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European Heart Journal (2001) 22, 125135

doi.10.1053/euhj.2000.2440, available online at on

Working Group Report

Recommendations for exercise training in chronic heart

failure patients
Working Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology and Working
Group on Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology*

Historical background It is now well established that exercise intolerance in

patients with chronic heart failure has a multifactorial
The treatment of heart failure has changed dramatically aetiology and that changes in the periphery rather than
during the years. The radical shift in concept is illus- left ventricular performance itself are important deter-
trated by the change from sympathomimetic drugs to minants of exercise capacity[5]. In addition, an increasing
beta-blocking agents, representing a striking example of body of evidence has demonstrated that neurohormonal
how medical management of heart failure has evolved in interaction between the periphery and the heart are also
an unanticipated fashion. Exercise and physical activity important determinants of symptoms and prognosis in
is another treatment area being completely readdressed these patients[6,7]. Indeed, therapeutic interventions that
and revised in this setting. Prior to the late 1980s, alter these interactions are now accepted as valuable
cardiac enlargement, decreased left ventricular systolic therapeutic approaches: exercise should be considered
function and heart failure were considered absolute or one of these. During the last decade a long list of small
relative contraindications to exercise training. Previous trials has been published, all indicating a variety of
treatment strategies involved restriction of physical ac- impressive benefits that could be achieved with physical
tivity and bed rest for all stages and forms of heart training[828]. These included increased peak oxygen
failure[1]. During acute exacerbation of the disease, rest consumption (VO2), improvement in the respiratory
was considered to be beneficial by causing increased function and in the autonomic control of the circulation
renal blood flow, enhanced urine output, and pharma- associated with reduction in sympathetic nervous system
cological diuresis. Once stable, patients were advised to activity and enhancement in vagal activity[814]. More
avoid exercise fearing a further decline in cardiac func- recent reports have documented an increase in endo-
tion. However, prolonged rest or inactivity can lead to thelial function and in skeletal muscle biochemical and
skeletal muscle atrophy, further reduction in exercise histological characteristics[12,1518]. All these eects lead
tolerance, venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, to significant improvement in exercise tolerance, partial
decubitus, and exacerbation of symptoms. relief of symptoms such as dyspnoea, fatigue, sleep
The concept of exercise training in patients with heart disturbance, and muscle weakness, improved New York
failure developed in the 1980s, following a period of Heart Association (NYHA) functional class and per-
intense evaluation of the safety and ecacy of exercise ception of quality of life and symptom severity. No
rehabilitation in patients with stable coronary artery significant deleterious eects, or significant deterioration
disease and based on a better understanding of periph- in central haemodynamics have been reported with
eral adaptation in heart failure. Initial studies among exercise training[8,9,11,2227] and a possible attenuation of
coronary patients with significant left ventricular dys- unfavourable left ventricular remodelling has also been
function reported a significant improvement in exercise documented[22,23]. Without question, selected patients
capacity without major detrimental eects[24]. Research can safely undergo and derive benefit from an exercise
over the past 10 years expanded our understanding and training programme.
knowledge about the role of exercise training in patients Despite these experiences in small series of dedicated
with left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure. expert groups in the field, the eect of exercise training
on morbidity and mortality in this patient population is
limited[28]. Given that both the inability to increase
Manuscript submitted 25 July 2000, and accepted 7 August 2000 cardiac output during exercise and a reduction in peak
Correspondence: Pantaleo Giannuzzi, Centro Medico di Veruno, VO2 are associated with haemodynamic dysfunction
Via Per Revislate 13, 28010 Veruno (NO), Italy. and poor short-term survival, one might speculate
*Pantaleo Gianuzzi, Luigi Tavazzi (Chairmen), Study Group that an intervention capable of improving exercise
Members: K. Meyer, J. Perk, H. Drexler, P. Dubach, J. Myers, tolerance and at the same time of attenuating the
C. Opasich, J. Meyers. neuroendocrine over-activity which is characteristic of

