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Tracie Coyne
Long Cane Primary School
1st Grade: Ms. Donaldson
April 2017
329 Teacher Work Sample 4

My second showcase lesson is a SSCA lesson about bullying. SSCA
does not have official standards, but uses guidelines and for the lesson plan
my description is:
This lesson is about how saying hurtful words can leave scars on peoples
heart even if you apologize.
The assessments for this bullying lesson are intended build upon one
another, showing students understanding about what bullying is, some
examples of bullying/ mean things and ways to fix things/ nice things, and
ways to prevent bullying and react to it. My learning objective for this lesson
is After turning and talking about what bullying is the students will learn the
effects of what bullying and saying or doing hurtful things can do to someone
else and understand why they should not do those things with 100%
accuracy. There are no students in my class that have an IEP or 504 plans
and therefore there are no accommodations necessary for this lesson.

Lesson Objectives Assessments Use of formative assessment

Lesson Objective Before: Students will take turns Before Assessment
1 explaining what they know about The before/ pre-assessment is
After turning and bullying and listening to their peers used to let the teacher know
talking about what answers. what the students know about
bullying is the bullying and if the teacher
students will learn During: Students will give an should adjust the lesson
the effects of what example of bullying/ saying mean before starting. Students will
bullying and saying and hurtful things and then an give examples or actively
or doing hurtful example of what we can do to make listen to their peers.
things can do to it better. Students will turn and talk
someone else and throughout the activity, actively During Assessment
understand why they listening to their partners. This assessment is used to
should not do those assess student understanding
things with 100% After: Students will take turns giving throughout teaching the
accuracy. examples how we can prevent or lesson. Students will give an
react to bullying. example of bully/ say
something mean or hurtful
and fold the paper heart. This
gives a hands-on
representation that bullying or
saying something mean/
hurtful to someone can hurt
their feelings. Students will
then give an example of how
to fix what they said or say
something nice to the heart
as they unfold it. This gives a
hands-on representation that
fixing things or saying
something nice can make
someone feel a little bit
better. Students will give
examples or actively listen to
their peers.

After Assessment
This assessment is used to
show student understanding.
Student give an example of
how to prevent bullying or
how to react to it. This is used
to assess that students know
bullying and saying mean/
hurtful things is wrong.
Students will give examples or
actively listen to their peers.

This assessment is completed by the whole class. Students will talk to their
partners about what bullying is. The teacher will call on a few groups to share what
they discussed with the class. While their classmates are talking, students should be
actively listening. The students may have some trouble explaining what bullying is
as some may not know, but they should not have trouble sitting quietly and actively
listening to their peers. Teacher observation and checklist with a scale of 1-2 is used
to evaluate the pre-assessment.

This assessment is completed first in turn and talk then individually. Students
will talk to their partners about ways to prevent or react to bullying. Students will
then tell the class what they discussed during their turn and talk about how to
prevent bullying or react to bullying. The teacher will use this assessment to
evaluate student understand of what to do to prevent or how to react to bullying.
The teacher used a checklist with a scale of 1-2 to score students.

Assessment Checklist and Rubric

1) What is bullying?
2) Say something mean/ hurtful to the heart
3) Say something to fix what was said to the heart
4) Example of how to prevent bullying or react to bullying
1. Student Name 1.




1- Student responds with hesitation 2- Student responds with no
or cannot give a clear example/ not hesitation/ listening actively to
listening to peers peers

Plan for Determining Student Progress During Lesson
The three assessments used in this lesson align with the learning objective and build upon
one another. The first assessment is used as an introduction to assess students knowledge about
what bullying is. This is evaluated by students turning and talking in groups of 2 then coming
back and the teacher selecting a few groups to tell the class what they talked about. Students are
graded based on responding and their listening skills.
The during assessment is used with a manipulative in the form of a paper heart which
allows students to restate information in their own words. The paper heart represents someone
elses feelings and as they bully it and fold it the heart gets smaller and smaller. This represents
how other people can feel when they are bullied or have hurtful things said to them. Student then
take turns fixing what they did or saying something nice to the heart and they unfold it, but the
students notice that the heart no longer looks the way it did at first. After being folded and
unfolded the heart has wrinkles in it. This represents that even though you apologize for what
you have done, it can still leave scars on someone elses heart. This is scored with the checklist
as mentioned above and below. Students are graded based on responding and their listening
The post-assessment is used to check students understanding that bullying is not a good
thing. Students complete a turn and talk and then everyone gives an example of how to prevent
bullying or how to react to it. This is scored with the checklist as mentioned above and below.
Students are graded based on responding and their listening skills.

Assessment Checklist and Rubric

5) What is bullying?
6) Say something mean/ hurtful to the heart
7) Say something to fix what was said to the heart
8) Example of how to prevent bullying or react to bullying
5. Student Name 5.



1- Student responds with hesitation 2- Student responds with no
or cannot give a clear example/ not hesitation/ listening actively to
listening to peers peers

Post-Assessment Results

Student Scores and Rubric

Students are graded based on responding and their listening skills

2- Student responds with no hesitation/ listening actively to peers
1- Student responds with hesitation or cannot give a clear example/ not listening to
1) What is bullying?
2) Say something mean/ hurtful to the heart
3) Say something to fix what was said to the heart
4) Example of how to prevent bullying or react to bullying
Student 1 2

Student 2 2


Student 3 2

Student 4 2

Student 5 2

Student 6 2

Student 7 2

Student 8 2

Student 9 2

Student 10 2

Student 11 2

Student 12 2

Student 13 2

Student 14 2

Student 15 2

Student 16 2

Student 17 2

Student 18 2

The student average is 1.79

This class average suggests that most the class completely understood the skill being
taught. Based on the learning objective and the class average, the majority of the class met the
learning objective and understand what bullying is, some examples of bullying/
mean things and ways to fix things/ nice things, and ways to prevent bullying
and react to it

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