does this quote take place? Who says it? Who is being addressed? "Never played the slots. []
They're for suckers who rely on luck"?

12. Who says the following quote: "If you want to be treated like a mother [] you should act like one"? What
Walls child is saying this? Why did this person say this? Provide textual evidence.


13. From the entire memoir choose one quote that stood out to you the most. Explain why this quote is
significant to you.

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