0195-668X/01/220125+11 $35.00/0  2001 The European Society of Cardiology

126 Working Group Report

the syndrome would have a favourable impact on heart failure showed improvement in peak VO2 with
prognosis. Such a relationship, however, has not yet exercise training[1013]. These findings were confirmed in
been fully demonstrated. many subsequent reports[1928] evaluating the mechan-
isms of the training-induced improvements in exercise
capacity. Importantly, most of these trials involved
patients taking ACE inhibitors, diuretics, and digitalis,
Exercise training effects in chronic and relatively few patients were receiving beta-
heart failure adrenergic blockade therapy. Thus the 15% to 25%
increase in exercise capacity that occurs with exercise
Exercise capacity training is in addition to what is expected with standard
medical therapy. The mechanisms responsible for the
Exercise duration was used as an initial measure of exercise training-induced increase in peak VO2 represent
exercise capacity in patients with heart failure. However, an integration of several factors. Myocardial function is
due to concerns surrounding accuracy and reliability, improved, as evidenced by increases in peak cardiac
it is now common practice to assess exercise capacity output response[8,11,25,27]. However, changes in central
by determination of peak VO2. Compared with age- transport do not solely explain the increase in peak VO2
matched normal controls, peak VO2 is reduced in after training. Less vasoconstriction of the nutritive
patients with heart failure[29,30]. Reasons for the reduced arterioles within the active skeletal muscles, together
VO2 include a reduced exercise cardiac output response, with improved oxygen extraction and metabolic
reduced nutritive blood flow to the active skeletal function at the active skeletal muscle, are also in-
muscles, and skeletal muscle abnormalities such as a volved[8,12,17]. In fact, a lower blood lactate concen-
reduced percentage of Type I fibres, diminished oxidat- tration at a fixed submaximal work rate can be
ive capacity, and decreased capillary density. Metabolic documented after exercise training. Time to ventilatory-
abnormalities have also been described, including early derived anaerobic threshold and oxygen consumption at
dependence on anaerobic metabolism, excessive early this threshold are also increased with training, suggest-
depletion of high energy phosphate bonds and excessive ing delayed reliance on anaerobic pathways for energy
early intra-muscular acidification[31,32]. Biopsy studies production[8,9,12,19,38].
have confirmed defects in oxidative and glycolytic en- Improvements in peak exercise capacity and an im-
zymes which may explain these metabolic abnormali- proved ability to tolerate submaximal exercise represent
ties[32,33]. These histological and metabolic disorders are clinically important and expected outcomes that occur in
in part similar to those seen in severe deconditioning, response to exercise training in stable patients with
and can be at least partially prevented by regular mild-to-moderate heart failure.
exercise training[12,1618]. Because of these changes, sub-
clinical muscle wasting (atrophy) and muscle function
abnormalities in terms of early fatiguability and reduc- Myocardial function
tion in maximal strength are very common in heart
failure[3436]. One underlying mechanism appears to be a Improved maximal cardiac output has been reported in
progressive decrease in physical activity to avoid symp- some but not all studies of training in heart failure. A
toms; however, a disease-related increase in plasma factor contributing to the increase in peak cardiac
cytokine levels has been suggested. Indeed, insulin resist- output is partial reversal of the chronotropic incompe-
ance, elevated levels of tumour necrosis factor-, and tence that is characteristic of patients with heart failure:
excessive noradrenaline levels may also contribute to a modest 4% to 8% increase in peak heart rate after
skeletal muscle abnormalities, which may lead to severe exercise training has been documented[12,13,25,26,38]. The
skeletal muscle wasting that is characteristic of the training-induced increase in stroke volume is also
catabolic state of the syndrome of cardiac cachexia in modest and may be due to left ventricular dilation[27]. By
advanced heart failure[36]. contrast, an improvement in diastolic filling rate has
Early respiratory muscle de-oxygenation and fatigue been reported that was significantly correlated with an
have also been described in heart failure[37]. These increase in cardiac index at peak exercise20]. Left ven-
changes may lead to excessive ventilatory eort, to tricular contractility after training appears unchanged
inecient ventilation with ventilation/perfusion mis- both at rest and during exercise[22,23,26]; however, a
match and unpleasant dyspnoea. Although the res- significant improvement in thallium uptake and in left
piratory muscle changes are similar to those in the ventricular contractile response to low-dose dobutamine
skeletal muscle, cytokine or neuroendocrine catabolic infusion has been documented[39]. No eect on left
eects, rather than inactivity alone, are more likely to ventricular ejection fraction has been reported in stable
contribute to these abnormalities. heart failure. Importantly, in contrast to early negative
Initial uncontrolled reports have indicated that observations in a small series of patients early post
patients with heart failure show improved exercise tol- infarction[40] and contrary to widespread concerns in the
erance, leg blood flow and parameters of ventilatory cardiology community, no significant changes in left
function after exercise training[8,9]. Since then, numerous ventricular volumes, wall thickness and thinning of
randomized trials in patients with stable class II-III the infarcted area have been documented[22,26], and a

