Carol Castaneda Lesson Plan

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Carols Lesson Plan

Date: N/A Class: Spanish 3Topic: Direct Object Pronouns Grade/Period: N/A
Subject: Spanish 3

Curriculum Standards: Because the content standards are not specific (in terms of grammar concepts to teach), I
will follow the textbooks outline for teaching grammar concepts. The concept I will be teaching is direct object
pronouns. The theme we are teaching them under is house chores.

Lesson Topic: Chores Vocabulary and Direct Object Pronouns

Homework (if any) from previous day: N/A

Content Objectives for the Lesson: SWBAT replace direct object nouns with direct object pronouns to be able to
talk about chores.

Learning Objectives for Students: SWBAT rewrite sentences and answer questions in which they place a direct
object noun with the corresponding direct object pronoun with correct placement, using vocabulary about chores.

Language Objectives for Students: Students will listen as the I go through the new (review) vocabulary. Students
will listen to and follow along in a discussion on direct object pronouns and how to use them. They will rewrite
example sentences replacing the direct object nouns with the corresponding direct object pronouns. They will
then practice on their own, answering given questions.

Academic language: Vocabulary on chores.

Materials: Projector (for vocabulary presentation); whiteboards and markers (for charades and necessary board
work); worksheets (guide, vocabulary list, exit ticket); sentence manipulatives (on white sheets of papers)

Starter: I will first introduce the new (review from last year) vocabulary on chores (in the class prior to this one, I
would ask students to come up with a list of chores they do at home (in English); I would later assess their
answers to come up with the chores vocabular list, mixed with words from the textbook). They will then
practice the vocabulary through a game of charades. This game will be made into a competition to make it
more fun. I will then introduce direct object pronouns through a discussion in which I will ask students
questions regarding two sets of objects, one set purposefully feminine nouns, and the other masculine
nouns. I will ask students, individually, if they have the object; they will answer yes I have the object or
no I dont have the object. This will get students to start thinking about how to answer the questions
with a shorter answer, namely by replacing the direct object noun (the object) with a direct object pronoun
(it or them).
Class Procedures: 10 min. introduce new/review vocabulary; 15 min. game of charades; 7 min. introduction to
direct object pronouns; 10-15 min. guided notes; 15-25 min. sentence activity; 5 min. exit ticket.

Class Work (Questions/Activities): After the introduction, I will guide students through a guide sheet that explains
direct object pronouns (instruction will be in a mix of English and Spanish). We will practice picking the correct
direct object pronoun through the practice on the given guide. After, students will get into their groups from
charades and each group will be given a sentence manipulative. They will have 3-5 minutes to prepare their
sentence as a group as they will present it to the class. They will present their sentence and they will teach the
class how (and why) to rewrite it using the corresponding direct object pronoun. While a group is presenting, each
individual student will write the groups sentence on a sheet of paper and will also write the rewritten sentence.
After each group has gone, students will be given an exit ticket to assess their understanding of direct object
pronouns. All of these activities will use the chores vocabulary.

Plans for Assessment: Students will be given an exit ticket. The exit ticket contains 3 questions about chores;
students are to answer the question using the corresponding direct object pronoun.

Homework assigned and due date: None

Plans for Enrichment (i.e., What is my plan for students who finish early?): If the class grasps the concept quickly, I
will make the sentence manipulatives activity more interactive. I will ask students to answer (on their sheet of
paper), if they do the chore highlighted in the sentences, how frequently they do it, why, etc. (all their answers
should be in Spanish).

Plans for Remediation (i.e., What is my plan for students who need additional support?): If the class is having a hard
time understanding the concept of direct objects and direct object pronouns, I will incorporate an additional
activity in which students use sentence manipulatives and work on identifying the direct objects. They will name if
the direct object is masculine or feminine, singular or plural, to identify which direct object pronoun will replace
the direct object noun. Students will work on this in partners.

Closure: As part of the exit ticket, students will answer the question Why are direct object pronouns important?
Once the students are done with the exit ticket, I will ask for volunteers to share their answer to this question.

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