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possible attenuation of unfavourable left ventricular with exercise. However, arterial PO2, PCO2, and O2
remodelling with long-term exercise training has been saturation are usually maintained in the normal range
suggested in patients with left ventricular dysfunction during exercise unless significant baseline pulmonary
after myocardial infarction[23]. disease is present[45,46]. Although the origin of dyspnoea
is multifactorial, the increased ventilation (VE) plays a
Peripheral blood flow role. In patients with heart failure, VE during exercise is
somewhat greater per unit of VO2, which is achieved by
Patients with heart failure exhibit a subnormal periph- a higher breathing frequency. In addition, measurements
eral blood flow response to exercise. Skeletal muscle of ventilatory exchange during exercise suggest that the
blood flow is normal, or slightly reduced at rest, but the ratio of dead space/tidal volume (VD/VT) is increased.
increase during both submaximal and maximal exercise These findings infer that mild ventilation/perfusion
is 20% to 40% below that of normals[29,41]. This limi- defects develop during exercise, contributing to a higher
tation is due to an impaired ability to vasodilation (or to VE to carbon dioxide production (VCO2) relationship
less vasoconstriction) during exercise in the metabolic observed in these patients[45,46]. Changes in the skeletal
active skeletal muscle. Two primary reasons for this muscle lead to the early onset of acidosis during exercise
reduction in nutritive blood flow are a decreased release and result in increased VCO2. This in turn may lead to
of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (nitric oxide peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation of central venti-
vasodilator system) from arterioles supplying the meta- latory control centres, causing an increase in VE and
bolic active muscles, and an exaggerated increase in dyspnoea during exercise. In addition, early activation
vasoconstrictive neurohormones such as endothelin, of muscle ergoreflex contributes to an excessive in-
norepinephrine, renin, angiotensin II, and vasopressin crease in sympathetic activation and exercise hyper-
(vasoconstrictor system)[42]. Although not exhaustively ventilation[6,44].
studied in heart failure, there is evidence that regular Exercise training reduces ventilatory abnormalities in
physical exercise can improve endothelium dysfunction, patients with heart failure, decreasing VE at a fixed
reduce peripheral vascular resistance and increase submaximal work rate and normalizing the slope relat-
skeletal muscle blood flow[8,15,43]. Whether this is pre- ing VE to VCO2[11,19,38]. These changes lead to substan-
dominantly obtained by reducing vasoconstrictor tone, tial improvements in overall ventilatory eciency, and a
by improving large vessel function or by enhancing reduction in the perceived sense of dyspnoea. Respirat-
endothelial vasodilator function is not known. ory muscle training has been reported to give specific
benefits and is associated with improved exercise toler-
Skeletal muscle function ance[47], either when integrated in a generalized training
protocol of whole body dynamic exercise or as specific
Partial corrections of skeletal muscle abnormalities in respiratory muscle training.
heart failure have been demonstrated with exercise train-
ing. These changes have been seen in histology, mito- Neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous
chondrial structure, oxidative enzymes and in magnetic
resonance spectroscopy. Several trials using a limb-
system activity
training model have documented significant improve- Early compensatory responses in heart failure are
ments in muscle function as measured by muscle provided by neuroendocrine activation, which leads to
strength, exercise time, phosphocreatine resynthesis and characteristic remodelling of both the peripheral vascu-
depletion rates, adenosine diphosphate concentration, lar system and cardiac chambers, progressive attenu-
intracellular pH, and inorganic phosphate/phospho- ation of the arterial and cardiopulmonary baroreflexes,
creatine ratio[8,12,1618]. The over-activity of the skeletal and downregulation of cardiac beta l receptors. In
muscle ergoreflex eects on haemodynamic and venti- addition, cardiac parasympathetic activity is inhibited,
latory control during exercise have been shown to be which contributes to sinus tachycardia, loss of RR
partially corrected by single limb training[44]. interval variability, and attenuation of heart rate and
Skeletal muscle wasting appears to be reversed with vasomotor responses to baroreflex stimuli.
physical training, although this has not been firmly Exercise training among patients with chronic heart
documented as yet. Although the favourable changes failure reduces the activity of the sympathetic and
in skeletal muscle abnormalities have been related renin-angiotensin system[10,11,14]. Abnormalities in nor-
to training-induced improvements in VO2 at both adrenaline spillover, heart rate variability and heart rate
ventilatory-derived anaerobic threshold and peak exer- responses during exercise are at least partially corrected.
cise, the relevance of skeletal muscle improvements However, the impact of exercise training in patients on
to improved exercise tolerance has not been fully beta-blockers remains incompletely evaluated at this
elucidated (despite likely interaction). time and needs further evaluation.

Ventilatory function Health-related quality of life

Patients with heart failure have altered ventilatory re- Patients with heart failure experience progressive dis-
sponses that contribute to the early onset of dyspnoea ability and decline in health-related quality of life, both

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128 Working Group Report

Table 1 Relative and absolute contraindications to exercise training among patients with stable chronic heart failure

Relative contraindications Absolute contraindications

1. d18 kg increase in body mass over previous 1 to 3 days 1. Progressive worsening of exercise tolerance or dyspnoea at
2. Concurrent continuous or intermittent dobutamine therapy rest or on exertion over previous 3 to 5 days
3. Decrease in systolic blood pressure with exercise 2. Significant ischaemia at low rates (<2 METS, 50 W)
4. New York Heart Association Functional Class IV 3. Uncontrolled diabetes
5. Complex ventricular arrhythmia at rest or appearing with 4. Acute systemic illness or fever
exertion 5. Recent embolism
6. Supine resting heart rate d100 beats . min 1 6. Thrombophlebitis
7. Pre-existing comorbilities 7. Active pericarditis or myocarditis
8. Moderate to severe aortic stenosis
9. Regurgitant valvular heart disease requiring surgery
10. Myocardial infarction within previous 3 weeks
11. New onset atrial fibrillation

of which are associated with dyspnoea and fatigue exercise stimuli to skeletal muscles, without producing a
during routine activities of daily living. In addition, significant load on the cardiovascular system.
feelings of depression and isolation are common. Even
in optimally treated patients, symptom relief is often not
complete and quality of life suers. No strong corre- Eligibility criteria and patient evaluation
lation exists between measures of health-related quality
of life and either central haemodynamic abnormalities All published studies of exercise training in heart failure
or exercise intolerance[5]. Exercise training is an eective have enrolled patients with stable chronic heart failure.
treatment to improve quality of life. As patients become No trial to date has evaluated exercise training for
more tolerant of exertion, they experience less fatigue patients with unstable heart failure, nor has any study
and dyspnoea and become more comfortable perform- recruited a significant number of patients with NYHA
ing tasks of daily living. Such a response is associated class IV heart failure. Relative and absolute contraindi-
with increased independence, less chronic illness behav- cation to exercise training are listed in Table 1. Eligible
iour, less depression, and improvement of their general patients are those with stable chronic heart failure
sense of well-being[10,11,23,48]. identified as NYHA class II or III. A limited number of
carefully selected and motivated Class IV patients free of
dyspnoea at rest might also be eligible to participate;
Exercise programming however, a great deal of supervision during exercise is
mandatory in such patients. The recommendations for
Despite the increased attention to moderate exercise developing an exercise prescription are typically aimed
training in the management of patients with stable at chronic heart failure patients with an ejection fraction
chronic heart failure, standardized guidelines for exer- less than 40%, consistent with the inclusion criteria of
cise training in these patients have not been previously the majority of the exercise training studies conducted in
established, although some recommendations have been patients with heart failure (Table 2). However, by no
suggested[49]. Exercise training methods used for studies means do we intend to imply that patients with an
and clinical practice have been largely based on recom- ejection fraction above 40% do not benefit from an
mendations for fitness training or on rehabilitation exercise training programme. No minimal left ventricu-
experience with cardiac patients with good exercise lar ejection fraction criteria for exercise training have
tolerance and arbitrarily modified for chronic heart been published. The reported mean ejection fraction
failure patients[5054]. ranged from 18% to 35%, with a range down from 5% to
Any recommendation for exercise training in heart 11%, and in a controlled post-infarct study patients with
failure should be based on the particular pathology of the lowest ejection fraction benefited most from train-
the patient, the individuals response to exercise (includ- ing[55]. It appears that the benefits of training are not
ing heart rate, blood pressure, symptoms, and perceived dependent on the aetiology of heart failure. However,
exertion), and measurements obtained during cardiopul- specific contraindications include obstructive valvular
monary exercise testing. Additionally, patients individ- disease, especially aortic stenosis or active myocarditis,
ual status including current medication, risk factor either viral or autoimmune.
profile, behavioural characteristics, personal goals, and Little is known about exercise training in heart failure
exercise preferences should be taken into consideration due to regurgitant valvular disease. Significant valvular
when exercise training is recommended. Based on the heart disease should be corrected by surgery first and
central, peripheral and metabolic alterations in chronic then the patient may be considered for exercise training
heart failure, the premise of rehabilitation is to apply when left ventricular dysfunction is still severe and
both aerobic and strength training, with sucient associated with heart failure. Secondary mitral valve

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Table 2 Summary of randomized exercise training studies in (LV) dysfunction and heart failure

Study n pts Clinical characteristics

Coats 1990[10] 11 Stable CHF, IHD, synus rhythm, NYHA IIIII

Jette 1991[55] 18 10 wk after the 1st anterior MI no previous history of
Koch 1992[76] 25 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIII
Meyer 1991 12 Stable CHF, sinus rhythm, NYHA IIIII
Coats 1992[11] 17 Stable CHF, secondary to IHD sinus rhythm, NYHA
Davey 1992 22 Stable CHF, NYHA IIIII
EAMI Study, Giannuzzi 1993[22] 31 5 wk after 1st anterior MI, NYHA IIIII
Adamopoulos 1993[17] 12 Stable CHF, NYHA II, III
Belardinelli 1995[13] 27 Mild CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIII
Belardinelli 1995[13] 55 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIII
Hambrecht 1995[12] 22 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIII
Kiilavouri 1995[14] 20 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIII
Kiilavouri 1995[14] 27 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIII
Meyer 1996[19] 18 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIII
Meyer 1996[19] 16 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIII
Piepoli 1996[44] 12 Stable CHF, NYHA IIIII
Magnusson 1996 11 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIV (1 pt)
Hambrecht 1997[18] 18 Stable CHF, IHD, NYHA IIIII
ELVD Study, Giannuzzi 1997[23] 77 34 wk after 1st MI, no history of HF
Willenheimer et al. 1998 49 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, 8 Boston points;
Belardinelli 1999 99 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIII
CHANGE study, Wielenga et al. 1999 80 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIII
CHANGE study, Wielenga 1999[64] 80 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIII
ELVD CHF just completed, Giannuzzi 1999 86 Stable CHF, IHD or IDCM, NYHA IIIII

regurgitation is common in severely dilated left ven- airway disease, peripheral vascular disease), a blood
tricles but can be operated on with reasonable peri- test for basic chemistries and electrolytes and a
operative risk provided that basic contractility and cardiopulmonary exercise test are indicated.
cardiac output is not too severely depressed (i.e. cardiac
index >25 l . min 1 . m 2).
Since exercise may predispose to ventricular arrhyth- Modality
mias which are already very common in heart failure,
patients with evidence of ventricular tachycardia or Aerobic exercise
other serious ventricular arrhythmias on exercise or on Modes of exercise. In previous exercise training studies,
24-hour electrocardiographic monitoring have been gen- and in clinical practice, walking, jogging, cycling,
erally excluded from controlled randomized studies. swimming, rowing, and calisthenics have been applied.
Until further information is available it seems prudent Despite this wide range of activities, the pathology and
not to recommend exercise in heart failure patients who exercise tolerance of patients with chronic heart failure
clearly demonstrate exercise-induced serious ventricular only allow a few such selected activities to be performed.
arrhythmias. Other common abnormalities that may Cycle ergometer training allows exercising at very low
limit responses to exercise training should be thoroughly workloads, exact reproducibility of a prescribed and/or
evaluated. These include exercise-induced angina or tolerated workload, and continuous monitoring of heart
silent ischaemia, marked hypotension and atrial arrhyth- rate, rhythm, and blood pressure. Additionally, cycle
mias. It is likely that patients with both angina and heart ergometry was demonstrated to be ideal for applying the
failure would also benefit from training. However, interval training method. These facts suggest that cycle
the possibility exists that exercise-induced functional ergometer training is to be recommended as the most
deterioration in the presence of ischaemia may make the favourable type of aerobic exercise for chronic heart
patient unable to exercise suciently to derive training failure patients in general, and particularly for those
benefits or may predispose to ventricular arrhythmias; patients with severe exercise intolerance, a history of
such patient groups needs specific investigation before serious rhythm disorders, frequent need for change in
entering an exercise training programme with any con- diuretics, as well as those with obesity, orthopaedic and
fidence. In any case, all patients with heart failure should neurological, and/or age-related limitations for other
have their clinical status carefully reviewed by the types of exercise.
cardiologist before starting an exercise programme. In The application of a tolerated workload from cycle
addition to the history and physical examination to ergometer training to outdoor cycling is not possible
identify cardiac and non-cardiac problems that might because of environmental factors influencing cardio-
limit exercise participation and other factors possibly vascular stress (e.g. head wind, slopes). Even outdoor
contributing to exercise intolerance (anaemia, reversible cycling on a plain track and at a very slow speed

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130 Working Group Report

(12 km . h 1) requires almost 1000 ml . min 1 VO2, fourth work phase. Depending on the work/recovery
corresponding to approximately 5060 W[54]. This sug- interval chosen, about 1012 work phases are performed
gests that even outdoor cycling with minimal environ- per 15-min training session[61].
mental stress factors can be recommended only for a Although work rate is markedly higher during inter-
small population of chronic heart failure patients (clini- val work phases than during steady-state exercise,
cally long-term stable; high exercise capacity/tolerance). during the course of a 15-min interval training, left
Jogging at a speed of 80 m . min 1 is the lower limit ventricular ejection fraction increased significantly and
of speed which allows a comfortable movement. Because by the same magnitude as that seen during steady-state
even this speed requires an oxygen consumption of exercise performed at the same average power output.
1200 ml . min 1 or a corresponding exercise tolerance Additionally, mean arterial blood pressure and heart
of d1 W . kg 1 body weight, jogging is not advisable rate are also similar to that seen in steady-state exercise,
for chronic heart failure patients. while blood lactate is significantly higher during interval
In contrast, a wide range of workloads in walk- exercise, indicating a greater peripheral training stimu-
ing oers a promising applicability for patients at a lus[62]. Thus, interval exercise allows more intense exer-
broad range of exercise tolerance: low speeds of cise stimuli on peripheral muscles with no greater left
<50 m . min 1, corresponding to 650 ml . min 1 VO2, ventricular stress than when using a steady state training
required a low exercise tolerance of 03 W . kg body method. Therefore, interval exercise is recommended for
weight[56], and a faster speed of 100 m . min 1, corre- aerobic training in patients with significant baseline
sponding to 9001000 ml . min 1 VO2, required an limitations related to chronic heart failure.
exercise tolerance of 0809 W . kg 1[54]. During swim- Although cycle ergometer is preferred for applying
ming, head-up immersion and the hydrostatically- interval training, this method can also be performed on
induced volume shift result in an increased volume a treadmill. In this case, a practical way is to chose work
loading of the left ventricle, with increase of heart and recovery phases of 60 s each. During work phases,
volume, and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. Swim- walking speed is adjusted to that heart rate tolerated by
ming slowly (2025 m . min 1) results in measurements the patient during interval cycle ergometer training.
of heart rate, blood lactate, and plasma catecholamines During recovery phases, walking speed should be as
similar to those measured during cycle ergometry at slow as possible[63].
work loads of 100150 W[57]. Because of these findings,
chronic heart failure patients with diastolic and systolic Determination of the work rate for interval work phases.
dysfunction should refrain from swimming. Work rate for interval work phases is determined by a
steep ramp test[60]. The steep ramp test enables the
Interval vs steady state exercise. The rationale for devel- determination of a patients maximum short time
oping interval training methods for cardiac patients was exercise capacity.
to apply a more intense exercise stimuli on peripheral For this steep ramp test, patients start with unloaded
muscles than that obtained during steady-state training pedalling for 3 min, and the work rate is then increased
methods, but without inducing greater cardiovascular by 25 W every 10 s. Because of the rapid increase of
stress. This is possible by using short bouts of work work rate, many patients can duplicate the maxi-
phases in repeated sequence, followed by short recovery mum work rate from an ordinary ramp test (e.g.
phases. In coronary patients with low exercise capac- 10 W . min 1 increments), that means they can perform
ity[58] aerobic exercise training using an interval method 150 to 200 W during exercise periods of 60 to 90 s,
resulted in a more pronounced eect on the subjects without any complications[60].
exercise capacity than using a steady-state training
method. Additionally, chronic heart failure patients with Intensity recommendation for steady-state exercise. There
very low baseline aerobic capacity demonstrated an is no consensus, at present, as to which parameter is
improvement in ventilatory threshold (24% on average) optimal for measuring intensity; likewise, controversy
and peak VO2 (20% on average) after only exists about the optimal intensity which should be used
3 weeks of interval cycle ergometer training[19]. This for aerobic exercise training in chronic heart failure
finding is similar to that reported by other studies but patients. At least three approaches have been used: %
after much longer training periods (824 weeks) using peak VO2, % peak heart rate, and rating of perceived
steady-state method training[1113,21,39,59]. exertion.
From a practical point of view, work phases of 30 s In terms of VO2, an intensity of 4080% of peak VO2
and recovery phases of 60 s are useful, using an intensity was applied successfully[1113,21,39,59], indicating that
of 50% of maximum short term exercise capacity patients with a low initial exercise tolerance respond to a
for work phases. During the recovery phase, patients low exercise intensity. Since intensity and duration of
may pedal at 10 W[60]. There are other combinations of exercise training are closely interrelated in terms of
work/recovery phases such as 15 s/60 s and 10 s/60 s with training eect expected, low intensity can partly be
70% and 80% of maximum short-term exercise capacity, compensated for by training sessions of longer duration,
respectively, which were proven to be tolerable[61]. or higher frequency.
During the initial three work phases, work rate should The rationale for using heart rate as a guide to
be successively increased to reach the final rate by the exercise intensity is based on the relatively linear

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relationship between heart rate and VO2[54] exercise sessions of 510 min each[12,19]. For those with a func-
training programme. Intensities of 6080% heart rate tional capacity of 35 METS (corresponding to approx.
reserve[21,64] and 6080% of the predetermined peak 4080 W), one to two sessions/day of 15 min each seems
heart rate were applied[11,17]. In chronic heart failure to be appropriate. In patients with functional capacity of
patients, these heart rate recommendations did not take >5 METS 35 sessions per week for 2030 min each are
into account the impaired forcefrequency relationship recommended.
in myocardial performance[65,66]. Since a long-term
reduction in heart rate (associated with a change in Rate of exercise progression
diastolic function and myocardial metabolism) is of Initial improvements of aerobic capacity and symptoms,
major importance for myocardial recovery[65,67], the in traditional programmes, occurred at 4 weeks. The
training heart rate should be as low as possible. To maximum time required to attain peak responses in
follow this rule, interval training is preferable because physical and cardiopulmonary variables was 16 and
it allows high peripheral exercise stimuli without 26 weeks, respectively, then responses plateau[59]. In the
significant increase of heart rate. first weeks of training, clinically stable patients with very
In healthy subjects, training intensities of 4080% low exercise capacity demonstrated faster and more
peak VO2 were demonstrated to correlate positively with pronounced adaptation to exercise training than
ratings of perceived exertion (6-20 Borg Scale) between patients with higher baseline exercise tolerance[69], but
1215 (light-moderate/heavy)[54,68]. In chronic heart also no relationship was found[64]. According to these
failure patients, exercise intensities corresponding to observations, the rate of training progression has to be
rating of perceived exertion <13 (<somewhat hard) have tailored individually, with respect to baseline functional
been reported to be well tolerated, and successfully capacity, clinical status, individual adaptability to a
applied[21]. training programme, possible secondary disease, and
Nevertheless, in chronic heart failure, patients rating (biological) age. Three stages of progression have
of perceived exertion should be considered merely as an been observed: an initial stage, improvement, and
adjunct to a training intensity determined by % peak maintenance stage.
VO2, heart rate, blood pressure, and symptom monitor- (a) Initial stage: intensity should be kept at a low level
ing because the rating of perceived exertion determined (e.g. 4050% peak VO2) until an exercise duration of
during graded cardiopulmonary exercise testing may not 1015 min is achieved. Exercise duration and frequency
consistently translate to the same intensity as that during of training is increased according to symptoms and
exercise training, and a certain percentage of patients are clinical status.
unable to reliably use the rating of perceived exertion (b) During the improvement stage, the gradual increase
scale. Since during exercise, ratings of fatigue and of intensity (50%<60%<70% and even >0%, if toler-
dyspnoea are often dierently perceived, both symptoms ated, peak VO2) is the primary aim; prolongation of a
should be monitored separately. session to 1520 min, and if tolerated up to 30 min, is a
secondary goal. On the basis of repeated exercise testing,
Specifics. A small systolic blood pressure increase of readjustments of training intensity is recommended
only 1020 mmHg might be acceptable if no concomi- when a patient is able to perform a given exercise
tant symptoms such as dyspnoea, fatigue, and dizziness, intensity at a decreased rating of perceived exertion,
unknown from previous exercise training sessions, and/or an improved exercise tolerance is assumed com-
occur. pared to baseline. In general, progression of exercise
More important than any intensity recommendation, training should be followed in the order: duration, then
exercise training must be diligently monitored, and frequency, then intensity.
terminated when an acute decrease in blood pressure, (c) The maintenance stage in exercise programmes
onset of angina, significant dyspnoea and fatigue, a usually begins after the first 6 months of training[54].
feeling of exhaustion, and/or serious exercise-induced Further improvements may be minimal, as seen in
rhythm disorders are observed. the study by Kavanagh et al.[59]. Continuing individual
tailored training enables clinically stable patients to
Duration and frequency maintain their exercise capacity, and/or slow down or
Intensity and duration of exercise are closely interrelated delay the muscle wasting and loss of aerobic capacity
and frequency is related to both. In training studies with typical of progressive heart failure. The eects of a 3
chronic heart failure patients, there has been an exten- week residential training programme were lost after only
sive variability in duration and frequency of exercise 3 weeks of activity restriction[19], suggesting the need
applied ranging from 10 min to 60 min sessions, and for implementing long-term exercise training into the
performed between 3 to 7 times per week[1113,19,21,59]. therapy management of chronic heart failure.
Duration and frequency for an individual patient de-
pends on his baseline clinical and functional status. Callisthenics
According to general principles of exercise prescrip- Callisthenics are one of the most common components
tion[54], chronic heart failure patients with functional of exercise training programmes in chronic heart failure.
capacity of <3 METS (which approximates 2540 W) Primary goals are the improvement of musculoskeletal
seem to benefit from multiple short daily exercise flexibility, movement coordination, muscle strength, and

Eur Heart J, Vol. 22, issue 2, January 2001

132 Working Group Report

respiratory capacity, as well as the ability to cope with approach is limited and more experience in larger
activities of daily life. There is a lack of recommen- patient populations is needed before a general
dations on the specifics of callisthenics. Thus, methods recommendation can be given.
should be adopted from callisthenic programmes for
cardiac patients with good exercise tolerance and modi-
Respiratory training
fied for chronic heart failure patients. Exercise position
Respiratory muscle strength and endurance can be
and type of exercises should be chosen to avoid a
increased with resistive inspiratory muscle training.
significant increase of pre- and afterload, meaning that
Inspiratory training using e.g. the THRESHOLD
exercises in the sitting position and, while exercising,
inspiratory muscle trainer, at a minimum of 20
keeping arms at body level, are preferred. A moderate to
30 min . day 1 for 35 days weekly has been used in
slow speed, combined with normal rhythmic breathing is
patients with chronic heart failure or chronic obstructive
also recommended. The number of separate exercises
pulmonary disease[45,77,78]. The intensity should be
per session and repetitions per set has to be determined
2535% of maximum inspiratory pressure (PI max)
by the patients individual disease status, functional
measured at functional residual capacity. If this cannot
capacity, and response to exercise.
be achieved for 15 min, intensity can be reduced. For
outcome assessment, ratings of dyspnoea, maximum
Resistance exercise training
inspiratory and expiratory pressure, and exercise per-
Up to now, there has been a reluctance to apply
formance should be measured before and after the
resistance exercise. Primarily, this is based on potentially
training period. Exercises to strengthen abdomina
harmful cardiovascular responses which were found
l muscles are also recommended. For example, in the
primarily during sustained isometric hand grip exercise
supine position while exhaling, the head and shoulders
lasting >3 min[7072]. In these studies, marked incre-
are raised, and the abdomen pulled in as close as
ments in systemic vascular resistance and a decrease in
possible to the spinal column[45,54]. Similar exercises can
left ventricular ejection fraction and stroke work index,
be carried out in the sitting position.
among others, was found, indicating an acute overload-
Yoga exercises have been demonstrated to improve
ing of the left ventricle. In contrast, during rhythmic
coordination of the respiratory muscles and of the
single leg press exercise, performed by two sets of 10
diaphragm, and to slow down the respiratory rate[79].
repetitions each at load, 70% of 1-repetition-maximum,
In chronic heart failure patients, inspiration and
heart rate and rate-pressure-product were lower, and
expiration at controlled frequency (e.g. 15, 10, or
systolic blood pressure, ejection fraction, diastolic and
6 breaths . min 1) mobilize diaphragm, abdominal
systolic volume were no greater than those found during
muscles, and lower and upper chest muscles in sequence.
cycling exercise at intensity 70% of peak VO2[73].
This may help to improve awareness of breathing,
Additionally, during rhythmic double leg press exer-
decrease resting respiratory rate, and increase tidal vol-
cise, at loads of 60% and 80% maximum voluntary
ume, and, as a consequence help to diminish atelectasis.
contraction using interval modes with 60 s work phases
of 12 repetitions each and 120 s rest phases, chronic
heart failure patients demonstrated increased left ven- Safety
tricular stroke work index and decreased systemic vas- In most exercise training studies, patients with left
cular resistance, suggesting enhanced left ventricular ventricular dysfunction, with and without signs of heart
function[74]. failure, were lumped together, and thus not properly
This might be due to a rhythmic sequence of submaxi- categorized. Additionally, patients involved were highly
mal isometric muscle contractions, which help to main- selected, using exclusion criteria associated with high
tain venous return, reduce systemic vascular resistance, risk, such as documented myocardial ischaemia and
maintain muscle blood flow, and meet muscle metabolic malignant rhythm disorders. On the basis of the cur-
need. rently available clinical research supervised, in-hospital
The amount of cardiovascular stress expected during training programmes are recommended, especially
resistance exercise also depends on the muscle group/ during the initial phases, in order to verify individual
mass involved (single leg/arm vs double leg/arm). responses and tolerability, clinical stability and
Double arm exercise with a given load resulted in greater promptly identify signs or symptoms indicating the need
cardiovascular stress than single arm exercise. Thus, in to modify or terminate the exercise programme (Tables
chronic heart failure patients at an advanced stage of 3 and 4). The supervision should include: pulmonary
heart failure and/or a very low exercise tolerance, resist- and cardiac auscultation; check for body weight, periph-
ance exercise training can be applied in a segmental eral oedema; monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure,
fashion, meaning contractions of small muscle groups or and rhythm (before training); monitoring of heart rate,
muscle mass[75,76]. In summary, rhythmic strength exer- blood pressure, rhythm and symptoms (during training);
cise appears to be a promising training method for pulmonary and cardiac auscultation (after training). On
chronic heart failure patients when small muscle groups the other hand, according to the individual clinical
are involved, using short bouts of work phases, small response, a combined supervised/non-supervised exer-
numbers of repetitions, and a work/recovery ratio of 1:2, cise training programme may be possible for certain
for example, is applied. However, experience with this patients who exhibit long-term stability and excellent

Eur Heart J, Vol. 22, issue 2, January 2001

Working Group Report 133

Table 3 Relative criteria necessary for the initiation of and exercise training and the training eects in selected
an aerobic exercise training programme populations (elderly, females, with angina) should be
more thoroughly evaluated. Questions about optimal
Compensated heart failure for at least 3 weeks training modality and intensity also remain unanswered.
Ability to speak without dyspnoea (with a respiratory rate of As yet, the most appropriate forms of exercise therapy
<30 breaths . min 1)
Resting HR of <110 beats . min 1 are not known. The application and role of physical
Less than moderate fatigue activity in more advanced heart failure patients remain
Cardiac index of d2 l . min 1 . m 2 (for invasively monitored to be specifically addressed. In addition, whether the
patients) training eects could be maintained over the long term,
Central venous pressure of <12 mmHg (for invasively moni- and whether exercise training is practicable in multiple
tored patients)
medical settings outside of the enthusiastic and well
motivated specialist clinics should be definitely estab-
lished. Finally, suciently powered trials are needed to
Table 4 Relative criteria indicating the need to modify or assess morbidity, mortality, and the cost-eectiveness
terminate the training programme end-points relative to exercise training in patients with
heart failure. To answer some of the previously men-
Marked dyspnoea or fatigue (d14 on Borg scale) tioned questions, the Working Group on Heart Failure
Respiratory rate of >40 breaths . min 1 during exercise together with the working Group on Cardiac Rehabili-
Development of an S3 or pulmonary rales

tation and Exercise Physiology of the European Society
Increase in pulmonary rales
Increase in the second component of the second sound (P2) of Cardiology encourage participation in future trials
Poor pulse pressure (<10 mmHg dierence between systolic and aimed to evaluate whether long-term physical training
diastolic BP) improves the functional status, morbidity and mortality
Decrease in BP (of >10 mmHg) during progressive exercise of stable chronic heart failure patients.
Increased supraventricular or ventricular ectopy during exercise
Diaphoresis, pallor or confusion All members of the Nucleus of both Working Group on Cardiac
Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology and Working Group on
Heart Failure are acknowledged. Members of the WG on Cardiac
Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology: H. Bjo rnstad, A. Cohen
compliance. In addition to supervised sessions, intermit- Solal, P. Dubach, P. M. Fioretti, P. Giannuzzi, R. Hambrecht,
tent sessions of unsupervised exercise training can begin I. Hellemans, H. McGee, M. Mendes, J. Perk, H. Saner, G. Verres.
when the safety of training within the prescribed range Members of WG on Heart Failure: D. L. Brutsaert, J. G. F.
Cleland, H. Drexler, L. Erhardt, R. Ferrari, W. H. van Gilst,
of exercise has been demonstrated[53,80]. The combi- M. Komajda, H. Madeira, J. J. Mercadier, M. Nieminen, P. A.
nation of some supervised and some unsupervised exer- Poole-Wilson, G. A. J. Riegger, W. Ruzillo, K. Swedberg,
cise training is most likely to favour a more strict L. Tavazzi.
adherence to the exercise prescriptions.
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Eur Heart J, Vol. 22, issue 2, January 2001

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